1 minute read

Past Prophets and Potential Presidents

Writer: Murray Stewart.

The For Fact’s Sake columns are – according to Google and the Duck ’n Fiddle’s Explanation of Everything – based in truth. Occasionally, however, names and places have been changed to protect innocent people involved.


Psychics and Seers

Throughout history, certain individuals have been granted a paranormal sixth sense, giving them access to information from another dimension which enables them to predict the future. We’re not talking about Madame Rosa with her bohemian gypsy caravan, Pep doek, and nicotine-stained fingers caressing an upside-down fish bowl.

No. We’re looking at prophets/fortune-tellers from the past who mysteriously got it right more often than not. They were selected to savour the forbidden fruit from the Tree of Knowledge and, with this insight, they’d hopefully help humanity evolve technically and spiritually, or perhaps forewarn us of impending catastrophes.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 6)

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