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Stepping stones to romance in Kleinmond

Stepping stones to romance in Kleinmond

Writer Elaine Davie


Let no one tell you that we in the Overstrand are not a romantic lot, even in a time of Covid! If you had any doubts, then Kleinmond’s popular Ward 9 Councillor, Grant Cohen will have put them to rest. This is how his story played itself out…

A lot of advance planning went into it, but since all those involved were sworn to utmost secrecy, no one thought it unusual for a group of ten friends to go hiking in the mountains above Kleinmond on a beautiful Saturday morning in January. Included in the group were Grant, his girlfriend Rowena Karelse, her young son, Robin, and Grant’s visiting teenage niece, Jordan.

What was unusual, though, was that Rowena kept discovering beautiful round stones on the trail with mysterious messages painted on them. When she picked up the third stone, she burst into tears. The message read, ‘From now on, you and Robin will never be alone again’.

Click on the newspaper below to read the full story (see page 2).

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