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VanAernam & Vogt Spring Bred Cattle
53 VSF Ms Big Ticket 956G
Nice young baldy cow bred to our herd bull that we think enough of we just kick him out out and don’t worry about AI on our top young cows. I promise he’s better than a lot selling semen.
54 VSF Ms Big Ticket 923G
Nice young baldy cow bred to our herd bull that we think enough of we just kick him out out and don’t worry about AI on our top young cows. I promise he’s better than a lot selling semen. Ultrasound Due 3-20-23
PE 5/15 till 7/1 to VSF Executive Order H35 Lot
VanAernam Simmentals
BFJV Phyllisitys Profit J157
1/21/21 • 3/4 Simmental• #3954178 WS Pilgrim H182U
6/3 to CDI Innovator
A heifer we picked up from the Bruhn dispersal. Her donor mother was one of the high sellers and her granddam “423” has dominated at a National level. Genetics run deep in this individual as you will see when you lay eyes on her. Massive from head to tail, absolute donor prospect.
Vogt Simmentals
56 V/S High Cal H86
Another massive fall born. It takes a little more feed but they are gown out, mature, and ready to be productive mommas. Another solid set of EPD’s and very laid back gentle attitude. Genetics that trace back to the Jewel cow family as well.
57 V/S High Cal H66
A fall born High Caliber x Skittles that is an absolute load. The stars really lined up on this mating. Whether it is a bull or heifer rest assured it’s going to be a good one. Solid EPD’s and a great attitude.
AI 6/4 to OMF Epic E27 Sexed Heifer Semen Lot
Vogt Simmentals
58 V/S
Ms Answer 51J
• 1/2 Simmental• #4014475 SAV
6/3 to Mr SR 71 Right Now
An Answer out of the Skittles donor, a direct daughter of the immortal Black Obsession. These are high maternal cattle that keep getting better with age. She’s safe AI to the popular calving ease sire Right Now.
Vogt Simmentals
V/S Ms Right Now 1J
3/20/21 • PB Simmental• #4014473
Hook’s Bozeman 8B
Mr SR 71 Right Now E1538
Miss SR C1538
CSCX Bandwagon 513A
V/S Bandwagon C1 LTS Oh My
AI 6/4 to W/C Cyclone 385H
This Right Now bred has developed into a complete sound and very functional individual. Comes with a solid set of EPD’s. Bred to the Cyclone bull no bull exposure.
Vogt Simmentals
2/2/21 • Com. Simmental • #Unregistered
W/C United 956Y
W/C Executive 187D
Lot 59
Com. Angus -
Heifer calf by BEES Night Watch 7J born 1/15/23
This Executive 187D cow is an easy made, very complete kind of female. Moves with ease and has a striking look that demands your attention. Her red heifer calf was born unassisted and jumped up as soon as she hit the ground.
Beeson Cattle Co.
2/8/21 • Com. MaineAngus • #Unregistered
PVF Insight 0129
PVF Blacklist 7077
PVF Blackbird 3070
Simplicity 44U
Desiree 11D
Miss Sophie 7X
- - - - - - -
Due 2/16/23 to Bees Night Watch 7J
We are happy to offer you this great female to your breeding program. Lots of bone and power with a great look. She is out of a High Maine cow who we successfully showed in 2017. Don’t miss putting this one on your trailer!
Beeson Cattle Co.
W/C Executive 187D
THSF Lover Boy B33