The Village NEWS 19 Feb - 26 Feb

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Healthy and robust debate are crucial for democracy. The Village NEWS firmly believes in freedom of the press as well as the right of individuals to freely express themselves, as long as they don’t infringe upon the rights of others. The opinions, beliefs and viewpoints expressed by the various authors therefore do not necessarily reflect the opinions, beliefs and viewpoints of The Village NEWS. Letters may be shortened and/or edited for clarity and style. Enjoy our paper. Send your letters to

Sharing the good news The Spotted Eagle Owl front page photo in last week’s edition was amazing! As an avid ‘Owl person’ I have enjoyed the owl photos you have published recently. It is very much the season for Spotted Eagle Owls and their fledglings and we are privileged to have a resident pair of owls in our Red Gumtree in Third Street, Voëlklip.

Safety in our town We apparently have ample funds to chase baboons, but not to provide security on the cliff paths or in Fernkloof. Also not enough for cameras to observe and deter crime in town and other hot spots.

They have had a pair of chicks since mid-December, giving so much pleasure to us and the many local residents and walkers in Third Street. A number of professional photographers who had heard about our owl family have even come here with their fancy cameras to capture some good owl images. Our pair of parent owls has been extremely successful in raising two chicks each year for the past five years. They nest on the ground in the Fernkloof Reserve in the mountain fynbos above us and bring the wobbly chicks down to roost in our dark, shady Red Gumtree, to develop their strength over 5 – 6 weeks, until


19 February 2020

We have read numerous reports of no or very slow reaction to members of the public reporting crimes.

they are able to fly off to find their own territory.

was good. You may want to share them with your readers.

I had the luck very early one morning recently to see one of the parents fly in with a rodent to feed the fledgling. I am sending you that photo and a couple more of the fledglings, which I was able to capture when they were perched in the open and the light

We always look forward to reading the good news you bring us each week in The Village NEWS. Thank you to you and your team for your excellent publication!

All this in a time of economic downturn and the influx of thousands of

homeless and jobless persons. So what are our priorities: chasing baboons, or safeguarding locals and visitors enjoying the flora and fauna that surround us? Every tourist is worth thousands of Rand during their stay, in addition to providing jobs. Our authorities must start thinking realistically and act. Realist, Voëlklip

Ed Meyer

Home Affairs extends office hours Home Affairs offices in Caledon and Bredasdorp will be open for ID and Passport applications and collections (or any other civic service product you may need) from 08:00 until 19:00 on weekdays during February 2020.

The Department of Home Affairs (DHO) is deeply concerned by the number of uncollected Smart ID cards. It hopes that this period of extended operating hours will enable people who have applied for Smart ID cards but were unable to collect them because of time constraints, to come and collect them.

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When you apply for the Smart ID Card the following will be required: • Persons of 16 years and older must bring along their birth certificate or a certified copy not older than 3 months.

One of the parents needs to be present with his/her ID. If the parents are deceased, bring along the death certificates and informant/ guardian with an ID letter from a social worker or Court Order for children in foster care. No affidavits are accepted. Your latest contact details (cellular telephone numbers only).

This will enable the DHA to send an alert when your card is ready for collection. The application procedure will involve capturing your details online, and digitally taking your photograph and fingerprints, which will be recorded for the production of your Smart ID Card.

Hassenkamp to bid Hermies farewell

Mr Greg Hassenkamp, Principal of Hermanus High School, has announced that he will be leaving the school at the end of the second term this year, to take up the position of Headmaster at Pretoria Boys’ High School. “I am of the opinion that the school is well paced for new leadership and new ideas to take it forward even further,” he said. “My family and I have had six unforgettable years associated with Hermanus High School, where we have been extremely happy. This school has allowed me to grow immensely as a professional and a person. While I am obviously excited by what the future holds, I am at the same time extremely saddened that my time at this wonderful school will come to an end.” The learners, parents, staff and members of the School Governing Body wish Mr Hassenkamp and his family all the best for the future.

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