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What AVID Means to Us

Advancement Via Individual Determination (AVID) is a college-readiness program that helps students overcome obstacles and achieve success. Not only do students in the program receive support through their academics, the AVID program helps students find the best versions of themselves and helps forge a strong foundation for postsecondary success. Senior students Jessica Silva and Alejandro Arevalo Mendoza, as well as Saul Montenegro of the class of 2018 want to share their experiences with families who might be interested in the program.

“Starting the first day of high school, the AVID program has positively impacted me and prepared me for the real world, and has encouraged me to step out of my comfort zone. I applied to AVID because I was interested in earning scholarships and going to college, but I have gained much more than I expected. At the beginning of my Freshman year, I was desperate to find a friend in everyone I met, but they did not last. During my Sophomore year, I found that my closest friends were (and are still) actually my AVID peers. Throughout high school, my AVID family has made every second a moment worth remembering. I felt safe to open up and be myself when I was with my AVID peers. I felt confident to start pushing myself out of my comfort zone. Junior year, I ran for an officer position in the AVID Club and was elected as President, and Vice President for Key Club! This year, my Senior year, I stepped out of my comfort zone again and was elected as the Senior Class President, while serving as the Key Club President and the AVID Club Treasurer. AVID has provided me the opportunity to advance myself and demonstrate my leadership skills. Most importantly, AVID has helped me realize that it’s okay to say ‘No,’ go home, and take a break. AVID provided me with the resources I need for real-world success ranging from organization skills and presentation skills, mock interviews, and resume building. Through AVID, I was able to apply and enter the Achieving a College Education Program at Estrella Mountain Community College where I have taken college classes since summer of my Junior year.”

Alejandro Arevalo Mendoza has eight college acceptances, nearly 30 college credits and over $400,000 in scholarship offers. He plans on attending Northern Arizona University to major in Mechanical Engineering.

“I had a very rough start to high school. I was crying all the time, and filled with anxiety worrying about if I’ll make it in high school, or become a high school dropout. I didn’t have the confidence to know I could succeed. With the help of my AVID family I have been pushed past my negative thoughts. I was helped and supported to focus on my classes and extracurriculars. AVID helped me become a more confident, vibrant, and energetic person. I used to be so worried about how I sounded to people and how I was perceived by others, but now I know that I am worth the investment. AVID is the program that celebrates my achievements with me and always supports every small milestone that leads to the main goal. I’m experiencing all my firsts with AVID, my first college acceptance, my first scholarship award, my first college campus visit, and I am so happy to know that there are other people out there that are like me. I started my high school journey thinking graduation was unlikely. Little did I know how fast these four years would be. Here I am looking at graduation just a few short months away realizing that I WILL graduate, with honors. I, for certain, know I changed for the better because of AVID and I know that without that type of motivation and support I wouldn’t have ended my high school career with the opportunities and options for my post secondary education.”

Jessica Silva has 11 college acceptances, and over $400,000 in scholarship offers. She is planning on attending either Northern Arizona University or Grand Canyon University to major in Business.

“AVID helped me prepare for college by giving me the organizational skills that have helped me succeed in my college classes. I use my agenda almost everyday, especially when I’m advised of big projects, such as final projects, on the first day of school. The agenda is the main reason that I do all of my homework, and I would have never built that habit without AVID. I learned organizational skills like maintaining a binder, which I use on a daily basis in college as well. I even organize all my notes and worksheets into one binder at the end of the semester for classes that I have to look back on for my major. AVID also gave me a heads up on preparing for and taking college entrance exams such as the SAT or ACT, which I’ve found out that a lot of my cohort, especially first generation college students, were not aware of. Now I am a student at the University of New Mexico and I am currently majoring in chemical engineering, but considering a career in education. I am still in touch with my AVID family and it has had an immensely positive impact on my life.”

Saul Montenegro is an alumni of the AVID program at Dysart High School, as well as a former tutor for AVID students.

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