27 NOVEMBER 2019
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NEWS UNESCO Creative City of Gastronomy
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New plans for astronomy centre Writer De Waal Steyn
Susan Skog enjoyed a scenic walk on Babilonstoring on the Hemel-en-Aarde Ridge recently when she came across this beautiful king protea (Protea cynaroides). These proteas have the largest flower head in the genus and are also known as giant, honeypot or sugarbush protea. PHOTO: Susan Skog
n anticipation of Wednesday’s Council decision not to approve the construction of an astronomy facility on Rotary Way, the Hermanus Astronomy Centre (HAC) has developed an alternative proposal for an astronomy education display at Gearing’s Point, which has been approved by both the Ward 3 Committee and the municipality. “We have been waiting for more than 18 months to receive final confirmation that the initial proposal to build an astronomy centre has been denied. Once we have received that in writing, we can go back to the National Lotteries Commission (NLC) with a revised application, together with a project plan and a budget, for the funding that was allocated for the centre,” said Pierre de Villiers of HAC. “The objective of the new plan is to convert the whale-watching viewing ring at Gearing’s Point into a self-guided Astronomy Education Centre by mounting more than 30 tablets of engraved engineered granite, measuring 600 mm wide by 800 mm high, on the inside of the existing ring wall. The tablets will be engraved with educational themes of an astronomical or geographical nature and will give a concise but comprehensive overview of current knowledge and insight. “In addition, we want to upgrade the old trig beacon by adding an information plaque describing the history and the importance of trig beacons in land surveying, as well as adding a Shepherd’s Sundial around the top of the existing beacon base and four granite engraved vertical sundials just below the Shepherd’s Sundial facing north, east, south and west. Lastly, we want to add six cardinal
direction (solstices and equinoxes) sunrise and sunset viewing ‘V’-slots into the top of the ring wall,” said de Villiers, adding that “This type of activity is sure to draw not only school groups but also other tourists to the CBD.” According to the municipality’s Department of Infrastructure and Planning, the reasons for not approving the centre on Rotary Way include non-compliance with the National Environmental Management: • Protected Areas Act; • the fact that the necessary due diligence on the impact on the Fernkloof Nature Reserve (FNR) was not done; • the impact on the road and parking facilities have not been adequately addressed; • the safety and security of the facility on an ongoing basis has not been addressed; • and the impact on the area surrounding the facility was not factored in to the motivation of the application. The construction of an astronomy centre has been on the cards since 2009 when council first approved the facility. Subsequently, an official application for the construction was made in November 2015, after which it was incorporated into the FNR’s 2016 Integrated Management Plan. During the public participation process, more than 50 letters of objection were received. The original plan included a 288m² facility next to the existing parking area on Rotary Way. The facility would have included a day-time astronomy centre with sundials and sun telescopes, as well as an amphitheatre and small kitchen. Anina Lee of Whale Coast Conservation said they are delighted that the original proposal was not approved. “We cannot allow for development to take place within the FNR and the revised plan makes a lot more sense. The new plan has no impact on conservation and in principle we support it,” she said.
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