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Love a Little Local: Be a tourist in your own town

Be a tourist in your own town

Writer & Photographer Taylum Meyer


The Covid-19 pandemic has had a devastating impact on the South African economy, with the tourism and hospitality industries being hit especially hard. Here in the Overstrand, locals have been coming up with innovative ways to combat this crisis, from beautifying the town to promoting the support of local businesses.

One of these locals, Matthew Kearns, the owner of www.tribaltourist.com (a booking platform focused on tourism and conservation) and the Facebook page ‘Hermanus Together’, reached out to Overstrand tourism operators and organisations a few weeks ago by inviting them to take part in his project to promote local tourism through a series of video interviews.

Matthew Kearns of Tribal Tourist, aims to help tourism in the Overberg through a series of video interviews with local tourism operators.

Click on the newspaper below to read more (see page 4)

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