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Hermanus restaurants step up to the plate

Angry. Frustrated. Stressed. Fatigued. Those were just some of the emotions expressed by restaurant and coffee shop owners when I went on a walkabout on Saturday morning to find out how the businesses are coping with the latest spate of protest action that has gripped our town.


Along the way I met some bewildered visitors who were desperately looking for a place to have coffee, only to find closed doors with signs declaring: Closed due to the strike / lack of staff. It took some explaining to paint a picture for them of what is happening in Hermanus and they were gob-smacked, to say the least.

Click on the link at the bottom to read more!

Tired but still smiling: Martin Liebenberg of Paradiso, Petri Hendriksz of Pear Tree and Char’d, Petri’s brother Jaco, and Henri Grové of Fusion and Grove’s Café.

PHOTO: Hedda Mittner

Rudolf van der Berg of Burgundy (far right) hardly had a moment to stand still for a photo with volunteers Mike and Elaine Bayer from The Beanery and Colette Breedt.

PHOTO: Hedda Mittner

A clearly exhausted Johan and Endria Post of Café 1904 with one of the volunteers that arrived to help them out on Saturday, Chrizelle Damons.

PHOTO: Hedda Mittner

Madré Malan of the Eatery is extremely grateful to the volunteers who rushed to her aid, including Luca Visser, Oscar Knight and Yvette Hershaw.

PHOTO: Hedda Mittner

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