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A unique beauty lift - without a needle

A unique beauty lift – without a needle

By Lindi Prinsloo, owner of Refine Clinic


Most of us dream of looking younger without having to go under the knife, don’t we? As we age, our skin thins and produces less collagen, all of which combines to make our skin look older and more wrinkled.

Plasma Pen treatment is a brand-new treatment which works in lots of different ways: it tightens skin almost instantly, while also working underneath the skin to help it produce more collagen to give effects which last for years.

The Plasma treatment is changing the face (excuse the pun) of the lift. Why? It’s non-invasive – so no surgery – and offers an effective alternative to skin-tightening surgeries that guarantees immediate results.

These Plasma pens pioneered a movement in the field of beauty involving top researchers, and this revolutionary technology focuses on beauty excellence and empowering women to become the best versions of themselves the beneficial way.

Treatment takes roughly 45 minutes and downtime is minimal. This high-tech anti-ageing miracle weapon basically generates plasma flashes that penetrate into the skin – without direct contact with the skin.

Click on the newspaper below to read more (see page 14).

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