1 minute read

Famous athletes who triumphed over illness

Writer: Tony O'Hagan.

COVID-19 has had a devastating impact on world economies. Industries across the spectrum are feeling the negative effects of this illness, which is spread by the Coronavirus. The sport sector is one of many suffering economic disaster, as sporting events are cancelled or postponed throughout the world. This applies to all sporting disciplines.


Ervin ‘Magic’ Johnson

Phil Mickelson

Consider just one example – the English Premiership. With the current shutdown in the UK, clubs are losing income as matches are cancelled, yet still have to pay their staff and players’ salaries and keep up the maintenance of sportsgrounds. The Football Association is now devising plans for financial assistance, fearing the permanent closure of clubs, particularly those in the lower leagues with minimum resources. This scenario applies to all other sporting associations.

Cyclist Lance Armstrong

André Agassi

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