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Farewell to Gansbaai Academia Principal
Writer & Photographer: Hardus Botha.
Extender Alas Vestri - Spread your wings is the motto of Gansbaai Academia, where the beloved Tommy Wilson has served as school principal for ten years. He has seen many wonders and achievements accomplished under his watch but has decided that it is time to bow out.
"I have always said that Gansbaai Academia is a journey to me, but my journey has now come to an end," says Tommy from his wheelchair in his office. "Gansbaai Academia was and will always remain a beacon of hope in Gansbaai."
Tommy has achieved his dream by creating the platform to success for the school over the past decade. His last school day will be 31 July. "I am confident that the school will be in great hands when my vastly competent deputy principals, Carien Fortuin and Wilton Phillips take over."
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