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Can I manage the personal affairs of my sick mother?

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FynArts Select

FynArts Select

Writer: Jonathan de Jager.

In this new series of columns by local attorney Jonathan de Jager, legal issues that ordinary citizens may encounter over the course of their daily lives will be highlighted, explained and discussed. Each column will be devoted to a different topic. With September being World Alzheimer’s Month, the series kicks off with a question related to the care of elderly parents and the management of their affairs when they no longer have the mental capacity to make personal arrangements or financial decisions on their own.


Question: My mother has been living with Alzheimer’s for a number of years and has deteriorated badly these past few months. I know my father left her some money, and I want to make sure that this money is correctly used for her care. But am I allowed to take over control of her affairs?

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 4)

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