15 DAC
Branding Identity various sizes Revelle StudioWorks is a self-promotional brand that aims to capture my w w w .
. c o m
services, spirits, and ideals into a unifying theme. Above everything in my life,
rev-up the soul. This mantra of mine is conveyed mainly by my logo, which is
there lies an undeniable fact: I love visuals that move, especially visuals that an abstraction of several themed elements: a leaf camera shutter, an eye, and a red-hot jet-engine turbofan that’s spinning, about to take flight. All of these abstractions are fashioned in a starburst, concentric twist, and if you look closely also, you’ll notice the letter “R” hypnotically arranged within there. It’s this red-hot passion for those “rev-up-the-soul” kind of visuals that drive me to share and collaborate with my fellow visual artists and clients.
www.R e v e l l e S t u d i o W o r k s .com
Logo mark shown, created in Adobe Illustrator CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Branding Collateral various sizes Revelle StudioWorks
The success of branding graphics involves checks and balances throughout the design process. Ideally, I like to think that the sucess of a brand’s mark starts as a great “bare bones”, simple, black-and-white form. From there, the exploration and development of color pallettes, and even as far as web graphix logos, should simply enhance the
Revelle StudioWorks
strength of the orignal, simple mark. Above all, during each stage of the design process, it’s paramount to keep in mind the client’s goals and especially the intended responses of the target audience. Adobe Illustrator CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Branding Identity various sizes Miyagi Bar and Sushi is a fictitious Japanese steakhouse, sushi restaurant, and cocktail bar, serving a spectrum of colorful customers from flip-flop and boardshorts regulars, to business casuals on their lunch break, all the way to high-end sophisticates celebrating well into the night at the fully-stocked bar and dance floor. The mark presented here is very much inspired by the traditional Japanese calligraphy known as “shodo”, where talented masters channel pure emotion to gracefully brushstroke sumi ink onto rice paper. By doing so, they create these lively, soulful characters known as “kanji”. This kanji element is important in the mark as it creates an isomorphic correspondence that attempts to clue the viewer in that, “Hey, this is an authentic Japanese establishment”. The characteristic “M” here has been stylized not only to resemble kanji, but more importantly to resemble waves. Waves are a physical manifestation of energy. Waves can be oceanic, sound, light, vibes between people, or heat waves rising from cooked food, and it comes in various intensities. I wanted to utilize a rhythmic appeal to the logo by incorporating a least these two waves crests. The restaurant interior is zen-like with organic and subtle, traditional Japanese elements, in harmony with sleek and modern accents. This relationship is vital as it serves to fuel the restaurant’s unique, memorable, and dynamic interplay between a calm, yet invigorating atmosphere. So whatever wave you’re riding, Miyagi Bar and Sushi is a place for you, a place for mi, it is THE place to be. Logo mark shown, created in Adobe Illustrator CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
, 2009
October 31
i vitae ndrerit du entum he lum enim enas elem elit. Maec Sed vestibu d mauris. adipiscing se ngue ur ae co tet s vit ec tu e ns ntesqu urna lec sit amet, co aretra pelle l viverra. unt lacinia, um dolor nec mi ph tum leo ve eget tincid Lorem ips m elemen odo, nulla an eu ipsum tu m ne m dic lla Ae co is . t Nu m um. risus. Du Praesen t erd . elementu m un int tu cid ue dic tin ng a as at lla co Nunc malesuad olestie nu eu velit. Cr e nec mi. quis arcu laoreet m at, tristiqu lorem odio n. Aenean elerisque hendrerit sem, at sc attis eget cidunt sapie t diam, m nisl, ac tin eli io nc od Nu eu t. Donec at tincidun et cibus tellus auctor eg viverra fau risus erat, . Vivamus In hac s augue. ndit justo llicitudin. at rhoncu lobortis so nulla augue, a bla um am em ips Eti lor c is. ae rp ne s a eu tu uat orci vit tellus. Sed in conseq erra, cerat luctu mentum cursus viv sapien pla neque. Pro Proin in ele mauris ut s, augue id vehicula id agnis e uli m n, qu et iac no sti tri us am t esen penatib vestibulum ris. Aliqu tumst. Pra s natoque vitae mau er, elit platea dic . Cum socii llentesque ullamcorp habitasse mentum us vel ipsum rat vitae, pe ele to ce lac is l jus pla qu nis ue e ut s entum ada cong attis, nequ odio, variu is, eu ferm m malesu . Etiam m faucibus fel assa. Nulla iculus mus tortor velit scetur rid sit amet m . na to , ula jus tes lig na t on ur nt m isque ac eli mentum dis parturie am, ac ele tristique. Qu is voentum qu nibh eget Etiam facilis dui condim tincidunt t tis ac nibh. nc egestas Nu . consequa us msan sagit pib et da hicula eget suada accu ve t, ale m es na lus tum tel eu ur eget mi dic lor. Proin eget ante faucibus do am vel urna is. Donec s Eti fel . rsu um tis ula cu ips or lig . Ut isque ctor lob Duis et inia quam facilisi. Qu m lacus au nvallis. ndit. Nulla ismod at lac ndimentu dapibus co lutpat bla ipiscing eu is cursus co felis et risus ac eros ad r at ante. Du ent ultrices t eget justo es en vel, aucto es Pra ci. Pra a nec or at tortor. err et viv , eg re ing orna , solli. m adipisc blandit ut od in rutru tum vitae leo, euism condimen h sapien, Integer nib ,
Dear Donn
Letterhead Suite Standard Sizes This letterhead suite contains business cards, stylized letterhead, and accompanying envelope. These pieces complement the feeling and aesthetics of what Miyagi is all about. It is a zen-like environment, balancing modern with traditional. Particular attention was paid to establish “structure” to help develop a branding identity for Miyagi. This structure is intended to be carried to future visual collateral such as menus or magazine ads so as to reinforce the appeal and quality that is Miyagi.
com AGgIi. .MiIyY W.m Ww w Ww
bot-O Mister Ro yagi :: Bar | Sushi Owner, Mi dAisuke MiYAGi
owner p.619.333.3331
WAY Amp 010 GAsl 92 333 o, CA rk :: Dieg + PA SAn oAdAy br :: AT
92101 diego, CA :: WAY :: sAN .5678 333 gASLAMP :: f.619.333 p.619.333.1234 www.miyagi.com
In addition, organic qualities are interjected into the piece by utilizing the abstract long streaks of kanji-markings. These markings draw the eyes upward which adds to the feeling of being “lifted up”, and also gives and artisan, precise quality, similar to the type of culinary expertise one could expect from Miyagi’s. Relatedly, the textured paper banner along the bottom adds to a feeling of comfort, as well as appealing to the tactile senses.
BAR SUSHI 333 gASLAMP WAY sAN diego, CA 92101
Donn Russel l Ebete 3333 KAmehA mehA HighwAy KAilua, O’Ahu 96734
www.miyagi.co m
The main structure elements here include: a harmonious balance between the mark, textured “rice paper” banner, the red/green lighting, and kanji ink mark abstractions. I sought to have each element work well with each other, and not have one element really dominate.
The pieces were primarily composed so that the eye is caught by the logo, travels down, and swiftly towards the right. This introduces movement in each piece, giving the viewer a smooth, swooping feeling. Each piece created in Adobe Illustrator CS4, then composed within Adobe Illustrator InDesign CS4.
Donn Ebete @ me.com
uis me nisq us veria vit, com ate pelib lorae ro id bo repern usam, ipsum vo lla enus, um apic V do s. er ia M ac um blabor rr poriaec m tatum si a bo si cu i la gi e ct ac l fu at in ci pt nt rias Derfern rsp erru que reiu cum et offi re nonseque co um quid em. Rum ulpari ibus pore icima uaerrum m ea qu autem er illabo re er q si is m r at es r nt pr tiu tu nd iu ta re ia rc si is i st s pa cate op At expliti ut pratqu u idusap del essu bo repele , simusci is quas ni conseq nis asinum quod t aut hilla inverum es qu sim cone dolenis tatur, se que endam, m ni m modi pici m volorro comni as ium ili m e co s dus, si ru l eu m iunt qu as dia cu modi de ol orepre rem nusa s delector rro inctis estem si tempo nu a ria pe tis ex ae po pe na . qu rs us lo se ec re so ia nt ur ionsequ et laboru o con re, eaquat sit labo. di hillibus um ligni nessiti cum vien quia ium blaudaer lores co pra non quatibus dolorro nimo do os tio r sitas ea ca qu Iquiate m , ac assi quam adi dolo i qu is st ta od le p qu ve ce volut dusam in cone a spelen ri reium int quos po nis solupt pratiost a as mag res velit ia luptatus at. que labo ill nitati qu vo i a qu ot s es porum pis de sed et re ac recullant o dolorporia iu ut s O ut sa ip odit • pa qu et t m ne em re ct Is quasse con con m atur? sint late magnate atem es us apid d i volorern nimaion et harib la porese et dolor ac quunt ul m e da co o An ct • um quam restem qu ipisin et io l t pe ve ra re nt bo il ipsu est et la serum co it. m que el , sintio es re st co le vo to commod uis di ut rporepro rus expliq voluptatur, volo , volorepe a eum quib t laut lam orem ab ilitate at labore sa exce quam ili ol • Vill ct se as uscipsum t et occullic tem t faccae im s quam et ni ie in U st fuga. us nimin nos pla. us de di ost tis minim , sum im am facc rem ex es e por m labo. Ita ptas eost atur sequ digent qu t i occum ptas dolu as dianderspit minciis eicimod poris au te n m um volu at te ic co er pt a re s lu ae pt po cu , oc que vo ra sequ ducim uo dolu . Nam, Et explam harum iuntum les am ea t quame nonseq nsequiam i dit fuga vo co qu i t lu m qu am vo na ant Alig t volu nam aut m aris excestrum e maio. nimodit as modia nu ate con coribustia t quis qu rem con excerupt dolor au untem in lent. tat alibus et autendita ea rest ium lo do percieni ia t t res a do at est, si au m harcili lupta pel ipsa udae qu m comni dent quis ut harcius daep do ru . et lo pi us do cu qui busdam necta aqui to peresed minveri imolu pt si conem ntem et ia cum in ernatiosam et, totam, si uam, qu es debisseq qui dolorest lit ea ib st de eos fugiamet sped et sundio. Nam ium llenis et est eatia fugitium de pe ipsam Dit, in ea optat ex nt sa po sant. quiandae tio strunt tiorp ossi fercips un ero. Otasper , accus ex sus. Gent volecti os simincit es es ill M
Donn russell e. Owner,
Letterhead Suite Standard Sizes This letterhead suite contains business cards, stylized letterhead, and accompanying envelope. It aims to promote and perpetuate the brand. These pieces complement the feeling and aesthetics of what Revelle StudioWorks is all about: red-hot moving visuals with organic cues. The sleek, yet “machine-like” typeface lends itself to it’s own dominant structure. This machine-like, almost sports-car sort of appeal is balanced by the organic cues of the whispy smoke-like abstractions in the background. Furthermore the addition of the white lightrays also serve as reinforcing roles as it aims to use the postitve associations with light, as well as subtley cueing the viewer to the graphic design nature of Revelle StudioWorks.
Each piece created in Adobe Illustrator CS4, then composed within Adobe Illustrator InDesign CS4.
Directo Creative
Donn Ebete @ me.com
+ STUDIOWORKS + Nor t h S a n D i e g o C o u n t y Ca r l s b a d , C A 9 2 1 0 1 U S A
+ 1. 7 1 4 . 4 2 5 . 9 14 6 r e v e l l e works @ gmail.com
PRINTING FOR: Company: _______________________________
Project Name: ______________________________________________
Name: __________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________
Phone: _________________________________
Estimated Due Date: __________________________________________
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Fax: __________________________________
Print Due Date: _____________________________________________
31 -JAN 2010 49 DATE: 321.123.95 E: VOIC
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Standard 8.5” x 11” letter size
Professionalism and quality of service has many faces. Branding opportunities exist everywhere. Even branding seemingly mundane documents, such as administrative business forms, adds value to any company, cause, or organization at the end of the day. Each piece created in Adobe Illustrator CS4, then composed within Adobe Illustrator InDesign CS4.
nus bo aliissim vivit s essid satis publiu erum dius nit vasdam S: ndet fu NOTE vid co ntereis blius et vit, tius, bu ulum na pu ss ha , re ve te na Erent recta quam inpro, ig , qua mor la m fit sulus s nes pata .Sili fuer nt 5/10 inatuu int. Habita :: 05/0 ina, se o verit. USD $5,000 :: 3 elabem k # 33 Chec . d: ve *Recei K YOU! THAN
. c o m
PHOTOG w . w w
m c o
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Yellow Page Ad 3.5” x 2.5” & 1.5” x 2”
/ / / THE place to be
S T E A K g r i l l e
on the corner of BROADWAY + PARK :: 333 Gaslamp Way W W W . M I Y A G I . C O M San Diego, CA 92101 619.333.5678
L O B S T E R s a k e b a r
W W W . M I Y A G I . C O M
This was an urgent client request, required to be produced under three hours. This ad was created entirely in Adobe InDesign CS4 which offers a library that allowed me to pull and compose various Miyagi elements that I had already created from my previous projects. The 3-hour deadline was met well in advance because of this library feature. Conscientious steps were made to involve enough elements to capture the viewer’s attention quickly as well as convey to the viewer what the Miyagi is all about. People going through the yellow pages browse quickly and it is important to give the viewer enough clear information so that Miyagi is not passed upon. Because of the time and design constraints, I relied on tinting the black to get some visual weight and depth of the elements. Also, I used type to tell the ad viewer quickly what Miyagi was all about: Sushi, Lobster, etc. The piece tends to flow downward with the gradation of the logo and vertical kanji strokes, as it leads the viewer to Miyagi’s important contact info—phone number and website.
Pantone 610 (yellow) background One-color (black), screen tint mandatory Adobe InDesign CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
e to BE
BAR SUSHI 333 gASLAMP WAY sAN diego, CA 92101
Donn Russell Ebete 3333 KAmehAmehA HighwAy KAilua, O’Ahu 96734
HappY Valentine’s Day
6” x 9”, double-sided
special invitation www.miyagi.com
M I YAG I Sushi
THE place to
for Valentine’s Day
The Special Valentine’s Day Menu, Sake, and wine will be hand-picked
Designed under a time constraint, this mailer was directed to be a “Valentine’s Day mailer/invite that perpetuated the restaurant brand”. Additional body copy text that was supplied upfront, was also to be incorporated. Because of the time, I decided to adapt an existing ad that I previously created. I also made sure the mailer met all requirements of USPS. The branding of Miyagi is inherently relaxed, zen, and even romantic. So not much was needed to execute this project. However, to buildon “Valentine’s” I decided to explore and develop an appropriate graphical cue, so I fashioned the Miyagi logo into an abstraction of a rose. Adobe Illustrator CS4
and crafted by Iron Chef Miyagi himself. The Valentine’s Day 4-course menu ($54.95/person) will surely get your heart racing as the succulent Japanese cuisine, coupled with select fine spirits, and the romantic, zenlike atmosphere with your special partner will ignite your Valentine’s Day that surely will be heavenly. That is my promise to you, on your special day. Please come in, and let us serve you. Kampai, Open Daily 11:00AM - 4:00AM
333 Gaslamp Way San Diego, CA 92010 on the corner of BROADWAY + PARK
Happy Hour 4:00PM - 8:00PM Daily
-Mr. Miyagi, Owner
Valentine’s Day with
Miyagi Reserve in advance
5:30-11:30 || Sunday || February 14
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Mailers 4” x 8”, Double-sided Perpetuating the Revelle StudioWorks brand here, while aiming to QUICKLY inform the viewer of the services that Revelle StudioWorks provides (all before this mailer meets an inevitable trashcan fate). The use of bold key phrases, bullet points, and visual cues aim to bait the viewer into exploring and interacting with the mailer, especially if the viewer is a potential client who has already had these key phrases and images already running through their head. The colors and photomosaics primarily serve to add interest so that a wide range of viewers are drawn to explore and read the finer details of Revelle StudioWorks, which are noted on the flyer. Layout and colors were design constraints, considering the somewhat restrictive USPS mailing requirements. Photo mosaics composed in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Mailer composed in Adobe InDesign CS4
Progressive designs for all your marketing & advertising needs! WEBSITE DESIGN
We’re a bunch of artists who enjoy providing visual communication solutions to our clients. Wether you have a cause to promote, want to elevate your visibility, or just just need digital visual goodies, please contact us. We’d love to collaborate with you, contact us.
Visual communication experts
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Mailers 4” x 8”, Double-sided E-Line is an SEO optimization company that called-for a mailer to be designed and uploaded to print in 2-hours. The copy text and logo mark were provided upfront. I relied on typography, design prinicples, and color to meet the quick turnaround. As a mailer, particular attention was given to “boldening” e-Line’s services and strengths. The allure from these catchphrases and keywords aimed to quickly draw-in the intended audience for more details. Composed in Adobe InDesign CS4
We get your website listed at the top!
3333 Pacific Coast Highway Carlsbad, CA 92010
We get your website listed at the top!
Contact us for a FREE consultation and ranking report: William Wagner Web Marketing Consultant & Analyst Email: william@elinemarketing.com Web: www.e-LineMarketing.com Voice: 619.994.5056
e-Line Marketing uses ethical techniques and proven methods to drive qualified traffic to your website. Through partnerships with the search engines, we get your website listed at the top of the most trafficked search engines and directories. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be the most effective and efficient way to drive targeted traffic to your web site - and it’s usually more economical than other marketing tactics. * Looking for increased search engine rankings and more website traffic? * Want expert SEO consultants, but affordable search engine optimization services? * Want to beat your competition online with higher search engine rankings? * Interested in branding yourself with a top 10 search engine position that delivers thousands of daily impressions?
As Search Engine Optimization experts, this is what we love to do.
We get your website listed at the top!
0101010010010100101010 0100SEO10100101000100 1010100101010010100101 0100101010101010010101 0010101010101000100101 0100101010010100101010 e-Line Marketing uses ethical techniques and proven methods to drive qualified traffic to your website.
3333 Pacific Coast Highway Carlsbad, CA 92010
Through partnerships with the search engines, we get your website listed at the top of the most trafficked search engines and directories. Search Engine Optimization (SEO) can be the most effective and efficient way to drive targeted traffic to your web site - and it’s usually more economical than other marketing tactics. * Looking for increased search engine rankings and more website traffic?
Contact us for a FREE consultation and ranking report:
William Wagner Web Marketing Consultant & Analyst Email: william@elinemarketing.com Web: www.e-LineMarketing.com Voice: 619.994.5056
* Want expert SEO consultants, but affordable search engine optimization services? * Want to beat your competition online with higher search engine rankings?
* Interested in branding yourself with a top 10 search engine position that delivers thousands of daily impressions?
As Search Engine Optimization experts, this is what we love to do.
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Brochure & Flyer Suite Map: 11” x 17”, gate fold Brochure: 11” x 17”, booklet fold
CSH is a corporation that provides supportive housing for the less fortunate. They have a satellite office based in San Diego, and they approached our design group to revamp their client “Success Story” profiles, and map showPacific ing the location of all their supportive housing within SD County. Beach
San Diego
Permanent Supportive Housing Map
For the brochure, special attention was given to producing a non-institutional, and warm-hearted feel, to really bring home the personal and touching success stories. The use of ghosted images in the background with “open,5 spacious” text helped achieve this. Hints of CSH branding was incorporated subtly as to not distract the viewer. The map was built around the CSH branding, namely their logo and colors. The challenge was to show all these random locations throughout the county very concisely. An index and numbering system utilizing house icons for 8 a county and downtown San Diego map really helped achieve this.
serving families, single adults,youth, seniors, and chronically homeless
. Rd rs Fria Qualcomm Stadium
38th Street Stepping Stone Apartments 51s Street Apartments Townspeople, Inc. 01 Alabama Manor Community Housing Works Apartments 02 Boulevard Father Joe’s Villages Heights Flats 01 City Stepping Stone City Heights Square 02 SeniordCommunity . Centers of SD Blv 01 n 38th Street jo Ca Stepping Stone Apartments El 02 51s Street Apartments Townspeople, Inc. Manor 01 Alabama Community Housing Works Apartments 02 Boulevard Father Joe’s Villages City Heights 11 Stepping Stone Flats
s iar
. Friars Rd
SD County
C u r r e n t l y O p er a t i n g
Adams Ave.
8 Mission Hills
El Cajon Blvd.
University Ave.
5th Ave. 5th Ave.
1st Ave.
Harbor Dr.
Point Loma
Balboa Park Park Ave.
Euclid Ave.
San Diego Airport
54th St.
Adobe Illustrator CS4 Adobe InDesign CS4
SD County
Camp Pendleton
## ## Vista 94
163 ##
Market St.
City San of San Diego Diego
## Market St.
Solana Beach
Market St.
Imperial ave.
Del Mar
15 805
Santee ##
Supportive housing targeted for adults and older adults who are eligible under MHSA. Located in a new construction project consisting of 65 units of affordable housing.
## La Jolla
The first permanent supportive housing project for youth, consists of 23 units in East Village serving young adults age 18-24 who are homeless or at risk to become homeless.
El Cajon 8
8 8
San Diego Airport
San Diego
La Mesa 125
Point Loma
Imperial Beach
##Chula Vista ## 5 805 Tijuana
Raymond’s Refuge
Sunburst Apartments
Developer: Oliver McMillan and Catholic Charities Provider: Catholic Charities
Developer: The Association for Community Housing Solutions (TACHS) Provider: Community Research Foundation & Heritage Clinic
City of San Diego C u r r e n t l y O p er a t i n g
01 02
Permanent Supportive Housing
San Di eg o
se rv i ng families, single adults, youth, seniors, and chronically homeles
map front gate fold
Supportive housing targeted for adults and older adults who are eligible under MHSA. Located in a new construction project consisting of 65 units of affordable housing.
The first permanent supportive housing project for youth, consists of 23 units in East Village serving young adults age 18-24 who are homeless or at risk to become homeless.
01 02 01 02 01 02
Sunburst Apartments
Raymond’s Refuge
Developer: The Association for Community Housing Solutions (TACHS) Provider: Community Research Foundation & Heritage Clinic
Developer: Oliver McMillan and Catholic Charities Provider: Catholic Charities
02 11 01 02
Supportive housing targeted for adults and older adults who are eligible under MHSA. Located in a new construction project consisting of 65 units of affordable housing.
The first permanent supportive housing project for youth, consists of 23 units in East Village serving young adults age 18-24 who are homeless or at risk to become homeless.
01 02 01 02 01 02
Raymond’s Refuge
Sunburst Apartments
Developer: Oliver McMillan and Catholic Charities Provider: Catholic Charities
Developer: The Association for Community Housing Solutions (TACHS) Provider: Community Research Foundation & Heritage Clinic
brochure booklet
r ive
01 02 11 23
38th Street Stepping Stone Apartments 51s Street Apartments Townspeople, Inc. Alabama Manor Community Housing Works Boulevard Apartments Father Joe’s Villages City Heights Flats Stepping Stone City Heights Square Senior Community Centers of SD 38th Street Stepping Stone Apartments 51s Street Apartments Townspeople, Inc. Alabama Manor Community Housing Works Boulevard Apartments Father Joe’s Villages City Heights Flats Stepping Stone City Heights Square Senior Community Centers of SD 38th Street Stepping Stone Apartments 51s Street Apartments Townspeople, Inc. Alabama Manor Community Housing Works Boulevard Apartments Father Joe’s Villages City Heights Flats Stepping Stone City Heights Square Senior Community Centers of SD 38th Street Stepping Stone Apartments 51s Street Apartments Townspeople, Inc. Alabama Manor Community Housing Works Boulevard Apartments Father Joe’s Villages City Heights Flats Stepping Stone
map inside gate fold
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Flyers 8.5” x 3.66”
C.A.T.C.H is a law enforcement agency that seeks to bring awareness to the general public of cyberrelated crimes. These crimes include internet-related credit card fraud, hacking, and even “sexting” (sending sexually explicit text messege photos). C.A.T.C.H. sought our collaborative design group to come-up with a flyer for an upocoming conference where the attendees were of the ages 14 thru 24. Our design apprpoach was centered-around an MTV-like appeal with simple shapes and loud playful colors. The front and back designs are interchangeable. However, it was important to have the front loud, bold, alluring and intriguing. This front would allow enough interest to draw the viewer into discovering more info on the back of the flyer. In addition, when the attendees walk around the conference this flyer is basically a walking billboard that would attract the attention, intrigue, and inquisitiveness from other attendees.
Adobe Illustrator CS4 and Adobe InDesign CS4
cyber crime is not sexy
If you become a victim of cybercrime, you have rights.
Whether it’s credit card fraud, identity theft, or sexting--- it IS A CRIME, and YOU are a target.
Report it immediately:
SEXTING IS A CRIME: The sharing of explicit messaging and nude photos via cell phone. SEX OFFENDERS AND IDENTITY THIEVES have taken advantage of this upcoming trend by posing as young adults to acquire explicit pictures of teenagers, so they can use them for blackmail or WORSE. Having a nude picture of someone on your phone, can lead to charges of child pornography and/or possession. If anyone sends you a nude photo, it is important to delete it immediately. If anyone asks you for a nude photo, DO NOT send it. You never know whose hands it will åinto or what website it will be posted on.
PASSPHRASE YOUR PASSWORDS: Although it is tempting to use just one password for all your favorite
sites, this makes it easy for hackers to crack one and gain access to all your personal information. Use passphrases instead. A passphrase is simply a string of words instead of just one. For example, instead of the password “RoVer1!” Use the passphrase “My dog’s name is Rover.”
POSTING INFO ONLINE: If your personal pictures or stories end up in the wrong hands there can be serious consequences. Once you post, it is impossible to get your data back. If you wouldn’t want everyone you know to see s omething about you, its best not to post it to the Internet. Better safe than sorry! Back
If you become a victim of cybercrime, you have rights. Report it immediately:
In the time it takes to read this tagline,
In the time it takes to read this tagline, over 150 people will fall victim to cyber crime… … Are you protected? over 150 people will fall victim to cyber crime...
Wether it’s credit card fraud, identity theft, or even sexting--- it is a crime. A recent trend among teenagers and young adults, has been reportedly on the rise since 2005. The term is so recent, in fact, that many people don’t know exactly what it entails. In general, the term “sexting” implies the sharing of explicit messaging and nude photos via cell phone. Sex offenders and identity thieves have taken advantage of this upcoming trend by posing as young adults to acquire explicit pictures of teenagers so they can use them for blackmail. The legal cases involving sexting is on a steady rise.
steady rise. Having a nude picture of someone on your phone, if caught, can lead to charges of child pornography and/or possession. In one case, a young lady was so humiliated by nude pictures circulating of her, she eventually took her own life. It is difficult to decipher who your messages are going to, and whether or not they will be erased. If anyone sends you a
... are you protected? You have rights: Report it to C.A.T.C.H. at 555.555.5555
Donn Ebete @ me.com
8.5” x 8.5”, 150 lb. matte photo-paper, “Record-Sleeve” style
A highly conceptual approach to a brochure which heavily utilizes the Revelle StudioWorks logo. The apparent front and back covers shown, “sandwhiches” a rotating photo-paper disc that spins about the center of the logo. It spins in place, similar to as how a record would spin in it’s sleeve.
The front cover contains die-cut, triangular wedges cut at the top and bottom negative spaces of the logo. The ideas is to spin the photo disc 1/4 turn via tabs on each side of the “brochure”, so that with each 1/4 turn, “Photography” and supporting pictures would appear within the die cuts. The next turn would be, “Web Design”, with accompanying supporting pictures. Etc. The concept is to present Revelle StudioWorks in a different manner than a regular brochure, and have the experiencer go-online to view the real potential of Revelle StudioWorks. Adobe Photoshop CS4
die-cut die-cut
Donn Ebete @ me.com
12.1 MegaPixels
Combined self-taken photos of a restaurant which resembles Miyagi’s identity and merged my previously created vector Miyagi graphics with said photos. The dominant red color was existent in this restaurant. However, I had to paint-into the photos, Miyagi’s teal accent color using Adobe Photoshop. Selective dodging and burning was performed on the photos as well to enhance it. In addition, the red in the photos were color adjusted to match Miyagi’s signature-red color. Performing these various adjustments allowed me to bring-out Miyagi’s late-night mood and atmosphere; an atmosphere that’s romantic, mysterious, but alltogether alluring. Photos imported as RAW into Adobe Lightroom Various adjustments made in Adobe Photoshop CS4 Nikon D90 dSLR Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D lens Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 lens ISO 1600 Adobe RGB ColorSpace
Donn Ebete @ me.com
11” x 17” Custom 2-Double Truck Spreads
Further enhancing the branding and identity of the Miyagi restaurant, this menu was created to fit hand-inhand with the complementary Miyagi graphic collateral. New to the structure are the “bokeh” lights, which sells Miyagi as a mysterious, alluring, but also festive quality, as the way the bokeh is arranged in a random harmonious fashion. The client requested that when opening-up the menu, the patron is greeted by a wide-expansive, almost panoramic feel from the menu. In adhering to the client’s request, a standard 4x page count for this menu would have to be reconsidered. Since the menu involved 2-2page spreads, a total of 6 pages was used for this menu (i.e. 1 front cover, 1 back cover, and 2-2 page double truck spreads.) To see a sample contents of the inside of the menu, please click forward to the next page...
Donn Ebete @ me.com
11” x 17” Custom 2-Double Truck Spreads
Many opportunities were taken advantage-of to “brand” the menu. The Miyagi “M” is an obvious case that is located on the bottom right corner of the page is one example. The menu’s section headings has a subtle, distressed “Miyagi Red” stripe, which is another subtle branding cue. In addition, the iconic background with it’s gentle teal and read ligthing. Overall, there are elements and structures that are related and common to all of Miyagi’s graphic collateral, such as the letterhead suite and signage--- all these pieces combine help build on Miygi’s branding identity. Adobe InDesign CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Manuals 8.5” x 11” separate sheets, or 11” x 17” double sided and folded Utilized master page templates, paragraph styles, and diagram tools to build a cohesive and expandable manual-style document. Adobe InDesign CS4
Guide Overview The continued effectiveness of the Revelle StudioWorks logo depends on its consistent use whenever it appears on communicaitons. These guidelines will help you use the logo correctly on packaging, advertising, websites, and other marketing communications. Please follow these guidelines whenever the Revelle StudioWorks logo is used.
Logo Usage Guide
Closely following this document will enable consistency and clarity in brand usage. Inappropriate utilisation of these guidelines may result in the deconstruction and confusion of brand messaging.
Logo Overview The Revelle logo consists primarily of the “R-Star”. The logo aims to incorporate a “burst” feel, while keeping it simple and sleek. The R-Star, housed within the concentric cirlcles, is an abstraction of a camera leaf-shutter, an eye, as well as blades of a jet’s turbo-fan engine. The surrounding intenional crop marks intends to imply print and regristration marks as well as viewfinder marks as seen through a camera’s viewfinder.
1 2
Guide Overview Logo Overview Approved Examples
The logo intends to marry-together visuals and motion. The concentric radial twist helps reinforce this notion of motion.
Colors and Reversals Clear Space
The R-Star is intentionally breaking out of the (crop mark) box, as an indication that Revelle StudioWorks imagines and think of solution that are ‘out of the box’. The logo was designed so that at any square angle, the letter “R” can be seen.
Size Typeface Graphix Unacceptables
Approved Examples The following layouts are shown for visual reference for color, values, layout and distance betweent adjacent logo and mark elements. Please do not skew, transform, warp, angle, distort, twist or alter any part of the logo and mark, unless specefied in this guide.
Company Profile Revelle StudioWorks is more of a way of life, than an actual creative group. Above all, we enjoy. We work, live, and play in the web, print, advertising, cinema, photography, traditional and digital media. We feel our life is colorful and rich, afterall we live and love to share progressive multimedia solutions for our clients. Wether it’s for advertising, marketing, and promotions: it’s allll good. We eat and sleep well, knowing that our client’s expectations are always exceeded. We celebrate often, knowing that we showcase our clients, their products, and services under the best lights. Our culture thrives, because of our belief in the power of positive collaboration and an open community of infinite imagination.. At the end of the day, Revelle StudioWorks moves audiences, emotionally; over-delivers on products, aesthetically; and creates works with impact, masterfully; All to the benefit of our clients so that their ideas, hopes, and dreams come to life through our way of life and our talents as creative problem solvers and visual communicators. We make it hot like fire, explode like fireworks. We make it hot, we make it work. Simply said: Revelle Studio WORKS!
(Vert/stacked configuration, PREFERRED)
(Horiz/landscape configuration, HIGHLY ACCEPTABLE) + 1 + Logo Usage Guide
For all inquiries regarding this document, please feel free to contact us: revelleworks@gmail.com +1.714.425.9146
SD, CA 92010
Colors and Reversals Revelle StudioWorks uses primarily Red and values of black (i.e. gray, light gray, etc.) The logomark may be placed on a solid-colored background only for very limited use. Please contact us to answer your questions. The pallettes shown are for informational purposes regarding color and value. Please note the difference in values between “Revelle” vs. “StudioWorks” and the inner concentric circle vs. the outer concentric circle. Revelle RED: C = 25 % M = 100 % Y = 90 % K = 10 % PRIMARY BRANDING COLOR
brand & identity color pallette
Revelle TEAL: C = 56 % M = 15 % Y = 25 % K =5%
Revelle KHAKI: C = 53 % M = 63 % Y = 65 % K = 43 %
0.25” height (min.)
“bug” version
Never stretch, skew, warp, twist, reflect, or alter the logo, mark, and it’s related text in any way. Scaling is appropriate as long as the width and height are in continuous proportion. The logo and it’s marks can be as large as needed. The logo and mark shall not be lesser than the following: 1) logo shall not be smaller than 0.25” tall or wide; 2) The text “StudioWorks” shall not be less than 7.5 point in height.
Typeface Logomark typefaces are “Agency FB” (Bold), with horizontal scale at 93% and vertical scale at 105%. “Revelle” vs. StudioWorks shall be in subtlely contrasting colors or values. “Revelle” shall be in Revelle StudioWorks red. “StudioWorks” shall be in dark gray. Body text is highly preferred to be “Futura” (Condensed). Minimum size shall be 7.5 point height. 95% - 80% value (dark gray to medium gray) is recommended. Where Futura typeface is not available, a similar san-serif typeface should be used.
REVELLE (Agency FB, Bold w/ vert & horiz scaling) Body text SAMPLE at 10 point (Futura, Condensed Medium)
Revelle RED
The graphix versions of the logos shown here on the left are to be used for select website usage, preferrably for web-buttons. Contact us for vectorized electronic files of these. For alternate configurations, styles, or versions, please feel free to contact us for review and approval.
Revelle RED
K = 90% K = 75%
K = 85% logo colors and values
clear space
(= 1/4 x logo space)
Unacceptable Examples
Clear Space Allow the logo to “stand tall” and “breathe” when placed next to other graphics not related to the logo or mark. Provide enough space around the logo and it’s related text (Company name, contact info, etc.) The minimum space around the logo should be approximately equal to 1/4 the size of the logo. No shapes or any other elements shall intrude into the space of the logo.
logo size
1/4 x logo size
2 + Logo Usage Guide +
The following examples are sample of unacceptable layouts, orientations, and uses of the logomark. This is a limited list for reference only, and it does not cover all unacceptable uses. If their are any questions please feel free to contact us.
NO rearranging, No splitting
X NO angling
NO bold gradients, NO non-brand colors
NO strectching/warping
NO reversing colors, as shown
3 + Logo Usage Guide +
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Product Photo Ad
8.5� x 11�, color corrected for destination paper
Product-box photography done in studio with controlled strobe lighting. The dominant photograph of the mannequin in the suit was obtained via a creative commons licesnse. The rest of the compostition, auxilliary graphics, layout, typography, and copy text was all designed around the aesthetic and branding cues of the product box. Canon 7D Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 VC f/32 @ 1/125, ISO 100 Strobes powered by powerpack, triggered via PC cord Incident light meter tool utilized Adobe Photoshop CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Photo Ad
standard magazine size, double-truck
Ficticious ad for BMW. Plays-off the surf-cult movie “The Endless Summer�. Original photo, color-toned golden to accentuate the sunlight. Nikon D90 Adobe Photoshop CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
have fun!
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Magazine Ad
imo cti s t dole re nien t e a nis t ve cit mag qui u loris qui “Ad tibeat uas do r upta zine lup arum qporepe e Maga ur ulp rem Leis dolo Travel + -
6” x 9”, Black & White only
Two polar approaches were pursued here. One aims to target a loud and rambunctious crowd, whereas the other aims to target a more semi-formal sophisticated crowd. All ads, though completely different in intent, still carries the branding identity of Miyagi by incorporating the signature logo.
the place to BE
Adobe InDesign CS4
b m o b e sak
BAR SUSHI “Ad magnis et dolecti simolup tibeatqui ut vere nient ulparum quas doloriscita dolorem poreper uptaqui odite cumetus.” -- Travel + Leisure Magazine
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Magazine Ad 6” x 9”, 4-Color Process
2010 Award Winner “Best Restaurant and Concert Venue in the Universe”
“The best sushi and sake in town!”
-International Restauranteur
-San Diego Restaurant
o a place f
Both of these ads aim to attract the nightclub crowd, which Miyagi’s caters to. The one on the left takes cues from a Hollywood blockbuster movie poster, to give the viewer an impression that Miyagi caters to the hip, chic, celebrity-types. The one below aims to attract the Friday night, after-work happy hour types, by displaying a complementary graphic elements such as the festive, yet sophisticated martini glass. Adobe InDesign CS4
THE place to
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“Authenticity and ambiance that’s out of this world!”
-Travel + Leisure Magazine
E B o t e c a l
THE p E B o t e c a pl :: on the corner of
Open Daily 11:00AM - 4:00AM
333 Gaslamp Way San Diego, CA 92010 -Mr. Miyagi, Owner
on the corner of BROAD WAY + PARK
Happy Hour 4:00PM - 8:00PM Daily
333 Gaslamp Way San Diego, California 92101 www.miyagi.com
B R O A D W A Y + P A R K ::
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Invitations 5” x 7”, One-Sided, Single Spot Color Strictly using typography and spot-color screen tints, creating birthday invitations for two completely different celebrants was a rewarding challenge. The celebrant on the left is a “James Dean”-esque, classy, roughened rebel without a cause. The celebrant below is a multi-colored spiked-hair, chains & leather wearing, plaid-twill pants wearing, guitarist, punk rocker.
Mr. and Mrs. John Cubbins requests the pleasure of your company at a
Adobe InDesign CS4
in Honor of their Friend
Robert Henderson
BIRTHDAY Saturday, May 5th 6 o’clock PM
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
555 North Elm Street Los Angeles, California 92005 RSVP by April 23rd || 907.555.3545
ck Mac Mr. and Mrs. Ja your company requests the pleasurea of at ay
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in honor of thei r son Freddy M ac
25th y, May a d r u m 555 North Elm Street Sat lock p Los Angeles, California -c o x i s 92005 R.s.v.p. by 907.555.3545
April 23rd
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Flyer, Large Format
8.5� x 5.5�, 100lb paper, semi-gloss, one-sided
Ficticious flyer for a music / concert event.
Adobe Illustrator CS4 3D - Text Adobe Photoshop CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
11” x 17”, 4-Color Process
Using an existing illustration that I created (i.e. the ocean, mountain, and sky portion of this illustration), directions were given to combine this existing illustration and create an event poster. The logo, language, and information were furnished up-front, prior to the start of the project. I combined all these elements to produce this poster illustration. My main objective was to create a poster that had enough visual information, so that a viewer could distinguish what the poster is for at a quick glance. After engaging the viewer, the information has secondary elements that further fills-in the interested viewer as to the “who”, “what”, “where”, “when” , and “how” of the event. Adobe Illustrator CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
01010100100100100010111010101 xz + yz = 2-3xz 5.5x *9=(4/3) xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x-1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^!45%(z)y+33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 5.5x *9=(4/3) xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010 2-3xz 5.5x*9=(4/3)xy*z mv2=Fx(y) x - 1.33x(z) qrx+lyz=5^! 45%(z)y + 33x*3 = zy(2) xz + yz = 2-3xz 0101010010 010010001011101010
Self-Portrait Illustration 8.5” x 11”
For my self portrait I’ve created a mix of structure and sense of flow— two attributes which define my style of thinking. In addition, I wanted to give the viewer a sense of me of where I am right now in my life— I have an engineering background, but i’m looking away from it, re-drawing myself personally and career-wise; Looking towards the future to an uncertain, but exciting, creative future ahead of me. Adobe Illustrator CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
5” x 7” front, 5” x 5” back
Client rush-job request: Design and send-to-print two wine labels under four hours. Client requested labels that were “elegant, refined, edgy, and contemporary.” Client also requested an illustrative approach, as opposed to simply incorporating just photos. Body copy text was provided by the client, as well. Given the time constraint, I decided to have the design draw inspiration from the body text messege and client request. This dictated the color palette and the main graphical elements respective of each label. Adobe Illustrator CS4 Adobe InDesign CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Silhouette Repourpose Utillzed alpha channel masking to obtain a silhouette graphic of myself. Utilized this graphical element to create a piece that appealed to a wide audience. I chose an “iPod” theme, similar to their colorful ad campaign depecting all walks of life enjoying the iPod, as a vehicle to appeal to a wide audience. I unified this theme by purposing it for the DAC program, hence the “iDac” type in the piece. Utilized various brushes to obtain a dynamic and textural quality for the background. Adobe Photoshop CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Self-Expression Collage 8.5” x 11”
Utilized five photos taken by me, to create a collage of things that represent or express me. The five things that express me are: 1) The guitar, 2) Heavy construction 3) Guitar Amps 4) Cameras and 5) Light. I like the guitar, playing and listening. I like my music heavy, (or) light, bluesy, whatever really, a whole spectrum. I’m involved with heavy construction right now in my profession, so I added a bulldozer. This also gives the piece a more clunky, heavy kind of feel which I was going for. The amp?— I love amps— big and loud. The camera, I like **correction** I LOVE photography. The bokeh represents light in an abstract sense. It’s related to photography, but it also represents being a visual artist. The visual arts is the result of composing light. Adobe Photoshop CS4 Heavy utilization of Layer Masks and Adjustment Layers
Donn Ebete @ me.com
PhotoCube Collage 6” x 8”, original size Utilized the Adobe Photoshop “Perspective Tool” to apply various photos, taken by me, onto the faces of a Rubik’s cube photo. This collage originated as a concept: I wanted to to unify these various Balboa Park photos into a single package--- a Rubik’s cube. My original idea was to have one side of the Rubik’s cube be one theme, such as “Fountains”, and other sides to follow a similar theme, such as “Architecture”. Adobe Photoshop CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Packaging 6.75” x 3.5” x 0.75”
Combined photos of Balboa Park, taken by me, and created a series of hand-size boxes for small chocolates. The client requested a packaging concept which utilized photography of Balboa Park that worked as “a photographic essay”. My idea was to dedicate one box per each Balboa landmark, and add the clientprovided body copy text accordingly. The interaction with the box was important. I wanted the package to open up similar to a story book to caption the photos. The color pallette was chosen to aim to a wide appeal of people ( a-la Apple iPod Ad campaign). The box edges were colored purposefully so that, when all the boxes are together, they are colorful and catch the eye of the shopper in the gift shop. Adobe Illustrator CS4
Flattened boxes, complete with glue panels
Front (with circular die-cut pattern)
Inside (with die-cut pattern shown in white)
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Photography Various Sizes
What can I say?--- I love photography. I mainly shoot digital, but have known to drool over analog photography as well. I take at least one camera with me wherever I go. I shoot portraits, landscapes, architecture, and travel. Fine art, abstract, commercial, and off-camera strobing are all avenues that I’m also currently exploring. I love photography because it’s like graphic design, but in real life--- there’s lighting, subject composition, colors, values, depth of field, constraints, and especially raw emotion and visual impact that needs to be considered and “designed” before snapping it into frame. Nikon D90 dSLR Canon 7D dSLR Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D Lens Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 Lens VC Nikon SB-900 Speedlight Nikon CLS (Creative Lighting System) Canon Speedlite 430EX II Adobe Lightroom Adobe Photoshop CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Portraiture, Products, & B/W Various
I mainly enjoy shooting portraiture, lifestyle sessions, and events. On many occassions I’m always experimenting and shooting outside of my comfort zone by shooting different things under different lighting conditions. Photography has been referred to as “painting with light”. I like to say that I enjoy experperimenting all the time with different brushes, on different canvases, the only difference is: I happen to use a camera instead. www.N IXON
CHAS E . c om
Adobe Lightroom 3 Beta Adobe Photoshop CS4, utilizing custom actions on occassion
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Action Photography Sequence 8.5” x 11”
Recon’d a location near the San Diego Airport to capture this action sequence. The challenge was to get a fast-enough shutter speed during the waning low-light, sunset hour. Having planes fly overhead is a personally fascinating event for me, for some reason. I’m glad I was able to capture in this alternate viewpoint.
Canon 7D Tamron 17-50mm f/2.8 VC 24mm efl :: f/8 :: 1/250s :: ISO 3200 Adobe Photoshop CS4, utilizing layer masks
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Web Design
HTML & CSS w/JavaScript
Recon’d a location near the San Diego Airport to capture this action sequence. The challenge was to get a fast-enough shutter speed during the waning low-light, sunset hour. Having planes fly overhead is a personally fascinating event for me, for some reason. I’m glad I was able to capture in this alternate viewpoint.
Hand-Coded (though, Adobe Dreamweaver-capable) Cross-Browser compatibility Front End Dev in Photoshop CS4
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Flash & Interactivity Website, Game, and Adobe Air App
An expression of taking traditional visual communication principles, and expressing them through electronic & interactive means; all-the-while keeping the most important purpose of design in mind: call to action.
Adobe Flash CS4 ActionScript 3.0 Adobe Air Adobe After Affects CS4 (Green Screening for video)
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Video Montages 1080p HDTV at 60fps
I’m passionate about graphic design and photography. Above all, I’ve always been a proponent of creating “visuals that move.” Lately I’ve been shooting and composing video. This feels like a very natural transition and appropriate creative avenue. Being able to explore this idea of creating visuals that move, really comes to life when I’m able to compose time, soundtracks, and various still and moving pictures to enhance the viewer’s visual and sensory experience. Canon 7D dSLR w/ HD Video Apple iMovie ‘09
Donn Ebete @ me.com
Time Lapse Photography Video 12.1 MegaPixel stills, output to 1080p HDTV
A sketch-project, a first attempt, a departure from my normal still photography work— a time-lapse video. This project opened my eyes to even more mediums of artistic expression. This avenue complements and builds on my passion of photography, and allows me to explore and expand-on more more visual artforms and methods. Nikon D90 dSLR Nikkor 50mm f/1.4D Lens f/6.3 :: 1/4s :: ISO 200 Composed in iMovie ‘09
Donn Ebete @ me.com
About Me Hello, Hola, and Aloha! I’m Donn Russell E., the creator, heart, soul, nuts & bolts of this here Portfolio. I’m a freelance digital artist, currently favoring photography as my medium of choice. When I’m not illustrating or creating graphic design goods, I enjoy shooting events, lifestyle, and commercial sessions of fun-loving, soulful, & simply all-around interesting people and moments. I now live in sunny San Diego, California, but I’ve lived in SoCal pretty much all my life. I’ve created tons of images throughout my life. Many of which enjoy telling stories. Stories of love, some of life, art & soul and a whole lot of just good ol’ times I like creating still images that move. Photos, and even graphic design goods, that when you look at them, they move you. They live & breathe certain emotions, and rev-up the heart & soul in a profound way. With that said, I invite you to take a walk thru my life and look thru the visual goods I’ve created lately. Hopefully, they give you an impression of the types of moments that have moved me, and how I’m able to internalize these feelings and express them through my art. I’m fully aware and responsibility of my role as an artist, and I comfortably make it the utmost priority to elicit a specific and concise response from my audience. So it’s my personal mission to execute and champion this priority so that I can exceed all my design clients’ expectations. Along these grounds, I intend to move my clients emotionally, over-deliver on products aesthetically, and create images with impact visually; all to the service of my clients so that their ideas, hopes, and dreams come to life thru my talents as a visual communicator.
“I intend to move my clients, emotionally; over-deliver on products, aesthetically; and create images with impact, visually.”
Donn Ebete @ me.com