3 minute read
4 Summary of Exploitable results
from E-CAM Final Report
by e-cam
The exploitable results in E-CAM and the way in which we currently exploit them is as follows:
• Scientific software
– Software produced in E-CAM uses, where possible, open source licences such as GPL, LGPL and BSD.
Where the software developed is contributed to a pre-existing external software application, the specific contributor agreements and licence terms of the external software apply (see D11.5: Data Management
Plan[17] (version 2.0));
– Software can be used by academics in further research activities (outside the action), and industrialists for further development and to integrate other features important for industrial applications. Software documentation includes, where possible, a practical applications and exploitation section, as well as the deliverables reporting them;
– Documentation of the software modules developed within E-CAM is stored on the E-CAM Library repository, which is open to contributions from anyone in the E-CAM community;
– The publicly available E-CAM Software Library hosts the documentation for all the software modules produced by each E-CAM PDRA, the attendees of the ESDW events and the scientists within E-CAM;
– Software produced in E-CAM (for OPS, n2p2, E-CAM HTC library, ALL load balancing library, ESL, etc.) has been exploited at several ESDWs, where participants external to the project have applied them to their own use cases and applications.
• Innovative ideas / inventions
– Discoveries having a commercial value and associated data-sets are under intellectual property (IP) protection (e.g. through patents, copyright) before any dissemination activities (see D11.5: Data Management
Plan [17] (version 2.0)));
– Where an industrial partner is involved, special attention is given to the software license that is used, and we make an effort in clarifying these issues from the start of the collaboration. The software developed may be kept under embargo until publication(s) leveraging the developments achieved. Such modules can be maintained as part of a private E-CAM repository until results are published and/or for intellectual property requirements, particularly relevant when dealing with industrial partners;
• Scientific publications
Open access version of the documents are made available through the E-CAM repository on Zenodo or arxiv.org, allowing knowledge transfer. The publications are accessible through a dedicated page on the E-CAM website.
• Workshops scientific reports
These are stored on our website and disseminated to academy and industry through email messages and our newsletters. They can be used in further research activities, help to identify new directions, monitor developments, allow to transfer knowledge to both industry and academia and assist in future workshops planning. The workshop scientific reports are available on a dedicated page, on the E-CAM website.
• Deliverables
Non-confidential deliverables in E-CAM are made available in the E-CAM repository on Zenodo. They are also attributed a DOI, allowing them to be cited in scientific publications and presentations. The list of deliverables is available on a dedicated page, on the E-CAM website;
• Online Training portal
– Material generated at our events is made available through our online training infrastructure. The training material can assist the participants of our ESDWs, our PDRAs and other interested groups to develop software for extreme-scale hardware. Access to the online training material is possible via registration to the
E-CAM online infrastructure. Most of the lectures recorded at our events are public on our website ;
– The portal also allows contributors to the repository to disseminate their training/expository material more widely for constructive use in future events;
• Case studies & success stories
A selection of case studies and success stories related to E-CAM’s pilot project activities are available on our website and on the FocusCoE website and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International
License. The case studies and success stories can be read on the dedicated page, on the E-CAM website.
• Calendar of events
The E-CAM calendar of events is integrated in the CECAM website and the Focus CoE portal. All our events are open to the community external to E-CAM and in particular our target groups in industry and academia.
Applications are made directly through the CECAM website.
• E-CAM Comics
The E-CAM issue of Comics&Science is freely available on our website and it is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Everyone in the extended E-CAM community can use it as a vehicle to promote HPC and simulation and modelling to the general public.