Launch: 1st December 2014 All Europe (included Russia)
Advantages It provides a dynamic start and an instant income
Advantages Weekly accounting and bonus payment
Advantages It provides a transition until the solid, passive income is achieved from the marketing plan of DXN
Kit „A” Product quantity Product Name 10 Black Coffee 10 Lingzhi coffee 3 in 1 10 Cream coffee 5 Cocozhi 1 spirulina 120 pcs 1 Ganozhi toothpaste 1 Ganozhi soap 1 RG90 1 GL90 40 Total
SV(euro) DP Price(euro) PV 12,4 5,25 11,5 12,6 5,2 11,5 12 5 11 16 6,65 15 13,4 6,35 20 6,5 2,85 7,5 6,5 2,85 7,5 31 15,9 39,5 31 15,9 39,5 538,4 231,6 529
Kit „A1” Product name RG 90 GL 90 Cordyceps Lion´s mane Spirulina 120 pcs Reishi mushroom powder Spica tea Lingzhi 3in1 coffee Reishi Gano tea Lingzhi black coffee DXN cream coffee Gano massage oil Ganozhi soap Spirulina cereals Zhi Mint Plus Spirulina 500 pcs Ganozhi toothpaste (4x40 g) Total
Product quantity
SV(euro) DP price (Euro)
2 2 2 2 2
39,5 39,5 65 33 20
15,9 15,9 19,2 10,05 6,35
31 31 38,5 22,5 13,4
2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
22 15 11,5 13,5 11,5 11 11,6 7,5 35 30 75
7,9 4,8 5,2 5 5,25 5 4,45 2,85 13,4 10,25 22,75
15,8 11,1 12,6 13,6 12,4 12 9,9 6,5 32 24,5 50
1 23
8,8 668,4
2,8 232,35
7,7 496,7
Kit „B” Product quantity Product Name 3 Black Coffee 3 Lingzhi coffee 3 in 1 3 Cream coffee 1 Cocozhi 1 spirulina 120 pcs 1 Ganozhi toothpaste 1 Ganozhi soap 1 RG90 1 GL90 1 Reishi Gano Tea 1 Cordyceps 1 Zhi Mocha 1 Lion's Mane 1 Shampoo 1 Total
SV(euro) DP Price(euro) PV 12,4 5,25 11,5 12,6 5,2 11,5 12 5 11 16 6,65 15 13,4 6,35 20 6,5 2,85 7,5 6,5 2,85 7,5 31 15,9 39,5 31 15,9 39,5 13,6 5 13,5 38,5 19,2 65 15,7 6,5 15 22,5 10,05 33 10,6 4,9 12,5 316,3 142,5 370
Kit „B1” Product name RG 90 GL 90 Spirulina 120 pcs Reishi Gano tea Lingzhi black coffee DXN cream coffee Cordyceps Lion´s mane Reishi mushroom powder Ganozhi soap Ganozhi toothpaste (4x40g) Total
Product quantity
SV(euro) DP Price (Euro)
2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
39,5 39,5 20 13,5 11,5 11 65 33
15,9 15,9 6,35 5 5,25 5 19,2 10,05
31 31 13,4 13,6 12,4 12 38,5 22,5
2 1
22 7,5
7,9 2,85
15,8 6,5
1 15
8,8 392,3
2,8 142,25
7,7 295,6
Kit „C” Product Name Product quantity Black Coffee 1 Lingzhi coffee 3 in 1 1 Cream coffee 1 Cocozhi 1 spirulina 120 pcs 1 Ganozhi toothpaste 1 Ganozhi soap 1 RG30 1 GL30 1 Total 9
PV SV(euro) DP Price(euro) 11,5 5,25 12,4 11,5 5,2 12,6 11 5 12 15 6,65 16 20 6,35 13,4 7,5 2,85 6,5 7,5 2,85 6,5 14 5,6 11 14 5,6 11 112 45,35 101,4
Kit „C1” Product name Reishi Gano tea RG 90 GL 90 Spirulina 120 pcs Ganozhi toothpaste 4x40 g Total
Product quantity
SV(euro) DP Price (Euro)
1 1 1 1
13,5 39,5 39,5 20
5 15,9 15,9 6,35
13,6 31 31 13,4
1 5
8,8 121,3
2,8 45,95
7,7 96,7
Why is it worth buying a DSP kit? • The kit „A” contains 150% discount for 4 years up to 10% percent of each purchase • The kit „B” contains 130% discount for 3 years up to 10% percent of each purchase • The kit „C” contains 110% discount for 2 years up to 10% percent of each purchase
All the three kits can only be purchased upon registration. To all the three kits there is free registration with starter kit.
Bonus distribution PV SV (EURO) DP Price (Euro) Direct sale 1. level 2. level 3. level
60% 10% 5% 5%
Kit "A" Kit "A1" 668,4 529 231,6 232,35 496,7 538,4 138,96 139,41 23,24 23,16 11,62 11,58 11,62 11,58
Kit "B" 370 142,5 316,3 85,50 14,25 7,13 7,13
Kit "B1" Kit "C" Kit "C1" 112 121,3 392,3 142,25 45,35 45,95 96,7 295,6 101,4 85,35 27,21 27,57 4,60 4,54 14,23 2,30 2,27 7,11 2,30 2,27 7,11
DSP rules To sell the kits it is not required to buy any of the kits
DSP rules
The SV generated this way will not be counted in the existing marketing plan, but the PV does
DSP rules 100 personal PV monthly is required to be entitled for bonus (the PV of DSP kit is counted)
Bonus Distribution PV SV (EURO) DP Price (Euro) Direct sale 1. level 2. level 3. level
60% 10% 5% 5%
Kit "A" Kit "A1" 668,4 529 231,6 232,35 496,7 538,4 138,96 139,41 23,24 23,16 11,62 11,58 11,62 11,58
Kit "B" 370 142,5 316,3 85,50 14,25 7,13 7,13
Kit "B1" Kit "C" Kit "C1" 112 121,3 392,3 142,25 45,35 45,95 96,7 295,6 101,4 85,35 27,21 27,57 4,60 4,54 14,23 2,30 2,27 7,11 2,30 2,27 7,11
DSP rules It can be sold for 12 weeks starting from the date of registration
Kit „A”
1. week Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 138,96 €
Total bonus: 138,96 € Every week you sell one „A” kit and so do your downlines.
0 0 0
2. week Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit First level: 1 * „A” kit
Kit „A” Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 138,96 € First level: 23,16 €
Total bonus: 162,12 €
1 0 0
3. week
Kit „A”
Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit First level: 2 * „A” kit Second level: 1 * „A” kit
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 138,96 € First level: 2 * 23,16 = 46,32 € Second level: 11,58 €
Total bonus: 196,86 €
2 1 0
4. week
Kit „A”
Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit First level: 3 * „A” kit Second level: 3 * „A” kit Third level: 1 * „A” kit
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 138,96 € First level: 3 * 23,16 = 69,48 € Second level: 3 * 11,58 = 34,74 € Third level: 11,58 €
Total bonus: 254,76 €
3 3 1
Summary of the 1st month 1. week Total: 138,96 € 2. week Total: 162,12 € 3. week Total: 196,86 € 4. week Total: 254,76 €
Monthly total bonus: 752,7 €
Summary of the 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
752,7 € 2466,54 € 8256,54 € 20068,14 € 37345,5 € 52028,94 €
7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
55572,42 € 45150,42 € 27687,78 € 11985,3 € 3416,1 € 405,3 €
Total bonus: 265 135,68 €
1. week
Kit A, B, C
Direct sale: 1 pc „A”
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 138,96 €
Total bonus: 138,96 €
0 0 0
2. week Direct sale: 1 pc „B” First level: 1 pc „A”
Kit A, B, C Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 85,50 € First level: 23,16 €
Total bonus: 108,66 €
1 0 0
3. week
Kit A, B, C
Direct sale: 1 pc „C” First level: 1 pc „A” / 1 pc „B” Second level: 1 pc „A”
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 27,21 € First level: 23,16 + 14,25 = 37,41 € Second level: 11,58 €
Total bonus: 76,20 €
2 1 0
4. week
Kit A, B, C
Direct sale: 1 pc „A” First level: 1 pc „A” / 1 pc „B” / 1 pc „C” Second level: 2 pcs „A” / 1 pc „B” Third level: 1 pc „A”
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 138,96 € First level: 23,16 + 14,25 + 4,54 = 41,95 € Second level: 2 * 11,58 + 7,13 = 30,29 € Third level: 11,58 € Total
bonus: 222,77 €
3 3 1
Summary of the 1st month 1. week Total: 138,96 € 2. week Total: 108,66 € 3. week Total: 76,20 € 4. week Total: 222,77 €
Monthly total bonus: 546,59 €
Summary of the 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
546,59 € 1708,90 € 5518,39 € 13171,35 € 23719,22 € 32114,18 €
7. 33280,83 € 8. 26219,79 € 9. 15499,60 € 10. 6410,35 € 11. 1707,75 € 12. 165,19 €
Total bonus: 160 062,12 €
DSP rules
At the start of the program it will be valid for the existing members also.
A,B,C – 10 people 9 month summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1582,28 € 6478,83 € 15842,80 € 26984,93 € 31600,45 €
6. 7. 8. 9.
27220,48 € 15706,65 € 6105,48 € 1024,33 €
Total bonus: 132 546,20 €
DSP posibilites
Approach of a new target group Reactivation of existing members
Still some more
For the first 3 months there is a special promotion
Why is it worth buying DSP kit? • The kit „A” contains 150% discount for 10 years up to 10% percent of each purchase • The kit „B” contains 130% discount for 10 years up to 10% percent of each purchase • The kit „C” contains 110% discount for 10 years up to 10% percent of each purchase
Bonus distribution PV SV (EURO) DP Price (Euro) Direct sale 1. level 2. level 3. level
70% 10% 5% 5%
Kit "A" Kit "A1" 529 668,4 231,6 232,35 538,4 496,7 162,12 162,65 23,16 23,24 11,58 11,62 11,58 11,62
Kit "B" 370 142,5 316,3 99,75 14,25 7,13 7,13
Kit "B1" Kit "C" Kit "C1" 392,3 112 121,3 142,25 45,35 45,95 295,6 101,4 96,7 99,58 31,75 32,17 14,23 4,54 4,60 7,11 2,27 2,30 7,11 2,27 2,30
Kit „A”
1. week Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 162,12 €
Total bonus: 162,12 € Every week you sell one „A” kit and so do your downlines.
0 0 0
2. week Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit First level: 1 * „A” kit
Kit „A” Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 162,12 € First level: 23,16 €
Total bonus: 185,28 €
1 0 0
3. week
Kit „A”
Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit First level: 2 * „A” kit Second level: 1 * „A” kit
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 162,12 € First level: 2 * 23,16 = 46,32 € Second level: 11,58 €
Total bonus: 220,02 €
2 1 0
4. week
Kit „A”
Direct sale: 1 * „A” kit First level: 3 * „A” kit Second level: 3 * „A” kit Third level: 1 * „A” kit
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 162,12 € First level: 3 * 23,16 = 69,48 € Second level: 3 * 11,58 = 34,74 € Third level: 11,58 €
Total bonus: 277,92 €
3 3 1
Summary of the 1st month 1. week Total: 162,12 € 2. week Total: 185,28 € 3. week Total: 220,02 € 4. week Total: 277,92 €
Monthly total bonus: 845,34 €
Summary of the 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
845,34 € 2559,18 € 8349,18 € 20068,14 € 37345,5 € 52028,94 €
7. 55572,42 € 8. 45150,42 € 9. 27687,78 € 10. 11985,3 € 11. 3416,1 € 12. 405,3 €
Total bonus: 265 413,60 €
1. week
Kit A, B, C
Direct sale: 1 pc „A”
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 162,12 €
Total bonus: 162,12 €
0 0 0
2. week Direct sale: 1 pc „B” First level: 1 pc „A”
Kit A, B, C Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 99,75 € First level: 23,16 €
Total bonus: 122,91 €
1 0 0
3. week
Kit A, B, C
Direct sale: 1 pc „C” First level: 1 pc „A” / 1 pc „B” Second level: 1 pc „A”
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 31,75 € First level: 23,16 + 14,25 = 37,41 € Second level: 11,58 €
Total bonus: 80,74 €
2 1 0
4. week
Kit A, B, C
Direct sale: 1 pc „A” First level: 1 pc „A” / 1 pc „B” / 1 pc „C” Second level: 2 pcs „A” / 1 pc „B” Third level: 1 pc „A”
Members 1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Bonus: Direct sale: 162,12 € First level: 23,16 + 14,25 + 4,54 = 41,95 € Second level: 2 * 11,58 + 7,13 = 30,29 € Third level: 11,58 € Total
bonus: 245,93 €
3 3 1
Summary of the 1st month 1. week Total: 162,12 € 2. week Total: 122,91 € 3. week Total: 80,74 € 4. week Total: 245,93 €
Monthly total bonus: 611,70 €
Summary of the 12 months 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
611,70 € 1765,09 € 5564,87 € 13171,35 € 23719,22 € 32114,18 €
7. 33280,83 € 8. 26219,79 € 9. 15499,60 € 10. 6410,35 € 11. 1707,75 € 12. 165,19 €
Total bonus: 160 229,90 €
A,B,C – 10 people 9 month summary 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
1582,28 € 6478,83 € 15842,80 € 26984,93 € 31600,45 €
6. 7. 8. 9.
27220,48 € 15706,65 € 6105,48 € 1024,33 €
Total bonus: 132 546,20 €
Are you ready start dynamic?