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From the Editor: Whoop, whoop for The NEWS

From the Editor: Whoop, whoop for The NEWS

This is the good NEWS – Ed.


There has been an unwritten rule in journalism that states: We write the news; we do not make it. Simply put, it means that professional media organisations report the news of the day but do not write about themselves. But sometimes it is necessary to bend the rules somewhat. Like when you are on a deserted stretch of beach, who does not slip their masks off?

For The Village NEWS it is time to slip our mask off for just a second to thank our loyal readers and advertisers who continue to invest in us. This has made it possible for us once again to stand proud during the annual Forum of Community Journalist’s annual awards. These awards are judged by some of South Africa’s most prominent media leaders and allow local media houses to be measured against their peers. In a time when the media industry is under constant threat with revenue models needing to be reworked and readership numbers declining, it is important to know where you stand compared to those in the same field.

Community newspapers are not immune to this insecure environment and several publications have been forced

to close during the course of the year because of declining advertising. Although The Village NEWS has also had to adapt to the new economic realities we are faced with, we are thankful for the continued support of our advertisers and well-wishers who assist us in publishing a newspaper every week.

Click on the link below to read more (see page 4).

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