1 minute read
Having time to kill
Writer: Hélène Truter.
Writers have to wait for the muse to strike. I'm waiting for my sense of humour to return. I wanted to send out a search party to look for it, but I don't have a valid permit.
My sense of humour left me somewhere between level 5 and 4. I don't know the date. Dates are irrelevant. Every day is Sunday. Who was the wise-ass who coined the phrase: A month of Sundays? Well, it's been two and a half months of Sundays! Except we haven't been going to church…
Hang on, let me check Regulation 7395 Amendment 512a. Yes, people (no more than 50) can go to church. (I don't take responsibility if Tannie Kopdoek changes it again by the time we go to print.) God help church member no 51. I wonder if the transgressor will be sent to jail? After all, they're freeing up prison space.
Apparently the fee for registering a church is R1 100. Just putting it out there... for the starving performers. Maybe a silver collection after the service?
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