1 minute read

Tip-toeing through the wildflowers

Writer: Dr Anina Lee.

It has been a delight and pleasure to share vicariously in the spectacular flower show on the West Coast this year. Spring came just as people were throwing off the shackles of the hard lockdown and many enthusiasts made the trip up the coast to revel in the extraordinary show this year.


Yes, despite the freezing weather and snow-capped mountains, the Namaqualand flowers were in full bloom. If that seems strange, remember that the trigger for flowering is not the temperature, but rather the length of the day.

Biedouw Valley

And what a show! Social media were awash with spectacular photographs (thanks to everyone!). It's hard to see such beauty and not want to share it with others. So I was delighted that one of my favourite conservation photographers, Jean Tesfon, shared his photos of the Biedouw Valley for the rest of us to enjoy.

Pretty awesome, wouldn't you say? So I was intrigued by a response in the comments to Jean's photograph by Andrew Baxter. Andrew pointed out something that is not immediately obvious – unless you are an ecologist.

Click below to read more. (The full article can be found on page 10)

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