1 minute read

Remember to save water this summer season

Writers: Elaine Davie and De Waal Steyn.

While large parts of the country are still firmly in the grips of the worst drought in a century, the Overstrand has been fortunate not to have experienced any serious impact due to water shortages.


Although adequate rainfall and decades of efficient planning by various administrations have largely contributed to this, it must be remembered that this region is considered a water-scarce area and both residents and visitors are therefore urged to use water sparingly and responsibly.

While individual households are the smallest consumers of water, they have the largest potential impact. “If households and businesses can save 20%, then we can prevent the De Bos dam level from dropping to 28% before next year when the winter season starts again,” says Hanré Blignaut, Deputy Director: Engineering Planning at the Overstrand Municipality (OM).

He adds that the average water usage for Hermanus is around 10.3 million litres per day and in the holiday season it nearly doubles, hence the need for level 3 water restrictions.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 3)

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