Dynamic boats tzalavras horizon news letter 2011 fall

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Left : Horizon at 2011 Sydney International Boat Show

左圖: 2011雪梨國際船展現場實景 31


n recent years, the Sydney International Boat Show has been plagued by strong winds and heavy rain, and at first, this year seemed to be no different. The week leading up to the show had horrendous and almost cyclonic weather, slightly delaying the set up as many vessels that were travelling from interstate were behind due to the rough seas. However, from July 28th to August 1st, the Sydney boat show experienced magnificent winter weather, with brilliant blue skies, warm temperatures and mild winds. The Sydney International Boat Show offers an outdoor floating marina, and the marina and several adjacent large halls of the convention centre are temporally enlarged for the smaller boats and accessories of the show. ‘The marina was popular with huge numbers of people who enjoyed the sunshine and glamorous yachts,” reported Russell Wright, director of Horizon Motor Yachts Australia (HMYA). “Although the numbers did not quite reach a record, the marina was certainly as full as I have ever seen.”

年來雪梨國際船展都在惡劣的天氣干擾下舉行。雖然,開幕前一個禮拜, 因為天氣驟變,氣候不太穩定的因素,導致很多要開到雪梨參展的船隻, 耽誤了行程。但今年舉辦的時間從七月二十八日到八月一日,卻是冬天難得一見 的好天氣。每天都是清澈的藍天,溫暖的溫度和舒爽的微風,讓船展得以順利舉 行。 天氣涼爽,微風徐徐。雪梨國際船展在開幕前,特地擴大會場戶外的浮動碼頭 以展示更多小船及配備用品。這個浮動碼頭在每次舉辦船展時,常擠滿享受冬日 陽光及遊艇魅力的參觀民眾。赫淶森遊艇澳洲代理Russell Wright說:「 雖然這次 的參觀人數未破之前的最高紀錄,但我每次看到的場面,都是這樣人山人海的爆 滿。」

VOL 19 / FALL / 2011



Horizon displayed an E62, E70 and EP69, offering a good cross section for viewers of the latest Horizon yachts. The EP69, which had not yet been viewed by the public, was the highlight of the show for many. “It seemed everyone wanted to view the big RED Expedition Motor Yacht. While we received good interest in all the models, the EP69 surprised us by just how many buyers were looking for serious long range motor yachts,” said Russell.

Horizon is pleased to report that the EP69 is now under contract from the Sydney Boat show. The new owners intend to wind out of their hectic business lifestyle and venture to the Pacific Islands, cruising the Australian waters first for a year and then heading east. We wish them all the best onboard their new Horizon.

Right & Below : Horizon booth at 2011 Sydney International Boat Show

右圖及左頁下圖: 赫淶森在2011雪梨國際船展 的展位現場

Left : Horizon E88

Left page : Horizon RP110


嘉鴻集團今年展示了三款全新赫淶森歐風系列E62、 E70以及長征系列EP69,讓參展客人有機會體驗不同類型 的遊艇,尤其對首次在雪梨公開展示的EP69而言,無疑已 成為展場內最引人注目的焦點。Russell說:「雖然很多客 人對這三艘遊艇的詢問度都很高,但是感覺上好像每個人 都很期待親眼目睹這艘大型的紅色EP69長征船型。讓我們 驚訝的是,原來已經有許多買主對EP69有著極大的興趣, 並且希望更近一步認識長征系列的遊艇。」 目前有一些買主正在洽談EP69 的訂單。他們希望能儘早 開 著 EP69出 航, 遠 離 原 本 忙 亂 的 工 作 生 活 , 享 受 開 著 EP69穿梭在太平洋島嶼的快感。他們打算先在澳洲附近的 海域航遊一年後,再往東岸航行。

VOL 19 / FALL / 2011



Fort Lauderdale International Boat Show 2011 Horizon Exhibition : Bahia Mar, F Dock 600 – 602



Even in October, the sunshine is still bright everywhere in Florida, USA. In happy Fall season, Horizon is pleased to invite you joining us at Fort Lauderdale Boat Show during October 27 – 31, 2011. Horizon will display E88 motoryacht, and a brand new PC58 luxury power catamaran at the show, and sincerely invites the yacht lovers stop by our exhibit, joining our party and having fun with us. For more information, please contact with Elise Moffitt at Horizon Yacht USA at +1 561 346 5966 or elise@horizonyachtusa.com

羅德岱堡遊艇展,歡迎你。 即使十月已是深秋,但美國佛羅里達州的陽光依然耀眼。在這歡樂的 季節,我們誠摯邀請您光臨赫淶森遊艇在熱情城市 - 羅德岱堡舉行的全 球遊艇展的展位,一起來感受全新赫淶森 PC58 雙體船型的魅力,以及 體驗赫淶森 E88 歐風系列動力遊艇與眾不同的特色。 想預約安排參觀或想知道更多相關訊息,歡迎與我們聯絡,我們會竭 誠為您服務。美國地區請聯絡 elise@horizonyachtusa.com ; 亞洲地區請 聯絡vincee@horizonyacht.com。

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