The Village NEWS 19 Aug - 26 Aug 2020

Page 17

19 August 2020

Floating object identified as a Fish Aggregating Device D uring a recent research trip, our biologists and crew picked up a large object floating in the waters near Dyer Island. This object turned out to be what is known as a FAD – a Fish Aggregating Device – that is used by various fisheries to attract target species such as tuna, marlin, and sharks.


Coastal and Marine guiding course Six students awarded with certificates

This highlights the importance of daily monitoring of the Marine Dynamics/Dyer Island Conservation Trust team.

This huge square grid with large netting attached below was floating a few metres below the water surface, with a large transponder attached and seen on the surface. FADs are used by fisheries to create a mini-ecosystem floating just below the surface, providing food and protection for a variety of fish species. Once the FAD has created enough of a biomass, fishing vessels will approach and use massive nets, catching the accumulated fish species, often with huge amounts of bycatch, including sharks, turtles, and juvenile fish.

Six enthusiastic Marine Guide students received certificates to enable them to work as legal registered Coastal-Marine Nature Guides. From left are JG Smit, Anthea van Zyl, Dickie Chivell, Susy Alexandersen, Reuben Rustzen, and Herman Oosthuizen.

This fishing method is not legal in South Africa. However, quite a few of these devices have been found washed up on South African shores, likely from neighboring countries. Based on a large amount of biofouling, it had been in the water for a very long time and was likely to have blown into the Kleinbaai area during the recent storm. However, this highlights the presence of ghost-gear in our waters, abandoned, lost, or otherwise discarded fishing gear. With whale season in South Africa, this gear creates a hazard for the southern right whales, humpback whales and Bryde's whales that frequent this area. The research team recovered the gear and brought it back to shore for it to be properly discarded.

A FAD is a big square grid with large netting attached below which creates a mini-ecosystem that attracts a variety of fish species. This device, which is not allowed to be used by fishing vessels in South Africa, was found floating a few metres below the water surface in the Kleinbaai area. PHOTO: Marine Dynamics / Dyer Island Conservation Trust

Marine Dynamics Academy ran a one-month Coastal-Marine Nature Guide mentorship programme for six students. The programme included the subjects required for the Nature Site Guide (NQF2) Skills program and the Field Guides Association of Southern Africa (FGASA) Level 1 Marine Guide Certificate. The course included theoretical and practical training in 17 modules ranging from geology to astronomy with a focus on the fynbos environment and the marine ecology of the Western Cape.

Lecturer, Grant Hine, conducted the practical training and final assessment on foot along the shoreline of Gansbaai and De Kelders and the marine assessment was done by

boat. Upon declaration of competence and graduation with Marine Dynamics Academy, the students attained the Marine Dynamics Academy certificate as well as the FGASA and CATHSSETA Certificates enabling them to register with the National Department of Tourism to work as a legal registered Coastal-Marine Nature Guide.

The Marine Dynamics Academy, Coastal-Marine Guide Course provides professional training and development for prospective guides who wish to conduct guided experiences in the coastal marine environment. Interested people in guiding courses can send an email to

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