1 minute read

New sports facility for Hawston

Residents of the Overstrand – and especially those of Ward 8 – will soon have access to a multi-purpose sports facility in Hawston.

The new facility will not only feature netball and/or tennis courts and change rooms, but also a cricket oval, two soccer fields (of which one will be synthetic turf), a new tartan track to boost athletics, a golf driving range, a rugby field, as well as an indoor sports centre with clubhouse and pavilion. To improve traffic flow, an access road from Church Street will be created and the parking area will be upgraded. Spotlights were installed during a previous financial year and are already in use.


The inception phase of the project started in 2012 and after years of waiting and planning, the development’s R55 million master plan, comprising three phases, is being rolled out. The R14 million for phase 1 and 2 was sourced through a MIG (Municipal Infrastructure Grant), provided by SRSA (Sport and Recreation South Africa) with the assistance of the Department of Cultural Affairs & Sport (DCAS). The remaining phases will be completed once funding has been obtained.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 3)

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