1 minute read

Support campaign for Renosterveld learning hub

The Hermanus district is known for its pristine Fynbos landscapes. But did you know that the largest connected stretch of Renosterveld left on the planet, is found in the Overberg. Renosterveld is a Critically Endangered habitat – and because of habitat transformation and agricultural practices, today only 5% remains. It’s part of the Cape Floral Kingdom, although it’s not as well known.

Haarwegskloof Renosterveld Reserve is a 500-hectare reserve in the Overberg that is owned by the WWF South Africa, and is managed by the Overberg Renosterveld Conservation Trust (ORCT). Aside from being part of the most contiguous stretch of Renosterveld globally, with many rare and endemic species, this reserve is also a place of learning for students.


It is home to the only Renosterveld Research Centre in the world, which has already provided research opportunities to 12 post-graduate students. The centre is an old, derelict farmhouse that was converted following a successful crowdfunding campaign.

Renosterveld is a Critically Endangered habitat that forms part of the Cape Floral Kingdom. Only 5% remains today.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 25)

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