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12 MONTH GUIDE TO ORGANIC GARDENING Any long-time organic gardener knows that organic gardening is not just a summer activity! There are many chores and tasks to stay on top of a healthy, organic garden all year round. One benefit of working on it during the colder months is that it makes gardening in the warmer months less stressful and more enjoyable.

Here is an overview of a year’s worth of chores. Every month, we will have a detailed post of things to do, all loosely based on USDA Zone 5. Check this map for your zone, and adjust your chores as needed. Always consult your local County Extension office and reputable nurseries for regional and local specifics. FEBRUARY

Get more detailed with your plan. Be ready for planting time. 

Order seeds and plants

Clean and sharpen your tool – repair or replace as necessary

Prune fruit trees before the buds swell

Propagate houseplants as the days lengthen, and fertilize at half strength The complete guide for getting ready in February, here. MARCH

March calls for more maintenance. Don’t forget to enjoy the first spring flowering bulbs! 

Finish pruning fruit trees early in the month

Remove mulch from and prune your roses

Make a compost pile

Start cleaning the yard if the snow is gone

Rake the lawn to remove the thatch layer

Clean up last year’s debris

Add compost to beds The complete guide for getting ready in March, here.


April showers bring May flowers, whereas your hard work this month will bring a bountiful harvest for summer and fall.    

Deadhead the flowers of early blooming shrubs and bulbs Ensure your irrigation system is working – replace or repair what needs it, and check it again Fertilize the lawn with slow release organic fertilizer Plant cool weather vegetables and herbs – lettuce, kale, chard, arugula, beets, carrots, spinach, green onions. The complete guide for getting ready in April, here.


May is the big planting month! 

Get your warm weather vegetables, flowers and herbs in the ground

Be aware of late frosts, and cover plants as needed

Plant gladiola and dahlia bulbs

Deadhead and prune shrubs that flower

Check for pests (aphids, squash bugs, cabbage loopers), and use natural controls to keep them in check

Start your hardscaping projects (walkways, fences, patios) Get the complete list of chores for May, here.


You can finally start harvesting some greens. Remember to relax a bit this month, and enjoy your hard work so far. 

Finish up planting, add a thick layer of mulch, and start weeding to allow new plants to thrive

Water daily to get seedlings established

Watch for tent caterpillars and powdery mildew, and treat organically

Harvest greens, peas and perennial herbs

Keep deadheading shrubs as they flower Get the complete guide to June, here. JULY

Your hard work is starting to pay off this month. Keep going!    

Keep weeding, watering, and watching for pests and diseases Water your containers twice a day, and deep-water trees and shrubs every two weeks Mid-month, stop deadheading flowering shrubs Harvest garlic early in the month, and the beginnings of the beans, cucumbers, peppers, and tomatoes later in the month

Make arrangements for someone to water if you go on vacation

Divide irises

Plant a fall harvest with succession planting


Ah, the month when all your hard work pays off! This is the biggest harvest month – vegetables, fruits, flowers and herbs    

Experiment with new recipes Get prepared to put up your edibles for winter by canning, freezing and drying them The shortening days slow plant growth, so back off watering and fertilizing Order spring flowering bulbs Get the complete guide to August, here.


Frost might come knocking at your door this month. 

Be prepared to cover tender plants at night

As plants die back, clean up those areas

Replace with winter cover crops, or cover beds with a layer of compost

Bring in houseplants, and empty containers as plants die back

Divide peonies

Start saving seed of flowers and vegetables Get the complete guide to September, here.


It’s a great time to take advantage of year-end sales and prepare for the cold months to come.

Plant trees, shrubs and perennials

Plant garlic and spring flowering bulbs

Seed bare spots in the lawn

Rake leaves – go over them with the mower to use as mulch, or add them to the compost

Dig up herbs to pot up and bring inside for winter

Dig up gladiola and dahlia bulbs to store for winter

Leave some seed heads on flowers as winter bird food Get the complete guide to October, here. NOVEMBER

November is about preparing your soil for the year to come. 

Finish cleaning up flower and vegetable beds

Get a soil test to prepare for amendments in spring

Hang bird feeders

Mulch strawberries with 5” of straw

Remove diseased wood from roses

Mulch or hill up soil around the base of them to a depth of 10-12”

Clean and oil your tools before putting them away – trade them for your snow shovels and snow blower! The complete guide for getting ready in the winter. DECEMBER

Seed catalogs start rolling in now to let you start dreaming about next year! In this quiet gardening month, review the growing season just past.

Make notes about what worked well and what didn’t

Add those thoughts to next year’s plan, which you should be working on right now!

Buy gardening gifts for friends, and ask for the same gifts yourself.

Force paperwhites for midwinter beauty and fragrance The complete guide for getting ready in the winter.


This is a wind-down month after the holidays. It’s a good time to settle in with seed catalogs and dream about summer. 

Start planning gardens and other yard projects

Keep your bird feeders full


Compost or chip your Christmas tree


Learn to watch the weather

Originally seen here: https://www.naturespath.com/en-us/blog/annual-guide-to-organic-gardening-12month-checklist/

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