SUD Stewardship Report

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First Missionary (LE) Organized as Division Re-organized Union – 7

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


North India Union North East India Union West India Union East Central India Union South Central India Union South East India Union South West India Union

1893/4 1919 1986

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Sections/Conferences Attached fields Churches/Companies Membership Population Ratio of SDA

-63 -Nepal, Bhutan, Andaman Nicobar -4,511 -15,70,555 -1,35,84,68,000 -1/865


1. The GDP (Gross Domestic Product) of India India $ 1,863 USA $ 52,194 (1/28 Ratio) For Example: India - 1% own - 58.4% of the national wealth - 10% own- 80.7% of the wealth - 90% own- 19.3% of the wealth



- 15,70,550


Tithe–(April- 2017, financial closing)

- $ 68,15,052

Per Capita SUD (1 member/$ 4.3) Rs.295 Per Capita NEIU (1 member/$39.89) Rs. 2,712 Per Capita ECIU (1 member/$1.2) Rs. 74.4

There is room for improvement!!!




India – 1,652 Ethnic - 415 24 languages - Spoken by more than 1 Million 50 languages - Spoken by more than 100 thousand 114 languages - Spoken by more than 10 thousand – 23 - Official languages National Language – Hindi National Language Sub. – English Nepal – 93 languages Bhutan 7 languages Maldives 4 languages



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1. 20% of the world population is in the territory 1/865 2. Hindu/Sikh/Buddhist/Jain - 83% 3. Christian - 2.3% (2011) 4. Per-capita Tithe - $4.3 5. LWF of workers - Rs. 11,200 - $165 6. Church Manual in local languages 7. Counsels on Stewardship in 6 major languages 8. Stewardship Education in local church level 9. Church nurturing and improvement of attendance (45% attends church during divine service) 10. Potential members to be taught the importance of supporting the church program through Tithes and Offerings.

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The immediate plan for the future is: A. To print Church Manual in the major languages i.e. Hindi, English, Marathi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam and give training in the local church level. B. To print counsels of Stewardship in the major 7 languages and give training to the people.


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It is our objective to make all the challenges as an opportunity to make and bring the church to a next higher level by using the three factors, namely: 1. Church attendance 2. Baptism 3. Tithe and Offering as measurable indicator as a base for our assessment. – It is our priority to train the Pastors and Local Church Lay Leaders in Stewardship. With God’s help, we will be able to achieve much. It is our prayer that God will grant His grace and a revival of true Godliness will be felt in all level of the church work.

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