1 minute read

Let’s get to work, says new Premier

Writer De Waal Steyn

A raft of new interventions to stimulate economic growth, provide affordable and sustainable housing opportunities and improve safety in the province was announced by Western Cape Premier Alan Winde during his maiden State of the Province Address in the provincial legislature last week.


“We will build a province in which aspiring residents can find a place of work, or start their own; in which hard-working parents are able to put nutritious food on the table for their

children, and ensure they grow up healthy and strong; that these same children are afforded an education which primes them to take up jobs in the economy of tomorrow, where even the poorest of the poor are able to live dignified lives. A province in which the stubborn spatial tenets of apartheid are vanquished so that no matter where you live, and how you move around, your life feels valued. And above all, a province in which we live free from fear,” he said.

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