Strategic partners
Bologna Process
International Benchmarks
Inputs to Program Design at Nazarbayev University
Institutional Policies and Guidelines
Kazakhstani imperatives; employers 1
International Context
Cycle 1. Bachelor Bologna Cycle
Cycle 2. Masters Cycle 3. Doctoral
Level 6: Bachelor EQF
Level 8: Doctoral
Bologna Process
ECTS credit = 25-30 hrs workload ECTS
Academic year = 60 ECTS Bachelor Degree = 240 ECTS Masters Degree = 90-120 ECTS
Student-Centred Quality Assurance & Enhancement integral (ESG 2015)
Level 7: Masters
Dublin descriptors
Expectations for each cycle Outcomes-based 2
National Context
National imperatives
Kazakhstan 2050; state programs
Industry and employers
Market needs and potential employability
National frameworks and requirements
As and where appropriate
Students’ academic and cultural background
Consider cultural context and students’ academic background in terms of knowledge, skills, attributes and prior learning styles. 3
Institutional Context NU Graduate Attributes
NU Academic Quality Framework
NU Strategies, Frameworks, Guidelines and Policies
Institutional Context NU Graduate Attributes
NU Academic Quality Framework
Program Approval through Academic Quality Committee (peer review) and Academic Council
NU Strategies, Frameworks, Guidelines and Policies
Institutional Context NU Graduate Attributes
NU Academic Quality Framework NU Strategy to 2020 NU Strategies, Frameworks, Guidelines and Policies
Academic Quality Framework Teaching and Learning Strategy Assessment Strategy Instructional Technology Strategy
Align programs and courses
School Context Program Manager and Program Delivery Team develop program
School Teaching and Learning Strategy informs program design
Program Specification and Justification
External review
Approve program through the School Teaching and Learning Committee and Dean
Then to institutional Academic Quality Committee (peer review) and Academic council 7
Program Design
International benchmarking Level descriptors e.g. Dublin Descriptors, UK FHEQ, Lumina Foundation DQP
NU Graduate Attributes
Inform academic level of program
Strategic Partner input and review
Subject benchmark statements: Accrediting bodies; QAA subject benchmarks
Develop Program Aims Develop Program Learning Outcomes Identify content
Inform content of program Program Aims and Learning Outcomes must demonstrably align with the NU Graduate Attributes 8
Program and Course Design Philosophy of Constructive Alignment (Biggs, 2003) /default/files/resources/id477_align ing_teaching_for_constructing_lear ning.pdf
Align with program learning outcomes and graduate attributes
NU Graduate Attributes Program Aims, Learning Outcomes and Content
Develop Course Descriptors, Learning Outcomes and Specifications (including syllabi)
Assessment methods should be appropriate to the learning outcome
Develop ALIGNED assessment criteria and methods
Teaching and learning methods give students the opportunity to achieve the learning outcomes
Develop ALIGNED teaching and learning strategy to enable students to reach learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Program and Course Design – What are we looking for?
Strategic Meet current/future national demand and requirements Accreditation partners Deliver NU Graduate Attributes Employ internationally-benchmarked outcomes and content Align attributes, outcomes, teaching, learning and assessment Adopt a student-centred approach, with effective student support mechanisms Institutional Employ Bologna teaching and learning methods that are: Policies and • Innovative and inspiring Process • Research-integrated Guidelines • Technologically-enhanced = Quality !! Use assessment methods that are: • Reliable, valid and fair Kazakhstani • Inclusive andInternational authentic imperatives; • Challenging, varied and stimulating Benchmarks employers • Formative as well as summative, with multiple feedback opportunities Subject to ongoing quality assurance and quality enhancement…..
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