Henock, Good Luck from FSU COE!

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Henock, Good luck on your new adventure!

Not all of us got to say our goodbyes in person...

Henock, I always appreciated your friendly and thoughtful help. It was a pleasure working with you! I can’t believe you are leaving!!! It has been a joy working with you and spotting you ripping and running around Stone and the campus. You are so bright and lovely! You are going to do amazing wherever you go! Please keep in touch! 904-762-7234 -Mariah - Tech Sandbox

You're my absolute favorite nerdy, cartoon-show loving, vegan tech-wizard buddy. I super wish that we could pause the pandemic so that I could give you one last big squeeze before you leave. I wish you all the best of everything my friend. Please keep in touch. <3 -Jen Ramsey

It just won't be the same around here without you. You started off as just a colleague but you quickly became a FRIEND! Wishing you well on your next adventure. I'm sure you're going to do GREAT with whatever comes next. As you journey into a new chapter of your life. I pray continued blessings and success be with you in all your future endeavors. This is not a goodbye, but keep in touch my friend always MY COMPUSAVER! Congratulations! Well Wishes! You Deserve IT! -Tala Hagan

Henock, it was a pleasure meeting you and chatting with you. I will miss your little drop in chats from next door. Please do stay in touch. -Tim Baghurst

Henock, I want to wish you all the best for your future and career. I really enjoyed working with you!!! You have been a real asset to the OIIT team and helped us a lot over the past year. Thank you for all your hard work and effort you put in to help the College of Education and our office. We were able to accomplish and complete many projects with you being part of the team. We do appreciate all your hard work!!! Enjoy your new job and the new city. Keep in touch and if you happen to be in Tallahassee again stop by and say hi! We will miss having you in OIIT!!! Thanks again, Michael O'Donnell

Henock: Thank you so much for all your prompt and friendly support during your time here at the COE. We will miss you! -Bryan Richards

Dear Henock, I am really sorry to hear that you will be leaving the College shortly. You have provided absolutely invaluable service to me and, I'm sure, to many other faculty and staff members in the College. Just as importantly, you have been a simply wonderful person to interact with. Your very caring, kind, and considerate nature always shines through; this is an invaluable personal quality that you possess in abundance, and I have greatly appreciated it. As much as I will miss not having you work for us here in the College, I am happy to know that you are moving on to bigger and better things. I know that in light of your great skills and wonderful personal qualities, you will succeed in whatever you decide to undertake. I wish you the best in your future professional and personal life. Please stay well and keep in touch. Sincerely, Bob Reiser

Henock, I will miss you! It was always a pleasure running into you in the hall and chatting about fun stuff like Harry Potter and Stranger Things! I appreciate your IT service so much, from help with my own computer updates to your stellar support when we were hosting two remote (pre-pandemic/trail blazing!) Zoom videoconferences in the Spring 2020 semester. I wish you all the best in your New Adventure in New Jersey (sounds like the title of a chapter in your memoir! :). This sounds like a wonderful opportunity to advance your IT career, and I know you will go far! Sincerely, ~Katherine Yaun Henock, I wish you all the best in the next chapter of your life in New Jersey! Although I must admit, FSU COE will just have to take this loss‌you are an excellent IT guy! FSU's loss is New Jersey's gain. I know you will do well! -Tonya Jones

Henock, My very best wishes as you embark on this next chapter of your career. How very exciting! New location to explore, new friends to make, new tasks to achieve, new challenges to be met...all ways to grow and things to enjoy. Thank you for all your good work in the College of Education. We will miss you. -Marcy Driscoll

Henock, congratulations on your new opportunity! We appreciated all your help and support here and wish you the best in your next steps. -ALEC (Taylor Thompson)

Henock, A wise person once told me that your current job is always preparing you for the next Big One. Congratulations!!!! I know without a doubt, they will love you in New Jersey. I will miss you personally and professionally. Thank you for everything!!!! Hugs and Kisses -Rose Skepple

Henock, it has been a pleasure to have you in the College of Education. You've been great at solving my tech problems and a delight to chat with in the process. I hope your employment opens up all of the horizons for the goals that you're hoping to pursue. Enjoy!

-Robert C. Eklund

Henock! Thank you so much for being so helpful, warm and welcoming to me as a new staff member in the College of Education. You always took care of all my IT needs but what I enjoyed the most are our talks. You will be missed! I wish you many blessings in your next journey! Enjoy the winters in Jersey! :) Keep in touch! -Mia Hines

Much success in your new career. I hope it is an opportunity for you to grow quickly, network, and move up the ladder over the years. Keep up the running and being an example to your brother. He'll need a job soon. -Jimmy

Congratulations Henock! I had a wonderful time getting to know you and I'm glad I got the chance to work alongside you. You helped me learn and were always willing to give advice, I am grateful for all you have shared with me. I hope New Jersey treats you well, you'll definitely be a great addition there. Best of wishes moving forward, you truly can do anything you put you're mind too. -Juan Carballo

Thank you for all you've done for us in Sport Management, Henock. We appreciate your timely assistance with our tech problems, your knowledge, your patience, and your friendly attitude. We wish you nothing but success and happiness in your new chapter. All the best! -Tony Daniels, Sport Management

You will be missed. You were always so helpful and in a great mood anytime I needed help. Good luck with you new job!! We will miss your smile around the office.

Henock, you will surely be missed here. I've appreciated both your help and our conversations. Wishing you the best wherever you go next! -Britni DeZerga

Working with you has been one of the genuine perks of this job. I'll miss you like whoa, bud. Good luck - not that you'll need it :D -Stacey Cahan

Henock, I wanted to share one of my favorite poems with you. It is called You Never Know. You never know when someone May catch a dream from you. You never know when a little word Or something you might do May open up the window Of a mind that seeks the light. The way you live may not matter at all But you never know – it might. And just in case it could be That another’s life, through you, Might possibly change for the better, With a broader and brighter view. It seems it might be worth a try At pointing the way to what’s right. Of course, it may not matter at all, But then again – it might. – Author Unknown Every interaction I have had with you in the last two years left a lasting impression on me. Thank you for always sharing your brilliance, kindness, and positive energy with us in the LLRC. You never know when a little word or something you might do makes someone's day. Wishing you the best of luck in this new chapter. -Kathy Guthrie

Henock: I am so proud of you. You have achieved two amazing goals while at FSU, a Bachelor's and Master's degree. Thank you for all the conversations we had over the year. Thank you for helping me with my tech needs. Finally, thank you for being you. You are an inspiration and a confirmation that our next generation of graduates will do amazing things! Be Great, Be Excellent! -Erik Hines

Best of luck in all your future endeavors, Henock. It was a pleasure working with you and your always cheerful personality. -Holly Crosby

Henock - all the best to you as you take the next step in your career! I appreciate your professionalism and you peaceful sense of self - or at least that I is how I experienced it :) -Patrice Iatarola

Henock, Congratulations on your new career opportunity in New Jersey!!! You will be sorely missed however you will always be a Seminole!!! All the best, Dr. Jason Pappas

Henock, here's wishing you the best on your future endeavors! I have no doubt you will do well. It was such a pleasure working with you and knowing you!

Best of luck and cheeers, Henock!!! We have been lucky to have you around and wish you well in your new life!! Take care! -Bob Schwartz-ELPS Congratulations, Henock, on your new position!! I am going to miss your smiling face and can-do Seminole spirit!!! Thank you so much for all of your help and guidance, and wish you all the best in your future success!! -Deb Kelly (Ed Leadership-ELPS)

We will definitely MISS YOU, Henock! While your time with us was short, it was very memorable. I appreciate you always stopping by to say hello to see how things were going. You will move on to do great things, and don't forget about your family at COE will always be here for you! Sincerely Kelly Conner

Dear Henock, I cannot thank you enough for all of the assistance you provided during your time in COE. As Mac user, you've been an invaluable resource and you will be greatly missed!! You have such a calmness in your work with people; it's truly a gift that you have! My very best to you in your next chapter in the world. With gratitude, Dr. Kathy Clark

Henock, IT was running so smoothly with you there that I hardly got to spend any time with you!! But, seriously, you are an absolute pleasure to work with and we will miss you! Congratulations on your new position, they are a lucky company to be getting you on their team! Best wishes!!! -Chrissy Lojan

Henock, I want to thank you for all your help, especially during the recent pandemic. Your patience and willingness to assist made a challenging time much easier to handle. You have always had a calmness and extremely approachable demeanor and I felt as though I (or my computer) was in good hands!!!! I wish you the best with your new position in New Jersey. They are lucky to have you! Hope you'll come back to visit sometime soon. Sincerely. Mary Kate

I really appreciate the helpful tips you gave me throughout my first year and I wish you the very best in your future.

Enjoy the garden state (I moved from there and have a lot of fond memories; grew up near Philly). And BTW, thanks for being there, even if I sometimes forgot to say it. -Russell Almond Dear Henock! Congratulations on your new adventure. You're a great guys and will do great things! Good luck!

Wishing you the very best, Henock, on the next leg of your journey. Thanks so much for all the help you gave me with the new Mac. I know you are going to continue to do great things in NJ! We were, and they will be, so fortunate to work with you!

-Deb Osborn

Dear Henock, Although I wish you well in your new endeavors, I was so sad to hear that you are leaving the COE! You've been the best Mac expert we've ever had and when we finally return from staying at home, your friendly helpfulness will truly be missed. Be careful up there in the north, and if you ever get cold, come back for a visit. Stay healthy and remember your friends in the 2205 suite! Fondly, Sandy Lewis

Thanks for your assistance when needed! Jersey will be lucky to have you! Good luck! Safe travels! -Simone May

Henock, You've been so wonderful to work with! I'm always in awe of your patience, positivity, and dedication to finding solutions. We wish you all the best in your new adventure. Be sure to keep in touch! -Jennie Kroeger

Wishing you the very best as you embark on your next chapter up north. It’s been great getting to know you and your help was always appreciated. You will be missed more than you know! Take care, my friend. -Bob Birken

Dear Henock, All the best wishes for your future work and life! It's great working with you. Take care and stay well! -Fengfeng Ke

You’ve been a pleasure to work with, and will make a great addition to your next team. They are lucky to have you!!! You will be sorely missed!! -Ashley Milton

Hi Henock, I heard that you start a new career in NJ. Your job with me was great and you've been nice as well. I wish you a great and a peaceful journey along your career. Stay healthy! -Insu Paek

Dear Henock, Thank you very much for your great contributions to many OIIT projects. I always admired your maturity, professionalism, and work ethics. But more than anything else, I really enjoyed working with you for your wonderful personality, curiosity for life, and kindness. You even learned Russian! Please remember to practice on the regular basis. Cпасибо и всего хорошего! -Dina Vyortkina

We will miss you!

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