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From the Editor: A world in one community

From the Editor: A world in one community

This is the good NEWS – Ed.


As we approach the anniversary of President Ramaphosa’s declaration of a State of Disaster and we look back on the past year, most of us may want to add several exclamation marks to that designation.

Let’s face it, it has probably been the toughest year most of us will have experienced in our lifetimes.

As the Coronavirus spread like wildfire through the land, a new virus followed on its heels: increasing poverty, food insecurity, loss of jobs, loss of life and loss of hope.

But, because nothing is ever all bad, we have also experienced wonderful acts of kindness and concern for the welfare of others.

We have witnessed firsthand the dedication of health care workers and demonstrated our own adaptability by learning new and often better ways of functioning. But mostly, we have become more aware of the importance to us of other people and of nature. In a word, there is much to be grateful for.

The development of effective vaccines in record time is an example of humankind’s consistent ability to rise to the occasion when conditions call for it.

Click on the link below to read more (see page 6)

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