FineLifestyles Estevan Weyburn December/January 2012

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FineLifestyles DEcEmbEr 2011/January 2012 || VolumE 1, issuE 1

Reid Between the Lines

Profiling many of Estevan’s and Weyburn’s Fine Businesses brEtt Wilson: moving saskatchewan Forward rogEr christian: hollywood in saskatchewan christmas spirits oil anD gas column with geologist Jennifer cugnet EntErtainmEnt calendar Q&a with steven and chris


Budget Blinds is Regina and surrounding area’s #1 choice for all your window covering needs!

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Commitment To Cu s to m e rs, To Products

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Melle Jewellers

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COMMUNITY EVENTS Do you want the community to know about an event you’re hosting?


e are excited to hear about upcoming events in Weyburn for the upcoming year. We want to help get the word out in the community. The South Regional Economic Development Authority can help you promote your event through the Events Calendar, newsletters and community signs. We would like to expand on the community events infrastructure in Weyburn. Our main focus is to increase the awareness of events in our community.Weyburn has so many exciting events throughout the year that may not be getting the attention they deserve. If you are involved in an event make sure to contact the SEREDA office as your first point of contact. Simply call,



email or stop in to the office to ensure your information is distributed out to the community. With a great event comes pictures to capture what a success it truly was. We encourage the community to submit photographs of your events held in Weyburn to our office. The collection of pictures you submit, may be seen in future advertisements and publications to promote the great community of Weyburn. FLEW Jenna Wilchuck 11 3rd Street Weyburn, SK 306.842-8003

Enjoy the holiday Season!



tours of the exhibits, which include a cook cart and a school house, dating back to the 19th century.

Tours South East Tours & Trails


ocated in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan, Estevan has something for everyone. The young and young at heart, whether they have only a couple hours or a few days to spend, will find something that appeals to them. A variety of attractions, events, restaurants and retail shopping are bound to keep you captivated.

Motor Sports As a testament to the love affair locals have with automobiles and racing, Estevan features 3 race tracks. The Estevan Motor Speedway, Estevan Drag Racing Association and Trackside MX provide race fans a number of thrilling options.



For those who have never been to the races before, you’ll be in for an exhilarating experience.

Arts and Culture Estevan arts scene is not to be missed. The Estevan Art Gallery & Museum (EAGM) offers a free exchange of ideas and perspectives to reflect Estevan’s rapidly expanding social and cultural diversity. The North West Mounted Police (NWMP) museum documents artifacts which hold significance to the Mounted Police who arrived in Estevan in 1874. The Souris Valley Museum houses various exhibits that reflect the rich heritage and history of Estevan. The museum provides guided

The Estevan area is steeped in rich history, and who else than a group of knowledgeable and passionate individuals from the area to show you around. A variety of interests can be accommodated including: Historical sites, geological sites, industry sites, natural sites, historical architecture and museums. These tours are not to be missed and are sure to provide a fantastic insight about the area; tours can be customized to accommodate travellers’ schedules.

Energy Tours With coal mining deeply rooted in Estevan’s past and present, the inner workings of the mining industry can be fascinating to watch. These guided tours help develop an in-depth understanding of coal mining in the Estevan area, and are FREE of cost. Visitors can choose between two available tours. The morning tour takes you through Rafferty Dam, The Boundary Dam Power Station and the Boundary Dam Mine site while the afternoon tour showcases the Shand Power Station, Shand Greenhouse and the Boundary Dam Mine site. FLEW



First Word


December 2011 / January 2012 VOLUME 1 ISSUE 1


Editor Thom Barker

Associate Editor The last time I visited Weyburn and Estevan, they were a little sleepier than the boom towns they are today. It was the summer of 1981. The new National Energy Program (NEP) included incentives for homeowners to increase insulation levels in their homes. I had gotten a job out of Saskatoon installing cellulose insulation in attics, and I was sent southeast with a truck and a partner. We spent a couple of weeks doing jobs around the area, mostly farmhouses. I don’t remember the partner’s name, but I do recall he was one of the sourest individuals I had ever met. I will call him Mr. Sour. One scorching afternoon, we drove out to a farm that was literally miles from anywhere. Since I was driving, he was supposed to have been the one to get out of the truck and knock on the door. But this time he absolutely refused, so I turned off the truck, got out and walked up to the house. Just as I started to knock, I heard the truck roar back to life. I turned to see it peel away back down the driveway. I was dumfounded, but I quickly realized he wasn’t coming back. There was nobody home at the farmhouse, so I started walking. I walked for a long time—a length of time exacerbated by the fact that I had no water on one of those blistering, Saskatchewan summer days that suck the will right out of you. Fortunately, a farmer in a pickup eventually came by and upon hearing my story drove me all the way to the RCMP detachment in Estevan. I reported the truck stolen and they let me call the insulation company to let them know what was going on. I had nothing. My backpack, clothes, wallet, everything was in the truck. But the good folks in Estevan stepped up; they fed me and even ponied up the cash for a bus ticket back to Saskatoon. When I got home, the truck was there with all my stuff intact. Mr. Sour’s explanation: He didn’t like me. Now in those days, fresh-faced and 19, I could not imagine anyone hating me so much that he would do something like that. Nearly 30 years later with more than a decade of journalism experience under my belt—for which several of those years I wrote an op-ed column for newspapers—I’ve gotten quite used to people hating me. In any event, much to my vindication, Mr. Sour had been unceremoniously fired, I was given back the truck, a new partner and sent off to Meadow Lake. I would have much rather chosen to be sent back south, but that’s a whole other story. So, my experience of the southeast was a best-of-times, worst-oftimes kind of tale, but the lasting impression, of course, is the warmth and compassion with which I was treated. I am very much looking forward to being the editor of this new edition of Fine Lifestyles. Cheers!



Quinn Bender

Graphic Design and Layout Tracy Y. Hahn

In-house Design Joni Gaudette Lori Gallagher Ashley Bundus

Cover Photography Margaret Malandruccolo

Photography Angela Clements Brent Hume Jon Gillies Michelle Howse Patty Stables

Contributing Writers Alexandra Walld Amy Nelson-Mile Carol Todd G.H. Lewmer Jade Ivan

Jennifer Cugnet Ken Beattie Meagen Thomas Roxy Blackmore Ryan Holota

Sheena Koops Tobie Hainstock Trilby Henderson

Advertising Consultants Britany Watson (Weyburn)

Publishers Randy Liberet 540.3320 Wayne UnRuh 541.3365 Brooke Watson 551.4789 3440 Balsam Grove Regina, Sk. S4V 2S4 Fine Lifestyles Estevan/Weyburn is published six times a year by Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd. We reserve the right to edit any materials chosen for publication including photographs. We reserve the right to reject or accept any article, photograph, image or advertisement. All contents of Fine Lifestyles Regina, Ltd. publications are copyrighted 2011 with all rights reserved, except for original articles submitted to Fine Lifestyles Regina, where copyright resides with the author. No other part of this publication may be reproduced without the written permission of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or its writers. The name Fine Lifestyles Estevan/Weyburn, its logo and material cannot be reproduced without the written consent of the publishers. The views and opinions expressed in the expert advice columns herein are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Fine Lifestyles Regina Ltd. or the companies it represents. The information contained herein is of a general nature and is not intended to address the circumstances of any particular individual or entity. Although we endeavour to provide accurate and timely information, there can be no guarantee that such information is accurate as of the date it is received or that it will continue to be accurate in the future. No one should act upon such information without appropriate professional advice after a thorough examination of the particular situation.

Featured Contributors Photographers


Angela Clements

Jade Ivan

Growing up in rural Saskatchewan, Angela came to appreciate the beauty of her prairie surroundings. Angela loves history, in particular military history. She loves traveling and has been all over Canada, the United States, England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland and Northern France. She researches her family tree and has traced ancestors back to the early sixteenth century. Angela loves going to football games, attending concerts, and, of course, taking photographs. Angela’s rural upbringing, as well as, her love of history, militaria, nature, travel and sports can be seen in her photography.

Jade grew up in Weyburn on a small farm. After completing high school at the Weyburn Comprehensive School, she is now attending her final year of university with the University of Regina. Upon convocation in June, 2012 she will have a Bachelor of Arts in English as well as a Bachelor of Education. She is currently teaching in Fort Qu’Appelle for her internship as well as curling with the University of Regina varsity team. Jade is an active community member with 4-H and curling and has volunteered abroad in the Dominican Republic. She spends spare time visiting with family and riding horses.

Jon Gillies

Roxy Blackmore

Jon has been an avid photographer his entire life. He pursued his interest into a profession and has received extensive training and experience. He has graduated from the University of Saskatchewan with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Studio Art and an Education degree majoring in Arts Education. He continues to keep current, and has travelled internationally to receive the latest techniques and trends in the photography world. He shares his passion and knowledge with others in his photography workshops. From nature to people, Jon captures the light, plays with unique perspectives and the latest special effects to make his images stand out.

Roxy Blackmore has resided in Saskatchewan for the past 12 years. After graduating high school in Banff, Alberta, she moved to Vancouver B.C. and studied acting at Alex Bruhanskis Acting Studio. It became evident to her that the majority of the general population in the downtown core was also an ‘up and coming actor,’ who were also making cappuccinos and starving on the side. After ‘finding herself,’ she graduated from the two year broadcast/journalism program at Lethbridge Community College in 1999. She is currently a marketing professional with a background in radio news reporting and broadcasting. She still makes an impressive cappuccino.

Brent Hume

Sheena Koops

Brent Hume is an accomplished documentary photographer who received his formal education at David Thompson University in Nelson, British Columbia where he completed the Photography Certificate Program. He has had three solo exhibitions which have been displayed extensively at galleries throughout Saskatchewan and Manitoba including The Mackenzie Art Gallery and Dunlop Art Gallery in Regina. The focus for Brent’s exhibits has been to document the lives and experiences of rural people, as well as, different aspects of the farm community. His work has also been included in group exhibitions which have travelled in weestern Canada and also to Europe. Brent’s photographs are a part of several permanent collections including the Canada Council Art Bank. He is also an organic farmer who lives near Carlyle, Saskatchewan with his family.

Originally from Weyburn, Sheena Koops now teaches at Bert Fox Community High School in beautiful Fort Qu’Appelle. She has worked in urban, First Nation and rural Saskatchewan education within the private, band, public and community schools. In 1989, Sheena married fellow educator, Michael, and their favourite accomplishments are three girls: Victoria, Moira, and Arwen. Voice of the Valley, her first novel, was published in 2006 with Orca Book Publishers. Sheena is neck deep in two teen novels, a collection of poetry, songwriting, singing, and freelancing.




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hEAlTh And WEllnESS


BETWEEN THE LINES There is a pond less than a kilometre from Johnny Reid’s pastoral Tennessee home. On any given sun-drenched day– one where the Canadian country sensation isn’t on tour – you might find him there, evoking both Norman Rockwell and any number of tender, father-son themed western anthems.



Dylan is kicking around and out of pre-school so I’m taking the time to teach him some things,” said Reid referring to his four-year-old son. “He loves to go fishing. We sit on the bank, he tells me stories, tells me about school. I enjoy finding time to enjoy the small things.” Another place you’ll find Reid is in the rarified pantheon of top country and western singers. He’s topped country charts in Canada with his critically acclaimed singles and albums, and, if he’s got an awards shelf, it’s veritably groaning under the weight of his Juno and Canadian Country Music Awards trophies. What you won’t find him doing is showboating, on stage or in the press. Absent also are the almost-requisite cowboy hat, pointy-toed boots, hockey hair, and chicken-fried accent, nor has he acquired the sizable ego that typically accompanies the magnitude of acclaim he has garnered. Most easily found is Reid’s pure, sentimental heart. It’s right there, in the dedications in CD liner notes, and in his fiercely pure, heartfelt musicality. If you can listen to “Dance With Me” without feeling like you’re eavesdropping on an intimate man-and-wife moment, you have no soul. Reid comes by his sentimental mien honestly, but via a more roundabout route than most country crooners. His journey to songwriting began at the age of seven in the small working-class community of Lanark in central Scotland, UK, by way of a Robbie Burns Day-related poetry homework assignment. “I’d taken “Ranting, Roving Robin” and asked my teacher if I could put a melody to it,” Reid—who speaks with a Scottish brogue so thick it makes Sean Connery’s sound like he’s from Canmore, Alberta— recalled. “I got up on a bench and stood in front of all my peers and classmates and just belted it out. I remember how it made me



feel. From that point on, consciously or to unconsciously, I’d set a path for myself.” That path would take a couple of twists and turns in the coming years. Like the vast majority of labourers in Lanark, Reid’s father, Davy, a diesel mechanic, worked for a steel mill. When the mill shut in the late 1980s putting just about every male

in the region over the age of 20 out of work, Davy Reid scrambled to support his family. After short-term jobs in Northern Scotland and Africa, Reid’s dad had had enough and decided to change the family’s fate. “When young people have nothing to do they find something to do and 90 per cent



of the time it’s not good, and dad wanted to give me and my brother a better opportunity,” Reid said. “He came into the kitchen and announced we were moving to Brampton, Ontario.” Lonely and lost in his first years in Canada, Reid found solace in his ‘wee stories,’ what his mother affectionately called the scrappaper musings packing Reid’s pockets (and less affectionately cursed them as ‘bloody nuisances’ when said scraps became sodden confetti in the wash). “Back then I thought they were poems but they were songs,” Reid said. “For me [they] became a way communicate when I needed to get my feelings out. It was a real safe place. My wee stories, my guitar, my soul; they all became very good friends. The body needs a place to go unload the weight the world puts on you.” He gained other friends over time through playing high-school football, but football proved even more rewarding when his skills as a kicker earned him an athletic bursary at Bishop’s University of Sherbrooke, Quebec.

Although enrolled in marketing and business, it wasn’t for him. He took a shotgun approach to finding his calling, enrolling in a diverse array of courses. Instead of finding a clear path, he found himself so swamped with sports and studies that he didn’t have time for the one thing that gave him peace—writing and singing his songs. Just when he needed it most, he caught a break. A friend introduced him to musical theatre and in short order Reid landed a lead in a production. His breakthrough role, however, came when he made himself the star of his very own show. “There were 4,000 people at the school, but 40,000 in the area; there were 10 rock bands competing for the university crowd, but not one giving the local people what they wanted – rock and roll and soul,” said Reid. Playing pubs and really any place that would give him room to set up, Reid “covered every country song known to man.” The more he played the more gigs he got. Before long he was tapped to front a local band and by the time he was set

to graduate he had set scored a songwriting gig in the country-western music Mecca—Nashville, Tennessee. “When I said to my dad ‘I’m going to write songs and be a singer,’ he was the same as a lot of people… when they ask you what you do and you say you’re a songwriter they ask what your real job is,” Reid recalled. “But then he also told me ‘If you can figure out a way to make money doing something you’d do for free, you’ll never work a day in your life’.” Besides the support of his dad, Reid had the enthusiastic support of his then college sweetheart, now his wife and mother of their four children, Jennifer. “We met in first-year and we’d been dating just a year and a half when I said this is what I’m going to do,” Reid said. “That was 16 years ago. She’s never left my side. We’ve come this whole road and journey together, have four healthy, beautiful babies and it’s all because we were not scared to follow a dream. “ Even though his day-job is most people’s dream lifestyle, Reid works his tartan-

“To record a song that binds a man and women together, being part of that is so much more important than being a big country star. That’s what keeps me going, the music and most importantly the people.” - Johnny Reid



loving can off. He’s hands-on in every aspect of his career, up to and including selecting tour dates and venues. The buck for everything stops with him and even though it’s made him his own administrator, it’s the best way he can think of to keep his music completely true to himself. “All these songs and stories I’ve sang about for years, people ask me ‘what makes your songs different?’ and I tell them I’ve never felt I’m different, quite the opposite. There’s lots of people in the world who feel the same as me, I’m just able to communicate it,” he said. “I write simply and straight from the heart, and people though my music and stories feel that they are not alone. It’s an important part of what I do and it’s a gift to be able to do that.” In mining the rich ore of his own life experiences, he’s found not only gold (“Born to Roll” – 2005) but platinum (“Kicking Stones” -2007) and even double-platinum (“Dance With Me” -2009 and “A Place Called Love” – 2010). A number of the 37-year-old’s songs are full-throated paeans to his beloved wife, Jennifer, and their treasured children, Justin, 9; Tyler, 8; Dylan, 4; and Ava, 16 months, not to mention his ‘da,’ Davy Reid. “Hands of a Working Man” is the classic Reid ‘wee story’ all-growedup and fully realized through the lens of maturity and fatherhood. “Through songwriting, I’ve been able to connect with a bunch of regular people who value the same things I value – pain, love, friends. I believe that’s what kept me humble and grounded—meeting all these people,” Reid said.

people who have touched Reid’s heart are Saskatchewanians. In particular he recalls the story of a man by the name of Eugene from Weyburn who Reid met during 2009 shows at Casino Regina. Eugene, Reid was told, had terminal cancer and scant days to live. During her hospital vigils, Eugene’s wife would sit him up in bed, put Reid’s “Woman Like You” on the CD player then Eugene would wrap his arms around her. In this way they’d sway, dancing in place, passing the hours, making every remaining minute and moment count. Reid was asked if he could get Eugene into a show. Reid went one better, not only making Eugene his special guest for the evening but also bringing him backstage to meet the band. That chance meeting mad such an impact on Reid that the late Weyburn man, along with Reid’s late beloved grandmother Margaret, and wife Jennifer’s late mother, Mary, were all named in the dedication of Reid’s latest album, A Place Called Love. “I kept getting letters and emails thanking me for what I did for Eugene but, in my heart, I have to tell you, that man gave me more than I could ever give him. He gave me humility and the opportunity to see someone cherishing every single second of their life, and to be part of something so much bigger than myself,” a choked-up Reid explained. “To record a song that binds a man and women together, being part of that is so much more important than being a big country star. That’s what keeps me going, the music and most importantly the people.” FLEW

A perennial favourite at the Craven Country Jamboree, some of the



VISION-ARY BREAKTHROUGH THAT CAN ENHANCE EYESIGHT New digital lens manufacturing lab at Factory Optical By FLEW Staff. Photos courtesy of Factory Optical

“We have said it before, and will say it again. Had we not received the support in 1999 from the Regina marketplace, and by 2001, the Moose Jaw marketplace, we would not have continued to grow. We would not have attracted the interest of a pre-eminent Venture Capital group, we would not have received National recognition as one of the 40 most promising private companies in Canada, and we would not today have the capability of taking advantage of advances in technologies and turning them into new opportunities.� - Stephen McIntosh, President of the Factory Optical and Optiks International group of companies



ew technology equals new opportunity – is a phrase that has not been overused in the retail optical World. But this is changing. “Economists talk of C Changes as representing major changes within industries or groups that can go so far as to alter long standing behaviours”, cites Stephen McIntosh, President of the Factory Optical and Optiks International group of companies. “Perhaps sadly, we have, in my opinion, been an industry lacking in that sort of profound change, until now.” The Factory Optical group is leading the charge towards digital lens manufacturing, having just completed construction of their new digital lens manufacturing laboratory – PureLab LMC. “I am biased, but I have not seen a lens fabrication lab like this anywhere”. Digital lens manufacturing, or surfacing, at its very basic root, involves the grinding of prescriptions onto the inside surface of a

lens, as opposed to the outside of the lens, a simple but profound departure from what has been done for decades. That slight gain in proximity to the eye, results in enhanced visual acuity throughout the lens, and mitigation of peripheral distortion. This, to the extent, that many people who could not previously adapt to a progressive, or invisible bifocal lens, may now be able to. Those that have adapted and wear progressive lenses, should see a marked improvement in all aspects of their prescription lens. Who is doing this now? “There are very real barriers to entry in this case”, offers McIntosh. “Beyond a heavy 7 figure capital expenditure for manufacturing hardware and software, there is a level of manufacturing expertise required to operate this equipment that hasn’t been a requirement in our industry previously.” Add to these the requirement for significant 6 figure annual lens volumes “if

you don’t have the volume to put through the line, it becomes cost ineffective very quickly”. More specifically, “we have been at this for 18 months, and the mantra throughout, has been that if we can’t retail digital product at non-digital prices, then we won’t do it.” Therein lies the volume requirement. “If you have been to an Optometrist in the past 18 months, you have been told about digital lenses. If you’ve been told about digital lenses, you may have suffered sticker shock from the price”. Because of the level of commitment necessary to do this manufacturing inhouse, “it is exclusively the domain of much larger optical companies”. If an optical retailer does not have the ability to manufacture digital lenses in-house, then they are forced to out-source this product from wholesale labs. The cost efficiencies are then totally lost, and they have no choice but to “charge considerably more at retail”.



There are important distinctions made with regards to the quality of digital lens product. “Like everything else, digital lens quality can be put on a continuum”. There are large retail chains out there that have chosen to surface more inexpensive product. “This is not the route that we have chosen”, suggests McIntosh. “Our digital lens designs are by Shamir, the Cadillac of lens designers”. The Factory Optical/Optiks International group has gone a step further, by introducing a 5 brand suite of progressive lenses, that includes office-specific lenses, wraps that can be accommodated in wrapstyle sunglasses, and one that tops out with Autograph II™ lenses – “widely considered to be the finest prescription lenses available today”. “Our product is manufactured on brand new SatisLoh equipment, the gold standard in ours, and many peoples’ opinion”. The Factory Optical group, undaunted by the cost and intellectual requirements associated with this undertaking, chose to build “two distinct manufacturing runs”, “twice the cost,” says McIntosh, “but built-in redundancy, and the best sleeping pill I could imagine”. “We have made a number of very conscious decisions throughout this exercise – we would only manufacture



the best lenses available, bar none. We would employ only the best hardware and software. We price digital product at nondigital prices. It was only by committing to all 3 positions, that we could introduce this product line to the public, knowing that we have done everything possible to ensure its success.” What does “digital product at non digital pricing mean?” “In our world”, offers McIntosh”, that means that we are charging at retail, the same pricing for digital product that we have always charged for non digital, or toric lenses. In our world again, this means further, that all digital lenses are included in our everyday 2 for 1 offer. We have undertaken extensive market analysis in all of our markets, and we are selling 2 pairs of high end digital progressive lenses from $275.00, often in markets where one identical pair costs twice as much.” “To put a period on our marketing of this line, no one can question our product quality and no one can question our product pricing. The introduction of a wholly owned digital lens manufacturing laboratory is just the latest stage in the evolution of this Regina

borne and bred optical retail company. Beginning in 1999, the group has grown fully 4,000% in the ensuing 12 years. With 7 retail locations in Saskatchewan, 7 more in Alberta, and now a flagship store in Victoria, B.C. the group is taking a 12 month hiatus from new store development. “We have been busy over the past few years. Beyond new optical store development, we have taken a gamble and the last 5 stores that we have built, have been the largest in Canada. We have stores now that are 10,000 square feet, with Optometric practices and sunglass boutiques contained within them. We have rolled-out our designer sunglass boutique model in the form of 3 Eyecandy locations in Saskatchewan, and right now are turning our attention to the marketing of our proprietary Rx safety eyewearprogram, having achieved considerable success in Saskatchewan as well as in the Alberta oil sands.” “What we haven’t done for some time however, is stop to catch our breath”. What will the next 12-18 months look like for the Factory Optical/Optiks International group? “We are re-engineering from the bottom, our entire operation. We have been one of the fastest growing optical companies in Canada over the past half dozen years.

We intend on emerging from this self-imposed hiatus as the best managed. Oh, and we might start to open some stores in Vancouver too. We have also set up a franchising company and we are starting to dabble in frame manufacturing. We have just moved our Moose Jaw location to huge, new premises and are planning on doing the same in a couple of other markets which we operate in, but other than that, nothing. I blame the manic energy level of those around me for all of this�. “We have said it before, and will say it again. Had we not received the support in 1999 from the Regina marketplace, and by 2001, the Moose Jaw marketplace, we would not have continued to grow. We would not have attracted the interest of a pre-eminent Venture Capital group, we would not have received National recognition as one of the 40 most promising private companies in Canada, and we would not today have the capability of taking advantage of advances in technologies and turning them into new opportunities.� FLEW

Factory Optical/ Optiks International 926 Victoria Avenue Regina, Sk. 306.522.6411



FAMILY BUSINESS Pharmacy concentrates on helping patients By Carol Todd. Photos by Jon Gillies




outheast Saskatchewan is far from Chicago and New Jersey. And, this family certainly isn’t the mob, or even the Sopranos, though there are drugs involved. But, the Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy is a strong family business nonetheless. Crystal Stockham, co-owner of the Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy along with semi-retired dad Roy Ulmer, is proud to follow in her father’s pharmacological footsteps. Ulmer operated another pharmacy in Weyburn for many years and Stockham spent a lot of time there. “I grew up in the pharmacy,” she says. “I spent my whole life in and around the pharmacy, and when I graduated high school there was really no question that that’s what I was going to do.” She even went to the same school as her father— he graduated from the University of Saskatchewan pharmacy program in 1970; she followed in 1994. After graduation, Stockham worked in her father’s pharmacy until the development of the Weyburn Health Centre afforded the pair an opportunity to get in on the ground floor of a brand new facility. She was delighted to be asked to help design the layout of the building, including the pharmacy. “I was really lucky that they invited me to do that,” she says. Not only did the new facility, which opened in 2004, offer a clean slate to set up shop in, it also gave patients using the Centre the convenience of a dispensary right in the same building. And, it’s good for business, too. “We have a good relationship with the doctors and the staff at the centre and that makes it

really helpful. They’re really good to us,” Stockham says. Unlike the big box stores or national chains, the Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy is a dispensary only. “We don’t have a large front store. We don’t put out a lot of flyers advertising toilet paper and that kind of thing. We concentrate on the pharmacy side of it, and I think that helps (with business),” she says. That focus on dispensing the medications patients need is also in keeping with the history of pharmacy itself. The Encyclopedia Brittanica defines pharmacy as “the science and art concerned with the preparation and standardization of drugs.” Its beginnings are ancient, probably dating back to the first time someone dabbed a bit of plant juice onto a sore or brewed a bitter-tasting tea. Stockham isn’t just following just in her father’s footsteps—Greek legend holds that the first pharmacist was a woman. It seems that Asclepius, the god of the healing arts, delegated the responsibility of compounding his remedies to Hygieia, who became the first apothecary or pharmacist. That separation between the medical professional prescribing the medication and the person who develops the compounds has been reinforced numerous times over the years and continues to this day.

Crystal Stockham

The pharmaceutical industry really took off after World War II, with its developments of advanced battle-field medicine and new medications. It also changed the role of the pharmacist, reducing the need for them to formulate FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


their own medications. The pharmacist continues, however, to do more than provide patients with medicine; they still do some formulation, check the efficacy and quality of the medications they dispense and provide advice and information to patients.

Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy’s new house brand, Remedy’s RX. The umbrella company for independent pharmacies’ web site even states: “Our pharmacists don’t just take the time to learn your individual health needs, they also take the time to learn your name.”

It’s that last role that Stockham believes gives the Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy the advantage over other pharmacies. “We’re not necessarily better,” she says of the fact the Pharmacy doesn’t offer a lot of non-medical consumer goods for sale, “but we have more time to concentrate on helping the clients with their pharmacy needs.”

“It’s a good brand,” Stockham says of Remedy’s RX. “It’s a nice change for us,” she says, pointing out that Remedy’s RX provides not only generic medications and other products, but provides programs to help both member pharmacies and their clients, like in-store clinics to provide patients with information and advice. Remedy’s RX even hosts the Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy’s website, where patients can obtain information or reorder prescriptions online.

Stockham credits her staff’s commitment to customer service for the success the Pharmacy enjoys. She is thankful for a stable workforce—the other four staff members have worked with her for quite some time. “They are really good at making sure they get to know the customers by name and what their needs are,” she says. The philosophy of getting to know your customers and learning both their needs, and their names, is in keeping with the


Stockham believes that having the support and product-line of a company like Remedy’s RX is essential for a dispensary such as hers, providing support while allowing it to stay independent. “Being an independently-owned pharmacy rather than a big chain lets us focus on convenience for the customer. Our goal is to provide quick, accurate and friendly service,” she says.

Helping their clients is what it’s all about at the Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy-Stockham and staff might even go so far as to say they’re all family. “I enjoy it,” she says of working with the clients—friends and neighbours all. “We’re really lucky here. We’re a small community so we have a lot of repeat loyal customers. Not a day goes by when someone doesn’t stop in. It makes for a nice day,” she says. There’s no word yet on whether Weyburn’s family pharmacy business will extend to the next generation. In the meantime, Crystal, Roy and the staff at the Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy will continue to take good care of their family. And yours. FLEW More information on the Pharmacy and the Remedy’s RX brand, click: pharmacy Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy Crystal Stockham 32 4th Street 306.848.3888

Staff at Weyburn Health Centre Pharmacy. Left to right: Elroy Ulmer, Kelly Ulmer, Lindsey Lawrence, Kristen Cote, and Crystal Stockham FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN

TAKING CARE OF YOU Total Effects Day Spa By Jade Ivan


assionate, professional, dedicated and caring: Linda Aitken from Total Effects Day Spa in Weyburn embodies all these characteristics and more. “People deserve year-round wellness,” she says, her voice alight with passion and pride. “They need to look, but more importantly feel well inside. Paying attention to oneself is an important aspect in our overall success and confidence as people. We’re not only in the business

of beauty and relaxation, we are in the business of promoting healthy lifestyle and personal well-being.”

Weyburn arose. Teaching cosmetology was yet another way to share her passion for the industry.

Linda has been active in the cosmetology industry for over four decades. She began her career in the late 60s, mainly focused on hair, serving clients in Toronto, Edmonton, and Saskatoon. In spring, 1972, an opportunity to teach cosmetology at the Comprehensive High School in

Early years were challenging as university classes were imperative to stay in the profession. Eight years of teaching, marriage and family followed by 20 years of owning a salon, Linda went back to teaching cosmetology in the fall of 2000. Teaching went far beyond the basics of FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


hair, skin and nails. It was about personal growth, and helping students feel good about themselves, trying to plant the seed in each of them to always strive for their personal best. An integral part of cosmetology is “touching” people and Linda’s accumulated years of experience showed her that there was so much more to human wellness than great hair colour and make up. The desire to fully pursue that higher level of wellness prompted Linda to open Total Effects Day Spa in December, 2003. Her customer-centred approach and focus on the overall guest experience, along with Linda’s compassionate and helpful nature, helped Total Effects Day Spa become a success. On July 2, 2008, Total Effects Day Spa moved to a new and improved location at 138 1st ST N.E. in Weyburn. The new location generates a real spa experience, a place to experience multiple services under one roof. The experienced staff creates a professional and caring atmosphere where both men and women can enjoy their experience and feel comfortable at all times. Linda consistently refers to her guests showing her passion for people and their genuine experience. She not only wants them to enjoy the services Total Effects Day Spa has to offer, she wants them to enjoy themselves and indulge in their well-being. “People should leave feeling refreshed and relaxed with an understanding of what makes a healthy lifestyle,” Linda says. “We try to not only care for people’s needs, but to provide an ongoing education. We want people to understand what works and why that’s best for them. It’s our goal to help people understand that they are worth it.” Total Effects Day Spa staff work hard to help spa guests become aware of themselves and their own needs. They want not only to help their guests, but also to educate them on how to maintain beauty and well-being. Total Effects Day Spa promotes a year-round wellness centre designed to help guests value themselves. They believe that people deserve to look and feel beautiful yearround not just for special occasions. “Guests often refer to spa services as treats or indulgences. The treatments



offered are far more than that. They are necessary components to healthier lives,” Linda exclaims. Total Effects Day Spa currently offers the widest variety of wellness indulgences in Weyburn. Esthetic services: facials, manicures, pedicures, body treatments, waxing, make-up, gel nails, hot stone massage, tanning, hair services,

hypnotherapy, Reiki, a barrier-free shower, weight management support, personal fitness training, and a new physiotherapist are all under one roof. Linda ensures these services are available as often as possible with business hours ranging from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. Thursday, and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday.

Linda and her staff believe and understand the power of happy and healthy people. They go above and beyond to care for guests ensuring they have the best experience possible. They completely understand the best advertising is a satisfied spa guest. “We approach our services as we deem best to ensure satisfaction,” Linda asserts. “People understand hair services and the on-going upkeep required. It is one of our mandates to provide the necessary education to give our guests permission to pursue other areas of wellness. Total Effects Day Spa truly has something for everyone. Not just something they want or enjoy, but something they need to be a healthier, happier version of themselves.” Total Effects Day Spa has the people and services to help spa guests be well. They invite you to indulge in your personal wellness. They want you to look after yourself on a regular basis or at least as much as possible simply because you are worth it. Linda and her staff are passionate in helping people meet their various wellness needs... Total Effects Day Spa where it is all about you, the spa guests we serve.” FLEW Total Effects Day Spa 138 1st Street NE Weyburn, SK 306.848.0303



State-of-the-art Beauty transformation

From the moment you walk into Bell Medical Aesthetics in Estevan, you feel as though you have entered another world far removed from the frenzied commotion of daily living. Unveiled just over one year ago, the facility instantly wraps you in a cocoon of serenity with its warm earth tone colours By roxy Blackmore Photos by angela Clements 28


and the refined displays of professional skincare products sprinkled with elegant dĂŠcor.

“As an RN, I ensure the clinic follows the guidelines of my professional governing body. Client confidentiality is of the upmost importance,” says Bell.

This soft haven is a dream-turned-reality for owner Candyce Bell. Bell is a registered nurse by trade who was encouraged by a friend and fellow nurse, who is now one of California’s top medical aesthetic nurses, to open such a business. After three years of extensive research of the industry as well as intensive training, Bell has manifested her goal. Bell offers a variety of procedures and products geared towards skin rejuvenation, such as improving complexion, tightening skin, addressing skin pigmentation and color, treatment of spider veins on the face and body, acne treatments, acne scar reduction, reducing the signs of aging, treating rosacea and eczema, teeth whitening, cellulite reduction and body contouring. There are several options available for all concerns — Botox, dermal fillers and various lasers treatments are just a few of them. “The vision I had prior to opening was that not one option fits all,” says Bell. “All clients have unique skincare needs, and I wanted a clinic that catered to each individual’s goals, expectations and budgets.” It is the only business of its kind in Estevan, with top-of-the-line machines you may have already seen on the popular television series The Doctors. Bell ensures that her machines are FDA and Health Canada approved prior to use.

“Our machines offer superior results, and we have clients that travel the province to access them,” she said. With superior technology and a professionally-trained team, the clinic’s key personnel include a medical aesthetics certified RN, doctor and laser technician. “It’s about education,” says Bell. “All clients should advocate for themselves



prior to having a procedure. In Canada, anyone can buy a laser and start lasering. People should ask to see certification: who is doing their procedure, what education and training do they have, and what machines are they using? Several options should be given to clients when educating them during their consultation, if you only get offered one option for your area of concern, be sure it’s the right one for you — not the client before you.” Among the procedures available, laser hair removal is proving to be a popular one. In just a few sessions, the Soprano is specifically designed to remove unwanted hair quickly and virtually pain free. All skin types and colors can be treated including tanned skin and nearly any part of the body, safely and comfortably, including the face, neck, legs, bikini, back and stomach. Bell Medical Aesthetics has the only machine of this kind in Saskatchewan. Bell Medical Aesthetics is proud to offer a minimally-invasive treatment for clients looking for complete skin rejuvenation with no real downtime. If you are not ready for a face lift and are no longer satisfied with the results of the topical creams, Laser360 is an option. This program reveals brighter, younger and healthier looking skin. It treats fine lines and discolorations from deep in the skin to give you a lasting, new, revitalized look. The procedure stimulates new collagen growth to improve your skin’s texture and tone and to fight fine lines and wrinkles — complete rejuvenation in 60 days.

A variety of superior skincare products including a prescription grade line are available for those who don’t want treatments. These products are only available through high end clinics and spas such as Bell Medical so their quality can be ensured. Obagi is a physician-dispensed, prescription-strength skin-care system that is designed to transform your skin at the cellular level by addressing the signs of photo damage and restoring the healthy function of your skin cells. The Clarity Rx product line is a breakthrough in skin rejuvenation. The unique, patented line of physician-based cosmeceuticals have been formulated to deliver powerful, results-driven benefits to the skin, resulting in a smooth, youthful, supple, toned and radiant appearance. Only the purest, highest pharmaceutical-quality ingredients are used, creating the most concentrated, safest, most efficacious paraban-free products to help achieve healthy skin, free of imperfections.

Bell Medical Aesthetics has recently moved beyond beauty treatments to include pain management treatments. The RF method used is deep thermal heating which increases bloodflow, breaks down scar tissue and speeds healing.It has been used successfully on clients with sore knees, shoulders, necks, hips, ankles and arms. Many clients at Bell Medical Aesthetics visit because of results they have seen or heard about in the community. They offer a referral program to their clients, though confidentiality remains one of the highest priorities of the business. “As an RN, I ensure the clinic follows the guidelines of my professional governing body. Client confidentiality is of the upmost importance,” says Bell. “When I started this journey I didn’t want just a few things,” says Bell. “I wanted everything.” All of Bell’s hard work and research has paid off in the form of this elite business with a professional approach to personal beauty. FLEW

Bell Medical Aesthetics 3-419 Kensington Avenue Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 2B4 p: 306.634.6789 e:

Roger Christian has worked on some of the most landmark films in numerous genres over the last several decades including Star Wars, Alien and The Life of Brian. Last month Fine Lifestyles contributor G.H. Lewmer caught up with the director in Regina on the set of his new film 13 Eerie.

Hollywood in Saskatchewan

Roger Christian with model of R2D2 from the film Star Wars. ©Melissa Munroe

How did you first get your start in film?

How old were you at that time?

A: Hard..(laughs)...Very hard. I came from a town where there was no theatre and my father gave me strict instructions to be a doctor, a priest, or an architect and that was it. I had zero contacts to the film industry. I think I was putting up marquees one summer and we were next to Pinewood Studios. I got under the fence, went in and that was it. There was the world I wanted to be in.

A: About 17. I had to first finish art school first and then they’d hire me. I wrote letters everywhere and anyone who wrote back, which were very few, were mostly refusal letters. One guy who wrote back said I think you can get into the film industry through the art department because I received my diploma in art. In this wild kind of passion to get into film I applied to Oxford school of architecture and got accepted. I did

two years at Oxford then I didn’t want to do it anymore because I wasn’t going to be an architect. Hitchhiking led to a job with John Box—who designed Doctor Zhivago [and] Lawrence of Arabia—one of the greatest designers of all time. Would you consider him your mentor? A: John was my mentor. This architect who I thumbed a lift with introduced me to Charlie Bishop. He designed the whole ice palace sequence on Dr. Zhivago. FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


Charlie saw me with my folder and he said, “I’ll take you on but I’m just finishing a TV series.” Charlie phoned John Box and after three months of waiting and working in London and unpacking dresses and doing whatever I could just to stay alive, I was called and taken on in the official position of Tea Boy on the movie Oliver. I made the tea and the coffee for an Art Department. John mentored me throughout that film, he was wonderful. John Box was absolutely brilliant. Even now, as a Director, I use finishes that he taught me on Oliver. One of your most famous films is Life of Brian. How did that come about? A: I set decorated Star Wars in Tunisia and [Monty Python] decided to make Life of Brian in Tunisia. They made it there because the budget was pretty small—all Python films were. I knew Terry [Gilliam] from way back so I took them down to Tunisia. I took them to where we shot the crucifix scenes in Marta, that’s where we shot Luke’s homestead, the exteriors of it. We spent about three months on it, designing it, Gilliam and

Roger Christian with George Lucas on the set of Star Wars. ©Lucasfilm



I, getting everything done. Then, Lord Delfont who was financing the film read the script and cancelled it. He said, “This was blasphemous, I can’t make this.” The film got cancelled and they started Alien. I was suppose to work on Alien, they wanted me on it. I was the only one who could do this technique of buying scrap and breaking it down and making it work. Ridley [Scott] phoned me about two hours after Life of Brian collapsed and said “get your ass down here now” so I went down and signed on that day. They didn’t want to lose me on Life of Brian so I was kept on a kind of retainer, and then right at the end of Alien, Life of Brian suddenly kicked off and we went straight back onto it. When you started work on Star Wars, did you have any idea it would become the cultural phenomenon that it ended up becoming? A: I had an intuition about this film. The budget was so small. They said they could make it in England because it was half the cost in America and it was only $4 million at that stage, which was absolutely

nothing. John Barry, the production designer of Star Wars, was my other mentor. John was brilliant, absolutely brilliant. I was called out as an addition to the art department on Lucky Lady in Mexico and the Lucky Lady writers who helped George write some of Star Wars, they said “you better come down and see these sets.” I always loved myth, magic, I got through my childhood with Arthurian legends and stories, so I’d connected to the story as soon as I read it. To me it was like Arthur in space. I was dressing a set with the boys in Mexico and George came out to see me then and spent a few hours with me talking and it was like joy to my ears. He said he wanted this real and oily. That’s how a ship should be. I knew the language that he wanted and I knew there was something there. George to this day says there were only four people who stood by his side throughout that entire film. That’s me, John Barry, Les Dilley and Norman Reynolds in the Art Department. You’ve been a working Director now for over 30 years. Did your work in the Art Department influence your Directing?

A: Huge. And when I think, Ridley Scott was an art director, Hitchcock was an art director, Kurosawa was an art director. (Laughs) All the directors I love were art directors. Michael Powell was an art director. All of these, they all came from that side of it, the visual side is very important. There’s such a shorthand that I’ve now become quite well known for putting massive screen value on screen for the budgets. That’s because I know what I can get away with now. What we need. I can read stuff very fast, very quickly. Locations I can just go out and see it, I can make a decision very fast and most directors can’t do that. You’re here in Regina right now about to embark upon a film entitled 13 Eerie. Tell me a bit about the film.

Photos on this page by G.H. Lewmer on set with Roger Christian in Regina.

A: I love zombie films and I don’t see that many good ones. There’s a few classics, 28 Days and 28 Weeks Later were pretty damn good; occasionally Romero, who invented the genre, he’s got it right, Land of the Dead, the remake of Dawn of the Dead. All the fan bases want these kind of violent tales, with a really good interesting story in it. We’ve got all of that in this one. I’m doing it more visceral documentary-style, so again I want reality. That’s the game on this, I want everything real—as if I’m plunging an audience into an absolute horror situation where these forensic students are going to placed. What are your impressions of Regina and Saskatchewan since you’ve been here? A: It’s going to suit this movie because the old abandoned zoo we’ve got to shoot in is an ideal place. Pasqua, this other location, is the ideal horror town. I’ve got a very very good crew and we’re having to make this again with not enough money, but it’ll never betray that. I think the crew is really excited by it. The script has got something and everybody’s excited so I can feel that energy. I wish your downtown was a bit more vibrant. Weekends it’s me and about ten homeless, and that’s about it. (Laughs) FLS



because You Deserve It! Healthy Lifestyle, Fitness and rejuvenation under one roof by Jade Ivan Photos by Prairie Wind Photography

“Olympia Fitness offers everything I need under one roof to improve my overall health and well-being,” says Shauna, a satisfied member at Olympia Fitness in Weyburn. “The variety of fitness classes offered daily and the fully-equipped multi-purpose room allow me to keep my exercise plan challenging and always changing.”



She’s right. Olympia Fitness is Southeast Saskatchewan’s largest and most fully equipped gym facility emphasizing the value of year-round health and wellbeing. Olympia Fitness is more than just a gym; it offers big city gym amenities and services with a small town, friendly staff and welcoming atmosphere. Olympia Fitness is second to none because you deserve a top of the line health and fitness experience.

The 8,000 square-foot facility at Olympia Fitness offers high quality training equipment ranging from traditional free weights and weight machines to a large, diverse selection of cardio machines. It also features a fully-equipped 1,200 square-foot, open concept multi-purpose room perfect for body weight resistance training, functional training using BOSU balls, stability balls and power bands, TRX or stretching out.

Olympia Fitness offers a variety of fitness classes to members and nonmembers ranging from bootcamps that take fitness training to a whole new level, X-Fit for a full cross-fit experience, full body conditioning in the Power Hour, high intensity metabolic conditioning programs, and athlete in-season and offseason training programs. Or, why not try the fresh new challenge of Bender Ball and the Yummy Mommy class where you can even bring your baby for a workout full of love, sweat and friendship. Each class allows you to challenge your body in a new way with innovative exercises designed by quality fitness professionals and personal trainers. Time constraints or too busy? No worries. Olympia offers fitness classes at many times throughout the day from 6 a.m. for the early birds or later in the evening for the after supper crowd. If you are looking to set up a gym routine or become familiar with the gym facility, Olympia’s experienced and qualified personal trainers are ready to give tours of the equipment, do personal

appointments and answer any questions you may have. Once you have completed your workout, be sure to stop by the juice bar, which has a healthy menu ranging from protein/fruit smoothies to rice bowls, wraps and salads. The juice bar is available all day to members and nonmembers. Drop by for a quick workout and lunch or simply to eat. The menu is full of options to ensure you receive healthy and convenient choices. Appointments are available with the nutrition specialist to receive information on quality health choices and nutritional meal planning including those just starting into the fitness world as well as elite athletes and teams. The pro-shop supports healthy supplements as well with a variety of products that are tested and true. Olympia only brings in products their trainers and staff have tried and believe in 100 per cent. Olympia Fitness offers more than a gym, its staff truly makes Olympia a first-class training facility.



“The personal relationships that I have developed with everyone at Olympia Fitness makes the gym feel like a second home,” says Preston Shupe a student athlete training with Olympia Fitness during his off-season. “It is a great feeling knowing that when I return home from playing hockey in the winter I have a firstclass gym to work out at. That makes getting to the gym easy for me.” Olympia has staff on at all times ready and willing to help you with your health and fitness needs. Staff members keep the space clean and bright with natural light and fresh air exchange. They work hard to maintain a friendly and comfortable space allowing you to work out at any time of the day in a healthy and safe environment. Olympia Fitness truly has something for everyone including students or those new to the fitness world, seniors and elite athletes. “Being a competitive power lifter means I spend many hours at the gym training to improve myself,” says teacher Ryan Fowler. “Olympia Fitness provides me with the perfect training facility for all

my training needs. Olympia does a great job providing a high quality training atmosphere for high calibre athletes while still maintaining the comfort level of those new to the gym experience. The equipment selection will suit anyone’s needs and the wide selection of classes and training opportunities provides something for everyone. The entire staff goes out of their way to accommodate anyone who comes to the gym, giving Olympia an almost family feeling and atmosphere. I recommend Olympia as your gym of choice if you want to get started with a healthier lifestyle and need something new and refreshing.”

Beyond fitness, Olympia strives to provide overall body and soul bliss. Two steam rooms, the only nine-minute high power tanning bed in Weyburn, the Advance Fit whole body vibration machine to improve circulation and increase your work out potential and an on-site registered massage therapist, Michelle Schmidt (available by appointment).

Olympia Fitness has extended hours to accommodate everyone’s busy lifestyle and fitness needs. During the week, they open at 5 a.m. for the early birds and don’t close until 11 p.m. for the night hawks. On weekends they are available 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. and holidays from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. In fact, they are so dedicated to your health and well-being and providing an available healthy exercise option at all times that the only day they close is Christmas Day.

Whether you want a casual, comfortable environment for exercise and fitness or you are an elite athlete looking to take your training to a new level, Olympia Fitness has exactly what you need If you are looking for top-of-the-line exercise equipment, challenging group fitness classes and highly trained professionals coupled with the body rejuvenation you deserve all under one roof, look no further than Olympia Fitness in Weyburn. FLEW

Why? Because you deserve it.

1623 1st Avenue NE Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 3E7 Phone: 306.842.5111 36


BRINGING HEALTHY BACK How Patients Are Discovering Health, Hope and Happiness

An interior shot of the Weight Loss Forever LIMARP Hospital

If you suffer from obesity, you might be a candidate for the new, innovative program with Weight Loss Forever. Based in Saskatoon, Weight Loss Forever is the only company of its kind in Canada and offers a permanent solution to obesity. It specializes in a procedure called the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy (VSG), or the “Sleeve.” Currently the simplest, most-effective weight loss surgery available, its safety and success rates are making it the fastest-growing bariatric surgery in the world. “Our program offers pre-operative and post-operative care and support, including support groups, patient facilitators and nutritional guidelines. Our team includes nurses, psychologists and nutritionists in order to ensure our patients have the support they need each step of the way,” says Melanie Wildman, CEO of Weight Loss Forever. Wildman started Weight Loss Forever after having the procedure in April, 2009 and losing over 100 pounds from her highest weight. Melanie chose weight loss surgery after talking with her family about options and heard about the Sleeve from her sister-in-law, Dr. Marla Lujan. As a professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell University, Lujan studies women

and obesity and was familiar with the procedure and its successful results. After losing her weight, Melanie became Mrs. Saskatchewan and Mrs. Canada 2011, representing our country internationally. “It’s incredible what you can achieve when you have the tools you need to succeed,” Wildman says.

From A Doctor’s Perspective Before Weight Loss Forever patients can be approved for the surgery, they receive an in-depth pre-operative information package and are required to attend an information session on the risks and benefits of bariatric procedures. Patients also go through a medical assessment to ensure they’re healthy enough to undergo surgery and must correct any issues before approval. Doctor Carl le Roux, who practices out of Blairmore Medical Clinic in Saskatoon, first heard about the Sleeve when a patient brought her facilitator to an appointment to discuss the possibility of getting the bariatric surgery. “By the time patients see me, they’re in a high-risk group because of obesity. In my opinion, the surgery is almost

Dr. Liza Pompa, MD, PhD, AFACS

lifesaving because of the risk reduction and health benefits,” le Roux says. “Many patients have problems with diabetes, hypertension, high blood pressure or heart disease, but because of the weight loss, those things improve significantly. And the way patients change psychologically is unbelievable.” Dr. le Roux says every patient he has followed up with is very impressed with the facility and with the care they recieved. “I haven’t had one patient come back with problems yet and they’ve all done really well with recovery,” he says. “I’m very impressed with the post-operative care and support provided by Weight Loss Forever.”An interi

“The surgery is almost lifesaving because of the risk reduction and health benefits,” Dr.Carl le Roux, MD

For more information, or to speak with a real patient, call (306) 352-8446 or email Regina Office Location: 136-1621 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4P 2S5 | or FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


BRINGING HEALTHY BACK How two patients discovered hope, health and happiness John’s Story

John Grimsdale’s battle started when he was in high school. His weight started climbing and he ballooned up to 285 pounds. He tried to counter the gain with dieting and would lose weight but each loss was quickly followed by an extreme gain—over the last 30 years, he’d gone down and back up six times and it got to the point where his health was affected by his weight problem. “I was on five prescription drugs for diabetes, a couple for my cholesterol and a few for my blood pressure. My doctor was threatening me to do something; I had lots of risk factors and there was a good chance I’d drop dead one day,” says John. The 56-year-old had heard of Weight Loss Forever but had never considered it. Once his health was at risk, he started investigating Weight Loss Forever, the Sleeve and the other procedures.

“I’m the same guy; I’m just happier.” 38


“If they told me to do a by-pass, stomach stable or Lap-Band, I would have said no—I knew a guy that had a stomach staple and he’s in worse shape today than before, and I didn’t like the thought of the Lap-Band, putting a plastic inside me. I knew exactly what I would and wouldn’t do,” says John. “I liked what I saw at Weight Loss Forever. I talked to people and thought about it for awhile. The cost was restricting but I decided that I had to weigh the costs for the rest of my life.”

his health and eliminating prescription drugs. What he realized on his journey was that his weight loss and resolution of comorbidities were directly related.

When John decided to get the Sleeve, his family doctor was 100 per cent on board. He had researched the surgeon himself and said she was in the best class in the industry, which put John at ease when he went for his procedure on May 2, 2011.

“For me to be down to a couple of lightweight medications, from being on 14 a day, I met and exceeded all my goals,” says John. “I don’t realize how much I’ve changed but other people tell me. I’m the same guy; I’m just happier.”

John has lost 107 pounds from his highest weight —20 pounds more than he hoped he would—and is down to a svelte 178 pounds. While John was successful with his weight loss, his main goal was regaining


John is down to one prescription drug for his blood pressure and another for cholesterol—with half the dosage—and expects to be off both drugs soon. He is also on a prescription for acid reflux but no longer needs diabetes medication and has much less knee pain.

Gay’s Story put her health first. Recently married, Gay wanted a long and healthy retirement with her husband and she found the tool she needed. “I knew if I continued to gain weight I’d have problems. My sleeve helps me control eating; it’s not the be-all and endall answer but it’s the tool that helps you maintain the lifestyle you’ve always wanted. Before, I would eat a big meal and be hungry 15 minutes later. I knew I shouldn’t but I would eat anyway. In the blink of an eye, one piece of pie turned into 30 pounds.” Down 101 pounds since getting sleeved on March 8, 2011, Gay is just 13 pounds from her goal of reaching a normal BMI.

Since she was five years old, Gay Hoffman felt overweight. She was teased by classmates and began dieting. Over the years, she tried many methods but they all yielded the same result: a loss of a few pounds followed by gaining double back. The weight kept piling on until she reached 244 pounds. “I couldn’t maintain it. It seemed I could lose a certain amount but had to be totally dedicated. I couldn’t go anywhere or eat because I knew I would gain,” says the 58-year-old. “I knew how to diet and exercise but I didn’t know how to maintain the lifestyle to keep it off.” She heard about the Sleeve and Weight Loss Forever last December from a friend who had the procedure. Intrigued by the idea of a permanent weight loss solution, Gay researched the company, surgery, surgeon and facility. She went to Weight Loss Forever’s support group meetings, listened to patients’ stories and decided to

“If I don’t make those 13 pounds, I’ve gone from a size 22 to an 8. My hands shrunk three sizes, my feet shrunk one size, even my head’s shrunk! I want to tell everyone about it!” Gay attends bi-weekly support group meetings and says the group has opened a realm of friends who don’t judge. The group laughs together, they cry together and helps each other . “When I first phoned Weight Loss Forever, I didn’t know what to expect. They answered every question and took away every fear. Weight Loss Forever is an amazing company and the people working there are remarkable. They take time to listen, do a follow-up with you and spend hours just giving of themselves,” says Gay. “When you walk into that office, they stop what they’re doing and come celebrate with you. They help you if you’re struggling; if you have a problem at any time, you can find someone to help you. They laugh, they cry, they’re part of your family. There’s nothing they won’t do for you.”


For more information, or to speak with a real patient, call (306) 352-8446 or email Regina Office Location: 136-1621 Albert Street, Regina, SK S4P 2S5 or FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


Obviously driven... Obviously talented... ObviOusly ChiC

Fashionista feels blessed to base national brand in Estevan 42


It was during a typical rainy Vancouver day, stuck on the freeway in traffic, when Jessica Cote, owner of Obviously Chic, had the idea to open a pop-up store in her hometown offering trendy fashion at prices people could afford. It was a dream that seemed impossible and one that she wasn’t 100 per cent sure she even wanted. But after six years in marketing and public relations and with schooling in journalism and fashion under her belt, she realized that there was never going to be a perfect time to take the leap, so she might as well do it now. Jessica quit her marketing job in Vancouver and spent the summer obsessing and planning the perfect launch back in Saskatchewan. “Looking back at those early planning stages it’s hard to believe that the store is what it is now, I really had no real concept of what I was doing, only passion, a vision in my head and a burning desire that outweighed it all,” recalls Jessica. Cote who was born in Lampman, half hour outside of Estevan where Obviously Chic is based, left when she was 18 and went to Calgary where she attended journalism school after her first year, she realized that fashion was her passion, not writing as she had first thought. But not knowing where she could go with fashion she pursued her journalism career and landed an internship in Toronto at Style At Home magazine. While in Toronto her passion for fashion became even more clear and when she returned to Calgary and became marketing & public relations manager for Canadian Rocky Mountain Resorts she spent many years obsessing outside of her day job on what was hot and what was not. “It was always on my trips back home that people would compliment me on my

style, I usually was wearing something that didn’t cost an arm and a leg that I had found on my travels or while shopping online,” says Jessica. Those compliments continued when she moved to Vancouver and continued to dress in her signature style of bold colours, fabrics, statement rings and necklaces. While at fashion school, even when she was on a tight budget, she found ways to dress to impress. So with a sharp eye for what she loved Jessica opened Obviously Chic Boutique in Estevan Nov 1, 2009. Leading up the opening, it was all a blur. “Here I was living in Vancouver doing a buy in LA for a store in Saskatchewan,” she recalls. “I bought blind. I had no idea what the demographic was like, no idea what everyone was wearing in Estevan. I basically sat on Facebook for hours looking at everyone’s pictures on Facebook analyzing what they wore.” Cote did no marketing for the launch of the store, other than starting a fan page on Facebook and used that as her marketing tool to get the word out. She rented an old pet store for two months and just hoped that people would show up. The first three months the store was so busy she went back to LA twice and after two months and everyone begging her not to leave, Jessica made the decision to stay open. She bought the building that Obviously Chic now calls home. “It was a hard yet easy decision for me,” she says. “I was waking up every day and doing what I loved, but it wasn’t exactly in the city/place that I wanted to be, but then I realized I can still have the best of both worlds, still travel and see the world get inspired and bring fashion back to Saskatchewan, so I stayed not sure what the future was going to be.” The future had lots planned for Obviously Chic and Jessica within the next year. Jessica continued to showcase her product on Facebook and before she knew it people from all over Canada were FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


becoming fans of her page and ordering her product through Facebook, at many points items were selling out through Facebook before they even hit the store in Estevan.

her visits to some of the world’s most beautiful cities. After the renovation in Estevan, the brand will have reached full circle. After that, Obviously Chic will expand into Regina and Saskatoon.

Jessica then realized that it was time to create a national boutique website that offers everything beautiful, chic and affordable. The wheels were set in motion to launch, Jessica partnered with her Vancouver-based graphic artist and web designers to create a website that makes you want to stop and say, “Wow, it’s beautiful, I want to shop here, I want to look like that.” After a year in the making and some slight detours, obviouslychic. com, Canada’s first boutique online store launched on November 1, 2011.

“I really don’t know what the future holds, all I know is that even though I always said I would never come back to Saskatchewan, I know now that everything in life happens just as it is suppose to, every career, experience and moment led me to Obviously Chic. I am so blessed to dress women every day and make not only people in my hometown look and feel great, but now all over Canada. I am a truly blessed fashionista—no, actually, Obviously Chic is truly blessed—it’s because of our fans that we are in Saskatchewan today being stylish.”

“It was bittersweet, I could have opened a hundred stores, but launching a national online store and all that comes with it was a beast all its own,” Jessica explains. “It was a very proud moment in the history of Obviously Chic, a new chapter in the story, I wasn’t sure if I was going to cry or pass out, it all started as a pop-up store, then a fan page that grew to be loved. I was very emotional that first week because the response from the store’s fans was overwhelming and meant so much.” Now moving into her second year of business, Jessica is more comfortable with Obviously Chic and over the past year has worked closely with her graphic artist to turn the company into a brand. She continues to travel and search for unique items at prices you can afford. In the store she carries a lot of handmade jewellery and clothing. She believes in supporting handmade work and the beauty of a creative mind. She supports a lot of Canadian designers and is proudly Canadian as she travels to LA, often to handpick items. The bulk of the store is under $100 with a few more expensive pieces including Montreal-based Yoga Jeans, handmade cozy sweaters from Vancouver and the exclusive jewellery line from LA. Moving into 2012, Jessica is working on a complete store renovation inspired by 44


You can visit Obviously Chic in Estevan at 1231 4th Street (next to the Orpheum Theatre) or online at: or on the facebook page: Obviously Chic Boutique. xoxo FLEW

Obviously Chic 1231 4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W8 p: 306.634.1970 e:

From a childhood love of gems to a premier jewellery shop

By Roxy Blackmore Photos by Angela Clements

From left to right - Vern Buck, Owner; Laurel Buck, Owner/Operator; Gail Schlamp, Sales Associate; Diane Forsberg, Sales Associate Missing - Joyce McGill, Sales Associate

s the little blonde girl walked home from school each day, she would fill her pockets with rocks carefully selected from the sidewalk, the playground and the driveway. She was fascinated with the beauty and individuality of each one. She would bring her ‘precious stones’ inside and put them through her rock polisher to admire as they gleamed and glistened. She is Laurel Buck, owner of the oldest and finest jewellery store in Estevan. Laurel and her father Vern, along with family, purchased the store in 2006 after

Vern’s retirement as Chief Executive Officer of a local financial institution. “I have had an interest in jewellery for as long as I can remember—stones, gems, anything sparkly,” says Laurel. A&A Jewellery is nestled among other speciality shops in the core of downtown Estevan. Quite a transformation has taken place in the store since the Bucks took ownership. The hard wood floor shines and reflects the precious giftware and jewellery upon it. The walls are a demonstration of sophistication with row

upon row of Bulova clocks that chime gently on the hour. The lighting is soft and elegant. A&A Jewellery originally opened its doors in 1972 and many of its original customers still shop here. It is easy to see why with the sizable selection of jewellery and giftware to suit the tastes of people of all ages. “I think our selection is a huge drawing card and second to none,” Laurel says. “We have something for everyone and cater to all age groups,



from one to one hundred and one. And if you don’t see what you are looking for, we will try our best to get it for you. It’s all about customer satisfaction. I like to believe that we have exceptional customer service.” Another main attraction is the Pandora collection. A&A Jewellery is the only retailer in Estevan to offer these magnificent charms. The Moments line is a patented jewellery concept with bracelets in 14K solid gold, sterling silver and leather string that can be combined with more than 600 charms made from a variety of precious stones, genuine stones, pearls, enamel, Murano glass and wood. You first purchase the bracelet, and then add different beads to personalize it as a testimony to your unique personality. These meticulously crafted jewels capture life’s unforgettable moments and are beloved by women around the globe. They are truly amazing to look at and more exhilarating to wear. A&A Jewellery also recently added the Stories line, which is exquisitely feminine couture jewellery including elegant earrings and beautiful rings and necklaces. The jewellery can be combined to create the final level of elegance to your look and your style.



Another line available at A&A Jewellery is the Stamper Harley Davidson line made in the Black Hills of South Dakota. Many motorcycle enthusiasts are regular shoppers here. They stop in to find the perfect adornment to display their love of the open road proudly on their wrist, neck, ear, or finger. The line is an American art form. The detail of each piece is precise and defined and ranges from classy to edgy, depending on your taste. As one looks on the row upon row of sparkling delights, you cannot help but notice the unique Aurora Canadian Jewellery pendant display. The pendants are made with ammolite, a rare and valuable gemstone made of the fossilized shells of ammonites, found only in Alberta. Each pendant has a harmonious design of precious metal surrounding a beautiful jewel. Each is like a tiny rainbow changing hue depending on the light. The iridescent look is created by the layers of aragonite that reflect and refract light, causing a prism effect.

A&A Jewellery offers a superb selection of diamonds, including the Sirius Star collection. The Sirius Star Diamond features greater light return making it glisten like a thousand tiny lights bursting from the centre. The Sirius Star Diamond was designed by Mike Botha—an internationally acclaimed master diamond cutter with close to four decades in the profession—of Embee Diamond Technologies of Prince Albert, SK. “The diamonds are mined, designed, cut and polished in Canada and are available only at independent jewellery stores,” says Laurel. Embee Diamond Technologies will be coming to A&A Jewellery to discuss diamond cuts and designs with customers on December 15.

Master Diamond Cutter Mike Botha

It is not only the product that makes A&A Jewellery stand out amongst its competitors, they are also known for their service. “Each day we look forward to interacting with our customers and believe strongly in customer satisfaction,” Laurel explains. “We offer jewellery cleaning free of charge, jewellery repair, and watch repair and resizing, appraisals, bridal registries and even wedding licences. We truly cater to our customer.” A&A Jewellery takes service to the next level by offering design and remounting clinics. Customers can change the setting of their diamond by choosing from the assortment in the store, online, mounting books or by creating their own. “We believe in quality. It’s a matter of getting what you pay for. A chain store may have a bargain price but in turn the piece may be of lower quality in both the setting and the stones. We sell only the best quality. Diamonds should last forever and we sell a cut above the rest.” FLEW

For more Information:

A & A Jewellery 1226-4th Street, Estevan, SK S4A 0W9 Phone: 306.634.2215 FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


DresseD by King’s in Carlyle by sheena Koops Photos by brent Hume

“When Mark’s grandma passed away, we were both kind of lost,” says Kara Schiestel who farms with her husband, Mark, half an hour out of Carlyle. “We went into King’s Department Store, and Ken dressed us from head to toe. When we got home, a family member from Alberta showed up and had forgotten his suit. We called Ken and he told us to meet him down at the shop, and he suited the next guy up.” “He’s got really good merchandise and the service is bar none,” says Kelly Silcox of Regina. “I’m originally from Carlyle, and I’ve just continued shopping at King’s. Everything is stylish and a good 48


price point. There’s an excellent return policy, not that I ever do return anything because it’s great quality. In fact, my cousins from Calgary time their trip every summer to match Ken’s summer sale.” The word on the street is that King’s Department Store, a Carlyle landmark since the early 1980s, is 3,800 squarefeet of bright shopping experience with excellent service and a warm environment. With men’s clothing on the left, Women’s on the right, footwear and the children’s departments closer to the back, King’s is a one-stop, quality shopping experience.

“We were fortunate in the summer of 2010 to be able to purchase the lady’s fashion store next to us,” says owneroperator Ken King. “We constructed two spacious passageways and now merchandise moves freely between King’s Department Store and One Twenty Two Main Fashion Boutique, an updated, modern ladies fashion store.” Colleen Brownridge, who works primarily in One Twenty Two Main Fashion Boutique, had an early start in fashion. “We lived on a farm just twelve miles from Elmer Olsen, and he used to come to the farm and do our hair, then take us shopping. He gave us an eye for style.”

Elmer Olson, of Toronto’s Elite Modelling Agency set the standards high for Colleen. “I love working in clothing and fashion,” says Colleen. “As a child we had to sew a lot for ourselves.” This understanding of how clothing works keeps customers coming back to Colleen for their fashion and casual fittings. “Colleen is a jean expert, and her knowledge has been passed on to the many great staff,” says Ken King. “She has an incredible memory for detail, fully understanding the benefits of a good pair of jeans. She and the girls have made jean-buying a great experience for women who have sometimes almost given up on wearing jeans. But today, the jean business has changed, and there is a jean for almost every body type. With knowledgeable salespersons helping out, it changes everything.” With close to 30 years of business connections, King’s brand base is broad and with good value. Canada’s Silver Jeans are a huge part of the store. They have a fit for everybody, male and female. FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


They have just added complementary tops, and it’s been a huge hit. The North Face outerwear and fashion provides great value and exceptional quality. Under Armour started as athletic wear, but they have now evolved successfully to include everyday fashion that also includes children’s sizes. Oakley sunglasses and fashion continue to be popular with customers. Footwear includes Merrell, Cat, New Balance, Nike and Skechers. For the skateboard crowd, King’s has the DC Brand. “As a father of nine myself, I don’t like to sell a product that doesn’t have good value for the money,” adds King. With holiday gift-giving on people’s minds, King’s is the place to go in the southeast. “We carry hundreds of gift items, one of them being gift cards in any value,” says King. “They’re good for as long as we’re here and many customers like the stress-free gift-giving that a gift card offers.” If a gift bought at King’s or One Twenty Two is anything but perfect they have an amazing return policy. “We stand by our commitment to take exchanges and returns, even on our sale items,” King says. “Something can be 70 per cent off and have been purchased six months earlier and cash back is not a problem. Should the receipt not be available at the time of return, we won’t worry about that either. Of course, we are happy to see those receipts, but we understand that we’re all busy and things get misplaced.” Although King specializes in clothing, there are other surprises for his customers. One of those surprises is their famous Polar Fleece sheets. King’s is one of the few retailers in western Canada carrying this Canadian-made brand. “What sells the sheets is when someone actually crawls into them,” says King. “I don’t know how many times we’ve had someone come in the front door saying, ‘I just stayed at so-and-so’s house and I’m not leaving town until I have a set of those sheets.’” The sheets are made of breathable polyester and acrylic blend, with all-the-cozy of fleece, and the 50


comfort of a breathable fabric. “I just sent a package to Calgary, and we ship them all over,” adds King. It’s not just Carlyle residents visiting King’s kingdom. “We are a small-town business, but on any given day, if I walk out on the floor, and there are 12 people in the store, only two will be from Carlyle,” says King. We’re at the Junction of Highways 13 and nine, and folks from Weyburn, Estevan and all over the southeast are through Carlyle all the time. We do a lot of business with the park people, White Bear Lake Resort, day trippers and golfers, too.” Customers love driving up to the store, parking twenty feet from the entrance, walking into a spacious atmosphere and outfitting every member of the family. “My husband and I have three children,” says Kara Schiestel. “We buy most of our clothes at King’s. We used to go to the box stores, but I found I was buying two snowsuits per child every winter, so I decided to buy Ken’s coats, and we’d get three years out of one suit. When we walk in the door, Ken makes us feel like family. It’s nothing for my husband and Ken to sit down for coffee. It’s not just a sales pitch. He knows us. He’s watched our kids grow up.” Ken and his staff truly deserve the name King; with hearts like servants, they are taking care of their people. FLEW

King’s Department Store 122 & 124 Main Street Carlyle, Saskatchewan S0C 0R0 p: 306.453.6363 e:



Style that will blow you away By Tobie Hainstock olleen Kickley was first bitten by the ‘beauty bug’ while attending her high school’s cosmetology program. She accredits this to her teacher, Ed Brittin who had a talent for making every class fun and interesting. After studying at Hair Design Academy in Moose Jaw, Kickley fell in love with the trade. “It’s what I was meant to do,” she expresses. As the years past, Kickley continued in her chosen profession with the underlying knowledge that one day she would have a salon of her own. “When my two daughters took their hairdressing (training), I felt my dream would come true,” says Kickley. That dream did come. After daughter Rachelle completed her course, the two ladies decided to make it happen.



Photos by Brent Hume “We started Blown Away Hair Studio in August 2009 in a little shop which was about 900 square feet. There were seven stylists and two nail techs at the time,” she recalls. About a year later, it was clear that an expansion was necessary. “After a lot of ‘sweet talking’ to my husband, I convinced him to build us a shop,” states Kickley. It took three months of hard work but a big, bright and beautiful new salon was the new home of Blown Away Hair Studio. Since the move, Blown Away Hair Studio has grown immensely. They continue to serve a wide variety of clientele, offering a full range of services including cuts, colours, highlights, low lights, perms, sets, chemical straightening, extensions and more. Is a graduation or wedding in

your future? The staff at Blown Away can make you look and feel like the princess you really are. With quality styling tools and products by Kenra, Joico, Moroccan, Osis and more; your hair will have that rich healthy look that you long for. Other services provided at Blown Away are acrylic and gel nails, laser hair removal, skin rejuvenation, relaxation massages, reflexology, waxing, facial treatments, manicures, pedicures, ear piercing, tooth gems and more. Today this exciting facility features 12 cutting stations, an esthetician room, nail room, waxing room and laser room. The staff of 14 features: Colleen Kickley – 26 years, Rachelle Kickley – 5 years, Angel Erickson – 27 years, Teresa Stregger – 26 years, Cherylee Forster – 16 years, Taylor Kickley – 2 years, Joyce Halladay

– 39 years, Lindsey Molstad – 9 years, Tracy Hunt – 11 years, Faye Veroba – 45 years, Melissa Mosely – 6 months hair and 2 years nails, Mandee Frank – 5 years nails, Jessica Thorkelson – 2 years esthetician, Joanne Howard – laser and skin rejuvenation. According to Kickley, the staff at Blown Away like to stay on top of their trade by consistently furthering their education and taking part in hair shows in Regina, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Calgary, Las Vegas, Winnipeg, Toronto and Vancouver. When you visit Blown Away Hair Studio, you are sure to get the most current look. Kickley is pleased to share that recently some of the girls had the privilege of traveling to Winnipeg and meeting Tabatha Coffey from the TV show Tabatha’s Salon Takeover. Truly an experience they will never forget. Convenient service is a priority for

Blown Away Hair Studio; therefore, you won’t find set hours posted on the door. “Usually someone is there from 7AM to 9PM,” explains Kickley as she goes on to say that sometimes they are on the premises earlier or later depending on the clients’ schedules. On Saturdays, the shop is usually open around 8:00 and remains open until the clients are done. Don’t have an appointment? Walk-ins are welcome. So, why do these incredible talented professionals do what they do? When asked what they like most about their jobs, they commented that they love to help people feel better about themselves. Meeting wonderful people everyday and building great relationships are the perks of the business. For Kickley beauty is more than a job, it’s her passion. “I love hairdressing,” she expresses, “I look forward to getting up in the morning and doing what I love best which is making people feel and look good.” For more information or to book an appointment, call Blown Away Hair Studio at 306-634-3635 or check them out on Facebook. FLEW

Blown Away Hair Studio 2 - 102 Souris Avenue, Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 1J3 p: 306.634.3635



Generations of Well-Dressed Men have found their look at Franks By Sheena Koops

Photos by Angela Clements

ince the 1950s, staff at Franks on 4th Menswear in Estevan have been dressing men from head to toe in the latest of fashions. Though fashion trends continuously evolve, the service and quality of product remains unshakable and the store one-of-a-kind in the Energy City. Joyce Wallin purchased the store in 2006 and though she has kept some of the existing brands, she is constantly evolving the stock. Many gentlemen in Estevan and surrounding areas have depended on 54


the services of Frank’s Meanwear for the most important dates of their lives as Franks is the only store in Estevan that rents tuxedos. Customers are sized for their tux for their special occasion and can choose from a variety of colour swatches and order to their specifications. Frank’s also has the best selection of men’s quality suits in the city. “There is nothing better than a well-dressed man,” says Wallin. “Their whole personality changes when they are dressed well. When they look good, they feel good.” The store, which boasts many of the

latest brands including Rock Revival, Affliction, True Religion, Carve, The North Face, Columbia, Fox, Vintage Tap Out, Bench and Guess, just to name a few, is a favourite of men 25 years and up and from all around Canada. One of the biggest drawing cards for the store is it is a one-stop-shop. Customers dress themselves from head to toe literally, from shoes, socks and underwear, to shirts, belts, jackets and hats. For Wallin though, jeans are the funniest for her. “I love denim, due to the fact there are so many different brands. Everybody looks good in a different kind of blue

jeans.” And the men who shop at Frank’s aren’t afraid to pay a little more for the brands they carry. “The guys who shop here are doing well. They want to feel the part and our motto is if you are not one hundred per cent comfortable and love it, you do not go out of the store with it.” As though she weren’t busy enough, Wallin, mother of three, 18, 16 and 10, opened Little V.I.P. in 2008, a children’s clothing store in the back of Franks. Little V.I.P. has clothing for children aged zero to adult and carries such brands as Miss Me, The North Face, Fox and Quick Silver. The biggest selling brand in Little V.I.P. for people of all ages though is Guess.“The amount of Guess clothing that we sell is phenomenal. The children like it themselves but we also have grandparents coming in buying baby gifts for their children’s children. Aside from the high quality products and chic atmosphere, though, customer service is first at Frank’s “Who is paying the bills?” Wallin asks. “My customers are. If they are taken care of, we are taken care of and everybody deserves the same respect weather they are buying a belt or a suit, whether you are eight or 78. FLEW

Franks On 4th 1227 – 4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W8 p: 306.634.2423 f: 306.634.8276



Mother-daughter teaM builds unique spa experience By Roxy Blackmore Photos by Brent Hume

world of urbane indulgence awaits you when you enter dolly Sue’s Salon, day Spa & Boutique in estevan. the boutique is a utopia of high end fashion featuring some of the world’s most elite brands, none of which can be found anywhere else in the city. dolly Sues is a shopper’s delight and genuinely takes your breath away from the moment you walk in.



the product is endless. It flows seamlessly from elite clothing, to unforgettable hats and purses, to the boudoirs filled with designer jeans, compiemented by intricate and eclectic jewelry displays surrounded by fine giftware, fragrances and bathing luxuries. It is the only boutique of its kind in the city and is truly a labour of love for its untiring proprietors. Like many entrepreneurial success stories, Susan McKennitt and daughter tasha Skuce, both hair stylists by trade, began with a much smaller version than today. Skuce worked for her mom in her salon and spa business in their hometown of Carnduff. She is a proud stylist, decorator and mother of three but found it difficult to pursue her dream in Carnduff. When they began bridging their dreams together, the business was predominantly to have fun. they moved forward with the idea to open a small salon and retail shop in the estevan Shoppers Mall and secured a temporary space until they could materialize the dream that is the shopping nirvana that exists today.

“We are determined to secure lines and brands exclusive to our boutique, and we have achieved that. We don’t buy for us. We buy for a little bit of everybody.”



eLIte BrandS Some of their elite brands include Silo, Fidelity, henry and Belle, and William rast. Many of these styles are found in the likes of new York and hollywood. Susan and tasha are constantly researching the latest trends in some of the world’s largest centres and perpetually seeking out the perfect gift idea for anyone and everyone’s preference. “We are determined to secure lines and brands exclusive to our boutique,” says Susan. “and we have achieved that. We don’t buy for us. We buy for a little bit of everybody. there is going to be a customer that likes western style, there is going to be a customer that likes gardening, there is going to be a customer who loves Christmas and one that loves african art. We like to make people happy. that is our goal.” this dynamic team sets high standards for themselves and expect the same of their staff. “We insist on having a motivated staff,” says tasha. “this venture is a shared vision; we want all of our personnel to have high goals and standards. We want them to build personal relationships with clientele one on one.” there is so much to see in the boutique that chances are one might need to linger awhile to take it all in. Customers are encouraged to dally with a cappuccino or flavoured coffee available made fresh in store while they try on shoes or browse the giftware.

Spa LuxurY the salon one of the most luxurious salons you will ever find. It is stunning with its sleek leather furniture, to the elegant chandeliers shimmering from the ceiling. the floor length mirrors exude sophistication. Customers are made to feel like royalty to harmonize the mood. the services are limitless in addition to hair styling; they offer hot stone massage, body wraps, facials, and pedicures which can be done with a partner in matching massage chairs. they are in the process



of bringing in internationally trained spa technicians to perform the treatments. the hair care products include world renowned paul Mitchell as well as Joico among an assortment of other high end lines.

proFeSSIonaL tasha successfully completed the prestigious Mud make up course in Los angeles. the very course studied by Lady gaga’s current make-up artist. She practiced under the set makeup artist for the ellen degeneres Show while there. dolly Sue’s now offers the complete product line of Mud products. these amazing products are artistic make up for everyday use. tasha prepares the faces of brides for weddings as well as teaching her clients how to apply it properly to reap the finest benefits. dolly Sue’s has also been chosen to represent exclusive makeup lines that will be revealed in the near future. the salon offers a free menu of cappuccino and flavoured coffee as well as neck massages.

Men’S nIght Men are not overlooked at the salon. every Wednesday night is men’s night. Men receive free peanuts and popcorn and a non-alcoholic beverage, while watching Sportscentre and waiting for a trim. Walk ins are welcome and no appointment is necessary. the newest venture for the phenomenal duo has been the merger between dolly Sue’s and a Loving tough Florist in estevan. Susan’s partner in the fresh flowers department is trina Cherwenuk. they plan to build that side of the business focussing more on wholesaling the work of the designers, and other unique products to other flower shops. “We provide a second dolly Sue’s location on 4th street,” says Susan. “We are the only flower shop in the city. Currently it’s home to the Christmas Wonderland.” the store features a delightful collection of Christmas treasures with plans for garden and giftware in the spring. the Shopper’s Mall location will offer grower direct fresh flower shopping in January 2012. When it comes to family-owned businesses, this mother daughter team have long been considered a classic entrepreneurial team. the explosive growth of this women-owned business has paved the way for new and exciting things to come in estevan. In addition to the inherant mother-child bond, tasha attributes their success to shared business philosophies. “From day one, we had the same expectations and goals; we are always focussing on having a better business by putting out a high quality service and product.” She says. “We can think in terms of how we are going to use our talents and express our values in the long run, rather than worrying about how we are going to make 20 per cent in the next 10 years.” Susan who started her own business 34 years ago has always dreamed of working with her children. She had them involved in her business at a very young age, but she never pushed the idea of going into FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


business together, so when tasha came to it on her own accord, Mom was there to support her. “It has grown three times more than what I was ever going to be able to do alone,” says tasha. aside from having a unique concept for dolly Sue’s image, the fact it is a family business has been a huge draw for customers. “our customers relate to us on a much more personal level,” says tasha. “When we realized we could do something we loved, we went for it.” It shows. dolly Sue’s Salon, day Spa & Boutique is more than just a store, it’s an incredible, must-have experience. FLeW

dolly Sue’s Salon, day Spa & Boutique estevan Shoppers Mall 400 King Street, estevan Saskatchewan S4a 2B4 Boutique: 306.634.9494 Salon: 306.634.8383 e: e:

dolly Sue’s & a Lovingtouch Florist 1205 4th Street, estevan Saskatchewan S4a 0W8 p: 306.634.4688 e: 60



With the amount of travel I do to major cities I am constantly inspired by others’ personal styles. Right now a huge trend that I completely love and promote in the store is Arm Candy. Stacking as many beautiful items on your wrist as possible all to represent your own personal style and look. A great starting point for this is a beautiful La Mer watch with crystal chains then stacking your wrist with gold bangles and even a vintage charm bracelet from your mom’s jewelry box. Mix and match is a lot of fun and the beauty of it is—anything goes.

Jessica Cote , Owner Obviously Chic

1231 4th St Estevan, SK S4A 0W8 p: 306.634.1970 e: With the holiday season upon us, not only does fashion play a huge part, it can be the big elephant in the room that many people like to ignore as they scramble to find the “perfect” outfit for their holiday parties.

December is a season full of parties, friends, family, love and food. Even if we promise ourselves that we are going to try and be good, temptation always seems to get the best of us and after every party or big meal all we can think about is getting home and putting on our favourite pair of sweats. Amazingly, we have found a wonderful line of denim that is made in Montreal called, Yoga Jeans that is the solution to this problem. A denim line that has 96 per cent memory retention, which means it never looses its shape, it hides any imperfections that bother us women, all the while slimming us out. And the greatest most important item about this line? They feel like sweat pants! These are a musthave this holiday season when looking for

the perfect pant to allow you to fully enjoy all the joys of the holiday season. Don’t be afraid to step outside your box, we all know how often we look at another woman on the street or out shopping and say, “I would love to look or dress like her.” The truth is there is nothing stopping you from creating the exact look you loved from your latest muse. Fashion is all about one’s own personality, style and taste but in order for it to become defined as your own, you have to slowly start stepping out of the box and trying out new things that have inspired you on others. Don’t be afraid if it doesn’t work for you, at least you tried, but most often you will find that what you have been scared to try (like those leggings and over-the-knee boots) are not so scary after all and before you know it, people will be looking at you on the street wanting to look and be as fabulous as you are. xoxo For help on creating your perfect look this season or to start your wish list visit Jessica at her store, Obviously Chic (1231 4th Street Estevan, Sk) or email her with your style questions. FLEW

This year sequins are making a huge comeback and luckily for this sequin diva they have been hot all year, including leggings, blazers, dresses, shirts and even scarves. If you aren’t the glitz and glam gal, a small piece of sequins such as a scarf or shirt helps you incorporate this glitzy trend into your outfit. At my store, we believe in creating a statement with big, bold, funky and, of course, bling jewelry. Wearing statement earrings with a simple black dress adds the perfect punch. Rocking out a handmade one-of-a-kind Doloris Petunia cuff bracelet with your skinny jeans and a black sequin shirt to a casual Christmas dinner with friends will cause you to be the talk of the crowd.



Inspiring jewellery for Inspirational moments By Sheena Koops

Photos by Angela Clements

aughter, like the sound of crystal bells, welcomes each and every customer through York Jewellers’ doorway. This is a well-loved store, with polished, original wooden cabinetry displaying diamonds, rubies, emeralds, gold, and silver. And the giftware! Look at the variety! Is that Elle, Movado, Pandora? And what a Bradford Exchange collection! If you’re a long-time resident of Weyburn or the surrounding area, or 62


if you’ve just moved to Weyburn, with Christmas just around the corner, an anniversary coming up, a birthday down the road, York Jewellers is for you. As you wander through the merchandise, there is no need to worry that you are underdressed in your jeans for such a classy store; the staff is all smiles and pretty soon you are asking questions about their collections. Is this gorgeous

Keith Jack line new? You learn that York Jewellers is one of the first stores in Canada to be carrying this superstar, Canadian designer’s Celtic line. You’re mesmerized with the meaning behind Keith Jack’s Celtic Cradle of Life and his Crescent Collection. Poetry and significance wraps each selection in mystery and elegance.

Fr IEn d LY “It’s a very friendly store,” says Weyburn’s roseanne Lapierre. “When I walk in, I feel welcomed, and everyone is always happy with smiles on their faces. They are very helpful, and very knowledgeable, if you don’t know what you want, someone will help you. It really feels like a family atmosphere, and there is lots and lots to see. I recommend it to my friends all the time. Their large selection of giftware is great for anyone who collects anything unusual.” It is no accident that York Jewellers is brimming with beauty and personality. Al and Jan York, owner-operators, travel to many trade shows and have an eye for trendy, yet unique, fashion and giftware. The Yorks also carry Pandora bracelets, giving patrons the opportunity to collect memories, each charm a symbol, together becoming an ongoing story women can wear. “When I go into the store, there is never a dull moment,” says danna Kopec of Weyburn. “They always have new product, a little something for everybody, and a wide variety. They are always a step ahead of you. I might make a comment in passing, while I’m in with my husband, and the girls are paying attention. I’ve had some very nice surprises because the girls were taking note of something I really liked. I may walk in not knowing what I’m going to do, and they seem to be able to find the answers for me. To me, York Jewellers has that small town, takenotice-of-everybody, attitude. From the bottom of my heart, they are just good people.”



d I A M o nds York Jewellers is not only prepared for your every-day gift-giving. They are waiting, ready, for your once-ina-lifetime events. What better to say forever than a Canadian diamond, where every diamond is born different beneath our northern ice and snow, as unique as you and your loved one. nothing says romance like ring shopping, and it’s best to entrust professionals to guide you through the possibilities, Canada’s own Maple Leaf Canadian diamonds, Canadian rocks, as well as Eternity diamonds. Most Canadian diamonds are sold through dealers, not on-line, to be sure Canadians can see the personality of each and every diamond and truly know what they are buying. York Jewellers carries high end two-anda-half to three carat diamonds to ensure every price range can be satisfied, from the humblest to the most extravagant. With their affiliation with the biggest buying group in Canada, York Jewellers can pass on the best prices to customers. still, York Jewellers is locally owned, so Weyburn and area has the customer service they would expect in small town-shopping. If you and your loved one want to put your own twist on your jewellery experience, many people are embracing custom design, and York Jewellers is up for your challenge. spend some time with the Yorks and their staff, discovering your style, and then let them help you create your own heart and eye-pleasing jewellery.

LoYA LT Y- I n sP I rIng To Al and Jan York, customer loyalty is everything. “It’s the social aspect of dealing with people, day to day,” 64


says Al. “sharing those specific, truly special moments in peoples’ lives, like engagements, baby’s firsts, and being here for all the fun stuff, that’s what makes this business so worthwhile. And we’ll deliver anything, free, if someone can’t carry it out. We’re a smaller centre, so we just do that.” Al also believes in giving back to his community, belonging to a major service club in town, raising money for the new hospital, and he has had leadership roles in the Chamber of Commerce. “I believe a businessperson should be involved with the community,” says Al. “I feel very fortunate to be able to do what I do in the city that I’m in, and I can participate in the high points in people’s lives.”

HIsTorICAL YET ForWArd-LooKIng Al York’s dad, Jim, bought York Jewellers in 1979 from the previous owner. The store itself has been operating as a jewellery store since 1906. The York’s know their business and are happy to be

serving Weyburn and community during all its special occasions. “We’re always laughing, always having fun,” says Al. “It’s relaxed, not the intimidating atmosphere some people associate with jewellery stores, with people feeling like they can’t afford to be here. We don’t do that. We have all the high end product, but we make it comfortable.” With York Jewellery’s polished record, golden present, and diamond future, you can be sure there will be many more surprises under your tree, beside your cake, with your flowers, or dancing on your loved ones’ fingers. FLEW

York Jewellers 39-3rd street north-East Weyburn, saskatchewan, s4H 0W1 p: 306.842.5484 f: 306.842.7307 e:

fter owning and running a day spa for 30 years, and then being involved in the advertising industry for a few more, you’d think the last thing anybody would want to do would be to open a restaurant. The hours are long and the work is hard. So, why would Dee Dee Chomyk decide to do it? She has a simple answer: “Because I’m crazy.” That’s probably not true, although hearing the story of how Baba’s Bistro came to be might make you think otherwise. After searching unsuccessfully for the perfect location, Chomyk and her partner Ray decided that they might as well build their own. Not one to leave it to others, Chomyk designed the entire restaurant by herself, cast each of the rocks in the fireplace and counter with the help of Ray and Mark, and set each of the granite tiles in place. Built almost entirely with help from friends and family, the restaurant is a beautiful place with lots of space to relax and enjoy an amazing meal. Serving traditional Ukrainian food such as perogies, cabbage rolls, and even seasonal favourites including nalesniki and piroshki, coupled with imported Ukrainian and domestic beers, Russian vodka, and Latvian spirits, a trip to Baba’s Bistro is like going to visit your own grandmother.

If You Want Something Done Right, Do It Yourself

Like a visit to Grandma’s By Ryan Holota

Photos by Brent Hume

That sentiment applies to food as well as construction—and Chomyk obviously embraces that philosophy. There is no prepackaged food served at Baba’s Bistro. Everything on the menu, from the fall-off-the-bone ribs to the cabbage rolls, is made by hand. Even the sausage is lovingly handcrafted and imported from the Ukrainian Co-op in Regina. “It’s made on the first day, smoked on the second day, and delivered and served to our customers on the third day,” says Chomyk, “and you can really taste the difference that the freshness makes.” The croutons? They’re made from the previous day’s bread. Even finishing FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


touches like the giant chocolate chip cookies and puffed wheat cake are made fresh in the kitchen. These are the things that matter to Chomyk. If a food item has cheese in it, it’s real cheddar cheese, not the chemically-produced alternatives.

Every day there are three soups on the menu, and one of them is always the incredible borscht the people of Estevan have come to love. The other two could be almost anything—you’ll just need to stop by to find out what they are.

Fresh. Healthy. Yummy.

In addition to the amazing regular menu, there is another special every single day—from simple basics like homecooked turkey and mashed potatoes with real pan gravy (hint: the next day’s special is likely to be a fantastic turkey sandwich) or roasted ham with hand-cut scalloped potatoes, to the Baba Burger, a gigantic hand-formed ground beef patty stuffed with bacon and onion. No french fries though—there’s no deep fryer in the kitchen to make you fat.

All the hard work that goes into the homemade food at Baba’s Bistro has a side effect besides just being incredibly tasty—it’s incredibly healthful too. That’s not something that people often associate with Ukrainian food, but it’s true. “We don’t cook with salt, preservatives, or anything that we don’t need, Chomyk says. “As for the sour cream, well, you’ll need to exercise a bit of self-restraint.”

Tired of the same old stuff? Restaurant fare has become kind of boring. You can go out for Chinese food, or you can go some place that has chicken breasts, pizza, and hamburgers. Most restaurants serve the same things. Now, you can enjoy the very best homemade food, with the convenience of a restaurant. It’s no wonder it’s become so popular. “We have people who come here every day for supper,’ says Chomyk, “it’s really an honour. We do eat-in and take-out, and we even do weddings and catering for any event. And we’re easy to find— we are located at #2 1210 7th Street East, just a little down the street. “You can even find us on the Internet at Technically, we’re open from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. during the week, and from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. on the weekend, but if the lights are on, we’re still serving food. I look forward to seeing you.” FLEW

Baba’s Bistro 1210 7th Street Estevan, Saskatchewan p: 306.634.8877 e: Like us on Facebook: Baba’s Bistro 66


Baba’s Breakfast

Baba’s Daily Menu

• Baba’s Scramblin Pan Homemade Pan Potatoes, Eggs, Sausage & Toast

• Baba’s Slow Cooed Sizzlin’ Whiskey Ribs Served with 3 perogies & Cabbage Rolls, Soup or Salad, and Bun

• Baba’s Breakfast Sausage or Bacon, 2 Eggs, Pan Potatoes & Toast

• Rigger’s Feast 2 Sausages, 4-6 Cabbage Rolls, 7 Perogies, Soup & Bun

• Crunchy French Toast 3 Pieces of Bread…With a Twist

• Papa’s Platter 1 Sausage, 2-3 Cabbage Rolls, 6 Perogies

• Banana-Nut French Toast 2 Pieces of Bread, Bananas & Sinful Hazelnut Topping

• Baba’s Best – 5 Perogies, 2-3 Cabbage Rolls

• Saskatchewan Saskatoon Perogies 5 Perogies served with Milk or Cream • Baba’s Brute Bun Sausage, Egg & Cheese on a Bun • Homemade Pan Potatoes

• Perogie Plate – 7 Perogies • Cabbage Roll Supreme – 6-8 Cabbage Rolls • Sausage on a Bun • Borscht With Bun

• Toast & Preserves

Baba’s Sinful Sweets • Cheesecake Supreme • Puffed Wheat Cake • Saskatoon Berry Perogies with Cream & Sugar

• Crème Brule • Flamin’ Fried Bananas



Getting Into The

Christmas Spirits By FLS staff


et’s face it, we all tend to imbibe just a little more around the holidays. And there’s nothing wrong with that, as long as noone gets hurt. Health Canada has some tips to make your holiday entertaining fun and safe for both you and your guests.

Food first May seem a bit obvious at this time of year, but always offer some kind of nibbles because people get drunk more quickly on an empty stomach.

Offer alternatives Have non-alcoholic drinks featured just as prominently as the alcoholic ones and mention it when offering people a drink.

Don’t push it Wait until your guests’ drinks are empty before refilling and if someone says ‘no’ to a refill, don’t insist.

Be prepared If someone does go overboard, make sure you have phone numbers for cabs ready. You may alternatively appoint a designated driver (teenagers with a full licence are great candidates for this). Also, make up your spare room so someone can stay overnight if they need to.

None for the road Put on the kettle and coffee pot and offer some tea, coffee or hot chocolate to your guests before they leave. Here’s hoping your holiday season is joyous and safe. Try out the following holiday twists on some old favourite cocktails. FLS 68


Irish Cream Egg Nog 6 lg eggs, separated 2 Tbs sugar 1 1/2 C whole milk 1 C whipping cream 1 1/4 cups Irish Cream Fresh grated nutmeg Cinnamon sticks Beat egg yolks and sugar together until thick and lemon coloured. Set aside. Beat the egg whites stiff. Beat milk and cream until thick. Gently fold cream into egg whites, and then fold both of them into the egg yolks with the Irish Cream Chill Pour into cups and garnish with cinnamon stick, whipped cream and nutmeg

Christmas Martini 3 oz cranberry cocktail 1/2 oz crème de cassis 1 oz top shelf vodka Place ingredients in a shaker with ice Shake and strain into a chilled martini glass Garnish with a few fresh cranberries



Former pub goes

upscale – but – casual

eddie Webster’s Dining Room and lounge (formerly simply called eddie’s) has been in estevan since 1985. The new name accompanies a shift in focus from its previous pub style meals to its current fine dining (but casual) mode.

By Amy Nelson-Mile Photos by Angela Clements 70


James sorichetti (left), Restaurant General Manager/executive chef eric Goot (Right), FOH/service Manager

FResH eddie Webster’s now focusses on chefinspired contemporary menus where all items are made from scratch. “We even make the the sauce for our chicken wings,” says general manager James sorichetti. The chefs also use as much fresh produce and canadian-grown items as possible. The menu has many attractive options. There is a smoked applewood prime rib that is very popular, as well as, dishes with a touch of southern barbecue flavours. In addition, there are often multicultural items highlighted, such as sushi or Thai food. The specials change seasonally, although there are always a few staples remaining. “For example, on Thursday nights we’ll have a steak sandwich made with alberta steak on a French baguette rubbed with garlic butter,” says sorichetti. “We’ll top it with a roasted portabello mushroom jus.” “In the new year we will change the wine menu monthly,” says sorichetti. “One

month we might feature wines from B.c., while the next month they may be from Ontario.” The dining room itself is simple and comfortable. This is deliberate—the intent is to have nothing take away the focus on the food and wine. as a result, the décor is traditional and classic, and the music is quiet.

lOunGe The lounge strikes a slightly different note, but still a very welcoming one. The music is livelier, and there are TVs going steadily so that patrons can watch sports. The atmosphere is friendly, and everyone—staff and patrons—enjoy their time there. It’s a natural place for people to come to hang out in an intimate environment where they are treated as good friends. “We plan to have regular specials in the lounge as well,” says sorichetti. “For example, we’ve had Martini Mondays where we offer martinis that are 1 ounce to 1.5 ounces. This gives people the opportunity to taste different kinds of

martinis. I’ve made an emerald city Martini that has a honeydew melon base and is fluorescent green. another popular martini is the nutty Martini; this is based on almonds with a touch of cherry.” sorichetti is a trained mixologist and enjoys creating new drinks for people as well as chatting to them as he does so. “people like to watch the drinks being made,” he says, “and I like to show them. now I offer cocktail tasting too, so people have another good reason to visit the lounge.” The lounge is still in development with more changes planned soon. “We plan to make fresh purées and syrups for the drinks,” says sorichetti. There are also some more changes recently implemented with the restaurant. For example, “Our sushi chef now offers sushi classes,” says sorichetti. “In addition, in the new year we’ll be doing catering.”



FOR eVenTs eddie Webster’s is also a good place to hold a party. “currently we work with all sorts of parties here at the restaurant: christmas parties, anniversary parties, birthdays,” says sorichetti. “people who would like to book for christmas should really do so as soon as possible as we get large parties booking in. Fortunately, the dining room can hold 140 people.” There are about 15 people on staff at eddie Webster’s. “We hire people who have a passion for the industry,” says sorichetti. “They don’t need experience, just enthusiasm.” as a result of this hiring policy, the staff at eddie Webster’s is united in their love for creating innovative menus and items. “Food is why we’re all here,” says sorichetti. “We’re all foodies. We love to experiment with new foods. We’re always learning in many different ways—reading, watching TV shows, experimenting.” not only are the staff at eddie Webster’s all interested in food, they also all believe



in treating the patrons as honoured visitors. “They’re all great,” says sorichetti. “They will all treat all of our patrons as though the patrons are guests in their own home. They’re key to making eddie Webster’s the welcoming and relaxing restaurant that it is.” sorichetti mentions too that the staff is all very friendly with each other, supporting each other’s personal successes as well as the restaurant’s—which everyone is very interested in seeing succeed. eddie Websters is owned and operated by the Dee Jay’s Group. 2011 marks the 50th year that Dee Jays has also been a franchisee of Kentucky Fried chicken. They currently operate restaurants in southern saskatchewan and throughout the upper Midwest us states. sorichetti says the directors and the organization are pleased about the new directions as is the staff. sorichetti also shares the enthusiasm for the changes: he moved from his home town of Barrie, Ontario to estevan in order to take part in the growth. “We’re all very excited about the changes

we’re implementing,” says sorichetti. “We have big goals, big dreams.” some of those dreams include giving back to the community via the means that everyone in eddie Webster’s can sympathize with: food. “We’d like to work with charities that focus on food, perhaps start providing lunch to children who can’t afford it,” says sorichetti. eddie Webster’s is developing its new look and menu over time. “It’s a work in progress,” says sorichetti. “We’ll make changes regularly.” eddie Webster’s is located at 122 4th street in estevan. To reach them call 306-634-5656 or email eddiewebsters@ They are open Monday—Thursday from 11:00 a.m.— midnight; Friday and saturday from 11:00 a.m.—1:00 a.m., and sunday from 4:00 p.m.—11:00 p.m. FleW

eddie Webster’s 122 4th street, estevan saskatchewan p: 306.634.5656 e:

The Tower

Cafe and Tap House By Amy Nelson-Mile. Photos by Angela Clements

he Tower Café and Tap House in downtown Estevan has been serving well-prepared, enjoyable meals to several generations of Estevan residents. Their motto is “Cook great food and give plenty,” and that philosophy has ensured their success for many years—so much so that they have won the award for Estevan’s Best Pizza. FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


Owner Peter Sereggela explains that The Tower Café and Tap House actually has three separate parts to it: the Tower Café, the formal dining room (Allie’s), and the the Tap House.

Casual The Tap House is a very popular part of the venue. “It’s an English style pub,” explains Sereggela. “It provides a very large selection of draught beer.” The atmosphere is equally enjoyable as the beverages available. “It’s a very popular downtown gathering place, “ says Sereggela. It’s a wonderful spot for people who enjoy being with others and either chatting with them or simply being in their company while pursuing their own thoughts or following the fortunes of various sports teams on one of the 12 TVs provided for that purpose. Five of the TVs are large screen, and all of them are always on. For those who are interested in chatting to others, they will always have someone to talk to. The Tap House frequently hosts many well-known members of the community. For those who are focussed more on eating, the Tower Café is open from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. every day. “The Tower Café offers a full dine-in and takeout menu,” Sereggela points out. A quick glance at the menu shows just how true this is. There is an impressive selection: many different kinds of pizza, pasta dishes, salads (with an especially appealing chicken pecan salad), sandwiches, burgers, and a large variety of entrées ranging from ribs to shrimp. Vegetarians also have several options including vegetarian pizza, Fettuccini Alfredo, and a variety of appetizers and salads. The Tower Café has regular specials as well. “Wednesday is always Wing Night and Thursday night is Steak Night,” says Sereggela. “The specials on the other nights change weekly.” There is also a Sunday brunch which runs from 10:00 a.m.—2:00 p.m. “Each week somewhere between 200 and 500 people go through it.” 74


“We also change our dessert themes,” adds Sereggela, and there is a special bonus for cupcake fans. “We’ve started a cupcake bar. We’ve turned a portion of the dining room into a place to feature cupcakes that are made in-house. We’ll feature a half-dozen of them; they’re all popular, and some of the favourites are Mocha Kahlua or French Vanilla Cinammon Cupcake.” The Tower Café also delivers the full menu every day.

formal The formal dining room, Allie’s, is another popular spot. During the day it is open by reservation for private functions such as meetings. In the evenings it is used for fine dining and for special occasions such as anniversaries and Christmas parties. It has separate—but equally popular—specials from the The Tower Café. The season for Christmas parties is approaching, and here Sereggela says they get a lot of repeat business. This may be because they are able to offer multiple options for the meals. “We offer traditional Christmas parties, but we also offer a lot of specialty parties,” he explains. “We can easily custom build a Christmas party, and we enjoy doing that.” One popular option is a Greek Christmas

party with authentic Greek food. “Many people attend several Christmas parties, and they enjoy attending one that provides them with some alternatives to the standard Canadian Christmas food,” says Sereggela. A Greek Christmas menu shows the impressive versatility of the chefs. “We’ll put together a meal that will include Greek appetizers (such as dolmades or perhaps pita bread with tzatziki sauce) and a Greek salad. Entrees may include a lamb dish, Greek-stuffed chicken or souvlaki. We’d finish up with baklava for dessert, and the whole meal would be accompanied by a Greek wine.”

family and community Sereggela says that the Tower has always been a family-run operation. “It was founded by my Uncle John Papandreous, and my father George Sereggela Sr. took over from him in 1971. When my father died in 1989, I took over.” Two of Sereggela’s three brothers (Tony and Nick) help him run the restaurant, and their mother Helen is also involved. There is a staff of over 50 people who work with Sereggela, and they are a tightly-knit community within themselves. “Some of our staff have worked there since my father had the restaurant,” says Sereggela. “Some work here during high

school, and others are newer to Estevan itself. We’ve brought three families over from the Ukraine. We all enjoy working together.“ The Tower Café is an integral part of the downtown business community, as well as, the city as a whole. Sereggela points out that they support the local sports teams and give back to the community. “We have steak nights and fundraisers for the Estevan Bruins, “ he says. “We’re huge supporters of the Bruins. We also have golf tournaments for different local charities every year.” The Tower Café and Tap House is a surefire place to stop if you are looking for a friendly welcome, good service, and the opportunity to try something from a wide-ranging menu that has proven itself over nearly 50 years of serving Estevan and the surrounding area. For more information on The Tower Cafe and Tap House, you can call them at 306.634.2220, email them at, or see their website at FLEW

Tower Cafe and Tap House 1124 4th Street Estevan, SK S4A 0W7 p: 306.634.2220





2011 / 2012


Weyburn Allie Griffin Art Gallery Dec 8

Until Dec 28

MOON LIGHT MADNESS STREET FESTIVAL 4th Street between 11th and 13th Avenues 7 p.m.

GRAIN ELEVATORS: VANISHING PRAIRIE LANDSCAPES Organized by Heritage Rug Hookers of Saskatoon Allie Griffin Art Gallery


Hilltop Manor

Dec 11 ROTARY CHRISTMAS CAROL FESTIVAL St. Paul’s United Church 7 p.m.

Dec 10 ANNUAL TEA, CRAFT AND BAKE SALE Hilltop Manor 2 p.m.




Dec 17

Dec 17

A DOG NAMED CHRISTMAS Orpheum Theatre 2 p.m.

FARMERS’ CHRISTMAS MARKET City Centre Mall 9:30 a.m.

Dec 17

Dec 30


WEYBURN RED WINGS HOCKEY VS. ESTEVAN Crescent Point Place 7:30 p.m.


Weyburn Allie Griffin Art Gallery Jan 6-31 Until Jan 23 ENTANGLED: TWYLA EXNER Estevan Art Gallery and Museum

29th ANNUAL JAMES WEIR PEOPLE”S CHOICE EXHIBITION Allie Griffin Art Gallery Reception: Jan. 31, 7 p.m.

Weyburn Curling Club Jan 1 ESTEVAN BRUINS HOCKEY VS. WEYBURN Spectra Place 7:30 p.m. ST. PAUL’S UNITED CHURCH




Weyburn Comprehensive School Feb 13 Feb 18 HEDLEY WITH SPECIAL GUESTS Spectra Place 7 p.m.



NEW AGE FOR SASKATCHEWAN By Sheena Koops. Photos by Michelle Howse


here are two kinds of people in Saskatchewan: those who love technology and those who wish we still used corn brooms to sweep curling rocks. If you’re in the second camp in this new-age-digital-electronic-wi-fi-highdefinition world, it’s nice to know that someone out there can help you navigate. In Weyburn, Jeff, Wes and their team at New Age Electronics and New Age Motorsport are just the people you’re



looking for. (If you’re in the first camp, technology lover, you already know about New Age, don’t you?) “In 1995, my father, Wes, and his two partners left their jobs and decided to open their own store to sell Sasktel cell phones, home audio, car audio, and TVs,” says owner-operator, Jeff Chessall. “They started New Age Electronics with only an 800 square-foot location. In 1997, they

expanded, and built the new location with 2,000 square feet, and in 2003, we built the big store we’re in now with 19,000 square-feet, including warehouses and a 10,000 square-foot show room.” “In 2007, I’d had this crazy idea that we should open a motorsports store, but it took my dad a while to be convinced,” says Chessall. “In 2008, we built a 12,000 square-foot building to house New Age

Motorsport. Sometimes when I’m at the Electronics store, I joke, ‘I’ve got to get to Motorsport; I’m ignoring my second child.’”

Comprehensive There’s no doubt that Chessall loves his first child filled with HD TVs, home audio, custom home, Sasktel products, appliances and home furnishings, with major brands like Samsung, LG, Sharp, Yamaha, Pioneer Elite, Nuvo and all their accessories. Whether it’s Ashley, Palliser, and Lazyboy furniture; Serta and Obusforme mattresses; or Fridgidaire and Electrolux Appliances, Chessall knows his stuff. “But then I like the cool factor of the quad, snowmobile, and boats,” says Chessall. “We’ve got Polaris, ATVs, SXS, and snowmobiles; Princecraft aluminum fishing and pontoon boats; Club Car Golf carts, Husquvarna lawn and garden equipment, including chainsaws, lawnmowers; and just about everything you can imagine. The only downside is that I’m the guy working and not getting to drive the ATVs and snowmobiles as much as I want.” New Age Electronics and New Age Motorsport have exceptional product, but it’s the staff who give the company its edge. “We’re very family oriented,” says Chessall. “My sister is full-time sales consultant, my brother-in-law manages the warehouse, and my step-sister is our administrator. And everyone else on the New Age team is like family to me. Whenever we have a staff party or staff function, we’re all together, all of us from both stores. Neither store is better than the other.” Jeff started working with his dad when he was 12, cleaning the warehouse and setting up surround systems, and since graduation, he’s been full-time in the store. Jeff has been owner-operator of both stores now for six years. Not only does New Age have quality product and staff, their customers are second-to-none. “Our customer is anyone from a farming family to an oilfield worker, to an accountant, banker, teacher—really a little bit of everybody—because we do serve Weyburn, Radville, Carlyle, Midale, Stoughton, Milestone, Yellowgrass, and all the surrounding areas are all very good to us,” says Chessall. FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


New Age enjoys a lot of repeat customers, and as Weyburn expands, they are seeing a lot of new faces. With new homes being built, they can sell appliances, home audio and video, custom home, furniture, and for the driveway an ATV, lawnmower, boat, and golf cart. “We do custom wiring for new homes, appliances, furniture, and even your iPhone to run your new home audio system; we are a Sasktel authorized dealer, therefore, we carry wireless devices, internet and Max Entertainment TV and all the accessories for your wireless device or your large flat panel TV for Max Entertainment. “We try to find the best way to look after everyone who walks into our store. We are not confrontational at all, but are always looking after the issues as they arise. Obviously we can’t solve everything at once, but we are very personable, and with all the in-home service we provide, we have learned how to work for our customers. Our delivery men are the last people consumers see, so their service is hugely important.”



Competitive New Age believes in competitive pricing. “Right in our store, hanging on the wall, we have all the pricing posted, whether it’s the big box stores from Regina or national companies, we’ll beat the prices,” says Chessall. “We beat Regina all the time. In fact, we even service Regina, and deliver for only 80 dollars right into Regina. We just moved a lazy boy sectional and Sharp 3D LED TV last week.” With Adcheque on the job, you won’t waste your time going through flyers or driving all over town looking for the best prices. Adcheque watches competitors’ deals daily, and if New Age or a competitor lowers their prices within thirty days, you’ll get a cheque for the difference. Adcheque claims can even be made right online. See for more information. “We’re not afraid to post our competitors’ pricing right on our own walls, there is nothing to hide, and we offer many financing options.” says Chessall. New Age can compete and beat the box stores and national outlets because they are an Audio Video Unlimited, Appliances Unlimited partner, but they are still able to serve like a small-town store. “It’s winwin,” says Jeff. In fact, New Age will even deliver and set up, including component installation, system programming, calibration, to be sure you get the best sound, best connection, best control possible. They will even program the dread remote control or take away leftover packaging. Don’t forget options for custom installation, coordinating sound,



lighting, pre-wire and installation into existing walls. “I have been purchasing from New Age since 2002,” says Dale Rinas of Weyburn. “Most recently with our new home, which we just constructed and moved into a year ago. New Age gave us a tonne of input as far as our electronic and appliance needs. They were very knowledgeable to tie everything together, like stereos and key pads, and when it’s a project this big, they are very flexible. They even changed out an entire in-house system, free of charge, because it wasn’t quite right for us. Their follow-up in-home service is invaluable to us; they tweak this and help with that.”

Welcoming Jeff Chessall believes in serving his customers and his community, even cutting back on his advertising so that he could give more to great causes like the Weyburn Family Place, Weyburn and District Hospital Foundation, Weyburn Wor-Kin Shop and the various other local charities. Chessall is also vice-president of the Weyburn Chamber of Commerce and an active member of Weyburn Young Fellows, fundraising continually, donating all money raised back into the community. Weyburn and surrounding area really are New Age’s community. “Feel comfortable to bring your Family in to look around, 82


check out our cell phones, watch a 3D TV demo, lay on a bed, sit on a couch or sit on a Polars ATV, snowmobile, or Ranger,” says Chessall. “It is a great atmosphere for people to walk around and check things out, whether you are getting your tires changed or waiting for your child’s next hockey game on a Saturday afternoon. “We have lots of great accessories, clothing, helmets, riding wear, oil, and anything you can think of at the Motor Sports store. We’ve even just started

selling golf carts. We’re very fun. We know our people, and we’re happy to see you in any condition, right off the ice, out of the field, or off the trails. Come on in with your muddy boots; we have a vacuum.” FLEW New Age Electronics 300 Railway Avenue, Weyburn, SK 306.842.0488 New Age Motorsports 450 Railway Avenue, Weyburn, SK 306.842.7433

Andy and Leslie

Photo by Cheri Buziak



hat makes a house a home? How do you know it’s the right home for you? These are questions Leslie Smith, of Royal LePage Signature, takes very seriously.

founding principle of helping people. It is the same principle that Leslie has built her business on.

“It is important to me that I get to know people,” says Leslie. “I have found that when you take the time to get to know people, you discover their likes and dislikes. It makes helping them find the right home much easier.”

Leslie received her real estate licence in 1995 and worked for the Royal LePage franchise in Humboldt for a number of years. She then became a licenced broker in 1998; and in 1999 opened Royal LePage Signature in Weyburn. In the spring of 2010 Leslie invited Andy Broccolo to join Royal LePage Signature.

It is Leslie’s positive, helpful attitude that has made Royal Le Page Signature a household name in Weyburn and surrounding area. Royal LePage has been a Canadian best seller since 1913 with a

“Andy has been a positive addition to Royal LePage Signature,” says Leslie. “He believes that treating each client as an individual and discovering their specific requirements is important. He feels that

by listening to each client you gain a better appreciation of what they really want. “Communication really is a key component in finding the right home for each client,” adds Leslie. “Using a process of open communication, we really listen to our clients to ensure that together we find the best possible solution to their housing requirements. By asking the right questions and genuinely addressing our clients’ concerns, we are able to provide them with not just a house but a home.”

Bannerman Park Estates Another one of Leslie’s passions is helping Weyburn and area residents



discover the joys and benefits of condominium living in Weyburn. Royal LePage Signature has been a part of over eight different condominium projects in Weyburn, with over 125 individual units providing housing solutions for many individuals and families. Right now Leslie Smith is marketing Weyburn’s newest condominium project, Bannerman Park Estates, featuring 22 units for adult living with homes ranging in size from 812 square feet to 1,808 square feet. “Condominium ownership has been popular for decades,” Leslie explains. It’s a convenient lifestyle that many people enjoy. Each condo unit is individually owned. It can be sold, mortgaged or transferred at any time. Condos are often the choice of first time home buyers, and also a favourite of many retirees.” Leslie adds: “There is a sense of community for condo owners, and many find the maintenance free lifestyle a very attractive feature.” Bannerman Park Estates, Weyburn’s most contemporary condominium project, brings together quality construction, an excellent location, and a wide range of style choices. The current project is presently under construction by SpanWest Construction. Owner Joe Remai is a well-known, well-respected builder who has been building dreams and constructing condominiums for over 20 years. This new development is sure to live up to the highest expectations of Weyburn and area purchasers. Each of these 22 condominium units features a spacious, two-bedroom floor plan. Owners will appreciate the safety and soundproofing of concrete core floors and the comfort and efficiency of hot water heat. Choose from a wide selection of carpet and linoleum, or upgrade to hardwood flooring. Patio doors open onto covered balconies, and owners will love parking in the heated parkade. An elevator with lobby access, a central meeting room for private functions and an exercise facility make Bannerman Park Estates an excellent choice. If security, convenience, and easy access to recreation and shopping are important to you, Bannerman Park Estates condominiums offer the perfect solution. Plus, each condo is designed based on the clients’ individual tastes and choices— truly making it their own. 84


“Bannerman Park Estates will offer condo living at its finest,” says Leslie. “I am proud to be a part of this project and I know my clients are really going to enjoy these homes and the maintenance-free lifestyle of condo living.” “I work with my clients every step of the way,” adds Leslie, “to customize floor plans, provide colour choices, flooring selections and cabinet options. I specialize in condo sales, and whether it’s a first time client discovering the joys of homeownership or a return client whose needs have changed, I strive for client satisfaction.”

Royal LePage Signature “I make it my goal,” says Leslie, “to show my present and prospective clients that by choosing Royal LePage Signature, they are choosing a company that will not only show them the best available location for their family or their business in Weyburn and area, but also show them that Weyburn and area offers a wealth of opportunities for business, family, culture and recreation, and a contemporary lifestyle. “At Royal LePage Signature, we help our clients find the right home or condo—one that will truly become a place they love coming home to each day. “Or, as I like to say,” adds Leslie with a smile, “at Royal LePage Signature— helping you is what we do!” FLEW

Leslie Smith

Broker/Owner Royal LePage Signature 160-3rd St. NE Weyburn, Sk. 306.842.2202



Introduced to the world as the Designer Guys before moving on to Design Rivals then So Chic, Canadian television sensations Steven Sabados and Chris Hyndman have hosted a decade’s-worth of television that’s reached a fan following in more than 80 countries. In the midst of their unstoppable ascent to stardom—an achievement fuelled by wit, personality and, of course, talent— in 2003 the openly-gay, long-time couple found time to co-pen the bestselling how-to book, Designer guys: Finding your Personal Style. The title best exemplifies their approach to design: to shun fleeting fashion trends and help others “be their own trend.” It’s a theme they’ve carried into their latest program on CBC television, Steven and Chris. The title is as neat and concise as their definition of good taste: timeless and classic.

Steven and Chris Timeless, classic and a little off the wall By Quinn Bender 86


Steven and Chris meet with fans following the taping of their show at the CBC studios.

You pack a lot of variety into your shows, to the point where one is left wondering how you can be experts on so many things. Where do you mine the topics for your show? Chris: We’re actually not experts on anything but the home decor. We’re just like all the other talk shows in North America; we bring on guests who are the experts. When it comes to cooking, we’re the hosts who bring in our experts. When it comes to fashion, beauty, makeup, fitness—we’re definitely not experts with fitness—we bring in our experts. Steven: I like to branch out... I’ll do a small cooking segment with food I’ve made myself, but by no means am I a chef. I just enjoy cooking, so I bring that to the table.

So you use the show to explore your personal interests? Steven: That’s the nice thing about it. We can bring something to the table just by saying, “I’ve always wanted to try this....” I love cake decorating—I know that sounds weird—but I keep pitching all these cake decorating segments because I personally want to learn how to work with fondant.

Chris: But no one has agreed to that yet [laughter]. Steven: No, I know! But I’m still working on it. I love everything about cooking. Someday down the road, would I want to be a chef? Absolutely! That’s what’s so great about the show, is I get to learn all these tips and tricks and have great chefs on constantly. Chris: We’re learning so much from the show now, I think we, and everybody at home, are becoming a little more expert on things. I’m feeling smarter every day. Steven: Hmmm [laughs]. Chris: I use the word “smart” very loosely.

Why do you enjoy DIY so much, Steven—I assume not because it’s trendy. Chris: I’m going to answer this one. I remember when Steven and I were young; we watched a lot of Martha Stewart. Steven said, “I would love to do something like that.” He was very handy, very creative and crafty. Well, lo and behold he became a guest on Marilyn Denis’ show, CityLine, and he became an overnight success. I think people really enjoy mak-

ing things themselves—I don’t understand it at all. I don’t get it! But, man, has he got a following. Steven: I grew into this because there was a time when I would go to the stores and see nice things, but I couldn’t afford them. So I made them. I think it’s really cool to see something you like, and then make it for yourself. Chris: Personally, I just like to go in and buy it. Cash out of my pocket: it’s mine!

Now, Chris, you’re something of an aromatherapy connoisseur. Tell me more about that, why you feel it’s important to engage all the senses in home decor. Chris: How did you know that? My mother lives in Moose Jaw—are you going for coffee with my mother? But yes, I’m obsessed with scents. I love them... sometimes I need something to help me go to sleep, or to calm me down, because I’m pretty hyper—I don’t know if you’ve noticed that. It’s also something to perk you up. My mom and I are both insane for it. She goes to a company in Moose Jaw— shoot, I can’t remember the name—that send us the most beautiful scents—we’ll FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


talk about it on the phone for hours. Steven: The company is called Willow Tree. They have the most amazing fragrances.

What’s the most practical approach to fragrance, for someone who doesn’t know much about it? Steven: It’s so easy to go overboard with manufactured smells that are so potent and over the top. But if you go for the natural approach, it’s less offensive, with things like vanilla and lavender—real aromas instead of things like potpourri with cinnamon. Come on, that doesn’t even make sense. Chris: Pure oils are the best. But I won’t invite people over and then put out my favourite fragrance, because people have their own tastes, they have allergies, or they just think it stinks. So limit scents to the powder room, because—well, I think you know what I’m saying. Other than that, leave it to fresh flowers. That can be a great way to add some subtle scents. Keep it natural. Less is more.

Rather than following fleeting trends, the Steven and Chris product line features classic and timeless themes.

What do you think will be the hottest trends for 2012? Chris: We’re the wrong people to ask that, because we don’t follow trends. We have a product line but we don’t put a trend in it. Everything is a classic that we expect you to be able to buy one, 10, 20 years from now. We love it when the experts come on our show and show us what the trends are, but we’re not going to force them on anybody, because you know what? You are your own trend. I really respect that. But where then do you get your creative inspiration, both for your product line and the home aesthetic you promote on the show?

Engage all the senses in home decor with subtle fragrances of naturally-scented candles and oils.

tassel craze, putting tassels on our sofas. Even our colour pallet is very safe. You see a lot of furniture out there that’s bright red, but we will never be the bright-redsofa-people.

Who then inspired each of you to get into this line of work?

tha Stewart! I absolutely adore Rosie O’Donnell... I think she’s one of the most honest, real women on TV, Martha Stewart was one of the hardest-working. I hope that I’m bringing a little Rosie to our show, and Steven is representing Martha.

Steven, how do you feel about that? Steven: I’ll agree on that one [laughs].

Steven: We want it to stand the test of time, because when people invest in furniture, it’s expensive. You can be a little trendy with decor items, that’s fine, but for us we don’t like anything that’s fussy. You’re not going to see us suddenly on a 88


Chris: [To Steven] Martha Stewart? Steven: Yeah, she was pretty much the only one who—

Winter is here. What can people do to warm up the interior feel of their homes?

Chris: Oh! Rosie O’Donell and Mar-

Steven: Get and electric blanket [laughs].

Chris: I can’t live without an electric blanket, I’m always cold. It’s my favourite thing in the entire world. Steven: Seriously, deeper colours. People are sometimes afraid to go rich on the wall. Go for chocolate browns, deep reds. That will envelope your space, definitely cozy up any room.

How about Christmas decor? Is it about tasteful decorations, or are we talking about neon Santas and 10-foot-tall candy canes? Chris: I’m sorry, but when I was a kid, these are the houses I would want to live in: too many decorations on the lawn and way too many decorations on the walls. You know the candy will be good in homes like that. But now, I do allow myself to be a little more tasteful, a little more subdued. But when I go to someone else’s house I do enjoy a mighty tacky decoration. Steven: [to Chris] You really like that home-spun nostalgia, though, don’t you? Chris: I do. I really do. I want to live in a movie. I want to live in A Christmas Story.

Chris’s favourite store for aromatic products is the Willow Tree in Moose Jaw.

It sounds like you both love the Christmas season. Do you have a favourite movie? Steven: I don’t think I do. Chris: You do too! You love A Charlie Brown Christmas. Come on! Steven: Oh, okay, yes I do. I have the CDs and I play them over and over and over. Chris: As soon as that movie comes on he goes and gets the biggest glass of wine you’ll ever see. He’s looped by the end of it [laughter]. FLEW

Design sensations Steven and Chris sign glasses for fans. The duo partnered with the Reif Estate Winery in 2010 to launch their own label, Trend Wines. FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


STeven and ChriS home decor Dos and Don’ts Do Layered Lighting: A lot of people don’t think about light in their home decor scheme. Consider pot lights, chandeliers, sconces, small lamps on surfaces and picture lights on art. If you put everything on dimmer switches your’re going to create a very dramatic effect. A lot of people will install a chandelier in the dining room and leave it at that, but all you’re doing is illuminating the table, or it’s so bright the whole room is washed out. You want to create pools of light. And keep the lighting low; you don’t want guests to feel like they’re in a tanning bed. Personal Touches: Display objects from your travels that reflect you. No one wants to live in a showroom that’s devoid of personality. We travel to Southeast Asia a lot and have some fantastic artefacts. They’re all over the house because they reflect personality—who we are. Something Living: Do put out fresh flowers whenever you can, and if not, display something living, like a large pretty house plant as a point of focus and small potted plants placed throughout the home. Fresh herbs, growing in pots on the kitchen counter are always a hit. A single orchid in the entry way goes a long way.



Don’t Don’t listen to your neighbour: When you’re picking out paint colours or wall paper patterns neighbours will almost always pipe in and offer their opinion. They don’t live there, so don’t listen to them. The house is a reflection of the owner and their family. If Mary the neighbour doesn’t like apple green in the kitchen, she shouldn’t come over. Don’t forget the function of a space: Rooms can be arranged and tidied to the point of pristine flawlessness, while we forget its purpose might be to receive friends and guests. A home is to live in, to be enjoyed. A dining room is to eat in, not just to hold ultra-formal dinner parties where no one is allowed to spill a little wine. Never use small area rugs: In a living room scenario, don’t lay down a rug to accommodate only the coffee table. Find one large enough that spills beyond the sofa and chairs. Despite popular belief that a large area rug will make a space look smaller, it will, in fact, make the room look much larger.



e careful what you joke about.” That’s the advice of Mary Lou Rosengren, one of the owners of Audio Video Unlimited in Estevan. And she should know. A casual joke her husband made in September of 2003 to the owner of New Age Electronics quickly escalated, and a few days later, they found themselves the owners of the Estevan store.

Over the past eight years, that small store has gradually evolved and now, due largely to the ideas and work of Rosengren’s son, Brandon, who became their business partner in 2008, that original store is the centre of a brand new retail development on Nesbitt Drive. More than 16,000 square feet of newly-constructed space is full of appliances, electronics, beds, spas, and more.



Four Complete Kitchens Buying kitchen appliances can be frustrating. Most stores have rows of stoves and fridges, all lined up, with no real way of telling the difference between them, other than the price tag. How will they look in your kitchen? How will they work? How far does that door really open? When the folks at Audio Video Unlimited set about designing their new store, they knew that they wanted to address these issues. Their solution was to build four complete and functional kitchens within the store. Powered, plumbed, and ready for you to try out, these kitchens have everything that you have in your kitchen at home, so you can really see the features and benefits that the appliances have. Push the buttons, everything is hooked up. The selection of appliances is amazing too. Representing only the very best brands, Audio Video Unlimited has offerings from Samsung, LG, Frigidaire, Electrolux, Thermodore, Bosch and Fisher & Paykel. They also have a full range of small appliances to make your time in the kitchen easier and more enjoyable.



prying eyes of other shoppers. Because it’s all upstairs you are free to lay down on all the beds, close your eyes, and actually take the time you need to make sure you’re happy with the mattress you’ll be sleeping on every night. “What you sleep on should be one of the most important purchases you make,” says Rosengren. “A poor sleep can adversely affect your life in so many ways so taking the time to get the right mattress is crucial.” They’ll also carry bedding accessories like pillows, duvets, mattress pads, duvet covers and sheets and plan to expand on that in the near future.

Home Theatre

Private Sleep Centre “Market studies show us that most of the people who buy mattresses are women while most of the salespeople are men,” says Rosengren. “So what happens is, a woman goes into a furniture store, sits on the edge of a mattress, maybe lays down on it and the whole

time, she’s uncomfortable because she feels vulnerable and has the sense that everybody is looking at her. Often that results in a purchase the customer isn’t happy with when they get it home. We came up with a different idea.” That idea is a private sleep centre. The Simmons mattress gallery is located on a second floor mezzanine, away from the

There are enough televisions at Audio Video Unlimited to make a news room jealous. Offerings of Samsung, Sony, LG, Toshiba and Sharp products is displayed on a gigantic TV wall, so you can see at a glance the differences between, say, LCD, LED and Plasma. The store also has accessories such as TV stands, programmable remote controls, wiring, and wall mounts to make your home theatre exactly the way you want it to be. And, if all you really need is a small TV in the kitchen so you can watch cooking



Do You Have ESP? shows, they can help with that too. Of course, creating a home theatre is more than just selecting a screen. Audio Video Unlimited also has a wide selection of video players, speakers, sound bars and amplifiers to help you build the system of your dreams with quality products from Yamaha, Klipsh, Canton and more.

Home Automation For customers looking to really make their home something special, Audio Video Unlimited has devoted a lot of resources to bringing customers the latest in home automation technology. You’ve seen it in on television—the doorbell rings while someone is watching a movie, and with a single press of a button, the show pauses, the lights turn on, and the person goes to answer the door. Then, with another press of a button, the lights dim and the movie resumes. Audio Video Unlimited can bring this kind of technology and convenience to your home, and for a lot less than you might think. Using systems developed by Control 4, Audio Video Unlimited can do much more than just spruce up your television 94


viewing. Their systems can control all aspects of your home, from turning on the coffee maker, to regulating the temperature. And, you can do all of this from your smartphone. On holidays in Mexico? See what the temperature is in your house, or turn the heat up before you get home. You can even access your music collection from any room in your home.

Hot Tubs And Spas

Extended Service Plans, of course. AVU, nationally, has taken a unique approach to extended warranties. Most other stores sell an odd mish-mash of promises and insurance as their service plans, but Audio Video Unlimited does it better. When you purchase an ESP, you can rest assured knowing that you will be taken care of. You will be given a free loaner while your product is away for repair, and if it is not cost-effective to repair the item, it will be replaced with a new one. Best of all, if you purchase the ESP and don’t need to use it, you get the money back in the form of a store credit that you can use toward another purchase. Why wouldn’t you choose to add this product to your purchase?

There are few things as relaxing as settling into a hot tub and allowing the jets to massage away all of the stress and worries of the day. It was for this reason that the Rosengrens decided to add a line of tubs to Audio Video Unlimited’s offerings. She turned to the best—Coast Spas—for their inventory. Did you know that most spas cost less than $2 per day

to operate, even in our cold climate? The store also carries a complete line of spa chemicals and accessories such as steps, railings, and gazebos to complement your existing hot tub.

SaskTel Cellular

AdCheque It sucks when you make a major purchase, only to find the exact same product the next week at a lower price. That’s why Audio Video Unlimited developed its AdCheque program to offer the very best prices to customers, and to make sure customers know that. With AdCheque, Audio Video Unlimited checks the prices of all of its competitors every week. If a competitor has a lower price, they match it. If you make a purchase and the price drops within the next 30 days, they’ll write you a cheque for the difference. Ask your salesperson for more details.

The latest and greatest phones, including the iPhone 4s, are in stock at Audio Video Unlimited. As an authorized SaskTel dealer, AVU can help you with all of your wireless and phone accessory needs. SaskTel has the largest coverage map in the entire province, with more than 98 per cent of the population being served.

It’s About Customer Service “In any retail situation, you always need to put yourself in the customer’s shoes,” says Rosengren. “The satisfaction of our customers is the real key to our success and at Audio Video Unlimited we take that very seriously. We’re always looking at better ways to offer outstanding customer service. A brand new store is very exciting and, obviously will create a unique shopping experience, but, at the end of the day if your customer is happy with how they’ve been treated they’ll come back and that’s what retail is all about.” FLEW Audio Video Unlimited 501 Nesbitt Drive Estevan, SK 306.634.8813



Photo by Angela Clements


Crystal Quilliams, Owner of Inspirations by Color



Photo by Brent Hume


hat inspires you? Is it a memory, a song, a dream, a sunset, a book, a friend? Inspirations enter our lives motivating us to achieve bigger and better. Without them, we wouldn’t have art, music, literature, science or politics. Without the inspirations of our lives we would still be living in huts struggling to exist. As an interior design consultant, Crystal Quilliams knows the inspiring power that color can hold on us. In her retail design store, Inspirations by Color located at 1101 5th Street in Estevan, Quilliams encourages her clientele to step out and be creative. “I love to help people make their dreams become reality in their homes,” states Quilliams. With a full line of SICO paints, wallpaper, custom blinds, bedding and draperies, Quilliams has what you’re looking for to make your home comfortable and fashionable.

Consultation Services “Unlike the big box stores, we provide personal consultations and customized design,” says Quilliams. “I like to educate

Photo by Brent Hume

my clients about design and encourage them to go with what best suits their personality and life style.” She goes on to explain that, when it comes to decorating a home or office, a consultation can assist

the customer by helping them organize their ideas and put them together. Whether decorating a new home, a renovation, an office or workspace, the professional staff at Inspirations by Color

Photo by Angela Clements



will help you develop your ideas into something beautiful and functional.

to complete the space functionally and beautifully.

According to Quilliams, a consultation often begins by looking at the area by either going to the site or reviewing photographs. Once the changes are discussed, Quilliams and her staff then ask the client questions about taste and preferences to help them determine the look that will be best.

Why Wait?

This is not a process to be rushed. The Inspirations by Color staff want to ensure you are satisfied every step of the way by keeping the lines of communication open. “I also encourage customers to take color samples and swatches home with them to see them in that lighting,” she goes on to explain that lighting changes from place to place and that, although you may love a certain shade in the store, when you get home, it might look different from what you thought. This is especially helpful if you are trying to match colors.

You’ve got the ideas, you just need the inspiration. Quilliams encourages clients to come in with their dreams. “We desire to inspire you,” she says. For your consultation or for more information call 306-634-7008 or visit

Bedding Inspirations by Color offers a large selection of top quality Eastern Accents ready-to-order bedding. “We offer every fabric for every type of use to custom fit your needs,” adds Quilliams. With a skilled seamstress on contract, custom work is no problem. From headboards to foot stools, your bedroom will look unique and stunning.

Photo by Angela Clements

Blinds and Draperies “We have the largest selection of custom blinds in town,” says Quilliams. No matter what your budget and what your preference, Inspirations by Color stocks everything from Hunter Douglas blinds and Graber/Springs Window Fashions to Shade-O-Matic and Jackson. They also carry a large selection of great looking budget blinds.

The Extras Decorating is not just about the draperies, wallpaper and paint. A lot of what really defines a space are the accent pieces. Inspirations by Color offers custom framing, prints, art work, designer furniture and accessories. Not sure where to put them? Quilliams and her staff will assist you with the placement of your furniture, artwork and accessories

Photo by Brent Hume 98


them at 1101 5th Street in Estevan. You can also catch them on Facebook. FLS Inspirations by Color 1101 5th Street Estevan, SK 306.634.7008





hen Scott Tresek began pouring a concrete countertop for his own kitchen several years ago, he had no idea where it would lead him. An IT professional in Regina, Tresek formed a partnership with two friends and began installing concrete countertops for others. Eventually, the partnership began installing granite countertops. As word of the quality and customer service spread, the business demanded full-time attention. No longer pouring concrete countertops, CNG stone has become a leader in residential and commercial stone. Today the company offers a full complement of stone colours and styles in materials such as granite, slate, marble, onyx, soapstone, quartz and more. “There are more than 600 colours of stone available, with between 60 and 70 colours that are used regularly,” explains



Tresek. “In addition to those colours, each piece of stone is different in terms of pattern and texture. No two kitchens are really ever the same.” Because of all the colours and textures available, it is very important to see the actual slab that is going to be used in your home or business. CNG stone has you covered there, with more than 200 slabs for you to look at. Most of the granite in Canada comes from quarries in Brazil, but CNG has recently discovered some amazing quarries in Italy, and has recently imported an entire shipping container worth of stone from there. Bringing in large quantities of stone from a single quarry has a lot of benefits to the end user, from price, to quality, and the ability to do larger kitchens and matching vanities.

Going the extra mile In the world of homebuilding and home

renovations, problems sometimes arise. That’s why some of CNG’s favorite referrals are from customers who have had snags on the job. “I’ve always believed that your reputation is the best asset a business can have,” Scott says. “That’s why we go out of our way to do anything possible to build and protect ours.” And indeed they do. When everyone else told a local business that there was no way to build a one piece boardroom table and get it in the boardroom, CNG found a way. Renting a crane, CNG removed a window from the building, lifted the table three stories into the sky, and slid the table into position. “When we deal with issues head on, our customers know that we are truly working for them, and that sets them at ease. That’s why we have seams in our showroom, so our customers know what they are going to get.” And CNG does

have two seams in its showroom for all to see. “This seam over here,” explains Tresek, “is the industry standard seam. It looks okay, but you can definitely see that it is there. This seam over here,” he continues, pointing to the other side of the display, “is what our seams look like.” A cursory glance doesn’t reveal a seam at all, but upon close inspection a faint line is seen in the pattern. “We have very experienced workers, and a very expensive seam setting machine. It is an additional cost for us, but it allows us to deliver a superior finished product. Of course, we work hard not to have seams at all, but sometimes it is inevitable.” Part of delivering exceptional customer service at CNG Stone is educating customers. “Granite is a natural product, and so it’s never perfect. There are pros and cons to it, as there are with every countertop material, so it is important to me that my customers understand the product, as well as how to care for it,” says Tresek. “There isn’t a lot of maintenance that is required, but doing it properly will ensure that your countertops will be beautiful forever.”

The workshop is buzzing at CNG. Separated from the showroom by a door that is more than four inches thick, it features a gigantic saw for cutting slabs, as well as several workstations for polishing and seaming. David Gray is the production manager, a lifelong stone worker who moved to Regina from Quebec for the opportunity to work with CNG. “This is the best place I’ve worked in my career,” he says, adding, “I have complete control over the quality of the product that we deliver, and I have very exact standards. Nothing goes out the door without my approval.” Those standards are very high. Gray proudly shows off a piece of countertop he has just finished. A narrow section of stone has been reinforced with a piece of steel, countersunk into the underside of the stone and then epoxied into place. “This probably isn’t necessary, but I know now that this piece of granite will never crack or break, so it’s worth the time it takes to do it.” With a showroom that is open six days a week to accommodate the busy lives we all lead, CNG stone makes it easy

to discover the products that you are looking for. Located at 1445 Scarth Street, CNG is open from 8-5 on Monday through Friday, and from 10-4 on Saturday. If you need to learn more about stone products outside of those hours, visit, or check them out on Facebook at You can also pick up your phone and dial 585-9876. FHR

CNG Stone Products 1445 Scarth St 306.585.9876



Photos by Angela Clements

Floors, Floors, Floors There’s no need to look any further than The Floor Store By Amy Nelson-Mile The Floor Store in Estevan offers everything necessary for your new home, renovation or insurance project. It combines a wide range of high quality products with top-of-the-line customer service. Owner Chris Tarnes points out that The Floor Store is really a one-stop shopping spot. “We offer an enormous selection of quality products,” he says. These include all kinds of flooring, the complete line 102


of General Paint products, and window covering. “We also offer industry-leading installation,” he continues. The range and scope of the jobs The Floor Store does is impressive. “We do everything,” says Tarnes. “We work with new buildings and renos. We work in residential and commercial settings. Nothing is too big, and nothing is too small. Whether you’d simply like a carpet installed in your second bedroom, or a

whole house redone, we’re happy to help you out.” The Floor Store has a long history in Estevan. Established in 1985, it was already a well-established local tradition when Tarnes was first employed by the store in 1999. He took over in June 2008 and since then it has continue to thrive.

AlSO IN CArlylE In fact, The Floor Store is so solidly established that there is even a second location located in Carlyle. Although the Carlyle store is smaller in size than the Estevan location, it still delivers the same outstanding product and customer service. Tarnes credits the dynamic staff located in Carlyle for that store’s success. “Our manager, Norma Staples, has been with us for 10 years and does a great job,” he says. “Her assistant, Desirae Vogel, is also a vital part of the store.” Of course, there are also many talented installers working there as well.



The Estevan store also has a dedicated group of staff. In addition to Tarnes, Paula Murphy is the bookkeeper and administrator, Kristen Murphy and Corey Mclean are sales staff, and Shaun King doubles as warehouse worker and salesperson. Everyone works hard to make sure that shopping at The Floor Store is a good experience. “We pride ourselves on our customer service,” says Tarnes. “We’re very approachable, and we consider that a major attribute. A lot of customers can be intimidated by these projects, so we try to make it as comfortable and easy on them as possible. We encourage people to ask a lot of questions before purchasing to help them make decisions they’re going to be happy with. We want people to be very impressed with what they select.”

OFF-SITE CONSulTATIONS If customers are unable to get to the store, the staff will go to them. “We can come to your door with samples and give estimates,” says Tarnes. “We’ll work with you whether you are in town or 100 miles away.” Customers also have the luxury of browsing through many items as they ponder their choices. “We stock a fair bit of product at any one time,” says Tarnes. “We typically have 15 skids of



tile/laminate/hardwood, 35-plus rolls of vinyl, and 60 rolls of carpet.”

VArIETy The Floor Store works with a wide variety of manufacturers. For carpets, customers can choose from Shaw, richmond, Beaulieu, Mohawk, and Kraus products. For vinyl and fiberfloor, lines include Mannington, Tarkett, and IVC . For those looking for hardwood, there are products from Mercier, laurentian, and Tarkett. There are cork selections from Wickanders, and in tile the choices are Casaroma, Sanmarco, Estates, and Vogue Bay. As for laminate flooring, “There are many brands to choose from,” says Tarnes. For paint and accessories, The Floor Store offers the wide range contained within the full line of General Paint products. For window coverings they carry the Graber line as well as blinds by Vertican.

PrOFESSIONAl INSTAllATION On top of supplying the product, The Floor Store also offers professional installation services. “Our installers work in a very professional, timely manner,” says Tarnes. “They work on the project as if it were their own home or business. They care about making the customers happy with the experience.”

The store’s reputation is well-established and far-reaching. “We strive to have repeat clients and referrals, and we have a very widespread customer base,” says Tarnes. “We go as far north as Kipling, down south to the uS border, east to the Manitoba border, and as far west as Torquay and Midale.” The Floor Store is deeply rooted in the community, and everyone there believes in giving back to the community that has given them so much. “Corey and Kristen are members of the Kinsmen and the Kinettes, and the store itself supports and donates to local groups such as minor sports, local community groups, school programs, and local hospitals,” says Tarnes. In addition to the great product lines and the wonderful customer service, Tarnes thinks there is a very simple reason for the store’s success. “What sets us apart from our competition is our attention to detail,” he says. “We have the knowledge and the experience to help you get your project right the first time.” FlEW

The Floor Store 104 Hwy 47 S., Estevan Saskatchewan S4A 2A6 p: 306.634.5588 e:

Trust the Outstanding Service of

award-winning Professionals

Photo by Dave Rosenbaum Photography

our heart is pounding, your mind is racing, your doubts are many, your hopes are high and before you know it, you are doing it. You are walking in to your first potential home.

in the banking industry. Following the birth of her children, she craved a lessstructured setting and was approached by a friend who encouraged her to try real estate sales.

Buying a home can be overwhelming. It is not a small decision, but with the right realtor, it doesn’t have to be a difficult one.

Chipley’s hard work has certainly paid off, considering Century 21 Border Real Estate Service is the largest real estate business in Estevan, with eight agents working out of the office and two agents working from their home offices in Oxbow and Carnduff.

In 2000 Lynn Chipley purchased Century 21 Border Real Estate Service in Estevan, Saskatchewan. It is a little brick building on the corner of Fourth Street and Thirteenth Avenue, which she has adorned with artwork both inside and out. Headshots of each agent are proudly displayed at the front of the office along with numerous individual and office awards, not unlike a proud family would display their members’ accomplishments for visitors to see, offering a sense of hospitality from the moment that visitor rings the bell and walks through the door.

Photo by Angela Clements

Chipley became a licensed real estate agent in 1988 after a successful career

Estevan itself is bursting at the seams, thanks to the oil boom and a clean-coal plant on the horizon. It has a population of 13,000 residents with rates of growth averaging 1,000 people per year for three consecutive years. And there are no signs of this slowing down. The limits of the city are being stretched, as real estate agents are busier than ever. Century 21 Border Real Estate Service specializes in residential and commercial real estate, both of which are in high demand during the city’s boom.



Chipley says the success of the business has a lot to do with the team work in the office.

“We strive to make the buyer’s and seller’s transactions seamless by working well together. Taking care of the customer and taking care of each other is a priority. I like to think that on the team side of things we are a winning company.” Undeniably, Century 21 Border Real Estate Service is an outstanding leader in real estate sales for the area, with agents in the office consistently winning individual awards for unit production every year, with a track record of winning the national office award for a community fewer than 50,000 for the past seven out of eight years.

Photo by Angela Clements

On top of the obvious advantages of dealing with Century 21, it is also the only real estate company in Canada that offers air miles rewards when you buy or sell a property as part of their loyalty rewards program. “If you are lucky enough to get to know the people that are relocating into your city during the process, they will call you afterwards. We like to become more than just a person who sells your home. Sometimes we can become a friend,” says Chipley.

Photo by Angela Clements

With that winning attitude and the track record of success, many houses and businesses have been bought and sold, and many friendships have been made at the little brick building at the corner of the street. FLEW

For information contact Century 21 Border Real Estate Service. 1339 4th Street Estevan, Saskatchewan Phone: (306) 634- 1020

Photo by Angela Clements 106


Find out how you can build equity and have the pride of ownership! Selling fast, hurry while they last!

• No age restrictions. • Maintenance free living. • Heated underground parking. • Your choice of cabinets, floor coverings & wall colour. • All appliances included. • Estevan CANdo property tax incentive will apply! 1 bedroom units...starting at $ plus GST


2 bedroom units...starting at $ plus GST


“The Right Agent at the Right Price” sells homes. Border Real Estate Service

Each office independently owned and operated 1339 -4th St., Estevan, SK


Connected to More AffordAble Home ownership

With 10% down, your monthly costs are less than current market rents.

Petterson Point Condos Beginning Phase II

AlmoSt Sold out!

Lynn Chipley and Terry Germain

Fanny’s Furniture and Kekuli Bay Cabinets By Ryan Holota. Photos by Calvin Fehr

Handcrafted Quality Most houses are handcrafted. The walls are nailed together, the floors screwed down, and every piece of trim is carefully measured, cut, fitted, and attached. Its odd then, that we tend to fill our homes with furniture shipped in flat pack containers and cabinetry that is cut by a machine. 108


The Huber family thought so too. Fanny’s Furniture was founded in 1984 and by 1995 they were providing the highest quality handcrafted furniture available in Southern Saskatchewan and the . They know it is the highest quality, because the Huber family also owns the factory that creates the furniture – Huber’s Heritage Furniture is run by family members in Vernon, B.C.

This family connection is a guarantee that you will receive excellent products, and that you can make requests for finishes, modifications, and extras that you could never do at another store.

Generations Of Style In 2011, Fanny’s Furniture celebrated their 27th anniversary of being in business. You

can imagine then, that more than one generation of customer has been through the doors, and you would be right. In fact, Fanny’s furniture has sold items to Grandparents, Parents, and Children in the same family over the years. When you can keep three generations happy with your product, you know you are on the right track. Their customers aren’t the only people with children, however. Over the past few years, Debra and Gerald Huber’s children Greg and Charlene have become involved in the business. When the kids needed to have their kitchens renovated, they had a challenge finding quality kitchen products. You see, most kitchen cabinet manufacturers don’t really build their cabinets. A lot of them simply order off the shelf cabinets and assemble them for you. Others build the cabinet boxes, but then order the doors in from a supplier in another province or country. This creates several problems – quality is often lacking, colour matching is hard to achieve, and you’re stuck with the dimensions that they offer. If all of your cabinets are going to be 24 or 36 inches wide, that’s okay. But what if you need a 29 inch cabinet? It turned out that Greg and Charlene weren’t the only people having this challenge. In fact, many of Fanny’s Furniture’s past customers had come in, asking for recommendations on a cabinet builder. Their furniture, they explained, had made them appreciate craftsmanship so much more, and the cabinets available in the marketplace just weren’t cutting it. Using the skilled craftsmen at Huber’s Heritage Furniture, prototype cabinets were built. Because of their experience working with real wood, they build their own boxes, as well as their own doors. Now, if a customer needs a 29 inch cabinet, it’s not a problem. They simply build it. Colour matching isn’t a problem, because the doors and cabinets are stained at the same time, from the same jar. And the quality – well, if you’ve ever looked in the showroom at Fanny’s Furniture, you know the quality is there.

Kekuli Bay Cabinets Is Born Once Greg and Charlene had beautiful new kitchens, it was time to offer the cabinets to the public. And with that, Kekuli Bay Cabinets was born. Greg

Huber was sent away for training on kitchen design, ergonomics, and Cad/ Cam engineering software. His training allows him not only to custom design your kitchen cabinets, but also to help you with countertops and layout. Charlene has an eye for the details, and understands how frustrating renovations can be. Her own renovation included moving walls, plumbing, and electrical, in addition to completely redesigning the layout of her kitchen. This first-hand appreciation of the process gives the entire project a more human feeling. With Kekuli Bay Cabinets

and Fanny’s Furniture, you will never be ‘just another customer’. All of Kekuli Bay Cabinets are handmade, from the box to the doors. The cabinets are readily available in seven species of wood, and an almost unlimited number of finishes. Still want something different? No problem. Tell them what kind of wood you want and the colour you are searching for. They’ll make it happen. And if you need something besides a kitchen, they can help you out there as well. They have completed bathrooms, storage solutions, and even custom media centres in the FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


past. Just bring your ideas to the store, and let the professionals help you out. When you get your new cabinets, Kekuli Bay and Fanny’s Furniture have installers on staff, so you have the satisfaction of knowing that not only were your new cabinets built right, but they were installed right too.

Don’t Forget The Furniture From solid wood bedroom sets to end tables, kitchen tables, and china cabinets, Fanny’s Furniture offers everything that you need to furnish your home, from the kitchen to the bedroom. All of it handcrafted, all of it built solidly. “We provide our customers with furniture that will last for a lifetime,” says Debra Huber. “In terms of value, it is really hard to beat what we offer.” FLEW Fanny’s Furniture and Kekuli Bay Cabinets 1217 Broad Street, Regina 306.545.9818



Photo by Calli Cugnet

Invested in the Community John Hulbert Construction celebrates a decade of service By Trilby Henderson eyburn’s strong local economy and growing demand for new commercial and residential property is attracting the attention of many out-of-town construction companies, but when it comes to choosing a builder who is invested in delivering its best to the community, John Hulbert Construction is the company to trust. FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


John Hulbert is a third generation Journeyman Carpenter, following in the footsteps of his grandfather and father. He first became involved in the construction industry working part-time for his father’s business while still in high school. After graduating, John decided to pursue a career in the trade and completed his apprenticeship training through SIAST. During that time he continued to work for his father allowing him to gain valuable experience and a better understanding of the business. In January 2001, John and his wife Tanya decided to launch out on their own and opened John Hulbert Construction.

Photo by Erin Tollefson


In addition to managing the overall operation, John spends as much time as possible on the jobsite working alongside his crew. This helps him ensure the quality of work completed meets the company’s high standards and allows him to be even more accessible to clients who want to take an active role in the building process. “When we are building for somebody we have an open door policy, we want the client to be a part of the process and see the project develop from start to finish,” he said. Maintaining open and frequent contact with customers also helps the team at John Hulbert Construction to make sure the final product they deliver meets the client’s expectations. As a locally owned and operated business, the success of John Hulbert Construction is tied to the success of the area it serves. “We are fortunate to have a great working relationship with locally based suppliers and experienced sub-trades that not only deliver high quality materials and workmanship, but they are also available to follow up and correct any problems should they arise after a project is complete,” said John.

Photo by Erin Tollefson

Photo by Erin Tollefson


For the past decade, the couple has put their complementary skill set together to build their family run construction company into a strong and reputable success known for building highend custom homes and commercial properties. While John manages the responsibilities of general contractor, Tanya maintains the administration in the office and provides drafting and design services to clients when needed. Together they are able to help guide their clients through the entire construction process. The Hulbert’s not only bring their business expertise to the table, but also an understanding of the process from the client’s perspective from their own home building experiences. “Building can be a stressful and overwhelming experience

with many decisions to be made”, said Tanya. “We try our best to utilize our personal experiences along with our knowledge of the industry to assist our clients to make the choices that are right for their needs.”

The company’s commitment to customer service and quality craftsmanship has attributed to many repeat customers and referrals. In addition to working with experienced sub-trades the company’s current staff ranges from newer employees to Journeyman Carpenters who have worked with John for the past ten years. The company works to form long-term relationships with its staff and encourages new employees to enter into the apprenticeship training. It fosters a positive team environment where staff can enjoy the benefits of having a successful career that also accommodates time for family and personal pursuits. Whether you are planning a renovation, ready to build a new home, or are looking at expanding your commercial business, John Hulbert Construction is the place to go. Both John and Tanya are ready to enter the next decade of serving their community by helping new and returning clients to bring their visions to life. FLEW

Photo by Erin Tollefson

Photo by Andrea Wilson

John Hulbert Construction Po Box 53 Stn Main Weyburn, SK S4H 2J8 p: 306-861-7570


Photo by Erin Tollefson

Photo by Erin Tollefson

Photo by Marcy Labbie FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


“I contacted Budget Blinds for a free in-home estimate and I had a sales rep out to Weyburn two weeks later. I ordered blinds for my home that day and had the blinds installed in three weeks from the day I ordered—now that is service! Maurice, the installer was very organized and tidy with his work. Tracey, the sales rep, was very helpful giving suggestions when requested for colour choices. I'm very pleased with the service I received from your company and will certainly recommend you to my friends!” - Chris Hunter, Weyburn

Control Your Temperature Insulate your pocket book s you step out of the comfort of your home into the crisp morning air, signs are all around us that the seasons are changing. Becoming educated about the insulation factors that window coverings provide, will help you make the perfect decision for your home to keep the cold out and the heat in. Inefficient windows can add 10 to 25 per cent to heating bills and up to



a whopping 75 per cent to summer air conditioning bills! Energy saving window coverings can cut your home heating and cooling costs in a number of ways. They block the sun out in summer (when sunlight turns into unwanted heat), and allow sunlight in during the winter (when you want the solar heating). They improve insulation,

creating an extra layer of still air between your windows and rooms, cutting heat transfer in both hot and cold weather. And they control the amount of light coming in, so you can take advantage of natural lighting where possible, without losing heat to the outdoors in winter, or overheating the room on hot summer days.

Year-Round Energy Saving Window Treatments

Cellular Shades

Lining that fabric will add another layer and further enhance its insulation effect.

Cellular shades, otherwise known as honeycomb shades, are durable, costeffective window treatments designed to insulate your home against energy loss and noise. Window coverings with a honeycomb or cellular construction can block up to 86 per cent of the heat gain and 80 per cent of heat loss.

Shutters Shutters have immense value, as they become a fixture in decorating, or “furniture” of the window. With options to recreate trim, a vast array of custom colours, and PVC or wood finishes, customers can design to meet their budget. A good quality shutter panel, when closed, creates a heat barrier that will perform well even in the worst window scenario.

Fabric Window Coverings Drapery and roman shade window coverings, when coupled with insulated lining are a great way to add warmth to a room, but also increase the insulation value of a window. A drapery by itself will provide more insulation than the window alone by forming an air pocket between the window and the drapery.

Window Film Window film has recently become popular for residential energy-minded consumers. Energy saving insulating window film with low e-coating will significantly lower both your home’s cooling and heating bills. Window film is a thin layer or coating that can be applied on the inside glass surface of any window or door. As the sun’s heat contacts the surface, energy-saving window film acts as a sunscreen to reflect and absorb the amount of heat that passes through the glass. Low e window film is one of the most effective year round energy saving window treatments, reducing solar heat gain in the summer by as much as 72 per cent and insulating up to 55 per cent of household heat during the winter months.

Indoor and Outdoor Solar Shades This durable, very easy to clean roller shade is composed of a weave of fabrics that control heat, glare and UV rays entering the home. The most appealing factor to customers is that this screen allows you to still have a view of the outdoors while in use. Light coloured fabrics pro-

vide more heat reduction and diffuse interior light. Dark coloured fabrics provide more glare reduction and a better view to the outside. Depending on the weave the summer heat will be reduced by approximately 75 per cent, and the window insulation in the cold will increase up to 50 per cent. New energy-efficient windows are longterm investments that take years to eventually pay for themselves. The right combination of energy saving window coverings and treatments can almost instantly provide home energy savings. Window treatments don't just reduce heat loss and heat gain, they also enhance home décor and all at a fraction of the cost of replacement windows. Budget Blinds’ free in-home consultations are a delight for clients. It is a low pressure meeting with the consultants helping you reach your design goals, providing education and fun in choosing the perfect product and colour to accent your home. Call for your free-in home consultation today! FLEW

534 University Park Drive, Regina, Sk. Weyburn: 306.842.5328 Estevan: 306.634.5328 e:




Richelle FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


Donna Reiger, Jamie McLellan, Vince Marcotte and Kim Marcotte

AND HOT TUBS TOO The trusted name in plumbing and heating becomes the trusted name for your home spa experience By Ryan Holota. Photo by Brent Hume


here are a lot of places that get into the business of selling hot tubs. Most of them started out selling other things—pool tables, TVs, or other completely unrelated items. Then, they take a one week course on servicing hot tubs, and they go into business. That’s great, but wouldn’t you rather have an experienced journeyman plumber doing the work on your tub? Mid-City Plumbing & Heating thinks so. Plumbers deal with a lot more than just leaky faucets. Their business is the business of



fluid and materials transfer. Pipes, pumps, heaters, and more—that’s the type of thing that they deal with every day. Mid-City Plumbing &Heating got into the hot tub business in 2002. Rather than looking for the opportunity, they were approached by a manufacturer who was looking for a distributor in the area that had a history of exceptional customer service and would be able to do a great job with the product. After researching the brand, Mid-City Plumbing & Heating became exclusive dealers of Beachcomber

Hot Tubs. Beachcomber is a well-respected name in the world of hot tubs and spas. Founded in 1978 by Keith and Judy Scott, a Canadian couple from British Columbia, Beachcomber is now represented in more than 40 countries across the globe, but is still a privately owned family business. They have grown because they offer a product that has no comparison. From the molded acrylic tub to their exclusive Enviroskirt, Beachcomber hot tubs have proven to be reliable and efficient in

markets such as Russia, Italy, Alaska, and, of course, Canada. Beachcomber hot tubs are designed for maximum energy efficiency, and are fully insulated from top to bottom. They feature an exclusive, patented step that removes the pumps and motors from the heat and moisture inside the cabinet, keeping them cool and providing a longer life expectancy. If the day ever does come that they require service, the easy access saves time and money on repairs. A Beachcomber Hot Tub is easy

continue to provide Estevan’s residents with top quality service. You know that Mid-City Plumbing & Heating will be there to serve you in the future. With a showroom floor featuring the hot tubs, and more tubs in stock in the warehouse, the odds are that you can leave with a tub the same day. If something a little more custom is to your liking, they can be had in as little as four weeks. And Mid-City Plumbing & Heating has everything you need to make caring for your new hot tub a breeze—all the chemicals, filters, and testers you could ever need are in stock, and each and every member of the sales staff is completely trained to provide you with customer support. They even have financing options available to make it even easier for you to take a tub home.

to buy, install and operate. And it costs less than you might imagine. It’s like a home appliance, designed to provide a lifetime of comfort, for pennies a day. And you can take it with you when you move. All you need for a Beachcomber at your home is a level spot, water from a garden hose and electricity.

With support from Mid-City Plumbing & Heating, you know that you’ll be in good hands with your new hot tub. Mid-City opened its doors in 1965 and has been providing top quality service to the city of Estevan and area ever since. When the founder, Roland Marcotte, brought his son Vince into the business in 1988, he set forth a long-term plan that would

Drop by their store at 937 George Street, or give them a call at 634-5512 when you are ready to look at a Beachcomber hot tub. FLS Mid-City Plumbing & Heating 937 George Street Estevan, SK 306.634.5512





for one enjoy the barrage of festive plants that hit the garden centres and floral departments nowadays in early November. Among the most reliable of the festive offerings is the Amaryllis. This behemoth bulb hails from South Africa but for the last couple of decades it has been popularized in many other countries. The content of many fundraising efforts, the boxed bulb, is a sure fire and usually foolproof bloomer, redeeming many a black thumbed recipient. The kits typically contain a moderately sized bulb, soiless medium and a pot so that even the most novice of gardener, upon following the instructions, should enjoy success. Better garden centres will carry bulk bins full to brimming with enormous Amaryllis bulbs in a vast array of colour options. Safe to say that the bigger the bulb, the more blooms you’ll enjoy, so purchasing softball sized bulbs will afford you several stems that will proudly support four to five flowers each. One suggestion for using smaller, gift packaged bulbs is to plant several of them in one container, the results are spectacular. Amaryllis bulbs, hailing from a tropical climate, like to be warm. As simple as this statement is, remarkably, many bulbs are left in the car while someone finishes shopping or stored in the garage hidden from the intended recipient. Oddly, these bulbs tend not to bloom! If you must store your Amaryllis, keep it dark and at room temperature and no moisture. Once the bulb gets even a hint of water, it will start to grow. Container size is also important. The rule that I use is to select a pot (with drainage holes) that will allow me to place a finger snugly between the bulb and the edge of the container. The reasoning behind this is that a pot that is too large is typically kept too moist for the bulb and rot can set in. The Amaryllis doesn’t need a great deal of nutrient as the flower bud is already formed and the bulb itself is the food storage unit to support the blossoms. Given this fact, fertilizer is not required at least at



Ken Beattie, affectionately known as Canada’s Favourite Gardener, is a graduate of the prestigious Niagara Parks Commission School of Horticulture and is currently Director of Horticulture for Assiniboine Park, one of North America’s largest urban parks, in Winnipeg. As a TV host, radio contributor and author, his easy exuberance and playful personality are well-known to enthusiasts from Saskatchewan to the Philippines.

this stage of growth for your Amaryllis. The most popular way that you will see these plants growing, is with approximately 1/3 of the bulb above the soil line in the pot, much like an onion in your vegetable garden. The bulb enjoys the heat and in its native surroundings, the sunlight on the bulb itself. A bulb that is buried too deeply often flowers very weakly and tends to rot quickly. After an initial watering to settle the bulb into the medium, allow the mix to dry before watering again. Overwatering at the early stages of root development can cause no end of fungal problems later on. You will notice that the roots of the bulb can be dried and wizen or white and fleshy. The juicy ones are alive and ready to be grown, the rest can be removed if you wish. The papery skin of the bulb drives the “neat ‘n tidy” gardeners to near distraction as they want to pick and pull until the bulb is perfectly smooth and clean. This is unnecessary but generally not harmful to the bulb if you are careful. After planting you can expect to see the flower bud emerging within about

two weeks, often ahead of the foliage. Do not panic if the foliage emerges first and reaches for the ceiling! The leaves of the Amaryllis are long and strap-like, often requiring support. The more typical

appearance is for the flower bud and stalk to emerge and grow at an alarming pace. This race for the sky provides considerable amusement for folks as they measure the growth rate, photograph



their “Jack and the beanstalk” and reserve bragging rights of course with others. It is not unwise to stake your flower stalk in anticipation of the enormous flowers to follow. I have seen the result of an over exuberant Amaryllis that was not staked, and it is not a pretty sight believe me. I suggest that you rotate the plant so as to maximize its exposure to sunlight, this helps keep the flower stalk straighter also. The stalks are hollow, so avoid manipulation or tying the stakes too tightly as they can break; this is also another good reason for leaving the plant in one place in your home, they don’t travel well. Once the flowers have passed and new foliage starts to appear (about six to eight weeks), you can commence a feeding program for your Amaryllis. Understanding that the intensity of light from January until March is fairly low, the plant will not require massive amounts of food. The object here is to increase the size of the bulb for next season’s blossoms so using a ration with a higher middle number is effective. Generally the plant will not bloom again indoors, but often, if planted into the garden will bloom in the summer. I used to grow Amaryllis in my Regina gardens annually and yes, this did turn a few heads when they are in bloom along side the Rhubarb. Lift the bulb(s) in the fall and store them warm and dry allowing their foliage to dry back. This natural ripening process allows the leaves to pump food into the bulb and signal the flower bud to start forming again. A rest period of at least eight weeks in warm, dry and dark conditions will prepare your bulb(s) for the next round of winter blooming. This season try Amaryllis for the first time or if you have had them before, attempt a new variety, a larger bulb or plant several into one container. Measure your success, take lots of photos and amaze the neighbours with a spectacular show of Amaryllis next summer. Happy Holidays and good growing. FLS

Large Selection Of Great Gift Ideas

109 2nd St NE, Weyburn, SK 306.842.4499 120




Co-op. Do you really understand how they work, and the benefits that they provide to their members and the community? For most people, the answer is no. They may be members of the Co-op, buy their groceries at the Co-op, and even purchase fuel for their vehicles at the Co-op, but they don’t really know all the ways that the Co-op provides benefits.

What Is A Co-op? Put simply, a Co-op is a business that is owned by its members. When you purchase a membership (for only $10), you are actually purchasing a share in the Co-op – you’re now a business owner! Your

membership gives you access to annual meetings, providing voting privileges, the ability to propose resolutions and offer suggestions to the Co-op and elect a board of directors. Like any other business, when it makes a profit, the owners get a piece of that profit. For Co-op members, the return is proportional to the amount of support that the community, and each individual member, has given the Co-op throughout the year. Each time you give your Coop number when you make a purchase, the value of your purchase is recorded. You earn equity in the Co-op based on these purchases, and at the end of each year, a percentage of your purchases are deposited into your equity account. If

enough equity is accrued, you will receive a cheque in the mail. If not, your equity continues to accrue in your account. In 2010, the Southern Plains Co-operative paid out more than $539,000 dollars in cash to its members.

A Member Of The Community Southern Plains Co-operative isn’t just any business, it’s a member of the community in which you live, work, and play. It pays property taxes and utilities, hires local trades and professional services, and buys from other local businesses. In addition, it hires people and provides careers and opportunities to those in the city and FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


surrounding area. These employees, in turn, pay taxes, make purchases, and support their community. Of course, all businesses pay taxes, but the Co-op does so much more. Southern Plains Co-op offers scholarships to the community, and gives thousands of dollars in sums large and small to community groups. While some businesses make a splash with one large donation every year, the Co-op donates to more than 100 groups of every size.

Southern Plains Co-op In Your Community Founded on April 10, 1946, Southern Plains Co-op is one of the longest lasting businesses in the Estevan region. Today, it operates four locations in Estevan, one in Oxbow, and two in Carlyle. In Estevan, the grocery store is one of the most noticeable locations of the Coop. Offering the Co-op exclusive Fresh Departments, featuring a made-fromscratch in-store bakery, a complete butcher shop, deli, fruits and vegetables, and a fresh salad bar, the Co-op food store is the best place in the city to stock your pantry. With lines of organic produce, homemade sausage, steaks cut exactly how you want them, and bread that just might be better than your grandma used to make, you are sure to find something to fill your belly. Southern Plains Co-op also runs two full-service gas bars, complete with convenience stores and the best touchless car washes anywhere. These stores not only feature a full range of gasoline, diesel fuel, and propane, they also have all of the snacks and drinks that you could ask for, in addition to magazines, car care items, and seasonal items. Looking for something a little healthier than chips and pop? The convenience stores offer sandwiches and snacks prepared fresh daily at the grocery store’s deli. Southern Plains Co-op offers its farm and commercial customers delivered fuel, and also have a cardlock filling station, with 24 / 7 availability.

On The Road? They’re With You Southern Plains Co-op is bigger than just Estevan. In Carlyle, it operates another 122


large food store, complete with many of the same Fresh Departments, such as bakery, meat, produce and deli products found in the Estevan location. They also have a newly renovated gas bar with a convenience store and additional cardlock filling pumps. If you travel to Carlyle and Estevan regularly, you can really maximize your equity by staying within the Southern Plains Co-op family.

Not to be left out, Oxbow is also a branch of Southern Plains Co-op. The company has a food store that provides the community with a plethora of choice and variety in foods.

Don’t Forget The Kids The Kids Club is open to the children of members, and provides them with

colouring contests, free cookies in the deli department, and a birthday card every year. One of the proudest events for Southern Plains Co-op is the Kids Club Carnival, held every year in Estevan. The carnival, held the first week in July, brings bouncy houses, contests, games, and more to the parking lot of the Co-op grocery store. Kids can come, have fun, compete in contests and collect tickets that they can redeem for free prizes. A barbecue is held for all attendees, and big prize draws are made every year. It is a must-see event.

Isn’t It Time You Became A Member? If supporting your community, sharing in cash repayments, earning equity, and making a positive contribution to the lives of the people in your city sounds good, become a member of Southern Plains Co-op. Memberships are sold at all departments for only $10, and are an investment in your community. FLS Southern Plains Co-operative Ltd, 826 4th Street Estevan, SK 306.637.4300



Carlyle Comfort in Moose Ridge Estates By Sheena Koops, Photo by Brent Hume

arlyle is a booming and prosperous community, and people want to live here,” says Rylan Waugh, owner of WaughWho Developments and Moose Ridge Estates developer. “We have seniors moving in, some are downsizing, and they’re happy to have hassle-free living, no worry about lawns and snow removal. We also have a lot of interest from people in the oil field.” Waugh is proud of his latest development. “We were the first successful condominium project to come to Carlyle, and Phase One is now available through Performance Realty,” says Waugh. “People are impressed with Moose Ridge’s look, styles and features.” The partial front stonework exterior and maintenance-free HardiPlank siding provides great curb appeal in this friendly, southeast Saskatchewan community. Each unit allows for outdoor living with a front porch and rear deck. Of course, the



concrete driveway and single car garage is a favourite feature. The interior, complete with plush carpet, deluxe pad-living, and hardwood living room, are modern and elegant. Each kitchen has maple cabinets, adjustable shelves, overhead cabinets, and roller drawers. The stainless steel appliance package, including refrigerator, electric range, dishwasher, and over-the-range microwave, do not sacrifice quality for their modern style. Bathrooms include custom-built maple cabinets, deluxe onepiece dome light, and include a separate shower in master bath with select plans. Light fixtures are glass globe and an elegant chandelier graces the dining room. All Moose Ridge Estates homes use LOGIX ICF for their basements. LOGIX is the leading insulated concrete form system in North America. “With superior R-value built into its DNA, LOGIX helps you create an airtight building

envelope today for the quality of thermal performance that will be expected tomorrow,” says Waugh. Each unit also comes with a high efficiency gas furnace, central air conditioning, and gas water heater. The comfort, convenience, style and quality of Moose Ridge Estates are the talk of the town. With Phase Two coming in 2012, Rylan Waugh and WaughWho Developments will soon be the toast of the town, too. FLEW

Box 1289, Carlyle, Saskatchewan S0C 0R0 c: 1-306-575-8290 e:

Weyburn Boston Pizza

Bar-T Construction is a family-run business that has been serving Regina and Southern Saskatchewan since 1983. At Bar-T Construction we understand that building a new house or doing a renovation can be a stressful time, so our knowledgeable staff will help you through the process of choosing the right exterior package for you. Please visit our showroom at 1150 Park Street and let us help you, whether you are looking to update your curb appeal or make your home more energy efficient. We are the exterior people. • • • • • • • • • • • • • •


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photos by john morrell

Chris Krasowski

General Manager Medius Restoration Services (306) 529-9159 Water and sewage everywhere has been the mantra this year. As a result, there may well be a fungus among us—specifically mold, in all its many forms. And, cleaning up that potentially risky fungus is a job best left to certified professionals. Water damage restoration and mold removal are a major concern for many people and businesses this year. Any time there has been water in a building, there is the risk of mold. There are numerous kinds of mold (including mildew) but not all are dangerous. Over time, the term “black mold” was coined to identify whether mold was dangerous or not. This is not the case: colour or odour is not an accurate indicator of how toxic the mold species is, nor what kind of effects it can have on an individual. More importantly, the focus should be on the size and concentration of the mold spores, not the colour. A single spore can be microscopic in size and is not visible to the human eye. This means that mold can lurk out of sight, under sub-basements and in walls, causing damage and, possibly, health problems. A common question is, “I have a musky odour in my basement, does that mean I have mold?” An odour in itself doesn’t indicate mold, because odour is mainly 126


caused by bacteria. This summer in the Weyburn and Estevan regions a lot of basements had water damage, seepage or sewer backups. Odour is created when this moisture reacts with the bacteria in your home. Mold may grow over time, with the right amount of moisture and bacteria, which is why it is important to remove the source of moisture immediately. So, odour can be a warning sign, but it doesn’t necessarily mean there is mold.

we are all highly trained, with most of us, including myself, having received training that meets the standards of the Institute of Inspection, Cleaning and Restoration Certification (IICRC).

Mold can affect health in a variety of ways, leading to runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion, watery eyes, skin rash or itching, flu-like symptoms, asthma attacks, headaches, aches and pains, possible fever and rarely, pneumonia. People with allergies and/or asthma are especially susceptible.

It is safer in the long run to use a professional service than to do the work yourself. Mold and microbial bacteria must be removed properly to ensure spores are not released into the air to spread and cause health problems. Some companies, such as Medius, use negative air pressure machines to ensure the spores don’t spread.

Don’t attempt to do the clean-up yourself. For one thing, the average person doesn’t know which kinds of mold are harmful and which are not. And, it is impossible to distinguish between harmful and nonharmful mold by sight alone. You can’t tell the extent of the damage just by looking. And, it’s the invisible spores, not the mold itself, that get into the air and cause health problems. There is no way to know they’re there unless air quality tests are done. It is, therefore, essential that a reputable and certified mold inspection technician conduct air tests and use an internationally accredited laboratory to ensure precise results. A homeowner should always ask for proof of the inspector’s certification. The staff of a mold remediation company should also be properly trained in identifying problems and taking the appropriate steps to address them. For example, at Medius,

We use advanced practices and state-ofthe-art equipment to dry out the structure quickly. This equipment doesn’t use much electricity, helps reduce structural damage, lessens the risk of mold growth and can save you money.

Painting or using a sealant over a moldy wall won’t eliminate the problem, the mold will “eat” the paint over time, even paint said to be mold resistant. And, put away the bleach bottle. Bleach is water-based and inactivated by organic material, as a result, the water it contains will end up feeding the fungus and making the problem worse. If you’ve had water damage from all the rain and run-off this year, or you suspect there might be mold in your building, remove as much of the water as you can, remove the contents from the area and dispose of anything that may harbor mold or bacteria, including cardboard and drywall. And, call in the professionals to ensure your home or workplace is completely cleaned up and safe. FLEW

Photos by Prairie Wind Photography

Securing Peace Of Mind as The Southeast Booms, So does its crime By Sheena Koops If you’re driving south on Highway 39, you’ll pass wintry canola fields, oil wells pumping 24 hours a day, farm houses lit up for the holidays and smart streets full of small-town neighbours. You’ll see cattle and horses, hotels and gas stations, small businesses and schools, churches and hospitals. There is nothing sleepy about Southeast Saskatchewan. Nowhere is this more evident than within

the sister cities of Weyburn and Estevan, where the economy is booming and common people are enjoying a betterthan-ever standard of living. Hawkeye Security, with offices in both Weyburn and Estevan, is not only a success story in its own right, but this local business is also part of the Southeast’s peace of mind.

“Times are busier,” says owner-operator Scott McLeod. “People are spending more money on personal items they want to protect: computers, high-end cameras, big screen televisions. Houses are bigger and many are taking that extra step to protect what they’ve worked hard to achieve.”



McLeod was a journeyman electrician by trade, operating his own electrical company in Weyburn for 17 years. In 2000 he had become an authorized SaskTel SecurTek dealer, and in 2004 when he sold his electrical company he continued on with the security division. Hawkeye Security was born. “Home security is so much more than doors and motion sensors,” says McLeod. “We also have environmental protection which includes devices that detect water problems, such as water heater breaks and sewer backup; low temperature sensors that protect against heating failure, and of course carbon monoxide and smoke detectors.” Neighbours are telling neighbours about Scott McLeod and Hawkeye Security. “We’ve had our security system in for quite a few years,” says Iris Borgen of Weyburn. “My husband Robert and I had a break in. Someone kicked in our back door, but only took two steps in before the security system went off and prevented f u r t h e r property loss – we c o u l d see the



footprints on the floor. The police got there before I did and the intruders didn’t get anything. My Mac computer was sitting on the table and the police figure that’s where the intruders were headed first. Scott came over to the house, even though he didn’t really have to, just to check it out. He knew our peace of mind was that important to us.” Iris adds that one of her neighbours who didn’t have a security system had a break-in a year-and-a-half later. The thieves took everything. Hawkeye is more than a home intrusion installation company; they do a major amount of video surveillance installations for businesses and homes in the southeast part of the province. “We had a few break-ins to our vehicles,” says Scott Stein of Estevan. “I phoned Hawkeye immediately, and explained how I wanted to deal with it; Scott quoted us a price right away. His installation was included in the price and everything went very well. We have now caught the perpetrator on camera quite a few times. Scott came down and made a back-up recording for the Estevan City Police.” Stein also decided to get some security for his own home. “The installation process inside the house was flawless. It was a quick process, and their staff explained the operating process on what would happen in the event of an alarm. It looks really good,” says Stein. Hawkeye Security if flying, not only all over southeast Saskatchewan, they even swoop into Manitoba. “We had Hawkeye Security into our newly built hotel a month ago,” says Dylan Clarke of Virden, Manitoba’s Comfort Inn and Suites. “We wanted video surveillance in our hallways, inside and outside, so that our staff can see who is coming and going. This provides safety for our staff and guests, especially at night. It’s already been really useful. Hawkeye’s service is quick, reliable, and we’re already planning to add more cameras. I strongly recommend that anyone in the hospitality business check out Hawkeye’s video surveillance. It’s given us great peace of mind.”

Technology has changed the security industry. “Almost everything we install in homes these days is wireless,” says McLeod. “This gives you a vast amount of options and we’re not in your house for days, dealing with wires. The technology has improved so much that false alarms are nearly extinct and the maintenance is very minimal.” McLeod is in the security business because he cares. He says because everyone is busier than ever, there’s rarely a stay-at-home partner. He wants to be there when you’re not. “A lot of our clients travel,” he says, “and if something happens in their homes or businesses while they are away, the monitoring company will contact the appropriate authorities, or contact people to attend your site. Even folks who don’t have a lot of valuables can protect their homes against vandalism, or personal protection with an environmental device such as a carbon monoxide detector.”

Carbon Monoxide is known as the silent killer so when you’re sleeping, you may be dazed, not know what’s going on. But with a detector, the proper authority will be notified, which may save lives. “We also deal with medical alerts when an elderly person is home alone. They can push a button that sends the message to the Securtek Monitoring station to contact the appropriate people to assist. Just like the commercial ‘I’ve fallen and I can’t get up.’ It’s been incredible how many people we’ve helped. It’s all about peace of mind.”

their systems. Unfortunately, we’ve seen it all,” says McLeod. “Our smaller cities and towns are not the quiet little communities of old. Protecting what we’ve worked so hard to acheive is now becoming a standard necessity.” Fortunately, Hawkeye Security is on the job, flying high in Southeast Saskatchewan and beyond. FLEW

Life is booming in Southeast Saskatchewan, but this prosperity also draws out some pests. “People think break-ins happen at night,” says McLeod, “but perpetrators are being very bold, kicking down back doors in broad daylight. The crooks are not fooled by people who have fake signs, and sometimes intruders are even taking a chance that people haven’t armed

Weyburn • 306.861.5600 Estevan • 306.421.5607



Local pharmacy recognized for innovation By FLEW Staff

t’s always comforting to know when you need to fill a prescription that there is a friendly, trusted, professional pharmacist in the neigbourhood you can rely on. And, it’s become almost traditional with pharmacies these days that you can pick up a bunch of other things you may need while you’re there, including toiletries, staple food products and your favourite reading material. But for Krista Missal and Laura Resler, co-managers of Weyburn Pharmasave, a drug store can be so much more. Aided by a corporate philosophy that encourages local operators to be innovative, the store has evolved into something way beyond what you might expect. After expanding in 2008, it began offering a wide variety of giftware, purses, jewellery, gourmet food and a plethora of other items. But it didn’t end there. A year and a half ago, Krista and Laura hired Jasmine Kravanya as a pharmacy assistant, but quickly realized that role was a waste of her talent. “We ended up promoting her to giftware, because she has such a knack for it,” said Krista. Jasmine comes by the knack honestly with a university degree in applied arts, which she draws on to not only find the hottest new trends, but to design the

store and displays in a customer-oriented fashion that makes the shopping experience highly pleasurable. If you need help, Jasmine is almost always there to point you toward the perfect accessory, decoration or gift. If she’s not there, it’s probably because she is out on one of her biannual shopping trips keeping up on what’s hot and new or scouring southern Saskatchewan for unique and fashionable items to enhance the collection. And there are always plenty of friendly, knowledgable staff available to make clients and customers feel at home with their quirky, upbeat senses of humour. The cheerful staff makes shopping fun. Weyburn Pharmasave’s goal is to ensure every customer leaves happy by providing quick, friendly service with a twist—you can always count on a laugh every time you enter the store.

AWARd-WInnIng At Weyburn Pharmasave, the innovation does not end with the remarkable giftware collection, though. Since 1994, the store has provided a full-service Pharmacy, and been a home health care haven. The highly trained and professional staff abide by Pharmasave’s mission to provide exceptional service to all those in the communities it serves. Pharmasave has a vision of becoming the best drug store in

its community and strongly values integrity, care, respect and professionalism. Pharmasave corporate recognized Weyburn Pharmasave’s commitment to those values in September with its Pharmasave Pharmacy Innovation Award for the prairies region. The recognition is nice, of course, but the real reward for the pharmacy team in Weyburn is moving the health of community forward with oneon-one counseling and medication reviews, diabetes education, and Live Well consultations. They also support many local charities, groups, and health organizations. Krista and Laura won’t be resting on their newly-minted laurels, however. Weyburn Pharmasave already has plans to expand its community clinics program and health education initiatives including the launch of a School of Wellness health competition in the spring. The competition will encompass everything from exercise to nutrition to quitting smoking to stress management.

‘TIS The SeASon of course Jasmine has been busy over the last couple of months filling the store with seasonal fare. The local drug store isn’t the first thing that pops to mind for Christmas shopping? In Weyburn, it should be. The Christmas décor pieces are timeless, trendy, and elegant. Customers find them great for re-doing their FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


Christmas look or adding accent pieces to their current collection. The gift ideas are expansive, from not-the-usual stocking stuffers to exciting presents for Mr. or Mrs. hard-to-buy-for. You are sure to find the perfect something right in your budget. When the holidays are over, you will still find an amazing selection of virtually anything for your house and home. Wall art includes pictures, paintings, mirrors and metal art in a variety of textures, colours, and styles from classic and traditional to hip and funky. You can even find great stuff for kids’ rooms. Jasmine never orders the same things twice, so you are guaranteed to have a unique piece. If you are looking for home décor, you are sure to find something fresh and different at the Pharmasave in Weyburn. From vases, picture frames, and candle holders to pillows and throws, you can always find a distinctive gift or something to freshen up your current style. If you are unsure, Jasmine will help you find the perfect piece or help you bring a decorative style together. If you are looking for an amazing shopping experience you are looking for Weyburn Pharmasave. FLEW



30 3rd Street Weyburn, SK S4H 0V9 p: 306.848.3850

IT’S NO GAME Keep your plumbing and heating in playoff shape with OVI By Carol Todd


eyburn may well consider itself to be Rider Nation, but hockey is as much of the community’s make-up as CFL football. The spirit of, not only the many Saskatchewan hockey greats we’ve known, but of a certain Washington Capitals’ left winger as well, lives large in this southeast Saskatchewan city. Brett Pickering is a big fan of Alex Ovechkin, the Russian-born Capitals player; so big, in fact, that he shares Ovechkin’s nickname and even named his plumbing and heating business “OVI” in his honour. But, Pickering isn’t playing. His OVI Plumbing and Heating offers affordably priced work done with the highest level of workmanship. Pickering opened his own business in

2010 after working as a plumber for six years. He says he has always been interested in the plumbing industry. “I thought it might be a challenge. I like to work with my hands and thought this could be something I could build on,” he says. And, build he does, concentrating on new home installations. “Our main focus is doing all the plumbing and heating for new residential housing. That’s something I like to do, because you can set it up the way you want and the way you know will work,” Pickering says. With Weyburn undergoing a growth spurt, there should be plenty of work for quite some time. While OVI Plumbing and Heating does a lot of work with new construction, Pickering and his staff also bring their

friendly, competent service to existing homes as well. He points out that, if you haven’t done so already, it’s time to have your furnace inspected. “That way you make sure it’s running right, so you don’t find out about a problem when it’s minus-40,” he says. A properly maintained furnace, with clean filters, costs less and is better for the environment as less fuel is being used. So, whether you’re building a new home, or need work done on your existing residence, give OVI Plumbing and Heating a call. And, don’t forget the other Ovi. You’re guaranteed to score big either way. FLEW OVI Plumbing and Heating Brett Pickering 306.861.5307 FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


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POWER Estevan dealership’s name says it all By Roxy Blackmore. Photos by Angela Clements


utstanding customer service, a colossal selection of new and used vehicles, and an enormous commitment to the community is what sets Power Dodge Ltd. of Estevan apart from other dealerships in southeast Saskatchewan. Trevor Knibbs purchased the business in 2007. He chose a simple name that would represent a philosophy within a dealership indicative of the city’s industry, the product available, and the team behind it. It is this consistent focus and energy that has led to the unequivocal success of the company. Conveniently located on Kensington Avenue, the lot is a combination of over



150 new and used vehicles. Clients vary from first time owners, to families, to oilfield companies and other local businesses that prefer a premier fleet to represent their establishments.

into a prototype dealership,” says Pierson. “Whether it’s sales, parts, service, or you are looking for directions, we focus on one hundred per cent customer service in every way.”

A staff of thirty people specializing in sales, service and parts keep the business running with the paramount service clients have come to recognize. The business is an expertly run operation with a wealth of experience.

Seasons have an impact on what product is on the lot at any given time. “In the winter we are thinking more about what a customer actually requires as opposed to the spring selection which is more about what is original and fun. Because of Estevan’s industry, trucks are always moving fast.” Presently the dealership has a full line of Ram trucks from the 1500, Canada’s fastest growing choice of light duty pick up, to the more heavy duty 5500 Ram Chassis, with best-in-class

Brad Pierson is the general manager at Power Dodge, which is the largest Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram dealer in southeast Saskatchewan. “When you walk into Power Dodge, you are not walking

standard horse power and torque. Power Dodge takes pride in stepping outside the box in its product availability. The lot will soon be home a much awaited limited edition 2012 SRT8 Grand Cherokee that features 47 horsepower. It is a muscled-up SUV that is absolute automotive high living. “It’s very powerful, very fast and very limited,” says Pierson. “Power Dodge is one of the very few dealerships to have the SRT8 line available.” “We also carry the Jeep line including names like Patriot and Compass with fabulous price points, which are second to none,” adds Pierson. “At a lot of dealerships all-wheel drives and fourwheel drives start at $30,000, we’re at the $24,000 mark. We also carry a full lineup of Dodge and Chrysler products including the Grand Caravan, Challenger, Chargers and Durangos, Chrysler 200s, 300s, and Town and Country. For someone who would like to get into a four-wheel drive vehicle and may think they can’t purchase brand new, with a warranty and a very low payment, we can put them there.” The selection of used vehicles at Power Dodge is the best in southeast Saskatchewan with every type of vehicle from sports cars to high-end SUVs.

Brad Belitski, Parts Manager

Specialty vehicles such as Prowler, Viper, and high-end foreign models also frequently show up at Power Dodge. “Pre-owned vehicles can be a volatile business,” says Pierson, “and we try to handle it per season as to what we have in stock. There is no better feeling than to

have a satisfied customer. “We strive to have a comprehensive, hassle-free experience for our clients. I recall a customer a few months ago who called us because they had been trying to purchase a vehicle for many months and



were experiencing unrelenting obstacles. We invited them into the dealership, assisted them with the financing process and they were thrilled with how they were treated. Our finance manager, Chris Oleshko, specializes in going the extra mile to accommodate customers whether they have exceptional credit or have had credit challenges in the past.That’s the difference between big city dealerships and smaller city dealerships. We treat everyone with an extreme amount of care. We want to help you get into a new vehicle while following all of the proper steps, procedures and policies, that’s our goal.” Power Dodge’s excellence extends to its service department, which boasts ten service bays and two wash bays. Fixed operations manager Warren Dacio has been working in this location for 17 years. The department is staffed with Chrysler-trained journeyman technicians and is conveniently open every Saturday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. for clients with a busy schedule during weekdays. In addition, they offer vehicle detailing and a complimentary shuttle service. Power Dodge is undeniably one of the largest community champions in Estevan. Their loyal generosity and financial backing supports many local groups and initiatives including the Estevan Bruins, Spectra Place Hockey Rink, Estevan Minor Hockey, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Estevan Regional Nursing Home, Estevan Water Polo, Estevan Minor Football, and the Royal Canadian Legion. The list goes on perpetually as most local people recognize their distinctive logo throughout the southeast. “It would probably be easier for me to list what we don’t support than what we do,” says Pierson. “We believe in giving back to the community. Wherever there’s a lot of activity, you’ll see a lot of Power Dodge window stickers in the parking lot.” The company’s presence in the community speaks for itself through their service and support. Power Dodge is truly home of the power team. FLEW Power Dodge Ltd. 409 Kensington Avenue Estevan, SK 306.634.3644 (Toll Free) 1.866.936.3644 140


Mike Keating and Travis Olver, two of the five sales people on staff.


the story of the

Weyburn Credit Union by Jade Ivan L to R:

Photos by Prairie Wind Photography

Charles Ries, Commercial/Ag Account Manager, Julianne Entwistle, Member Service Support Rep, Marj Wanner, Wealth Management Advisor, and Colleen Roettger, Consumer Lending Specialist.

he story of the Weyburn Credit Union starts 67 years ago. A group of local Weyburnites came together to help out their community. Their goal was to lend money to community members in order to push local development and keep their financial resources at home. The first Weyburn Credit Union was run, literally, out of a dusty old shoe box. In the last 67 years Weyburn Credit Union has grown dramatically from that old shoe box serving local farmers, but the foundations remain the same: quality service with which to help the community. 142


After continual expansion, Weyburn Credit Union now offers a variety of products, including savings, borrowing, card products, depositing, wealth management, portfolio management, investment advice and remote account access channels. Weyburn Credit Union remains up to date with emerging financial products like tax free savings accounts and premium investment accounts. What sets Weyburn Credit Union apart from other financial institutions you may ask? It provides an effective service experience with quality people ready to help.

Credit Union means becoming a member of a family. The on-going relationship supports customers’ current and future needs, ensuring on-going satisfaction.

Each time you walk into Weyburn Credit Union you will be greeted with a warm hello and a reassuring smile. Employees make it their primary goal to help customers explore the various ways to make financial life easier. They emphasize the specialized products available to all consumer needs. Students have easy access to Member Direct online banking as well as the mobile banking service. Grad Accounts and Student Lines make post-secondary life easier. Continuing members enjoy the comfort of sustainable and efficient service, while the commercial sector enjoys the consistency in lenders. Borrowers maintain relationships with lenders who understand their business and value their needs. Becoming a member of Weyburn

Weyburn Credit Union provides the only drive-through automated teller in Weyburn, as well as Member Direct Online banking, mobile banking, and Teleservice with real people and immediate service, making banking easy and convenient. Members find no need to push a series of phone buttons; they just call Weyburn Credit Union for immediate, live assistance. The ease of service starts with Weyburn Credit Union’s local employees, who are always willing to offer additional support. They have access to all the answers Members may need to make service as easy and fast as possible. Weyburn Credit Union recognizes the value of people’s time and money and wants to maximize both to better support their needs.

“Weyburn Credit Union makes it a goal to satisfy customer needs, so in the future they are the first to come to mind when more needs arise,” says Mel Hoffman, vice president of development.

The facility’s size of has grown from the old dusty shoe box into the largest financial institution in Weyburn. The recent renovation has made Weyburn Credit Union outstandingly efficient. Weyburn Credit Union has grown to best suit the community needs. After careful research, analysis, business planning and organization by a highly effective and trained team, the building does not resemble a shoe box, but the principle still remains: to better serve the community. The Credit Union’s major impact in Weyburn and area goes far beyond the regular role of a financial institution. They make it their goal to make significant impacts on the community with employment, service clubs, and volunteer work. They support local sports, clubs or organizations with the goal of improving the future of local youth. They also provide continuing support to culture, health care, education, seniors and the arts. Weyburn Credit Union provides advertising for local groups, supports local 4-H development, local agriculture and provides significant donations to local services. For example, the Weyburn Credit Union just funded and sponsored a tree house at the Color My World Day Care facility, in addition to donating $200,000 toward the stage at the new performing arts center.



For all these reasons, Weyburn Credit Union has definitely taken a step above and beyond. Continuing support and reliable service, as well as positive community support, are not the only components setting the Weyburn Credit Union one step above. It continues to follow the goals of its 1944 developers. In contrast to other financial institutions, Weyburn Credit Union gives back to members rather than shareholders. Profit goes directly back to its members through the patronage program known as Rebates and Bonuses. The Credit Union has returned $17 million of profit in the last 20 years alone. Along with the Member Rebate and Bonus program, one percent of all profits go directly into the Weyburn Credit Union Community fund in order to provide on-going sponsorships to large community initiatives. If you want easy, convenient, reliable and friendly service you need Weyburn Credit Union. If you want trustworthy relationships with real people from your community ready and willing to help you maximize your investments you need Weyburn Credit Union. If you want to be part of the largest community organization that gives back to the community, you need Weyburn Credit Union. Weyburn Credit Union has come a long way from a dirty old shoe box, but it still gives back to the community keeping resources at home. In a globalized world of computerized voices, Weyburn Credit Union provides exactly what Weyburn needs: quality service and community development. FLEW

For information contact:

Weyburn Credit Union 205 Coteau Avenue Weyburn, Saskatchewan Phone: 306.842.9511 144


Photos by Angela Clements

If it’s worth having, it’s worth insuring By Roxy Blackmore or over 30 years, Cathedral Insurance Brokers has been offering Estevan and area residents financially sound, customer-orientated, innovative and professional insurance advice.

success of the company, the staff of eight has now grown to 11, which includes three commercial brokers, six licenced insurance brokers together with two part-time students.

George Sereggela and Doug Trapp took ownership of the company in 2008 and it has been expanding progressively ever since. Not only has the client base prospered with new customers merged with return clientele, but because of the

Sereggela was raised in Estevan and is a former attorney while Trapp arrived in 2001 and has a professional history that includes insurance sales and business proprietorship. Their longevity in the community combined with their

expertise has definitely been an asset to the business. “The business was solid when we purchased it in 2008,” says Sereggela. “But at the end of the day, half of our clients know us personally or know our staff personally and because of that, we believe our business is more personable. There is more trust. I am interested in doing business in a community where I know my clients.” FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


Recognizably, when dealing with insurance, each client has a different history, preference, and budget. At Cathedral Insurance Brokers they make it a priority to find the best insurance policy and options for each specific situation. “We have close partnerships with a variety of insurance companies, allowing the customer to get the right price and options for their individual needs,” says Trapp. Insurance rates vary widely from company to company so Cathedral can make a package that suits each individual client. Their rates are competitive and their goal is to build long-lasting relationships with their customers, based on trust, quality, and friendliness. As your insurance brokers, they will do their best to provide you with the best service and the best coverage at the best possible price. At Cathedral Insurance Brokers they understand each individual client has specific needs. The knowledgeable and experienced commercial brokers will work with you to get to know your individual circumstances and understand the insurable risks you may encounter. They will create a package to meet your needs, big or small, for virtually any instance including: • Oilfield • Commercial • Farm • Travel Medical • Condominium Corporations

• Residential • Auto • Hail • Event • Trucking

With the oil industry gaining momentum in Estevan, oilfield insurance is a focal point for the company “As far as the oilfield is concerned we have markets for all operations,” says Trapp. “From consultants, welders, crude haulers, vac trucks, construction, service rigs and drillers. We do it all.” At Cathedral Insurance Brokers they understand the significant investment of time and money that goes into building a successful business. In addition to their noticeable diversity,



they are a busy motor license issuer in Estevan, making them your single source for all of your insurance needs. Cathedral Insurance Brokers also offers ample parking and convenient hours for their customers Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. and Saturdays from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Cathedral Insurance Brokers is also very much committed to community involvement and frequently supports a number of projects and causes in Estevan including the new Spectra Place Event Centre, the Art Gallery and Museum, St. Joseph’s Hospital, Ducks Unlimited, and 4H among others. As an independent insurance broker they offer the right coverage with the personal touch you would expect from your neighbourhood insurance broker. The result is peace of mind, for you and your family or company. FLEW

Cathedral Insurance Brokers 10 Beefeater Plaza 910-13th Avenue North Estevan, Saskatchewan S4A 2J4 Telephone Toll Free: 1.800.663.2671

Owners Doug Trapp (left) and George Sereggela (right).




RALLIES NEW PROVINCE BUILDERS Graduates no longer Saskatchewan’s leading export By Quinn Bender. Photo by Heather Fritz 148


Photos by Dean West

W. Brett Wilson

is unapologetic about trading his Saskatchewan roots for a Calgary home. Like thousands of other university graduates of the time, there were few other options. But that’s not the case today. On Nov. 16 hundreds of U of S students crowded into Prairieland Park for an entrepreneurial networking and pitch party searching out opportunities right here at home. And Wilson, a charismatic amalgam of personalities— part motivational speaker, part mogul, part mentor—isn’t just offering business advice, he’s throwing his hard-earned business dollars back into the province he said goodbye to decades earlier. “There’s no question that Calgary really is a bedroom community for the wealthy university graduates of Saskatchewan. It was from a time when graduates were, sadly, the largest export of Saskatchewan.

Certainly myself included. But now we have the perfect storm with agriculture, mining, metals, natural gas—everything. There’s just so many opportunities in Saskatchewan that exist now, but didn’t exist when I was a graduate.” Wilson, celebrity entrepreneur and Saskatchewan darling, was again seizing a crowd of 1,000 hungry young entrepreneurs and Saskatoon business and community leaders, as host of Pitch Party IV. The annual event was organized by the Wilson Centre for Entrepreneurial Excellence, which Wilson founded to promote entrepreneurialism among all disciplines, with a vision for becoming one of Canada’s pre-eminent centre for entrepreneurship. The event was billed

as one of Saskatchewan’s largest and most effective networking events for University of Saskatchewan students venturing into Wilson’s vocation. “Any degree program is not there for you to learn, it’s there for you to learn how to learn. Because learning doesn’t end when you graduate. The learning just begins in another chapter.” A U of S Top 100 Alumni, and recipient of the Order of Canada for his business and philanthropic achievements, Wilson FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


Photo by Quinn Bender

is best known as the lead deal-making panellist on CBC’s Dragons’ Den. Though he was cut from the show and makes little effort to conceal his disappointment with the unrealized potential of the program, he lauds Dragons’ Den for its effect on Canadian youth. It set them ablaze with entrepreneurial thinking, giving them licence and confidence to pursue their ideas regardless of age. It was for this reason Wilson accepted a new role on his own reality show, Risky Business, which was screened at Pitch Party IV to coincide with the broadcast premiere. Wilson landed the role just days after his dismissal from CBC, when a casting call was issued for a Brett Wilson-like entrepreneur to host a new realityinvestment program. “I thought, well, I’m like Brett Wilson. Why don’t I give them a call?” 150


Wilson hopes the new show will continue to inspire a new generation of entrepreneurs, but, unlike the Dragons’ Den format, he aims to highlight the process of investment and showcase the outcome for the benefit of budding entrepreneurs, particularly those attending Pitch Party IV. “Today this province has a tonne of opportunity and the right mind-set to take advantage of it. It comes from the cold, harsh prairies that turn out a pretty high calibre of people. They understand adversity; they understand that the value of a hard-day’s work is how you eat. There’s very little second- or thirdgeneration wealth here—no sense of entitlement. Saskatchewan was built by the original entrepreneurs: the hunters, the trappers, the fur traders, the farmers. These weren’t people who had pension plans and family wealth. They came out

here to stake their wealth. That’s really the essence, the bloodstock, that’s continued in Saskatchewan. “Too many people misunderstand entrepreneurship as risk-taking. For me, entrepreneurship is a way of thinking. And it’s as relevant from the Prime Minister’s office, as it is to a church, as it is to running the military, and as it is to business and academia. You don’t assume someone else is going to do it; you look for a competitive advantage in how you’re going to accomplish something. A lot of people, especially in the academic world, have combined small business and entrepreneurship as two words that go together. Small business is how many entrepreneurs start, but when Murray Edwards bought half a billion dollars of oil sand, then put a $5 billion or $10 billion plant on top of it--that’s entrepreneurship. That’s not small business.” FLS

Photos by Angela Clements

From their business to yours Local shop helps others succeed By Trilby Henderson Most business owners will agree that it’s difficult to run a successful company without the right equipment. In an office setting, this can include something as complex as an integrated computer system to something as simple as paper and ink. Fortunately, businesses in Estevan and the surrounding area can turn to the House of Stationery, a onestop shop for all things business-related that has built its own success by helping other businesses succeed.

“Whatever your office needs, you’ll find it here,” said Karen Beselt, owner of the House of Stationery. The House of Stationery has been a staple part of Estevan and its surrounding communities since it first opened its doors in 1954. Beselt began working for the business in the early 1980s. When the previous owner decided to leave the company, she chose to purchase the

House of Stationery, officially taking over ownership in 1993. The store continued to grow under Beselt’s leadership, prompting her to move the business across the street to a larger location in 1995. The company made a second significant expansion in 2002, this time settling in the 9,000 square-foot storefront in downtown Estevan where it continues to operate today.



InduSTry-rEcognIzEd The House of Stationery’s strong and steady growth has not gone unnoticed. In 2006, the company was recognized for achieving the highest overall volume growth within its buying group. “our buying group stretches across canada, so that’s quite an accomplishment,” said Beselt. As a member of the office Plus buying group, the House of Stationery enjoys the access to products and buying power benefits that come with being part of a larger network without sacrificing the freedom over its day-to-day operations. This means the family-run business can offer the large product selection and competitive pricing one would expect to find at a big box store, delivered with the personal customer service and care of a locally-owned company that is invested in its community. The House of Stationery’s efforts to excel garnered a major form of recognition for a second time just last year when it was nominated for outstanding Service in the community at the annual EBEX (Estevan Business Excellence) awards. “We go out of our way for our customers,” said Beselt.



“They’re pretty impressed with the service, definitely,” her son, Lincoln Empey, added. one way in which the House of Stationery goes above and beyond is by offering office design services to its customers, whether they are looking to remodel an existing space or build a new office from scratch. A dedicated salesperson meets with the customer to plan the most effective layout for their office space, helps them to select the right furniture and equipment for that space, and then delivers and installs the furniture onsite. “That’s a big part of our business,” Empey said. The company has access to hundreds of different furniture products, enabling customers to bring their workspace vision to life no matter what their style or design preference, be it modern or traditional, streamlined or elaborate.

IT’S A WorLd oF TEcH computer sales and service is another important part of the business, said Empey, noting the store is equipped to help customers meet all of their technology needs and solutions. The House of Stationery carries all major computer brands, including HP, Toshiba, and Acer, and is currently Estevan’s only authorized Apple dealer. The store employs three technicians who readily provide technical advice and service to customers in-house or on location when needed, and who are always happy to answer customer questions in person or over the phone. The House of Stationery also carries an extensive selection of office supplies, including the biggest variety of ink and toner cartridges in southeast Saskatchewan. In fact, customers may not be able to find any other store in the area that carries the cartridge they are

looking for, but the House of Stationery can have it in for them within two days.

FrEE dELIvEry Empey said the store offers free delivery to all customers regardless of the size of their order. Plus, deliveries are completed in person by the House of Stationery’s own staff, rather than through a courier service. This gives customers the added convenience of being able to order any other items they may need at the same time their previous order is delivered, saving them a phone call or trip to the store. The House of Stationery also offers business customers the convenience of establishing a corporate account. Many local businesses have taken advantage of this opportunity, becoming long-term customers who are served by the store’s staff on a first-name basis.

PrInT SErvIcES While businesses account for the majority of the House of Stationery’s customer base, the store provides the same excellent service and product knowledge to individuals who call or walk through the front door. As a complete business centre, the House of Stationery is a hub for services such as printing, photocopying, binding and laminating. Beselt said the store’s large laminator can accommodate projects up to 27 inches wide and unlimited in length.The store even carries a selection of scrapbooking supplies, Keurig coffee machines and K-cups and, with christmas just around the corner, has added an assortment of games and puzzles to its shelves making it a great place to find the perfect gift for a fun-loving or creative friend or family member. FLEW

House of Stationery 1217 4th Street, Estevan Saskatchewan S4A 0W8 p: 306.634.3613

e: FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


(L to R): Back Row: Andre Wilkins, Norma Buydens, Mike Weger. Front Row: Tom Schuck, Ron Wormsbecker


Your Will Is Your Only Opportunity To Select And Appoint An Executor(s) To Settle Your Estate

If You Die Without A Will:

What Is An Executor?

• There will be added expense because the court will appoint a paid administrator.

An executor is the person named in your Will who is responsible for administering your estate. This person is to act on your behalf to carry out your wishes as you state them in your Will. It is possible to name more than one executor.

• Your spouse may end up with less than she/he needs. • Your assets may be divided equally among your heirs. • Your grandchildren may not get a cent. • You cannot name a guardian for minor children or plan thoroughly what is to happen to them upon your death. • You won’t be able to minimize taxes. • You cannot leave contributions to a church or a favorite charity. • You cannot protect your family by ensuring there are no extra delays, inconvenience, and expense in the settlement of your estate. • You may cause an anxious search by your family for a Will. • You may cause acrimony between family members due to disagreements on how to divide your estate.



What Is A Power of Attorney? Power of Attorney is written authority given by one person to another. The authority granted may be specific (eg., to sell property or to deal with a financial institution) or general, permitting the attorney to look after all personal and business affairs.

Family & Mineral Trusts The Family Trust has proved to be an effective way to move taxable income out of the hands of a high-income earner and into the hands of lower taxed family members. Family Trusts are also used to protect mineral titles. Minerals Trusts can be established so that the taxable income from future production can be spread among several beneficiaries, allowing the interest to be taxed at much lower marginal rates.

What Is A Health Care Directive? A Health Care Directive is not a Power of Attorney. It provides written directions to health care providers regarding the types of medical treatment you wish or wish not to receive. You may appoint an agent to make health care decisions in the absence of your specific written instructions for future health care treatment.

For more information, please feel free to contact our law firm or visit our website at

L AW F I R M 319 Souris Avenue Weyburn SK 306.842.4654


Strength is your

Security Photo by Jon Gillies

Weyburn Security provides an umbrella of services and will act as the quarterback to help you with detailed financial planning and assist you with unfolding your plan as it should. By looking at the overall view of your financial situation and Financial Advisors Jim Onstad, Rhonda Logel and Allan Kimber

Our financial advisors, Jim Onstad, Rhonda Logel and Allan Kimber have 55 combined years of experience in the financial industry. Their experience encompasses investments, financial planning, estate planning, taxation and retirement planning. Jim Onstad, is the managing director of Weyburn Security and is the third generation Onstad to manage the company. Rhonda Logel is the longest serving employee at Weyburn Security. Al Kimber is a Certified and Registered Financial Planner, and also offers life and health insurance. We endeavour to earn and maintain the trust of our clients through sound and thorough financial advice, integrity, and a commitment to our absolute best efforts in all client service activities. Our office has an experienced administrative staff. With a collective 37 years in the industry. Both Fran Birrell and Jennifer Ward handle all client service and communications with our investment clients. Beyond our own office, we have built good working relationships with different legal and

with your future in mind, we provide you with customized service to fit your needs. accounting businesses in our area and work closely with them in providing detailed tax and financial planning. Through our Independent Investment Dealer, PEAK Investment Services, we offer Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSPs), Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIFs), Registered Education Savings Plans (RESPs), Tax Free Savings Accounts (TFSAs), Mutual Funds, Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) and Segregated Funds. Also, “Prospera� fee-based plans are available, which allow for the deduction of monthly investment management fees on any non-registered investment accounts. Annuities, life, disability, critical illness and long-term healthcare insurance are also available through PEAK Insurance. Health and travel insurance through Group Medical Services and Saskatchewan Blue Cross are also offered. We are an independent office with an experienced staff to serve you and look forward to doing so.

Weyburn Security also offers a diverse range of other services. These include property management, mineral management, petroleum and natural gas lease negotiations and farm property management as well as, distribution/ collection of oil, farm and other property income. We also offer general insurance and have a staff of three realtors, who can give expert advice when buying or selling real estate. Weyburn Security Company Limited is located in the ever-expanding city of Weyburn, in the southeast corner of Saskatchewan. It was incorporated in 1926 and over the years has evolved into a full service financial hub. FLEW

Weyburn Security 111 - 2nd Street NE, Box 609 Weyburn, Saskatchewan S4H 2K7 p: 306.842.2841 FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN


GEOLOGICALLY SPEAKING Good to the Last Drop By Jennifer Cugnet


rom the roof over our head to the money in our pocket – oil is everywhere.

You don’t wash your hair with oil, or moisturize your hands with oil, or coat your chapped lips with oil. Or do you? Lip balm, shampoo, and hand lotion are all products we use on an almost daily basis, never realizing that without the oil industry, these products wouldn’t exist. It is clear that many people depend on the oil and gas industry to provide them with 156


fuel for their vehicles, while many others depend on the industry for employment. However, even if you don’t own a vehicle or work in the oil and gas industry, you are greatly dependent on oil and gas because of the products you purchase. Many consumers may be surprised to learn that over 3,000 household and beauty products are manufactured with petroleum and petroleum derivatives, according to the Petroleum Services Association of Canada. Through the refining process, oil and natural gas extracted from the ground is broken down into several molecular

components in a process referred to as “cracking.” Some of these newlyseparated components are chemical substances such as ethylene, propylene, butadiene, benzene, and toluene. These are then utilized in the manufacturing industry to create plastics, rubber, and aromatics that will later become iPhones, roofing shingles, and perfume. As consumers, our shopping experience would be a bleak one without petroleumderived products. The level of convenience and choice we experience would also decrease significantly. Some innovative materials that come from oil include Nomex® (fire retardant

material found in coveralls, and firefighters’ clothing and face shields), GoreTex® (a breathable insulator), Spandex® (yup, all that yoga wear comes from oil), and bullet-proof vests. Take a look around your house. In your kitchen, items such as Gladware®, Tupperware® and Rubbermaid® containers, juice boxes, pop bottles, plastic wrap, sandwich bags, garbage bags, cleaning product bottles and containers, rubber gloves, measuring cups, the interior of your fridge, and just about every container that is in your fridge is plastic. Larger items such as your fridge, stove, freezer, microwave, and dishwasher all contain plastic, as do your washer and dryer. And speaking of the latter, detergents, fabric softeners, dish soaps, cleansers, and hand soaps all contain petroleum in the form of surfactants and enzymes (the ingredients that do the cleaning). As for your bathroom—bathtubs, shower stalls, linoleum flooring and toilet seats are all plastics manufactured from petroleum. Products such as hair dyes, deodorant, lip balm, nail polish, perfume, toothpaste and toothbrushes, mascara, moisturizer, shampoo, shaving cream, contact lenses, brushes, combs, dentures, rubbing alcohol, and Vasoline®(petroleum jelly) all contain petroleum in some form. Children’s items such as balloons, crayons, plastic toys, and disposable diapers are produced from petroleum. How about electronics? You would not have cell phones, computers, cameras, keyboards, monitors, printers, speakers, headphones, scanners, projectors, DVDs, TVs, video games, toner cartridges, and all the cables and power bars to plug them in without petroleum. In the yard? Lawn chairs, garden hoses, tool boxes, chains, garbage cans, and vinyl siding all contain petroleum ingredients. Into sports? Artificial turf, hockey pucks, footballs, gym mats, helmets, life jackets, bicycle tires, skateboards, and golf bags are all manufactured with petroleum. Medical issues? Thanks to innovations made with oil-derived ingredients, we have antihistamines, antiseptics, Aspirin, vitamin capsules, bandages, disinfectants,

heart valves, IV bags, oxygen masks, pill bottles, syringes, tubes, artificial limbs, and surgical equipment to name a few. The Bank of Canada just recently announced that they have released new polymer (plastic) $100 bank notes. The new plastic money is expected to last two and half times longer on average than our current paper money. As well, just as most other plastic products, it can be recycled when it becomes unusable. Plastics and other household and beauty products fall into the category of petrochemical feedstocks. Other categories of products that come from a barrel of refined oil include gasoline, diesel fuel, heating oil, jet fuel, heavy fuel oil, propane, asphalt and road oil, and other products. Through the refining process, a barrel of oil (42 gallons) can produce 44 gallons of product. Talk about efficiency! Just as the indigenous peoples of the North American prairies used every last ounce of the buffalo that they hunted, the oil and gas industry maximizes the usage of every drop of oil that is extracted from the ground. This is evidenced by the sheer number of products that come from a barrel of oil. It is apparent that we enjoy a comfortable and convenient lifestyle due to the vast quantity of oil-derived products that are available to us. So the next time you watch a DVD on your TV, or cook a meal on a gas stove, or roll out your rubber mat in a yoga class while wearing stretchy figure-flattering clothing , or answer your cell phone, or apply mascara and lipstick

before a night out, or wash a load of laundry, or toss a football, or shampoo your hair, think of all the ways that oil is a part of your life. FLEW Jennifer Cugnet is a Geologist from Weyburn. Since graduating with Honours from the University of Regina, she has been working for Rutten Geological Consulting. In her career she has experienced a wide spectrum of projects, ranging from multinational potash companies’ mine expansions, to small familybased oil companies drilling their first well. Jennifer has been fascinated with rocks since a young age, and with her husband Matt has enjoyed studying them from the deserts of Qatar, to the oilfields of Ukraine and back to the Saskatchewan plains. Jennifer is a proud member of the Saskatchewan Geological Society and the American Association of Petroleum Geologists. FineLifestyles ESTEVAN/WEYBURN



Laura Small, M.B.A. CEO, Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan Inc.

108-502 Cope Way, Saskatoon, SK 306.477.7173 100-1919 Rose Street, Regina,SK 306.359.9732

Cory Harkness

General Manager, Sunrise Community Futures Toll free: 877.851.9997 Direct: 306.842.8803 158


I know someone. You know someone. We all do. It’s that person, who owns their own business; who makes their own work schedule; perhaps works from home; who doesn’t answer to a boss, because they are the boss. They are also the ones who take the risk, put their expertise to work and have created their business success through strong support networks. If you have a great idea, the determination, drive and passion to run a successful business; we have the support services to provide you with the core business basics that will assist you in your entrepreneurial journey. With the right tools, you too could be a successful business owner. Starting a business? Looking to expand your business? Wanting to buy an existing business? Looking for help getting your ideas into a coherent business plan? Having issues accessing capital? Want to improve your business leadership skills? Want to increase your customer base? Want to improve and enhance your business offering? Sunrise Community Futures and Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan offer loans, advice and support to entrepreneurs and small business owners like you. We are here to help you achieve success in your business, whatever industry, size or scope. Whatever your issues and objectives might be, Sunrise Community Futures and Women Entrepreneurs of

Saskatchewan can work with you to achieve results. Sunrise Community Futures is a non-profit organization that assists entrepreneurs in southeast Saskatchewan with making their business dreams a reality. Offering business planning assistance and cash flow projection development, hosting training sessions focused on helping you become a more educated entrepreneur, and providing loans and access to capital information, Sunrise Community Futures wants to help you acquire the necessary tools to run a successful business. Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan is a non-profit organization that serves women owned businesses across Saskatchewan. By providing support services, expertise and financing Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan can assist you in making your business everything you want it to be in a comfortable learning environment. It is important to acquire the skills and support you need to work on your business rather than just in it. Sunrise Community Futures and Women Entrepreneurs of Saskatchewan work together to provide you with the necessary tools and information to make your business a success. Our training seminars, business advising and loans programs could be just what you need. We look forward to helping you achieve your business dreams.FLS

Chateau Regina

Hotel & Suites

Chateau Regina Hotel & Suites has a new and exciting hotel experience waiting for you. Great location off of Highway #1 and Ring Road, Complimentary Wireless Internet, Indoor Pool, Hot tub and fitness center. Spacious tworoom Executive and Jetted tub suites with King Size Bedrooms, Pillow top mattresses and flat screen t.v.’s in all rooms. Efficiency Suites for long term stays with full kitchenettes. Just off the lobby is Zahir’s Lounge, which offers an extensive lunch, dinner and beverage menu, plus a fully stocked offsale with fine wines, beer and liquor. If you are staying at any other hotel in Regina, you are paying too much! Reservations: 1110 Victoria Ave. East, Regina, Saskatchewan S4N 7A9 p: 306.565.0455 tf: 866.937.1131 f: 306.569.0012



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Campuses in Assiniboia, Estevan, Moosomin and Weyburn

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Reach Over 60,000 Readers! Coming in Future Editions . . .

SOUTH SASK OIL & GAS SECTION in FINE LIFESTYLES ESTEVAN/WEYBURN Your new Oil and Gas section will focus on: • Community Involvement • Employment • Green Initiatives • New Developments • Public Relations • Much, much more

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Cosmetic Surgery

Why Weight Loss Forever? Hear what our patients are saying about dr. rodas: “The care I received was incredible and my own doctor in Saskatoon was so impressed with my results. Dr. Rodas is just wonderful and I am thrilled with the work he did - I feel years younger and I’m proud to say that at 73, my body is sleek!” Donna Garman, Saskatoon

“My family doctor marvels at my surgical lines and says it’s the most beautiful work he’s seen in his practice. I finally reflect on the outside how I always felt on the inside. Thank you Weight Loss Forever!” Kim Heddon, Meadow Lake

Dr. Marcus Rodas, MD, Ph.D Dr. Rodas, Weight Loss Forever’s Chief Plastic and Cosmetic Surgeon, has over 17 years of experience. Dr. Rodas is a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in aesthetic and reconstructive surgery. He also has a fellowship in body contouring and novel techniques.

“I love, love, love my new breasts! You can’t even see the scars and the recovery was so fast! Not only is Dr. Rodas a terrific surgeon, he made me feel safe and secure about choosing to have plastic surgery. I tell everyone how fantastic my experience was!” Stephanie Dinsdale, Prince Albert


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SASKATOON LOCATION 15-901 1st Ave N, Saskatoon Next to Liquidation World 1-306-665-8891

REGINA LOCATION 136-1621 Albert St, Regina In the Regina Crossing Building 1-306-352-8446

Weight Loss Forever LIMARP Hospital Weight Loss Forever’s beautiful and modern hospital is an International Center of Reference and is designated as an International Bariatric Center of Excellence.

CALGARY LOCATION 39-4620 Manilla Road SE Calgary, Alberta T2G 4B7 1-403-243-6333

LETHBRIDGE LOCATION 8-1274 3rd Ave S Lethbridge, Alberta T1J 0J9 1-403-381-3181

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