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Curro Hermanus esport champions

Due to the lockdown regulations over the past few months, schools haven’t been able to continue with sport. So, the private education provider, Curro Holdings, decided to make the best out of a bad situation by forming teams for competitive Minecraft (a video game where one has to build, explore and survive).

The DeadEnders from Curro Hermanus were the senior Curro Minecraft Esports Competition winners. From left to right are Dewald Liebenberg, Lubin Venter, Malan Liebenberg, David Lindemann and Daniel Manchest. Absent: Matthew Wellington.

PHOTO: Curro Hermanus


The first competition finals (Curro Clash Minecraft Esport League) was held on 11 July this year. Angela Schaerer, the Technology Business Relationships Manager at Curro, says that during lockdown esports became an amazing opportunity because learners couldn’t connect via traditional sports or clubs. According to her, the world of Minecraft has created the perfect digital environment for learners to collaborate and play.

The students are using the education edition of Minecraft which is used to help teach science, technology, engineering and maths skills.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 16)

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