The Village NEWS 3 October - 9 October

Page 4


3 October 2018


ADOPT A WHALE In celebration of this year’s all-time record number of whales along our shores, the Whale Unit of the Univsersity of Pretoria’s Mammal Research Institute has launched an Adopt A Whale programme. Dr Els Vermeulen of the Whale Unit was available in the Eco-Marine Tent to explain how everyone can support whale research and conservation in South Africa by symbolically adopting a whale. All funds raised go towards covering the costs of the Whale Unit’s fieldwork. For more information visit PHOTO: Tweet Gainsborough-Waring

#DONTBETRASHY This initiative, launched by CapeNature and GoodHope FM, was supported by a clean-up crew that was kitted out with T-shirts, gloves and bags from local businesses to aid in keeping this year’s Whale Festival clean and green, while also helping to raise awareness for recycling and eco-friendliness. Zikhona and Mandiluve (above) were part of the crew that did their bit to keep the Old Harbour area litter-free. Their efforts didn’t go unnoticed as various people commented on the cleanliness of this year’s festival. PHOTO: Taylum Meyer

Photos: Taylum Meyer

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