Holiday Greens store best at 32°-36°F (0-2°C) in boxes lined with plastic to retain water and reduce needle, leaf, and/or fruit from falling. However, the greens must be cold before they are enclosed in plastic. As long as, Botrytis, or other molds are not present (normally seen on the inside of the bundles when they are first opened), most holiday greens produce relatively little ethylene and thereby can be stored with ethylene sensitive crops such as carnations. One exception is White Pine, as it can produce more ethylene than the other greens listed. However, if Botrytis or other molds are present, aerate the bundles and store them in cold areas that do not contain flowers. Prior to use, re-cut stems and place them in a hydration solution or plain tap water containing bleach (add about 5ml, 0.2 ounces, or one cap full per gallon). Hydrating in flower food solutions may sometimes promote leaf yellowing, due to the presence of sugar.
BOXWOOD Upon receiving the Boxwood Tips remove the product from the box. Re-cut the stems under water. You should soak the Boxwood for at least ten minutes. Then you should move the product to fresh water with 5ml (0.2 ounces) bleach. Product should be stored in a cooler at a temperature between 36° and 41°F.
CEDAR PORT ORFORD Cut stem ends to create fresh surface to absorb water and remove any faded stem base. Remove all foliage below the water line and place in a clean container filled with cool water and an optional floral preservative. If you do not add floral preservative, change the water and re-cut the stems every day or so.
BALSAM WREATHS When you receive your Balsam Wreath, you may find a certain number of loose needles inside the bundle. This is normal; some of them get loose during transit. In order to help you keep the maximum freshness and the pleasant fragrance of your all-natural Balsam Wreath, follow these simple steps: 1. Carefully unwrap your wreaths from the bundle. 2. For best results and a longer-lasting wreath, place your wreaths in a cool spot. The Balsam Fir reacts favorably to cooler temperatures and will keep its vibrant green color and fragrance much longer. 3. A light spritzing of water every day will help your wreath to last longer, but you can certainly count on them lasting well into the New Year.