How Python Is Used To Scrape Amazon Best Sellers Data?

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What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping, also known as web content extraction, is a method for automatically extracting huge amounts of data from websites and storing it in a useful way.

Why Should You Perform Web Scraping?

Businesses scrape information from competitors' sites to collect information like articles or prices, popular sales products and come up with a new plan that might help them change their products and earn a profit. Web scraping APIs can be used for a variety of purposes, including market research, artificial intelligence, and big datasets, as well as search engine optimization.


How to Create the Scraping Stuff on Amazon?

Amazon is also known as, which is an American online retailer and cloud computing, provider. It is a massive ecommerce business that sells a huge variety of products. It is among the most widely used e-commerce platforms across the world, allowing users to go online and shop for a variety of things. For instance, electronic gadgets, clothing, and so on. Info@Iwebscraping.Com

Amazon has arranged the best sellers in alphabetical order in Amazon Best Sellers. The page includes a list of categories that have been reorganized by department (about 40 variety). Using web scraping, we will obtain Amazon’s top seller items in a range of subjects for this project. To do so, we'll utilize the Python libraries request and BeautifulSoup to request, analyze, and retrieve the features you require from the web page.

Here is an overview of the steps as follows: Install And Import The Libraries

To Acquire The Item Categories And Topics URL, Collect And Analyze The Bestseller HTML Page Program Code Using Request And BeautifulSoup.

Step 2 Should Be Repeated For Each Item Topic Retrieved Via The Relevant URL.

Each Page Should Have Information Extracted. Combine The Data You've Gathered. In Python Dictionaries, Obtain Information From Every Page's Data. Data Should Be Saved In A CSV File With The Use Of The Pandas Library.


How to Execute the Code?

You can run the code by selecting "Run on Binder" from the "Run" button at the top of the page. By running the following cells in script, you can make modifications and save your version of the notebook.

Installing and Importing the Libraries that We Will Use

Let us initiate with the required libraries. Install libraries using the pip command. Import the necessary packages that will be used for extracting the information from the website.

Install and Analyze the Bestseller HTML page source code using Python and BeautifulSoup to scrape the item categories topics URL

To download the page, we utilize the get method from the request’s library. A User-Agent header string is defined to allow hosts and network peers to recognize the requesting program, system software, manufacturer, and/or edition. As a scraper, it aids in avoiding discovery.


The data from the web page is returned by requests. Get as a response object. To see if the answer was successful, utilize the. Status code property. The HTTP response code for a successful response will be between 200 and 299.

We can use response.text to check at the contents of the webpage we just downloaded, and we can also use len (response.text) to verify the length. We only print the first 500 characters of the results pages in this case.

Save the content to a file using the below HTML extension.

You can view the file with the use of the following code “File>Open” menu and select bestseller.html from the array of the files.

You can also focus on the file size, for the task near to 250kb as file size indicates that there is content in the page that is successfully installed where it has 6.6kB as the file size will install the exact page content. There are various reasons of failure like captcha, or any other security conditions such as the web page request.

Below image shows the file when we click it:


It is not the copy of the web page, as it seems to appear. None of the hyperlinks or button’s function, as you can see. To examine or edit the file's source code, open Jupyter and go to "File > Open," then select bestseller.html from the list and click the "Edit" button.

At the end of the file content, you will see the printing of the 500 characters. Then, BeautifulSoup will assist to parse the web page data and determine the type. Access the parent tag and fetch all the information data tags attributes Info@Iwebscraping.Com

We locate a variety of item topics (categories), as well as their URLs and titles, and put them in a dictionary.

You will need to repeat the step 2 for every item category obtained using the corresponding URL.

Import the “time” library, for avoiding several pages rejected by captcha and we will observe few seconds rest time between every page request by applying the function sleep from “time” library. Here, we developed the parse page function, which fetches and parses each individual page URL fetched from any department of the website.

Here, we create the reparse failed page function for a second time, retrieving and parsing pages that rejected the first time. We try using just a while loop to repeat the process, and it still succeeds, but it fails even if a sleeping period is applied.

Here we define the parse function, which will perform 2 layers of parsing to obtain the maximum amount of pages.

Scrape Data from Every Page

We built a function to obtain information from the page such as the product details, rating, maximum price, minimum price, review, and image URL. To get all attribute tags, open the site, right-click on the area you want to retrieve tags for, and then examine the page. The image below shows an example of how to find information on item price tags.


To extract the corresponding product details, we created the get topic_url _ item description method here.

To extract the matching item rate and customer review, we defined the get item rate and get item review functions.

To make data analytic easier, item information data is extracted and stored directly in a usable data type.

String data types are used for item description and image URL, float data types are used for item price and rating, and integer data types are used for customer reviews.


In a Python Database, integrate the relevant information taken from each page.

We developed the get info function to collect all item information data as a list of data and put it in a dictionary.

You will get the maximum number of pages where you will collect data information after 2 parsing attempts, and now you must save it in a Dataframe using the Pandas library. Save the data to CSV file using Pandas library

Let us save the retrieved data to a pandas DataFrame

Let us print and check the result and the data length that includes number of rows, number of columns.

We have an 8-column DataFrame with over 3500 rows of data. You will need to use pandas to save the DataFrame into a CSV file.The CSV File will be developed by clicking on FILE>OPEN

Now open, the CSV file read lines, and print the first 5 lines of the code.

Let's start with a basic preprocessing step: find the item with the most customer reviews.


Steps That We Had Performed

Import And Install Libraries

O Acquire The Item Categories And Topics URL, Retrieve And Analyze The Bestseller Web Page Source Code Using Request And Beautifulsoup.

Tep 2 Should Be Repeated For Each Item Topic That Was Received Using The Relevant URL.

Ach Page Should Have Information Extracted.

Ombine The Data You've Gathered. In A Python Dictionaries, Extract Information From Each Page's Data.

Fter Completion, Save The Data To CSV Format By Using Panda Libraries.

On completion of the project, here you will find CSV file in the below format:

For any further queries, please contact iWEb Scraping Services. Info@Iwebscraping.Com

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