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Letter to the Editor | A Court of Law should be imposing and clean
Writer: Avis MacIntyre.
As the level of funds rises for the painting of the Magistrate’s Court, another argument in favour of this much-needed make-over comes to mind.
Courts of Law are institutions that are, and should be, respected by anyone in a law-abiding country, be they ordinary citizens with legal disputes or people who find themselves on the wrong side of the law.
When they approach the hallowed corridors of the court, they should see before them an imposing, clean and well-kept building that is commensurate with the gravity of the occasion. It is for this reason and the fact that the unkempt Hermanus Court sits on the Main Road at the entrance to the town that it should be cleaned up.
Several people have made extremely generous pledges to the project, which means that instead of having to raise R91 321.25 we have to raise only R60 000. This is still a large sum of money but donations of all sizes are coming in thick and fast. The tender of the contractor will be valid until early next year. Should we not reach target it is possible to shrink the size of the project so that only the façade is redecorated.
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