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01834 861 904
Western Seeds Limited Ordering Next day delivery is available - please phone order by 2pm. We do not currently offer weekend delivery. For advice and orders, contact our seed professionals:
Telephone: Fax: Email: Website:
01834 861904 01994 240897 info@westernseeds.com www.westernseeds.com
Methods of payment:
We reserve the right to apply a credit card payment charge (currently 3%) on overdue accounts. Cheque with order made payable to ‘Western Seeds Ltd’. Western Seeds Ltd Clover Park Farm, Narberth, Pembrokeshire, SA67 8EY
Distribution Warehouse Phone or call in for all your seed requirements. Call in:
Western Seeds Ltd, 01834 861904 Distribution Centre, Spring Gardens, Whitland, Carmarthenshire, SA34 0HN
Important Notes •• Mixtures correct at time of going to press. •• As the season progresses some varieties occasionally become unavailable. If this happens, a similar variety will be used in its place. •• Errors and omissions excepted.
•• Confirm variety composition at time of ordering.
01834 861 904
Herbage Variety Glossary
Herbage Variety Information All varieties utilised in Western Seeds Ltd. herbage mixtures can be found in the National Institute of Agricultural Botany (NIAB), recommended list for the U.K. 2016. With an internationally recognised reputation for independent assessment of most major crop species, the (NIAB), is invaluable for providing impartial variety and crop husbandry information. Western Seeds utilises this independent information alongside our own expertise and experience of over 40 years, in the formulation of herbage seed mixtures; selecting only the very best varieties applicable for each particular mixture, as soon as they become available to market. There are many attributes to scrutinise when formulating herbage mixtures such as:
Heading Date
Second cut conservation D Value
Annual yield grazing/silage
Ground cover
Mid-summer D Value grazing/silage
Herbage leaf disease e.g. Crown Rust
All above are important in their own right but at this point we would like to emphasise the significance of D value. Animals will eat more of varieties with a high digestibility D Value and will also absorb more of the feed available. This can have a very large effect on animal output since a one point increase in D Value can increase animal output by five percent (5%). Buying the correct herbage mixture for your particular farm is vitally important. Poor choices equate to loss of production resulting in loss of income. The correct variety choice is vital for the long term profitability of your business.
Perennial Rygrass Varieties Selected For Western Seeds Herbage Leys Heading Date
Grazing Yield
Mid-Summer D Value
Conservation Yield
Second cut D Value
AberGlyn (Tetraploid)
19th May
AberDart (Diploid)
24th May
28th May
AberFarrell (Diploid)
28th May
AberGreen (Diploid)
29th May
AberAvon (Diploid)
1st June
AberGain (Tetraploid)
4th June
AberBite (Tetraploid)
5th June
* = Outstanding
Medium Term Leys
01834 861 904
Magnum – Red and White Clover Silage Ley Mixture Label No: C7497887 Seed Mixture of/for Agriculture Ref No:
14.00 Kg per Acre
List of Species and Varieties: Magnum 5 year + Ley Varieties
AberEve Hybrid Tetraploid Ryegrass AberFarrell Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberMagic Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberGreen Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberClaret Red Clover Merviot Red Clover Aran White Clover
4.00 3.00 2.00 1.00 2.00 1.00 1.00
In today’s economic farming climate we need to maximise output of forage per acre and increase utilisation by stock of home grown forage, without substantially increasing farm inputs. MAGNUM is a unique herbage mixture of Red and White clover, together with genuine high sugar grasses which enable MAGNUM to give a substantial increase in quality forage for at least five years and is highly recommended for conservation. Advantages of MAGNUM • No artificial nitrogen inputs are required for a full harvest year due to the symbiotic nitrogen production from Red and White clover in MAGNUM. Equates to 20% in silage forage drymatter intake • Increased forage intake of 2 kilos of drymatter/cow/day an extra 5 litres/cow/day from forage. • Grow and finish cattle on MAGNUM without feeding supplementary concentrates magnum works very well with melior in your conservation farm rotations HVS=Higher Voluntary Standard. It is the mark of the best quality seed. All seed in the mixture must be at HVS standard to achieve the HVS label on the bag.
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Medium Term Leys
Melior – White Clover Silage Ley Mixture Label No: C7497888 Seed Mixture of/for Agriculture Ref No:
14.00 Kg per Acre
List of Species and Varieties: Melior 5 year + Ley Varieties AberEve Hybrid Tetraploid Ryegrass AberFarrell Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberMagic Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberGreen Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass Aran White Clover AberHerald White Clover
Kilos 4.00 3.00 2.50 3.00 1.00 0.50
The current economic farming situation demands maximum sustainable forage output per acre both in terms of yield and utilisation of forage grown, without excessive use of NPK and pesticides. MELIOR is a unique herbage mixture containing white clover varieties, together with genuine ABER high sugar, high D Value grasses enabling MELIOR to give a substantial increase in quality forage for at least 5 years. Advantages of MELIOR • Possible to reduce nitrogen inputs without reducing forage output • Increased forage intake of 2 kilos of drymatter/cow/day Equates to 20% in silage forage drymatter intake an extra 5 litres/cow/day from forage • Grow and finish cattle on MELIOR without feeding supplementary concentrates melior works very well with magnum in your conservation farm rotations HVS=Higher Voluntary Standard. It is the mark of the best quality seed. All seed in the mixture must be at HVS standard to achieve the HVS label on the bag.
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Long Term Leys
Bonus – Dual Purpose Ley Mixture Label No: C7497889 Seed Mixture of/for Agriculture Ref No:
13.00 Kg per Acre
List of Species and Varieties: Bonus Long Term Ley Varieties
AberFarrell Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberGreen Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberAvon Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass AberGain Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass Presto Timothy AberHerald White Clover AberDai White Clover
3.50 3.00 2.00 3.00 0.50 0.50 0.50
• All grasses and clovers in BONUS are recommended in NIAB lists • BONUS incorporates ALL high sugar ABER grass varieties of very high digestibility, high D Value, essential in both grazing and conservation situations • Relates to more milk, more beef and more lamb from a BONUS grass and clover ley • Ability to finish beef cattle and lambs without the need for concentrates • With good management will persist for 10 years + Proven over many years, bonus is an outstanding long term silage and grazing mixture from Western Seeds
HVS=Higher Voluntary Standard. It is the mark of the best quality seed. All seed in the mixture must be at HVS standard to achieve the HVS label on the bag.
01834 861 904
Long Term Leys
Fortis – Long Term Grazing Ley Mixture Label No: C7497890 Seed Mixture of/for Agriculture Ref No:
13.00 Kg per Acre
List of Species and Varieties: Fortis Long Term Ley Varieties AberGreen Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberAvon Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass AberGain Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass AberHerald White Clover AberDai White Clover
Kilos 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.50 0.50
• All grasses and clovers in FORTIS are recommended in NIAB lists • FORTIS consists of ALL high sugar ABER grass varieties of very high digestibility, high D Value, important for all grazing situations • FORTIS achieves a thick sward of high quality grazing forage • Utilised as a long term grazing ley for dairy cows, beef cattle and sheep • Can be cut for forage if required • Watch the milk yield go up when you open the gate to FORTIS Fortis mixture consistantly achieves high quality grazing throughout the growing season
HVS=Higher Voluntary Standard. It is the mark of the best quality seed. All seed in the mixture must be at HVS standard to achieve the HVS label on the bag.
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Long Term White Clover Ley
Bravo – Early Spring Grazing Ley Mixture Label No: C7497891 Seed Mixture of/for Agriculture Ref No:
13.00 Kg per Acre
List of Species and Varieties: Bravo Long Term Ley Varieties
AberEve Hybrid Tetraploid Ryegrass AberDart Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberFarrell Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberAvon Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass AberGain Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass AberDai White Clover AberHerald White Clover
3.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 3.00 0.50 0.50
This exceptional ley uses ALL high sugar, high D Value, ABER varieties, giving a high quality, dense, and leafy, persistent grazing sward • Quality grazing with advantage of an early bite of grass i.e. ewes and lambs in spring, earlier turnout for cows and cattle on suitable land • Yields a good crop of silage mid-season and will happily cut three times a year if required Turn early spring grass into milk, that’s BRAVO! HVS=Higher Voluntary Standard. It is the mark of the best quality seed. All seed in the mixture must be at HVS standard to achieve the HVS label on the bag.
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Long Term Leys
Optima – Silage Ley Mixture Label No: C7497892 Seed Mixture of/for Agriculture Ref No:
13.00 Kg per Acre
List of Species and Varieties: Optima Long Term Ley Varieties AberFarrell Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberGreen Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass AberAvon Diploid Late Perennial Ryegrass
Kilos 4.50 4.50 4.00
OPTIMA utilises three of the best high sugar perennial ryegrasses in the U.K. in terms of yield, quality, high D Value and disease resistance (Crown Rust and Drechslera) •• All varieties chosen for OPTIMA are Diploid perennial ryegrasses for sward persistency, subject to farm management •• OPTIMA is a professional long term cutting mixture, consistently yielding high quality forage over many years •• Management adaptability; three to four silage cuts a year but option of occasional grazing will aid sward persistency •• OPTIMA is formulated without clover, where herbicides are used •• Optima is also available with clover, where herbicides are not utilised
HVS=Higher Voluntary Standard. It is the mark of the best quality seed. All seed in the mixture must be at HVS standard to achieve the HVS label on the bag.
Undersowing and Rejuvenation
01834 861 904
SALVUS Grass Clover Mixture 8.50 Kilo AberEve Hybrid Tetraploid Ryegrass 4.50 Kilo AberBite Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass 2.00 Kilo AberDai White Clover 15.00 Kilo per Pack Due to difficulties associated with variable weather patterns in recent years, many long term leys have been poached by stock over summer and winter months; the consequences of this, impacts on the anticipated quantity and quality of grass production, requiring a rescue plan. SALVUS is a grass/clover mixture formulated to restore damaged leys to full production, as soon as possible; gives a full 5 + years, cutting and grazing.
How do we work SALVUS? •• Oversow by broadcasting or direct-drilling •• Seed rate 5 > 10 kilo acre depending on original sward condition •• In some situations slug pellets may be required to protect germinating seeds Variety Profile SALVUS is a quality grass/clover mixture containing hybrid ryegrasses: AberEve together with intermediate ryegrass AberBite; topped up with white clover AberDai. All quality grasses utilised in SALVUS are large seeded for rapid establishment, producing a thicker, sweeter, sward with early spring growth. SALVUS has proven to be a real sward saver
PREMIUM Grass Clover Mixture 7.50 Kilo AberFarrell Diploid Intermediate Perennial Ryegrass 6.75 Kilo AberBite Tetraploid Late Perennial Ryegrass 0.75 Kilo AberHerald White Clover 15.00 Kilo per Pack
Premium is specifically formulated for use only in your arable cropping rotations. Over the years it has shown many benefits. Where do you sow PREMIUM? •• If you are sowing a spring cereal crop in spring 2016 and will repeat with another spring cereal crop in the following year, under-sowing PREMIUM at cereal drilling time at only 3 to 5 kilo acre (8 to 12 kilo Ha), will produce many advantages •• With careful, experienced variety choice and sowing at the recommended seed rate, grass will not grow up through the cereal crop, to cause problems at combining time
What are the benefits of PREMIUM to your farm business and local environment? •• Increases farm grazing area by a substantial amount of available grass from your arable stubble fields each autumn, winter and early spring, until ploughing for the next cereal crop •• Stock grazing will increase the fertility of the arable area, for utilisation by following spring cereal crop •• Saves winter feed costs and bedding •• PREMIUM established root systems will help to prevent soil nutrients leaching over winter and mitigate soil erosion Variety Profile AberBite and AberFarrell both intermediate perennial ryegrasses with AberHerald white clover will increase your grazing area after harvest of spring cereal: autumn > winter > spring. Want your farm to be green and productive all year round – grow PREMIUM
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Specialist Mixtures
Non-Ryegrass Ley
Herbal Ley
PRIMUS Long Term Grass Ley
HARMONY Long Term Ley
5.00 Kilo 4.00 Kilo 0.50 Kilo 0.50 Kilo
Presto Timothy Liherold Meadow Fescue AberHerald White Clover AberDai White Clover
10.00 Kilo per Acre PRIMUS is an excellent timothy, meadow fescue and clover ley (without ryegrass). PRIMUS can be profitably utilised by farmers who find a field or two on their farm which continue to be wet and cold, even after drainage efforts. They have re-seeded with perennial ryegrass (sometimes more than once), only to see the sward returning back to weed grasses in a very short time. Timothy and meadow fescue can survive and be productive in wet soil conditions (with the correct management), better than perennial ryegrasses. Western Seeds has specifically formulated PRIMUS for these difficult areas. Compared with new varieties of perennial ryegrasses now available, this mixture may appear out-dated but it has stood the test of time, is consistently reliable and is very useful, in many farm situations. How will PRIMUS work on the farm? •• Will thrive in wet climate/soil conditions •• Good for conservation cutting and grazing when soil conditions allow •• Excellent for non-ryegrass hay, silage; particularly good for horse hay Variety Profile PRIMUS contains Presto timothy and Liherold meadow fescue with the addition of the nitrogen powerhouse of the ley, white clovers AberHerald and AberDai. N.B. Due to the small seeds in PRIMUS, extra care is required to obtain a good firm, fine seedbed for successful establishment of the new ley. Need a new ley to survive in very wet soil conditions, PRIMUS will do that job. Herbs can be supplied with PRIMUS
3.00 Kilo 4.00 Kilo 3.50 Kilo 0.50 Kilo 0.50 Kilo 0.50 Kilo
Sparta Cocksfoot Liherold Meadow Fescue Presto Timothy AberHerald White Clover AberDai White Clover AberPearl White Clover
0.46 Kilo Chicory Herb 0.20 Kilo Burnett Herb 0.10 Kilo Ribgrass Herb 0.10 Kilo Tonic Plantain Herb 0.10 Kilo Sheeps Parsley Herb 0.04 Kilo Yarrow Herb
13.00 Kilo per Acre
HARMONY is a non-ryegrass herbage mixture capable of performing well in dry growing areas. Increasingly, some areas of the U.K. are experiencing very dry, herbage growing conditions. Western Seeds has specifically formulated, HARMONY as a nonryegrass mixture for these increasingly difficult, herbage production situations. How will HARMONY work in your rotations? •• Compared with perennial ryegrass, Harmony produces a more open growing sward, advantageous to the accompanying herbs and clover, by allowing them space to contribute their benefits to the overall yearly forage production of the ley •• Produces herb rich, grazing pasture or hay/silage as required •• Chicory will improve soil structure with its deep roots and together with the mixed herbs will provide stock with a varied diet, high in minerals when grazed or cut Variety Profile •• Harmony is the result of many years of research. Its choice of grasses and balance of species have been carefully selected for compatibility and performance, to produce a persistent, balanced sward for conservation or grazing. •• N.B. HARMONY, with its relatively small seeds of cocksfoot, meadow fescue, timothy, clover and herbs requires a firm, fine seed bed to achieve successful establishment. Mixed herbs are a standard inclusion in HARMONY.
Specialist Mixtures
01834 861 904
SELECT Clover Blend 4.00 Kilo 3.00 Kilo 3.00 Kilo
AberHerald White Clover AberDai Clover AberPearl White Clover
10.00 Kilo per Pack SELECT Clover blend is designed to increase the clover content of your sward. This blend is suitable for grazing and cutting with its spread of large and medium leaved (NIAB recommended) clover varieties. Clover in a good grass/clover sward will give nitrogen and protein in abundance. Good clover content in a sward can yield the equivalent of 200 units of applied nitrogen. High clover content in a sward is very high in protein and highly regarded by all stock.
PUNA II Chicory PUNA II Chicory is a broadleaved perennial forage crop that offers high yields of very palatable and nutritious feed for grazing livestock. It has a high mineral content, including zinc, potassium and copper. Drought resistant with rapid re-growth after grazing. 1.00 Kilo per Pack
General Purpose HERB Mixture 0.46 Kilo 0.20 Kilo 0.10 Kilo 0.10 Kilo 0.10 Kilo 0.04 Kilo
Chicory Herb Burnett Herb Ribgrass Herb Tonic Plantain Herb Sheeps Parsley Herb Yarrow Herb
1.00 Kilo per Pack
PRIZE Horse and Pony Long Term Ley 4.00 Kilo 3.00 Kilo 4.00 Kilo 1.00 Kilo
Presto Timothy Liherold Meadow Fescue Corail Creeping Red Fescue Parsifal Smooth Stalked Meadow Grass
12.00 Kilo per Acre
PRIZE, with good pasture management, is a long term ley delivering first-class grazing and a hay crop if required. It is a premium quality ley, specially formulated for the particular requirements of horses and ponies.
Variety Profile PRIZE contains a quality selected blend of timothy, meadow fescue, creeping red fescue and smooth stalked meadow grass; ideally suited for equine grazing and hay production. Important Points to Consider The composition of Western Seeds’ PRIZE herbage mixture, reflects our understanding of the detrimental effects of ryegrass and clovers on the health of equines (notably the disease of Laminitis), which are therefore omitted. Specific equine herbs can be supplied with PRIZE
01834 861 904
Arable Silage REWARD Arable Silage
LIBERTY Arable Silage
Westminster Spring Barley Magnus Spring Forage Pea
Firth Spring Oats Magnus Spring Forage Pea
Sown @ 50 Kilo / Acre
Sown @ 50 Kilo / Acre
ARABLE SILAGE INFORMATION •• Drill at 50 kilos per acre and undersow by broadcasting the herbage ley on the same day •• Yield from 8 to 10 big bales (600kg) per acre •• Will enable you to establish a first class grass ley by early July
•• Harvest after approximately 9-10 weeks; there will be small, unfilled pods at the base and flowers at the top of the pea plant. Mow at 4” / 10cm •• Produces high protein, high sugar forage •• Suitable for cows, cattle and sheep
Is Western Seeds Arable Silage a Wholecrop mixture? NO! Wholecrop mixtures typically use a combining pea not a forage pea. Combining Pea vs Forage Pea - what is the difference? Forage peas are much more palatable and give higher protein,sugar and yield compared with combining peas when cut at 9-10 weeks. What is the advantage of cutting after 9-10 weeks? Unlike combining peas, fast growing forage peas are ready to cut at 9-10 weeks. This gives the farmer an additional month of cutting or grazing of the new undersown ley. Which forage peas are used by Western Seeds? Western Seeds only uses MAGNUS forage peas. MAGNUS is the best forage pea available on the market today. It gives a massive yield of high protein and high sugar forage.
PRODUCT Western Seeds Arable Silage Cereal and Forage Pea is very palatable with high protein and sugar. It is harvested after 9-10 weeks. There is no grain in the forage which means less chance of vermin problems in big bales.
What ratio of cereal to pea do we use? We use a cereal / pea ratio which has proven over many years to achieve an excellent forage crop and also more importantly to ensure the first class establishment of the undersown ley. What yield can I expect? Typically, 8-10 600kg big bales in 9-10 weeks. Or, over 6 tonnes per acre of silage in the pit. Yields unlikely to be achieved at 10 weeks, using a combining pea. What about rats & vermin? With wholecrop, (which is harvested later when the grain and peas are more mature) there is a danger of vermin spoiling the crop in the big bale, unless safeguards are taken. With arable silage, the crop is harvested earlier. This means the cereals are less mature (the grain is at the ‘milky’ stage) so there is less chance of a vermin problem in big bales.
% dry matter at Harvest 35%
Combicrop Fermented Wholecrop Cereal and Combining Pea is harvested at a more mature stage than arable silage giving a higher starch, lower protein forage. If using big bales, precautions need to be taken to protect the crop from vermin.
35% - 45%
Combicrop Fermented/Preserved Wholecrop Cereal and Combining Pea is harvested at its optimum maturity giving a high fibre, high starch forage. You may need to add a preservative. If using big bales, precautions need to be taken to protect the crop from vermin.
50% - 70%
01834 861 904
CHAMPION Combicrop Mulika Spring Wheat Prophet Spring Pea
WINNER Combicrop Sow at
85 - 100 Kilo / Acre
VICTOR Combicrop Firth Spring Oats Prophet Spring Pea
Westminster Spring Barley Prophet Spring Pea
Sow at
85 - 100 Kilo / Acre
Sow at
85-100 Kilo / Acre
SOVEREIGN Combicrop Sow at
75 Kilo / Acre
Westminster Spring Barley Firth Spring Oats Prophet Spring Pea
WHAT IS Combicrop? COMBICROP® is unique to Western Seeds and is a precise blend of spring cereal and a spring pea. An excellent crop, versatile, environmentally beneficial, profitable; it has been grown successfully throughout the U.K. over many years, in all weather conditions. Requires pre-emergence chemical only: eliminating the need for all post emergence crop protection chemical applications.
WHY GROW COMBICROP? We need a simple and cost effective way to grow cereals and protein to feed our stock •• With a 50% to 60% increase in protein above straight cereals, Combicrop enables the farmer to grow a 13% to 18% protein concentrate, eliminating the requirement of bought in protein. •• Growing Combicrop for sale with its increased protein percentage translates directly into a higher price per tonne. •• Lower foliar disease risk with Combicrop cereal and legume combination, compared with straight cereals.
•• Free nitrogen from peas is saved for the following crop. •• Combicrop can be utilised in one of three ways: •• Wholecrop fermented 25%-45% dry matter or wholecrop fermented/preserved 50%-70% dry matter. •• Crimped (check that a machine is available in your area). •• Combined dry for milling on farm or for sale. •• Combicrop is delivered mixed and ready to drill.
COMBICROP eliminates the requirement for all post-emergence herbicides, fungicides and insecticides
Combicrop – Questions and Answers
01834 861 904
What is Combicrop? Combicrop is unique to Western Seeds and is a precise blend of cereals and a combinable pea.
What yield can I expect? The same yield as a normal well-grown spring cereal, but with the big advantage of up to 60% increased protein in the crop.
Four Combicrop products are available for 2016: •• CHAMPION (Wheat/Pea) •• WINNER (Barley/Pea) •• VICTOR (Oat/Pea) •• SOVEREIGN (Barley/Oat/Pea)
Will I have to make adjustments to my combine? NO adjustments are needed on the combine to achieve a first-class Combicrop - other than the adjustments a combine operator would normally make for cereals.
Why grow Combicrop? •• Combicrop COMBINED: increased protein in grain by 50%-60% •• Combicrop WHOLECROP: wholecrop with increased protein percentage •• Combicrop CRIMPED: increased protein in grain of 50%-60% •• Combicrop STRAW: first class feeding straw •• Combicrop FOR SALE: approximately 25% increase in sale price •• The requirement to buy protein onto your farm is greatly reduced What are the seedbed preparations? Combicrop seedbed preparations are the same as for wheat, barley, oats and triticale.
Can I crimp Combicrop? YES. The higher protein percentage means that you will need to obtain the correct preservative additive. It is also important to ensure there is a suitable crimping machine in your area which can process Combicrop. Maize silage is generally low in protein and can be costly to supplement. High protein Combicrop crimp or wholecrop can save you thousands of pounds! What percentage of protein can I expect from Combicrop, combined harvest dry? We are consistently seeing increases of protein of 50% to 60%. These figures come from independent analysis.
Are there any special adjustments to the drill? NO. Simply calibrate the drill as you would with any cereal.
Can I mill and roll Combicrop? YES. Combicrop is suitable for all types of farm mills, also mill and mix systems.
How deep do I drill? Drill at 2-4cm (same as cereals). Combicrop must be drilled not broadcast.
How is Combicrop supplied? It is essential that the correct ratio of pea to cereal is drilled. Combicrop is supplied in 25, 250 and 500 Kilo bags.
What weight of cereal to pea is in Combicrop? One of our key research areas was determining the optimum ratio of cereal to pea. Because the Thousand Grain Weight (TGW) of the cereal and pea is taken into account, the total weight of cereal to pea can vary with each batch of Combicrop.
SOVEREIGN Combicrop? By growing a combination of Barley, Oats and Peas, you will reduce the disease pressure on the crop. This results in higher yields, producing a first class concentrate feed.
Environmental And Stewardship Mixtures
01834 861 904
Environmental Mixtures SETTER Traditional Game Cover Mixture 3.00 Kilo 1.75 Kilo 1.50 Kilo 1.50 Kilo 1.00 Kilo 0.75 Kilo 0.25 Kilo 0.25 Kilo
Mixture Profile A traditional mixture of species specially selected for their feed and cover qualities. This mixture is designed for a full season of cover that will provide holding, feed and cover for all game birds.
Game Maize White Millet Red Millet Buckwheat Kale Sunflower White Mustard Forage Rape
The sunflowers add an attractive splash of colour. Due to the variance in seed size, broadcast to achieve optimum establishment and ensure that treated seed is covered by harrowing and rolling.
10 Kilo per Pack; Sow @ 10 Kilo per Acre
Stewardship Mixtures Annual Nectar Mixture
WS2 – Wild Bird Seed Mixture
Buffer Strip & Margin Mixture
2-year Spring Sown 22% Phacelia 22% Buckwheat 22% Sainfoin 10% Crimson Clover 10% Lucerne (inoculated) 8% Red Clover 6% Alsike Clover
55% Spring Triticale 25% Spring Barley 7% Kale 4% Fodder Radish 4% White Millet 3% Quinoa 2% Red Millet
20% Hard Fescue 20% Creeping Red Fescue 20% Timothy 15% Cocksfoot 15% Tall Fescue 5% Birdsfoot Trefoil 5% Small White Clover
5 Kilo per Pack Sow @ 5 Kilo per Acre
10 Kilo per Pack Sow @ 20 Kilo per Acre
20 Kilo per Pack Sow @ 10 Kilo per Acre
We stock a full range of environmental stewardship mixtures to cover all HLS, ELS, Glastir, NICMS and Scottish Rural Development Programme requirements. We are also able to supply mixtures for AEOS and Natura 2000 schemes in Ireland. Contact us with your requirements and we can supply the mixtures to fit your scheme.
01834 861 904
Cereals, Beans and Peas
WHEAT Spring Winter PARAGON Spring Wheat Mulika Spring Wheat
JB DieGo Winter Wheat Reflection Winter Wheat
BARLEY Spring Winter ADVANCE Spring Barley Blend WESTMINSTER Spring Barley Sienna Spring Barley PROPINO Spring Barley
CASSIA Winter Barley Glacier Winter Barley Infinity Winter Barley
OATS Spring Winter FIRTH Spring Oats
MASCANI Winter Oats
BEANS Spring Winter FUEGO Spring Beans
WIZARD Winter Beans
PEAS Combining Forage PROPHET Spring Peas
MAGNUS Spring Peas
HUMBOLT Forage Rye (Grazing)
Farming conditions are currently very difficult. Overproduction of farming commodities is one problem among many. With regard to crops – the highest yielding crop is not always the most profitable from an all-round perspective, nor the most appropriate for a given situation. Western Seeds is happy to supply winter and spring cereals but where rainfall is high (e.g. South West Wales) spring cereals represent the better alternative, lessening the expense of pesticide costs and the detrimental effects of topsoil erosion and soil nutrient loss, from early autumn ploughing, currently associated with winter plantings. Spring barley blends, which have been grown successfully over many years, require one application with herbicide only, with no further chemical inputs to achieve an excellent crop.
Forage Crops
RAPID Rape / Kale / Stubble Turnip mixture INTERVAL Forage Rape HOBSON Forage Rape DYNAMO Stubble Turnip KEEPER Kale RAPID is a blend of forage rape with a high-yielding stubble turnip. RAPID establishes quickly and gives palatable feed for all stock.
SPRINT Forage Rape Mixture INTERVAL Forage Rape HOBSON Forage Rape SPRINT is a top quality mixture containing two high yielding forage rape varieties. This mixture helps to reduce leaf diseases which can attack the crop. SPRINT produces a very palatable, thick crop for all stock.
FORAGE RAPE HOBSON is an excellent variety with a wide sowing window. Can be utilised in summer, autumn or winter. HOBSON is a very palatable forage. INTERVAL is a Rape / Kale Hybrid which makes it more winter hardy. It has been bred in Scotland for UK conditions. Exceptional high yields and very fast to establish.
STUBBLE TURNIPS SAMSON will produce high yields from its high quality, large, tankard shaped purple roots. Very palatable forage for all classes of stock. VOLLENDA has a leaf to root ratio of 60-40 and it’s resistance to bolting is unrivalled. Very good early vigour makes it suitable for sowing in May for feeding in July - August and sowing in August - September for feeding November - December.
FODDER BEET ROBBOS is a new variety with red roots, good dry matter yield with low dirt contamination at harvest. The roots have a medium dry matter content which enables them to be fed whole or chopped. 56% root in ground. KYROS is a well established variety. It is highly palatable and digestible. 57% root in ground.
SWEDES LOMOND is available as natural seed and Grade H. LOMOND has massive dry matter yields of 80% digestibility. It is good for both human consumption and as a high energy winter stock feed. Bred in Scotland for UK conditions. INVITATION is a high-yielding, club root resistant variety. Ideally utilised after Christmas, it will produce large leaves and is winter hardy.
HUMBOLT Forage Rye Best for an early bite for dairy cows or as fresh forage for lactating sheep in spring. Sow in September to October @ 75 Kilo per acre. If possible select a free draining, dry, sheltered field for best results.
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01834 861 904
Forage Crops
Western Seeds Forage Crop Planner Species
Features and Benefits
Suitable For
Forage Rape •• Quick growing 14-15 weeks •• High crude protein •• Good value for money •• Leafy •• Sheep •• Dairy •• Beef
Stubble Turnip
Fodder Beet
•• Can be utilised 12-13 weeks from sowing
•• Winter hardy •• High energy •• Extended digestibility •• Palatable
•• High energy •• Fast to feed establish •• High dry matter •• Palatable feed yields •• Very palatable
•• Better disease resistance •• Increased intake
•• Sheep •• Dairy •• Beef
•• •• •• ••
•• •• •• ••
•• All stock
Sheep Dairy Beef Pigs
Dairy Sheep Beef Pigs
•• All stock
Year Planner January
Strip Grazed
Strip Grazed
Strip Grazed
Strip Grazed
Grazed or Lifted
March •• Grade H •• Precision drill 250-350 gram/acre
•• Sow April for grazing July/ •• Direct drill 2 Kilo/ August acre •• Direct drill 2 Kilo/acre •• Broadcast 3 Kilo/ •• Broadcast 3 acre Kilo/acre
One Acre packs 50,000 seeds
•• Natural seed •• Direct drill 1 Kilo/acre •• Broadcast 2 Kilo/acre
•• Direct drill 3 Kilo/acre
•• Direct drill 2 Kilo/acre
•• Broadcast 4 Kilo/acre
•• Broadcast 3 Kilo/acre
October Strip Grazed Strip Grazed
Grazed or Lifted
Lift or Graze
Strip Grazed
Strip Grazed
Harvest Utilisation
Sowing Period
Western Seeds, Clover Park Farm, Narberth, SA67 8EY Telephone 01834 861904 Fax 01994 240897 info@westernseeds.com www.westernseeds.com Registered Office: Clover Park Farm, Narberth, Pembrokeshire, SA67 8EY Registered in England and Wales Number: 3952911 VAT No: 647 8662 87