1 minute read
Double-click for love
Writer: Hélène Truter.
Wars have been fought, hearts broken. Countless good and bad poems, movies and songs have love as their central theme. Pubs, record companies and dating sites thrive, thanks to this inexplicable emotion. Money makes the world go round, but according to Elizabeth Browning, love is what makes the ride worthwhile.
So what can I possibly add to shed light on love – the most overused, misunderstood and sought-after yearning on this messed-up planet of ours? The big guns like Shakespeare have already cornered the market.
Google to the rescue. I type in ‘love’ and get 1 340 million results within 0.25 seconds. I am way over my head here. I scroll down the page, searching for enlightenment. And lo and behold: ‘How to find love: 8 Steps’ (with pictures). With pictures! Seriously? (Note to self: Double-check what my daughter’s googling.)
Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 6)