DynaScan DS1016 Quickstart Guide

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DS1016 Quick Start Guide

1 Hardware Quick Start 1.1 Location of Control Box The following drawing is the top view of control and power space allocation under the display. #B

There are 3 external doors available to open. The computer /player with DVI output can be put in the spare space (#1), and connect to DVI & RS-232 panel (#5).


Maintenance /Air Con. tube

Open here Lock

#2 Maintenance

DV I&R S-2 32 AC / /DC

l tro on rC e we ac Po Sp


#4 Maintenance





Maintenance / Power Outlet #6 Open here


Open here

Front Side Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

1.2 Power Input and Consumption You will see the terminal block when you open the maintenance door (#2).

Please tightly secure the

L For Air Conditioner


power line on the terminal block as shown. For Display



The power control box has two AC power cables. One



N (Black)

is for the display with input power 25A@220Vac (maximum), the other is for the air conditioner with input power 19A@220Vac (maximum). We suggest

Ground (Green)

that you install the each power line on the 40A Breakers separately.

Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

1.3 Air Conditioner Power Connection There are two wiring boxes fixed under the top in the

2. Secure the 7 wires with marks from power control

air con. base, and the below one locates on the left for

base as shown below.

air con. A connection. 1. Secure the wires marked as below from the power control base on the terminal block. (3 power cords for air con. A) Power Switch for air con. A

15A Circuit Breaker

Red line from power control base (A/C A L)

2 black lines from power control base (A/C A N)

RJ-45 network cable adapter

Function Color Mark

Air con. B Power L (Red) N (Black) A/C B L A/C B N

Function Color Mark Function Color Mark


Air con. A control (White) 2 (Black)(2 Lines) A/C A 1 A/C A 2 Air con. B control 1 (White) 2 (Black) A/C B 1 A/C B 2

3. Turn on the power switch of air con. A after finishing the wiring. NOTE: Please be sure to keep the power switch of air con. A on when operating to cool the power control base chamber. CAUTION: If the power switch of air con. A were not on, the power control base chamber will be over-heated.

Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

1.4 Video and Control Connection You will see the panel as you open the DVI & RS-232 door (#5). Please connect DVI out and COM port from the computer to the panel respectively. The Monitor System software from DynaScan can support the display mode control, e.g. brightness, spin speed and offset etc., and read the current temperature of the drum.

COM Port

Voltage Meter

Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.

DVI Port

AC/DC Converter



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

1.5 Display Operation 1.5.1 Power ON/OFF Steps

1. Turn ON/OFF the power switch for the display. 2. Turn ON/OFF the air con. switch for air conditioner. Panel of Inverter

Air Con.


Thermal Switch

CAUTION: Please do not change the default settings of inverter and thermal switch for safety.

Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

2 Function / Maintenance Introduction 2.1 Monitor System Operation 2.1.1 Start Program Follow the path (Program Files -> DynaScan Monitor System 2007 -> MonitorSystem2007); an icon


appear at the right of the task bar near the clock. Right click on this icon, and then choose <Restore> to activate the operation window.

As action 1, right click the mouse at the display list to show the “Pop Menu”. Press “New” to show the “Append” dialogue as action 2. Enter the name and model of the display and the RS232 Port used into the “Machine Data” field in the “Option Page”, then click <Append>. A new display is now added.

Copyright © 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

2.1.2 Simple Operation Provide functions to operate the display. Spin Speed: Set spinning speed for the image of the displayer. Tick <Fixed> and the image of the displayer shall stop spinning. Pull the bar of the <Stage> from low to high; the spinning speed shall increase accordingly. Brightness: Brightness adjustment. Set the degree of brightness of the displayer. Different types of displayer have different levels of brightness. Power On / Off: Turn on/off the power of the displayer manually. Power On: Turn on the display. Power Off: Turn off the display. Caution: This action shall cause the “Schedule” to pause.

NOTE: For more instruction of Monitor System 2007, Please refer to the Monitor System 2007 User Manual.

Copyright © 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

2.2 Unpacking There are two wooden crates. One is display, and the other is the base and Air con. Step 1. Disassemble the wooden top cover, and side covers. Step 2. We suggest you lift the display and move to the installation site. Display Step 3. Disassemble the wooden top cover, and side covers. Step 4. We suggest you lift the base and move to the installation site.


Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

2.3 Move the Machine Lift the Display If you want to lift the display, you must disassemble the display with the base first. To lift the display, you need to install the eyebolt on the triangle hanging frame and use the lifting device. NOTE: For more instruction of Display lifting, please refer to the complete version user manuals provided in the Disc.

Caution: Please be sure that the screws and connecting pipes and cables between the display and the air conditioner base are removed and disconnected completely. Caution: Please make sure that you fasten the eyebolt firmly, or the eyebolt may not carry the display’s weight and the display will fall down Move the display If you want to move the display, you must use a hand pallet truck.

Caution: When you use a hand pallet truck to move the display, please move it carefully and slowly. Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

2.4 Ground Mounting For Safety Reason, you must do the ground mounting to fasten the display onto the ground. Step1. Use Type J, M20*630mm foundation screw inter to the ground in advance, with the drawing shown below. Front Side

NOTE: Please Ensure that the tension strength Power Cord Hole

of each foundation screw with concrete ground mount surface is no less than

Front Cover

2500kg. The ground mounted work must be done by civil engineering specialists. After the work is complete, we advise that the reliability of it be checked and approved by authorities concerned in Conduit

your area for safety purpose. The Ground must be concrete base.

Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.


DS1016 Quick Start Guide Gpvoebujpo tdsfxt 40



)5 .21 VOD*

Type J, M20*630 foundation screw

Step2. Move the display to the preferred place and use the nuts to fix it. Tighten the M20 screws to fix the ground-fixing Opubujpo; 2/ Fwfsz gpvoebujpo tdsfx tipvme ibwf 2 xbtifs ' 3 ovut/

Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.

block with the display.



DS1016 Quick Start Guide

3 Reference 3.1 Specifications Model

DS1016 Lamp

LED Type

2.0mm x 2.0mm

Pitch (H x V) Resolution

1530x 768 x 1 screen (Full wrap)


> 7500 cd/ф


16.7 millions > 5000 : 1

Contrast Ratio

75” Diagonal x 3

Screen Size (Diagonal)

3.06 m x 1.54 m x 1

Total Display Area (W x H)

>170o x 60 o

Viewing Angle(H x V)

ĭ1.14m x 3.36m

Physical Dimension (D x H)


Physical Weight Power Supply

1ĭ,200~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 40A

Cooling System Power Supply

1ĭ,200~240 VAC, 50/60 Hz, 40A

Color Spectrum Safe Ambient Temperature Copyright © 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.

Red: 630nm

Green: 525nm

Blue: 470nm

From -20 o to 45 o C 12


DS1016 Quick Start Guide

3.2 Legal Notices Intellectual property; limited license to users T h e h a r d w a r e a n d s o ft w a r e o f o u r p r o d u c ts a re pr o tec te d b y c o p yr ig h t , t r ad em ar k , pa t en t , and/or other intellec tual proper ty laws , and any unauthor ized use of the s oftware, trademarks containing herein may violate s uch laws and the software lic ense agreement. Except as e x p r e s s l y p r o v id e d h e r e in , D yn a Sc a n a n d i ts su p p l ie r s d o n o t g r a n t a n y e xp r e s s o r i mp l ie d r ights to use any produc t r e lated hardw are and softwar e. D ynaScan is registered tr ademark of D yna Scan Technology C orp. in R .O.C and\or other co un tr ies . Micr oso ft is re g istered tr ad ema rk o f Mic roso ft Cor p . Mo on ligh t is r eg is tere d trademark of Moonlight cordless Ltd. IBM is registered tr ademark of IBM Co r p o r a ti o n . O t h e r trademarks ar e trademarks of the ir r espec tive owners . D is c la i me r Sp eci fica tio ns and information contained herein are furnished for informational use only. Revisions are periodically made to the information herein; these revisions will be incorporated in later editions. Improvements or changes in the products or the programs described may be made at any time and are subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a commitment made by DynaScan. This manual could include mistyping or typographical errors. DynaScan assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this manual. E x c lus i on o f D a ma ge s : D yn a Sc a n Tec h n o lo g y C o r p o r a t io n ’s l ia b i l i t y i s lim i te d t o t h e c o s t o f r e pa ir o r r e p la c e me n t of the pr oduc t. D yn a Sc a n Tec h n o lo g y C o r p o r a ti o n s h a ll n o t b e l ia b l e for : 1 . Da ma ges to o ther prop er ty c ause d b y a n y d e fec t in the pr oduc t, d amages bas ed up on inconvenienc e, loss of us e of the pr oduc t, loss of time, loss of profits , loss of business opportunity, loss of goodwill, interferenc e with business relationships , or other c o mm e r c ia l l o s s , e ve n i f a d vise d o f t h e p o s s i b il i t y o f s u c h d a mag e s . 2. Any other damages , whether inc id ental, consequential or otherw ise. 3 . A n y c la im a g a in s t th e c u s t o me r b y a n y o t h e r par t y. Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.


3.3 Disposal Notices Do not dispose of electrical appliances as unsorted municipal waste, use separate collection facilities. Contact your local government for information regarding the collection systems available. If electrical appliances are disposed of in landfills or dumps, hazardous substances can leak into the groundwater and get into the food chain, damaging your health and well-being. When replacing old appliances with new one, the retailer is legally obligated to take back your old appliances for disposal at least for free of charge.

NOTE: Please refer to the complete version user manuals provided in the Disc for full safety and operation info of the displays. Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.



Copyright © 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.


Copyright Š 2008 DynaScan Technology Corp.


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