The Village NEWS 12 September - 18 September

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12 September 2018

Cape Whale Coast


FCJ Independent Newspaper of the Year


Platter’s Posh Reds


JEAN TRESFON The story behind the shot

P 15

This penguin was photographed by Chris Jooste on his visit to the Stony Point Nature Reserve in Betty's Bay which is home to a colony of African Penguins. Also present at the colony are the Crowned, Cape and Bank Cormorants as well as Hermanus's common furry friends, the Dassies. PHOTO: Chris Jooste Photography

A cleaner, greener Whale Festival Raphael da Silva


his year’s Whale Festival promises to be markedly cleaner and greener than last year’s festival, with significant investment in garbage collection and clean-ups as well as a moratorium on some plastic materials, say Jeanette du Toit, Chairperson of the Hermanus Whale Festival.

Three programmes have been set up this year to achieve this aim. The first is the Old Harbour Clean Up. Once a day, at least 15 children who are with their parents in the Old Harbour will be recruited to clean up the area. While picking up the garbage, each garbage type will be analysed to educate the kids on just how long it takes to decompose and the damage it does to the environment. Each child will receive a juice and T-shirt

while CapeNature, Dyer Island Conservation Trust and the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society will provide experts to teach the children.

07:00 to 21:00 with a team of 30 people working three shifts. Four skips have been provided by the Municipality and these will be emptied each day.

“What we learnt last year is that it is not just about littering; it’s about educating our youth to protect our oceans,” said du Toit.

“Ideally, we need up to 70 people,” said du Toit, “and we are looking for further sponsors to support this garbage collection effort. So far, a number of organisations have agreed to donate either money for salaries, cleaners, T-shirts, garbage

The second programme will be continuous garbage collection from

bags or gloves. We are also looking for volunteers.” As part of the ‘Clean & Green’ slogan, the third initiative will focus on eliminating items that negatively impact the environment from the festival. Under ‘When Balloons Fly, Seabirds Die’, the festival organisers have partnered with stallholders and local businesses not to sell, offer or use balloons as gifts during the festival. Continues on P 3


12 September 2018

Festival to focus on conservation From P 1 Under ‘Do You Really Need a Straw’, businesses are being encouraged not to automatically offer straws to customers. KFC have gone a step further and pledged to only use biodegradable straws for the weekend. “We are doing our small bit to help this great initiative,” said Gerhard Jovner, Group General Manager of the Rohloff Group (KFC). “Area Manager, Ande Krugel has been working closely with the Whale Festival to see how KFC can support them as much as possible.” Pick n Pay and Checkers will be donating 100% recycled plastic bags to stallholders to replace non-recycled bags while Coca-Cola will only be selling drinking water in an eco-twist bottle, which uses intelligent design to enable the bottle to be easily compressed and take up less space in the recycling bin. Temporary tattoos are also being banned from the festival because they contain substances that are not ecologically friendly. The festival combines whale watching from shore and sea with live shows, hands-on family

fun, street parades, film, music, seafood and local produce. This year you can expect an inter-active Eco-Marine Village Tent, where the main focus will be on conservation, with talks on whales, penguins and great white sharks, and the popular treasure hunt for kids on Saturday and Sunday. Good Hope FM will be broadcasting live for three days at the Whale Festival while a wide variety of food and drink will be available at

stalls as well as local restaurants, combined with quality craft products on Market Square and the Old Harbour and lots of entertainment for the children. On the Saturday morning the popular Street Parade will take place and you can dream of yesteryear at the Whales and Wheels Classic Car Show. Clean ups will start at 16:00 on Friday, 28 September, at 14:00 on the Saturday and at 13:30 on Sunday. All are welcome to join in.

5 reasons to support the Whale Festival With the annual Whale Festival kicking off in just over two weeks, there is much talk about this iconic festival that will be presented for the 27th year. Although local opinion about the festival is often divided, there can be no denying that it offers a much-needed financial boost to the economy as we enter our summer season. This year the whales have made an extra effort to make this eco-marine festival an even bigger success by showing up in larger numbers than previous years. This year’s Whale Festival programme will include Marine Mammal & Eco Talks, the Festival of Whales Street Parade, shop-till-you-drop stalls, Kiddies Whale of a Beach Clean-Up in the Old Harbour and on the Cliff Path, kiddies’ movies and entertainment. The very popular Pirate & Mermaid Treasure Hunt will offer everyone who plays a prize, and to top it off there will be two tablets as giveaway prizes. But what are the most important reasons to support the Whale Festival? 1. It supports the local economy Last year, it is estimated that the Whale Festival brought R55 million into the local economy, approximately R400 per visitor. While some businesses complain about the lack of sales during this time, many are clearly profiting from the festival. A check of on 9 Septem-

ber showed that only 61 businesses of the more than 200 that normally list on the website had rooms free and most only had one room left. On Air BnB less than 10% of nearly 600 places that rent for less than R1 600 a night are still available across the Overstrand. So, people are coming, and they are booking to stay for the weekend.

4. It is truly inclusive The majority of the events and festivals held in Hermanus, if we are truly honest with our-selves, are financially not accessible to many South Africans. However, whether you are a classic car enthusiast, enjoy music, want to have a picnic with your family or just sit back and absorb the vibe, there is something for everyone at the Whale Festival. Almost all of the activities at the festival are free and it is this fact that allows every South African and visitor to feel welcome.

2. Good publicity for the Festival has a halo effect for Hermanus throughout the year While many locals equate the Whale Festival with long lines twisting from the doors of some of the town’s fast food eateries and even longer traffic queues, the fact is that the Whale Festival generates a lot of publicity for the town on television, radio, digital media, blogs, inflight magazines and the news media. Last year this equated to at least R2,4 million of direct free publicity both domestically and internationally. Hermanus needs positive stories to drown out the barrage of negative publicity and criticism that the town has received in recent months.

If the citizens of Hermanus are truly interested in conserving and preserving the beauty that we are fortunate to live with every day, then we owe it to ourselves to be educated on the issues and topics around marine conservation.

3. Most of the vendors are locally-based According to the festival organizers, 65% of vendors at the festival are from the Overberg region. Supporting them helps to keep the money in the community. Preference is given first to Hermanus traders, then to traders from the Overstrand and lastly from the Overberg.

Importantly, we also have a moral and ethical responsibility to educate South Africans from all walks of life on the importance of protecting our oceans, wildlife and fauna. The more successful we are, the better chance we have of ensuring that Hermanus remains the beautiful place that it is.

5. You will learn something new 2018 is the second year of the Festival organisers’ 3-year plan to bring the Whale Festival back towards its original roots as an eco-marine festival. The Eco-Marine Tent is one of the festival’s biggest attractions and this year will be even bigger and better.



12 September 2018

Overstrand is runner-up in national arbor competition

Planting for the future

t an event held on Friday 10 September in Mbombela (Nelspruit), Mpumalanga, the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF) announced the winners of its annual Arbor City Awards.

Last week’s cold, wet, wintery weather did little to dampen the excitement when the Deep Blue Ambassadors once again participated in the Municipality’s greening events to celebrate Arbor Month in Gansbaai.

This competition, sponsored by TOTAL SA and jointly hosted by the DAFF and the Institute for Environment and Recreation Management (IERM), aims to recognise municipalities that are doing their best to green their surroundings and to encourage others to do the same.

Seventeen Wild Olives and Cape Ash trees were planted on the high school grounds of Gansbaai Academia in partnership with Dyer Island Conservation Trust’s Environmental Education Programme (known as DEEP), Marine Dynamics and International Marine Volunteers.

Municipalities from all over the country compete in three categories: Metropolitan, local and rural.

The Deep Blue programme focuses on several lessons per term about fauna and flora of the marine environment, whilst improving environmental management at the schools as well as environmental learning. The aim is to ensure that the children adopt a healthy respect for nature and a love for the environment; ultimately leading to studies in the field of marine conservation and future employment in the field.

In the category local authorities, the Steve Tshwete Municipality walked off with the coveted first prize, with Overstrand Municipality in second place. In recent years, Overstrand has made great strides with the greening of new housing developments by planting trees in co-operation with the Department of Environmental Affairs. The project that impressed the judges most, though, was the Karwyderskraal landfill site where 600 tons of green refuse is diverted on average for composting purposes. The 33 municipalities that entered the competition were judged based on the portfolio of evidence they submitted to substantiate their claims that they are ensuring compliance with the relevant greening legislation and raising general awareness regarding the importance and value of especially trees in residential areas.

Horticulturist Lauren Rainbird (2nd from left), accepts the Arbor City Award on behalf of the Municipality. She was accompanied by Penelope Aplon (2nd from right) from the Municipality’s Environmental Management Section. With them are the Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Sfiso Buthelezi (left), a representative of Total SA (middle) and the current President: Institute of Environment and Recreation Management South Africa (IERM), Bishop Ngobeli (far right). Amongst others, the portfolio had to include evidence of a greening policy and/or strategy as well as plans and a budget to support future projects aimed at clearing invasive plants in partnership with, for instance, NGOs. Entrants were also allowed to include material such as a tree register and videos/photographs to illustrate their commitment to the cause. As a matter of interest, the City of eThekwini came out tops in the metropolitan category, while the Dihlabeng Local Municipality walked

off with the laurels in the rural category. When asked what Overstrand plans on doing with their R250 000 prize money, the Municipality’s horticulturist, Lauren Rainbird said it will probably go towards planting more trees in the area. “Greening our living spaces is vitally important to our well-being. I would like to thank everybody across the Overstrand who supports our efforts in the greening of our environment,” she said.

Gansbaai's Environmental Officer, Benjamin Kondokter, says planting trees on school grounds provides an ideal opportunity for environmental education, getting children to think about greening and beautifying the school environment. “Twenty years from now, when visiting the school, they will remember this day when they planted small trees and it will be a wonderful feeling for them to see how they grew into giants,” he said.


12 September 2018

Two sides to road upgrades T here are two sides to the upgrading of the stormwater drains in Main Road and High Street in Hermanus Old Town.

the current “anchors” of the Station Square and Woolworths developments with the proposed Mitchell Square Development.

Avenue and Harbour Road. The sidewalk along the coastal edge of Marine Drive can be widened for the promenade space.

While the upgrading of the drainage system is seen as vital due to businesses flooding during heavy rains on the one side, the reality of disrupting trade holds a dim future for business owners along the affected roads, on the other.

High Street will be landscaped to create a high-quality pedestrian priority mall. Traffic circulation within the CBD does not allow for the exclusion of all vehicular traffic from High Street, however there is a lot of scope to transform the street to a pedestrian dominated space while still allowing traffic to pass through.

4. Mitchell Square redevelopment The development of Mitchell Street Square has the potential to become the heart of the Old Town as a vibrant public amenity. The proposal allows for the development of a high-quality public square with ground floor space for new businesses opportunities such as cafés and restaurants.

2. Taxi Rank and Municipal Precinct Upgrade Undefined and unused vacant land, haphazard parking, trading and taxi operations are an eyesore and the Royal Street end of the Municipal precinct is underutilised. The main ideas are to introduce new developments, landscaping and pedestrian improvements that can establish a clear sense of arrival and a gateway into the CBD. The tennis courts and adjacent land are earmarked for sale and redevelopment. This lends itself to developments that can accommodate mixed use tenants and well landscaped public squares that open onto the Royal Road circle.

This proposed intervention is a key investment in the public environment in the core of the CBD, knitting together key destinations and pedestrian routes along High, Mitchell and Long Streets. This will establish a strong central square at the centre of the CBD, intended to connect Station Square/ Woolworths as well as Market Square and the Cliff Path.

“There is good and bad news. The good news is that at long last not only the drainage problem will be solved, but the upgrade will also provide an opportunity to start work on the regeneration of the CBD,” says Ward 3 Councillor Kari Brice. “While the road surface in High Street is dug up, instead of retarring the road it will be paved and upgraded to a more pedestrian-friendly area as envisaged by the CBD Regeneration Framework that was adopted by Council in 2016. The bad news is that it is impossible to carry out the much-needed maintenance work without disrupting business in some way or the other.” According to the Municipality, work on the project in High Street and Main Road will start in May next year and should be completed by the end of July. Maintenance work in Marine Drive next to The Marine Hotel will commence in August and should be completed by November. Kari says R4 million has been allocated for the drainage system and R3 million for the upgrading of High Street. “Part of the project is to create a Corporate Identity for the Old Town that will be incorporated into High Street and then rolled out to the rest of the area as the different projects are undertaken.” Hamish Hofmeyr, chair of Hermanus Old Town (HOT), a group of likeminded business owners who share a vision for the regeneration of the district, says many business owners are concerned that road closures will be detrimental to their business. “While we understand the need for the work and that the regeneration process must start somewhere, several business owners have indicated that they are under huge financial strain due to a slump in business brought about by the unrest and lower tourist numbers.” It is estimated that the regeneration process will cost R20 million to complete. Here is a recap of the six focus areas as proposed by the Regeneration Plan: 1. High Street High Street can be transformed into a vibrant, pedestrian-friendly retail street that connects

3. Swallow Park and Marine Drive Swallow Park is a significant green space and public amenity, ideally located to integrate the CBD with the Cliff Path. However, its amenity and sense of safety are undermined by the fact that it is surrounded by roads with parking bays. The plan proposes that the park interfaces with the surrounding properties. These areas should be improved so that the buildings on the park edges open onto the park and the pedestrian connections through and around the park are improved. The current layout of the Main Road / Marine Drive Link / Park Avenue intersection needs to be improved. The concept proposes that the Marine Drive link to Main Road should be closed and incorporated with Swallow Park allowing the retail and restaurant activities to open onto the park. Facilities for cyclists must be provided and Swallow Park upgraded to make provision for seating, lighting and public toilets. Swallow Park can also be improved with a pedestrian avenue and cycling link across Marine Drive serving as a gateway to the coastal and biodiversity walks that are enhanced with a pedestrian promenade along Marine Drive. Traffic flow becomes single direction along Marine Drive between Park

5. Lemm’s Corner Lemm’s Corner is the knuckle that connects the core CBD with the coastal edge. The main ideas are to make improved provision for pedestrians through widened sidewalks, tree planting and improved crossing points. This flexible “village green” open space can be used for many events from markets to art installations and exhibitions. The proposal includes raised pedestrian crossing points at the Main Road and Harbour Road intersection; linked pedestrian connections through the alleyways from Marine Drive, with pedestrian crossings; a raised pedestrian intersection where Long Street intersects Main Road; and improved pedestrian sidewalks and signage down Main Road. 6. Old Harbour Precinct The Old Harbour precinct is a valuable asset to Hermanus, particularly as a tourist attraction. It is proposed that development opportunities are proactively explored with the Museum Trust to investigate the adaptive reuse of buildings to accommodate commercial opportunities such as restaurants, venues, whale listening facilities etc. The amphitheatre space is a significant asset to the precinct and small interventions that would improve the unity between the Old Harbour Museum, Bientang’s Cave, and viewing points around the war memorial canon to the amphitheatre space will continue to improve the value of the precinct as a positive destination and public attraction. – De Waal Steyn


12 September 2018

Let’s Talk



Gas Deliveries 028 312 2020

It’s time to stop the madness I have refrained from writing earlier, in the hope that the madness would cease, but it hasn’t, and so I feel obliged to express an opinion. Every time one opens a local newspaper one is confronted with grandiose plans that the Municipality intends implementing or approving.

ments are struggling to survive. Did the Municipality ever ask whether the majority of residents, not just the majority of Councillors, want this sort of development? Who do these developments benefit? Predominantly up-country developers and investors who care little about maintaining the sense of place that makes Hermanus and surrounds unique, providing they can turn a profit.

So we have an impressive bypass being planned; Schulphoek was sold for an exclusive housing development; the Whale Coast Mall is a sad reality; inappropriate developments are proposed for the Fernkloof Nature Reserve; an upmarket hotel and housing complex has been approved for De Mond; a vast housing development is nearing finalisation for Sandbaai commonage; Paradise Park residents are facing eviction to make way for another housing complex; a hotel development at Fisherhaven at the expense of the yacht club has been announced – the list goes on and on.

Do officials in the Planning, Roads, Electricity and Engineering Departments prefer to be involved in large-scale projects with interesting challenges, which may well require the appointment of consultants, additional staff and the purchase of new equipment, rather than simply ensuring that our existing infrastructure is wellmaintained? After all, fixing potholes and mending burst pipes is not much of a challenge.

This all in the name of “development”, “progress” and “job creation”. All this while existing housing complexes are only half-developed, shops in the CBD stand empty and existing accommodation establish-

The argument that jobs are created and additional funds generated for the Municipality is a spurious one: such jobs are often temporary and filled by persons who come from outside the re-

Send your letters to

gion, and the money generated is quickly spent on another new project. The last straw for me was the article about the storm water system in Main Street that is going to be “upgraded”, due to flooding that might occur once in fifty years. R4 million is to be spent over nine months (“more funds need to be secured”), businesses who are struggling to survive are going to be disrupted (“we understand the repercussions for businesses when we dig up roads in front of your businesses”), tourism is going to be negatively affected (“High Street will be closed to both vehicular and pedestrian traffic”), simply because for a few hours every fifty years the Main Road experiences some minor flooding that affects a few business premises. This while there is no money to implement the revitalisation of the CBD, which was listed as the number one priority by almost all business enterprises, although R3 million has been secured for the upgrades to High Street. Surely, there are more pressing issues

facing Hermanus that de-mand the allocation of funds: serviced plots for residents in Zwelihle and Mt Pleasant, recreation facilities in these areas and the revitalisation of the CBD. I am sure that the majority of residents would support ratepayers’ money being spent on these projects, but their voices are not being heard. This is a manifestation of a wider problem: we claim to live in a democracy, where government is “by the people, for the people”, but in reality we live in a society that Woodrow Wilson described presciently in 1916: “… no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men”. While he was addressing the issue of national government, his words are even more true of the situation in local government that we experience today. We have surrendered our will to the will of politicians and officials who think they know what is best for us on all issues, without ever canvassing our opinion.

Weather forecast for the next week & De Bos Dam level Wednesday 12 September

13°C / 17°C Partly cloudy

Thursday 13 September Friday 14 September

14°C / 16°C Clear

14°C / 17°C Clear

However, we can change this if we have the will and determination to do so. We can demand that our elected officials consult the electorate on major issues and then vote in accordance with these wishes, and we will hold them accountable. It is quite easy for them to ascertain the will of the majority; electronic media would allow polls by WhatsApp or other social media. We have seen how effectively we can obtain the views of people around issues such as the future of the Fernkloof Nature Reserve. We should demand that our elected officials ascertain and implement the views of residents. If they fail in this duty we will elect officials who do, irrespective of their political affiliations, or perhaps preferably, we will elect those who are not aligned to any political party. In this way no major decision about the future of our region could be taken without establishing the views of residents, and then implementing the majority view. Only then will truly democratic principles prevail in local government.

Phillip G Parsons


Saturday 15 September Sunday 16 September Monday 17 September Tuesday 18 September

12°C / 15°C Clear

11°C / 14°C Partly cloudy

13°C / 16°C Rain

13°C / 15°C Rain

De Bos Dam Level



12 September 2018

The Boonzaaiers light up my life I was delighted to read your article about the Boonzaaier family (One for all and all for one: Kleinmond’s Boonzaaier Dynasty) in the 5 September edition of The Village NEWS. I discovered ST Motors in the year 2000 when I first came to live in Kleinmond from Zimbabwe. I had motored all the way down from Salisbury and needed to get my car rejuvenated after the long trip. I was recommended to call in on Schalk and have never looked back since. He has always been available when my car has been in trouble. When it packed up one New Year’s Eve, when I had Zim family staying with me, he lent us a car to get us where we had to go until he had fixed mine up days later. My three grandchildren in Zim are now in their teens but I remember, when they were very small, they visited me for Christmas and we took them out to see the Christmas lights in Kleinmond. We had been told that Schalk's family usually had a great display at their house. It was all in darkness. The children were rather loudly demanding of us to know where these lights were and suddenly a glorious display was revealed. There was Santa Claus climbing up the chimney and all his reindeer pulling the sleigh filled with presents. The kids were overwhelmed with joy. Thanks, Schalk, I bet you'd forgotten that! Now I live in Hermanus, but I still rely on that family for car services, tyre renewals and coffee while I wait. Thank heaven for the Boonzaaier family – I couldn't do without them in my car life. Helen Granville



The Team


6 Royal Street, Hermanus

028 312 2234

More awareness leads to better results For the past few years there has been growing unease regarding the Whale Festival as an ecomarine festival and the amount of waste generated during the festival. This year it is evident that the festival organisers and other stakeholders have put shoulder to the wheel and have come up with innovative ideas to not only help keep our town clean but also turn it into an educational ad-venture for children. We are certain that as many adults as children would be interested in learning about waste and the impact it has on our environment. When talking about waste and the impact thereof on future generations, the question “what kind of planet are we leaving for our children?” often comes to mind. But the idea of not educating our children about waste management leads one to ask: “What kind of children are we leaving for our planet?” These are the kinds of questions that events such as the Whale Festival must answer.

Publishing Editor De Waal Steyn 083 700 3319

PnP, Checkers and KFC onboard to create awareness about waste, the local efforts will be so much more successful. As a town we must thank those in charge of piloting this change and urge those who are still sceptical about the success and impact of the festival to become personally involved. By remaining on the sidelines there is no action. By becoming involved and making a positive contribution the change that is expected can become a reality. This is not only true about the Whale Festival but also about driving social change within our communities. By joining organisations and giving input the voice of the people can be heard. Organisations like ratepayer’s associations, neighbourhood watches and community police forums can do with more active members. We urge our communities to become involved in charting the way forward for our region in a positive and uplifting way.

By bringing some of the larger businesses such as

This is the good NEWS - Ed

Content Editor Hedda Mittner 083 645 3928

Design and Layout Nickey Jackson 079 408 7722

Office Administrator Tania Hamman

Decomposing the Posers and Composers Our old chum Wee Willy Shakespeare innocently suggested: “If music be the food of love, play on.” Fortunately for him, he hadn’t come across The Sex Pistols, Helmut Lotti, and the Eurovision Song Contest rejects, or he could well have written: “If music be the food of love, wear sonic condoms.” (Lat: audius reductum) During, and emerging from the dark ages, music was normally schlepped around by singing troubadours playing things like lutes, flutes, hurdygurdies and tambourines. All very good and clean and fresh – like Mary Poppins. Hmm… But within a couple of centuries, 4B (Brahms, Beethoven, Bach ‘n da Boys) did justice to Bill the Bard’s original sentiment. They proved music can be the food of love, and with a flurry of flutes, seductive strings and flights of fancy, they elevated music to new heights. Oddly enough, Beethoven made such a poor impression on his piano teachers and Haydn – who taught him harmony – that they pronounced him hopeless as a composer. Now, even if you’re into Slam Rap or Death Metal, you’ll have to agree the Moonlight Sonata – as far as ‘the food of love’ music goes – is very evocative, a bit like the Barry White of piano sonatas. No audio contraceptives required here. However, Beethoven was deaf as a bucket of coal when he wrote his greatest work, the 9th Symphony, which to me is just showing off. Mozart, another 4B member, also knew his way around a music score. More of his works are still in active use

Marketing Manager Kathy Bentley 083 581 7219

A Far Kraai Murray Stewart

by orchestras today than any other composer in history – apart perhaps from Bach. Mozart composed, wrote out all the parts, rehearsed, and performed his Linz Symphony in C Major all in five days, which to me is like showing off even more. Some composers would write ‘musical puzzles’ for amusement. Haydn’s Piano Sonata in A for example, has a minuet in which the second part is the first part in reverse. Arnold Schoenberg’s Pierrot Lunaire goes forward to a midway note, then works its way backwards to the start/end. Quite why Paul Hindemith wrote a piece that could only be played upside-down and in reverse beats me, but his mother must have been very proud. Before we jump ahead to the last century, music unfortunately proved to be disastrous for the Sybarites way back in 510 BCE. To add pomp and glamour to their parades, they taught their horses to dance/prance rhythmically to music, which is all well and good. But when they invaded Croton in Italy… not so good. As the Sybarites got close, the Crotons struck up a lively tune on their pipes and drums, and the cavalry charge broke into an impromptu dance routine. I’m not making this up. The Sybarites were slaughtered,

but the horses were spared, and a few ended up as instructors at the Arthur Murray Dance Studios. Some are still there apparently, although this bit is unconfirmed. Anyway, leaping ahead to the 20th century, and some of the more prolific composers of the time had quirks of their own. Irving Berlin, one of America’s most famous songwriters never learned to read or write music. He taught himself to play the piano in his off-time as a singing waiter in a saloon. He could only play in one key – F#. Later in life he would hum or sing the tunes to his assistant who wrote them down in musical notation. He ended up composing and publishing over 1 000 songs, which is like around 90 albums worth of tunes! Busy boy. Composer John Cage’s Imaginary Landscape No 4 (1953) never sounds the same twice. It is scored for twelve radios tuned at random. One can only wonder how long before the audience sneaks out for those sonic condoms available in the foyer? Entering a Tom Petty concert in NY, I was issued with a set of earplugs – by law – to avoid litigation for ear damage. Rather pointless, really. Like attending an art exhibition with the lights off. If music be the food of love, let’s keep the lights on.

FOR FACT’S SAKE – 2 1. Ancient Egyptians mummified dead bodies by wrapping them in bandages and then smearing them with beeswax, oils and salt. The Persian for wax was mum, and in Arabic it’s mumia. 2. The art of mapmaking predates the art of writing. The oldest known map, in the Semitic Museum in Harvard, is a Babylonian tablet from around 2 500 BCE. 3. When the queen bee lays the eggs that will develop into new queens, only one survives. The first new queen to emerge from her cell destroys all the other cells so she can reign alone. 4. Einstein, Newton, Pasteur and Thomas Edison were among the geniuses who did poorly at school. Edison’s mom, a school teacher, was so embarrassed by her son’s grades that she removed him from school altogether and taught him herself.

Marketing Representative Laetitia Prinsloo 082 738 3765

Journalist Elaine Davie 084 343 7500

Photography & Social Media Taylum Meyer 084 564 0779

WHERE TO FIND US The Village NEWS is published every week and the next edition will be available on 19 September. The NEWS can be found at over 300 distribution points on the Cape Whale Coast, from Pringle Bay to Gansbaai. Get your FREE copy from major retail stores such as Spar, Checkers and Pick n Pay, and at restaurants, tasting rooms, galleries and shopping centres. Should you wish to receive a copy, call us on 028 312 2234 or 083 228 7523 or pop into our office at 6 Royal Street, Hermanus.



12 September 2018



Calling all would-be journalists, writers and bloggers

Let’s Talk

The Village NEWS is growing! In order to meet our ambitions, the newspaper is looking to dramatically increase the number of freelance writers and journalists on its team. Candidates who are based in or outside of Hermanus, who have a keen interest in writing, understand what is going on in their communities and have a “nose for news” are welcome to contact us.

Become a HAWS volunteer Are you short or tall? Fat or thin? Are you super fit, reasonably fit or even unfit? Are you wealthy or poor? Are you happy or sad? Whichever of these descriptors applies to you, you are needed at the Hermanus Animal Welfare Society (HAWS). Can you spare an hour, half an hour, or even 15 minutes of your time? HAWS needs your help in taking our dogs for a walk and a chance to sniff out-side the confines of the kennels. We cannot promise that all the dogs will be well trained or walk perfectly on the leash, but what we can guarantee is that these canines will shower you with love and gratitude and will probably jump up and try to lick you to death. All you need to bring is yourself, wearing good walking shoes, a hat and sunblock. If you don’t have a leash, we can supply you with one. If you are unable to walk dogs, per-

haps you would like to spare some time helping to pamper the pooches. We have a bundle of puppies at the kennels at the moment. Perhaps you would like to help socialise them by interacting with these little creatures. They all need love and attention and will thrive with your help. Please, we appeal to you to help us help those who cannot help themselves. You have never really lived until you have done something for another living creature that can never repay you. Just knowing that you are helping these animals is a joy to the soul and there will be no time for sadness. Just present yourself at the kennels’ office at 4 Steenbras Road, Hermanus Industrial Area, and we will take it from there. Pamela Quinn, HAWS Chairperson

More praise for Hermanus Day Hospital On Friday 24 August I had to attend the Hermanus Day Hospital for surgery. What a pleasure it was, while somewhat apprehensive of what was to come, to be greeted by smiling, friendly faces from clerical admission right through to the ward and theatre staff. What a difference to see nurses with patients instead of constantly doing unending clerical work. How much

more hygienic to see linoleum floors instead of carpets in the wards! Better still was seeing the sister cleaning a bed after a patient’s discharge. What a wonderful example to her nurses! May you all be proud of your work and continue in the same vein for years to come. Thank you. Gill Hazell

The NEWS is also very keen to recruit writers from townships in the Overberg in order to better represent the issues and concerns of these communities. If you don’t have journalistic experience, don’t worry. Training will be provided. But you need to have a talent with words and a good command of the English


language. We are also interested in having specialist writers join the team. If you have expertise in a particular subject matter and love to write, let us know. If you have ever fancied yourself as a blogger/vlogger, now is your chance to establish yourself and your reputation. Let The Village NEWS know what type of blogs/vlogs you would like to write or produce and how often you would be able to post. All interested candidates should send their CV or LinkedIn profile as well as an example of their work to or drop the documents off at The Village NEWS offices at 6 Royal Street, Hermanus.

Overberg toy drive brings joy to children

hen Emi-Lee Laubscher, a Grade 3 learner at Hermanus Primary School, decided to clean out her room anticipating the family’s move to their new house, her grandmother, Tammy, suggested that she give her dolls to less fortunate children in the community. She was able to donate several as she had always looked after all her toys. This is how it happened that the Special Needs Team of Circuit 2 of the Overberg Education District, Dr Magda van Biljon (Psychologist), Debbie Johnson (Learning Support Advisor - Remedial Education) and Nolundi Nkwentsha (Social Worker), were able to give toys to 50 young learners this past week. Community members also knitted and crocheted a number of teddy bears that were added to the growing collection. For many of the 50 little ones it was the first time they had owned a toy that was exclusively theirs. The smiles on the little faces are a testament to the joy they experienced. One class in Lukhanyo Primary School broke out in a full singing and dancing session with their newly acquired toys. “The value of having toys should not be underestimated,” says Magda. “Children

learn through play how the world works. It ena-bles them to practice skills and understand how to care for some-thing. A doll or soft animal also provides an object to attach to, to hold when one feels sad, lonely or scared.” Magda adds that studies have found that play is positively related to a host of cognitive, creative and social skills. When playing, children learn to share, to negotiate conflicts, find solutions and develop empathy, which are

key components for educational, social and emotional success at school and in later life. If members of the Hermanus community would like to follow in EmiLee’s footsteps they are welcome to donate clean, unbroken toys to this drive. Toys can be dropped at The Village NEWS office in Royal Street. The Special Needs Team of Circuit 2 of the Overberg Education District will ensure that all donated toys reach children that will benefit from them.




Posh Red Wines: Age is not just a number


he Platter’s Posh Reds evening presented by Wine Village at The Classroom on 30 Au-gust, in collaboration with the Diners Club Platter’s Wine Guide, presented wine lovers with a unique opportunity to taste a selection of 12 rare vintages that are not usually available to consumers. The line-up, presented by JP Rossouw, publisher of the Platter’s Wine Guide, included a 1997 vintage of Springfield Methode Ancienne and a 2007 vin-tage of Rust en Vrede 1694. The Hemelen-Aarde Winegrowers Association also selected four of their best red wines for the tasting – 2016 Creation Art of Pinot Noir, 2016 Bouchard Finlayson Galpin Peak, 2015 Newton Johnson Granum, and 2015 Restless River Cabernet Sauvignon. During the course of the evening, JP shared some insights into the daunting task of rating wine. Al-though subjectivity must be controlled, he em-phasised the importance of grading as it provides guidance for wine consumers. “All great industries and enterprises thrive on external assessment and constructive criticism to improve themselves. So, while wine producers may not always agree with our reviews, they mostly understand the vital importance of having a ‘book of record’ for the industry.” Now in its 39th edition, the Platter’s Wine Guide encompasses all of South African wines and has informed consumers for decades, becoming an indispensable “book of record” for all wine lovers. Started by John and Erika Platter at a time when the wine industry was still in its infancy, this iconic annual publication has grown along with the in-dustry and JP admitted that grading all the wines that are now being produced has become a rather “complex and burdensome” task. The use of stars to rate the degree of excellence of wines was introduced by John and Erika

Platter, who did most of the tasting themselves but gradually had to add more team members as the Platter’s Guide continued to grow. One of the objectives of the Platter’s Posh Reds evening was to put the star-rating system to the test by retasting wines that had been rated highly over the years, to see how those wines have aged and whether they still hold up. According to JP, points scoring (out of 100) will be introduced in the new edition of the Platter’s Wine Guide, as this benchmark is better under-stood by the market and will add nuance. There will also be more emphasis on the story behind the wines as this background information is also important to consumers and more interesting than clinical tasting notes. At the end of the day the critical question of what makes a wine great remains. The answer is a complex one, said JP, as it is a combination of various factors that include character, elegance, balance, complexity, interest – and the key factor of durability. If there is one thing that the Platter’s Posh Reds evening underscored, it is the fact that great wines age well.

JP Rossouw, the publisher of Diners Club Platter’s Wine Guide, with Jaco Sadie of Wine Village.

The tasting concluded with a buffet of tasty canapés and small plates, expertly prepared by Chef Kevin Warwick and his team. Paul du Toit, owner of the Wine Village, said the event was one of four big tastings they want to do every year. This was the second event, following on An Evening with Tim Atkin, which focused on a selection of the most interesting South African white wines, chosen by the Wine Village and this award-winning British journalist, author, international wine judge and Master of Wine. Wine enthusiasts are looking forward with anticipation to the next ‘big tasting’! – Hedda Mittner

Winemaker Gerhard Smith of Creation Wines.

Ulla du Toit of Wine Village with winemaker Craig Wessels of Restless River. PHOTOS: Taylum Meyer


12 September 2018




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Wednesday 12 September

■ Hermanus Bird Club monthly meeting: The guest speaker is biologist Sally Hofmeyr, who has studied large terrestrial birds (including the Black Korhaan and Secretarybird) and how they are responding to environmental change. At Fernkloof Hall, with drinks served at 18:00 and the meeting starting at 18:30.

Thursday 13 September ■ Rotary Club of Hermanus: Visitors are welcome at Rotary’s weekly meetings. Contact Frank on 082 870 1187 to confirm your attendance. At Mollergren Park, every Thursday at 19:00.

Friday 14 September ■ Bhuki Café: Everyone is welcome at Friends of the

Library's Bhuki Cafe where a cup of tea or coffee and delicious eats will cost only R20. Every cup helps to raise funds for new books. Every Friday from 09:00 – 11:30, at Hermanus Library. ■ Kolwyntjie Teetuin: Everyone in the area is welcome to enjoy a sweet treat and tea or coffee at a nominal fee, and make new friends at the Onrus Care Centre (Dienssentrum). At the Onrus Dutch Reformed Church, every Friday between 09:30 and 11:30. ■ Travel Writing Course: Hit the road to adventure

and creativity on this course run by James Bainbridge, a Lonely Planet author with 15 years' experience. Featured at this year's UCT Summer School and National Arts Festival, the workshop includes a lively mix of teaching, exercises and opportunities for feedback on your work. It will cover everything from research techniques and memory aids to writing processes and honing your prose, with inspiration from passages by great travel writers. The cost is R1 000 pp. Booking is essential as places are limited. Contact 073 335 1196 or At Betty Blue Bistro, 126 Main Rd, Hermanus, from 09:30 – 16:00. ■ The Science of Firefighting: U3A Overberg will

present a talk by Louise Wessels and Reinard Geldenhuys of the Greater Overberg Fire Protection unit based in Bredasdorp. Members R10; Non-members R25. In the Catholic Church Hall, at 10:00.

perform all your favourite hits from the ‘60s, ‘70s and ‘80s. Cover charge R50 pp. Call 028 313 2137 to book. At Soul Café, 181 Main Road, Hermanus, at 20:00.

Saturday 15 September ■ Hermanus parkrun: Meet for the weekly 5 km walk or run, come rain or shine. The route is dog friendly and children are most welcome. Set off from the Overstrand Training Institute (OTI) farm on Camphill Road in Hemel-en-Aarde Valley, at 08:00. ■ Hermanus Country Market: A favourite among the locals. Young, old, two-legged and four-legged family members are all welcome. You’ll find wholesome goodies, home-made crafts, local produce, beers and wine, speciality foods, coffee and live music. Next to the cricket field, Fairways Avenue, from 09:00 – 13:00.

■ Market in the Garden: Hunt for treasures at this peaceful market set among the shady trees of a beautiful garden. At St Peter’s Church in Main Road, Hermanus, from 09:00 – 13:00. ■ Fioré Country Market: Browse this new country

market in Bot River for homemade crafts, books, local treats, fresh fruit and more. Stands are free and in the event of rain the market moves indoors. For enquiries, contact Debbie Randall on 028 284 9220. At Fioré Garden Centre & Coffee Shop, Bot River, from 09:00 – 14:00. ■ Botrivier Hotel Market: For hand-made crafts

and tasty treats, come and browse the new weekly market in the hotel garden. New vendors are welcome; contact Erna at or 028 315 2582 or WhatsApp 076 708 0818 to book your stall. At the Botrivier Hotel, every Saturday, from 10:00 – 14:00.

fundraiser that comprises an art exhibition, art auction and music by David Fritz. R100 pp. Contact 028 312 3721/3722. At the Municipal Auditorium, at 18:30 for 19:00. ■ Rewind: Join Soul Café every Friday night and relax to the tunes of their resident band as they

pop-up cooking demo where she will inspire you to cook with broad beans by creating a delicious Lebanese broad-bean casserole called Yakhnet Fassoolia, with special rice and a tasty starter. Seats are limited; call Meagan on 028 312 4979 to book. At Goozi Kitchenshop, Mitchell Street, Hermanus, at 10:00.

Wednesday 19 September ■ Camphill AGM: Members of the public are invited to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Camphill Farm Community. RSVP to Zandile Jacisa at or call 021 200 2230. In the Mercury Hall, Camphill, at 13:30 for 14:00.

Sunday 16 September

Wednesday 19 – Friday 21 September

■ L2L Practice Walk: A 22 km walk from the Gateway Centre, up Rotary Way and through Fernkloof Reserve down to Grotto Beach and back to Hermanus along the Cliff Path. Estimated time: 6 – 7 hours. Meet at The Beanery, Gateway Centre, at 07:30. ■ Lemm’s Corner Market: This popular Sunday market offers exclusive arts and crafts, and handmade local products. At Fisherman’s Village (between Cattle Baron and Fisherman’s Cottage), from 10:00 – 15:00.

Monday 17 September ■ Afrikaans Lecture Series: U3A Overberg presents a talk by Prof Lina Spies on the poetry of NP van Wyk Louw, titled Gedigte wat nog tot ons spreek en… die eeue in hul oormag terg. In the Catholic Church Hall, at 10:00. ■ Hermanus Astronomy Centre: Join HAC for their monthly meeting, where guest speaker Dr David Buckley will present a talk on Gravitational Waves, the new frontier in astronomy. Dr Buckley has been an astronomer at SAAO since 1992 and was the SALT Astronomy Operations manager and SALT Science Director until 2015. For more info, contact HAC secretary Peter Harvey on 081 212 9481 or In the Catholic Church Hall, at 19:00.

■ Goozi Arabesque: Join Eunice Rademeyer for a

■ The story behind the shot: Join Whale Coast Conservation for their AGM. After the brief business of the meeting, guest speaker Jean Tresfon will talk about his work as a conservation photographer and relate the story behind some of his amazing photographs, both under water and from the air. At the Green House in Vermont, at 17:30.

■ Hermies Sing Pop & Rock: Featuring the popular Rock ‘n Roll Tribute Band, Rewind. The cost is R120 pp, including drinks at interval. Tickets available online at At the Whale Coast Theatre, Whale Coast Mall, at 19:30.

■ Hermanuspietersfontein Food & Wine Market: Where local and international foodies and wine lovers meet. You’ll find real plates and real cutlery; real cups and real glasses; a real hangout for real people. In the courtyard of Hermanuspietersfontein wine cellar at The Village, from 09:00 – 13:00.

■ Book launch: Join Yogaheart for the launch of Johannes de Villiers’ book Kalmte in die Malle Gejaag. This book on Mindfulness is enjoying huge success in the Afrikaans book industry. Enjoy wine and snacks, meet the author and have your copy signed. Contact Pauline Leppan on or 071 304 6456. At Yogaheart, 1st Floor of Woolworths Station Square, at 18:30. ■ Art & Wine: Support Huis Lettie Theron at this

■ Mindfulness Workshop: Appreciate the magic in everyday life. In this workshop, Johannes de Villiers will share practical techniques of mindfulness. Learn an essential and enriching life skill for modern-day living. The cost is R350 pp and booking is essential. Contact Pauline Leppan on 071 304 6456 or At Yogaheart, 1st floor of Woolworths Station Square, from 11:00 - 17:00.

Tuesday 18 September ■ The real meaning of Islam: The first of three lectures in U3A Overberg’s Cultural Heritage Course presented by Dr Robin Lee is entitled The real meaning of Islam and gives a general overview of the cultural heritage, beliefs and practices of Islam. In the Catholic Church Hall, at 10:00.

■ Spring Self-sufficiency Workshop: Learn all about keeping chickens and rabbits, the basic principles of beekeeping, and how to garden and grow your own organic veggies, herbs and fruit. You will spend a day in the kitchen cooking, bottling and preserving seasonal produce. The workshop includes tea and lunch every day and a farm-life inspired dinner at Graze on Friday night. The cost is R1 000 per day or R3 000 for all three days. Email for more info. At Good Luck Cottage & Graze Slow Food Café, Stanford.

Thursday 20 September ■ Hermanus Business Chamber: Meet the Chamber’s new committee members and other business people, make valuable new connections and promote your product/business while enjoying light refreshments. The Committee’s Portfolio Managers will share their ideas and vision for the way forward after the challenging times businesses have been experiencing. The cost for this networking session is R100 pp for members and R120 for non-members. Register now by contacting Alta Pretorius on or 028 315 1619. At the Windsor Hotel, at 18:00.

Friday 21 September

■ Sensational Spring Paint and Sip Night: Unleash your creativity in aid of the Hermanus Frail Care Centre (Sofca). Professional artist Maureen Tomaino will be there to guide you and all paint materials will be supplied. R320 pp will also include a complimentary drink and a light meal. There will be a cash bar at club prices. Come on your own, with a partner or a group of friends for a fun-filled night. Contact Jennie at or WhatsApp 082 890 3494, or Gayle on or WhatsApp 082 836 8975. At the Sandbaai Hall, at 19:00.


12 September 2018

Two bright new stars in the Visual Arts firmament


omething to be proud of: Two Grade 7 pupils from Zwelihle Primary, Tadewanashe Dzenga and Siposethu Ntetha returned from the ‘Pictures of the Overberg’ prizegiving event in Caledon on 1 September sporting two shiny gold medals for the art works they submitted to the competition, organised by the Western Cape Education Department. Not only that, but they were amongst the youngest as well as the only Xhosa winners in the Overberg region’s senior division for Grades 7 – 9. The two talented boys attend afternoon art classes at the Enlighten Education Trust once a week and their work was submitted by their art teacher, Ashleigh Temple-Camp, together with the work of three other young artists from the same group. There were two themes this year: ‘I am a South African Artist, too’ and ‘Behind the Mask’ and their multi-media submissions were hailed by the judges as quite exceptional. Even their scraped-board frames were art works in their own right. After a rousing reception by their schoolmates at assembly on Monday, they

are now getting ready to represent the Overberg at the very swish provincial gala evening in Stellenbosch on 15 September, together with their proud parents and teachers.

and interests. Some of them may have the passion and the talent to go on to become professional artists or even art teach-ers, but even if they don’t, it will certainly enrich their lives immeasurably, as well as sharpening their skills in other fields.”

This is only the second year that this competition has been run and Ashleigh is excited by what she considers a wonderful initiative by the Education Department to shine the spotlight on the visual arts and to encourage schools to nurture the talents of their pupils.

Inevitably, the stumbling block is funding. With the town’s strong focus on the Arts, let’s hope there is a potential patron in Hermanus who will step forward to create a platform to develop the artistic talents of young people in our communities. It may even be in the form of sponsorships for four or five really gifted children who would like to take art for matric, but would need private coaching to make the grade.

Sadly, not all schools have the human or other resources to do this and once they pass on to High School many of her pupils do not receive the support they require to go on to greater things in the art world. Ashleigh and others in the field are working together to find a way to continue stimulating and guiding the amazing talents of children and young adults in our region. “I have a dream,” she says, “of creating an arts incubator and gallery in which to display their work for the public. They need to be exposed to as many techniques and genres as possible, so that they can explore their strengths

Zwelihle Primary learners, Tadewanashe Dzenga (top) and Siphosethu Ntetha sporting the gold medals they won at a recent art competition.

Those who would like to get a taste of the remarkable work being done by the children who attend weekly art classes at Enlighten should diarise 7 November, when they will be organising a retrospective exhibition of the year’s work. Further information can be obtained from Ashleigh TempleCamp at 083 208 5608 or Enlighten Education Trust at 028 313 0974. - Elaine Davie

Spring Artwalk brings a ray of sunshine Artwalkers were rewarded with a burst of sun-shine after the heavy rain on Friday afternoon, just in time for the start of the first Hermanus First Fridays (HFF) Artwalk of the season after the galleries took a winter break. Locals and visitors were out on the streets, strolling from gallery to gallery, admiring the artworks on display while mingling and enjoying the snacks and wine on offer. It was particularly busy in Harbour Road, where many Artwalkers visited the art galleries and dropped in at The Wine Glass, which opened last week. The HFF committee has confirmed that there is no truth to the malicious rumours spread on Facebook that they are planning to make the Artwalk “more formal” and ask an entry fee. “We never have and never will charge for the Artwalk,” said Terry Kobus. “In fact over the past four years all the galleries have offered complementary wine and snacks to patrons. Only one gallery owner is asking a refundable R20 deposit on wine glasses as he has had many glasses disappear and it may be this that has created confusion and speculation.” The next Artwalk will be on 5 October. Terry Kobus and Roelof Coetzee of Originals served wines sponsored by Sumaridge.

Frieda Lloyd enjoying a coffee at Post in The Courtyard, with owner Carel Kuschke and his son, Indra.

PHOTOS: Taylum Meyer

Ethan Gerstner (5) was fascinated by this artwork at Rossouw Modern.

Raphael da Silva and Angus Kuehne with Theresa le Roux, co-owner of the newly opened StArt Gallery in The Courtyard off Harbour Road.


12 September 2018

No blues for Betty Blue on her third birthday


hen the first issue of The Village NEWS hit the streets of Hermanus on 1 September 2015, there was an advert on page 2 announcing the arrival of Betty Blue in town. This new bistro opened its doors a week later and so, this month, we both celebrate our third birthday. And what a journey it’s been!

What’s Cooking RESTAURANT NEWS Hedda Mittner

At the time, the owners of Betty Blue, Rayno and Celia Rabie, told me that they simply could not imagine their lives without a restaurant. “I just love food and I love looking after our patrons. They are not just customers – they are our friends; and this is not just a job to us – it’s our passion,” said Celia with her usual bright smile. Having turned Savannah Café into one of the most popular eating spots in Hermanus after they arrived from Nelspruit in 2001, followed by the Burgundy which they bought in 2009 and elevated to new heights with their trademark magic touch, the Rabies took a well-deserved break before embarking on their new venture called Betty Blue Bistro. “We started from scratch with a blank canvas,” Rayno told me just before they opened. “Celia adores white and natural wood, and that was our starting point.” Next came the beautiful hand-painted Moroccan floor tiles, the whimsical Parisian wallpaper, with added splashes of navy blue and a delicious buttery yellow to create an inviting space with a light, clean and fresh look. When it came to the menu, Celia was equally inspired to introduce a fresh new concept to Hermanus that had not been done before. Brainstorming sessions with her food-stylist daughter, Inemari, led them to the versatility of pancakes, and new ways of incorporating innovative versions of this traditional South African favourite on their menu. Another novel concept that was inspired by the traffic light colours of green, red and yellow/orange led to the colour-coded breakfasts, salads and fresh juices. Barely a year later, the Rabies were overjoyed when Betty Blue was announced the winner at the 2016 Eat Out Mercedes Benz Everyday Eatery Awards as the Best Bistro in the Western Cape. And this coveted people’s choice award was not the first; they had already won the Chef Rôtisseur and Chef de Table from De la

September is a special month for Rayno and Celia Rabie (below). They have just celebrated Betty Blue’s third birthday with their staff (above), this week Rayno celebrates his 60th birthday and a few days later it will be the Rabie’s 25th wedding anniversary.

Chaîne des Rôtissuers, Petit Futé from Établissement Recommandé and L’Ordre Mondial des Gourmets Dégustateurs. The following year Betty Blue went on to garner a ‘Highly Commended’ award in the coffee shop category of the 2017 Eat Out Best Everyday Eateries Awards and was also selected for Eat Out’s Best Healthy Restaurants in SA, as one of only three restaurants in the Winelands and Surrounds category, along with the Greenhouse at Babylonstoren in Franschhoek and Meraki in Stellenbosch. Rather unsurprisingly, they also featured in the glossy 2018 Eat Out Guide among the 500 Best Restaurants in South Africa. Articles on Betty Blue have also graced the pages of Rapport, De Kat, Sarie Kos, Getaway, Visi and Taste magazines, while Celia’s cooking skills were featured on Justine Drake’s TV programme, Just Cooking. And so it goes on – one amazing achievement after another. And I don’t think we have heard the last from this classy lady, despite the trying circumstances that Betty Blue has experienced, along with every other eatery in Hermanus, over the past few months. “The dogs are barking but the caravan keeps moving,” says Rayno with his usual optimism, quoting Gen Jan Smuts. “You are the master of your own destiny and I have realised that you have a choice, every morning when you wake up, whether you are going to be negative or positive. As business owners we are dependent on our staff and vice versa – we can’t simply close our doors when the going gets tough. We have a responsibility towards our staff, our clients, and the future of our town.” Celia adds that during the worst of the riots, she said to Rayno: “We will make this work.” And so, she says, she put on her red lips and pulled herself towards herself, telling Rayno that “this is going to be our big test”. Much of their resilience can be attributed to the Rabies’ many years of experience. “The main thing is that you have to be able to plan ahead,” says Rayno. “You also have to be realistic and always stay positive, otherwise you’ll go bonkers in this business!” He admits that Betty Blue was a huge risk. “We took a gamble not only on the

location, but also the name, the décor, and the type of food we serve. It is gratifying to see how our concept is appealing to a younger market – and the tourists love it!” Rayno is always quick to credit his wife for their success, emphasising that a restaurant is not just about the food or the setting – it is about the whole experience. A big part of that is Celia’s bright smile, her unflagging energy, and her ability to make everyone feel welcome, to engage with people and turn clients into long-standing friends. “I’ve had offers to franchise Betty Blue in Stellenbosch and Cape Town, but how do I franchise Celia?” he chuckles. “To be successful in the highly competitive restaurant industry, you have to have passion and you have to be on your toes all the time,” says Celia. “Betty is not going anywhere and we are here to stay.” She has faith that the visitors who have been coming to Hermanus for generations will not stay away. “Hermanus is too special,” says Celia. “You can’t just follows trends; you have to be a trendsetter,” adds Rayno. “People can try to copy your ideas but they can’t necessarily copy the quality of your innovations. That’s why you always have to stay one step ahead.” Rayno says the importance of the restaurant industry for Hermanus cannot be underestimated. “Apart from the industry’s huge contribution to job creation, the restaurants act as satellite offices for Hermanus Tourism as visitors often ask for tips and information about where to go and what to do. And so much of our holidaymakers’ and tourists’ perception of Hermanus depends on their dining experiences – if you’ve had a bad meal with unfriendly service it will definitely have a negative impact on your overall impression of Hermanus as a destination. Great dining memories, on the other hand, will ensure that people return again and again.” The Rabies are grateful for the opportu-nities they’ve had to contribute to the industry and elevate it to a new level of excellence. “Hermanus has definitely upped its game and now offers a more sophisticated dining experience, with top chefs and good service. There are so many positive things happening in our town and we should all continue to work together and support each other for the good of Hermanus.”

12 September 2018

LET MUSIC BE THE FOOD OF LOVE The opening of The Singing Cook on Saturday 8 September was a jovial affair with guests enjoying food, wine and music in the spacious restaurant and outside on the expansive lawns of Rivendell Wine Estate. This familyfriendly venue has been taken over by Antonio da Silva-Swart, who many locals know as either the ‘Beach Sheriff’ of the Coastal Cleanup Conservation Trust, or as the Elvis Presley impersonator whose voice bears an uncanny likeness to that of the king of rock. What few people know, however, is that Antonio was also a financial advisor and insurance broker in one of his previous lives, before turning restauranteur and caterer. Not only is he a topnotch cook but he also managed a popular restaurant in Hout Bay for many years. By Antonio’s side is partner Louise van Zyl of Sprokkelster-fame, who has added her own colourful touch to the interior design and even set up a playroom where children can be entertained while the grownups enjoy their meal. “We realised that there was a shortage of venues where children and dogs are welcome and where the whole family can relax,” says Louise. They look forward to offering train and pony rides for children, picnics on the lawn, long tables in the vineyards, Sunday family meals, dinner dances and braai days. Find The Singing Cook at Rivendell Wine Estate on the corner of the R43 and R44. Call 072 462 4271 or 082 896 5106 to make a reservation. PHOTO: Leijla Steyn



12 September 2018

Hermanus celebrates its flower power Come do


veryone is invited to join the Hermanus Botanical Society at the annual Hermanus Flower Festival in the Fernkloof Nature Reserve gardens to celebrate our natural heritage over the Heritage Day long weekend from Friday 21 to Monday 24 September.

interesting scheduled talks, presentations and workshops in the Market Hub on topics related to managing water and celebrating the bounty of our natural environment. Consult the programme on the website, to make sure you don’t miss out.

The theme this year is Watching Water in recognition of the need to understand how precious our water is and how it can best be managed and conserved.

Festivalgoers will also be able to buy bunches of cut fynbos flowers and other environmental treasures in the Market Hub while enjoying the many exhibits related to this year’s theme. Included will be a display in the EcoTent of the water-saving products and grey-water systems that are available to us to save water and pay less for what we need.

The Festival is open to the public from 09:00 – 17:00 each day. For only these 4 of the 365 days in the year, there will be an entrance fee to Fernkloof Nature Reserve: R25 for adults, R10 for Senior citizens on Friday 21 September, and children under 12 or in school uniform enter free. The Hermanus Botanical Society is raising funds this year for the maintenance and repair of some of the most popular and well-used paths in Fernkloof Nature Reserve for the safety and enjoyment of all visitors. This Nature Reserve, located on the doorstep of Hermanus, is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Overberg region. It is well known for its amazing biodiversity where 21%

of plants of the Cape Floristic region can be found. Some 60 km of hiking paths give visitors an oppor-tunity to explore the naturally oc-curring flora and fauna while enjoy-ing spectacular panoramic views across Walker Bay. Spring is a parti-cularly rewarding time of the year when the fynbos is awash with new, colourful blooms. Flower Festival visitors will be able to enjoy the wonderful fynbos arrangements in the Fernkloof hall and the display of some 400 identified and named specimens that are in flower in spring. Members of the Hermanus Botanical Society will be on hand to guide visitors through the display and answer questions. In addition to information boards and photographs in keeping with the Watching Water theme, there will

Exciting creative activities for children will be housed in the Craft Corner in the amphitheatre gardens. Here the younger visitors to the Flower Festival will have the chance to make things out of natural and recycled material to take home with them. There will be a small fee for participating to cover some of the materials used. Children will also have the opportunity to meet some important visitors on Sunday 23 and Monday 24 September – the raptors and

owls from Eagle Encounters. They will be able to interact with these special creatures and learn all about them in the Craft Corner in the amphitheatre gardens. Spring is a time to rejuvenate our gardens with the natural fynbos that thrives in our climate. Fernkloof Indigenous Nursery will have a sale with 20% off all plants from over 150 species to choose from. These are unbeatable prices for your Spring garden. You can also just relax with a cup of tea or coffee and delicious homemade cakes or a light lunch with a glass of wine. Take a break on Friday morning from 09:00 – 12:00 and enjoy the special Fynbos Friday Treats – R40 for a hot beverage and choice of something tasty to go with it. Before you leave, take a ticket in the Raffle with a chance to win one of many amazing prizes. There will be a special Family Challenge testing your environmental knowledge to celebrate Heritage Day on Monday 24 September. Keep an eye on the website for all the details or follow the Hermanus Botanical Society on Facebook.

the Funky!

Dust off your mountain bike, grab you trail running shoes out of the cupboard and load the family into the car – it’s time to make your way to the funkiest festival in the Overberg! The Funky Fynbos Festival, which kicks off on Friday afternoon 21 September and runs until Sunday 23 September, will be hosted at two iconic venues in the Gansbaai area. The first is the Lomond Wine Estate where all the sporting events can be found, including MTB and trail running, a biathlon, canoe race and fishing competition. Wine tasting, craft beer, artisan stalls and the Gansbaai Academia Marimba band can also be enjoyed among the vineyards and around the Lomond dam. The second venue is the Gansbaai Harbour, where you will find the Funky Fynbos Market, live music performances, fun activities for the kids and much more. Bring the whole family for two fun-filled days! You’ll find all the details at For enquiries, contact Caron Lee at or Glenda Kitley at


12 September 2018

Jean Tresfon: the story behind the shot MY NEWS Environment THE

Jean Tresfon is a marine conservation and wildlife photographer who specialises in underwater and aerial images. He lives in Cape Town and his passion lies in capturing alluring and unusual wildlife images to showcase both his city and his country as a superb photographic destination. Jean is also a pilot and has found that flying and diving share a common trait. They both allow a different and unusual perspective. More recently, he has started building a collection of aerial images to showcase the magnificence of the Western Cape. Jean has won many awards for his photographs. His close-up picture of a humpback whale feeding near Hout Bay won runner-up (Behaviour Category) at the Underwater Photographers competition 2017. A few weeks ago he caused great excitement among conservationists and the Whale Coast whale watchers with his aerial survey of Southern Right Whales. He reported a total of over 1 300 whales between Hawston and Witsand – the greatest number recorded since surveys started. The images of mothercalf pairs and mating pairs taken from his gyrocopter enthralled us. The good news was seized upon by the media and individuals alike. Who does not

“Photography has the ability to either shock and galvanise people into action (in the case of showing the horrible side, such as mountains of dead abalone), or to amaze and inspire them to protect our coasts by showing them the wonder and beauty of what we still have left that is worthy of protection.” – JEAN TRESFON.

love a good news story? Jean’s foray into underwater photography was a natural extension of his many years spent diving. He found it so frustrating to try to explain the wonders of the underwater world to his surface-dwelling acquaintances that he started taking a camera with him on his dives. The rest, as the saying goes, is history. Jean believes that the lack of official protection for many of our underwater ecosystems stems from their inaccessibility and our own “out of sight, out of mind” mentality. He hopes that his images will inspire more people to both visit and conserve these beautiful places and their inhabitants. Asked why he thinks Cape Town is special in terms of underwater photography, Jean says: “This temperate water zone is incredibly rich in nutrients and animal life with a huge variety of species available to photograph: from the giant mega-fauna such as southern right and humpback whales, to sharks and dolphins of every description, as well as hugely diverse fish species, and of course not forgetting the small stuff for our macro friends!”

DIVE ROBBERS For five days, Jean Tresfon had been trying to photograph the feeding frenzy that develops when sardines and herrings migrate off South Africa’s Wild Coast. His luck finally changed in clear water a few miles off Port St Johns. “Activity was intense, with dolphins herding the fish into a ball from below, while Cape gannets rained down from above. I couldn’t wait to get in the water.” Gannets were plunging down several metres at great speed, catching and swallowing several fish in a dive. In contrast, Cape cormorants diving from the surface were much less successful. But what they lacked in fishing skill they made up for with thievery. “In this picture,” says Jean, “the gannet is desperately trying to swallow a herring as a gang of cormorants gives chase.”

What is Conservation Photography? Skilled photographers have long been using the camera to tell stories, to document wildlife, as well as to document changes in the natural world caused by human interference. Wildlife photography has been a genre for nearly as long as the camera has existed, but it is only recently that ‘conservation photography’ has been recognised as an important speciality. It might sound self-explanatory, but what exactly is conservation photography and how is it being used? Conservation photography is a relatively new art form. It aims to capture iconic and thought-provoking images by skilled and passionate photographers to give a voice to our fragile earth. It raises awareness, focuses attention and often evokes strong emotions. The images can be uplifting and inspirational or they can depict the horrors of the critical environmental issues challenging our society today. With electronic media at our disposal, iconic photographs can spread rapidly. They can bring us the awe-inspiring beauty of fynbos in the Cape Mountains, or the excitement and delight of seeing a whale breaching and her calf attempting to do the same. Contrast that with images of a rhino calf trying to prod its slaughtered mother, face hacked off, to please get up. Or a baby orangutan clinging hopelessly to its dead mother’s chest. Both types of images convey a strong, thought-provoking message. Conservation photography can bridge language barriers and can be easily understood. It is increasingly being used across the globe to promote and garner support for conservation of the environment. A visually powerful photograph can evoke strong emotions that inspire us to action, change our collective behaviours and in this manner reduce our negative impacts on our fragile earth. In the words of Peter Chadwick, another well-known conservation photographer: “We are changing the world one photograph at a time.”

The story behind the shot is the topic of the talk guest speaker Jean Tresfon will give at the Whale Coast Conservation Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 18 September at 17:30 at the Green House. All are welcome. Contact Anina Lee on 083 242 3295.


HERMIE THE HUMPBACK WHALE Louis and Mireille Pretorius of Creative Notions proudly show off their supersize stuffed whale, Hermie, which weighs about 12 kg and charms everyone who walks into this haberdashery shop in Long Street. Creative Notions stocks domestic and industrial embroidery machines, sewing, quilting and labelling machines (they also offer a maintenance and repair service), and craft accessories ranging from threads and sewing patterns to an exciting range of gifts. Their stuffed whale soft toys made from denim are cuddly and adored by young and old, especially tourists, says Mireille. They come in three sizes – key ring, baby and standard size – and can also be made to order. Louis is the stitcher who is responsible for these creations and he is now working on adding Rory the Right Whale to their soft toy collection. “Rory is a little more difficult to make because of the shape of the southern right whale and the callosities on their backs, but I’m getting there,” laughs Louis. Hermie whales can be purchased at Creative Notions and selected retailers in town such as Africa Blu, Super Plants and Trendy Tots. You’ll find Creative Notions at 23 Long Street and they can be contacted on 028 312 2182 / 2313. Visit their online shop at PHOTO: Hedda Mittner

12 September 2018

NEW VET CLINIC The Village Vet Clinic in the Eastcliff Centre, which celebrated its opening on Thursday 30 August, is a dream come true for veterinarian, Dr Melinda Devenish. Before opening her own clinic with the encouragement and support of her family, and especially her husband, Francois Gildenhuys, Melinda was treating animals at the Hermanus Animal Welfare (HAWS) Clinic. She says she would like to continue helping out at HAWS once her clinic is up and running. The Village Vet Clinic will function as a day hospital for animals where they can be brought for general health check-ups and small procedures such as dental work and medicated baths. “We want people to feel relaxed when they come here and know that we will really take special care of their pets,” she says. ”That is why our slogan is We love them like you do.” Village Vet is also a stockist of Hills, VetsBrands and Royal Canin as well as Rogz pet gear. The premises feature a commissioned work by local artist Petrus Viljoen, seen here behind Lorraine Janke (Village Vet receptionist), Dr Melinda Devenish and her husband, Francois Gildenhuys (the practice’s manager). Contact the Village Vet Clinic on 064 875 9935 or visit them at Shop 2B in the Eastcliff Centre on the corner of Main Road and Fairways Avenue. PHOTO: Taylum Meyer


12 September 2018

Putting children and books on the same page


hildren’s urge to play is powerful. Visual images from nightmarish refugee camps in France, Turkey, Bangladesh and Sudan, surrounded by violence, desperation and hopelessness, show children playing, living in a world of the imagination where they can process the unhappy present and learn physical, cognitive and social skills that will remain with them forever. Access to books and storytelling which millions of children around the world are denied is a vital extension of this need to imagine different worlds, different possibilities, different ways of living. It was this principle which drove storyteller/authors Lesley Beake, Gcina Mhlophe and Sindiwe Magona to launch the Child-ren’s Book Network in 2012. Their aim was to introduce the magical world of books into the lives of as many children as possible who through poverty and other adverse circumstances have had little or no exposure to them. They wanted, too, to link books to fun, to creative play, to development of the imagination; indeed to allow children to experience the freedom of simply being children. Lesley Beake, who now lives in Stanford, is the Director of the Children’s Book Network. As she says, “My home, my life, my world is filled with books. If I could wish one wish for any child, one child anywhere, it would be the ability to decipher the riches books bring.” She is intent on reaching out to as many children as possible, and converting them to the joys of reading; hence the mantra of the Children’s Book Network, to put children and books on the same page. She started this crusade by running oneto three-day workshops for children, mainly in Clanwilliam and the Red Hill informal settlement in Simonstown. Having experimented with the format and content of these workshops and having witnessed the remarkable impact they had on the children (mostly aged between 9 and 12 – children who usually can read, but mostly don’t) and their attitude towards books, she decided they had to replicated. So with enthusiasm and energy she plunged into formalising the Children’s Book Network as a registered non-profit Trust, with her old friend Gcina Mhlophe



HELPING Hand Sponsored by Hermanus

as Patron. With the encouragement of friends from different parts of the world who assisted with seed funding for the project, she began to run workshops in the Overstrand and the greater Cape Town area. Completely hooked on the concept, and the effect it was having on hundreds of children, she soon felt, however, that they were not reaching enough of them. After a two-year developmental period, she was thrilled earlier this year to launch a new project: a CBN toolbox (and a less extensive toolkit) for the use of librarians and teacher-librarians, so that they could run their own workshops for even more children. Each toolbox contains all the materials and books needed to run four sets of themed workshops, with a workbook to guide the facilitator. This year alone, through the various elements of the project she envisages reaching around 21 900 children! She has been on a mission to introduce the concept to library forums in the Overberg and Boland, but in the meantime, she has continued to run workshops herself in the Stanford area, while two other facilitators are running similar workshops in Mitchell’s Plain and Khayelitsha. “Our workshops are wildly exciting”, she laughs. “Our books are selected according to themes and they are available throughout the workshop for quiet reading alone or with a friend. But then we play wonderful games around the same theme and the children write, read, sing, song-write, discuss and play music. We often invite experts on the relevant subjects to share their special skills and knowledge with the children. It’s not just a case of helping the children to enjoy reading; it’s also to provide them with a safe space where they can simply be happy and let their imaginations fly.” Lesley says she felt a sense of desperation, mixed with disbelief when she read the report on the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), which was released in December 2017. It commented that the literacy crisis was far worse than previously thought, with 78% of Grade 4 learners unable to read or understand what they were

reading. Lesley says this is what they, too, were finding on an informal basis. “In a workshop of 25 nine- to twelve-year-olds, we would find at least one who couldn’t read at all and many who could only read with difficulty. We also routinely find that none of them have ever read for the sheer joy of it.” Yet, they come and continue to come to the workshops, which are usually held on a Sa-turday morning at the Butterfly Centre in Stanford, some of them walking several kilo-metres from farms outside the town to get there. During the winter holidays, 47 attended a three-day workshop of books, music and art activities – and no one missed a day. Although workshops do not usually cater for more than 25 children, being school holidays, many of them were babysitting younger siblings – and of course they couldn’t be left out! Fortunately, Lesley had the help of a group of teenagers from Hermanus High – the teen team, she calls them – and they led a lot of the games and activities for the children. “I’m in the early stages of discussions with the school at the moment to see whether it will be possible to continue this relationship”, says Lesley. “It was a huge success. Most of our children don’t have older role models to look up to and for the teenagers, too, it provides an important opportunity for community outreach and the chance to build con-structve relationships with younger children.” This encounter with the little ones has persuaded Lesley to introduce what she calls ‘Little CBN’ for children from Grades 2-4 who just turn up expecting to participate. Last week was National Book Week and what could be a worthier way of marking it than by highlighting the exciting work of the Children’s Book Network, based in Stanford, but eager to reach out to children further afield. During September, Saturday workshops will continue in Stanford, with a very special celebration on Heritage Day. Lesley Beake can be contacted on or 082 6464420. For more information visit – Elaine Davie


12 September 2018

Your heart is not merely a pump Heartfelt feelings ‘My heart’s not in it anymore’; ‘my heart is sore’; ‘my heart is breaking’. We have all uttered these phrases. They are not simply figures of speech, but reflect our intuitive and often unconscious understanding of the heart as the seat of the emotions and soul. In all cultures and religions, the experience of peace, love, healing and harmony are seated in the heart and thymus (responsible for immunity) region in the chest. Feelings of love also have a positive influence on the immune system, hormones and cognitive brain function. In his book, Love and Survival, Dr Dean Ornish says that the most important contributing factor to heart health, is the love and intimacy found in close relationships. Research has shown that people in Japan and France (both countries with low heart disease risk) have very close family and friendship links. In fact, lack of love, intimacy and a support system is the most consistent predictor of heart disease. This is a more consistent factor than genetics and risk factors such as obesity, too little exercise, high LDL-cholesterol, poor nutrition and smoking. Some of these risk factors can even be attributable to lack of social interaction and feeling isolated and alone. People smoke, drink, or overeat as an ineffective, harmful way of stilling the mind from the stressful monkeychatter, mistakenly trying to prevent suppressed emotions from surfacing, or even to form an unconscious layer

A holistic integrative approach to Heart Health by Dr Arien van der Merwe (MBChB ASCHP MISMA)



MY Health

of protection. All these are triggers for the stress reaction where the heart and cardiovascular system are constantly put on red alert to react in the classical stress response: fight or flight (when faced with danger, real or imagined) or protect and conserve (against cold and hunger, real or imagined).

than twice the risk of death from heart disease compared with employees who have low job strain. The stress levels and risk for employees with effort-reward imbalance (low salary, lack of social approval, and few career opportunities relative to efforts required at work) were 2.5 times higher. High job strain also showed increased total cholesterol at the five-year follow up, while effort-reward imbalance showed an increase in body weight. Being underwhelmed is just as bad for your health and happiness as being overwhelmed.

The process of blocking emotions occurs on a deeply unconscious level in cell memories and does not imply that you cause your disease on purpose. You can however, become consciously aware of these issues and through process work and deep healing, help your inner self to heal, leading to personal power, inner peace and better health.

More and more research studies show the link between the heart, the emotions, stress and the fact that the heart also functions as brain:

Heart research As reported in the British Medical Journal, cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of death in modern society. Employees with high job strain – a combination of high demands at work and low job control – have high stress levels and more

The heart has receptor sites for, and manufacture of, peptides that are identical to the neurotransmitter message-carrier molecules inside the brain. It is now crystal clear that the heart is a very important endocrine gland, making and releasing the major hormone, ANF (atrial natri-

uretic factor). ANF has a profound effect on the brain’s limbic structure and function. The limbic system is the seat of the emotions and stress survival reaction, and is also called the emotional brain. The limbic system includes the hippocampus where the memory, learning and control centres for the entire hormonal system reside.

within the limbic system of the brain. ANF influences not only the heart muscle contraction and pressure in blood vessels and kidneys, but also the mood-influencing adrenal glands, as well as the brain. In emotionally healthy people, there appears to be a strong tendency for the heart and brain to have a smoothly functioning dialogue, and to remain synchronised, or entrained. Entrainment reflects a positive frame of mind, but also helps create it, in part by enhancing the balance of the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic / relaxing, and sympathetic / excitatory system). The body, clearly, can help heal the mind. But what gets this healing process started? The mind itself. Your mind, when focused on appreciation, positive self talk, love and peace, has a limitless power to trigger physical and emotional healing.

60-65% of heart cells are neurons (nervous system cells), and not cardiac muscle cells as previously believed. These neurons are identical to brain neurons. 50% of the heart neuron cells translate information from the whole body to keep it functioning as a harmonious whole. The other 50% have a direct, unmediated neural connection with the emotional brain inside the head, with a 24/7 heart-brain-heart dialogue we are completely unconscious of.

Heart Facts Find out more about Dr Arien’s natural, integrative, holistic approach to heart health and what you can do to take responsibility for your own health and wellbeing by attending a talk she will present on Wednesday 19 September at Col’Cacchio Hermanus at 17:30 for 18:00 entitled Heart and Brain Health.

Stress accelerates your heart rate through secretion of the adrenal stress hormones adrenalin, noradrenalin and the long-term stress hormone cortisol. Stress is initially experienced as emotions or feelings

Dr Arien will also present a workshop on Saturday 22 September at 09:30 for 10:00 until 12:00 at Ocean Basket Hermanus entitled Healthy Hearts and Happy Minds. Visit


12 September 2018

Tackling the challenges of wound care


t’s like eating an elephant one bite at a time. That is how Sister Hilda Leach of the Hermanus Wound Care Services Clinic describes the critical process of healing wounds. “Every wound is unique, each one presents its own challenges, especially those that are sometimes dismissed as ‘difficult to treat’ and the only way to succeed is by taking one step, followed by another, then another, until you reach your goal of coaxing the body to heal itself.” People do indeed have strange passions, but a passion for wounds must be one of the most bizarre. Yet that is Sister Hilda. “People often say they don’t know how I can bear to look at some of the wounds I am presented with,” she continues, “let alone touch them. But I forget everything when I’m faced with a new case; it takes no effort on my part to focus and start figuring out the best way to tackle the challenge. And you cannot believe the satisfaction when the patient walks out completely healed!” Many patients who have experienced the healing hands and encouraging laughter of Sister Hilda over the past 10 years will, therefore, be filled with sadness when they learn that at the end of 2018, she will be hanging up her gloves, at least for the time being. She needs time off to complete her

MSc Infection Control dissertation through Essex Online (University of Essex, UK).

antimicrobials in an era of antibiotic resistance, biofilm and “super bugs”, has her undivided attention.

This has been a long professional road for her, having obtained her B.Cur degree from the University of Pretoria in 1986. Once she started her career, she tried various aspects of nursing, even working as a missionary nurse in Bolivia, South America – but none of them felt right for her somehow. Then she stumbled on diabetic foot care, which inevitably led to wound care.

“Antibiotic resistance has actually led us back to the beginning, to the basic principle that prevention is better than cure,” she smiles. Although she describes herself as a lifelong ‘doer’, with the wealth of academic research now taking place she feels she is at a point where she needs to stop and re-fill her tank of knowledge before moving back to the world of clinical practice.

She completed the International Interprofessional Wound Care Course (IIWCC) offered jointly by the Universities of Stellenbosch and Toronto in Canada in 2012/2013. The IIWCC changed her life in terms of the science of wound care. She became aware, for example, of how important it is to assess whether a wound is healable or not – if there is insufficient blood-flow to the wound, the best dressing in the cupboard will be ineffective in bringing about healing. Insufficient blood supply, coexisting co-morbidities and some chronic medication, may delay or inhibit the healing of a wound. Indeed some wounds may not heal at all, but will need to be carefully managed in the long term.

Sister Hilda Leach, Hermanus’s binder up of wounds for the past ten years is taking time off to complete her MSc degree. Sister Hilda initially worked for Advanced Wound Care Services, a network of clinics owned by Professor Alan Widgerow nationally, including Hermanus. When he moved to the US, Prof Widgerow made these clinics available for sale to the private wound care practitioners who had manned them and this was how Hermanus Wound Care Services came into being, with her as the owner/manager.

bubbles, “and I am so grateful for the relationships I have built up with doctors and patients. You do not work on your own in wound care; you are a member of a multidisciplinary team, together with GPs, specialists and whoever else is involved with the welfare of the patient, and I have had wonderful support from the doctors here in Hermanus as well as some from over the mountain.”

“I can tell you, the past 10 years in wound care have been the happiest and most satisfying of my life,” she

Now though, what fascinates her are the more recent developments in infection control. The role of topical

“I feel as if I’m at a sort of cross-roads in my career at the moment,” she adds. “It’s an exciting place to be and we’ll see what options open up at the end of August next year after my dissertation has been submitted. I feel as if I was made for wound care, though, so I can’t see myself wandering too far from that path in the future.” In the meantime, while she is studying, she looks forward to having frequent cups of coffee with the many patients who have become friends over the past 10 years. “You know what they say,” she smiles, “in the end, laughter is still the best medicine.” Sister Hilda Leach can be contacted at or 028 312 2897. - Elaine Davie


12 September 2018

What homeowners need to know about electricity and their homes


omeowners are at risk of having their insurance claims rejected if it is found that they are not in possession of a valid Electrical Certificate of Compliance (ECOC) for their property. This is according to Marike van Niekerk, Legal and Compliance Manager at MUA Insurance Acceptances, who says that insurers expect their policyholders to prove that they have taken reasonable measures to manage the risks associated with their insured assets. “Legislation requires a homeowner to be in possession of an ECOC, as proof that the home’s electrical installation is safe. Insurers expect the same.” She says that in the event of an electrical fire in one’s home, insurers may request proof that the home’s electrical connections had been inspected and certified by a qualified electrician. “The most important thing to remember, is that a Certificate of Compliance is not indefinite. In terms of the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) anyone selling a home is required to present an ECOC (that is no older than two years) before they can



were invalid due to new electrical upgrades to the home, or in the worst cases, certificates that were fraudulent.”

MY Home

transfer a property to a new buyer. If any changes have been made to the home’s electrical connections since the issuing of the last ECOC, the seller will have to apply for a new certificate before the transfer.” With that said, Van Niekerk warns that the new homeowners also need to make sure that the ECOC is valid when they buy their home. “An insurer may decide not to pay a fire claim (for example) due to faulty electrical installations if the current home-owner did not conduct due diligence to ensure that their ECOC was valid. It has happened before that sellers provided certificates that

Van Niekerk adds that homeowners should ensure that their electrical risks are proactively managed. “Being able to prove that the owner of a property did everything reasonable to manage the risks that regular wear and tear poses to a home’s wiring, can help during the claims stage. It is also good home maintenance practice to have one’s property re-inspected by a qualified professional at least every two years.” To further prevent any possible claim rejections, van Niekerk advises homeowners to get registered installers to perform maintenance on all installed electrical appliances, such as ovens, as well. “There are major implications to not adhering to all the regulations pertaining to a home’s electrical connections, and homeowners place themselves in peril – both financially and physically – if they do not take this responsibility seriously,” concludes van Niekerk. Source:

12 September 2018

Thank you, Nedbank Hermanus!

Just Care Aftercare in Mount Pleasant received a visit from Nedbank Hermanus recently, with staff members providing the children with soup, rolls (sponsored by Pick n Pay Hermanus) and sweets for lunch. “We really appreciated their interest in Just Care and enjoyed showing them around the centre and introducing them to our staff and children,� said founder trustee, Jacquie Rathfelder. Approximately 130 primary school children find a refuge at Just Care after school hours, where they receive a nutritious lunch and take part in structured activities during the afternoon. These include doing their homework under supervision, taking part in sports with volunteer coach Thomas Lebitsa from Abagold, and reading, art, chess and knitting classes offered by volunteers. From left are Monrique Domingo (Nedbank Hermanus loan consultant), Cobus Jordaan (Nedbank), Iandre van der Berg (Nedbank Hermanus branch manager), Verna Spandiel (Just Care), Marienette Geldenhuys (Nedbank Hermanus sales manager), Asive Xakatha (Nedbank), Claudine and Jacquie Rathfelder, Kathleen Sanders (all Just Care trustees) and Elenor May (Just Care). As a non-profit organisation, Just Care Aftercare relies on sponsorships and donations. Anyone who would like to make a contribution or who would like to assist them in any way by volunteering their services, can contact Just Care on 028 312 1958 or or visit for more information. PHOTO: Taylum Meyer



12 September 2018

Hermanus hosts inaugural Walker Bay 7s Tournament


ermanus will play host to the inaugural Walker Bay 7s sporting festival, which will bring together teams from four sporting codes to the picturesque Western Cape town famed for its natural beauty and status as the world’s premier land-based whalewatching destination.

The Cape Town 10s, on which the Hermanus event is modelled, started off with 10-man rugby as its flagship sport but soon branched out to become a fully-fledged multi-sport festival with the addition of netball in 2013, beach volleyball in 2016, dodgeball running will be added in 2019).

The Get Savvi Walker Bay 7s will cater to men’s and women’s social and league teams in Rugby Sevens, Netball, Dodgeball and Hockey. The event will be hosted by Hermanus High School on 22 September and will also include a variety of ancillary activities including live music, food and beverages.

Henn and le Roux have similar ambitions for the Walker Bay 7s, which is affiliated to its sister tournament in Cape Town through a partnership with the Old School Group, which operates the Cape Town 10s.

“This is a really exciting development for Hermanus as it will put the town on the map as a premier destination for rugby sevens, which is a rapidly growing rugby code worldwide and one in which South Africa has achieved remarkable success,” says organiser Bianca le Roux, the owner of Coastline Events. “However, it’s not just about rugby as the tournament will also cater for netball, dodgeball and hockey as well as a variety of other festivities that will make it a truly familyfocused event.” The Get Savvi Walker Bay 7s was conceived when le Roux, a provincial netball player, found herself sitting next to Jian Henn, a retired rugby player who represented London Welsh, on a flight from Amsterdam. The two got chatting and the topic soon turned to sport, and more specifically the success of the Cape Town 10s tournament, which they believed could be replicated in other towns around the Western Cape. With le Roux’s background in events planning and Henn’s passion for rugby, it wasn’t long before the Get Savvi Walker Bay 7s was born.

“We really think this event can grow into something special for the entire Overberg region and has the potential to add additional sports as community interest grows,” says Bianca. “It’s a great way to inspire the youth of the Overberg to focus on positive change through sport and community participation.” The Get Savvi Walker Bay 7s aims to attract at least 400 athletes from around the Western Cape and beyond, who can participate in either the U18 or open divisions. Entrance fees will be as follows: Rugby 7s: R2 500 for a team of 12 (7 players + 5 reserves) Netball: R2 000 for a team of 10 (7 players + 3 reserves) Hockey: R2 000 for a team of 10 (7 players + 3 reserves) Dodgeball: R1 750 for a team of 7 (5 players + 2 reserves) The festival will kick off at 14:00 on Friday 21 September with a development clinic at Hermanus High School, facilitated by Stormers rugby player Kobus van Dyk and Stings Netball vice-captain Abeline Olivier.

Teams interested in participating should visit for further details, or email

On Saturday 8 September, Generation Schools Hermanus held their first Fives Soccer Tournament on their new AstroTurf field. A total of eight schools and clubs took part in three age groups (U9, U11, U13): Reddam House Somerset West, Vivo United Soccer Academy, Hermanus Hot Spurs, Lukhanyo Primary, Fairview Primary, Generation Schools Sunningdale and Hermanus, and Hermanus Waldorf Primary. Fairview won overall for the U9s with Lukhanyo coming in at a close second. The same went for the U11 age group (Fairview in first place and then Lukhanyo second) with Hermanus’ other local schools Waldorf and Generation coming in third and fourth respectively. Lukhanyo Primary came first for the U13s after a day of extremely talented soccer on their part. Generation Schools Hermanus would like to thank their sponsors PSG Wealth, The Beanery, Buildit, WP Packaging, Office National Hermanus, Van Blommestein Butchery, Dr Chad Gordon, Kia Hermanus, Wonderland Lifestyle Nursery, Caterlink, Valley Farm and SENSE SHE Consultancy for their support. Above: Zach Fenton-Jones (U13 on the left) chases a Generation Sunningdale player in an effort to steal the ball. PHOTO: Taylum Meyer


12 September 2018

The day it all changed!


reetings once more and what a start to the week it was! Of course the headline refers to the new handicap system that came into being on Monday morning. We were all wondering what and how it was going to happen and actually it wasn’t that bad. We had a moment or two when the system went down but most likely that was from thousands of golfers all over the country inquisitive about their new handicap, but it came back on line and we got on with it.

The Putting Pirate Julian Shaw

Sam not only completed the nervejangling tournament but managed a second place, 2 under par in an extremely strong field, shooting scores of 74, 69, and 74. The weather didn’t play its part either, making conditions very tough. Sam commented afterwards: “I enjoyed the trip out here and the rest of the guys immensely. The tournament was incredible, not just the golf; the whole experience was amazing.” The winner of the tournament was a talented Italian player by the name of Nicolas Fallotico. So from little old Hermanus Golf Club a huge congratulations to the Simpson family. We are looking forward to hearing all about it when you return!

The Hawston Rugby Club 1st Fifteen are atop the table of the Overberg division of the Boland Grand Challenge. There are two rounds remaining to complete the Overberg sectional fixtures and Hawston are favourites to finish at the top of the log. Rangers rugby team in Bredasdorp and Black Leaves in Gansbaai are currently vying for the second position which also guarantees a playoff at the end of season. The other teams in the Overberg division with log positions in brackets are: Caledon (4th), Safcol, Grabouw (5th), Botrivier (6th), Grabouw (7th), Atlantics, Hermanus (8th), and Genadendal (9th). The lower log table could alter depending on the outcome of the last two fixtures. However, Hawston seem secure at the top and the team motto of "ons skrik vir niks" underlines the confidence of the team and we wish them well in their quest for higher honours.

I must say a special thanks to our operating system gurus, Clubmaster, who had very little time to test and integrate their system to the new handicaps. And what a great touch to put the option on your slip of each tee’s specific course handicap, which was fantastic, so well done to the guys from Clubmaster. Junior member excels in first international tournament Now here’s a name that you can write on your tummy: Sam Simpson. He is a junior member here at our Club and was selected to play for South Africa in Biella, Italy. The tournament has just finished and was Sam’s debut international tournament, so as you can imagine there must have been lots of nerves present. Sam is 15 years old and is the reigning Tshwane Junior Open Champion.

Hawston Rugby on track for playoffs

Of local interest, on the rugby front, is the appointment of Thomas Charles as coach of the Boland Ladies Rugby team. The team plays in the B division of the Women's Interprovincial League and are unbeaten after three matches. Thomas was previously Assistant Coach of the Atlantics rugby team in Her-maus and alongside his portfolio with the Boland ladies, he is also Head Coach of the Botrivier men's rugby side. We wish him success on both counts. – Tony O’Hagan

Don’t miss second Vine to Valley Trail Run Congratulations to Sam Simpson who came second in his debut international tournament in Italy. PHOTO: GolfRSA

Scores at a glance SATURDAY 1 SEPTEMBER ALL TOGETHER Betterball Stableford 112 players Winners: Desmond Sauls and Raymond Calitz - 48 points C/I Runners-up: Adre Smit and Ian McAdam - 48 points C/O Ball pool paid to 46 4 two clubs at R50 each Jackpot was won by Johan Stander Best gross was Dave Johnson - 73 Attendance draw kindly sponsored by Sterling Renault (fellow member Gerrie du Plooy) was won by Kim Davies. LADIES TUESDAY 4 SEPTEMBER The ladies tournament was severely windswept but they managed 9 holes. Winners: Elise Nykamp and Pippa Adams - 23 points C/I Runners-up: Zenith Meiring and Sue Atkinson - 23 points C/O MEN’S WEDNESDAY 5 SEPTEMBER Betterball Medal 78 players Winners: Peter Sulley and Tony Behagg - 65 nett Runners-up: Baldy Baldwin and Brian Cartwright - 67 nett C/I Ball pool paid to 68 Best gross was John Quincey - 75 One 2 club (Mike Frost)

The inaugural event of the Homes International Vine to Valley Trail Run Series hosted at Newton Johnson Vineyards last month was a huge success and organiser Bianca le Roux of Coastline Events says she believes the event will go from strength to strength in future. This trail run was the first in a series of six that will take place monthly until December. Everyone is invited to take part in the second event that will be hosted on Saturday 29 September at Bosman Wines on the De Bos Farm on the Karwyderskraal Road. Come and enjoy the scenic beauty of the Hemel-en-Aarde Valley, whether you are driven to pursue an active and healthy lifestyle or just out to have a fun outing with your family and friends. There will be a 6 km and 12 km trail to choose from and no bleary eyes on the start line, as the runs kick off at 09:00. Afterwards you can relax and enjoy food and wine while the children play in the kiddies play area. R20 of your entry ticket will go towards supporting local initiatives such as the Pebbles Project, Hermanus Child Welfare, Ella Gordon Crèche and other local farm school projects. The Vine to Valley Trail Run Series is supported by Hermanus Tourism, Oasis Water Hermanus and the Hemel-en-Aarde wine farms. Upcoming events: 29 September – Bosman Hermanus (6 km and 12 km); 27 October – Sumaridge (5 km); 24 November – La Vierge (6 km); 8 December – Hermanuspietersfontein (6 km and 12 km); 15 December – Benguela Cove Wine Estate (6 km and 12 km). The cost for the short distances is R120 pp per run and R150 pp for the longer distances. You can enter all three long runs at a discounted price. For more information, contact Bianca le Roux on or 082 075 7477. Enter online at




12 September 2018

MY Sport

Hermies rewards its young sports stars H

ermanus High School honoured its sports stars at a banquet on Wednesday evening, 5 September that also celebrated the end of another successful sports year. This usually takes place at the end of the winter season, with the new sports year kicking off in September with summer sports such as tennis, cricket and athletics.

Special honours went to the school’s provincial sportsmen and women, the school’s first teams in each sporting discipline, as well as those learners who developed well and excelled in their sport. The highlight of the evening was the announcement of the Senior and Junior Sportsman and Sportswoman of the Year. Hermanus High’s 2018 Senior Sportsman, Lionel April, was chosen for SA Rugby’s national schools team after this year’s Craven Week. Unfortunately he was injured during the game against Charlie Hofmeyr High School and had to withdraw from the international series against Wales, England and France. At the banquet it was said that Lionel was a key player in the school’s U19A rugby team and that he impressed on the rugby field with his talent and friendly nature since Grade 8. Lionel played flyhalf (nr. 10) and was also the

athlete who excelled in several sporting disciplines this year. As part of the U19A hockey team she played a key role in the team’s successful season; she is the number one tennis player of the school and captain of the girls’ team; and also captains the school’s first golf team (the other three members are boys). Nicola was the first girl in the school to be selected for the Boland Ladies golf team which participated in the Nomads SA Girls Championships in Orkney during the winter school holidays.

From left are Niveena Jantjies (Junior Sportswoman of the Year), Lionel April (Senior Sportsman of the Year), Nelrine Beyers (past head girl and sports star, who was the guest speaker at the Sports Banquet), Adam Lawson-Smith (Junior Sportsman of the Year) and Nicola Streicher (Senior Sportswoman of the Year). vice-captain of the first team, while being one of the biggest scorers in every game. As part of the U18 Boland Craven Week team, Lionel was selected as Man of the Match after their game against the Blue Bulls, as well as Hero of the Day for being the best player in all their games on the third day.

land U17 team that came third at the SA Sevens Rugby Championships in 2017, with the same team winning the cup final in the international Assupal Sevens tournament. Lionel is also one of the school’s top athletes who represented Hermanus High at the South Boland and Boland Athletics tournaments in Paarl.

Lionel also participated in Sevens Rugby, where he played for the Bo-

The 2018 Senior Sportswoman of the Year is Nicola Streicher, a talented

Adam Lawson-Smith, an enthusiastic and multi-talented young sportsman who excelled in three different school sports throughout the year, was named the 2018 Junior Sportsman. Adam represented Hermanus High at the interschool athletics meeting; as an outstanding cricket player on the U19A team he was selected for the South Boland cricket team; and he stood out in hockey during the winter season. Adam was selected for the Boland High Performance Hockey Squad and went every week to practise with them. As a result of his remarkable talent, diligence and hard work, he was selected for the Boland U16 IPT A Hockey team and participated in the inter-provincial hockey tourna-

ment in Pietermaritzburg during the July holidays.

Niveena Jantjies, a versatile and talented sportswoman, excelled in four different sports disciplines – netball, rugby, cricket and athletics, especially field items. She represented the South Boland team in javelin at the Boland Athletics meet; she was the head goal of the U16 netball team; she was chosen for the Boland U16 Girls Rugby team which participated in the SARU National Girls Week at Jeppe High School in Johannesburg during the winter holidays; and she played for the school’s first cricket team which enrolled in the Boland Cricket League and has already won three games this year against other Boland schools.

The guest speaker at the banquet was Nelrine Beyers, a past head girl of Hermanus High in 2014. The grade 8’s of that year are now in matric. Nelrine, who completed a BA Law degree at Stellenbosch University last year and is now doing her LLB, was also a sports star during her high school years. She was the captain of the school’s first netball team and the first squash team; she participated in Boland Athletics, Western Cape Athletics and the SA Secondary Schools Athletic Championships; and was awarded the Victrix Ludorum as Swimmer of the Year in 2014.

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