My Wellness Magazine 2019

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ISSUE 01 | 2019

Breast Cancer AWARENESS





#thevillagenews #alloveroverberg

EDITORS Hedda Mittner Raphael da Silva SALES & MARKETING Charé van der Walt Kathy Mulock-Bentley ART DIRECTION & DESIGN Ilana vd Merwe COVER PHOTO | Azamat Zhanisov PUBLISHED BY The Village AGENCY ADVERTISING ENQUIRIES T: 028 312 2234 E:

DISCLAIMER The Village AGENCY gives no warranties, guarantees or assurances and makes no representations regarding any goods or services advertised in this edition. All information was approved and correct at time of print. Copyright © The Village AGENCY All rights reserved


YOG A YOGAHEART 1st Floor, Woolworths Building 175 Main Road, Hermanus 071 304 6456 /





Contents 4

Fresh Perspective: 8 Ways a life coach can transform your life


Body20 Hermanus: For a revolutionary EMS workout


Breast Cancer Awareness: Reduce risk through regular examinations


Medical Imaging: Diagnostic Radiology Services


Beauty Pyramid: Fundamental, Transforming & Optimising Treatments


Choice Products


Beauty Tips: Beautifully French Bare Breasted


Health happens here: ‘Inflammaging’ vs youthful living


Gum Disease: A silent risk to your general wellbeing


Eat yourself to health: Join the Mito-Life revolution


Appetite Knight: Clean Eating Recipes


Upcoming Fitness Events



Fresh Perspective

8 WAYS A LIFE COACH CAN TRANSFORM YOUR LIFE Successful people, like Oprah Winfrey and Bill Clinton have publicly sworn by life coaches for years, but a lot of people are still hesitant to hire one. A life coach can help you figure out what you want to do with your life and, more importantly, help you figure out how to do it. Many people think that they don’t need help and that they can do everything by themselves. The truth is that it is essential to have support, especially the support of an experienced professional who can aid you in getting where you want to be without wasting your precious time or money.

Here are some signs that a life coach is for you:

YOU EXPERIENCE SELF-DOUBT A life coach can work with you and help you to find clarity. We often know what we want deep down, but we lose direction. A life coach can help you realise your dreams and get you on track again. YOU HAVE A VISION, BUT NO CLEAR PLAN There are times when you may have a goal or vision but have no clue how to achieve it. A life coach will guide you through the steps of creating a plan of action so that you can get to where you want to be. A lot of great ideas go unrealised due to a lack of organisation and clarity, and the world misses out every time.


YOU WANT TO CHANGE YOUR CAREER OR MAKE MORE MONEY If you’re looking to break out of your day job and start your own business, or enter a new field, the expert guidance of a life coach can help you find the confidence and assurance you need.

Life can be hectic and people are busy. Wasting time going around in circles will only take up more of your precious time than you have to give. Working with a life coach creates focus and the fastest possible results.

YOU NEED TO IMPROVE YOUR HEALTH If you know your health needs attention but don’t know where to start, a health coach can help you with a customised meal plan, and determine which foods will benefit you and which are hurting your body. If you want to get into shape fast, it’s best not to go it alone. YOU’RE A PROCRASTINATOR Reaching your goals takes discipline and action. A life coach can help you change your patterns of behaviour and break your habit of procrastinating, so that you can move forward and live the life you want.

YOU WANT TO GET A HANDLE ON STRESS Trying to do things on your own, without any support, will only add to your frustration. You will save yourself a lot of energy and prevent stress and burn-out by seeing a life coach to support you as you achieve your goals. Not only will a life coach shed some clarity on your path, but also show you relaxation techniques and exercises to help you deal with your stress. If any of the above sounds like you, it may be time to look into hiring a life coach. Many of the most successful people on the planet have had life coaches and continue to receive support from professional consultants. In short, a life coach is someone who will be there in your corner, not only cheering you on but asking the right questions, bringing perspective and bringing the best out in you.

For more information:



Body20 Hermanus

FOR A REVOLUTIONARY EMS WORKOUT Body20 Hermanus is a boutique EMS training studio with an ocean view. They provide their members with service of the highest quality and form a personal relationship with each of them to ensure they walk the journey with each client towards better health and vitality. T: 064 501 5524 E: A: Shop 8, Station Square Mall, Lord Alberts & Main Road, Hermanus Our first member has lost 22kg of pure body fat and sustained lean muscle tissue in less than 6 months! “I suffered from back pain that went undiagnosed for a long time. I needed to build back muscle but couldn’t take the intensity of the gym. Body20 changed all that!” - Deon Meiring

The studio makes use of cutting-edge technology – wireless EMS training, which is a revolutionary full-body workout that is sure to take your training experience to the next level. Body20 uses EMS (Electro-Muscular Stimulation) to stimulate muscles using light, painless, electric impulses via a lightweight, full-body stimulant suit. EMS replicates the natural process of the central nervous system by sending electrical impulses to control muscle actions in strength training and fitness, creating greater results in less time than the average workout. The science behind EMS training has numerous benefits over conventional training methods, with the body suit performing 150 times more muscle contractions than a traditional workout. Benefits of EMS training include cellulite reduction, back pain relief, increased muscle definition, improved posture and core strengthening. This results-driven workout is fully customisable and personalised to help each individual reach their fitness goals, ranging from heavy strength training to cellulite reduction regimens. A whole-body EMS workout can give you upwards of 36 000 muscle contractions in only 20 minutes – that will take you about 6 hours with conventional training. Body20 Hermanus also offers lymph drainage and ‘relax’ (deep tissue massage) sessions, as well as VO2 Max enhancement training – all done by changing the Hertz and Impulse Width of the electrical impulses being sent through the body suit to your muscles. Body20 Hermanus opened its doors on the 1st of April 2019 and is already making plans to expand, due to the overwhelming demand from members in the Overberg area. Members are enjoying results that range all the way from being able to walk up stairs or get up easier because of strengthened muscles and relief of joint pain, to major fat loss, improvement of posture, better performance in golf, running, cycling and swimming, and an overall sense of elation after their sessions. Owner and operator, Anlezia Venter, and the team of Champs at Body20 Hermanus, approach Body20 with all the passion and energy they apply to all aspects of their lives. They are always very excited for new members to join this beautiful studio!

“In the 2 months I have been with Body20 I have lost 6kg and my cellulite is almost gone. I am so impressed with Body20 I will recommend it to everyone. It really, really works!” - Theresa de Jager “What a fantastic experience I had at Body20 Hermanus. I have been to numerous health and body fitness centres as well as gymnasiums. There is no comparison to what my husband and I have experienced at Body 20 Hermanus. The atmosphere, the Champs one-on-one and 100% workout and professional attention are awesome! It is not crowded, absolutely private and the cleanliness is up my alley! I was exhausted afterwards but after an hour or two I was energised and could move mountains. That only after 20 minutes of training by beautiful young people. It is heart-warming to experience so much attention for two oldies like us. After the training and especially the next day there was a remarkable change in my joints; they were loose and I felt young again... no stiffness and I could walk with a spring in my step. I am very thankful that Body20 has opened in Hermanus. Yippee!!” - Lynne Krafft

For more information:

1 to 31 October 2019

Breast Cancer AWARENESS

The incidence of breast cancer among South African women is increasing. It is the most prevalent cancer amongst white and Asian women and the second most common cancer among black and coloured women in South Africa.

REDUCE RISK THROUGH REGULAR EXAMINATIONS FACTS ABOUT BREAST CANCER: Early detection of the condition can lead to effective treatment and a positive prognosis. About 90% of patients survive for many years after diagnosis when breast cancer is detected at the early stages. Regular self-breast examination and regular mammograms are key to early detection. Presenting yourself early for treatment may result in more effective treatment, leading to a reduction in pain and suffering and a significant decrease in loss of life. The designation of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month in South Africa reflects a nationwide drive by public and private healthcare structures to raise awareness of this debilitating disease across all races and class structures. SELF-EXAMINATIONS: While not all breast lumps indicate cancer, they should be investigated, especially if accompanied by other changes in breasts or the under-arm area, such as lumps, texture changes, thickening, dimpling, changes in shape or size of nipples or breasts, tenderness, discharge, rash or swelling, or one breast suddenly being slightly larger than the other.



Research has shown that a regular Breast Self-Examination (BSE), plays an important role in discovering breast cancer, compared to finding a breast lump by chance. A BSE should be done once a month, preferably at the same time of day, following a woman’s menstrual cycle. If you feel or see any change in your breasts or underarms, arrange for a Clinical Breast Examination at your local CANSA Care Centre, primary health care centre or health practitioner. CLINICAL BREAST EXAMINATIONS: A Clinical Breast Examination (CBE) is a visual and manual examination of the entire breast, from the collarbone to the bra line, and from the armpit to the breast bone. It is advisable to have a CBE as part of your annual medical check-up. Should any abnormalities be detected you will be referred for further testing by a medical professional. If you do have a lump or abnormality identified by a breast specialist, the next step will be imaging (radiography). RADIOLOGY EXAMINATIONS: Normally this includes a mammogram with at least two views (but sometimes more) and an ultrasound of the breast and armpit. Often in women under 35 years the breast is too dense to rely on mammograms to see the problem, so

an ultrasound is done instead. Newer methods of diagnosis such as MRI scan may also be useful in some cases. Mammograms (a special X-ray to detect lumps in the breast), should also form part of your annual medical check-up, for the purpose of non-symptomatic breast screening, especially for women between 40 and 55 years and those who have other risk factors such as mutated BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Mammograms can save lives by finding breast cancer as early as possible. When caught early, localised cancers can be removed without resorting to breast removal (mastectomy). Several radiology practices are offering discounted mammograms in October. Contact the Radiological Society of SA (RSSA) on 011 794 4395 or visit to arrange for a mammogram. RISK FACTORS: The risk for breast cancer increases as women grow older, but many women under the age of 40 are diagnosed with breast cancer. All women are at risk, and in particular women with a family history of breast cancer. Being overweight, inactive, consuming alcohol, poor dietary habits, smoking and exposure to chemicals also increase risk.

PATHOLOGICAL DIAGNOSIS: If the breast specialist or radiologist is concerned about the lump or mass they see, they may wish to do a core needle biopsy. That is because no diagnosis can be made for certain without a tissue sample taken by biopsy. This is best done by the radiologist because they use X-ray or sonar guidance. This sample will be sent to a pathologist who will cut the sample into small slices and stain them specially to allow easy identification of any abnormalities or cancers. Testing takes at least 48 hours. BREAST CANCER TREATMENT: The most important thing to remember is that breast cancer is not a death sentence, nor is it an emergency. By the time a cancer is palpable (at 1cm) it has been present in your breast for at least five years. There is never a requirement for an emergency mastectomy, and sometimes the best treatment for breast cancer is to begin with chemotherapy rather than considering immediate surgery. So even if there is cancer present, you have time to consider your options, follow advice or seek another opinion. BREAST CANCER STAGING: Patients often ask at what stage their cancer has been diagnosed and how advanced it is. Although this might seem very important, in actual fact the character of the cancer, the way it behaves and reacts to treatment, is more important. For instance, an early stage but aggressive cancer may progress more quickly than a large, low-activity tumour.

Staging systems to classify breast cancer are determined on clinical and laboratory findings. The most commonly used staging system is the TNM staging system, which allows doctors at particular centres to compare their results with other centres all over the world. Thus treatment regimens in South Africa can be compared with those in the UK and the USA. The T refers to tumour size, N to nodal status, and M is used to determine metastatic disease, which is when cancer has spread beyond the breast and regional lymph nodes to the rest of the body. Metastases are little islands of tumour cells that have spread from the primary cancer and taken root in distant tissues and organs. It is these metastases that eventually cause death. Part of the staging is to perform certain tests to determine whether the cancer has spread, including a chest X-ray, bone X-ray, brain scan (MRI), abdominal ultrasound (sonar and CAT scan) and blood tumour markers. There are four stages of cancer. Stage 1 usually means that a cancer is relatively small and contained within the organ it started in. Stage 2 means the breast cancer is growing, but is still contained in the breast or growth has only extended to the nearby lymph nodes. Stage 3 cancers are locally advanced (greater than 5cm), and Stage 4 cancers have spread to elsewhere (M+).

It is your patient right to know as much as you want about your cancer and to ask about new treatments. Remember that your time with your doctor is just that: YOUR TIME. So take as much time as you need during a consultation. It is your body and your life so become involved with your health. Sources:



Medical Imaging

DIAGNOSTIC RADIOLOGY SERVICES We offer a comprehensive range of diagnostic radiology services to out-patients and hospital in-patients. We strive to deliver high quality and appropriate imaging services to our patients here in the Overberg, and thus contribute towards better standards of care. T: 028 312 1522 E: A: Hermanus Medical Centre, Suite 2, Ravenscroft Street, Hermanus WOMEN’S IMAGING: We offer mammography and breast ultrasound with the aim of early detection of breast cancer, which has been shown to vastly improve patient outcomes. We offer bone densitometry for diagnosis and follow-up of osteoporosis. Pelvic MRI is offered for evaluation of endometriosis and other conditions related to the female reproductive organs. We offer a private and comfortable environment for ladies visiting our department. PROSTATE MRI: Multi-parametric MRI of the prostate gland assists the urologist in early detection of prostate cancer and is the benchmark for evaluating the extent of disease and thus forms an essential part of treatment planning.

MUSCULOSKELETAL IMAGING: Diagnostic service for a wide range of pathology, ranging from arthritis to sport injuries are offered. The high-quality images on our ultrasound machine facilitate diagnosis of rotator cuff injuries, amongst others. Our modern MRI scanner ensures excellent image quality and represents the gold standard in imaging the hip, knee, shoulder and various other regions. ONCOLOGY AND WHOLE BODY MRI: CT scans form an integral part of the management of oncology patients. Oncology patients can have their scans done locally in the Overberg at their convenience. We offer state-of-theart whole body diffusion weighted imaging for detection of cancer spread to the skeleton.

Radiologists: Dr Illza Perold, Dr Shirley Craib & Dr Johan du Plessis

Support Staff: (BACK) Willie Tobias, Siphokazi Dumzela & Emile Johnson (FRONT) Amore Beukes & Luleka Stemela (ABSENT) Batandwa Tukela & Odwa Bhekani

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM: In order to image the brain and spine, we offer CT (computed tomography) and MRI, each of which is used in the correct clinical context, ranging from head injury, stroke and headache, to back pain. MRI of the lower back is the best modality to evaluate the intervertebral discs and the nerve roots as they leave the spine. Our three specialist Radiologists are Dr Illza Perold, Dr Johan du Plessis and Dr Shirley Craib. Our friendly and efficient administrative and radiography staff will do their utmost to ensure your visit to our practice is a pleasant experience. For more information:

Administrative Staff: (BACK) Samantha du Toit, Carla Viljoen, Chamaine Cooper & Elsabe Henn (FRONT) Tanya Marx, Shareefah Emandien & Nikita Roberts (ABSENT) Samantha Smith

Radiographers: (BACK) Leandri van der Bank, Karen Vogel, Shani Nortje, Karen Meyer & Charlene Joubert (FRONT) Ansu Coats, Marie Tiltmann & Annelie Braganca (ABSENT) Susan Prinsloo, Daleen Coetzee, Jonelle Pather, Lisa-Marie Oelofse & Chrizelle van Heerden

Beauty Pyramid


We like to focus on treatments which we consider to be fundamental, transformational and optimising. Let’s face it, looking your best is often time-consuming and expensive. With this beauty pyramid, the approach makes sense and is easy to incorporate into your beauty routine. Refine Anti-Ageing Clinic offers complimentary consultations where Dr. Emett and a therapist will work out a treatment plan for you to ensure that you are able to prioritise your treatment, with the ultimate goal of maintaining a healthy glow. We‘ll do the work, you can enjoy the results! FUNDAMENTAL IN-OFFICE TREATMENTS: We all know the drill: cleanse, tone, moisturise, and repeat. Did you know that Refine Clinic takes it one step further, with active and advanced skin care that complements our medical grade treatments? Once a month must-have treatments that would suit any budget-conscious client could include facial treatments with mild to moderate alpha-hydroxy, beta-hydroxy or TCA peels. By rapidly, but safely, removing dead skin layers, one can see a huge improvement in skin texture, colour and tone. Enzymatic facials leave the skin rejuvenated without any down time, and are suitable even for the most sensitive skins. And your once a month treatment does not have to break the bank. On the medical aesthetic side, Dr. Emett recommends Botox as a fundamental treatment.

Preventing permanent lines with the use of this muscle relaxant every six months remains one of the most cost-effective anti-ageing treatments for fine lines and wrinkles. Botox is not a poison, and it does not get absorbed into the bloodstream. It is a simple protein which, when injected into very specific facial muscles, relaxes the muscles to prevent lines from deepening. If you maintain this treatment twice a year, your dose (and hence cost) should decrease and effects last longer. TRANSFORMING TREATMENTS: Wrinkles, sagging skin and pigmentation can now be combated simply by going for a medical facial. Call them super high-tech facials; these pioneering procedures are all about results. Transforming treatments are about remodeling collagen, removing pigmentation and scarring, and re-texturising the skin surface. The revolutionary Dermapen (skin needling) is just one of these anti-ageing treatments that has won numerous awards. IPL laser can very easily remove unwanted sun damage and vascularity, leaving the skin glowing and blemish-free. Deeper chemical peels can dramatically improve tone and texture and smooth out lines, wrinkles and effectively erase signs of ageing. From the medical aesthetic side, transforming treatments include dermal fillers that can re-contour facial bone and correct fat depletion, which happens to us all as we age. Because our bones lose density (and effectively shrink), the skin begins to sag. Filler onto the jaw line, cheek bone, under eyebrows etc, can transform the face

and restore the facial proportions we enjoyed in our thirties. The Silhouette Soft “one-stitch-minilift” makes use of a long thread which can lift an entire area of the face or neck. Rejuvenating sagging eyelids has also become simple with the non-surgical PLEXR eyelid lift. No surgery, no down-time – just lift, lift, lift. OPTIMISING TREATMENTS: When it comes to optimisation, we aim to maintain and keep that youthful glow. Optimise with a Mesoglow facial once in a while, where a cocktail of active ingredients gets infused with a very light skin needling treatment. Add a radiofrequency skin tightening to your monthly peel for enhanced results. Optimising medical aesthetic treatments include making use of Hyaluronic Skinboosters. This revolutionary treatment involves very fine, watery dermal filler which the doctor lightly spreads just under the skin. It absorbs 1000 times its weight in water, leaving a hydrated, wrinkle-free skin surface. It is ideal for fine lines spanning the whole cheek and eye area. Optimising includes the doctor using dermal fillers, again to lift and smooth out fine lines. Optimising treatments are done every 6 – 12 months as top-ups to ensure you remain wrinkle free between your transformational aesthetic treatments, which are done every 1.5 – 5 years.







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BEAUTIFULLY FRENCH With summer and festivities on the horizon it’s good to have a makeup look that happily transitions from dusk till dawn. Natural, with a twist of fun and glitz. Basically, French. I love to draw inspiration from the quintessential French woman. Especially when it comes to effortless yet refined glamour. These women just know how to turn heads. Trans-continental, trans-seasonal, and transforming. Good for any age at any time of the day.

Audrey Tautou French Actress




The secret is to work your skincare from the inside out first. Start with drinking 2L of water a day, a cup (or two) of detoxifying green tea in the morning and your favourite brand of omega oil supplements for plump and supple skin. The essence of beauty is healthy skin; the rest is just, well, the cherry on top! That, also, means at home treatments like weekly scrubs with some honey and sugar, deep hydrating moisture masks (give SKOON. Ruby Marine Overnight Hydrating Mask a try) and daily sunblock. Ending, finally with a wink of Maybelline Great Lash Waterproof mascara, carefully brushed brows and stained lips with Clarins Water Lip Stain, ranging from berry to wine. Voila! Can it get any easier?




October is breast cancer awareness month. The first step in being aware is to identify your normal state of breast, and that means, on a monthly basis, to check in and become bosom buds with your bust. So, why not treat your breasts, and chest, to a well deserved month of beautifying and pampering in celebration of your femininity, bearing your summer chest proudly. All skin needs love, and to skin ‘love’ directly translates to water and sunblock. So, first off let’s make a habit of drinking lots of water, applying a high coverage of SPF and for breast’s sake, exercise ladies! Lightly stimulate and loosen your dead skin cells with an exfoliator like Esse’s Cacau Exfoliator, followed by a skin peel. My favourite is the Himalayan Almond and Cucumber Peel-off Mask to lift away winter skin and impurities. Clarins Bust Beauty Extra lift is a great daily hydrator and the perfect finish to your routine. Keeping in mind that the skin on your breasts and chest is generally quite fine, kindness and gentleness goes a long way. Feel free to experiment with your favourite products. Breast Beauty need not be complicated or expensive, simply treat it as an extension of your face. Here’s to loving your breasts and taking care of them this October!


Things to remember when doing your monthly breast check: • Do it preferably seven days after your period has ended. • Use your middle and pointer finger flat against your skin in either lines or circular movements, opposite hand to your opposite breast. • Remember your muscle and skin need to be soft and relaxed when you do your check. So don’t lift your arm above your head. • Check your entire chest into the neck, your breasts, including the nipples, and also your armpit. Get to know your own unique normal. Should there be any changes in breast size, colour and/or texture of skin or signs of inflammation etc. insist on a mammogram or ultrasound. Early detection can save lives:



Health Happens Here

‘INFLAMMAGING’ VS YOUTHFUL LIVING The word ‘inflammation’ comes from the Latin word inflamatio: to inflame or to set on fire. The term ‘inflammaging’ was originally coined by Italian Professor Claudio Franceschi in 2000 to describe the premature ageing caused by chronic (persistent) inflammation, the fuel that flames the fire of today’s chronic degenerative diseases. INFLAMMATION You hurt your finger. It immediately turns red, becomes warm and starts swelling. Pain serves to alert you to the problem. The swelling puts pressure on nerves to force you to keep your finger still. The redness is increased blood flow, carrying the repair team to the site of injury. These are the characteristics of the ‘fire’ associated with acute inflammation, vital to the healing process. BUT, what happens when orders to the immune system team are unclear? The immediate threat may be over, but they never get firm command to retreat and recover. The team keeps on working in low gear and inflammation turns from friend to foe, becoming chronic. The renegade fire of chronic inflammation has been linked to all modern-day chronic diseases. These include osteoarthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, irritable bowel syndrome, metabolic syndrome, obesity, diabetes, cancer, accelerated and premature ageing, dementia, depression, Alzheimer’s, autoimmune disease, even autism. A TASTE OF HOLISTIC, INTEGRATIVE* TREATMENT OPTIONS 1. Food as medicine Top anti-inflammatory foods to include in your healthy eating plan: complex carbohydrates, whole, raw and superfoods; unprocessed, organic, unrefined, fresh, plant-based and high fiber foods. Buy organic, at a farmer’s market, or even better, grow some of your own in your wellness food garden! Use coconut oil, olive oil, nuts, grapeseed oil and avocados for Omega 6 and 9 fatty acids, and get more Omega 3 essential fatty acids from flaxseed, and fish like sardines, mackerel, pilchards, trout and wild salmon. Include pre- and probiotics to heal and aid digestion, restoring the balance of healthy bacteria in your microbiome, the tiny universe in your gut. * Holistic, integrative medicine is a system that takes into account the whole human being (mind, emotions, body and soul within an environment). Its main focus is to optimise wellbeing, by deter-



- Dr Arien van der Merwe mining and treating the root cause of ‘dis-ease’/ ailments by integrating complementary therapies and energy refuelling, to restore our natural state of health and happiness, by supporting our physiology from body to soul. Anri and I incorporate herbal remedies, nutrition (incl. superfoods) and the Weight Control Clinic (since 1974!), fun fitness, stress management, mindfulness training and health counselling into our prescriptions for health. 2. Nutriceutical (nutri-=food; -ceutical = medicine) food supplements as a top-up to healthy eating. • A daily comprehensive antioxidant in one combination of simple elegance and synergy. • Calcium and magnesium (always together) in the correct ratio and in amino acid chelate form. • Omega 3 in the form of fish oil to supply EPA (eisosapentanoic acid) and DHA (docosahexanoic acid). • Herbal remedies: anti-inflammatory help from nature. Recipe for inflammation, colds, flu, fever, sinusitis, muscle aches and pains, joint pains: Mix a pinch each of dried (or fresh) ginger, cinnamon and turmeric in a small glass of warm water, with raw honey to taste. Drink regularly for fast relief. 3. Exercise, sleep, relax Regular, moderate, enjoyable exercise (swimming, walking, dancing, yoga) reduces inflammation. Maintain work-life balance as best you can, learn to let go, allowing your natural healing mechanism free access, and an open channel to do what it is meant to do. Make sure you get a good night’s rest, as your body replenishes, recovers and refreshes during sleep. 4. Chill out! Manage your stress triggers, especially inflammatory thoughts! Stress gives only one command: we are in a war-zone! Most of us are not even aware that this is the constant command we give our bodies, because we are so used to being all tensed-up. Your daily youthful living regime must include practical stress management, mindfulness meditation and deep relaxation.


Gum diseases can be classified into three major forms, namely gingivitis (which involves just the gum tissues, and is reversible), periodontitis (which involves the gums and the jaw bone and causes irreversible damage) and peri-implant disease (which may infect the gum and destroy bone around dental implants). Periodontitis used to be called Pyorrhoea alveolaris and is one of the reasons for the saying “getting long in the tooth” as it may lead to receding of the gums. Periodontitis is not just an oral problem, however, it is a disease with serious consequences for the general health of patients. Periodontitis increases the risk for heart disease and may also worsen existing heart disease. It is also a risk factor for stroke. Diabetic patients, especially those with uncontrolled Diabetes mellitus, may be more prone to periodontitis and periodontitis may, in turn, make it more difficult to control blood sugar in diabetic patients. Severe periodontitis may even increase blood sugar, leading to a higher rate of complications in these patients. Periodontitis may also cause pneumonia if the bacteria are aspirated into the lungs. The latest research even points to periodontal bacteria in the blood playing a role in Alzheimer’s Disease. If seen against the background of the fact that more than 60% of people over the age of 65 have periodontitis, it becomes clear that at a time when one can least afford it, periodontal disease increases the risk for cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s and pneumonia. Men are significantly more at risk than women to develop periodontitis and research has shown that they have, on top of the above risks, an increased risk of developing cancer of the kidneys, prostate and also blood cancer if suffering from periodontitis. Men also show higher levels of prostate-specific antigen if they have

prostate inflammation coupled with periodontitis. Periodontitis causes bacteraemia (spreading of bacteria in the blood) on a daily basis and this may pose a risk for any prosthesis surgery such as hip and knee replacements. Although it is likely that many patients who undergo hip and knee replacement surgery have undiagnosed periodontitis, it is recommended to first treat the disease to lower the possibility of complications.

One of the most negative aspects of gum disease is the fact that in the majority of cases it does not cause pain and therefore often goes undetected. To determine if a patient has periodontitis, a clinical examination is all it takes, and this can be done in less than 5 minutes. Although radiographs are used to determine the extent of jaw bone destruction, radiographs are not needed to diagnose whether you have the disease. Signs that you may have periodontitis are red and swollen gum margins, bleeding when brushing or flossing, and bad breath. Signs of advanced disease are gaps appearing between teeth, loose teeth and teeth moving out of position. The tragic fact is that periodontitis is completely preventable. All it takes are effective plaque control measures started at a young age, before any disease activity has begun. Periodontitis may start as early as the teenage years in patients born with a genetic predisposition to periodontitis, which can be tested for.

Although periodontal treatment may vary, a non-surgical approach to the treatment of periodontitis is, according to the American Academy of Periodontology (for more information visit, the correct protocol and will be effective in most patients. This, coupled with the daily correct cleaning of teeth and monitoring every 4 – 6 months, will be successful in treating most cases.

Healthy gums usually appear pink, with no swelling, redness or bleeding, and the gums fill the spaces between teeth completely.

Diseased gums may appear swollen and red, and will easily bleed when brushed. However, these signs may also be absent.

A sign of advanced disease is when dark spaces appear between the teeth.





BY: Dr Julienne Fenwick, Best of Both Wellness

When I moved to Hermanus, I was drawn to the town’s potential as a hub for healing. The clean ocean air detoxifies our lungs, the mountains protect us from electromagnetic noise, and the fertile soil encourages the growth of healing organic vegetables. So, when I was approached by the owners of the new OK Foods at Gateway Lifestyle Centre to start the ‘Mito Life’ and ‘Shop with Doc’ initiatives, I was overjoyed. As a doctor with a special interest in Functional Medicine, I spend a great deal of my time with each patient, teaching them how to ‘eat themselves to health’. I see it as a challenge to transform a local grocery store into a functional model for health innovation. Imagine doing your monthly grocery shop and purchasing the exact products your doctor endorses to optimise your health!

This approach, I believe, will blossom into a worldwide phenomenon, integrating the fields of healthcare, consumerism and regenerative agriculture. Functional Medicine is a holistic approach to chronic ‘disease’ that focuses on finding the cause of the problem. As Hippocrates said, “Let food be thy medicine, lest medicine become thy food”. There is wonderful new evidence that we can prevent and even cure lifestyle diseases like diabetes, hypertension, thyroid problems and even cancer by changing our lifestyle in specific, individualised ways. There is no one-size-fits-all approach and patients need to take responsibility for their own health by educating themselves on affordable and easy ways to live healthier lives. I believe that if we all work together, we can make this a reality. BIOLOGY RECAP (“Growing old isn’t for sissies”) • The body needs fuel from food in order to produce energy to survive. • Every cell in the body contains ‘mitochondria’ which are the powerhouses that manufacture ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate, the energy molecule) from nutrients during cellular respiration. • When we are young and healthy, our mitochondria produce lots of energy and we absorb nutrients better, which give us plenty of antioxidants to fight free radical damage. • As we age, our mitochondria begin to decline in function and we have fewer antioxidants to fight oxidative stress. • We have less energy, lower mood, it takes longer to recover from illness or injury, and the visible signs of ageing start to appear. The Mito-Life initiative encourages a diet based on ‘whole’ food consumption: organic (pesticide-free), non-GMO and free of harmful preservatives, colourants, emulsifiers, and hidden



sugars. Animal products should not include hormones or antibiotics. These toxins accumulate in our bodies and have been proven to increase the incidence of chronic diseases and certain cancers. The adage persists: “You are what you eat.” Choose wisely. If you don’t feel like cooking but still want a nutritious healthy meal, check out the warmfood Deli at OK Foods, Gateway, for a daily selection of Mito-Life ready-made meals: Fresh grilled hake with roasted veggies, lentil bobotie with coconut cream custard, Moroccan-veggie curry with brown rice, veggie & lentil lasagne with plant-based cheese – all Mito-Life meals are gluten-free, MSG-free and sugar-free! LOCAL IS LEKKERDER! As a society, we are bombarded with advertising that encourages us to eat processed, nutrient hollow, ‘fast foods’. As South Africans raised in a culture of having meat with virtually every

main meal and high quantities of starch, like potatoes and mieliemeel, it is a unique challenge to deviate from the mean. However, if one looks a little closer to home, Hermanus has a bustling health-conscious community that creates the most delectable, healthy meals from locally sourced organic and free-range produce. Recent studies show that changing your lifestyle in any fashion is always easier when done in a group. I believe we can actively combat the destructive fast-food culture by rekindling our passion for cooking and supporting local farmers that grow organic fruit and vegetables, eating pasture-raised meat and dairy and using eco-friendly household cleaning products. The logic stands that if more people spend a bit more on health-enhancing products, these products will become cheaper and more accessible to lower-income groups over time. Specifically, if we start the conversation with big corporations: “If we can buy certain brands

of tinned beans, for example, that don’t contain sugar, preservatives and emulsifiers and still taste as good, then your company can be doing the same.” KEEP AN OPEN MIND The vision of The Green Room (inside Green Ways Health Shop, Gateway Lifestyle Centre) is to create awareness of complementary healing practices (acupuncture, reflexology, psychology, naturopathy, energy medicine) that can often be used to treat acute and chronic conditions as a first-line treatment, instead of automatically turning to pharmaceutical drugs and surgery. Customers also have access to Functional Medicine consultations at The Green Room (on appointment with Dr Julienne Fenwick). ORGANIC OVATIONS When visiting the OK Foods at Gateway, Hermanus, look out for the Mito-Life sticker on the item shelves. This means that these foods and cleaning products have been approved by doc, and will help to support your mitochondrial function! In this way, shoppers can save time on checking labels, assured that the Mito-Life products will serve their health rather than add to their disease. The Mito-Life initiative strives to source products locally for several good reasons. Organically farmed produce is better for the environment as it encourages soil sustainability, whereas conventional agriculture strips the land of vital nutrients that take decades to replenish, leaving land barren of vital nutrients for future generations. Organic produce also does away with harmful insecticide and herbicide chemicals, which are proven to cause health problems and can seep into the underground water supply, harming natural eco-systems far and wide. Plus, according to many, it actually tastes better too! While it may impact your budget in the short-term, spending a few rands more on organic produce can save your health in the long-run, preventing chronic illnesses which cost patients and the national healthcare system millions of rands per year. If one starts to see Food as Medicine, this makes a lot of sense indeed.

Join a Shop With Doc tour at OK Foods, Gateway Lifestyle Centre and learn how to shop healthily, affordably and responsibly. Bookings can be made at the manager’s desk at OK Foods, Gateway, Hermanus (R200 per person). For more information, email Ebeline at or call OK FOODS on 028 312 3518. Check out the Facebook page mitolifehermanus@okfoodsgateway Dr Julienne Fenwick can be reached at



Good Mood Food



Watermelon Granita • 1kg Watermelon flesh, seedless • Handful of mint leaves • Juice of 1 lime

Blend all the ingredients in a liquidiser or food processor until smooth. Place in freezer-safe dish. Freeze for 30 minutes. Stir and combine well to break crystals. Repeat again after 30 minutes. Leave to freeze and when required, using a fork, scrape ice and serve

T: 076 837 4231 A: 167 Main Rd, Hermanus For more information:

Baked Ricotta

• 250g Ricotta cheese • 1 Small egg, beaten • ½ Teaspoon coarse salt • 1 Dessert spoon thyme, chopped • 1 Dessert spoon smoked chilli flakes • Rind of ½ lemon • 1 Tablespoon olive oil Heat oven to 200 degrees Celsius.

In a bowl, combine the ricotta cheese with the beaten egg, salt, lemon rind, half of the thyme and half of the chilli flakes. Mix well and spoon into 3–4 small ramekins which have been lightly greased with a little olive oil. Divide mixture between ramekins. Top with remaining thyme & chilli. Spoon olive oil over each and bake for 25 minutes until slightly raised and golden on the top.

Spring Salad

• Strawberries • Blueberries • Pecan nuts • Orange dressing

Combine your berries and pecan nuts with salad leaves and pretty, edible flowers. Make a zesty salad dressing... • Zest and juice of 1 orange • 25ml Olive Oil • 8ml Vinegar • 10ml Honey • Salt & Pepper MY WELLNESS MAGAZINE | 2019







HERMANUS PARKRUN Every Saturday, 08:00 Hermanus Forest, Camphill Road, Hemel-en-Aarde Valley, Hermanus T: 028 313 0129 E: BERG & BEACH TRAIL RUN Quantum Adventures 19 October 2019, 07:00 Fernkloof Nature Reserve, Hermanus T: 021 789 0188 E: TOUGH MUDDER 19 October 2019, 08:00 Houwteq Campus, High Rising Road, Elgin T: 021 824 3134 E:

MOVEMBER 5KM FUN RUN 30 November 2019, 08:00 Benguela Cove Lagoon Wine Estate, R43 Botrivier T: 087 357 0637 E:

A21 WALK FOR FREEDOM 19 October 2019, 08:30 Hermanus Primary School, Hermanus T: 021 551 0971 E:

RACE2STANFORD TRIATHLON 07 December 2019 Hermanus Harbour, Hermanus (Starting Point) T: 021 438 5972 E:

FNB WINES2WHALES 3 Day Stage MTB Race 25 October – 03 November 2019 Lourensford Wine Estate – Onrus T: 021 422 0331 E:

DANGER POINT Half Marathon 31 December 2019 Main Road, Gansbaai T: 072 789 3627 E:

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