1 minute read


There is money available to help you y yp bursary which can be accessed to help with different aspects of being at Dv8:

1. 16 -19 Bursary Discretionary Bursary


This a small pot of money designed to enable students, who would have difficulty otherwise, to access education This includes help with travel, equipment, food and trips This bursary is assessed and based on the individual students need and circumstance and we cannot guarantee that the full costs will be met.

2. Vulnerable Bursary

This is a bursary for students who are living in care, care leavers or in receipt of specified Government support This will be assessed based on your specific needs up to a total of £1,200 a year As this is based on your needs you may not receive the full £1,200. All bursaries are dependent on attendance and behaviour.

3. Free College Meals

If you or your parent/guardian receive income support, Child or Working Tax credits or universal credit you may be entitled to a free meal each day you attend college Learners in receipt of Free College Meals will receive a voucher from the office each day to buy sandwich, a snack and a drink each day they are in. For further information on how to claim all the funds please speak to the Centre team

Please note you will need to provide evidence of your parent's/carer's benefit entitlement To apply, please visit our website for a digital form or speak to the Centre Co-ordinator For any information on the financial assistance available and other known as Totem card) and please talk to the Centre Team.

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