1 minute read

Plans underway to reopen public schools

Writer: De Waal Steyn.

The big question of when and how the 2020 academic school year will resume has been partially answered by Basic Education Minister, Angie Motshekga’s announcement last week.


Regarding the ‘when’, she said schools would reopen in phases, starting on 1 June with the Grade 7 and Grade 12 classes. However, the details of the ‘how’ remain to be seen, as the minister also stressed that the reopening of schools will be subject to the implementation of strict hygiene and social distancing protocols. According to Motshekga, the final call will be made in conjunction with the National Command Council.

Until such time, teachers, learners and their parents in the Overstrand are trying their utmost to ensure that schooling in some form continues from home.

Hermanus High School Principal, Greg Hassenkamp said that during the lockdown the school has opted to implement distance learning. “This has required supplying all our pupils with the necessary resources and assistance to continue with the school's educational programme despite the fact that the pupils are at home.

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