Bruce altshuler, the avant garde in exhibition new art in the 20th century, 1994 book zz

Page 1


x{'iH:h,^peonpordar rassqqnd,u,*1'i;[lil,:;1:'q,ff

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Acknowledgments t waswhile working in the ZabriskieGallery on Surrealismand on the NouueauxRlalistesthat I beganto look seriouslyat avant-gardeexhibitions,and Virginia Zabriskiehas remainedan inspiration in her unique way of combining intellectual curiosirywith a joyful love of art. At ZabriskieI first sawhow theseexhibitionsbring togetherso much that is importanrto understandingthe art of our time, and rhis project originatedthere in discussions with Ann laPides. From that germinalpoint the intrinsic interestof the materialcarriedmy researchalong,a processenrichedby the opportunity to speakor correspondwith someof thoseinvolvedin the eventsthat I relate:Alcopley,fuman, RobertBarry GraceBorgenicht,John Cage,NicholasCarone, Leo Castelli,Herman Cherry Enrico Donati, Michael Goldberg,DouglasHuebler, Allan Kaprow,JosephKosuth, Gary Kuehn, Katherine Kuh, Conrad Marca-Relli, KynastonMcShine,Phillip Pavia,Pat Passlof,Adrian Piper,Milton Resnick,Connie Reyes,Corinne Robins, Sal Romano,Joop Sanders,Irving Sandler,Martica Sawin, 'Weiner. Seth Siegelaub,Harald Szeemann,EstebanVicente, and fawrence I very much appreciatetheir time and assistance, aswell as*reir candidremarks. I alsomust thank thosewho so often helpedme ro 6nd obscuretextsalong with basicsources,especially Clive Phillporand hisitaffat the Museumof Modern Art Library.Evenwithout suchstrongresearch suppoft,being ableto walk from a beauriful readingroom into galleriescontainingso much of the art that I wasstudyingwould havebeenan incredibleexperience. With their supportI found myselfin an idealsituation, one enhancedby the many suggestions from scholarsmet aroundcardcata.logue and Xeroxmachine. Throughout this project I have been gracedwitl the encouragementand confidenceof my agentRuth Nathan.Along with my editor Mark Greenbergand picture editor Uta Hoffrnann,shehasworkedlong and hard to makethis book possible.I thank them for their effortsin bringing this all to fruition. Finally,I am gratefulfor the friendsand family who haveaccompaniedme through the writing of this book. Curious about my progressand encouragingabout my work, they havebeena sourceof strengththroughout a long process.Although therearemany others,I especially want to thank CarolineBynum, PaulCohen,Susan Linfield, Max Rudin, and Amy Vol[ all of whom, at one time or another had the right word to say.Most of all I thank Holly Hughes,whoseintelligence,emotional support, and companionshiphavebeen critical to my researchand writing. Shehas done the most to push me toward a clearview of art, artists,and the dynamicsof the art world, and this book has profited immeasurablyfrom her insight and from her good sense.


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DiElacementof theAuant-Gardt Exhibitionof Deg6nerare Art, Munich, r937 First Papersof Surrealism,New York,r94z Art of This Century New York, r94z






Ninth StreetShow,New York, May zr-Junero, rgtr




Exhibitions of the Gutai Art Association, Ashiya, Osaka, Tokyo, rgtj-j7


Pop Tiiumphant:A New Realism


YvesKlein'sLe Vde, GalerieIris Clert, Paris,1958 Armant Full-Up, GalerieIris Clert, Paris,196o New Realists,SidneyJanisGallery New York, 196z


n v lL

Theoryon the Floor


PrimaryStructures,The JewishMuseum,New York, April z7-Juneo, 1966


Dematerializ,ation: The Voiceofthe Sixties January5-y, 1969,44East;znd Street,I\ew York tVhen Attitudes BecomeForm:\Worla-Processes-ConceptsSituations-Information(Live in Your Head),KuntshalleBern, March zz-April 27, t969

Afierword Notes Bibliography Indzx PhotographCredits


2t6 2t7 274 278 288


qtrIq^\urog 'a)glue pue.lrorsrqlq pareulurer lpcerp aq ppo) sure)uorTeruaurePury -.ror,ri-r.ri"ir ,r.ta e ro3rsenbf,nu?ruodetp pa^lo^urosp rl Je4'&t,"ttceapreS-rue.cor ,,1 'rrpi*i prrSoloqrlsd PuB.uoIrIquPpuos:ad Ienuaf,sea s8uruu€a{,nauroJ IT"tr rl e{ery,, aqr lg parroddns('1'o3u iq prrrol.rru p* ;tr"idtrlttuI Prnrlnr arf Jo^sPaau 'uon"lrotlxe s{punodErzg'Pulqaqde1reqr a8rn egr-aro3aq auoSPEr{lsqaJo uoll esal{lJo auo or turep 'ql se'^a -ra(ar atp pw 'lrrpur8rro ruBrtruof,uoJ IrrIP"J rql uI luaJaqul rsluJaPoru aql PaugePl?ql sleual'ast.rd:atua lpsll apreS-rua"e 'luBII 'uealsnrcord 'Surzrroeql JI sonpr,d{'paureao8 ararnslueuour pf,prJf,slr rng 'uV uraPoryJorrmosnryaqlJo-uonellersur crsseps;r[ 1rq ,,8rrq.rrtr5 rueruel3uI ro ,rreg pa{IV uI sB-JEauIIreaddeuorssarsoJtqr saopuonoadsorlallsluraPou t{8H xq iri"rtria selluo 'r1g"rt^tq llPreq arar,rsdalsaql e'srrnPordprnrpr 1a'tou .lrexue prrz uollrl^uof,3o xrut lpeaq p# ^ru roJ ralretu Bur^oi8'r'lq prpry p_w e lq pate,rrio.u''&r,rnreapreS-ruerrtse,"ra8wqc ler{l Jo eur8uaaqa JIeslI af,u?PE e g8norql Paloru usIuJO )ynualf,sJo esorpor t.odop* suonnloler Jo uolssef,f,ns 'tustuerdotnstl uI -io* pue 'ssarSordcgnuatosq qlyJ lueluua PrPunor8 lttnrp, pue -iqgw'a rgi *or3 d.rr**'5 'p1qc-lprun sllJo arnlf,nJlseqr Peleartsuortdrunsse ',irnr suoDlpuorosorilr\,wsrurapo* jo',ttotttq tqr it lpreS-rue,rzaqr3o,{rorsrqaql ro3 -uef,rnoJo lrrslurePouf,Irsllrt eql q8nolqr qred ouo ef,PrlsuolllqlqxeosaqJ 'apre3-rue,rz PoIJorslq 'aroq rgr sEsn 01u top aruocsBqleqm Sunuesardur elor pcrrr:r zpaleld leqr srua.te dnor' slql Surrqsuorrrqrgxa srnoglu*q p^ r oq, grni p* 'aroJel{r or padseTelf,os 'auop p?rl slslue etp ,"q^ oi sle.,rrsiorre,r.JIaI{I uI papuodserPu? leru rrlgnd proua8 .9l]uf, .slsluPaJeI{^\.uolllqlqxe eqr sE^ruollEluo{uof, ]EI{] es Pu" .sJo]Je[o',SJaIEJP 'ppo^ uowluo5uof, uo papuodapef,roJsll lticot xaldtuooE t[]I^ Jo epoulenuar eI{J -r-lluouof,a pue puosrad3osruer s]I .suoltEleJ pu? .$uerua^ouJo3soqlaJa\ solsaJrrrE-ru lrd, q pr,{rr*uoirurdpnred p 'rllqnd e lq r:e3o uortdararpue lttunruruoc e Suoure 'apre3-tue're eqr3o l:orsg etp r:oddni FnrnurJo r"qr st tp-t*-ru? E erpJo &ors aq T suEureJuE qf,ns-uorna(ar pue-eouetda_ocr ot trrB^olerJr 3o Arunruruoc ? lnoqll^A rrtr'r.totid*ttsse porrrlodPu?Prnllnl ue qnsrtgr socardTmIP?rel?a' uel sTenPFIPul rouoFSullrorr p,r" ;rP.p*pur lq aperu$'lrv z'rarf,?reqtIEIrosstt ser'rursrpreS-rue're 'uoIlEIosIuI slg rcadsetwuodrur dlpnba u" PtrE lrolr\ lou PP uIrD'I rng 3o 'ag ol ou 'atull slr{Joue pardorceaqr Parurelf,rI Pef,uelPe^\oq rerlelu 'naau roJ eql Pu"tuoPsroa8rnoq8ur pererpnderaq tsrpreS-rwrrtol?IuurnsuototPs?roC slq ua E -seelrur areJaqr ur apreS-tue,re uIEIueJot ldruoUt uB se.t\tuJel el{rJo TEIUaP Jo 'uonelouul f,IlsllrE euq 3uo1e ur detsueu egl a)Fr or rq8nosu1apl-.lrrlrqlsues Jo 'erg qll^! PrrE,,seqsnrqiul^1;, PD[euqrl'4 prrelpruturJo sauoz,,Suqas pue Suntarl 'aor51a'roqt'!s oqlJo {r'g al{l b.rn.tted-,1^o.',l lerraqq ar{qlH'/"' roJ suollt, aql ot .rslprzS-rw,* sElstr' aqr-frnruac qlelrue.t,tl Buru8isdleruauri1ro,u.-rsrgirq *org 'uslf,lsself, aqr *t tl 'dpuecgp8p eroru lng eqr uI rsllr? erp rPour f,IssBIf, { Jo Y'"tU rrllud ,|dua ue EIoSIP''fua1p8 er{l Pa lrund aqr paleldsrp uondeoubcaolllJno lruelc pue pue uondeluot3o uollnf,exaJo lrrrelc f,rJorslqJo ,,.iotiqyo to,*r3o '{1eret1 ueryl aq louue) sPro'/t{ 'luaruutof, srqSo rca(qo aqr {umro3 So ,roniqtq"a eqt s,uraDlsa,1'euru rnoJo pren8paoutrpt aqr ruog $lreruarduerue1l

'ulaptrse,r,1 arBreqrJo ouo uale sdzgrad arpJo sf,IssEIf, ,,'Lrnluec ,6!6r 'f,rss?p€ tq or3ltii* .irqtq p.t" lulql I regr 'lrerluoc aqr erlnb realf,a{Pru ' ' '" or qsl4 1 'apre8-rwr't arlrJo lslu" uB aq 01Jleslru JaPlsuorrou oP I


addressed.These fundamentals crisscrossedthe spectrum of human endeavor, from the aesthetic to the political, from the transcendental to rhe technological. And for the artists of the avant-garde, these issuescould be faced only with old slateswiped clean. The avant-garde could maintain its oppositional stancejust so long as it kept a decent distance from the dominant cultural and economic institutions. But with burgeoning middle-class prosperity after the Second \7orld \?'ar, and the consequent expansion of cultural interest and support, that gap began inevitably to close. Ironically, this period of growth generated a profusion of avant-garde activiry ar the same time as it developed the cultural system that would quell the disorder. This book therefore naturally divides into wvo parts, those classic presentations of the avant-garde before \7orld \Var II, and postwar exhibitions that suggestthe diverse ways in which advanced aft was integrated into the dominant culture at an increasingpace. Tiansi"Degenerare tion is provided by the Nazi exhibition of Arr," an anti-avant-garde avantgarde show whose attendance exceeded any exhibition of the century and the movement of European vanguard artists to New York, breeding ground of an art world that would subvert the subverters. I end with an exhibition of work that consciously sought to oppose the rising commercialization of art during the sixdes, Harald Szeemannt great show of conceptual art, earth art, and sculpture of ephemeral material and process.But that exhibidon was sponsored by a major international corporation, a circumstance symbolic of the fate of advancedart in our own rime. By the late sixties vanguard artists themselveswere skepticai of the continued existence of an avant-garde. In ry67 Barbara Rose and Irving Sandler published the results of a large survey that they had conducted among New York artists. Responding "Is "No."a to the question there an avant-garde today?" most of these arrisrs answered In addition to the impossibiliry of shocking the middle class,always a desideratum of the historical avant-garde,an anistic underground seemeduntenable becausethere was no escaping media attention and the public's voracious appetite for the new. This immediate press coveragewas much talked about at the time, since the notion of an advanced guard required being ahead of something, and in the sixties things appeared to be known and accepted from the momenr of their crearion. As John Ashbery put it "Today in 1968, the avant-garde has come full circle-the artist who wants ro experiment is again faced with what seemslike a dead end, excepr that instead of crearing in a vacuum he is now at the center of a cheering mob."5 For some, like Harold Rosenberg, this situation, and the attendant lack of oppositional content, meant the death of the avant-garde.6And considered as part of the history of modernism, the avant-garde seems to have disappeared wirh the arrival ofthe cultural, social, and economic changesthat together have been designated "postmodern." Judging by verbal practice, today young artists do not even use the term, burdened as it is with such notions as complete originaliry and fairh in artistic progress. But the avant-garde has had a long history and the divirsity of its manifestations defy simple generalization. To find rhe spirit of this phenomenon, we must look at the many scenesofits introduction, the confuence ofartistic practice, aestherictheorizing, promotional skill, businessacumen, and sheerenergy that was the avant-garde exhibition.


(ruar{l ol uelsl'I ',audlornlosqe uolp1lo) utaPg rqsq?N ,,.'sellrlrulrd esagl pua sanbtofaq1 'at ,/€8x %or uE puelsrepun or Surllr.r pue reaq ot eeg eg tsnru e.,r.rstsltr? Jo uolrereue8 Sunol 'So6r'urenq 'Pr?oqPm uo 1tg aq] qrr/( lf,etuof, ur sa lesJno rnd oJ,, :af,u"J3lol .ro3papadde ernt{ aIIE uolllnPoJlul rl{r tuo{uof, Plno,.rr rtqr aSualpqr l{l Jo,llau>I Jolrcrlrod'7rututrlA?Parunvry onSoprer eqr ur pu?'l{qnd sIEr)rJo uops 5o o1r\or{'Sutureu Jleql a:oJeg ur g slf,Ils alueu eql aP"u ltl+ bul,tre:p eqr sBA lI llulBueJ lng <l?oJJaAod:rtq sassrtel4l a rssajdxa pu? Jolof, aAIsseJSSB (seAnECaql uo Pad?eq 1?q1 sE Suorls se uotslreP Pa{_o^ord Jo rr{8rs aqr dq ue r ro r"qr 1ro e 'adolaruV up SurrnonaQ zrrT sn?assnod Jo &Iulxord aqr lq pardruord 'roloc pauerqSragllpcrper3o sre}ulEd asagr sE-&sellef,xnE^rer{r Parsafflns uaag seq lI 'wlg azrJals?J?grot eur?tranwl trJtzl aql sJ?eI o1t\l txau al{l Ja o PIJ"/r, uI uoPs 'umSuEW 'uloru?J ar{rJo A{eI aJ SII{ uI lulJd uI lJ?rual slqr Pel?adal sellaf,xnB^ Pu? 'renbrr;41 '{f,ulrup1\ 'ureraq 'assllpry lq PaPunorrns Jo sgulluled Sunllns aql 'enbrz141ueqly sIH z'(,,se^nsC seP Jo sarnrdlnrs atEu?IPtI eql ol selr\ etueJaJar 'llf/x\,, 'PeuPlf,xa a^Eq ol nrrlru n? olloreuoc,,) ,,srsEaqPIv( or{l SuourE ollel?uoc pres sI ag arel{,td'IL\ uroou olul sJll3f,xtl?A slno-I f,IllJf, egl Jo lJrua 3ql sBlt\uolsEf,tro oql'Poureu era,ttleqr rBqr eral{ se-/rrlIPuE 'So6t'Sz reque^oN q8norql 8r regollo (euuotnv,P uoFS sa nEC aql 3raH plaq Prlqr oqr rE tngeP dnor8 rlorp aP?u 'sI€5u?JJselsruv soPUoTBSa nE Jasuof,al{l JoJ pa rasor dlsnor,rard 'sre1edpuer5 ol{t Jo esn er{t uops aql 3uI^I3 lg ruatugsqgersaagr 'lelr?w uueH 'suv-xnBag seP alolg ar{l Jo rorf,arlP .^Aauaql Seal rxau PeToqs rlls slql uaq \ 'lsnord Ielj?tr J PePnllul lEql P.^aoll elqBuol{sBJ aqt slgslre^?un sE.1d 'stsanbre141 E or (srelpd tltad aqr Jo tueluesBg ar{l uI 'It rJqorlo uo p:uado t1 aqr ur palp lpuacar P"q oq^\ 'urn8nzS 3o uolllglqxo a3.re1e Sulrunoru fo6r uI uolBs tsJy ar{t 'sjels?uj urePou 3o sa.atloadsonersrr dg PeqsmBuIrsIP sE./tros[E euluo]nv,P uoles oI{I 'sreqruau aqr Suorue rol lg uasoqc dml e aq ol sPA araq] Pua slqr oJ 'arlpnfard allt? ;esuof, lnoqtt.^a enuaa a,ttssarSordt SurultrueJ allqlt 'sruepuadgpul ssefrn( eql uI tJ? Jo uolr?Jgllord paurertsuof,un eql IIuII ol se os PalEaJl se/d uolBs urunlnt aga ,'Sunured ^ eu eql .ro3apsode sEelor slq ur a-lreuqlody dg peprpy aq or uauo 'eJJoJ e^Ile Jasuof, P elu?reg uoos eq 'uo llr?J se^nECJrll 3o .rauoddns ar{l Jo reu8lsaP 'urcprnof r q8nogily 'eul?llrerues arots luautr?dap lreupuel '€o6r uI au?rc palrqf,rE aqr lg papeag sBA\ruluolnv.P uoFS aqr Paqs{q"lsE 'se^n?{ al{r ,,'srsEegPII/!\,,a$Jo urOOJeuo uI uolleJtuaf,uof sll qtIA 'uolus utunlne ll\Ju Jrll lE PJJlnJf,o .{:nfuac aqf 'luslgn] 'lr? uroPotu Jo ur8rpertd reqr 3o cqgnd Jo lsrnqrno sloaSrnoq TEIIIuIeql lng aqt ol uorleruasard put:3 1sr5 eqr Jo ells oql eq PFolrl tolullt\ er{l ra o auoP lro \ llqlFa or 1e141dra,ra ppg 'srwpuadgpul eqt (((sazlrdop ftnf oN,, Jo ouoru sll qtI/N 'Sunured rse.^au oqr luetuqsllqelsa u? tualerd re8uol ou uolrlglqxe Plnol PnuuB Jo 'uoPt1 lg stuepuadpPul rr{r prnrpl rlluarC agr 'reu8r5 pue 'ternas Jo uorlearf, agl grr.r,r'|ggr lq -rog 'sol, pu? so98r agr Sur.rnp stsluorssardrul aql dq unSrq suolllglqxa 'eleuolleN ?l ,P ellleuJetp e8rel 3o uoIlIPBrt el{l Penulluot suoles e,ussarSo:d aqr uoFS eqr Pue sr?5uu{ selsllrv saP uoFS olp 'suoFs PItrUJo oal aqr le elgEldafrEun Surrured roJ enual e apr,rord or poqsllqersg 'ruulotnv,P uoFS al{l pue srwpuadgpul seP uoIES eqr <lrB PeruB P? Jo suonlglqxa rqqnd aSnq aqr le osor? lusluJaPou

'I Surdola,rap yo erg al{r ut &rtno trllqndtsereargeqr rElNPIrolNaroJagslredu

So6t'stre4 'autuotny,p uoles ar{J

?afu) ssuag?l!A

2uaolnvP uol?s -dutqrnq 'uo[I'n 'u?ulaP?N 'PTEIIInA'p:ruuog ':roua1-u,ttotu '{1reaaqr 3o anw at'1lloautoelaun srsnrelg {ro r uaesag ppol uoDrgrqxaegt ssorf,P lrorsrg eqr uedsseur?uesoq.&\ Pu? antssatSotd -eq oq? slrlp(I puug aqt to6t ur 'reu?W or pue sar8ulor a8reler{J rr'JegruaoN-Jegollo se,ttloedsortar Paro eP ara-rtt 'niluug satsl.uys?Fuol?Saatun eroqr IF ul r?qr srEIBdPu"rD eqr te srelured L6t. tq qrorvr !29'r 3r3.ry\ 'uoIrIqlqxa asueluull 4esuoJatf nt pauasat[lsnotnatl '006r 'w 'supJ 's|q?d Pu!"tt aT etp u"qt rallErusqcmu se.u(o6r ur uoPsuun]nB al{rellq '\' up ilDsse{ tr ,sruepuadTpuy eg l?r{l uoIsIf,JPslgl s?1!\lI 'aloq a e sEu'&\or{s JoJ'sa n?Caqt uo uonualre Pasnf,oj 'Sotuuqottg uaaqP"q leg '\ reqr pazruSoca: p1"tloqr,rnStrllor rauuoJ,tq 3o ,*oi lq perp4dtuof,f,E 'zutuolnvP 's!.tpd 'sl"ltd FuPt) aq pu" 'ile^\ suossrluraPou slq PeurealP"q tq 'sluoPnlsnBarotrJ aql Jo e^IrE^resuo:) .tunasnwSrnoquteml aql rr srsruorssard uolps ?tltlt atltto uouon8noul Jroru ar{lJo ouo sp^.rsarqqp,rsagqSnoqrffl -.u1 perdirctun gns aqt lpnls ot s? IIe^, sE'suolesPaf,ue^PePu" sarralp8-eqrul >ilo^\^\eu ,, {ool or rr.' srqpa8ernoouaag pu" .rre3o po8 aqr suuorssa:dxa-j1as .urourB) .urn8wyq ,ronbre141 qrr,uSuop 'so6gr rq8nernta:o141'ri.".,og ia8roag puE e^?rsnDJo olPnls aqr ur perpnrspeq daqt ereqa 'slrv-xntag sePrlo.T aqr le n?eroIAJ rr{r utrroussssn?wJo pueru " sea eH .ap&uLra8w a,4ts? u^,ouI ag o1 aru?f,r{f,rr{.1r\ 'arrneco,rord .ruoor a18urse ut s8ullured ol PaPI)oP alerluef,uof, asaqt Perolor dlq8lq (seJ?llFsec se8roaSsz.,l'r t1 uoIBSol{rJo luePlserd-arr.le oqlt\ 'sutuornv,P "lpuelogrp arrnbpa8uerrearoms8urgtp3 aqr Surrnq o,'srsnre699 lq er.pJo>lroa er{rlnq tar?l sqlu_otu sacard692,11o uonrqlqxaue ur pasrodslpsB.ase^nEC e^g euruornv,p uops aqr Suriaars,{uno cqqnd Jo Pulil el{r PerIlIIa a'req rq31u pup solslqltulod,,goef,u?ululoPeql roJ af,IroIAIf,IlIrf, eql dq palozrre tI 6:.sorsnroJuof, sr.u stuepuadopul!o6r eqr-usl^n?C 3o ruarudola,raPeqr ur Plllul qrog :olol er{l-qboD 3 lsruorssardxe Jo rrnel el{r put anbruqcartsluoIsIAIPJo IOPotu JeuroJ (r'pug ppoc rrl l"ql 1r?urePouJo u?^ pue rernasJosleldslptuecglu8ts3ulpn1cu1 'ar^EHe'I ruog saldurexe rsJo\ ar{r^{?ful-uos slq e,rt8or peluertroqrt'palr38ar5lsauJg '1:o'u plos sloa8rnoqe lq paseqcrndaraillsacardrlel{l 'eurn eqrSoduorr prrdlr e u1) eP rf,IrnEWPu? ul?Jac ?rPuV-norEIIJ gcpapue 's8ulruredlluqns ol-{f,ulruEl 'ln4 ueaf'uln8ue141 r.rua11 ,uo.r3san8ealorsrqpe8ernof,ueaH .uroru?J selr"r{J put 'enberg .1y\oqs .rr.,6*y,1 uaqy lq .palsrssB aqryo Sur8ueqaqrgo a8regcur sE^\ess'B^ rdacxaaq-ot-sa^ne{erf Jo IIE PaPnpur sruepuad7pulsaPuoPS 5o6r oq1 'qtnos eql uI uroq sE^,lI 'Palf,IPerd g3o9_w'r pue rolol ur 'le1dlt uotluur8eurl sepue .urog sE^\rolorJo loor{f,slneu aqa'r,,'Surrnerp rsruolssardurpue a^nBerf,er{rJoelf,Brrrusrqrploqeg seetu roJ rurErlf,slr tsol rrrsrlBer I ,Sunuredloarrg,p,rott"t aleu erp Surdop.taperp or L, :luatuelolu lsrAnEC PootsJaPun s'lt\ r1 'sreafluo3 rxau el{lroJ tuoor Sulurp-aqr 4"C tno"U ptritt ro, ',qt n'o \ slqt "l ftq^ rt eraq.l.r'aunH ?'I 'EIII^u?auerrellPetr l slq 91So Surruredorp peddrqs llTrnb oru8r5 uops or{r rauv .a/rs lsluorslr'rprrar{t paSeSuaeq sp_lro1dasuelur ,zadotTlur?S ur ssorJ puorupg-rrueH put, ctu8rS rtau luads P?q essll?I4J 3o'e"rrr e a:ntrrd aq1 'oeu8rgIned 'uoFs reqr_3orueplsa'rd peruredse,ra. ap Surr'ro11o3 ir**n, '?ldqon pue stuepuadTpul lo6r aqr re paleldslP aqr lq pairnbce iiri"ipt* xaaulvr 'axn7 ':|rro|retserullrea stsslteWor sePnllelrnxnl3o uorluarut,l1_ro*o,

'ss0f, ruog 'slsuoloc ln3roltod 'uerusryEJP.lseuoq Jo srats?ruaql tsIJ? IIv( ruoq./rr 'sralutedSunod uontrauo8 luelrnxnl e lepor ssassod 1*, 3o Jo r.rrod ,,p or 8,rtl"p a \,,''polrodar eq Surrdsmot,rerdaqr sluepuedgPulaqr J9 P": :uoleser{l ra5t slep ltaj e-pauadogcrqn Lralp8 s,llrqlNar{tregt? uoruqrqxadnor8 rraqrgo uors,f,f,oer{l 'lre uo ((auuolnv,p uops aql Jo srotJIASunodrno,, Pell?qP"q rlllrf, aI{I Paru? P? >lJo^.\rrar{r Jo p)lrrf, auoeruos 3o srarroddnsdlrra tsaSuortsar{r Jo auo lq rnq 7q pr*r,t ro,, ,it selneg eqt SaIIequoutuoc ot lre:luor rog ,'surSrt'ruEIrsIJr{J orul paddrr pEg snlrl] u?Iuou aqr Jo slsurluEar{l sEassIlEIAJ Jo sasEuBr aql >lc?11? plno.4 otyrl saanal se 'slseaqPI.t\ se crlqnd srgr3o alods osP sallrtrxn?A

! 7 I L D B E A S T SC A G E D

,S=* =:+-=<




ul palro ! ueuo sa n?C aqa 'sa1&slsIAnECIIry rleqr padole,rap pue -roqraSorperured ur?raq prr? esslr?I4Jlpr{t returuns snonard aqr Surrnp arnoIIIoJ le sE^! ll 'ououDl asauedtf 'moPulA uadg aq1 'rrnolllo3 E ur essn?WaureperyJo a8erurasualut ral lerus slq PuE 'perdacct se1t4. lI rng 'rr r:afar or Lln( Jo roq$q ar{l uo lno rrrerarqSrrq arp qrpr Suop aql pe8rn p"rl eq pue 'uoTesaqt oroJeg ua e uleprno[ ol atuoslrrorr'rllelcadse t21t1oH ar7 qqm u?utoA ac/J ^(.1ernftu lpra3rad rer{ ol Peuaes arntcld aqr,'dgr'r PuErsrePun 'tl te Sulqrtrns put ernrcrd aqt re :erq9nel qrl^\ guueor rou ppor ulars epnrtreD 'il? rE atuol lou a1doa4,,:asJnof,Jo',t\el^Jo tutod urtro Jaq Pfl{ ulals aPnJlJac e.rerta plno \ eJy$ sltl JIIr{^\ 'acuo lluo uonlqqxa er{r PelIsI^ JSSIIEIJ 13qr qsns selt asuodsar iqr reqisles pue..perea(pue pal^oq,, pnaorf,aqt./'ror{ stunof,er eg'(oor$.ra,ro rsnf; sruerg oo5 roJ epnruaD relsls srq qrvt' Sutrured aqr lq8noq ,,'ueasrelt Peq eI{ rtarus 'qtnos eql urog slred ol Sururnlar rserpn aqr,, ir 8uv'ar1ag rsrg errdsep 'ulals oe'I ep anr eqr uo dogs t?r{ E u?r orI.t\-eJI.{\ sltl Jo lreruod E raUE auop-unpn"argq3 'Sunured WH aell tl$m uoutoA rqJ spssn"W ero3agSuons dlrelnclrnd sE^\ uoIpEaU parue^p?Jo srouoddns rarlrea lueur roJ uela qrnlu ool 3u1aq ft1ds1p 3ql_'sPr?Putrs poqrlqe$l 3o &alcour ruertdde srgr paraar8 uorleu8tpur pue rarq8nel qrog 'uE ^\3u oql aF)IPlr ol roPlo 'oruarlxe sr-M, qauuar a&w arlt ur asuodsar clqnd aqr ur suolss a,rrssarSordaql IISIAo1 &IAIlf,E sroaSrnoq PrePu?ls B s31r\ll olltlt\ n,'sarerdorrrrlluo Sunrgnpa ua8uoq IrE qrll\ 'ln4 'rpznog 'zsarrg 'rErIeA lq stuoor rrl{lo aql uI u1(oqs qro \Jo roqrunu aqr pue 'tanbrelAl lg parngrrruof, are.&-raluruns aql lnoqe sI sIqJ 'ulotu€3 pue 'uln8uel4i Sulrnp zadorl ruI?S r?au auop tred rsotu eql ro3 sadtcseaspue sadecspuel-$lro1( 'Sutrds txeu agr lq dola,raP PIno \ aq qllqa touu?tu elneJ Jo requnu atues aql rsuelur rsoru slq ut tad tou 'noteqJ Punor? parurcd qroa a^g Pa {oqs llultu?lj\ 'lla.^ase erar{r auop s1316-513158dJnoJ pue Sunured olg-salJlue aulu suI?JeC Jo tsow 'ureroc qly{i Pe>IroltrP"q aq arall 4.'u"euErrellPaw rrll uo rrnolIo] uI rotuuns 'rsour eqr snor,rard er{r tuory dueu 'srolocrel?^r o^\t put s8urrurcd rg8ra Parlqqxa 'rsuef,Il f,rrsnre essntl J .araqr Sunq are./v\tBql sarnrcld 3o Jeqlunu aqr uaru8 llprcedse r{f,ns or pauolsnf,J?un osoqt JoJ Sulrulaqrtr-ra,rouaeq J ?q rsnu IL\ uroo1 'sruepuadTpul 9o6r erp te srerfo 3q1 qrra lrqrqxt lsry ppor'r anburg pue '(oz raqlue^oN-Iz ragorog) s[IelN rqueg re .tloqs e ne{ dnor8 tuerrnruof, ar{l ur serrr,fnq q8noqr 'uops slqr uI Perlqlqxa anbtrg rou .!nq raI{rIaN zr'uollef,ol pognuoPlun uP ut ararl^ 'aruos ua8uoq uE^ saay gll^\ 'LN( uroo1 ur llneno1 sa8roag '14 'III 'AJ( ln4 uI ueaf slno'I ruoo1 urood uI rprTBA (tueue oul aqr qrl^a urood ur sE1(zseIJCuoqlo PalBIJossEaq PFolt\ oq.AaslsIlJEJeqlo rqrJO 'rusluorssardrunso43opap rear8 e pw q3o3 ue,t panafar ills lstll cllq-nd e -ro3 'a lleroltP t?q.&\eruossE.trou sn ol readdt rq8rur Surrurcd 1oo1 p11^ B p"q ll 5o6r ur srqr sE qlnw 'suoDf,)les IerIPer lsou aqr 3o SulrnerP PuoDlP"rluou Pue uoll?rolor esuelur aqr lq poreululop uaaq a Eq lsnru Sutratua uodn uolssardul aqr-PnJIJID qll^r PeIEI)ossElou slsllr€ PePnllul osIE IL\ uroou E PUEroqlld uolu€u-rusl^n?c alrqr6'uroure) salreq3 PuE 'uInBuEIAl uuag 'lanbrery uaglv Sllulurel oP ef,IrnEW 'assIlEW grr,r,tSuop 'arega Lrelp8 reqr uo uonualle 'ur?raq ?rpuvJo >lro^{ eqr se^! 'are1d paxg ItA luoo1 uI uoll?rruetuof, eqr PuE wtg tlg ut Sulrueu rloqr q8noqr euo ueql rroru uI sr n?C eql padeldsrp dlpnrcz euruolnv(P uopS lo6r eg1 'Lo6r ur aunaf-urequrrg aIreIED rl{r PUE auuornv(p uo[ES aql re Ppq 'W?eP slq roUP sarttpedsorler rear8 aqr ylun luaue alqf,? 'arllres l.rerrllru JoJ lpnos sauu?z?J Jo rsuos gry e ra8 rou ppo./r\ crlqnd aqr lng 'PTBIIoAruorS 663r uI sroqrEq aql ol slIsI slr{ uo PaPuaIUeq Peq ulorue] uorilt{ PuE errr{r Jo Surruled I[ELusslq Surserlcrnd eculs llasolc PaIPnrs PEq assl]"IAJlroa asoqld 'llsuapref'eIqErId 'uolll^ Sutryz?J lq sSunurcd uar are ^ osp eraql 'llsupur;1 pw

rw11 'g au1gto ranbag 'try utzyoy1to unesnry x Vnrt 'mrr oJstru?q uttg 'ut zr1€z 'to6r '&H aqr q1l \ -utr uo ItO utrrrolN elq].l '2ss/1?w ilueH



9r 'dn poxrtu 'uaar8pue ,no11el'per ,anlg $l?arls sselrurog.Sulruledqrra op or uo11J410J aMnud 'ut slgr 1e Jo Surqrous?q-pasn slerrelttuetp ruo{ 11sdB-335a.,',r or?rusrtrnrrf,ro x Vâ‚Źrz 's?ltuvJuo fO '506r 't op ttrl6 'pareaJep ruaur8pn('uorrdlnsapre stduralre11y,:parrodarelolrN IalrcIAl.uanoy?pputnof aqt -u111uadg aILzssq?W ttuaH uI ..'stry-xneagsapelolE aqr3o arur8erunred5 eql e resepplnor'r .sra1o(llsnor,r,qo :atrsoddo os lou oJa./r^ daqr3r 'oqrn uar.uJo sarwtuEJar{r pu? .ssaup?ruf,DstuoJr{f,.uoDEJJaqE '90-5o6r'uralsapnluaC plrorrrd,,Jo atrsrrlt se1rr urooU t?qt etor,la. arsrrdrg,uraf ro lreuny I1\ IIeH sr'rf,rg JeqrraJo srenpordeq ot weqt pa rlleq sf,prrr rpsruo8rrur rnq .etgru" u"qJn urog Jo lreruod s<ossprxd moPq Fu? rq8rg str ur rusrJnolurepotu lq pallorxas? ^ t?qt eprseas rrlr qlt,h tretuof, puonorue 'sadotsputlaanrg nq lo auo ol liarrp aqt passardxas8urrurcd asar{rJo lueur lrora.gsnrq q8nor qrr21, uau Eutq reH Jtp qrr./r\rrcruo1x\ 'senlt/J"tv?uo) A'qruruala7acat4tuo pa8ra,ruoc eyl s,esstl"w 'tryto unasnry a"touttqyg orl /\ slnrJr rgt alBJor pepeausE^ osp a8ernorgcns ,!o6r Jeqorf,OuI er.rusr^n?C Jo ac11 Suruur8aq aqr sB rarel pegnuapr er{ lrrrnd aqt '(saunot-qdat&orct14'/,06t aqr ol r"qt uJnrar ot e8ernor aqr,, ..sueeru Jo 'w's!r?d'mtna6 epaw /z'utalg pelErlsr?ru eq 'aau? dlaraldurocSurrrers3o.upep atelsaqr Suldm3o papl rsrpreS-rur,re arp lq parrarrol jo lrarxue Sunrurruop aqr sEAsrrlJ ,ituel( I op tee[\, Tpn.uug put oa7to auloclaqJ (('rusr^neC J :Jlasurrr{pelsr 'ruasardpue rsed aqr 3o sanbrur1f,at aqt IIE rllp\ parequnf,ue .tsrue eq1 'uolssardxa ro3spaeurno or lpcarrp oBor parurn ra ' . .,, :8urrurcdsrr{Jopua aql serq8nos Jat?laq ler{l ((Jreqf,ruJ" poo3,,agr ruog Jg ser"rra,(r.re1 JeruJoJerlt uonElouur .ossntry r{rp\ llrreulpro Sulglaruos palerf,osse sr rou I"trrperJo sreel aseqrur lnq lraxuy Et(('snolxuE lperu agr 'snolxuBJr.ItrssrrEW,, Jar.uluns er{l pagrrtrsep per{oJoJeq ssoJ) puoupg-rJuaH sEr{f,nrutoyor a,usuedxa.f,rwru?JpJoeseqdtsruorssardxe aroru E or r.usruorsrlrp srq tuog po^ourar{ se uonrlr8e sessn?IAJ pe JesqoureJac 'atelsastsnrt ar{tJotueruaprasSurpuadpraguol4Jap yerueg-se8roaJJorruoq aql ur dgreauperots sp \ qrrqr'r .urn8nt5 Jo {ro \ uenrrlel erBIar{t lpnrs or olqeara,ulagr uoltelnruns Fuonppe rog 'ulrdg reau ueu8rdre4Jo r{tnosu^rol srql ur aprsdq eprs perurrd leqr seTJolr{rraqt passntsrplpuetsuoc urereq pue assrlelJ ,stsru?pepurur llecrreroaqr qrog 'uops urunlne agr ul s8urrurcd eql ruerqr,r tsou pareraua8 l pue 'turlrodul tsorueqr ueego^Br{ot Dadsorrarur sruoes,{JuSuEL\ot sreuel ruenbegsrq ul urereq lg parrodar(uontroqellof,rarrurns srgt rng .dralrruy ul enberg put zsarJC 'ar^?H o'I punore ranbrry4lpur .$nq (ouresaqt ur not?qJ Jo elsl eqr uo >puruel\ pue urtreq 'sued ur leqlrry-tures ep pnb 6r re ranbre;41pue assne141-srrcd

\ 7 I L D B E A S T SC A G E D


8r (lel?rf, slq sasnaq 'of,uePe ezluegro er? r{)II{^\Jo lr"g eW uo sp8uel pra^es Paqrrarrs ' ' ' le^ert slq ol sluBlrr puz lutdruoc uI sI eq JI 'a]gBl aqr uo l1pno1 rr s8ueq Pu" 'I qooqun ar{ 'JelI?^.\arf uoluuns ol seqsli\{PUEltr?JnElseJB uI sI )If,uluJel^ eP trJ_I,, (sen uePoo./d :aireu{ody lq pagrroiap ere r sesnesoq^\ Parured dFq8pq srq llpoedsa ssaJDeru padrrrs Jo 'laAIeA aldrnd 'apans no11ad 3o sleorlsrz/v\ Pue pue-8uo1rn .:eqreeJ ,{ef e qrvtr sE ^ >lf,ulruel\ Prprof,eP rtq Jel {og-ssuP f,IJluef,Je slq JoJ u1v\oIDI 'priueirrnd r?rl.^aalxospue f,Itsrprotu q8noqrly 'sller{ elueP PuE s?JPrur uqor,r dsdlS 'lsllf,lt uoldurEqtr 'd11ure3 padeld pue suoisayctsnur a,rt8 aq Sulrq e :oy PlIsnuJ ? IuorC 'elllrsBaq rsour aql 'sPunod 06r or esolf, ? ueog PEr{lcultusl\ PuE IIPI leal xls ra^o 'sa rud aqr Suourv llpuoirad puE af,u?readdt uI se r {f,ullu?l1 aP ollrn€I J Jer{lo auos uo lual{l ,^aalqlPuE luredJo sqolq eplll eJoru ez(('sesB^us) ',ftarsftu ? surcIrrar 'l aruos ro3 PuE 'rroJo slq qrl^ paseald s?d\ I)uIruEIA aP J rng l?ql iesnoq eqr sI arerl[\ isgolq Per 3r{l arE fiwx'atQd uow 7P uoslaw p7 tlnser ar{lPslPcPuEse^u?f,?lBrolof,JosqolgaFlITul\'\ortllsEr{eH,,:uolssororulr?llruls E Pe^reseJ)nrJf, Jar{louv ,,'ueqr turcd ol SulLrr aro3aq u,t{oP alrres sDa(qns srg re1 'sre.ry\ouJoasB^? or lurq esr^PBelN ' ' ' seqsBPenlqJo Pnolr p uI sloP ParJo lol ? Pu? 'suouralJo 1t\oq? saorr{r,, aq rEr{r Petelet4tqlannoN a7 ul IE^nC O)lrn?I l'lcunuBl\ l JoJ pe Jesal ssard aqt ul stuaturuoc Sunlcotu rsour eql Jo eruos ar{] EJo sllB./y\ gz,,','lJasJnu 'allrand u?ql eroru ou ouros elerocop lpddeq Ppo.e\ te^e^r,oq'sdgs3o s8urrultd sr11 'lra8erur ]ueFIIA ot tuoes IIr^\ srolof, Lrerueuralduol slq Jo suotllsodelxnf lsta aqr srr11ontd 4tad aq1 ':arurtd ? u?r{l reqlEr lsrlre :alsod ? aq ol ullq e^allag -I,, :ul?rac ,ro ialao*nen Surpnloul 'urslf,Iluf, a.ttte8eulp8rtl So stdratxa lrol{s ere.lnsaSerulasagl 'sregltg Surduedurocry ,z'neeg el epllly pue ulr?nD selreqJ lq qrto Sunured " Pue Jo ouof,sauuez?O E 'rolrerul pr"llln1 t 'edolarue PuB uoIT s(neessnoUPo^\oqs a8ed 8uroe3 'sroltv eqL'qys arltto Sutkq aqJ surc:ae Pue 'rEtIEA smol dq aderstas e "umol) '*rPr!A solppt4 s,rlnenog 'saurd acf .t?Pun 3u8uno7 sln4 ueaf v1t2!S eclJ s.uFgu"W uadg arg pv!- pH aql t!flm umuo l r?J sesstrEl^J:luelua^oul ./deu eql qll r Palelf,ossE 't reque oN $lro.4 pernpordar a8ed auo uO Jo tnssl eql uI uoles utunlnP aql ot uontrts prcads ? pato JP uoqausry[J purnol a llE^Josuof, eql ,.,.''''paureldxe' pernpep aql erlnb tls'oN, :8uruolar ag uer Surrpdre g ('selrorl{lJo tlnser er{t sI tI'l:trtuor all rlal I ,issauP?lrr sl qqJ. :OSSI]?IJ E Jo luo{ uI tul?lf,xa urer{r PrBaq I ual{.4 aqr ldel^Or ol Pu? srorrsr^ 3r{r 01 Pauals\ L, isuv-xwag sa? ag?zp) er{r JoJ uoPs 'Pellorluol pe{w uaeg peq oq,&\ 'aplD ?rpuv lq peoqca s?.t\.&aI sIH Pu? Fuoll?r srue(f 'Surrrrerp Pu? uolleJolof, PII.I s,assrltlAJr? roJJorl lereua8 oot sE rurq .41\Es 'drua8uttuoc aql ot lsurruor ur puv ,,'3urrurcd arnd go tf,? al{r Slasrl uI Sunured lrar.e oplslno Surrured,, sE rr palJeru sr,ltac 'r{ro^ ^{eu s(JssItEWSururerto8 uoltuetul 'aZaltrutg,7 uI sluaq arlrnery Jo Itcneroer{r pu? uolr?aPl aqr pazrsegdrua qlHA 'Esellecxne1 uBI{r rerlto sasuodsara,rtltsod r"qr t"^.roissnosrp rua8rlerul rsorrl er{J euJos eJe^A. aJeql-zzserntord asagr se arrapd stq perlgnFa e^eq ila^\ se rsnf rqSlur rq t"qr parsaSSnsf,ulrc euo-aln)IPlr o1 llafgns se,,'rlle8rel essll?I^Jellrlrt\

sprrol(rrer{r la ttv ", :ft'"#:iSHllTJ: Tr'i:"':i::li Jo eror,,uo,tptor?e

'' 'qro/"r l{slu1/lolf,pue 'luerou8r eql sp srslue oqr or PerreJotruuaZtsuaau1,7 oz*' 'snonuolardJraqrqrIA ' ' ' [rtal snol,rordaq] Jo] slslu? os Jo uazoPasoql,,Peilelor er{ 'auruo}nv,p uops 9o6r agr Suvrrat,re:uI 'PuE :,.cllgnd ol{l Jo at€J aqr ur Sung srolof,Jo rod e,, lqdsrp aqr 3ur1pc 'se n?C aql ol tsltre rEI{l uo lueluluof, sJPIsnU parlddr tapsrrylgo lpnrs z paraldurorpeq lpuacar oq.{r'rIBIrnEWalllures rr*'a{ol Sulrtr requasr ftrorrnslI{J] ' ' ' 'xoq-ruredsll qlv( Surleld PIIIP 3lo ptq Ero ssauperu suoge lernrq pu?Jt?u eqt 'uoseor.roaulqr lnoqll ! pasodtrxnIrolof,,v'zrJosegselds

\ 7 I L D B E A S T SC A G E D

of catgut,asa kind of little violin. . . ."27 Maminck had becomean anarchistwhile in the army,attendingthe military retrial of Drq.frrs in 1899,and he contributedarticlesto suchleft-wing publicationsas Le Libertaire,LAnarchie,and Fin dr Silcle.He took to painting in a similar spirit: "'Vhat I could havedone only by throwing a bomb-which would haveled to the scaffold-I attempted to realizein art, in painting, by using colors of maximum purity. Thus I satisfiedmy desireto destroyold conventions,to 'disobey,'in order to recreatea feeling,living, and liberatedworld."28"'With my cobaltsand vermilions,I wishedto burn down the EcoledesBeaux-Artsand to rendermv imoressions without any thought for what hasbeenachievedin the past."zr Largely self-taught,Vlaminck had first met his Charou neighbor Andrd Derain after their train from Parisderailedin June r9oo. They soon beganpainring together,and by Septemberweresharinga studio for ro francsa month in an old inn on an islandin the Seine,nearwhereRenoirin r88r had paintedthe Impressionisr icon Luncheonof the BoatingParty.Eventtally Vlaminck cameto paint with colors squeezedstraightfrom the tube; and when Derain introducedhim to Matisseat the important van Gogh exhibition at rhe Galerie Bernheim-Jeunein March r9or, Vlaminckwas expoundingthe virtuesof pure colors.Van Goghs expressive useof color wascritical in the developmentof many of the Fauves,but \4aminck! reacrion "I wasperhapsthe most impassioned: wasso movedthar I wantedto cry with joy and despair.On that day I lovedvan Gogh more than I lovedmy farher."3o For Vlaminck, "Fauvism more than any of the others, wasnot an invention,an attitude,but a way of being,acting,thinking, and breathing."3t Although Derain and Vlaminck sold painrings ar rhe rgot salons\4aminckt proceedsfrom the Salon d'Automne coveredthe expensesof his third daughter'sbirth-this successpaled before their good fort.rne with the dealer Ambroise Vollard. The role of the art dealersin Parisparalleledthat of the salons, exhibiting rhe work of the founders of modern painring-the Impressionisrs, Gauguin, van Gogh, Q{22nn6-x11dproviding what support could be generatedby sales.But galleryexhibitionsweremore frequent,and the young paintersof Pariswere able to feed at leaston a regulardiet of the new arr. And around 19o5-19o6things beganto pay off for some.In Februaryr9o5 Vollard visired Deraint studio on the adviceof Matisse,and acquiredeighrypaintingsfor z,ooo francs.He alsosentDerain to London to paint the Thames,atremptingto duplicateDurand-Ruelt success four yearsearlierwhen he showedMonett London paintings.32 Deraint bourgeoisfather, who ran a pastryshop in Chatou,wasso impressedthat he decidedto givehis son an allowancefor his painting, which now seemeda good invesrment.In the spring of 19o6Vollard visitedMaminck and purchased3oo paintingsfor 6,ooo francs,offering to buy his firture output. Maminck stoppedgiving music lessons,took his family out of their Nanterretenement,and movedto a housein the woodsat Jochere.33 In addition to Vollard, the other important deder of the Fauveswas Berthe 'Sf'eill. Beginning in February r9o2 wirh her exhibition of the studentsof Gustave "wild Moreau, including Matisseand Marquet, shecontinuedro show many of these beasts,"aloneand in groups.Betweenthesetwo dealersthereweremany exhibitions leadingtoward the r9o5 salons:At W'eillt therewas Dufr in Februaryr9o3, Matisse and Marquet againin May, and in April ryo4 alargegroup show including Matisse, Marquet, Manguin, Camoin, and Puy, along with rwo Dufr exhibitions that year. And at Vollardt Matissehad his first one-personexhibition in June r9o4, with van Dongen showing in November.3aDespite this exposurein the galleriesand ar rhe salons,however,it took Desvallibres's decisionto hang the Fauvestogerherin a single room to bring them, happily or unhappily,to a broaderpublic. And in the fall of ryo5 19

\ T I L D B E A S T SC A G E D

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Andri Derain. Portrait of Matrsse,1905.Oil on canuas,il% x 43A in. Musle Matisse, Nice. Duing their summerof painting togetherin Collioure,Derain capnred rhe interuity of rhe Fauuist Matisse.Here Matise ap?erlnas dzscribedthepreuioussummerb1t "Matisse Henri-Edmond Cross: the aruious, the madf anxious." opposite: Alberr Marquet Matisse Painting in Manguint Studio, r9ay. Oil on cardboard,yr/e x z83Ain. Musle National dArt Modzrve, CentreGeorges Pompidau,Pais

auaoflvq uolts a(f q ?a|on7p '!o6r 't uquanaN 'uolltJrsnlll putnof aqt to uoutas lntadg





their current work could be seenin depth outside the Salond'Automne, at Berthe \feill's group exhibition of Matisse,Derain, Vlaminck, Manguin, Marquet, Camoin, dominatedin number of paintings by her favorite, Dufr, and in Keesvan Dongent one-personexhibitionat the GalerieE. Druet.35 By the 19o6 Salon d'Automne, rhe term Fauuewas in wide use,but as a generalphenomenonFauvismwould lastonly through ryo7. k had beena specialand intensemoment, an "ordealof fire" accordingto Derain, unrenablefor the long run but of greatyield in the short. For by the time that the Fauveswenr their separate ways,they had securedfor modern painting the full auronomyof color wrestedfrom natureby Postimpressionism. Exceptfor Maminck, all of the anistshad uained in the academies, and in r9o5 thoseshowingat the Fauvesalonrangedin agefrom Derain, twenry-6ve,to Matisse,thirry-six.36 After Fauvismthey werero conrinuetheir careers, becomingsomethingof an establishmenr, influentialin the Parisianart world and successfully sellingwork in an expandingmarket. By the end of ryo6 they alsohad brought African art into advancedFrench painting.Maminck discoveredthreepiecesin a bistro in fugenteuil followinghoursof painting outdoors,and purchasedthem with a round of drinla for the house.After acquiringsomemore from a family friend, he sold a persistentDerain the largeFang maskthat would be admired by Matisseand Picassoin his studio. Matissebeganhis own African collectionwith a smallstatuepurchasedon the rue de Rennes,repirtedly showingit to Picassothat day at GertrudeSteint.37Picassotassimilationof this powerful sourcewould emergefully in r9o7, andits connectionwith Fauvismjumps out from the pagesof a remarkablearticle published in New York. The American painterGelettBurgessconducteda seriesof interviewsin r9o8-r9o9,prinredwith photographsof the artists and their work as "The Vild Men of Paris" in the ArchitecturalRecordof May r9ro. In discussions with Matisse,Derain, Friesz,Picasso, Metzinger,Herbin, and the Hungarian Bila Czobel,he soughtthe rationalefor the "ugly'' paintingthat shockedhim at the Inddpendants.Derain is shownholding one of his small carvedsculptures,nexr to a largersronework and an African pieceon the foor. Picassosits beforeAfrican sculpturehanging on his srudio wall. And Braque appearsin standardpose,abovea primitivist drawingof threewomen.38 Braque converted to Fauvism after seeingthe paintings of Matisse and Derain in the r9o5Salond'Automne,and the next summerhe went offto Anrwerp to paint with Friesz,his friend from Le Havre. Youngerthan the others-Braque was twenty-threein r9o5-in a srrangeway he would signalthe closureof the movement. Although Clzannewas importanr ro many of the Fauves,it was Braquewho would make the most radical moves under his influence, first in the fall of 19o6 and especiallyafter seeing the great r9o7 rerrospectives.Yet when he submitted his Iandscapes of LEstaquefor the r9o8 Salond'Automne, they wererejected.The jury wascomposedof Matisse,Marquet, and Rouauk, and afterwardMatissecomplained 'petit to Vauxcellesof Braquet cubes."Braquewithdrew his picturesand exhibited them in Novemberat the galleryof Daniel-Henry Kahnweiler.Reviewingthat show, Varxcelleswrote of Braquet reduction") descubes"and laterspokeof his "bizarreries cubiques"at the r9o9 Indipendants.3e Vauxcelleshad christenedanorhermovemenr, " one that would greatly overshadowthe shortlived flame of the ' wild beasts.


IVotes dz LArt,Jnutry-February 1968,p. 16.Also seeFreemm, in Freeman,p. 8i.

Introduction 'Assisted r. Quoted in Nan Rosenthal, Levitation:'The Art Of Yves Klein," in Institute for the Arrs, Rice Universiry, YuesKlein t9z8-t962: (Houston: Institute for the Arts, fuce Universiry r98z), A Renospeaiue p. roo. z. On the social character of the avant-garde, see Harold Rosenberg, "Collective, Ideological,Combative," in Thomm B. Hessand John Ashbery eds., The Auant-Gardz, Art Nms Annual XXXIY (New York: Macmillan, t968), pp. 75-78. "The Avant-Gardeand 3. On the role of the market, seeRoben Jensen, the Tiade in Art," An Journal S?inter1988,especiallypp. j6o16. "Sensibiliry of the Sixties,",4rr lz 4. BarbaraRoseand Irving Sandler, America,Janrary-Februaryry67, pp. 44-57,6o-62. The articleincludes extensiveselectionsfrom the artists'responses. 5. John Ashbery P.t3z.


Invisible AvancGrde," in Hess and Ashbery

"Collective, 6. Harold Rosenberg, Ideological,Combative,"in Hessand Ashbery p. 78. For a cogentelaborationofthis view from the opposite political camp, see Hilton Krmer, The Age of the Auant-Gardz (Nw York: Farra! Strausand Giroux, r9n), pp. 3-19. Chapterr I. For Apollinaire'smockery of Jourdain, see Guillaume Apollinaire, Apollinaire on Art: Esays and Reuieusryoz-tgr9, ed. LeRoy C. Breunig (New York Y/nng, ry72),pp. 18-36. z. The story is relatedin many places.See,for instance,John Elderfield, "Wild The Beasti': Fauuism and Ix Affnities (New York: Museum of Modern Art, ry76), p. 43, and Alfred H. Bart, Jr., Matisse:His Art and His Public (New York: Museum of Modern Art, r95r), p. 56. The exact words Vauxcellesused in Gll Bltx to describethe artless look of "the "Donatello Marquet sculpturesamidst orglr of pure tones" were chezles[auves." 3. Rousseaushowed two landscapesalong with this large painring, "The which he entitled in the catalogue hungry lion throws himself on the antelope,devouringhim, the panther amiously awaitsthe moment when shetoo can hayeher shae. The canivorous birds haveeachtorn piecesof flesh from the poor animal who shedsa tear! Sun sets."See Donald E. Gordon, Modzm Art Exhibitionsryoo-r9r6,z vols. (Munich: Presrel-Verlag, ry74), z:t39. a. Ibid.. r:28. "Fauves in the l^ardscapeof Criticism: Metaphor 5. Roger Benjamin, (Ins and Ssndal at the Salon," in Judi Freeman,TheFauueLandscape Angeles:l.os AngelesCounty Museum ofArt, ry9o), p. z5z. A EIA-.A^IA

YY' )''



rz. Theseroom identifiations are taken from Vaucelles'srwie* in the October 17, r9o5, supplementto Gil Blas.The identifiqtion of Louis Valtat and GeorgesRouaultwith Fauvismlargelysremsfrom their being reproducedon the Fauvepageof L'Illustrationof November4, r9o5.On their misidentificationasFauves,seeElderfield,pp. z4-29,6t-62. 13.For the atalogue list of works shown at the r9o5 Salond'Automne. seeGordon, z:t75-t4o. 14. lro Stein, Appreciation: Painting, Poeny, and Prase (New York: Crown, rg47), p. r58, and Gertrude Stein, TheAutobiographyofAlrce B Tohla (New York: Vintage, ty6, 196o),p. 35. On another accounr, Matisse sent his wife to observeand report back to him the public mockery (Crespelle,p. r5). For conflicting storiesof the purchaseof tVomanwith theHa;, SeeBarr, pp.37-j8. r5. Elderfield,p. 32. 16.Jack Flam, Matisseon Art (London: Phaidon, ryT), pp. ryz and 74. respectively. t7. Ietter to Signac, September 28, t9o5, in Pierre Schneider, Matisse (New York RjzrcI| ry84), p. zzz. "Painters r8. JamesD. Herbert, and Tourists:Matisseand Derain on the MediterraneanShore,"in Freeman,pp. t6z-t63. r9. Crespelle,p. r4. zo. Elderfield,p. 43, and Gmton Diehl, The Fauues(New York: Harn' N. Abrams,ry7), p.26. zt. Opplel p. 27. zz. G. JeanAubry quoted in Marcel Giry Fauuism:Originsand Deuelopments(NxYork: Alpine FineArts, r98z),p. to1. 23.For the reviewsof Denis and Gide, seeBarr, pp. Q-64. 24. The Fauvepageis reproducedin lbid., p. 19,md the other is shown in Cuoline lanchner and lTilliam Rubin, Heni Rouseau (New York: Museum of Modern Art, t98), p. t57. zy. Elderfield,p. 6r. 26. Crespelle,p. rrr. z7. Ibid., p, n1. "The 28. Carl R. Baldwin, Fauves:Reflectionson an Exhibition, a Catalogue,md a History" Arts,Jtnery76,p.99. 29. Maurice Maminck, DangerousComer (London: Elek Bools, 196r . P.II.

3o.Oppler,p. rn.

7. Ibid., p. 65.

3r.Diehl, p. roo.

8. Crespelle,TheFauues(Inndon: Oldbourne Press,196z),p. r5.

32. For an accountof Derain'srwo uips to London in the fall of r.t:, "Far from the Earth ofFrance: I:r and in early19o6,seeJudi Freeman, FauvesAbroad," in Freeman,pp. r85-zor.

9. Ellen C. Oppler, FauaismRe*amined(Ann Arbor: UniversiryMicro' films, r97z), p. ror. "Le ro. Mucel Giry Salon Des Inddpendmts de r9o5," L'Infomation "Docd'HistoiredeLArt, May-Jtne r97o, p. rro. Also seeJudi Freeman, umentaryChronology,r9o4-r9o8," in Freeman,pp. 57-68. Ir. Marcel Giry


SalondAutomne de r9o5," L'htfomation d'Histoire

33.Crespelle,p. rrz. 34. Elderfield,pp. 1r-1z. 'Weill, October zr-November :: 35. For the worls shown at Berthe r9o5, and at the GalerieE. Druet, October z3-November rr, r9o,. s


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dants was not juried, all power lay with the hanging committee, which usually was elected as a matter of course from those proposed by salon officials. But the Cubists decided to elect their own committee, and the meeting on the boulevard Raspail became a battlefield of art politics. The radicals printed a list of alternative candidates, and their posters denounced the old order of Signac and the other officers. fugument "Never lasted far into the night, and, as Gleizes later wrote, had plural voting more honor. One voted, left, and then returned to vote again."e In the end the Cubists' candidates were elected by a majoriry greater than the total number of voters. Le Fauconnier became president of the hanging committee. Because of publiciry surrounding the generd meeting, and articles in the pressby friends of the painters, the opening of the rgrr Inddpendants was a wild event. The Cubist work was displayed in rwo rooms, numbers 4r and 43, separatedby a retrospective of Henri ("k Douanier") Rousseau,who had died the previous fall. The center of attention was Room 4r, and Gleizes recounts what he found at the vernissage "People about four o'clock on a lovely spring afternoon: were packed into our room, shouting, laughing, raging, protesting, giving vent to their feelings in all sorts of ways; there was jostling at the doors to force a way in, there were arguments going on bewveenthose who supported our position and those who condemned it."rO Among the pictures causing such a stir were Le Fauconniert monumentd depiction of mother and child against the modern countryside, Abundance, L(ger's "tubist" Nudcs in a Landlcape, Gleizest fractured interior W'oman with Phlox, and "toppled Delaunays Effil Tbwer,which the critic of Petit Parisien described as over, presumably with an eye to destroying the nearby houseswhich, dancing a cancan, are rudely sticking their chimney pots into each other's windows."rlAlso appearing in Room 4r were the completely non-Cubist figurative works of Marie laurencin, included in deference to her companion Apollinaire. \X4rile Mecinger's was the only work in the salon that Apollinaire said should properly be called Cubist, the general Dressreacted otherwise. From this time on the term Cubismentered popular parlance, and was used by critics to attack the new painting. Gabriel Mourey viewed the Cubist room at the "a r9n Inddpendants as rerurn ro primitive savageryand barbariry" and Rigis Gignorx "render in Le Figaro explained that Cubists all their subjects indiscriminately in the form of cubes."r2 By the next winter there was such discussion that LAction published "lnquiry a long on Cubism," canvassingcritics and anistsfor their views.Summing up "these the conservative reaction, Camille Mauclair judged paintings and these theories Guillnume Apollinaire, poet and lto be] the poorest, most ugly, most childish imaginable."'3 Even in the cabarets,the comedians regularly made jokes about the ridicnlorls Cubw. promoterof Cubism,ca.ryr4 Apollinaire soon decided to retrear from his purist interpretation ofthe term and to apply it more broadly. So when many of the painters from Rooms 4t and 41 were invited to exhibit with the BrusselsSociery of Independent Artists in June, Apollinaire accepted the title Cubist for them in his catalogue introduction. He defended the painters again under this rubric at the Sdon d'Automne, a defense all the more necessaryas the public outrage was greater at the Grand Palaisthan it had been on the Coursla-Reine in the sprine. Since the fatt sato"'was juried, and therefore was thought to represent higher standards than the Inddpendants, the exhibition of Cubists in Room MII seemedeven "the more insulting, and Vauxcelles attacked it as sort of art and ideology that would have delighted [Alfred Jarryt] Pbre Ubu."ta Although the jury was antagonistic to the Cubists, they appear to have been persuaded by the sculptor Raymond DuchampVillon to accept Cubist entries. Their work was displayed together, thanks to the efforts of Duchamp-Villon and Roger de La Fresnaye, whose Zr Cuirassier, a faceted



Cubist painting cdricaturedat the ryrz SalondAummne in the Frenchpresl* Nre, Ocabo 26, r9r2 oppositeabove: Fernand Zlgar. Nudes in a Landscape, r9o9-rr. Oil on canuas, 48 x 68 in. RijhsmuseamKrii lln-Milller Onerln, TheNetherknds oppositebelow: Albert Gleizes. Woman with Phlox, r9ro. Oil on canuas,321/t x 3ghe in. TheMuseum of Fine Arts, Houston, Gif of Esther Fhrence \Vhinery Goodrich Foundation

military figure basedon a Gericaultcomposition,had beenshownin Room 43 of the ". Indipendants.Gleizesdescribesthe opening scene: . . unbridled abusecomesup againstequdly intemperateexpressions of admiration;it is a tumult of cries,shouts, burstsof laughter,protests.The anisa, painters,sculptors,musiciansarethere;someof the writers, poets, critics; and that unholy Parisian opening-day mob, in which socialites,genuine artlovers and picture-dedersjostle one another,along with the dairyman and the conciergewho have been given an invitation by the anist who is a 'We customerof theirs or lives in their block. . . . were accusedof the worst intentions, of seekingscandal,of making fun of the public, of trying to get rich quick by milking chesnobs;. . . hangingwastoo good for us."15 "The The exhibition included Mezingert Le Goilter, called by Salmon


oe -ilodv'prellv'nBeref,ra141'sdeunelaq aqr':e391 laluuof,neJ11 te8ulzrel4l' sezlsl9 'uonelf,osse dp.r'11 pw PeIrE^E sBArl 's&IelC Jo olPnrser{r r? 0Io eqrnoJ Surpnpur 'slepuoyrl ur pue 'xntarnd ur uopl-duer{lnq PuE uo111 lq partqs uap:e8 rep8a.rue8aq pu? orpnrsaqr lp suoouraSzltpun5 :slr?dJo sqrngnsarp ut sSurtaaur 'spuauJrelul{ rlar{l grr,,"rSuop 'slsltreJo steso.1r\laseqluolrlqIqx, ,q, tlrgp uo'f,as aqr ur readdeppo,t\ rtqt ruo{ Pettun oql Pel?er)reqr 'sdureqrnq sIIl Punoreesoql pw sruepuadgpqeqr uro{ stslqnJ aqr 'sdnor8o.t! eserpJoSururqruocarp sel'alI roC 'Erqerrdslf,uerCpue r1dq4 Pelzue{ er{rJo luoor lasltu?rCdq sSurrured-er((slslrolor uroo1 uI PIIE loldFls eqr Jo rar{rolq aqt,,pourelN ?rpuy f,Irlr) aqr lq papc-Il\ 'drrreqo.tq sE^\Surtesuad lacr?Wpu" uolrA sanb:tfJo IIIA ruoo1 ul acutreaddtaqr -urrro)lng 'Lo6r ur lrn( aqr lq parca(ersertrs8unuredslqJo euo aluls re^oauuolnv,P uoIESeql or >lro1(lltugns ol PesryeJPEIJoI{^\ 'ltunelaq se.t\luesq?llsnon:rdsuo3 'tt pt;:-rt sruoog urog asol{tJorsou lg s8urluledsE \ sE .,'uJslqn3JoesI'I EuotrJ IIe i€ur sol Bnol s?d I sllrap sul i uou i qY * arslsnc rrTosq.'r suocNg


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The brothersDuchamp-Marcel Duchamp,PaymondDuchampVillon. and JacquesVillon-in their garden in Pateaux, where artistsand writers met on Sunday afiernoons in ryrrrz. Photograph courteryAlexina Duchamp Italian Funrists in Pais in rgrz, wheretheir Februaryexhibirion chalhngedthe auant-garfustatus ofFrench Cubismb7a radical use of techniquesstudiedfour months beforeon a tour of Paisian sndios and the Salon dAutomne: (hfi to righ) Luigi Russolo,Carh Cant, E T Marineni, Umberto Boccioni,Gino Seuerini.

naire, Marie Laurencin, Andrd Salmon, the Duchamp brothers and their sister, Suzanne,Picabia, La Fresnaye,Kupka (whose studio was next door to the Duchampst), 'W'alter Pach. Henri Valensi, Andrd Mare, Alexander fuchipenko, and the American And their discussion encompassedtopics as diverse as their work. One thread stemmed from the days of the Abbaye de Criteil, the role of art in coming to terms with modern life, and with its increasingly fragmented and condensed experience. The faster pace of communication and transportation, of technological and scientific discovery of political and cultural change, demanded new pictorial expression. Other ideas entered from intellectual areasof general in161s51Henri Bergsont notion of perception involving memory of experience over time; the dwelopment of non-Euclidean geometries; and talk of the Fourth Dimension, spiritualism, and psychic experience. In fact, when Andrd Salmon announced plans for the Section d'Or in Gil Bla in June r9rz, he suggestedthat Bergson would write the catalogue introduction. Unfortunately, the eminent philosopher denied knowledge o[, or





sympathy with, the Cubists.rT The Duchamps had come from Rouen and, along with Picabia and La Fresnaye, were members of the Sociitd Normande de Peinture Moderne. They invited their new associatesfrom the Cubist salon to show with them at the Galerie de l'Art Contemporain in Paris on the rue Tionchet in November and December, r9u-in effect a prototype of the Section d'Or-and the combined group again exhibited in Rouen at the June salon of the Soci6ti Normande. Apollinaire lectured at the November exhibition on the Fourth Dimension in contemporary painting, and in the catalogue for the Rouen show, Maurice Raynal-who would lecture at the Section d'Or-saw the artists as working alongside scientists in presenting a view of the world grounded in the most advanced knowledge. For these artists, painting was to depict intellectual conception and not visual appearance,encapsulatingwhat is known rather than what is merely seen. One idea very much in the air was that of simultaneiry the hallmark of the "the Italian Futurists, who declared its expression to be intoxicating aim ofour art."r8 It was a commonplace of Cubist criticism that the new painting simultaneously displayed various perspectiveson the same subject, or combined imagesfrom disparate times and places in a single composition. Extrapolating from Bergsont view that perception involves remembered experience, and attempting ro presenr fi.-rllconceptions rather than momentary impressions, artists like Delaunay, Metzingeq and Ldger created pictures synthesizing elements across space and rime. The Italians rook this approach and turned it into an aggressiveideology, eventually promoring it in Paris as an alternative to French Cubism, Futurism's central figure was F. T, Marinetti, poet and publicist, whose primary art form was the manifesto.le Marinetti had announced his movement on the "Foundation front page of Le Figaro on February zo, r9o9, his and Manifesto of Futur"exalt ism," calling for an art that would the aggressivemomenr, the feverish insomnia, running, the perilous leap, the cufi and the blow."2o Claiming to have receivedclose to ten thousand responsesto this announcemenr, which he had paid the paper ro prinr, he embarked on promoting a movement that produced over 6fry manifestos by ryr5. In rgrr Marinetti thought that Futurist painting was ready for Paris, and he arranged an exhibition for December at the Bernheim-Jeune gallery at that time managed by the former anarchist and man of letters Fdlix Fdndon. But when Gino Severini, who had been painting in Paris since 19o6, visited the Milanese artists during the summer, he found their work retrograde by advanced French standards. Although they had "Gchnical published a Manifesto" of Futurist painting in April r9ro, the paintersUmberto Boccioni, Carlo Carr), Luigi Russolo, and, in Rome, Giacomo Balla-were working in tlle sort of divisionist technique long rejected by the Parisian avant-garde. He suggested that they delay their exhibition, and go to Paris ro see the Cubists. Funded by the wealthy Marinetti, in October they did just that. Boccioni, Carr), and according to some accounts, Russolo were guided in their tour by Severini, who knew the French afi scenewell. They visited the studios of Picassoand Braque and attended the Salon d'Automne, where they were able to seethe Cubist work that had come before the public. Their visit was reported in the Mercure dz France by Apollinaire, and Picasso brought them to Gertrude Stein, who found them boring. Fernande Olivier, Picasso'scompanion, remembered dawn coming to Marinetti's hotel room after he had been speaking without interruption for ten hours, and Boccioni wrote to a friend of arguing from seven until three in the morning in a Left Baqk restaurant with Apollinaire and Marinetti.2r Returning to Italy, they rushed to modify existing paintings and create new work for the rescheduled exhibition, to be held February 5-24, r9rz, at Bernheim-

Jean Metzingen Tea Timo r9u. Oil on wood, zgTax zZ% in. Phikdelphia Museum of Art, TheLouiseand lValterArensberg Collection. This painting, frst exhibited in the rgn Salon d'Automne,was called by critic 'lhe Andri Salmon Mona Lisa of Cubism."




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"the The dtle for the exhibition referred to the geometrical ratio of golden section," used since ancient Eg'pt in architectural design and the composition of paintings. The name seemsto have been proposed by JacquesVillon, who at the time was reading Leonardo da Vincit Tieatiseon Painting, recently translated into French. Leonardo and the topic of geometrical proportion were being discussed in the Puteaux-Courbevoie group, yet it appears that only Gris actually used the golden section to structure paintings.28 But the use of this term suggeststhe relevance to their work of theory-of aesthetic, philosophical, social, and scientific ideas. And in conffast to the rabid tone ofthe Futurists, the theory it alludes to is classicaland rational, and very French. The Bulletin dr h Section d'Orpublished a single issue, opening with a piece "Young by Apollinaire entitled Painters, Dont Get Excitedl" ("JeunesPeintres ne vous "Collaborateurs" frappez pas!"). The front page listed as nineteen writers and critics, including the insurance acuary Maurice Princet, who is credited with teaching rhe Cubists about non-Euclidean geometry. Maurice Raynal contributed the most extensive article in the eight-page publication, emphasizing the great variety of work "the included in the exhibition of a movemenr now so diverse that term'cubism is day by day losing its significance, ifit ever had any very definite one."2e The poles of this diversiry are seen in the entries ofAlbert Gleizesand Marcel Duchamp. Gleizes exhibited fifteen worla, the earliest from r9o8 and culminating in Haruest Threshing at a.lmost9 x o feer one of the largesrCubist paintings. A rural analog of Delaunay's The City of Pais, this panoramic landscape celebratescooperative work, modern agriculture, and village life. Its expressionof the epic social impulses of the Mercereau group contrasts with the more intellectualized and hermetic paintings of Duchamp. Gleizes had asked Mllon and Duchamp-Villon to have their brother withdraw one of these from the rgrz Indipendants, the nororious Nudz Descendinga Staircase,i/a. z. With chagrin, Duchamp did so, but he went on to exhibit the work in Barcelona at the Galeries Dalmau, and after appearing in the Section d'Or, the painting would find its way to greater fame at the Armory Show in New York. Painted just before the Bernheim-Jeune exhibition had displayed the Futurist obsessionwith repre"chronophotography" senting motion. the work udlized the results of Marey's and Roentgent x-rays to produce an image of the moving figure.3oDuchamp used similar pictorial devicesto depict a kind of psychological movement in others of his six works shown in the Section d'Or. One of these, King and Queen Sunoundzd by Swifi Nudts, was marked by Vauxcellesas the most offensive of the new Cubisr paintings. The issue of abstraction was an importanr one at the Section d'Or, as much for what was not shown as for what was. Of the original Cubists from Room 4r, both Le Fauconnier and Delaunay refirsed to participate. lr Fauconnier seemsto have been put offby the increasingly abstract character of much advanced painting, and the corresponding move away from narrative contenr. Delaunay, on rhe other hand, actually was moving toward complete abstraction, and in an open letter to Vauxcelles in G/ Bln of October z5 he denied being a founder of Cubism and disassociatedhis work "certain from that of young painters" at the Section d'Or.3r Delaunay would not exhibit his abstract work in France, having developed important foreign connections, beginning with Kandinsky's invitation to show at the first Blaue Reiter show in Munich in December r9rr. Paul Klee, who visited Delaunay the next April as he was "the painting the first of his FenLtes ("Windows"), wrote of them as model of the autonomous painting, living without a natural motif, with an entirely abstract plastic existence."32LesFen4treswere shown as a group at the Sturm gallery in Berlin in Janu^ry r9ry, the catalogue prefaced by Apollinaire's radical poem of the same title, disjointed and unpunctuated.33




Among the paintersof the Sectiond'Or, Delaunaywaspanicularlyannoved at the attentionpaid to Picabia,the son of a wealthySpanishfamily.Although Delaunay remainedcloseto Apollinaire,who in fact lived with the Delaunaysin the fall of rgrz while his own apartmentwas being renovated,the poet and Picabiahad spent much of the summertogether.Also a good friend of Marcel Duchamp,with whom he would later becomea prime mover of Dada in New York, Picabiawasdevelopingan abstractart after a successfulcareerpainting Impressionistpictures.In paintingsof rgrz-such x Dancesat the Sping inspiredby a peasantdanceseennear NaplesPicabiareferredto the connectionbetweenmusicand paindng that would leadApollinaireto mark his work, alongwith that of Delaunayand Henri Valensi,asOrphism. Planningmeetingsfor the Sectiond'Or wereheld in Picabiatlargeapartmenton the avenueCharles-Floquet,and it appearsthat he partially funded the exhibition. Certainly his importanceto the group is suggested by the number of his works that were hung in the show-thirteen, secondonly to Gleizestfifteen. Developingthe relationshipbetweenmusic and painting camenaturdly to artistssteepedin the Symbolisttradition, aswerethoseof the Sectiond'Or, who gatheredaround Paul Fort at tle CloseriedesLilas, and, beginningin Septemberr9rz, at the monthly dinnersof the futists of Passyin the Placed'Alma. Using color and form asa composerusesnotes,evenarrangingthem in nonobjectivepatterns,the artistwas thought to work like a musician,his creationsdirectly affectingthe soul of the viewer. "Musicalism," Henri Valensi,who dubbedhis own painting exhibitedworkswith such titles as Rhythm of the Saint-Moscowand Harmony on Saint-Yues. Yet while he argued from the musicanaloglrto the idea of a "pure painting," Valensi'swork remainedtied to identifiableimagery.It was left to CzechFrantisekKupka, neighborof Mllon in Puteaux,to makethe first breakinto completeabstraction. Kupka had beena medium in Vienna and remaineda spiritualistin Paris. "simultaneity" For him, talk of and suggestedan all-inclusivestateof consciousness, the Fourth Dimensionwasmore mysticalthan geometric.Kupka exhibitedtwo monumental abstractionsat the Salon d'Automne just beforethe Sectiond'Or opened, Amorpha,Fuguein Two Cohrs and Amorpha, Hot Chromatic,describedby a critic as "geometrically bizarre,monstrouslyhuge figures."3a Dwarfing eventhe largestCubist painting,onewascloseto 18x r8 feet.The poet NicolasBeauduinremembered Apollinaire presentinghis conceptionof Orphic Cubism-"the art of painting new suuctureswith elementswhich havenot beenborrowedfrom visualrealiry but havebeen â‚Źntirelycreatedby the artist"-while standingbeforethree canvases by Kupka at the Sectiond'Or, stressingthe connectionbetweenpainting and music.35 But despitethis accountand Kupka'sinvolvementwith the other artistsin Puteaux,he is neitherlisted in the catalogueto the exhibition nor mentionedin the publishedversionof Apollinaire'slecture.Deliveredon the afternoonof Octobern, ir wasentitledL'Ecartllement du Cubisme-The Quartering,asin drawing-and-quartering, of Cubism.Relatingthe term to artistsas diverseas Fauvesand Futurists,it suggeststhat virtually anything nontraditionalcould be calledCubist beforethe war. The lecturewas publishedin earlyr9r3 in Apollinaire'sThe CubistPainters: Aesthetic Meditations,a collectionof writings on the new art. The book supplemented a growing critical literature on Cubism, joining Andri Salmonk The YoungFrench "Anecdotal Painting with its History of Cubism," and Cubismby Gleizesand Metzinger,the first volume entirely devotedto the subject.Growing out of conversations betweenthe two artists after Metzinger moved to Meudon in the spring of ryn, Cubismpresentsmany ideasdiscussed in the Putearx-Courbevoie meetings.By ryry a number of foreign translationshad appeared,including Englishand Russian,exporting their perspectiveon the new movement. Gleizesand Metzinger begin with


FrancisPicabia. Dances ar the Spring,ryrz. Oil on canua,47h x 47% in. Phikdclphia Museum of Art, the Louise and \Y'alter ArensbergCollection.Thispainr ing was inspired by a peasant dancethat Picabia ltad seennear Napks.

oy (slrv aqr parsarordeH '9r raqolro uo aruoq ?Patwrary ur pagsqqnd'Pr"r?g uo}-r (slr?dJo aurg roJ lrerarcegrepun aters rqt ot reuel uado ue lues llrunof, pdrclunru rrp Jo reqrueurroruasE 'gndurrl arrald 'euruotnv,PuoPS aqr Suleasragy 'salrndecJoroqtu?r{Jaqr or de.Lrsrl aPeu 1Iz16ruI 'ellq,&3 roJef,grns aql rapun SurrerurursueeqPEI{Pu€ f,IlaqlseEsEIIa./r{sEIerIrITodsea dr{r?dlruErEqJ rr,('parrel{3utsno.rcarelagr r,a.ogreal lsEIare.&daqr se Pe{roru Suragra8uol ou are 'arnrrenrod3oelnf,adsorlarer{lJo pua rEJel{t t? ruoor {rEP ? uI uoPS aqr rE rar{la8or paqrunq 'srslgn3 aqa,, 'parrodararreulqodvrypedeldsrp dlrood.ara,nqror'r rslqn3 ar{lJo ruaprserdilIts 'urcPrnofz]wrg dg tduraluooq PIeq rar{roaqr 'euruolnv,p uoTBS 'pur ia8zssrura.r ar{rroJ pel{sluglou se,lra$!qn) uoslaryeqr 'dlereunuoJun '.n'oq5,{.rouryaqr uePIoE Pu" >lro^.t\aN o1ler'r stt PunoJralEllePou eqr-uollf,as 'sPualg arp Sursn pau8lsaplpuaredde Pu"-rslqn3 uet{l P)IssEIl a:oru 3ur4oo1 pu€ sraqrorq slq lq xrtarn4 rt sararduI Pa]f,nrlsuof,'Palrera sen epe5t3s,uolll1 'suonelnuryartds ot anq 'srtel SuI.4olloJ aql uI -dueqcnq Jo roog lsrg or{t lluo leunelaq pruospue rragoa dq u8lsappue tre ellterof,ePut sluatutredxeu/dou{-ralleq srgt 'aleusargel Pue 'duregrnq la8urzrayq'-ra371'sezra1D aqr parn8garduoIrEIIersuI (uol dq s8uuuied pue 'uo11rA-du?qrnq lq arnrdpcs 'ulf,uarnel arre14lq sleued 'aretrAJ lq ernrrurry jrn senbl"f lg resooJo] e 'aleusa:ge] lq pop ? PuE1ro./t.Poo.4 pue rededler*rpldyaprlr ato egrno3-xrrzatel ot1uoslsprelq s8urqsrungploqemoqPtrB s8urturedqroq padeldslpa$!qn) uot!?I4 ol{t 'er?l4l?rPuVrol?rof,ePPuErarurtd oql '4t!qnJ uostaw Jo plqrurerg eqJ 'r'auuornv,P uoFS zrf )qt Jo rurtua]e rofuur e rqr sel*rurod slrp ot lrolrl snoltlqurersorusuolll1-dutqenq aqrgo ape5e3 'uollr1-dureqlnq puoulug lg pue 'ossef,IdJo PuauJ 'ora8y arsn8nyrsrue qsrurd5aqr lq sarnrdposere.ry\ osp erer{J 'dnor8 aqr qrrrlrrqds 3r{ro,P uonf,aSlr{r raIi? 'luauele pruro3aarrrsode sePIo tr{rjo asnsH qrlx'punorS ot uo oBpporr'roluadrqlrv elFl/t\ a.rourdo1a,r.ep )Perq ol PuE'>lro.^lslgnJ eAnEAouuI 6;auq?s Jo aurPurl{r raPun r"roq5Lrourry s,>lro .{toN ut reeddePpo.^ qclq./dlro.^A E tetruepe 3o arnSgrueluef,e Peuqrga 'stslqn3 uolBsell grr,v'Suop sruepuadgpul slassnrgaqr ur u1\{or{s P"q PuB 016r ro 6o6-raruts PeJ rslqnl ;o ornrdprs Suqeur uaag P"q oqrrt 'oluadtglrv raPu"xelv 'arntdlncsJo buuall?rusE PeulBluof,uolllqlq -xa eqr-uollr1 sanboefpue re391pueureg 'rsrnof,Jo 'pue (uonsaSSns s,arleulqodv lE (srredJo eprsrnoa8e11r.t lerus e Jo reqr ol sno{r?W ruo5 etueu srq pa8ueqr oq.a,r) srssnof,rery srno'I alod aqr Sulpnlcul-ss31gpd rtl{to dueuI or uonIPP?uI lrlpur8lJo ol turclf, ,n'a?qcedorf,EqotEJo J?llnge paruredJaleue Er{or serra '116I lpo sry rer{r pe>lreruar pue selJrl) rslgn3 Luo{ aruelslP3 lE Peurcrueraq lng ur [f uroog ur parrqlqxap"q pue suopsar{] uI a Itf,Eseldaroq'I 'urluopnasde elro./r\tsruorssardurlsrq pauSrspue ef,r PE s(erlEullodyloor ruolunc 'a/rs lslqn3 sorntcldlsruolssardurl e padop,rapeI{raU.E turcd ol Sumutluocq8noqrly !O,P uolrlrs el{l eruEraqqslr{.^ ar{rJosrJzru?8ro pdrourrdeqrJo ouo s?^\aq PuE'oPueturoN?1?I3os )OO( s{ dnor8 uanoS eqr Jo rapunoJer{r uoag P?t{ tuorunq /e'.l.reller2ruuq a? uorr enbor?q,,r{rnsJouollElcunuePs,ur{Ela ElsnD'a3e11oc3o arwraw srqur ..sersBluEJ -uartursanbe:g Pu? ossEf,rd snqr SIJD's]uatuela ol uollf,EejIBJIIIJf,rsJSaqr pa>1o,ro:d eqL,,)oqpnaTrT sEu1'tou>I -radedqrn'r Suop ;or:tur lenrf,Bue paceldaq '(,,pwrsqser1tr .r,rou'Surluled Juo uI 'seltlr Jo P?elsulsJequnu lq pagnuaprllarrne,rouul'qro,lr. a la.{\rperrgrqxasrrD 'eroq'I ?rpuv pue ruorunq orraldJo Sulruredelnulresuor eql ol r^rpadsoner-tutrure8utztoyle q8norqrsug uenf lg slueulredxar'reutuor3pa8uer lO.P uolrcas eqJ E gtrns Surleldsrp'>looFno tBr{r PePueueP PBorg Tro.t\ urctuoP e€,,'bulu?euJJo aqr ul saueldJJe aJal{rsE,,plro.1rtegr rordap ot sfe.Lrlueur se aJEeJar{ll3r{r /v\el^ar{r e aq o] ua>[E]sE1(urslgn3 tuslf,Illrtr eJoW'uIslTBeJJo satcads ot aloru daqr 'd1a.nrrse88ns leqrno3 Surureel,,urePou tsrg ar{l Sulsserdxa drerodruaruocIIB ul roJ .,'rusl1ear.rog



"a government's providing a national monument to band of renegadeswho behave in the art world as the Apaches do in everyday life." The mamer was raised in the Chamber of Deputies on December 3, when Jules Louis Breton proposed thar the Grand ". Palais be denied to the Salon d'Automne, since such exhibitions . . run the risk of compromising our magnificent national heritage. And this is all the worse since it is mosdy foreigners who in our national galleries wittingly or unwittingly bring our French art into disrepute."a2The proposal failed, but it highlights the nationalisric and racist feelings that greeted much of the new arr before the war. Such views were advanced years earlier against the Fauves,as when the consâ‚ŹrvativeCatholic newspaper LAction Frangaiseruled on October z;8,rgog, "Foreigners and Jews,by whom the Salon d'Auromne has let itself be invaded in fantastic numbers, exploit this approach which is in keeping with their barbarian and imperfect souls. . . . \Vhen, in one of these brutal canvases,with shrieking colors, where the author reduces things to the level of his impoverished vision . . .you look for the artist's name in the catalogue,nine times out oFren you find the nami of a Swiss,a Belgian,an American, a Hungarian or a Finn."a3 By ryrz these feelings had become more widespread, and in Gil Blas Vatxcelles published an attack on foreigners exhibidng in rhe sdons, taking "The over the world of French art: Salon d'Automne and the Inddoendants have been swarming with Moldo-\(allachians, Germans, Slavs,and GuaremJans. These foreigners are colonizing Montrouge and Vaugirard."aa Ironically, a nationalistic response to the Parisian avanr-garde was nor confined to its critics, for the promoters of the salon Cubists saw rhem as perpetuating the French tradition of rational order. Roger Allard viewed Cubism as a modern classicism, reviving a tradition lost during Impreisionism. Merzinger described Gleizes as combining the logical with the sensual and saw lr Fauconnier's Abundance depicting the "men heroic responseto the modern landscape of of our race" (despite it being a picture of a mother and child). Olivier-Hourcade took Cubism to be an Idealist art illus"profound ffating the truth of race, of a country."a5 The Futurisrs seem to have been right in accusing these artists ofperpetuaring the French classicalffadirion. Nationalism would receiveits just desertsin the war that so radically changed the terms of European political and cultural life. But as rhe war commenced, advanced artists throughout Europe welcomed the conflagration. In addition to the bellicose Italians, the poets Apollinaire and Blaise Cendrars were enrhusiastic. Cendrars, fresh "the from his collaboration with Sonia Delaunay on 6rsr simultaneous book'-the sixfoot long La Prosedu Ti,anssibirien a dz k petite Jehanne dt France-wrote on his way "this to the front that war is a painful delivery needed to give birth to freedom. It 6ts me like a glove."a6Ironically, he was to lose his righr arm before the delivery was complete. From Russia Kasimir Malevich echoed the Futurists' paean to war and technol"I ory, and in Germany Franz Marc wrote to Kandinsky, am not angry at this war; I am gratefiJ for it, from the bottom of my heart. There was no orher avenue to the time of the spirit; it was the only way of cleansing the Augean stables of the old Europe."az Marc himself was killed in t9r6 near Verdun, five years after he had joined Kandinsky to become a messengerof such avant-garde purification in the activities of the Blaue Reiter.


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and Co., t967), pp.55-69. 4r. PierreDatx, Cubistsand Cubism(NwYo*:

Rizzoli, ry82),p. 86.


Robin, Picassoand Braque:Pioneeing Cubism (New York: 42. Museum of Modern Art, 1989),pp. 4o7, 4r2.. "The Fauves:Reflectionson an Exhibition, a Cata47.Carl F. Bddwin, logue,a History" Arts,Junery76, p. ro3. aa. Gil Bla, March 19,r9rz, in Daix, p. 82. "Cubism, Clssicism and Ideology: The rgrz 45. Robert S. Lubar, Exposici6d'fut Cubista in Barcelonamd FrenchCubist Criticism," in Eliabeth Cowling and Jennifer Mundy, On Chssic Ground: Picasso, Liger dt Chirico and the Nm Chssicism, r9r0-r9j0 (london: Thte Gallery r99o) p. 3r3.

"Reminiscences," in Robert L. Herbert, ed., rr. Vssily Kandinslcy, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hal\,ry64), p. 42. Modzm Anistsonlrr rz. From the r93o letter to Westheim,in Paul Vogt, The Blue Ri.dzr (Woodbury NY: Barron's,r98o),p.92. r 3 .V e i s s ,p . 6 6 . r4. Hahl-Koch, p. I37. 'h 15.Klaus lmkheit, History of the Almanac," in Vassily Kardinslry Mxc, The Bkue ReiterAlmanac, ed. KJtus Lankheit (New md Frmz York:Da Capo,1989),pp. 15-16, 16. Ibid., p. 18.On the name not originating from a r9o3 painting of Kandinskvi, seep. 18n8. It seemsthat the namewasa while in coming, on Septemberzr. however,asit first appearsin correspondence

46.Perloff,p. 6.

r 7 . I b i d . ,p . z o .

tz. Arrnin Zweite, TheBlue Rifur in the Lenbachham,Munich (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1989),p. tr. For Malevich,seePerloff,p. Iz.

r8. Hahl-Koch,pp. r35 r3-.

Chapterj r. Letter to Paul Westheim,publishedin Dn Kunxblatt,vol. 14,r93o,in Hans K. Roethal, The Blue Ridtr (New York: Praeger,r97r), p. 3r. z. In her memoirs ElisabethMacke describesgroup glasspainting sessionswith her husband,Franzand Maria Marc, and Heinrich Campendonk in the neighboringvillageof SindelsdorlArmin Zweite, TheBlue Rider in the Lenbachhau,Munich (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1989),notes to plate93. 1. On the commercialsuppoft for avant-gardistsmoving from Secession-qpe organiations to establishmore advmced forums for exhibi"Selling Mxtyrdom," Art in tion and promodon, seeRobert Jensen, Ameica April1992, pp. r43-r44. 4. PeterSelz,Geman ExpresionistPainting(Berkeley;Universiw of Ca.lifornia Press,1957),p. zot. 5. Zweite, notesto plate98. 6. Selz,p. 196. 7. Roethal,p. 39. 8. Selz, p. r9j, assertsthat this was the firsr such exhibition. but in Decemberl9o9 eight hundred worls weremsembledbv Madimir AlekseevichIzdebskyand shown in Odessa.largely consistingofu'ork bv Ru5sim 2ftisss-including Kandinskv,Jawlenskv,and von $0erefkin, who wereworking in Munich-the exhibition alsocontainedpaintings by Matisse,Rousseau,Gleires,Balla,Miinter, md other'WesternEuropeans.The show then traveledto St. Petersburgmd Kiev. In IgIo-r9rr Izdebsky put together mother lage exhibition of 44o work, ;3 by Kandinslry,including other membersof the NK\4r4 md such members ofthe Russianavant-gardem the Burliulc, larionov Goncharova,and Thtlin. The etalogue wm an ambitiouspubliation, containingKandin"Content sky'sessay and Form," and an advancedexcrpt from Schijn6erg's Theoryof HarmoryyGolicitedby Kandinsky). On Izdebsky and his activities,seeJelenaHahl-Koch, ed.,AmoA Schoenbrg VassilylQndinsfo: Letters,Picturesand Documents(lnndon: Faberand Faber,1984),p. r89. For worls included in theseexhibitions, seeDonald E. Gordon, Modzm Art Exhibitiorc19oo-1916, z vols. (Munich, ry71, z:4otff., 49ff. 9. Zweire,p. 29. ro. Wmsily Kandinsky, Conceming the Spirinal in Art, trans. M.T.H. Sadler(New York Dover, ry77), pp. r-2.

r 9 . I b i d . ,p . z r . z o . I b i d . ,p . 3 6 . zr. From Omo Fischer.Da, nrueBrZ (\{unich, rgIz), quoted in Selz, P'197. zz. Vogt,p. 25. zj. lakheir. p. r;. 2 4 .V t i s . p . - o n 4 9 . 25.lakheit, p. 14. "Disappearances, The First ExhibiAppearances: 26. Jmice N{cCullag, 'Blaue 1987,p, 47. tion ofthe Reiter,"',4rrr,September z-. Ibid., p. a6. "Henri Rousseauand Mod28. Croline l:nchner and Villiam Rubin, ernism," in Caroline l,anchner md William Frubin, Henri Roiuseau (Neu'York: Museum of Modern Art, ry8), pp.68-69. :9. Ibid., p. 7r. Delaunayrepliedwith a letter criticizing Kandinskyand Marc's German spiritualist interpretation of Rousseau,viewing him ratherasthe lxt ofthe greatFrenchclxsicists. 3o.lankheit, p. 29. y. Zweire,notesto plate7. Drauings, and Vritings 32. Klaus lankheit, Franz Marc: W'atercolors, (New Yorb Hrry N. Abrams, 196o), p. 16. Muc continuâ‚Źsin more "For instance,ifyou mix blue-so serious,so spiritual-with red, detail: and the comyou intensifr the red to the point of unbearablesadness, fon of yellow the color complementaryto violet, becomesindispercablc (womanm comfort-giver,not m lover!).. . . If you mix red and yellow to obtain orange,you endow the passiveand femde yellow with a termagantlike, sensualpower, so that the cool, spiritual blue once again maleprinciple; a blue now automaticallyfalls becomesthe indispensable into placenext to the orange;thesecolors are in love with eachother is the color harmony of celebration." Blue md orangthat 33.Kandinsky,ConcemingtheSpiritual in Art, p. t7. 34. McCullag, p. 52. 35.Ibid., p. a8. 36. Hahl-Koch, p. r5o.


zv 'uo4tqrqxa umo {?uDIEIluar{S sIuV sreal rnoJ lxeu eql rod '?IssndluoU tulq POIuEdtuof,f,E P"q oq'{{ 'Surrdsaqr uI uaql nl uotwtto eqr atupraq PUP (ursnooput) a3pt sll{ uro5 parzredasllsurpuql Pu?lloH ol relunry anr1g aqtto pma"Y grv,,' Suio8 nty 'fo6r tagruardo5u1 i(uerureg rnoq8nolp url,Il TI^\ Pala Err Pue ststltt ..ailey 'zunrul1E{pue reruntrl Eo6tpue z06r uI PUE -tl4m a(p pawuduatd umoqs lrrpo) uI rar{f,erlroq apls8uopparured aq il wcli Fulua? s,[1suryur;1 's:euruinse r Suunp aprsLrtunoceql ol sesself, )ruEpr{dslq >loorQsutpuq4 'r?./t\aql >IBsrqrno eql llrun 'uo4tqx(y'xe uoxl?tJossv .slstuv Jo 'ralunlAJ sselc ftiaN af n! suotlpitu,q azts llsurpur;E elalrqt) raur uorueduo: slrl rlxoraq oq.^ raruredeql I{luarC atll SutVaatxa n uotusodruo3 se.tra. lr? uV 'slsluolssaroruloaN eJIIJIpsslq uI rrrql ptn'zo6r uI Iool{rs Prlrsls 'u| ? ol 'Sutruredrsqoqurl5 PuEslJ?alll?Jof,aP tfttA'uotp1lor a1?rtud %8or Jo Jer{tou?pu? sreuoryuealxrsJo .^aolls 'tr6t '6 'sanuw uo 1tg yrspuaSnfruo.r3Sul8uer 'fo6r ut uolrnlosslPsrl eroJaqsuolUqlqxea^la^\] Pelu_nou x VrL/, suryuay,(p ry71 xu"Ieqd aqJ 'xu"[eqd eq] 'PUnoJPlnoa ar{ leql suoltEzlue8ro,slsnn ruapuadapur uonrsoduo3,Q llsulpuql ro6r de11uI '>ltrnrsqrl'Lrread' :r3ry eqrJo rsrg al{t Paqsllqerso 'uops ulels aqr3o:aruanba{ reqruau tutlrodut uP slr?duI s,asslr?WJo Pu? Iooqtrs '>pnl5uo't zuerCrlurrP?r? rrr?l 'uu?rurrndsu?HPu?eeD'IInEdPaPnPu olPnlsrsoqld '9qy 'L6gt ur..raqraSor eror.uaqt qtr.^ {ro.^ ol uo tua,&{l>1sulpury1 PalPnrslagr arag.r.t, uoruvJo Iooqls eqr or atuer p laqrqcrunl4J uI raPu?utuo: l:etqrtu^t3o rerg8nep ,uDl{aral* uo taru aq erar{lpue 'Surrurzdlprrrs p,r" .rrira ed11 3o iuapnrs,&olleJ? prradul or ,rpio .t-t8t.tgi.ttlo4:r5 ot ^orro141tuog ParreJsuelpeq l1sua1''r're['p:eng taxary'aro rql o] suslssnu pue l1suo1'n'e[ ar{rJo rellJo uv 'uqJere/Nuo^ auu?lrEtrAJ ,.qro o^liqS.torg .r"51,.,*r rqa .ruled or rrpro ur .^,rof,so^ur reer?f,p8al Surs*uo:d e dn ,te,tr8Sur,req'lr:rqr 3o a8eaqr * 96gt uI gtrIunry uI Pe Irre llsutpuu; llarerparuur lseelIJoA ,..'snonotdsuoc 'euolue ' ' ' Jr{t tE Jo sElu?l e ro affepd e Surlrrec tou sEly\oqrlt'

u?ulo.lA Jo ueul


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qllunw reup uE peluE^PEJoratuaotuelrodurl lsotu stll se.l.r

're.l.raql "g.frgnro^,rq,

a:aqr"reptsftrunor uerre^?gagr Pueqclun] J puolaq ftJ PaPualxeslFserar{I','"'t"dt legt 'acedslonrqlqxe u" -rrd prip", rraqr arrpsdmua ppo.^ rtr{t 1(orlsE palqul-asse sp pue.punor8 uoruruof,srgr8unsa33ns 3o *rqi'prnridrp ur;o souqodeqr uoq.&\ --rJal?ur 'JrnllnJ selJ?Punoq fuorstq3o pue osJelrppaJrl{te8daqrf,tu"Ilrp (slsllJ?uEJoC .Surpagpnu.rrdspa:mbar lsrr? ar{r ,,{'tssarau puolag Burdj'acrnoie or Surrulod 3o ir.r,rr,, ,,p 'llsurpuu;,1pue u?W roC 'ssepapP1ruar{l Jo.uolsu?dxaerp Pu? uollez 'ftuaua se.,lr lusITEIrar"W eql -tptrrittp,rt qtt.t Lrntuar qtueelaulueIP atculsSursearout 'iuo pnr'rtdt " ser"r rq 3ur:qo1t"^ eqrp:rradxarrEWzuerJreqrSursueel: ;-




awlg aqlJo srorlPfl .taryaa

srltJo uorllgrFfl lsrlc ar{J

uolqqlqxr 01r?u?ryv ruo'u


w -qraN ulErutpt, ,W Jo sPro^\ar{r qrl.t pareduol alsanaN uqru!?W arp tadeds.,nau ? pug or pnt4oot&uqffinasarelagr teqr aru ol stuaesr1 ' ' ' 'des se,ttsrr{J E,<'ruro; plrurrr suaawraty'l,, rtql rreIAJot Suttt:,r,r or Surdrrerelagr req.{'rloJ fltq ool ata uorcsatdxato ';AL\)N 'so n?C u?rr? eg oqr peqqnp ssa:dogl uoq/t{ asoqr Jo Tsrlllrf,sP.^aIrEIAJ

.ilffi,Ji:i;,T"in:]if;,no eqror^FueroJto aqrJouourq,qxa Puofes


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richten, echoing the alternatives so often presented in rhe face of avant-garde shows: "There are only two possibleways to explain this absurd exhibition: either one assumes that the majoriry of the members and guestsof the Association are incurably insane,or elsethat one deals here with brazen bluffers who know the desire for sensationof our time only too well and are trying to make use of this boom."6 In response,Marc wrote "People the letter to Thannhauser that brought him to Kandinslrys attention: react as if thesepaintings were isolated tumors growing in a few sick minds, whereasthey are in fact simple and austere first steps in virgin counrry. Do they not realize that the same spirit of fresh creativity is at work today in every corner of Europe, defiantly selfaware?"7 The paintings truly were indicative of international developments, for the Septemberrgro NKVM exhibition was one of the first large group shows of the European avant-garde, prefiguring the r9r2 Cologne Sonderbund and the r9r3 fumory Show in New York.8 It included pieces by Picasso (his early Crbisr Head of a Voman was reproduced in the catalogue), Braque, Le Fauconnier, Derain, Maminck, Rouault, van Dongen, the RussiansDavid and Madimir Burliuk, as well as the Munich artists and a few other invitees. The catalogue was an important document in itself, containing essaysby Kandinslcy, Le Fauconnier, the Burliuls, Odilon Redon, and an unidenti6ed writert foreword to an earlier Paris show of Rouault. Also hosting exhibitions of Matisse, Gauguin, and an immense show of Islamic art (drawing visitors from throughout Europe, including Matisse and the English critic Roger Fry), Munich in rgro provided a range of artistic stimulation rivding that of Paris. Kandinsky must have been especially gratified to find Marc writing of the


aboveleft: Staircase and chair painted in Bauarian style by Wassily Kandinskl in the MiinterKandinskyhoue, Murnau, ryrr aboveright: Vassily Kandinshy. Poster for the frx exhibition of the New Artisx' Associationof Munich, 1909.Cobr lithograph on paper 37x z5%in. SilidtiscbeGaleie im Munich. Twoyears Lenbachhaus, later the artists of the Blaue Reiter would withdraw fom the New Artists' Association and mount an exhibitionin Thannhauserigalleryalnngsid.e an exhibition by theirformer colbagues.

9n :raDBtueqr PaPese^sr{lsnu uEJo .,uollBzlPlu -ru?,,rqr ur sesrorluo snroJsIH 'pDlrequrapeq lagr qllrl \ uo utrSord e,ussarSSe eqr llqnop rr Sur4etu'eu{nf,setudlpnuassaseanlq Paau^ osp rrery 'Tenl or ererrdo.rdde -rrrdsaqr paruasardar enlq rplqa ul rusqoqudsrolol Jo salroar{lel"roqelepadola,rap llsurpuqq pue f,rEWrpog 'anlq rolol rtll roJ rysrErl rllaU en?lg peq dpuapuadapur aqr q8norqr >lro^. slq uI rnf,ar plno ^ rEr{rasdlprody ar{t Jo aureqrrIIr 8unse88ns pue a8roa3 ruIESJo a8zruraqr 3un1o,ra'3tu11slr{Jo rusllelJrl?rueq] rsure8eJeP"snrJ z 'ro6r ecursllsurpuqE ro3loqruls puosradE uteq PEL{raPlr Pu?esror{er{I 'anlq Pa ol qroq 3 4,,rsnEleq I PUEsasrol{PaTI rrEI J er<.'srePlr 'llsulpur; or Sulprocce'Surteut8tro-SroPslePuls rt uapre8.slrel I aq] uI re5of,relo uasor{f,sewulxay anrlg rae arueuerp Pua eql uI lnq'(,.sr^ea'I rnlg,,) Dutlg anrlg llsurpuu;,1 pasodordf,rEW pu? '(,fp,{C ay1,) anay ale eg elllr eqt teqr PalseSSns pue sraodt)?Ju" [L^ a.trllenrua,rE ia]ll rtll Pue 'osseJldE ePlsaqrulJd ,r(('su?rf,rsnur '[3ul.v'erps,PF{]l qaz 'n"assnoUB aprsag IIEursE aPlseq>lro./t\ 1ro.4 esauq) t lloJ E uotlJqloJ ?1?atJd u"DdlSg u? rnd ilI^r,elN ' ' ' 'aJIIIIry sll rorrlru srqr e.tr8lsnru ernlry ar{l ol der E sE 'euolesrsllre 'zr-rt6t 'f,euerulv JetIaU enelg sersedaqr or lurl â‚Ź Pu?:PerraEereq lsnu;eal erllua oqr looq oql uI 1a.ra. suolngltlxouo suodar 's teqrii4Jxu^rqre Pve' ' ' saltllr? Pu? aqtto urtot inrpoom atlt tp1m tqs pu? (slsnr?dq rtrtryzupt1 suorrcnpordorqrr.,"r(1ooq:ead;reuerup Jo Pull V 'srollPa eql sn Jo o \l eqr PtrE -urpuay,(1rsrytr1pu? d{s E aAEqI 'lle/A.,,:lroford ^\eu eJo f,r?Woror.4il raqsqqndeqr ag rsnl'u.radr4'eapr.ry\eu -upuDl 6r eunf uo pu? 'esolf,aru?]aqsraturcdo.{t-rer{rSurrdsaqr q8noJqa Jalrrlunsslrll Jrrunry uleln?rgPuEtulq qrlrtrsru:arllroq 0,,,'$ropqapulg-neurnyrJ) 'lIE tsadaePorp sac:ordllsurpuu;1 :areq -g8rau:agrer uo ag Jo ilI.l.r1 reql dddeq ure I ? pue daep E r{f,nsPe Iatre:ra.LadlacrecseAEr{I aruosa.4 se sarntrtd uror3uorssarduJl 'olPntsagt ut s8unuredruauSulaesregie sseJuof, 1,,:ir LrenrqaCuo e>lf,Eryol aloJ^\aq pue-n,rarutuns agr Surrnp r{f,runlJ ur u.,v'oqssarJr$delrIurBIsIrear8egt ertd -rrjor ol lre.rodruaruo,dFo eqtJI uollttodua3 rq8noqr eq-uolrlqlqxe I LA)N, agr ur 3unurcd s,llsurpuql lq passardrurl:a,r ueoq P"I{ eH 'Preog Sulura.to8slt uo r{glsqrEJIoPVa^lle rasuol aqr Puealsual.^el qll.t\ a resor Pelrelase-/d PUPnLA)N rqr peuro( aq 116r '5 &tnrqag uo Pu? 'sPual{ slq PuE llsurpurl qrl^\ Pr lo uI (PaJIJnsuoll?sJeuof, auo,, 'PrEs srgeJrqore141 .,..lpca3rad:aqroq)?e PoorsrJPunJA l1surpury1ry'prnsltu erp roJ pue ^rau rqt roJ l{tog uoltterll? uotutuor rler{rsP[e.^,r rtt9 tO,,,..rr.r,g, se lrrurge rraqt pesuesllarerpeturul61sulpuq1Pue f,TEIAJ'8urlaatu ut pnurlds or{tJo sarualradxaetlugut JoJ'aJnlry eql ul Lrzs lf,EJtsq?ur pue IEIJerBru -sacaullarnyosqe'lrrctdm slqr ue>IE1r\E or,,-po8 eur?saql e^EI{PFol(r/uaulv t4DA q8norqr'Puelolof,'tuloJ anEg aqrpue loog sq'llsurpur;4 roC 'Punos'etsaqlsauls cqoquls pu? IBuoltolueeqr Surzrseqdua..'PaauJauul,,slslu? eql eJndJosuorsuerurp aqr qSnorgrruorudola.r,ap prurrlds or qt?d ? tluIIaP ol uo lua .\ r10,,,'drr8 go uorssardxa (lha uPolul asJa^Iunaql eql sPloqu :rsedral rou sl 'aure8ssolesn str ur Fos Sulua4errre 'IeaPI esod.rnd3o pue 1ce1 Jo grl rr{l peurnr set{qf,Iqn.'urslleueteurJoe.rzung8rueqJ rsnf aqr qrv'a.pepa3ulrr? 'tusl1eueletu 3o sreal reUzSuruaTe^\e Jo SalaqunJo .rredsap lg ut8ag dpo mou ue e er" rplr{1r\'spulrurno,, :IreruurapoluJo lg8qd egr Surgr:csap 'zr6t ,\n[ q peqsqqndzrIISsIrSpar31ypw '116r 4nA tuauo) uI suonf,elas {ooq ar{J regluef,ecur Srnqsrara4'rS uI srsluvJo sser8uo3rrcIssnuPuoles aql ol PearsE{ uols -ra,rpa8prrqeuV'qs#ug pu" uelssngolul pol?lsuerruoeqPtrBsuolllPau?uraD aergl q8norqr auo8 peq t lfit lg pue 'uerSord tslurePouls.llsurpue;3o ocnou peerds '116rragluef,eguI 'r{f,Iunrytadr4 preguraXdq-creyrtr lq Iooq T?uuanguldg8g srga ep?ruuonf,auuort q8norqr-paqsqgnd '(rtv tl pnurld5 eql 8ulurof,uo3)runy up rsed agl tuoU salou srg Sutzru u7a37ls7ag wF raqQ erunlo^ TEurlllesaql olul sreal ,ra.a3 -r8ro dg rog llsurpuuy oql o161 pagsrug peq hL )N Puof,asrI{1 n'uonrqFlxa Pua 3o ur padeldsrp,,8uqaayJo sseupr?aul pazlTelroteruaP Pue pazrpnrlrrdsl1aralduor,,


Gabieb Milnter Dark Still Life, r9rr. Oil on canaal joVax 39% in. SaidischeGaleie irn Lmbachharu, Munich


8v eqt z Jsgruaf,ac uo cz,,'suolllg o./r{ eqrJo euoJo uotltuStsar ar{l uI Jo lllds E uI rFs -3r Surrq p.Lr (1e3 artl ur) 8ul E IIr.^aeurn rxau ro uoql ttqt tuaunSrt elqlrrol{ lnogE -raaru ,fin( rxru rl{t reqt dlrtap aaseroJI llsurpuey qlr.{\ rar{re8oJ,, leqr rllery ol etorlr\ rr?trAJrsn8nv uI zz'qglsgrg rueuoddo srq lq papearfns sE,\\ )q PuE ,,'stutod -.^aerl f,rseq ar{r uaaaleq aldnurrd uI sef,uera5lP,,Suntc 'ftenuzf ur I L\)IN aqr Jo .san8ea11oc rrer{l r^De^resuof, drqswurr?gr erF luou pauSrsarprq lpea.rp llsurpur;E 'ulslPJnlcl r]er{r Palrars ol f,rlaqlsa? luetullujtuor qlr.^A{prrq ? roJ tuol{r PeIPeeJPue 'olrr) -relrrU enelg eqr Jo sregrurtu pue 'leunelaq 'q3o3 uer' IA lq sSurrured 'qseru u?ruourv r{rnos or 'srrddnd ,.'rop?qsuendlSE pue 's8urlurcd sse13uelrereg pu? u?trr{V's8uvrrerp s,uerpllql 'stnf,Pool'r TEeIPeW ruory 8ul3ue.r suolltrlsnll sll qll.4 -rquprulv rr{t aqr dlurtrra3 Jo uorrElrduotr ar{l PunorB luaurell)xJ (sJolIPa 'AuEIf, roJ se{Eru rrrrds rnq-pnrrrrds agr lnoq€ lTEl leru spnpl.tlput rz,,'uorsryuof,lou ' ' ' 'sselasuassI prsryuol esaga 's.rorsodul Pu? sJlteuq lrdtuo 3o seIlEI[EJar? eseql t)ofqo rnoq]I.ry\Surrured y,, :lerlf,slColro regluelu nLA)N Pu? u?Irolslq lr?Jo uollf,?er eqt se \ Ielldl1 ratuac pnttrtds e ssa;dxa ol Pruees reql suroJ 1e 3o acuerdacre aqr uI {ro./( lrBrlsq? l1oq.t ts-rgsrq p:rurcd wr"r se 'lrlnolglP Jo errnos ro(zu B se.'rr,----or6r '1LA)N eIP Oq-uoltceJlsqp ot a 0111u.rrro s&surpus) Jo sJagulatu e ll? ;esuof oi Sut..rareorqrlre,r oruets e 'uotssordxa f,IleqlseeJo sJsllelu ur ruslp:n1d puno3ord e oJar{llJ? uI l?ql par:oddns srr11 .,'llssacau rauur,, a18urse3o suolr?rsoJlueluesJO.4.lP^JJ? uolr)alas aqr butu;aro9 aldrourrd rrp se.^drpuauqv el{t roJ suolt?rtsnlll Jo 'Pu3 pnrrrrds eureseql ol solnor owf w rou?altr eqr uI ruaqr ruesord ppo.u 'neessno1 pu? 'uouqlqxe JOIIaU anelg ar{l uI (rIollf,?rlsge [E]ol,, urrro slq apls8uop rruaH Jo wqr Pue 'Sraquoqc5 Jo ,rusllBrr le]o],, 3r{l ras PFo,^ uoos eH oz(('lurl -e.rrnbe dleruatuepury pue 'd1puy sI leqt Pu?-sa IT auIT E 's3 ll rlsl{r ? :loor aur?s ar{rJo rno dlenrr.rrds s.v'or8png] ' ' ' tr? u.^ o ltu 3o arrsoddo aql sI ll,, leql requo^oN eI{ af,uo 'rauaalv l>lsulPuq{ 'Sunured q8roquogr5 3o sgde.rSorogd1Y\?s ur rurq aror.ra. aqr or lessa uE alnqrrluof, or paarSeSraguoqrS Pu? 'n?urnw r?au a>IEIE uo SuIuoIlsJEA ser"rrasodruoc eqr elq \ :raquarde5-prru uI letu lleug 8-raquows PuE llsulpue; 'slelop luetu :ogy 'llsurpuql uEI{t lros luoraJlP lra,r e 3o q8noqr talurcd e st.ra. Sraquoqrs 6r'strrrou f,Ilaqrsa?Pauoll Jlestun{ eq rBr{r pauollueu puB lla Insod parldar -lpuoc atruEuossrPl?qr ,^Ael^aql Pu? 'uoll JJE elu"uosuof, dlpruolsrq or e IlEIaJ PuE 'rtrlaruoeS-nut,, uz Surpnloul -f,nrtsuoJ ,,'uoululof, uI qsnru Jo Poqleu ,,po€o1-rrut os e Eq 3uqaa3put rq8nogr go reuu?tu aloq.^ Jno Pu" JoJSut,ltrls eJea/"rleq./'t, leql ers ppor"r:asoduof, eqt ]"qt padoq eg 'sSunurzd srq3o sqdu-rSoroqdpue slnf,Poo.^itslqJo oqo3rrod r Sursopua 'gr ftenuef uo Sreguoqo5 or dPalrp ero.rr'tllsurpur;,1 ue:dorng aqr3o ,,..luour:eq Pue u?Jo s.tre1 'suteasSraquggls,, uonnlosslp alqllslserrl eqr Jo Parul uor eq ol 'uollelf,ossv ar{r rTI rEr{r puB 'Iro.t\ .^aeu s,llsulpuu;1 Jo rulq PePuluar lrrpuor jo uorsuadsns s,8req -ugr{ls tsql 3{r"lt{ or erorlr\ rrEW 'alelPilurul sE.^i\ esuodserraqt '(9-lo6r) oildo 'lar '116r'z ro -ren| Sur;rg put (6o6r) rrdo 'sacar4oueld aarqJ srrlSurreaq:agy Puolrs 'lrery r &enuef uo ]rsnul s,S.requogcg Jo uonIPP? 3o uaf,uor .{ E PePueuB Peq al{lJo slslrft lerlual ar{J'braquoqls PIourV,t9 A?sseuE sEe\rrllPl aqr qrv('hlA)N aqt Suoure lgr.rorrraro5l 'f,Isnru Pu? lareaql 'Sulrured uo self,Ilr?Jo suollcos Surpnpur taguardeg uI stuetuor Jo alget &?ulrullard e..radr4Pr"I{ulaU rues P?rl f,r?I{ ' ' 'sdep1o5 a>lll el? SIEPal{l IM, :tuH ulol ol 3JI1tslq o1 alor.^a ,,,,' ar{ sE I?OIJ sr tueuletl)xo stg 'asudratua Jqr PelsJque llucUsersnqrue Pue JJrEIl{luour 'uols ? uuog ruoU po^rrr? e{)"y{ {WA)N 3I{lJo s}sluE eql rnog? stuFnD slq arlosac -sa;dxa ,trttit"go lrrsra.trp uo snJoJ sf>rsuput1,1ol tulq PalJ?rll? lleJlu? pue Lra8turr aaneredu;oc ur rserrrul asorfr\'Dlf,EI/{ tsn8nv PueI{ slqJo PI" eqr PalsITu, f,rPW req -uardeg dyreau1 agr q8norqr Jropslapuls pu? nEurnIAJuea ueg aplslrtunoc u?IrEAEg sepr-r a1:l:rg rutseald lg partnrcund :etuuns reqr w8aq suolssnf,slg

'qao8 r4eq$2?.tqtutts Peflqs 'bqt wtlt pesuasatl ataqm 'tr6t ,(rtnun[ ul uaJuor Staqugqtg a 8ut -Fueq? utogfvawuals teueut slt'l -N aqJ ?u? u04tq1r/x2aql ut uoltnPuxlt?tlJ 'suoxlJultqvumo sttl pt? s! attnoslawu1ds auvs atlt p?t/ sSurturyds,Suquptltg '[qsuryua;,1 tog'/1g/6r aun['ap1 -sg fuaqugqtg'qa8uy so7 'afll -usu1Staqugqtgplouty'ut Vn/,r x slgr 'pfioqptat uo 1tg '116r 'rtenrod-JlesEraquoqtggouty :arrsoddo


N ! H l f i o i , . ) { l s J J Jl

'utstl?uaJ?ut utepowto sytaaatll

Sutqunbuun ur lmturdstor13ru4 Sutprsntt aqt utdap ot uoSatp ae/1pup a7toag 6 lo a8putt uv stoldu,tatqsuryuay'uoliu$nl/l urtot stclto suomanuaru1a lo rr1 s!q1 uJ 't?lunw 'swqqr?qu?7 u! el1pg aqrstlq?.lsut %8 x rr ladpd uoSunpulttuad uno tqot 'rrfu ')Eu?ru[V -Dgm Fup 4uJ ratrag anelg aqtto unot aqt n! uftsappuTg t4suryury [1nvr71




tp!un7I trr49 sn?assnouor rxau Sunqlag [lD t,/t lsrqn3 slEun?P(I'mo) molla )pe$re laupu4v er{r roJ Pasl rP 'uotl7Punol "2ut?!g sauuvtl0f srrtry oprseqrcs rauto4-t1ag e.l.rtelduotuocs.8.raquoqc5 uonlsodetxrfpu? lsenuof,JopuDIar]rpaleldsrpruaura8uerrreqr reql eesuef,e.l.rPuE pu? ta&n4 qelq?g f,saltnot ,aiu!?W eplq?g {q qfui8otoq4 oqdser'r uoptqHxe..r:.1-] rarunI,{ eter'q'Dlq paqdusor 'zz uouesrlordul put ung : -X1y lf T:.y:Cytly s,[4sutpuuytllssary @01 q-ror"raergr-luoJIa^oJop'uno',s'.nouonrqlqxo.I'.li;T:,::'ltu;:tt:;:;::il]

pue spuluv 8ur -aq)Fup.'.4Aoqursx eqr Surlgurasse Jo esrnof,er{r ur paqsllq"lsesuoltf,euuol eqt pu? sdtqsuorrzya: -tslxeql.^auJ o 'asecdur ur f,nuE{ u3aqe Er{tsnu l]r,rrtoy 'Iueqt qtl.^A.^aogs or paar8t qrr.a,radecspue-Is.rtptr4[zup.g dprcqdxaSuraqryo.'"rjo (anoq") :sesroH sftntltltg ?!/x?e pEqqlolg tBgr t roqruerac uo f,rEWPIol aq oroJoqPelsonbar rorrd'1ea:q Fug eql .'r 'oN uue^?S 'tg s1(aunqaq prof,arou sraraLlt'uonrqrqxeuEroJeperuuaeqpEI{stuaure8uerre Surrrdrorrue'r"ql palplar rerelllsulpur;4 q8noqrly n..,'s8urqrPIo rarl{t ro o^u,,Pu? uaqoy @oleq) .'ryeqesroH uo 'leunelaq 'neassno1'qlolg ueqy'Sraqugrpg 'ssepuo s8utturcdu./doslrEW 'e>lle14l suetpul s1lrll4 rn8ny (anoqo) 'luopuadrue3 r{f,rrureH '(.raqlorq qcq,u des tou saoPeg) lnqrng urutuof, ^{oqs i(luld) eJl-I llts s, rraqrt?ql posodordeq prerrsodsrquI 'uonrqrqxohtrA)N PII{I er{rJoasoqlol ueu r3q elalqpg ltq8y ot {afi Sumotls -rueJeq r:rd .rarreleql ro; sruoorurar{rpareJop?I{rosn?quu?qlrer{l llsupuqq ot 'rr6r'tprun76 tzswquupt/J 2u4 Jo etorn f,rehJf reqruar'o1q uo 'rrEJu1 'rr1dsrqr rroJrq le.u-rapuna:a.trsurld allleuret1e -!9 l? uotllqtqxg Dlt2a eltEg t?qr SuneJrpurlrap8 srrsnequueqJJo 9-l stuood ur Sunq se,trretlrg enelg eql $nl eqi lo man uotiqlqsul '8r :tg8rra,toge Jo srorrPgar{rJo uoDlgnrg rsrlc eqr rsquraf,acuo luEI qrr,t\ o/r\l lsnf urtPolu eqrJo Ja]u3f,aql aluolaq or,fir IIIA erd\ rz(('lueure^our ' ' ' 'suorrrqrqxa qrtunlN'u04rP 1(ou .^i\au roJ 3un:ers oql og rurod llr.Maryaaawlg eq!Jo srorlPaeqJ ''' ' ' 'uoll?Irosspeql -unol uutlrtg sauuaqofpua ut I ;1935ol Jnulluof,lsnu oq./dsnJo o1r\leql sI lL\[oN' 5el e ?q pur llsurpuq,l 'lsef,srrrp ar{J,, :uopuo'I ul 'ln"d 'ralporq slq ol ator^ uEIAJ'uolslf,aP -u1?W4alq?g fsasnot 1a7un1y s,{:n( arp rage ftp aql uO ,r'uonyztue?toegr3o dnlearq rr{r plo E ol tue.l.rrou PIP aplqtg tq qduSotorl4 'ryut 'sruarua:rnbar aqr rg qrql( 'r11uotusodutoSPrlnllrsgnsar'eqrqBrur -luv PuEtntuol]s.s,1uopuadun2 er{ leqr srseSSns llsurpuql reqr rleJ er{J 'paurcuraruDlJerel1r uol pue l1sua1,'re[sPuel{ rIeI{]lla8uerr5 t?lru!2H (molail Pu! .'trerlrod 'slqn) 10ru111,rtr 'uusrutrsH uo^ sPruor{Jrasodruorrr?rssnuaqr lq luutsdE t1uqrs11E Qnoq?):Dt oL Pu" taruuornEce'I pe.ttolloJoq ot (uontrf,osryaqr Url lrEllr{pue {sulpuq4 llarerpoutul 'J1uotusodu'to3 pyra y(aunqag ilaqoy : (yred relletuslllq8qs er{t roJ r?ol snor,ra;dor{reuop uerq p?q sEelnr aqt rprens tou ppo.^ luorg) admspue-ls.rtpryzup"U uotltsodu,to3 (1q3!r ot E[al Sumoqs 'rt6r eqt lnq 'sJetetuQueJ uorpeJa^0oE^Jasuof, slzx o6t l? lJelu eqr PessIuJ/4 'qrlunhl t2snpquuaqJ euzl?9 'Jzrsur sJeletuoJPnbs 'sSunurEdparrnfuouo.&\] JnoJPaaoxe Pa.^irollP PFol rer{lreulnq se^A er{t requrlu r{l?E 'perf,afersr-t A uotltsodruo3e3rc1s,lqsupuql 1! uorlqltlxE t21D[ enqg I LA)N Jo $ilg eqi lo mam uotiql?tsul aqr 'paredrorru?f,J?W ry qf,rr{.4tE 'SurraaruLrn( rxau aqt se1'ruorsEf,f,o r?f {EaJq

;url r oqE

uith Chickens, and Marct painted-glass portrait of the Douanier and DelaunaysSr. Siuein below Macket Indians and acrossa doorway from Kandinskv'swild Improuisation zz.The largeCompositionTwasadjacent to Marc'sDeerin theForest.and the third Kandinskyin the exhibition, Impression z (Moscow)wasalongsidethe sweetlyrealistic Birdsby JeanBlois Niesddand a srylizedHead by the AmericanAlbert Bloch. In the end, the exhibition did nor includeanythingother than contemporary painting, presentingan explicit conffasrof diversemodernistforms with the largely more conservativework of the remaining membersof the NKVM, shown concurrently in adjacentrooms. In addition to the arrisrsjust mentioned,the BlaueReiter showincludedthe paintingsof David and Madimir Burliuk, combiningRussianNeoprimitivism and the new Cubism; Miintert evocativelandscapes and still lifes;richly colored imagesof Marct friend and Sindelsdorfneighbor Heinrich Campendonk; dreamyfigurativescenesby the CzechEugeneKahler,who had died a week before the openingand was memorializedby Kandinskyin the Almanaz,;and Fauvistwork by Kandinsky'sformer student, ElisabethEpstein.It was Epsteinwho had alerted Kandinslcyfrom Parisof the work of Delaunay,initiaringa ielationshiprhat would makehim one of the best-knownFrenchartistsin Germanybeforethe war.The exhibition wasaccompaniedby a smallcatalogue,lessthan 6 x y inchesin size,listing most of the worksshown.The artistswerecited alongwith their citiesof residence, emphasizingthe internationalcharacterof the group.As might be expected,the cataloguewas not readywhen the showopened,and oddly for Kandinskyand Marc, it includedonly a singlesentenceas programmatictext: "In this small exhibition, we do not seekto propagateany one preciseand specialform: rather,we aim to show by meansof the varieryof forms representedhow inner wishesof the artistsare embodiedin manifold ways."zz The exhibitionmarkedthe first time that Rousseau's paintingswereshownin Germany,and his work was givenvery specialtreatment.For Rousseau was ideal for the BlaueReiter,allyingthem with the Frenchavant-garde througha sharedicon, reinforcing their interestin folk forms, and providing additionalevidencefor Kandinsky's view that both realismand abstractionequallycan express spiritualcontent.His name waslistedfirst and separately in the catalogue,and his Sneawith Chichenswas serup as a sort ofshrine, with a wrearh oflaurel leavesand a band ofblack crepebeneathit. Kandinskyhad first seenRousseau's paintingswhen he and Miinrer lived in Sbvresin


Installation uiew of the First BlaueReiterErhibition at Gahrie Thannhacuer Munich, r9rr, shouing (lS n ight) Gabieb Milnteri Dark Still Life; (throughdoor) IVas sily Kandinshyi Compositron Y; Albert Bloch'sThree Pierrors; Heinrich CampendonkiLeaping Horse; Henri Rousseau's Street with Chickens;FranzMarciPortrait of Henri Rousseau;Ralarr Dekunay:sThe City No. z. Phongraph b Gabidz Miinter, courteryGabieb Milnter andJohannes EichnerFoundztion,Munich aboveright: Instalktion uiew of the First Bhue Reiter Exhibition at Galeie Thannhauser, Munich, ryn, showing (lefi to right) Franz Marc'sThe Yellow Cow; Arnoll Schanbergp Self-Portr ait; IVas si ly Kandinsfu'sSt.G eorgeII ; (aboue) Vladimir Burliuk\ Portrait Study; (behw) Gabiele Miinteri 'Winter); Country Road (in Marc'sDeer in the ForestI; and the edgeof Kandiwfo's Composv tionY. Photographby Gabrielz Milnter counesyGabrieleMilnter and JohannesEichnerFoundation, Munich


qrlunw'n qqr?qua7at auq?D atlrstiq?l5 'ut s4â‚Źt x yr/r 'rrtu 'lJEqesJoH 'smupJu0 ro suerpul 'a4ttyt1 rnSny uo



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Henri Rousseaz.Street with Chickens, 1896-98.Oil on canaas,g3l x 4 in. Mrcie National dArt Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidnu,Pail Tb marh Rousseau as spiritual father of the Blaue Reiter in the exhibition thispainting wasenshinedaboue a kurel wreath and a band of blachcrepe.





,s 'sleuntlaq aqr qrrm 3uo1y -uolrlqlqxa el{r uI $ilo.^a Sursodrur lsou ,r{l r"l1 plrolN Puores aql Surrnp uqrog uI PalonsaP 'saaD,I'sl1surpury1 ral Surpnpur-uollf,allof, srq lueu sr,ll.-"emoJ p#E aql Pu? 'lpe5 a,teq PFo'/d tllu4 anEg -qeo) er{r on,,'trdoln lryIrn?ag ? Paumual Jo qlnru

'DmoJ ,,ir 't*,{ s"td1r,1ttq i"oqitl,, 'pres'llsurpur;4 ry 7a[1E-s1leunelaq3unt3 'eral{l "^"i1t '"r/ot i9 r"trgt"a"*;.;;.5 PecnPordarareu'ralqaql lq 1g Surpnyrur peuAo$lro./dxrS'rvupu,V )gig" ,rioi uo'rnpord T, t,to' ot 'r:dr4 dq pa:mberaarut qinofl{r uol] -ren8lrEru ooo,€rr{r paplr'o.rd,lFueUodrulxoru sdegrad'puu,4,ueruJJ3 -rqrrlxarorraUanplg arpJo rnol eql parosuodsall 'dnor8 aqlJo sallt^lrf,?Puollnlllsul aqr parroddnsrolr{aoy-PleJeasuI esnoqt dlnuej sII{ Pue ?pselN a ?E er{-srsllr? lpuedns llgruoru e qrl \ rurq Surpr'to-rdllpnrue'u raqro Surdlag oi "o!1pp"'u1 'Iro./ylsrr?W lng or ue8aqralqaql 'o16r lrmwf uI f,rew or Iulq Pal e]rEy{ relv 'r!rr.rr"d qr"trg ,^aeuegt poe lot*rt4 'l,lnes 'eu.'"z?f, lq sEIIaa se 'slsluorssa:du1 aqr lg s8urruledparrnbczPu? slred ol Pelr^El er{-erelu sltl Jo-Pu"gsnqernrry Pue 'sBuIruIEdprspua8nf g]Iuntr l uos srq Jo puel{-aletyq rsn8ny lq pasr,rpt rnq pue saxoqJnus Pettallof,lsrg rerntf,EJnucuullr3g dqrpam aq1 Lrorsq arlluo sll 'uoluqlgxa aqr3oSur8utg g8nolp ,pirt*, trtttg't.t"1g aqt qtl.^ tuaruallo ul ry{ Pu? 'luoP uos slq PuE aH dtunelaq aql or UoIIIPPEul aqt roJ sresnequueql te alr.,'a. -rra"fu " p* ,rt.t4-y,1e ?roqauoHuo tualPq s,e{rel,^{'(mwn7l 11 uo$satdwJs,Es -urpus)-uolrtgn1xe eqr ruo{ 3 5 pasegrrnd;e1qaq1 'ralqeo) p!17 teafi eI{J'sarnrlld lrrc aqr3o$rg oql Pr"r{uragoTlueMDnTJ 'qglsqrg.JloPv'nL )N l1sua1.r,rt[ pue 'uue^?S'r5 jo Surruredarp rq8noq paseqr.rnd 'lueru:a5 ut ssao ,gr .ro rur,roddos,llsurpuu; 'dgecluorl'PIosera/(lueglJo aorr{lpue 'oN -f,nsernrrysdeun"laq ro3punor8 aqr PIBIlqdslp luaurtu-o;dpue gfua:rs rPqL'7 (r 'W 'uuan?SrS'luo{ &D ttil ot'umo1 [1a[tE1aqJ uaq)pueroN &lC ,ril q8no]Yl sleunepg luasalda:ol uesorlf,ruaasu'Aaogs uotsserSord 3ui,to,u-uonozrfsqu pre.,t,rot se ser'r arol( r?q] sSunurcdrnoJ ar{J .uolllgrqxa aql ur asloSunplur se a.trssa:durt ua^rsqlr'^^Suop--alaqr pa:npo:dar ra1n1\oI IaJIE aqrJo Sunrircd'".1p*-t"EassnoE ,rrrto td"n"t a't!q 3o o r ng <rauzalv er{r roJ aur.^,PIP ra^au &un?lo6 'qclunl,{ uI perrqqxeeq qclq.^ 're roI IeJIg aqr3o8uw'zrp-ap tu1qa'te8deunepq qu"ql ul-Put 'sa1odqder8alar :relqeo) pr"qurag or ,tt"ttt.ti1 o^l3o ,1tt e pa8uerrtoqe 61su-1pury1 qlr^ ,"ttt d"11tl''" Pu?-.^ oqs eql aroJegllsurpuu; lq parlnbcePue uolrlqlqxe'r{r r"qt rpu.pu4veqr roJ ruauof,unourrEarp uo PelnPotdat----+ua4uq2 te patngrrlsrpsB.^a 'JBa,{r?ql seturslrr{JroJ qilm pa4s ar{l 'qro./\4'o.^l PePnllul Jlesrl uolnqqxe OqI ,,"rrr.oglo lreruod sseparpllsurpuq4 Sulrr8 srrery lq pagru8lssI slsltreo.&\raqt 01 ef,ueuod;I si.11n,,'mam!o'1u0du?ura7 arlt ruo{,, raluenoq aql uo lessa ue allr^! s,aPqnq parnpordarrrc:uod 6t tt,it1 , ,rt p* 'rqderSouour or pare'o tq'i""*'rq 'n?assnogqrr'/t\ -3p, tqiS,.tttx ragr a8eruoqsse13 Pallerl{lurselt\osIE letus srqSurrured f,rEW'rarleuanelg ar{r.ro3tt"rti.toa p,r" i".tnepq Sururerqour alor raq,rol-apnrrrelS 'araqr aqs rtqr rplrrod aqr Jo aserPrnds.llsutpuql Pa.,r.roqs 3o r,r3o t t^ tq"op ou dtuneleq pup 'uonrqlqxeaqr uI ltott.ljrli s,urarsdE ,.'o-auSurlnq uI tun{ lslsseppo"'r dg paur'rosarnt slq sel?lsPu? kpnr.rrng 'n?ossnode arlnbl? ol arlseP_ .'&urulaq aqr lq ure8eltrn's' sE^\aq leqr -rta tqr trit*pt ..'reodrea:3srqr,o rarrrode.l,tssardxa qrr*r, X1r"rir".21 .uo'elrlqnd iq'o3 {ro.{ sn?assno.3o sqderSorogdurerqourlrl '82 raqorlo uo uelllr'{\ dpgpue uuawlf eql ol dessauB elnqlrluor rq r"ql palse aI ,drunelaq ot ,titr1 tirg ttq ul pue 'urirsda qlaqesllguro5 sgulruledu',r'ros.ltunepc dg 'or'rr-lrue'au3o 13e llsulpuu; 'af,uePlf,urof, 3o ,qirr€-otoqd pt"lrJrt it"i prq plol e 'leunelaq rraqoSor-Bu1 u"8aq'og,lnrsiu?-al1Jo-Puelr3 rr,13un:e11oc i,1t ," 1ro^ -:lo1t{ lueu aqtSoltir,t "ptr.pordir loog E'PqfI'reluled eqr uo gderS sn?ossnod 'Lo-9o6r -ouolu .^aau s,aPqnurlaql/n tulq luesrodld rauPPe l^er sElt\lsarslul slq Pue






both in size and in ambition-were those of Marc and Kandinslcy. Marc showed four paintings and the Rousseauportrait, and Kandinsky three oils and two worls on glass. The most striking of the Marcs was his leaping Yellnw Cow. Responsesranged from "an altothat of the conservative Alexander Kanoldt, of the NKVM, who saw it as gether deplorable work," to that of the poer and future Dadaist'walter Mehring, wtro "bellowing cow-yellow."31Marc himself had particular associationsin mind ixtolled iis for the intense colori used in his pictures, as he wrote in a December Igro letter to "Blue is rhe male principle, severeand spiritual. Yellow is the female prrnciple, Macke: gende, cheerful, and sensual. Red is matter, bru:'al and heavy, the color that has to come into conflict with, and succumb to, the other tvro."32 Marct symbolic program here, in which the use of color reflects the ultimate triumph of spirit over mafter, was complemented by Kandinskys work in the exhibition. iGndiniky showed an example of each of the three kinds of painting delimited at the conclusion of Concerningthe Spiritual in Art,which Piper had rushed into prinr in time to appear during the exhibition and to be sold there. His ImpressionII (Moscow) "a was direct impression of outward nature, expressedin purely artistic form." t*?*?L "a largely unconscious, sPontaneous expression ofinner character, the satiln 22 was "an expressionof a slowly formed inner non-material nature." And Composition Vwas "reason, feeling, which comes to utterance only after long maturing," and in which,rrt.rr, purpose, play an overwhelming par1."zzTogether they were to signify a development roward the highest state of artistic practice, the use of intellect and consciousnessto display significant feeling and reveal spiritual content' In toml effect the paintings of Kandinslcy, Marc, and Delaunay overwhelmed much of the other work in the exhibition. Niestl6, in particular, was unhappy, both disappointed that the show did nor contain the sort ofhistoricd and cultural variety thaihe had been led to expect, and upset at rhe way in which his modest work looked ". amidst the others. . . I felt such sadnessin viewing the little painting that hung there so forsaken and lost, that I had to leave the exhibition in total frenzy and deeply depressed."3aKoehler had loaned the piece, and Niestld asked him to remoYe it from the exhibition before the show traveled to Cologne. The artists with the largest number of works in the exhibition were Gabriele Miinter and Albert Bloch, each showing six paintings. Miinter contributed four country and village scenes,and wvo still lifes. Her contemporaries considered Mi.intert still "the mysterilifes to be the heart of her work, and Macke was attracted to the senseof 'touched of lomanticism the with vision German interiors. and to their ous" in these "On the Queschurch and 4mily."35 In his important theoreticd essayin rhe Almanac, tion of Form," Kandinslcy used one to exemplify the inner harmony that can be revealedby the juxtaposition of dissimilar elements. Very different was the work of the American from St. Louis, Albert Bloch, who had come to Munich in r9o8. Three of his pictures showed theatrical 6hil'x61s15-harlequins and Pierrots-and they highlight the importance that the performing arts held for the Munich avant-garde. Kandinslcy in particular was involved with the theate! and with the expressive connections between the sensesgrounded in synesthesia.He admired Scriabint exDerimentswith musical sound and colored light-he and von Hartmann had trans"Prometheus," 6r rhe Almanac-and he concluded the lated Leonid Sabaneievt essay, "On Stage Composition," and his original sctipr for Der Alrnanacwirh his own essay, gelbeKhng("The Yellow Sound"). Kandins\y performed exPeriments with the dancer Alexander Sakharoff and von Harrmann testing the validity of synesthetic relations: After showing a seriesa watercolors to von Hartmann, the comPoser created a piece of music based on one of them. Sakharoff then danced to the music, and attempted to identify the watercolor from which it was derived.36The ided of coordinating music,



|nl meN'unzs -nytr unaquaffing 'A uoaqos 'u1 ztrf/ x yrSS'wnuat uo 1tg 'r fi r' noa ^ollzr.'r;pry zu?q

FROM ALMANAC TO EXHIBITION a firnvisualform andcolor text, andmovementin the syntheticGesamtkunstwerkwas as an cfeativiry human of all his view damentalone for Kandinslcy,stemmingfrom was pronevel Yelhw Sound The Since spiritual ground. expression ofan underlying duied-plans for ar9t4 productionin Munich wereabandoned-the AJmanacstands monumenrto this ideal,with contributionsfrom eachof the arts ashis mostsuccessful "low." "high' and sources'both and illustrationsfrom \(estern and non-'Western The spiritualismof Kandinskyand of Marc wasquite aliento AugustMacke, "that I must warn you, asa Bhue fuiter, not to think who wrote in raiial termsto Marc too much on the spiritual.Kandinskystandsalone(asan Asian)."37Mackewascritical of Marct work in the Blaue Reiter exhibition and obviouslywas unhappy about Kandinsllybsrronginfluenceon his friend. He was, in fact, lessthan enthusiastic "There area lot of good thingsthere,but alsoa lot of things aboutthe showasa whole: propaganda."After Mackeand Marc viswhich do not warrantthe grosslyexaggerated ited Delaunayin Parisin October r9rz, his work becamestronglyinfuenced by the theory of color,and he movedevenfarFrenchmantvisual,ratherthan psychological, Macke was mocking the BlaueReiterin a By associates. ther from his Munich ryr1, satiricaldrawingand attackingKandinskyin a letter to Koehler.3s Mackedid not seethe exhibition in Munich beforeit closedon January3' but he visitedthe showin Cologne,whereit wasdisplayedduring the lastweekofJanLike many of the advancedgroup exhibitionsbeforethe First W'orld\(ar, the uary.3e Blaue Reiter show went on touf after its initial installation.Both of the first two NKVM showshad traveledextensivelythroughout Germany after being shown at The BlaueReiter Thannhausert,exhibitedin both museumsand private galleries.a0 Gereonsclub,headedby Emmy'Worringer,_ exhibition was shownin Cologneat the'Wilhelm 'Worringer, whoseAbsnactionand sisterof the art historian and theorist Empatlty(r9o8)influencedboth Kandinslcyand Marc. Its most impoftant vâ‚Źnueaway from home, howeve!was the secondand last, at the opening of Herwarth \Talden's Sturm Gallery March rz-April rc, r9rz. Herwarth W'aldenwas the avant-gardeimpresario of prewar Germany' lwalden developedthis Beginningwith the first issueof Der sturm in March rgro, r*i.* oid."-a, literarure,and music into a vehiclefor the promotion of the visud Provokedby the public fesponseto his useof Oskar Kokoschka'serotic avant-garde. images graphiison the magazinetcovet he beganregularlyto featurethe expressionist In rgIr Dresden. from in Berlin relocated by rgro Briicke group, of of the Die he stood with the opposition to ih. .ont.*"tive protest againstthe incursion of by Kiinsthr,publishinga response Frenchart into Germany,Vinnent Protestdzutscher tVorringerin hisAugustissue.By I9I2 he wasreadyto expandhis activities,and in celebrationof Der Snrm'sone-hundredthissuehe mountedan exhibition of Kokoschka, new Frenchpainting,and the BlaueReiter,to be followedby the Italian Fu uristsfresh from Parisand LonJon.The BlaueReiterexhibitionar the Sturm gallerydifferedfrom the Munich original-there wasno Schdnbergor Niestli, and worls by Klee,Jawlensky,and von Wirefkin wereincluded.Sincethe original show the Bkue Reitereditors had come to know better KandinskysSchwabingneighbor Klee, who reviewedthe exhibitionwell in the Swissjournal Die Alpen.And Jawlenskyand von'W'erefkinhad left the NKVM, alienatedby the sort ofvicious attacksthat werepublishedby Fischer. In Octoberrgrz WaldenmountedKandinskyt first one-manshow,and he toured and promoted the work throughout'Westernand EasternEurope during the next few years.!(alden would go on to do a seriesof very important exhibitions,including behun"y in earlyr9r3,and the greatshow of the internationalavant-garde,the 366painting ErstercbutschnHerbstialnn("The First German Autumn Salon') of ryry, iunded by BernhardKoehler.The initial Sturm exhibition of r9r4 was the last group


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ing for its moveto Cologne,helpingwith the saleof picturesin the show,writing letthe German,French,and Swisscontributionsto ters(eighryin rwo weeks),assembling the SecondKnaveof Diamondsexhibitionin Moscow and unrelentingeditorialwork The Alrnanac,of course,wasthe focus,the unifying effort on which on theAlmanac.a5 the groupt identiry wasbased.And with the lack of public responseto the December exhibition-although it is estimatedthat five hundredpeoplesawthe show,thereare no known published16vi6w5-*1s Almanacbecamewithout question the primary of the BlaueReiter. public expression After much travail,the BlzueReiterAlmanacwx distributedto its subscribers of the subscription. in mid-May, the first printing enlargedto r,2oo due to the success The book was dedicatedto the memory of Hugo von Tschudi,who, as head of the BavarianStateMuseums(after being dismissedas director of the German National Gallery in Berlin for his supportof modern an), had obtainedThannhausertgallery rooms for the first NKVM exhibition, and had encouragedthe Almanacproject. Extensivelyillustrated-with r44 picturesfor r44 pages,only one third showingcon"inner" connecdonof the new temporaryworks-the visualmix soughtto displaythe Therewasabuse, art with the old, the childlike,the self-taught,and the non-'Western. "an interestingobject of course-for the directorof the Berlin Academyof fut it was for psychiatricstudy''a6-but copieswere in demand.ln ryr4 a secondedition was publishedwith new forewordsby Marc and Kandinsky,statementsthat expressfading hope for widespreadspiritualchangebut a residualfaith in its possibiliry.Marc ended "'We his remarksthis way: admire the disciplesof early Christianirywho found the stren$h for inner stillnessamid the roaring noiseof their time. For this stillnesswe pray andstriveeveryhour."a7 Certainly in ryr4 the timeswerefilled with roaring,with eventsthat would sendKandinskybackto Russiavia Switzerlandand Miinter to Sweden,Macke to his deathwithin two months of the outbreakof the war, and Marc to his own end near Verdun in March 1916.The editors'contrastingaftitudesto the imminent conflict are projby the booksofthe Bible that eachchoseto illustratefor an unrealized suggested 'S7ith ect of Marc's in t9t3 Marc selectedGenesis,and Kandinskythe Apocalypse. Macket death and his own experiences in the trenches,Marc becamelesssanguine about the moral and spiritual value of the war, and more discouragedabout the "complete failure" and achievementsof the Blaue Reiter, eventuallymarking it a renouncingartistic collaborationin a letter of March 27, r9t5.a8But in the Almanac one can still breathethe clearair that blew through Munich, Murnau, and Sindelsdorf in r9l-rz, a utopianismof aestheticaspirationthat would resurfacein many forms throughoutthe century.



and Co., t967), pp.55-69. 4r. PierreDatx, Cubistsand Cubism(NwYo*:

Rizzoli, ry82),p. 86.


Robin, Picassoand Braque:Pioneeing Cubism (New York: 42. Museum of Modern Art, 1989),pp. 4o7, 4r2.. "The Fauves:Reflectionson an Exhibition, a Cata47.Carl F. Bddwin, logue,a History" Arts,Junery76, p. ro3. aa. Gil Bla, March 19,r9rz, in Daix, p. 82. "Cubism, Clssicism and Ideology: The rgrz 45. Robert S. Lubar, Exposici6d'fut Cubista in Barcelonamd FrenchCubist Criticism," in Eliabeth Cowling and Jennifer Mundy, On Chssic Ground: Picasso, Liger dt Chirico and the Nm Chssicism, r9r0-r9j0 (london: Thte Gallery r99o) p. 3r3.

"Reminiscences," in Robert L. Herbert, ed., rr. Vssily Kandinslcy, (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hal\,ry64), p. 42. Modzm Anistsonlrr rz. From the r93o letter to Westheim,in Paul Vogt, The Blue Ri.dzr (Woodbury NY: Barron's,r98o),p.92. r 3 .V e i s s ,p . 6 6 . r4. Hahl-Koch, p. I37. 'h 15.Klaus lmkheit, History of the Almanac," in Vassily Kardinslry Mxc, The Bkue ReiterAlmanac, ed. KJtus Lankheit (New md Frmz York:Da Capo,1989),pp. 15-16, 16. Ibid., p. 18.On the name not originating from a r9o3 painting of Kandinskvi, seep. 18n8. It seemsthat the namewasa while in coming, on Septemberzr. however,asit first appearsin correspondence

46.Perloff,p. 6.

r 7 . I b i d . ,p . z o .

tz. Arrnin Zweite, TheBlue Rifur in the Lenbachham,Munich (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1989),p. tr. For Malevich,seePerloff,p. Iz.

r8. Hahl-Koch,pp. r35 r3-.

Chapterj r. Letter to Paul Westheim,publishedin Dn Kunxblatt,vol. 14,r93o,in Hans K. Roethal, The Blue Ridtr (New York: Praeger,r97r), p. 3r. z. In her memoirs ElisabethMacke describesgroup glasspainting sessionswith her husband,Franzand Maria Marc, and Heinrich Campendonk in the neighboringvillageof SindelsdorlArmin Zweite, TheBlue Rider in the Lenbachhau,Munich (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, 1989),notes to plate93. 1. On the commercialsuppoft for avant-gardistsmoving from Secession-qpe organiations to establishmore advmced forums for exhibi"Selling Mxtyrdom," Art in tion and promodon, seeRobert Jensen, Ameica April1992, pp. r43-r44. 4. PeterSelz,Geman ExpresionistPainting(Berkeley;Universiw of Ca.lifornia Press,1957),p. zot. 5. Zweite, notesto plate98. 6. Selz,p. 196. 7. Roethal,p. 39. 8. Selz, p. r9j, assertsthat this was the firsr such exhibition. but in Decemberl9o9 eight hundred worls weremsembledbv Madimir AlekseevichIzdebskyand shown in Odessa.largely consistingofu'ork bv Ru5sim 2ftisss-including Kandinskv,Jawlenskv,and von $0erefkin, who wereworking in Munich-the exhibition alsocontainedpaintings by Matisse,Rousseau,Gleires,Balla,Miinter, md other'WesternEuropeans.The show then traveledto St. Petersburgmd Kiev. In IgIo-r9rr Izdebsky put together mother lage exhibition of 44o work, ;3 by Kandinslry,including other membersof the NK\4r4 md such members ofthe Russianavant-gardem the Burliulc, larionov Goncharova,and Thtlin. The etalogue wm an ambitiouspubliation, containingKandin"Content sky'sessay and Form," and an advancedexcrpt from Schijn6erg's Theoryof HarmoryyGolicitedby Kandinsky). On Izdebsky and his activities,seeJelenaHahl-Koch, ed.,AmoA Schoenbrg VassilylQndinsfo: Letters,Picturesand Documents(lnndon: Faberand Faber,1984),p. r89. For worls included in theseexhibitions, seeDonald E. Gordon, Modzm Art Exhibitiorc19oo-1916, z vols. (Munich, ry71, z:4otff., 49ff. 9. Zweire,p. 29. ro. Wmsily Kandinsky, Conceming the Spirinal in Art, trans. M.T.H. Sadler(New York Dover, ry77), pp. r-2.

r 9 . I b i d . ,p . z r . z o . I b i d . ,p . 3 6 . zr. From Omo Fischer.Da, nrueBrZ (\{unich, rgIz), quoted in Selz, P'197. zz. Vogt,p. 25. zj. lakheir. p. r;. 2 4 .V t i s . p . - o n 4 9 . 25.lakheit, p. 14. "Disappearances, The First ExhibiAppearances: 26. Jmice N{cCullag, 'Blaue 1987,p, 47. tion ofthe Reiter,"',4rrr,September z-. Ibid., p. a6. "Henri Rousseauand Mod28. Croline l:nchner and Villiam Rubin, ernism," in Caroline l,anchner md William Frubin, Henri Roiuseau (Neu'York: Museum of Modern Art, ry8), pp.68-69. :9. Ibid., p. 7r. Delaunayrepliedwith a letter criticizing Kandinskyand Marc's German spiritualist interpretation of Rousseau,viewing him ratherasthe lxt ofthe greatFrenchclxsicists. 3o.lankheit, p. 29. y. Zweire,notesto plate7. Drauings, and Vritings 32. Klaus lankheit, Franz Marc: W'atercolors, (New Yorb Hrry N. Abrams, 196o), p. 16. Muc continuâ‚Źsin more "For instance,ifyou mix blue-so serious,so spiritual-with red, detail: and the comyou intensifr the red to the point of unbearablesadness, fon of yellow the color complementaryto violet, becomesindispercablc (womanm comfort-giver,not m lover!).. . . If you mix red and yellow to obtain orange,you endow the passiveand femde yellow with a termagantlike, sensualpower, so that the cool, spiritual blue once again maleprinciple; a blue now automaticallyfalls becomesthe indispensable into placenext to the orange;thesecolors are in love with eachother is the color harmony of celebration." Blue md orangthat 33.Kandinsky,ConcemingtheSpiritual in Art, p. t7. 34. McCullag, p. 52. 35.Ibid., p. a8. 36. Hahl-Koch, p. r5o.


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now overwhelmed with the magnitude of the project, he cabled Davies for assistance. Davies sailed on the S.S. Minnehaha on October 26, and arrived on November 6. Kuhn spread the word among dealers and artists about the great exhibition to take place in New York, and about a growing art market in America-certainly more hope than realiry. He also was introduced by Jo Davidson to the Chicago lawyer Arthur T. Aldis, who expressedinterest in the exhibition for the fut Institute. 'W'alter Davies and Kuhn were shepherded around Paris by Pach, whose knowledge of the Parisian scenewas critical to their success.He took them to meet the Steins, to Puteaux to seethe Duchamp-Villon brothers, to the studios of Brancusi and Redon. Davies bought Brancusit marble Torso for himself, and he told Pach that Redons Roger and Angelica was sold. It would go to Lillie P Bliss, whom he advised. After seeing Redon, Davies concurred with Kuhn's view that his work should be featured, no surprise given his own Symbolist proclivities. Pach led them as well to Bourdelle and Archipenko, and to Elie Nadelman, Patrick Henry Bruce, and Morgan Russell. They also visited numerous dealers, and requested loans from BernheimJeune, Uhde, Kahnweiler, Vollard, and Emile Druet, who sent over a hundred items. Their efforts brought them a full complement of van Gogh, Gauguin, and Cdzanne, and a wide spectrum of strong works by Divisionists, Fauves, and the new Cubists. After appointing'Walter Pach their European agent, the nvo painters set off for London on November rz. In London they visited Roger Fryt Second Post-Impressionist Exhibition, which had opened a few weels earlier at the Grafton Gallery. This was the sequel to Fryt exhibition of Manet and the Postimpressionists,held in the same location at the end of r9ro, which had introduced the new painting to London. Unlike that first exhibition, the second contained Russian and English work, but the French, of course, were the stars. Matisse was the highlight, with forry-one worls, followed by Picasso with sixteen. Yet Kuhn and Davies were nor especiallyimpressed, for they felt that they had secureda larger selection ofgreater range and historical depth for New York. Since Frys show contained nothing earlier than Câ‚Źzanne, and the Armory Show, like the Sonderbund, featured the earlier masters van Gogh and Gauguin, they were right in this. But they immediately cabled Pach to obtain as much Matisse as he could, asking him to have the Steins encourage the artist to loan them the works at Grafton as well as more from the studio. They especially wanted the great plaster of Matisset Bach I, which did come to America along with the rest. After making arrangements for loans from the Grafton Gallery exhibition, they finally departed Liverpool on the S.S. Cebic on November zr. On the voyage home, Kuhn translated the excerpts from Gauguint Noa-Noa that they would publish as a pamphlet, and a series of van Gogh's letters, which in the end were not orinted. A press releasewas issued on December rz stating that 199 paintings and zr sculptures had been secured for the exhibition, and that there would be separaterooms devoted to Cdzanne, Redon, Gauguin, van Gogh, Matisse, the Cubists, and the Futurists. By the time that the full Association heard Daviest report on December r7, it was clear that the show would, to say the least, offer a great challenge to the American artists. There was a Domestic Committee responsible for organizing the American worfts, chaired by \Tilliam Glackens. They sent invitations to specific individuals asking for work by January r, but advance publiciry set off a cry by the uninvited. So the Domestic Committee agreed to jury such work on January zo-26, and as a consequence, many of the firture American modernists entered the exhibition, including Oscar Bluemne! Stuart Davis, Andrew Dasburg, Edward Hopper, Joseph Stella, and \Tilliam and Margaret Tnrach. Publiciry was a major activity, and the Association had good press contacts.


Arthur B. Dauies. Dauies u,as electedasa mild-rnanneredbadzr of the Associationof American Paintersand Sculptors,but his aggressiue inclusion of European modernismin the Armory Show changedthe courseof American art. fu Gu! Pine du Bois would "dragon euoluedfrom remarh, a that uerygentlecocoon." Archrues of AmericanArr, Smirhsonian Instituti on, \Yas hington, D. C.

l9 'erenb5seurJ uI PreoqlllgctrDaleue 8ur -tuer paJrprsuof,urle uoltellosry ag1 'a8reqclnoqll.^ PelngIJlsIPerertrlalsod arp 8ur or dlpuolreu -cnporda.rsprecrsodrolof, urt3o strlred 'surnasnulPUe'seP"rgII'se8e11oc aa:raurdaqr 'uolllqlqxa ar{lJo 8eg_ eJe,t\esaqtPuE'uoltnlo^eu u?f,IJaur\y' pet?unuJsslp iqr go loqurls agr Surrnrea3perul.rderaldsrelsodro1o3 ,,,'SursrlralP,_uodruoru 3o slqr 3u1operealN,, pappoo8 e ruadsdpea.rpr^eq PuBsPoqrauu"llraurv ol 8ulProf,f,e 'sqde.t8otoqd salrols vsi4 t43 sesus) aqr t? la.tra9 Pre.^PE ol elor.^ uqn) sV PuE Surpuas'ftrunoc eql ssor)EsrJllrlv\PUEslollPJ8ulll?luof, llenrueia pue srs"alelssa.rd lrrrqqnd Fuolt?u rq8noslaqr tsrg aqr wotl'uns SuluanElro r'reN eqr roJ rellr'^ reuroJ E '33ar3 sauef lslroPerCPu" uqnx lPlN dq Papu"g rra.{'rsuolltlrr f,ITqnd


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Therewasmuch printing to be done in addition to thesepublicity materials, Catalogue by the initial order of fifiy thousandcatalogues. and its scaleis suggested preparationwasone of the most difficult tasks,for worls continuedto be addedto the exhibition up to the last moment. But somehowthe cataloguearrivedfor the first day of the exhibition on February18.A supplementwas printed correctingerrors,listing additionsand deletions,and sincethe cataloguehad beenprinted beforethe showwas hung, therewas an index indicating the location of wery work. The organizersalso publishedfour pamphletsthat weresold at the show:A translationby Pachof Elie Fauwritten ret long essayon Ctzanne,Kuhnt translationsfrom Noa-No4 and nvo essays for the occasionby Pach,one on Redon and the other on Duchamp-Villon'sMaison Cubiste,'A Sculptort Architecture."Completing the publication effort was a set of half-tone postcards,one showing the interior of the Armory with the show fully installed,and fifty+ix photographsof exhibitedworks,half foreignand half American. After Kuhn and Davies returned from Europe, the Associationrented an office in the CameraBuilding on East2tth Street,and as the show approachedthey took more office spaceaswell as a stableon 3znd Streetto accommodatethe works arriving from Europe.There were someworrisomedaysin Januaryas storms at sea delayedfor a week the arrival of the S.S.Mexico,but it landedon the r3th, followed threedayslaterby the S.S.Chicagowiththe restof the Europeanloans.Things by then were moving at a hectic pace,as new American works were juried, American loans arranged,and plansdrawn for the layout of the exhibition itselfand the fabricationof structural supports.Of course,there also was some internal politics. Although the membershipmeeting on January zz offrcially approvedDaviest arrangementsfor the exhibition, thingswere souredat the beginningof Februaryby the resignationof Guzon Borglum overthe lack of attention given to sculptureand the rejectionof his conservative selectionsasheadof the SculptureCommittee.He laterwould character"farcical izethe showasa and foolish exhibition madeup largelyof paranoics."s Daviesconceivedof the exhibition in an historicalway,tracingthe development of the modern movementfrom its roots in the nineteenthcentury.His general view of the Europeanswassketchedin a chart publishedin the specialexhibitionissue of Art and Decoration(March r9r3),editedby Guy Ptne du Bois.There Daviesidentified threetendencies: beginningwith Ingresand Corot, extendingthrough Classicists, C(zanne,Gauguin,and Matisse,and culminatingin Picassoand the Cubists;Realists, to, again,Cdzanne,and moving from Courbet,Manet, and most of the Impressionists leadingto the Futurists;and Romanticists,from Delacroixand Daumier to van Gogh and, appearingagain,Gauguin.At the Armory the contemporaryAmericansalsowere given historical precedents,in the work of -Vhistler, the ImpressionistsTheodore Robinson and John Twachtman,and the important rediscoveryof Albert Pinkham Ryder. The physicalarrangementof the eighteenoctagonalroomsof the exhibition centeredon the Europeans,with a row of six rooms on eachof the north and south walls mostly showing American worls. Entry was through the room of American sculpture,commandedby GeorgeGrey Barnardt marble ProdigalSaz, from which one could walk straightaheadto the largeroom of Frenchpainting and sculpture'Off to the left wasthe sho#s main attraction,the Cubist 1ee6-fu61v11 as the Chamber a Staircase.e of Horrors-with the lines waiting to seeDuchamp'sNude Descending There wereabout r,3ooworks in the exhibition, a third European,and many a visitor must haveechoedPrendergasttremarkwhen he camedown from Boston to seethe "Too much-O my God!-art here."lo Amazingly,MacRae'sdiary indicates show: that the entire exhibition was hung in rwo days,beginningon the rlth. The process wasfacilitatedby Daviespreparinga watercolorsketchof everyroom, ashe laterwould



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plan a complete layout for the show in Chicago. By the time of the press preview on Sunday the r6th, the Armory had been decorated with pine trees, yellow cloth streamers forming a canopy from the ceiling, and garlands of greenery hung from the partitions and along the walls. All of the planning and preparations had cost a great deal of money, which had been raised by Davies and Clara Davidge among their sociery friends. But the organizers had high hopes that they would more than cover their expensesthrough admissions receipts, sale of publications, and optimistically, art work. They were not disappointed. AJthough the reaction of the public and the presseventually was overwhelming, it did not staft out that way. Certainly on the evening of February 17 the opening crowd of 4,ooo was impressed by what the Association had accomplished. John Quinn in his speech touted the show as the most complete modern art exhibition of the past twenty-five years, and initial presscoveragewas positive. The Sun called the exhibition "an "sensational" and event not on any account to be missed," and the Euening Post "In half an hourt visit . . . one may meet with ridicule, rage, helplessquesdonnoted, ing, and savageenthusiasm, but not with indifference."l r Yet the crowds at first did not come, Three weeks into the exhibition, howevet attendance began to mount, and it grew in the last week to a peak of approximately ro,ooo on the final day. At best estimate, the total was close to 88,ooo.r2 On that last day-Saturday, March ry-lines circled the block, trafiic jammed the streetsaround the fumory and the doors had to be closed from z to 4 p.M. becauseof overcrowding. For by then the opposition presshad marshaled its forces, providing many comic interpretations of Duchamp's Nudt "a Descending a Staircase and describing Brancusit Mlle. Pogany x hardboiled egg balanced on a cube of sugar." Even the sympathetic New York American entided its Feb"Is rvary 24 piece on the show, She a Lady or an Egg?" Indeed, history has best remembered these attacks on the European afi in the press,and here Matisse elicited the strongest reacdon. The Boston Tianscriptof Febru-


Installation uiew of Galkrl H of the Armorl Show. On the pedestalto the lef is the plaster of Constantin Branrusi'sMlIe. Pogany, describedby a crinc as 2 hardboiled eg balnncedon a cubeofsugar."In thecenterofthe gallery is Wilhelm Lehmbruck\ Kneeling'Woman, comparedto a praying mantis by Teddy Rooseuelt. Archiuesof American Arr, Smithsonian Instirution, IVashingnn,D.C.

89 crreuaS € sp ruslqn3 peulo( a:aq uslrnlnC 0z({'sal?f,qsrutd5 Pue qluarC rql Jo slslu? rrqrqoapd,, aIIT se slornqtrtuor lstrntnC srr3o alods rla asoo1 eloPoallJ '4 ot{s oqr uo ererd srg u1 ..1e4 lrruesul StHtW rr? stslrnlnC PUEsrslgn3,, PeP"eq sE{\ xoJ uolua) sraJof,S 'uouqlqxg uV rslrnrnC 'ragy dor5 qlv( 1(or^relul saulJ eql .,'uesry Pu" txaN roc an ell)g e^EH P,eH .^aol{sslql eas oJ uI le-I sI iuDlulrcl ua-39 sBH otl4N 'ssa;d aqt uI lnoqt lpogo51,, pearnnA eIJt uI srullP?aq eqr Suluodo eql J_odtp eql .^^oqs pepu"g sev, erueu agr .aoedsuoqrgrqxe uao Jrar{l uertrSlou erarudagr -asn?treq l-roury aqr ur atudrottred or PasryerstsllnlnC u"I[E]I eql reql DeJ er{r elldseq 'rq8rg aqJJo uorrrqlqxa aqr u,,.'&orce3rolof, ? uI uotsoldxa ut,, ul tseSrapuor4" uo ]r"*r.t s(Jltlrf,raIIrEeuB Paor{f,e,.Lrorrt3 apurqs e3o uolsoldxa, srq jcard slq ur laens- uelpf lq paqsqqnd sert pcrrrres q8noqr-..lsrcn3 E alunag i xq2n,, 'uoltela;dratul srqr rser o1 sre^{rll tsotu aql llgeqor4 3.rn.rr"d ,qr3o ^rtr, u.^aou>l-llaalr ,o3 ernrord'e{r ,ro3rq r"rrri"ir drrrr " tlara aeunuuroc Sur8ueq or{r ttqr_patsrSSns.ror lpuecar I roJ 'l.rornl 1 'lrarre'r ldrung -rp, tqa',,'rqFg poo^pt"g put 3uo1 e Y.{\oP 1a3 os IEIJ] lsolu 3rf Jo suor]?suespr^r^ qlr^r areldar rng narroc lpo tou sr lr,, Pe.^aeIA ,s:rcrieqr u.^aopBuq1e, ueurorrr e s.&oqsdlenrce rr r'r{r aror.^ oq8rl ourgdasoft q)Iq/}l' naDH er{l uI IBuolIPa uE ol ,,'poo,rvr8uqpur13o a1rd,,e se a8erul aqr or Par.IeJar Surpuodsag 8r('elglsl^ satuoleq ueulo./d eJo urroJ PePunor-llaa,, aql_Ilun ePIs or sPIs radedsr"reuarp alotu pue sala rleqt ol asoll {ro-l'r agr 3o qderSoroqd agr PIor{ sJaPeal 'g8rngs]rrd ul reqr parseSSnsqdat&apl 4rluottl) egr ,,'srrElsSurpuoesa5rreq 8ur -.4Aouqrl&\ dpel apnu olglura)slP rnq lurr e eas [I./d nol 'uortoq tuo5 saq]ul JIBrI-ouo 'Utl el{r tuo{ rl re pu? o.r\r pue ut8.leu ruo{ qf,ul JIEIJ-euolnoqe 1? lool Pu? uldoP aprsdn a;nrcld ar{t uJnJ,, :ualeH aeN uro{ s,llryueH aluulry se^snolres se lueu .ueru e se lpel eqr 8ur.fnuapl rueod ,saiuodsa, raqro Jo .to"r1", e paqsqqnd osTErI e ro3 lauour aqr PaPre.l.re8 rlcrtyrtr uo s(naNilV u?ruaat7 ,,'asef,r?rs P aulPuaf,seq lpel apn1q,, aqr ;o elzznd ,qi pt.olot og.,r,rauolue or or$ Jo azrrd e pa'rago 3ur'reg 'rlatrmr tuotttt*p" ptt ttrui .rt oior tli ua,rr8 rq8ra rl .,'rgor4,, Paruturr ag ,,'daap (lro'/"r er{r ltql qrnl'/d punore rarpe8 oq.v' sP.^orc erp tuoU:arq8nel PUe $lelrr{s s.^aerP,, 's8eq a1p parseSSnsTurary '.1 enssl r qrt"yq l.p ui pue :,ler*:r?ls eql ro lpel aqr :arpla -PesJo uonf,allor e e>lIIqool lBr{ ueeq sEgeuo.ou ' ' ' lrol '^^aN uo lno a>IEruol rlgP uo "4oqs ur uosBrs er{rJo runrPunuof, ar{l ,lpeaqe sr,, Sunured slqr leql'zz,$entqag or{t Jo lae.^a r"srg agr'Surrnp prtou smaN uv uazuaruv lrrrepq tsotu eqt Perduord arnrrrd inotroto.t sdueqcnq 'uonerednlr,r lsour aql palo,to-rd ,tt]]".SJ,1"r, ,rrrr^ t'^ srq elors rq rou:eloog ddoe s,elllllN olurlJo rno aSede tsn[,, :ar13atr5?q p,*q"td yrlgw,/Z uoqastnotdutJs,llsulpur;4 uo ulei elups al{l q Panulluof, JJ.4(€IlJeluIeql 'r"qr alrl sernrcrd 8"It"Y ftuuro1 ltu^rq8nec P,I ,;:""a""ar poo8 z urrg a.ti8 lptruo 'lle/N,, :osserld pue assItEIAl aql aroJeq lpnol Surq8nel putnof 8uruaaE lro.&r Jo I JI 'pljlJaqs lare3 roqrne srq rtqr PapeJ:e a Er{ Ppo'l't ?a1d 1i.1 ^t5j'tqr lg pa.alaruarq d1a41un sr lI er.rotf,op e lo reL,rrele3o rcadxa pFo.^ auo rf,uatsxe tDseruoPJo lJos rr{1 ' ' ' 'u?ur ur saSlnpul oq,,lr..reqtg Pue Pueqsnq Prro^eP E Ierurou P,,sI aq ler{l ef,Irrury ,ql grig .rr 'lusaq3cey41I E:BIJ lq reuuns snol'rald egt 1pr otrrq ol tltrJdr'ltiti" (essrlery qtl^{ 1t\rl^relur 3uo1 e pegsqqnd taurJ )qi uolrlqtqxo aql portrnpuof, Jo >leo \ <u0!1?Naql urlf ..tar{le6 i*1 ,qr Sulrnq ,,..':ndalda lyprruessa ue u? sI,, srssll€hl '[ g rosse3o.rd,roltr.ttr4-rqrrog arp3o lralp8 EJo slIB l' or..loq lrseu e3o s8uvv'trp rqr o, ,roo"rFxe aqr lldtul9ore s8unured srqgo luttu,, lElll PuE .'lraruo,rga Sulraal rnq 'uoturdo;elndod ot &trluoc .sasr.r,uer-slr1 ruor3'.toi tE saJetsrtqt ssauP€lulou sI lI,, Jler{l ul 8ulr1o.r'a: l"gt parurtp xo3 uoluay f,nrJJ e n?iJasuoJ aqJ " 'lF"_nr,.'lrguerungul ar" sernllld slq,, lEqr Pelul?lf,xe are laqr " ' /r\orr?u are laqr " ' esrEol are lerp 'qsrppqo lpca3 €z Lrtnrgag uo sautlJ 4u maN rl{l Pu" ,,'r{suneleure PlrrEaPnrf, -rad sr sreoddt rlro^ ttoq ouou sI a:aqt sralurcd asegr IIE 8uoul4,, rtgl parou l'r dre



term for the new art-in both New York and Chicago the exhibition often was called "the Cubist show." Theodore Roosevelt'swas one of the more famous visits to the exhibition, and the former president was shown around by Davies, Gregg, Kuhn, and his artist "Sheriff" friend Bob Chanler, whose decorative screenswere a hit of the exhibition. '\?'oodrow Instead of attending Wilsont inauguration on March 4, Roosevelt went to '.A Laymant View of the Armory and he published his account later in the month as an Art Exhibition." There T.R. extolled the strength of the American artists and deni"lunatic fringe," unfavorably comparing Duchampt nude to the grated the European Navaho rug in his bathroom, Archipenkot Family Liferc a set of childrent blocla, and Lehmbruck's kneeling woman to a praying mantis. Another well-known visitor was the tenor Enrico Caruso, who entertained the public one Saturday by giving away his caricatures of the paintings drawn on exhibition postcards. And it is said that Mrs. Astor came every morning after breakfast, well able to afford the special $I admission charged on weekday mornings to allow for quiet viewing apart from the crowds, who paid z5 cents in the afternoons, evenings, and weekends. For the artists who visited the show, the experience inevitably was traumatic "Old friends argued and separated, in one way or another. As Valt Kuhn remembered, never to speak again. Indignation meetings were going on in all the clubs. Academic they painters came evâ‚Źry day and left regularly, spitting fire and brimstone-but came----cverybodycame."2l For the poet'S7illiam Carlos Williams, who would become involved with the painters of the Grantwood artists' colony and the fuensberg salon, ". . . it was not until I clapped my eyeson Marcel Duchampt Nudr Descendinga Stair' casethat I burst out laughing from the relief it brought mel I felt as if an enormous weight had been lifted from my spirit for which I was infinitely grateful."22 Confronting this amount of radical aft was a revelation even for those who had seen Stieglitzt shows in his small space at z9r, exhibitions of Rodin drawings in r9o8 and r9ro, works by Matisse in r9o8 (his first one-man exhibition outside of France), r9ro, andtgrz (the first exhibition of Matisse sculpture anpvhere), and eighry-three Picasso works on paper in r9rr. It fixed modernist innovation indelibly in the minds ofAmerican artists, something not immediately welcomed by many of the local exhibitors. As Stuart Davis, one of the most positively affected, remarked with characteristic verve, "In retrospect it . . . suggestsa masochistic reception whereat the naive hosts are trampled and stomped by the European guestsat the buffet."23 The only European guest to actually attend the buffet was Francis Picabia, who, after Matisse and Duchamp, seemsto have been most frequently mentioned in the press. Picabia gave many interviews, and with European charm and critical intelligence promoted the avant-garde cause,and his own, in society and in the press.\'Vhile his statements seem straightforward enough now to the uninitiated American public they could seem obtuse, and the Sundzy World offered a prize for the best r5o-word elucidation of one of his comments. Picabia became involved with Stieglitz during this visit, and immediately after the Armory Show there was an exhibition at z9r of sixteen of his New York studies. The artist and his wife, Gabrielle Buffet, would return during the war in r9r5, and along with Duchamp, another expatriate of that year, he would develop around the Arensberg circle those activities to be known as New York Dada. During the Armory exhibition Stieglitz had a show of thirry of his own photographs, something that he never had done before. Established in r9o5 as the gallery of the Photo-Secession,his establishment soon was known x z9r for its Fifth Avenue address.(Actually, in February r9o8 the gallery moved acrossthe hall to what was really zy Fifth Avenue, the two buildings having been combined.) Stieglitz began showing nonphotographic works in r9o8 with an exhibition of Rodin drawings, sâ‚Źnt to him


OL 'ooSg tol z113apgft{tV tS pasoqtnd spm Suuuud vtlt 'moqg fuoru -tV atf ur ,(4su7pur2,(1uoaq1 '6t6r uout1loD ztlSaytg pa{1y atlJ 'yol naN '1ryt0 unasnw uwqodouayyaq1 ut t1!{ x yn/,t 'z16r 'a^o-I 's?nuw uo Jo 179 u)preD ay1:Lz ragrunN uoll -esr,rordtulz(q sutyuryl [ltssary


Marcel Duchanp. Nude Descendinga Staircase, No. z, ryrz. Oil on canuas,y8 x jS n. Philadelphia Museum of Art, TbeLouiseand W'aber Arensberg Collection. Displayed in what "Chamber wascalbd the of Horrors," this painting becamethe mostnototiousuork in the exhibition. It was the subjectof a contestin American Art News, which ffired $to to whoeuer could locatethe nude lad1.h was purchasedfor $jz4 b7a dealerin prinx fom San FranJapanese cisco,FredericC. Tbnq.


zL -slrD 'f ul se's;attr.,na$ slsllresserd sE.{\oqserl} qll.4aury l{lnur sE PEq PP U 'r"rog5Lrourry aqr 'tre Suop asord raq er{t {)otu ol ssa:dogr Surptel 'uollqtoJa1 Juretraqulats teqt uotl?toJac[ r{rrl^\per"rJossE ?up ltv q8norgl se \ lI ]e pua ilV ruog ulers aqr palpd aqs 'uolrtf,Ilqnd alqa a;oru slr{Jo anssl_^oqg Lrorury arp ur s.a8poqol txeu IJol( EIuoJnJelln aqr las ol Palu?.l'r'z16rrsn8ny ut essll?W Jo pu" osseirdgo strc:uod s,ulerspaqsl1gndpeq og.Lr,'zuparr5uaqm rng_.,'rwseald sr oJrTer{r pue lryrepuo.&ere srq8rurl{r Pu? IrgrePuo.ttare slzp aq1,, sur8aqqorgm .z16rroqorrg ur ef,uerolCur a8poq qrrr'rlers raq Surrnpueulrl( aratdutatg aPnrua) eqr srog np ru?d ln5 pesrruordptq a8poq 'dtssarog luedurooct oL ez'syoA 1o lalf,Er?rlf,lenuo, E ral{ a>IPIUPpol( otl/d ?u? a!7 ttH :WqA t212J Ie^ou zz6r su1'8rnqseq.^darPuv'uosPI^?C 'urrr{f,e1u"A o[ ol-sreryor'L IIECput faprtll uePsrPW ellrxetJo o{Irts uosral?drea.r8oqrJo asrcfeq Ear?agl ol euoJ PEtloq.^^-Poor'Meg 'suaJarsulof,ull 'paag sulr{f,]nH uqof'poo8deg ..il1g31S,,:aztutS:o ,/)4,)4,'Ioqt pue 'enua^VqUIC uro{ 'sut eqr pue srrllod uI sIErIPerJorun:toedsP?orq? lq peruanber3 fz re uops u^\oul-lla.,"rrer{ paqsl1q"Nea8pog tlluotu ,urcs rerlJ sz..'rlsPuelsraPun 'fr6r 'oz tp,u7,tJ'ung ' ' ' 'eso:dolul lusluolsserdurl-rsod3o llpg oqrrrecrretuyur utruor* lluo aqr lg lluo agr rnog?,,slrlu? ut sepaluasa;dse.Lr Surua,rgty1u1 ,,'(tamqngaqtw trrrdsaqr rnd segoq.^ plro^\ aqt uI rr?Iuo./d r1 'Surruledrsrqn3 .reu er{r qtr.^aallrs raq Jo uoltetrglluePlu,/dos(rellrl( eql af,Erglua nog tlvry) ewrtrpts a Sutpuats or eurof, qlrq,!\ 'cqqnd :apeorq qlnur E o1 lro.l.r s,urar5rq8norg lesso rarl -eQ eqna eqJ :lstqfl) ! rlltm s,gomwg E'[ pue 'ulars epnnreD pual{ rar{uo Sutqtauosallrld ol ftenue[ ur 33a-r3lq paqreorddt 4totrma7J8u1aag,, uaeq peq o8poq yaqeyrq ,,'\aln Jo turo4 s,uerudelE IUo{,, uurn} lg lessa ue pue '^aor{s i!€:ri.rr . !B't$i3${ al{r uI u" uef,Ireuryuo 33arg pue suoll?l9 lq sacard'lunoooeIef,Irol$gs,seI^PC j rpnl{ iql 'luarua.{oruurapotu el{t u?r{l slq Pu? sayreqlg aclJa-rd Jo Jo uoneroqelas(srognp anSoprecagr Surpnycur'uorrlqlqxr eqr ot uolrf,nPorlulflry 3 sEPa ras leurnol eqJ lrourry eqr r"eplos pu? slog np au?d ln3 dq PerPa'uotlurora7?u? ltv Jo ansstfr ulels uo lessaa8pog pneds ar{rroJueulrl( se.ra.lleur8rro qc.re141 { aql IeqPI or prts sarenbs1ut1q ropef,Idpedo4 r3o qro.4a.tror{s eptg-oro.rduI Parerlsnlll'uroJ Jo uoIlEuIruIIaorp Surrepapluorr g8rq orrrrlq uorqse3 qrv"r ..'arustqdrourv] sra^,, 'qluer{ uI 3trald? Pornglrruof,Jlesurlr{lslu? ar{T lro./!\ qtr,^ .ltalf,dlpnadsase.r,r uasryef,rrn?tr srguo Sursnco3 1pu" tegng ellorrgpDdg sa1c1r:t ?rqelrdJo aruengul .&\eurr{l tng'sf,Illrf, al{t uegt acua8qlarularour3u1cq,ro3cqqnd teuurrnlg r3tso lq Lroury er{r13.l.rol{sagr3o anbrurc3uo1t pue aqi pasrtrdqf,Ir{./rt 'ue 'serassa3 er{rroJ urePolrr e lg aqr or ueaed aq urruefuag puonerrr PoPnlf,ulosp ]l acunyru8rssrrpue Surrrlv's,urasJo uontctldxas,a8poqpqty,q lg Pe.^aolloJ (PIuornJ "il4 eqt re a8poq Pq"WJo tl?rlrod,,sJIelSePnrlreg qrr,"rSuruadotaqurnu aunf pn 'luatualour -adse pa:tdard aq ,r,roqgdroury eqt loC '?Paru [P ul qro,ln Surcnp-o.rdar urepoluagr uo 8unu.a,r patru"^peJopu:no( rueSaleue oujof,oqot surSrro:rgdeJSotogd \r .iil{'l\l:l11! I8{l{ l!ltill) srrpuolaq papwdxa q)lqw'4toA aaua) pagsqqndptq zrq8an5€o6recur5^orulq)Eru pooD 'suoltErdtilP.{t; ep'ur-pu"g ruar,glpul or algzragard aurosecnpordpue Tepol rnol grrr"rrno oB uegr 'peaplers lre rer{lerppo,u nol ltgr eploapnol3r {lputg ' ' ' 'sostusgu?qt reP?ePsI ,}rg IIEI ol Peuolsnf,r?ueeqe Eq nol r?rrr\IEI{rJequauau ' ' ' 'Pootue.tlldera:? uI 'ePnlllrelerurru Pe)IPn(:rdunue ur 31es -;nol rn4,, :srollsll roJ af,I^p?aruosqtIA spuaarpalr5 ?dogsJrp lo3 punor3lceqse9z l'rel^Ja]ulallsualxeu? PUE-jz..ll sE.4a ,fimuef uo uplttautv 1,to ./'raNarl] ur pagsl1gnd ro3 rq8g oqa asoqr Ip pur lrraqrl ro3 uselsnqlua slq 'Punu Jo qrPearqlry]r{blPP srq,,pepnelddeaunqilJ er{tJozossllrol IEIoUr^lts resuoreql ue^e-rosrnca:d sealor &ourry aql Jo erull 3Il1lV 'Isntru?rgJo szrq8arrgpeuoltuarudpuanba;3sf,Ituf,'1dor{S a.rntdlncsxp pue Ut a,nllutrd llenruo,ra pue 'sSuvtrerps,uaJPIIql'srelurcduef,IJetuv paf,ue^peJoalg?rssrl peleydsrp16z'surapou t{luorC rtll or uouPP? uI'esslrery qrt.^ reqduSorogdlq sue4ruor3 tretuof,Lrturrrd slq aluof,aqPFo./dor{.{\'uel{f,IalsPrE.^,PA



"Seeing woldt series of cartoons in the Euening Sun in March, New York with a Cubist." Political cartoonists took up the Cubist theme as well, with John T. McCutcheon in the Euening Sun of April g showing \(oodrow Wilson proudly painting a falling faceted figure entitled Thriff DescendingDownward. A slew of humorous verseswere printed; Mary and Earl Lyell published The CubiesABC with each letter of the alphabet lampooning some paft of the show; and there were such mocking events 'Academy as an exhibition by the of Misapplied Arts" for the benefit of the Lighthouse for the Blind. Not all of the criticism in the press stemmed from ignorance, however, a.s some writers were fairly Familiarwirh modern art. For instancel Royal Cortissoz had been to Paris and seen the Futurists at Bernheim-Jeune, and his account of their work is clear and accurate. The opposition of such critics emphasized wo points, that the new work stemmed from a wholly individualistic point of view-'what he choosesto do in art is right becausehe chooses to do it"27--and thar these artists lacked traditional craft and skill. There also were criticisms of the exhibition from inside the modernist camp, as when the astute Christian Brinton complained that the show did not include the artists of Die Briicke, the Blaue Reirer, rhe Nnn , the Berlin Neue Sezession, and the Italian Futurists.2s\7ith only Kirchner and Kandinsky representing the new painting from Germany, and knowing how much German art Kuhn had seen in Cologne, the anti-German bias seems clear. Gregg explained rhat the organizers felt recent German work to be largely derivative from that of the true innovators, the French, and the AAPS even had answered requesrcfor participation from Die Briicke and the Neue Sezessionby falsely srating rhar ihe sho* alreadriwas complete. There was some dissensionwithin the avanr-gardearound the exhibition, in addition to the well-known unhappiness of the more realisrically inclined American painters. Max \(eber, who had loaned sevenwork bv his Paris friend Henri Rousseau, refused to be included when only rwo of his own paintings were ttj be exhibited. From the French side, Robert Delaunay demanded that his work be removed from the exhibition becausehis huge City of Paris was not hung in the final installation. Although marked in the catalogue supplement as never having arrived, the large work was sent rolled and was to be restretched by Delaunay's friend, the painter Samuel Halpert. After Davies did not exhibit the painting, Halpert carne ro remove Delaunayt other pieces, and in solidariry the American Patrick Henrv Bruce, working in Paris, demanded that his work be taken down as well. Davies and company refused to do so, but when the exhibition moved on to Chicaeo and Boston no Delaunays or Bruces were included. In Paris,the lournal MontjoieZnackedrhe Armory Show For its injustice to Delaunay and, ironically, for its poor installation of the French art. Aware of how much the newspapers had contributed to their success,the "our "beefsteak AA?S invited Friends and Enemies of the Press"to a dinner" on March 8 at Healys Restaurant at 66th and Columbus. All of the critics were there, along with 'W'aitresses Stieglitz and Quinn, and spirits were high. sang and danced, speecheswere made, comic telegramswere read. But Royal Cortissoz probably expressedthe feelings of many who were both excited and disturbed by the exhibition, as he ended his "It speech: was a good show, but dont do it again."z'r As it would turn out, it did not have to be done again, for the Armory Show triggered the sort of interest in the new art that ordinarily would have taken years to develop. Not confined to the aft world, this interest was general, refected in popular forms like the full-page ad for the John \Tanamaker Store in rhe Euening Sun of March r3-"Color-Combinations of the Futurists, Cubist Influence in Fashions in the new Paris Models for Spring . . . At last the modern spirit is developing in the realm of woment dress." The show also made enthusiasts of many who would infuence things


Beefteakdinner held by Armory Showorganizers for'bur Friends and Enemiesof the Pres," Healy's Restaurant, 66th Street and ColumbusAuenue, New York City, March 8, ry4. Archiuesof AmericanArt, SmithsonianInsrintion, Vashington,D. C.

NL oSeerq3eql 'Suluadoaqr3ouoFednpueu1 Parr oz grre lvoFl?taH-Pttraa 'tou se,l dpreut, jtlqt d agr esuodsarel{l ta^r't\oq 'aruertadde 3o ur peugereroru su^auoulqlFa ofucrg3 aqr31 dlqrSqalul erourpadnor8eq ol qro/t\ Ve9a,qipelgeuasal.rale8a8relaqr pue .l-rourry ar{rJo srapr^rpLrerodrualaqt uo alg eqJ lJo -rssodse.Lr sqde.r8oroqd luelx, a^le.&\l ueqr rur8alaatouruoltelprsulu".1r\ot{s 'rlnllrsul uV ./drNur osauopp"q ueqr uolrlqlqxeaql PalIsI^eldoadatoutooo(oorrJ o 'ruole ue u8raro3Suturcluoc aqt r? qre.^ JTer{" pue rargr 9i Sulrnp ,ogectqJ ur rng 'Sdro\raqr sragluerueqr dq qror"r dluo Surpnllur o8mlg3 ./,tor{suotsof, aqt

Jo Pu" aq, uEf, rreurv uruo'res yln,nrilil:frjffi ,J.]Jiljfrt 0,,, i.TlrliHl#*.,,

radrd uo qro.^,ruaaulqt qll.l,r'uolrdsf,ar[Ef,IlIJf,eug slq Paq]rtru ssaJJns Telf,Jeluuof, 'slq aulu uo11rn s.uopeg'srI^?C Pu? uqn) Jo I{rl"J eqr 8ur,!rrsn(PuV 1Je3ur11as Jo pur'.s8unurcdrnoJsrqJo r{t?eSuqpsdurrqcnc IeJrew,s::nrdprs rnoJsrqJo aarl{l 'rrg ul 'lp.,,t b.rr11rt,ro111r1-dureqcnq PIossrol{torqduregcng eqrJo llv rn(:arq8ntp slq qrll!\ uoIlf,IUJo esn?f,E euoq slq ruo{ srq ol luarussErr?qua Jo Jf,JnosE PUEaJI./d ppo.a,rla.rroa B.rlno*r, .ooo,r$ roJ rpr4 q8norqr Sraqsuaryot arnlrrd pazr:dsrq 11as 616ru1) 'drueq:nq taaru ol slr?d ol lua1daI{ leqr {ro1( eql Jo Perou?uaos sE'^Pu? ') llroPar{ '?ruroJlPJur pue uoSorg 'PuEllrodul u Parlqlrlxr trauoL'tztg, ro3la'rro1 sdun'4tnq,r1rrp i""a orttt,t"tg ues eqt lq pa:mbceIwrtlpls a Sutpuatsagapn11J 'snorrolou tsotu eql otlt * lnq rsag aqr sdeqro4 'uolrlglrlxa aqr 3o aseqrrnd e rsuadxarsolu eql lt SuDIEru'rrvJo unasnl^Jlr?lllodorraw aql ol ool'99 roJ PIos 'tsanbaqn[aur w1f sen'satnnadsapaullloJ slq 'tunesnurseruaury'uErarueiH:X?;L9o:l* ,, *,O 1uy utaVoylJlo unasnry ztft ut 'ssqg a?l ;I urapol JJo unasntrJ aqr ror{f,uepFo.r leqt .seuu?z?Jxs-lrua.r,rr3urpnl:ur"'s3unurcd 4 /pry)u! nrxom oqm 'saIA?C aqt nt put uott ureporu3o dnor8 Suruunrseql pelquesseeqs 'I{r"d ual{r PUE Jo uollf,rrlP 1t7 to uoual1ot 'sqlg rllll'IJo^lEI{r sPqf,ns -7q7t1natlt n! qtoq v>r.1>Buy pue eqr repun 'stulrd par.rosse PueuoPa1 qrl \ araqlSuruur8ag ,lloury aqt t" por"u€rro osTEsuopfallof,tu?uodurl 'oluadrqory lq s8uvtrerpaag nAoapautlas aq 'zr6t uqaanoTJ 'oo5gurg lsotr_ qllq'/v\'uouustnotdruJ ut oryn$ strpd suo?2aP211e/t pur '3ur.tre:psaIA?C? 'olouEl^lt rq8noqar13ap5 'g '3f99 Surprol seseqlJnd'uoilI ueqA 'u0t1r2l tnqilv ieer8 s,llsulpus) ot uoItIPPEul PuV PUEosstf,Id sar?(I '4r0Am)N uv lq s8unuredput 'uo11A-dtuel{lnq PuE oloue4 lg sernrdp:s uollf,allof, u1t\oslq 10) ssllgil dlllll (rlue:uuv utapol4Jto unesnw aqJ 'uot1 ur paqsrlgndeq o1lrt orpapp" sar.teq'(tr6r) istuotssatdutl-tsod ?uP sflqn) 'smun uo 'u! vrgz x 27,9[ ol uo lueld pue 'ofucr.g3o1Pa otu uolllglqxa 44lo) urapou uo qoog tslg eql Jo auo a1lr.4{ 'ot6r 'at 'ett1>B lppg '(}zf$) srynN*mS,Q papunounguaanl pua udpd uo plsa4 er{tra5" ,.ronitt.6r" itg pen,-tu,too '(otl$) fuoclagaql u0 u?W -uV pu€ :a?oa'uopag uqtyg &wy sduntpng put '(ooig13u1dg aql w arun7 splg?rld Surpnlour,a.roru8uilnq lep qrm .qro€ aqr pue 916zrrlt uo Peurnler$lro.{\ EsezralD 'sqdtrSo olqJo rrets.rols E tprl\\pue'Lz lrenrqag uo 1(oqsaqr PelIsI^llpnrur all or pue a1:drrqe -qrq",r..ortpue shunurcduaarq8rapaseqcrndoq,/d'ellgoluoln?u? u.n,ro ..{ppgauoraf rnrpry re&re1o8eorq3 apri or o8ecrqCur uerursrg rrf ueeqrler{ or pres >lcotutg qrIPE Pu? 'ur{n) rPlN '>IBZ s,sua>pe19) aql eu"r rxaN 'sreqloSuoure'(aJrrvr 'uIEreCdq qro'r'r lruar'rr aua8ng'uolll^ 'oeu8rg'uoPed 'olou?W 'uo1rn-drueqcnc rog 51,'gog'5$prtd orl"r' 'uurn| uqof dq ]urds se.,'rlauou rsotu eql ot'SL'glt'W$ 'p1os_ tl,r erarrr^srlrorrt oi Sururoc saps ssor8 qtr.l,\ ,u?f,uaurv rl pue u8tarog€zr ,lTE .iles au eqi .uorsslu^uocuo 3uq:o.u stuetsrss'lq padpq taBeueursa'es uI prp rr?.^ aqr slq8q sEqred rarTE/N qrl { rog"3unce11oru?f,Ireluvuo uolllqlqxe orp-3o.reedru1 aql ssetu? -q8iq aldtutxa slq pu? 'ut epreS-tue,re Jo uollrallof, luautruea;ds,lnunor e roJ oj ,ro Bieqsuarv,uorsogur s'lr\ .{\oqseqt uar{a Sunureduollrn ITEurs pa8uegcxaaq'qde;8oqrqprellrnn e dluo rq8noqdlpruur ag g8norpry '"f,IJauryut stuaurdola,uP pue lep rsBIeql uo rsluJeporu3oretuatrrqr lE Jq or uolsog tuo{ u,e{oPelotu Plno'ry\ 'S.raqsuary.rar[ElN 'slsluotsse;dxg r]Erlsqv eqr Pu" 1oollod ol{.1r\ .rontqtgtt lqr .4des Pu" l]rag p1o-,rrel-uerlrrr{laqr sEqf,ns'aluof,ol srBadul "oqr"13o r{Eap arnrry ,suosrEd

E , X P L O S I O NA T T H E A R M O R Y


9L dq pazrue8ro s8urrured uer Jo uortlglqxe Suqaazrt P r{tl^{ 'tr6r dpf ur s:eqrorg Pqu]D srslgn3 aql 'dlenrcy 3o socrdsneoqr repun >lro .l.roN ur pareeddear tsrg 'peuJntrJ uoos laqr ro3 'a.rnteuerd sPuesnoql 'ater8l1,1slslqnJ,,->Jro ,l.reN 5al uolr rrq E aq or rno peurnr-(rrrnotr J -lqHxa elq.'tse uns aqr uI aullPsrq eqJ 'os oP PFol sreqro qflr{.{'r uI Pr133rf uerq Peq 'suolllqlqxe aJolu ou tuoujuoJr.Aueu? slJoJe su 3o acuanbasuof e sE la^ PeluJsaJo1I 'ef,luo sruolsnc 's'n eqr qlv( o1t\l roJ Peftelf erar"rdlpug slunof,f" uaq.a,r'srcedarou 3uo1e padurq uotleztueS:o aq1 'drgsrapeal eqr arelda: ot dnolS IrueH alll lq rdu:rre uE ralo u"d" IIaJs8ulqr araqrrr'16r y Sutrds agr lllun Sulleau dlrls:aquau p:aua8 ou 'sueedorng :qt 'algtdpd se,,'rpdenag pleq settrf,ossesrq pue sar,req Jo esuaseql PuE 'slslurapolu uef,I qtr.^ se^lssrurqr P3IP PEq Pue edornE ol ueeq P?I{ urol{.{\ Jo luetu -raury Surdoya,rapagr qtv'r. sel'rEIlreuI eql 'pauon{s"J-Plo sEPa.4eI^ sa lrsueqr PUnoJ :r1qnd e ol rsEJIte 'Paf,u? P? lsoru PeJePlsuol ueeq PEI{ .la.oudarp rnq '16z3o eJ?.l"reun srsrlBexuPf,rreurv esoqr €16raro3ag 'dnor8 l:ueg 3r{]Jo slsllr? el{l uo salqer eql Paurnl 'sauo lddeg rou ara./d p"rl rrB ueedornE ./dau eqr uo uolruauP Jo snloJ rr{J sdw arp go slep Suruleruar el{r ^roqs ftourry ar{l Jo ssaf,f,nsrear8 agr arrdsag '\o.4Aau Pu? PIo nar{l 'uolluall? ^aaN ol lua.^aqJo.&\ aql uolsog luo{ Pue ol uJnlar JoJ TEuoIl?u If,"q lJo lnoqe aqrJo lno auoS eazq ol stueesPuL^ eql'ooo'tl Jo sr{ruolu oql rous slresE.^AoI{s el{l u?ql uolrlqlqxe Jeutq E aPEUJ te a,trssardurrunsel'r'Jele.l'roq 'ecu?Puarv'Pul;uo 'u1t\oqsoJO.&asal{l lgenrce trt ueado;ng urJporu Jo uolteJlueJuof, slr{t teqr llal uqn) 'uolsog or qto./d ueadorng lluo puas ol PaPIraP sea Jo parpunq rerr{r uer{r ssalpue da1do3 ]? u1(oqs selt\ll aleqa a:eds uolrlqnlxa e8rel ou asnEJJg '11211 rr 'alqelre^p se.rrr 'uolsog sB.4enurl reqro dpo eqr lng 'oluoroJ put 'uol8urqselN 'arotulrpg 'ea{nt^.\ (smo'I 'r5 or oB ol uorrrqlgxa erp ro3 slsanbar ora^{ errgJ jil I lrll sesuEl 'Peurnq aret TF0N aryg pua ax?tTa7 s,osslt?l4J suolletlrul PuE 'ssarl?LurleH IruaH drurunp erp Jo IEIrI Jo 'pa.t1agserernlSrga 9I prdy uo uolllqlqxe rqrJo Pur eil lloru E qrr.4 ParErqalef,sB./yr 'uollf,Ear tuePnls Sut8trnorua ul qr?d pu? 'rsnf,uerg 'essllBl^trSuug or suqd q8noqrly 'uolrlglqxa rql ol asrale pu? '{ro.^a ./dau eqt Jo slll eqt uo se8rzqr rtarp Sutrnlcal aqr l? srotf,nrlsul a Il? rasuof, eqJ lllenadsa are.^ etntltsul uV al{t Jo Iooqls '$LMZV 'uof, PuE ord groq salrllrE qrv"r ralqdrued rellloue ?uo tol paqsqqnd aroJerel{l laql 'uoruqrqxe eqr Jo .4ltal^ParuE[Bg arour e PaPaau o8ecg3 'uqn) l"qt tlal 'suollelar :l1qnd apueg pue s8urqr eleulProol ol etuor P"I{ oq.^ pue '33arg 'qf,Ed 'uoIlEInlJIl Jo lno uo{Et s?^{ aW-oW ruor; srdracxa a.ttlero,ro;d 'o8zclq3 uI PootrJ fItsITEJoruaqt ol asuodsar uI €€'srol 3o npdured suoltelf,osry aqr 'prourull se-/r\ue rno3 lluo peqaxnT rT sosslr?Wur sorn8g el{rJo auo rer{t os[ESunou 'panafqo ((lsrJnrnc,,aqt t?r{r ParJnf,uof,uolssltuuJof, af,I eql luog JoleSIlseAuIue Pu? 'sno.ra8uepllerour lpuons an8eel rrplo put rtttl o8mrg3 ar{t Jo tuaPlsard aq1 rrf o1 Paznrsuss Jroru sertt oqqnd aqr PuE 'eJrczll Pu? J?IIIurEJun ar{l 8uI/EIruePI uo sradeds.uau>lro^ ./$JN er{t uErlr tuerur aroru ue^e sE.^ sserd o8tcrq3 eq1

o8n1q2to alru!1suJuy aqt tsaunot tldu8ot -oqrJ'€16r'9rludy-hz qt"taTJ'95 he11a9 'o3ant13to atn4tsul tty aql p ilV utapoyJlo uofn'lqxg /?uoliputatuJatlllo uourtllusul

.r'Jsnoru attq.u lurt E selqruasJraldu:1 rluosel4l eqt pue gsgplo8 " eTI $lool rEf, terrls .(re,ta yltun euleror grus put .,doq,, ':lJqer"r r{slr.t\ eerqr l"E-lI areDalddy ol . aoH 3o slryadrd o.^^re>lorus raqraSor u.^ oJqr olyu rel{to eqJ-usluolssa.rdul-rso4 'uorsuelulP qu5 Jo eulsJlxa eql ol PelrrEf,LusIgnJ :uI u,^aoJtll slf,unsur p.r.arurrdqtl.,r.r'os arour dluo 'JeuJJoJal{t sP etues-rtv lslJnlnC 'uorsueurp rprnoJ aqr sserdxaol lduaDe .lsoo.Lr,,e :serntctd uonotu Jo lrg rsgn3 ooo'J tnoqe Jo arnrord l:ruonzls lpoay.radeuo ur ple:rrod aq1-rry :aaspporu. lagr teqa roJ sreP?alsll aredord or


the department-store chain. Attempting to capitalize on A-rmory Show publiciry Gimbels began the show at their Milwaukee headquarters in May and sent it along to stores in Cleveland, Pittsburgh, New York, and Philadelphia. There were paintings' some majoa by Ldger, Metzinger, Pierre Dumont (none of whom was included in the Armory Show), Gleizes,JacquesVillon, and fwo obscure Hungarians, all purchased by agents in Paris for $roo apiece.3a Stimulated by interest in the department-store exhibition, the Pittsburgh Art Sociery organizrd a show of American Cubists and Postimpressionists for December and asked Davies to selectthe pictures. Among the forry works were those of his AAPS colleagues Pach, Glackens, Prendergast, Kuhn, and MacRae, along with Morton Schamberg, Charles Sheeler, and Joseph Stella. About thirry of these paintings were included in the Davies-organized exhibition at the Montross Gallery in February r9r4. The organizers of the Armory Show, in fact, were instrumental in the ongoing exhibition of new art in New York, where becween r9ry and r9r8 there were close to two hundred fifty shows of modern painting and sculpture.35 The largest of these, the first exhibition of the Sociery of Independent Artists in April r9rz, almost seemsan Armory Show reunion, presided over by officers Glackens, Pach, and Prendergast,with legal assistancefrom John Quinn. But it was governed by the spirit of the new American modernism of the combined Stieglitz group and fuensberg circle, on whom press commentary centered. It was an immense exhibition of z,5oo works displayed over two miles of aisles,alphabetically arranged by artist. All work entered was accepted, except for the urinal submitted surreptitiously by Duchamp as the Fountain of R. Mutt. The Europeans who were exhibiting-including Brancusi, Matisse, Derain, Picasso,and Delaunay-elicited no special notice.36 For by this time modern European art was a relative commonplace in New York. Soon after the Armory Show one obstacle to its exhibition had been removed, with John Quinnt successfulfight for repeal of the It percent import dury on art less than rwenty years old. And with the interest stimulated at the Armory especially that of socially prominent collectors, new galleriesand a new market blossomed. These new establishments actively exhibited American modernist painting and sculprure aswell as European, but many felt that the Americans were getting the short end of the stick. The most focused response was the Forum Exhibition, held in March 1916 at the Anderson Galleries, which displayed about rwo hundred worla by seventeen artists. They included the Synchromists, many members of the Stiegliz group' Man Ray, Charles Sheeler, and the Zorachs. Criticizing the neglect of American art since the Armory Show, the catalogue attacked the new galleriesfor directing so much attention to work of commercially desirable foreigners. There is some irony in the reaction ofAmerican modernism to an exhibition instrumental in creating the conditions of its own existence. For while the Armory Show did not significantly influence the sryles or gready expand the knowledge of theseAmerican painters, many of whom already had worked in Europe, it did foster an environment receptive to their efforts. Bringing modern art to the attention of a greater public, inspiring collectors and patrons, creating a market in which galleries could survive, the Armory Show was of signal importance for the new American art. Additional irony lies in the presenceof Robert Henri on the organizing committee of the Forum Exhibition. For in ultimately securing a future for advanced art in the United States, the Almory Show laid the ground for the development of American modernist abstraction instead of American realism. This move toward abstraction, of course, was a world-wide phenomenon, yet in different circumstances it would be touted as the highest form of realism. To seethis we must look at a very different group of artists, halfway around the globe.


o9z '6o9'd'h6t ytdy'autz 'IloA aaN 'sra8uo3 ur llrurel -aZty1 &uua3,.'uorsnlll rsluorssardul-rso4arlJ,,,zossruoJ ptroa.Lz r{tra eJrTparJJ"rupuonrp?l e Surlq aylqn <plrqtrllaqt pu? ratrod Bup[J 'len:agrow ur '(ig6r ,fia1le5sarperyEr"qrpg :ptr) /t6r-€r6r aoatruqog at11:a&poq qrrn rg puz! rsg uo ploqamoq tarJas" ldal aq ro1 pauaasrr{ uerp rJoru sa sar ?C 'pJlJ^olslp uaorg ry 'gi 'd .umorg '! pqpry 'tl,arat.gU Erf,ut€dras 'uops rag pw a8poq Iaq"WJo uorsml -srppoo8 e rog '(996r'suogs:auqrrtrSsrlreq3 :4to7nay1)ruaa&a4a4ug 'raqa4NnW puu <rarn€Wpegly 'urreyqugof'la1 -rr€H uepsftI J 'a oC rnquy-slsrulapou mrnurv srr{Joaoqs dnor8 uosreptr atll pu! mot/SfuoruV at11 ,f161{totr MN ,ueert uruew ,rs 'uoDrqrqxeer{t 'paaa qrrm arp 8unpr1 rueaSe4 w runo:Je JoC uqof.uor sa aurzs lrr:qqnd rsrg gtuoru ssal t€ql qlnru 8un:rnry't Ezrq8ang -ueduo: rq-ol-uoos :aq lq par:arrp sea luem aqr pue .sa8poq 1aqey1 .0S-6, .dd,uaorg 'f sa 'l runf uo sra]roa 1ps Suryrrrsaqr 3o rroddns ur u:pre5 arenbg uosrpu4 rz plaq 'ruea8e4rlrrrs uosrateda8nq :qr roJ eapr ar{J .92 '6fz--ofz ' dd' (LS6rrsserd?ruro3lp3 hrsrarrun :trapqtag\Suuuro4 'zL|d'tfir '[r q:reyq ,1tiuora(] puu uV.Sz ntuotssatdrg Jo uawag 'qes, ralad rrs 'punqrapuos auSoJo3 :rp Jo slretap roC .z 'Lt 'd 'f.t6t rolq pagsqqnd,h6t tr1n[-1udy,ytorX, uaaoS .tz 'suoDel '\6 'd'€96r tqrqxE kouaaruuy tpo! motlgftotuty fr6r .tz -onb lluo Sunrclypraua8 'unururu B ol uaolg or sa:uara3a: rd:r1aleq 'z\ 'd'(.96r 1lrr:qdurs:og :ardeg: srqrur llrleeq ll uo parT3rr eq I pue <uouql{xa er{l;o tunoif,?r Drugapaqr s:pno:d lroa srql'(9 d'(996r':11rmqqy lren:qag Utrauv ut itv,,.suonrrlloreg,, ,smll[lN solr?J mrtJrlN .zz :1ro1 na51) 'pa puz'noqg ftoruy aqtlo kotg atlJ .u^org.lN uorl4 .r 'Lr:t '(z16r,ourv qrol arN) .slo^ t ,tr6r uV ura -yo1,17lo b udaq2 uouqulxE noqg fuouty aq1 ''pa 'ladrqq p;eurag lpuourruquJ .rz ur parur:da: '(gt6r) motlg f^touuy aqt [.totg at11 .uqn) tlzl6 to 'o9 d'pqrueso5 ur,.'luorC 'ryr'd'f9tu tytpE ar{l uog srrle-I aunrel)N sJrery zwJJ! lq3ry aur:arpq4 ep1 gi [.touanruuVt1toS moqgttorutV €t6r ul p:ruudar ,h6t ,zz r4trcyt1,4oqtno '6\z'd ttuaw1Votlaf, awlg aqJ'cre61 pue llsurpuqq 'l,f aqi ,,'uolJtgtlff1 trv wjo narrl suzrulry v,, .rla rsoou aJopoar{I .oz 'oS d' (6L6t'urnasnpl uy llsr:rlun '9rz d'(296r'ss3rd :,(ap>yag)916r--o99r:r,t/W zuaq ''pa 'pqruasoU rJeW ur ,,ireprx enlg uonrsodxE qro aaN) q7g puoauJ atlJ .ueulrad.g p:euuag .6r arf prr?lrEW zwJC,,'rr:TluB.I sne;;1ur p:ronb trul:dr uol uoruy .9i 'LG d'(.96rtpre14a.;-'suV 'zt-rt'dd 'qrqqlgeg !n .gr ,uoer{S uojsv ,,'z3urujv ur suourqnlxgrslqn3 ua::o8rog:q1 :€t6r,, 'oz 'd ''Prg1'W 'L| 'd '(.16r't rp;myl Taunof8uruanE4totrmaliJtatry prcqqn11tareS:zryLr 'zrd'tt6t '6 \aulJ qro^ ruN ,.,usruors g:rey4i '9r -sardul-rso43o Jape{ 'assneryr{lp\ IpI y,, lusaq3:ery I ?rBIJ 'gS'd lrun8yyua rag ur paruudea !r '9( 'd ' ({l6t 's.rotdprg pue sraluredubrJ3urv Jo uouerrossy qrol ,r{aN) o8antl2 put 4ro maN m naH .pa,ffla:g sauref laaoupua&I arf uo smarA:lsutp7vpu? 101 lclrapa:g ur p:lur:da: \atulJ 4tof, mN urorJ,. ,.uJsrgn), p{r? usrJntn{, uo xo] uolur) :uV a3N arlJ,, PU€ :89r 'd '(€96r 'alnrnsul rolrord-suBrTlrlN -uosunry ,rlJ pue ruauoJuasr:::r5 ,4:ua11:E)rlfl prr? 1:otr nag) fgdr qqlr/xg f,uilantuuv tl$t moqsfuouV €16rur paluuda; ,fr6r ,!r q:rery 'Qqaa7X1 s1ad.o11,.<uonrqqxE puoneurelul tuaiag aqr lg pe:rdsu1 suonlauau auJos 'uV ul lr:ld5 ,urapow, ,qJ,, .xo] uodua;q .ir 'zlt-th 'dd ''ptq1'tt 'grrd 'unorg 3as.arn8gsrr{lJouon?ArrJperll JoC.zr '€16r'ozftenrqeg'tso43u1uanE'go|d,umorg.rr '8zt-Wz'dd 'umorg aas'sarg:rnd pue 's:rrrd 'sJrpual uo uoo€ru.toJurSurpnpur &oury agr n palzld 1mr: .€gr .d ,(1,!6rs:agsqqnd uaor3 -slp qroa ,qr Jo tsrt arayduo: z rog :Iro AeN) p1tlrs uwqry aqi su24rqg uptrylN .sua]{|rel3 erl .or ?up 'lrr-(rrdd 'u,rorg aes'suoor ar{rJo uortrzrwS.roagr;o qrerap.log '6 '€9r'd'unorg 'g '16'd'unorg'1,

slsruv mrraurv


'(oi6r'dnor3 aaN) u?lJrqupw u! tfl1rv ,s:al141auoraf .9

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' 1 r : d yo : u r p3puarxarr ter{t srapo '&enrqag ul pauadolr l?qt a allaqaulos qJrel J ur aqr uo sa tr rrqr aar8e[V 'ppq sa lr uaqa or se ragrp sre .IorlJspue 'uaoDlun erPszlloD ]e uourqrqxaaqr3o sarepDexaag1 .zi '992-\92'€92-z9z'dd'zyag::s'uolpssqraH rqr ur papnpur stsnr aql pw suoDrqrqxa urnrs req aqtJo tsrT€ JoC rf '92 'd 'alran7 aag'g:runy,qSurleal:egp uapsarq pu? 'urJJag'ua3eg 'uraquuuw 'aqnlslJsxur u.ror{sslra puoJasrqt pu" '8rnquru11 :016r ur uryf,luprCpw 'urraarps 'uep?qsrrJ4N Jroplassnq 'uaureg-PlagraqlE<ourg o1 Prlr €l uonrqqxe nL\)N rsrg 3qf ot 'zu Lt 'd '(996r'arraJeg aqrsrurlrag:utyeg) 7u7pow t?p u2uo!1p1s u .,iJatrauanslg rac,, .nBqrD -ln-I uo saJpuV-orJeIAIaag 'f drenuuf lrun p:puarxa sen^naor{saqr terp arnou:adedsaeu€ sr ararp'Sursopaqr ro3ry'qr6r aqr uo Suluado uollqrqx3 3gr tnoqe qrJr rr{t uo Sraquoqogol alora osp llsulpuqq 'rp6r agr parepsen Suluadoygssa::nsarp Sununourr€ (.srJtreguenelg,j agr lq leunelaq or tuas prer aqr pue 'lep terp uorlrqqxa ar{t Sur8u€q aram l:rp r€qr pue {a3zs parrrre perl sn?asmo1 aqr rerp Surles qrgr aqr uo leunel:q or aro:n llsurpuu; 't trnnw[ g€norqr 6r r]qumrq unr aler{ ot lJpntl" suJrJsaoqs aql 'r lrenwf q8no.rgt gr raqua]acJ s uorrrqrqn latreUrn"lg ,rp3o $r"p arlt sarr8anSoJernaqr q8noqrry.6f 't9-SS'dd,8j6r qcrpry ,u7o17ng uy ,,,/:oaqa rolo3 pu€ rusrqdrg,, 'ddlq3 aas':re;,rqpue llsurpuE{Jo t?qr 1aqcsra11 'l:oaqr :oJo: sluunepq uO '6t-gV 'dd ,attanT WrA lspluo, srr pw aas:atra1 an"lg arpJo usr3nrrf pw Surmr:pJmr:rres sa1:e;4rog'g€ zS'd'3211n3ty1 Lt.

NOTES "Evolution 28. Christian Brinton, not Revoludonin Art," Intemational Sndio, Aprrl r9r), p.34. 29.Brown, p. t5z. 3o. Detailson purchasesmadeat the exhibition come from Brown, pp. tzo-ryg, and. sales information from his catalogue of the show, pp. 244-128.


ofArt and the SymbolistBlue Rosegroup.

6. The donkey (lolo) belongedto Fridi, proprietor ofthe lapin Agile in Montmartre, where Picsso and his friends gathered.For the lilll storymd a photo of Lolo at work, seeJohn Richardson,A Life of Piasso, vol. r (NwYork RandomHouse,r99r),p.375.

7. About halfofTltlint entrieswerecostumesketchesfor the rgrr rnno"Frederic vative production The Plzy about the Tiar Maximilian and his Anogant For Torrey the complete story seeFrmcis M. Naumann, 3r. SonAdnlf On Tatlin's designs,seeJohn Milner, Vladimir Thtlin and the C. Torrey md Duchmp! Nudz Descendinga Staircase,"in Bonnie Rusian Auant-Garla (New Haven: Yale Universiry Press,1983),pp. Clearwater,ed., \V'estCoastDuchamp (Miami Beach:GrassfieldPress, z8-32. Goncharovaincluded a seriesenrided Artistic Posibilities ofa Pear99r), pp.rr-23, which correctsmuch misinformation passedalong bv coch,wirhthe bird renderedin Chinae, EgJptian,Cubist, and Russim earlieraccounts. Embroiderystyles.For the cataloguelisting ofthe Donkey'sTail exhibi"Mabel tion, seeDonald E. Gordon, Mofum Art Exhibitiorptgoo-r9r6, z vols. Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Dodge, and Gertrude Stein, 32. (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, r974), z:562-566. Max \07eber: A Four-DimensionalTiio," lrrs, Septemberr982,p. ro6. 33.Brown, p. zo6. 34. For an accountofthis exhibition, seeSheon,pp. 9l ro-. " 'The Vorldt New Art Center': N,lodernArt 35. SeeJudith Ztlcre1 Exhibitions in New York Ciry r9r3-r9r8," Archiuesof Ameican Art Jour"Modern nal14, no.3 ft974):z-7; and An md Its Sources: Lxhibitions in New York, ryrc-r921 A SelectiveChecklist." in William lnnes Homer, ed., Auant-Garfu Painting and Smlpnre in Ameica r9r0-r92t (Wilmington:DelawareAn Museum,r9-5),pp. r66ff "The Big Shos'.The First 36.On this exhibition,seeFrancisNaummn. Exhibition of the Socier,vof Independenr Anists," Anfomm, February 1979,pp.34-39,andApril 1979,pp. 49-5t. Chapters "old r. All datescited for Russianevenrsarein the sn'le" usedbeforethe October Revolution,which can be convenedto srmdrd Wesrerndating by adding r3 days.This meansthat for thosein Pris or Munich, for "old instmce, the exhibition o-ro openedin 1916.My useof srle" dating conformsto that ofthe standardliterarureon Russianan, however, and it seemsleastconfusingto adopt this practice.On designatingthis exhibition o-ro, rather than m, a mistakenform which had established itself due to a mistake in printing the exhibirion caraloguemd postet seel:rissa A. Zhedova, Mabuich, Suprematismand Rnolution in RusianArt rgro-rgjo (London: Thamesand Hudson, r98z),pp. lz3-r25. z. Kasimir Malevich, From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism:The New Painterly Realism,in John E. Bowlt, ed., RussiznAn of the AuantGarde, Theoryand Criticism r9o2-r9j4 (New York: Thames and Huds o n ,1 9 8 8 )p, . n 8 . 'Worlds, Kasimir Mabuich and the 3. Charloae Douglas, Swarc of Otber Origirc ofAbsnactionin RusLt(Ann.\tbor: UMI, r98o), p. y4. 'Westernprecedentsin rhis 4. The Neoprimitivists also were awareof direction. Larionov had accompmied SergeiDiaghilev to Parisfor his exhibition of thirteen elegmt rooms of Russianart at the 19o6 Salon d'Automne,wherehe had seenthe Gauguin retrospective alongwith the work of the Fauves.And most of the artists had visited rhe srear Shchukhinmd Morosov collectionsof Frenchpainting in Mo.c* Ot Diaghilev'sRussiansectionof the 19o6 Salon d'Automne, seeJohn E. Bowh, TheSiluerAge: Rusian Art ofthe Early TwentiethCenturyand the "W'orld of Art" Grazp (Newtonville, MA: Oriental ResearchPartners, 1979),pp. 169-17r.

8. Douglas,p. 7. The exhibition includedwork by David, Madimir, and Ludmilla Burliuk. 9. Ellen Proffer and Carl Proffer, eds., The Ardis Antholngl of Rusian Futurism(Ann Arbor: Ardis, r98o), p. t79. In addition to poems and essaysby the Russian Futurists, A Skp in the Face of Publit Titste included a number of prose poems from Kandinskyt Kknge, prblished without his permission.Conservativein demeanorand uncomfortable sryle of manifesto,he sent a letter to rhe Rusian with the aggressive 'lYordinMay t9r3protestinghis inclusion in the volume. ro. Both of thesesourceshad been emphasizedin Madimir Markov's "The Principlesof the New Art" with particular referencero Chinese art, pointing away from Europem precedentstoward the Emt, the ground, according to Goncharova, of all the best in Russian art. Markovt essayws published by the Union of Youth in r9rz, and is Art of theAuantGardr, pp. 4_1,8.It is inrertranslatedin Bowk, Russian estingto comparehis emphasison chance,and the generd rejectionof logic by the RussianFuturists,with the coniemporary essayby Ben"The jmin De Casseres, Renaissance of the Irrational," published by Stieglitz in his special Armory Show isste of Camera Worh, }une t9t3. "Cut That essayends: down the sacredBo-treeofsciencewith its mock orangeand stuffed nightingales!. . . The blzing consteflationsin rhe rcdiaa ofthe irrational are calling us, and up the sun-shaftofthe ages we go dancingthe lmciviousdanceof the atomslwe go like godssweating stars,chanting a Te Deum-to Chance." (p. z+) On Goncharova's rejectionof the Westfor the East,seeBowlt, pp. Sj-6o. rr. Douglm, p. 36, from the publishedreport of"The First All-Russian Congress of Poets of the Future (The Poet-futurists)," in which Kruchenyck,Matiushin, and Malevichwerethe soleparticipants. rz. Ma.levichletter to Matiushin, May r9r5, in Dougl*, p. 64. For imagesof the squarein Victoryouerthe Sun, seeJean-ClaudeMarqde, "K.S. Malevich: From Blzch Quadrilateral(r9r3) to White on Whie (r9r7); from the Eclipse of Objects to the Liberation of Space,"in StephmieBarronand Maurice Tirchman, eds.,TheAuant-Gardrin Russia, ryro-rgjo: New Perspectiua(Los Angeles: Los Angeles Counn' MuseumofArt, l98o), pp.zo-zt. r3. Milner, p. 84. 14. On Tatlin's knowledge and recitation of Khlebnikou see \iB. "'il/hat I RememberAbout Thtlin," in LarissaA. Zhadova,ed., El'konin, Thtlin(Nor York: Rizzoli,1988),p. 437.

15.In Bowlt, RusianArt oftheArant-Gardz,pp. 8o-8r. y. It hm beensuggested that the Knaveof Diamondswu namedfor the diamond-shapeddesignson the uniforms of prisoners----emphasizing 16.For Goncharova's remark, seeDouglm, p. z3; and for an accountof the anist'srole asoutcast-but this desienationalsocontrmtedwith the the Moscow event see BenediktLivshits, Ilr One and a Halffued effete titles of the more establishedar-rists'organiarions, Diaghilev's Archer,trans.lohn E. Bowlt (Newtonville,MA: Oriental ResearchPart-


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o8 -oqn] sE u.^aou)losp €16rlq 'sraod3o dnor8 rue/11 aql sBlr\rlnsa: eg1 'o8zn8 lruerualll -uBI aqr ur pJ Iolul Juref,eqosp,taqr slsllJ?J_ol{lo uonetueuruadxe.ldeu r{r}r lr l?ql paurtldruocpeq Lo6r r.q--rqnqrng qlla .dn pa33o1c PuEIIry parurue(,,se-/d ur uolrlqnlxr qr"auN rl{r Jo .l.rollarzta"lf u?Plo7 otll-uo l1-ra uor3 sralurcd ar'nre 'sel?Irosse slq uoeqp"q s8uqqrssH prl" >lnllrng Pr,req PUElnllrng r{rv'r uoll?IIIJiP 'uollJerlsq? lsluoltuuPaf,nPoJlul .^Aeu slr le o r{rno^Jouorun aql qlll|t\eloJq ^ououBI 'uollqqxe dnor8 aqr 'ra8rea aqr ? orer{f,uoDpue ^osoueT qrtq^ r" '€16rgrrqr,trul 'xaldurocererE { eql ,,ryy itrrt,roSrruelreur.rd se>lnrlrngpl^EC py ouorrt-I qrr.,r,r sreqruau Suouresaf,u?IlPSurryrqsag1 oro3aqapreS-ru?e u?Issn6el{t Jo 'uaPPu-rf,Iuuol 'arnllnf, Pu?ruroJlrlnu PeruEPE 'lS r pauroJ sepr^qJedno:8 rragrPuE?(olsow put Srnqsrara4 uaelillaq q8norp .a18uls tutuodtut ue avntag-fz6r ul per8urual {rrp8e: prlrn"ti ,rtnty ,tr,rt, epreS-ruer,e 'lS 'lEH su?IPauo3 agr pw 8oq pue'tr6r' ur perSono4 p.*e,tti-S.tttgsrerad 'sacwu:o3radpc itng ,qr tt qrns tg3.t,,uitrt, lq paue,rqua'sellllllf,? aseqlg8norqa 'lr6t ut nlaulrew -rnEor{tSur4earg-punor8 pue .sBuprarLrraod 'sarEgaP Pu? sarnrtral uollBlllqnd aqr par'roddns u?raro3lq sirsr,r'qooq 8,rtp.tir.rr'slenrraylarul Jo .srequaur '3ulturcd uelssnu tI 'uslJnlnC-ognCor tusr,nllurrrdoaNuroU Polus P? uo Pasnf,oJ pu? sazlelDruo.t3sldracxaPUEslsl (i,r-or6r) suoDrqnlxrr^V sr lustqnJ s,ro8uraalAl -rnrnc uEIIE]Ier{rJoso]saJlueur sEslxel TErIluJrlf,nspurnol s{ uI PeqsllgndPUEslsllrE 'uns al{r ntro trsott1lyando ueado-rng'qrimtr"r"t,tor-prutrr,t** qrnolJo uolun aqr q8noqlly'zr'omzoa e316 'srrlu.t\ aqt ot ryryad Pt pu? 'ulqsnlrew il"Wlln 'ornD ?uolg Surpnlcur PuPslslueJo dnor8 t lg 6o6r $urunl-oqn) 'qrlnel?w 'qlno1 -6nur eql ?Fqrut o5l? aql uI papunoJgnlt Prnl1nl pue lralcos uotuqlqxe uP Jo uolun irnq Jo ITEJ [q s8u1mruyt/1tm 'olng ?ualE -srrrad'15aql lq luas s8unurcdJouollf,esE PaPnpuIosTE IIE1sfaluo6 aq1 'serueql JJ Fup ,?0{uqqcD{ttua7a11'q4'haqt Psllselsalf, 'eJnl -ntSJ tq s$at Fu! sutaodZut uo s8unuredJor{Jouolt?f,sguofsrosusl aqr qrrn lrarrorou paure8uolllqrqxeaql 'ut!1uor?up laquadag u! ugtft -lal spuourBlqJoa ?u) egr re uonerr8es? orer{truoDol enPPePuarle-llalA. /'Prlues pue auo-lgg Perlqqxa 1wW tq paqsgqnd'rrrl{I rql -a:dei oqe sen' p8eq3 Pue 'qro.rt\ rno;-lruartlr qlI^oTEJAJ 'arnlcelll{frv '|ttu,(1n['?uqu!l'o44r!4!snn eqrJo prll{t 3 tnoqEPatnqrrluof,E^or?qJuoDPUE^ouolrEI urllel ,.4Aoqs u7'(,,>ot1) >atya a'q1n! &ut pue 'arnrdprg '8unure4Jo looqls ./r,tocsotr l aql ut Pa^eldslP$lro,t'rPorPunqaarl{r -mup ranor1q4nr1o1tg qrymq4tu qrr^ irusr.onr*udoiN u?IssngJo uorteululnf, el{l se./'ruolllqlqxe p1 sfaluoq -aqrlttx texelv ?u? 'qrlx?lpw ,qa .j,ro orrzqdureu? seldtsp4uotrar{r,urlreg ur Lralp8 rurnts aqr le uolllqlqxa s)nIT -rng rlrulpel\ pue pl^"C qrr.,r,r SurproulolPu? /dogssPuourEICJo a^eu) Puof,aseqr rltutspx'utqskxltw l!?tl4!w reu? rsnf SurtuocPu? 'uoll€luelro urelsolnr.qnllJng eql Peluoguol ^l]lrrlP elorel{f, -uoD Pu? AouoIrEIeraH e'lrcl sll ol PaIl qsnrg e qru,r laluop e lq auop.sSuDured 'slu?Puadppulsop ,rtgl prut-gns ,tlrysseons sqla8rog Pu€lo1 rsrpurno( uaqir uopg o16rrr{t te ruaPrtul snolrolou oql roJ Patutu sea IIEJ +DIuoC 'l*.ro*,rr., 'uols aqr uorrlqlqxeue3o asruro;deql qrllr sreuelsllSurq8nelraq pa8ualpgcel{srnq -rJaprpr.{ peraar8st^"oC egr 'dnor8.^au eJo luaulJtrunouu?reH 'uJsIqnJ uo aJuerpnt ar{t eJnrf,alol Pue Surzrroaqlallssaf,xeJoJ sPuourEICJo e ?u){ aql utuepuof,ot asoJeE^orzl{f,uo3uottBluaserdsJlqln) lV ./t{o^I{s Puotasslql luedurorce "o olor/( or#t\ or rri"gtp Sutua.tapezrue8ro'rpupu4v arlt roJ .plssnU3o ,sa8e,rt5, ?qL 'lnlTrng pue eH 'rpupu4vrafiay anqg )qt uI ((trlsnryeerC,,uo lesseagr Surqsrlqnd pue 116rragruaf,aqut ssor8uo3uetssnAlly eql or uV ur pnurrdS agr Sururaouo3 'stuoor tsulllnsuorslg Surpear'l1supuq1 ltrtluof, esolf,uI se^tJloslrrlqulqF) Srnqsrero4'rS oqrJo rroddnsasogr'r ,r, d*, oi rrrnt"-p* sraodrq8norg 'leunelaq 'ulqp) plo1lN PePnlf,urosly:a391 pue .,rorropdn.rc,,eqtJo >lroa ar{rsE.^^ (essD?W (ossEf,rd 'sJZIelJ ruoU PIrB'ullrJg 3'I or uoIlIPP?uI 'eJuBJC reluuoJntg Pu? ''peluaserde: ere^\slsllr?rerlag eftlg aqr3o lwru zt6t lrr;n *ot3 it,rqtt5irllr'r 3u'o1e -o"f ,rt .rontqtqxespuoruelqJoo^?u) Puof,aseql uI PuE'l1surpuq,1qll'4 suonf,auuof, srt rtq ptdoltntp put paurcturelrrInIIrng Pl^eC l,roull e-&ry'sntroJutadornE8uv''r'or8



Futurists. Early interests in peasantand children's art developed into linguistic attempts to capture a more pure, prelogical state of mind, and the results were aggressivelypresented in collaborative text and performance. Their Igrz manifesto, published in the aboveleft and right: burlap-covered A Slap in the Face of Public Tiate, proclaimed the right of poets to create Instalktion of \4adimir Tatlini "insuperable completely new words out of an haued for the language that existed largecornercounter-relief at o-ro, before them."e The Last Futurist Exhibition of "beyond The language created was called um, a contraction meaning sig- Pictures,Petrograd,ryr5. Thtlin ni6cance," and it consisted of neologisms linked togetherwith syntactic oddiry tonal also allowed works by Liubou PopouaandNadtzhlaUdzbsoua peculiarity, and unanticipated juxtapositron. Zaum was to be independent of traditional patterns of thought and standard causal assumptions, appropriate to a world of to be shotanin this room,tahich radically different perception and consciousness.Nonrational intuition and chance hedtsignated"ExhibitionofProphenomena were Emblematic of the usesto which umwas put is the fessionalPainters."StateRussian December r9r1 productio n of Victory ouerthe Sun in St. Petersburg,with text by Alexei Museum,St.Paersburg Kruchenykh, music by Matiushin, and setsand costumes by Malevich. The work originated the previous summer at Matiushin's estate in Finland, where the three friends "to formulated plans for publications and performances designed destroy the antiquated movement of thought according to the law of causaliry the toothless common 'symmetrical sense,the logic' . . ."rl In the performance sponsored by the Union of Youth, Malevicht costumes reflect the cubistic forms of his current painting, but one "The of his sets,he later saw,was to anticipate the most srartling image from o-ro: curtain depicts a black square, the embryo of all possibilities-in its development it acquires a terrible strength."12 The disjunctive language of zaum corresponded to contemporary developments in painting, with images dismembered under Cubist infuence and reassembled in the alogical mode of works like Malevicht An Englishman in Moscow. Kruchenykh "'We exclaimed, have cut the objecd W'e have begun io see through the world!" and 'When what appeared was takâ‚Źn to be a different perceptual order. Matiushin translated passagesof Gleizes and Metzinger's Cubism for the Union of Youth, he interpolated excerpts from Pyotr Uspenskyt Ti:rtium Organum, connecting French allusion to the Fourth Dimension with remarks about the hieher consciousnessto which artists


z8 eq p1notrrrtJt er{I 'h6t pue o16ruaa,lrraqpalro,la'pue pele ?n lueru aragr'r.'srre4 ut tuadsslsrlJ?rr?rssndar{ttErp JruDeql sertr'sdrqrad'TEDuJnUur eJorrrlng 'sassDEW srq qtr^. Suop "rosorow u" I ;o sSulploq lsluorssardurlsodPu" lsruolssardurl rear8 aqr ./rrarlol petr^ur sE1(osIBrrlqnd aqa 'essneryot pue osspf,rdot pato ep sruooJqtr./"r's8ururorulepung uo slsnJeol uonf,elloJluecgru8eu srq pauado ur4nqlqs ra8ra5'.vrocsoy,q uJ 'suonrqrqxespuourerqJoa,reu;1ruanbesqns ur u^\oqseq ol prnultuor srsrgnJrar{ropue ossef,rd suonf,rlesaqr uegrlg pue 'tsrqn3 dla8rele:a.ra. './r.of,sory 'o16r e8ry ur suonrqrrlxr spuourerqJo e Eu) eqr roJ ur pue puotrrs pue tsry pue 'Srnqsrara4'lS 'Essapour uops rug a8ng tl{rqrpq rlulp"l1 roJ nearrf,ratr l rrp -u?xe1vdq palqruasse se.r,r 8unurcd qruarCpoou?pV 'rusrqnJ r{ouorCJo leqr ser'r8ur -turcd ut oJuengurrear8aqr-qro.Ll tsruolug puortetuasardeJ eJorusp oJ?rlluo3 pu? 'ra8rea 'ayu1g-afiuy eqr ur'ror{s aqJ sJpr.rcIEW se qcns-suorrdacxa -ua3? ruog rE se/d rusrJnlnCuerpq q8noqJ rrcde 'apre8-ru"e u?rssngar{t JoJtuutrodtu_r 'a1rde pue Surrragot sra.trogpue lpum ruor3 'a?erseqr oruo sgr83orr,&roqs e Sur4oaordsegceeds seesuodsar pue s8urpea.r qtl a (lla.,'l. pexltu E rq8no:q uoneu8t rraql 'i'r6r rprBIAJot €16rragruacaq ruo{ qrnos aqr ur sanr) uoelualasur Sururro3red'erssngJo JnoJ tsrJntn{ olrsuetxeJrerpuo ora.ul1s 'l1s,ro>plery -uatus) Slnllrng put Suunp 'llpcruorl 'selnDel pr^?C lrsh s,rDeutr?W slq auo llq8rq ? pernqrnsrp^o>lugalq){g8noqr 'uorrdaca:prproc lE ragpal prurrc Jo e paprr'ordpu? rsoqsrrlsE.'!\ urqF) 'Srnqsrera4'tS uI ^'!oN rededs,rouoql ot reUJIe ur ruaurrpry prpugep rpl^opry rnq 's33egrv't perpd oq or{ reqr patsoSSnsouorr?'I 'Aorsotr u1 'uondara: pexru E ol pa^rrrerr{ pue 'lfir 1uenuefur ta]EI sr1tuoru.traJ J E 3ur?f,Erssnuol rrsrrtlpo srH'zgaz?guartsnuatlJ ol renel,fiSueue qrvtl papuodser IuauIJ?IAJ tsrlnlng uao rrerf Surtrassepus DlaurJ?WSur4rele ^ of,sory ,,'Arrorrd uI af,ueruroJrad ppn e ppq sraodarp €1613o puonorur,, IIEJeWq pue ,,'rusruorssardrul sp r.usunlnCu?r[B]Ipezrlrur E^orer{)uo5'(..rq llp\ oqr"rasoql..)auafltapnqJo ro^EJ ur $trunl uJretaql petcalar^o>lruqelq){rng 'z16rur urlJagur .&or{slsrJntnCaql uees per{{nrrrng pF"C pue {r{rno1Jouorun aqrdq pueqlody ur.peqsqqnduarq per{solseJ -luttu lueuodur er{l dueur 'srre4ur acuereadde str ra3r lsn( uerssngur paqsrlgnd Jo su.l olsaJlrreru rW laqr JsJnof,JO'uon"r 6o6r s,rrrauue141-su?rprl J"rInu"Jara.Lr. Wlrvr 'luedruocpue nteurr?WJoteqt sreuol erII 1gr due parsarordsuerssngrqr lnq er..'lrE pepe^urserlgll pue gll pauourunsllpnol :,reqr.4 'stsnreJououelosr8uo; rqr regy 'aJrTot tr? paurofa,regalN ' ' ' 'sarrgparurcdrno tq8norq r Eq a./"r:ogroSorpeppnq sasnoqer{t ot 'sarpoqqlr.n'pa.relrdsaqsteenseqt or (sdtutl cst1o f,ircperzua{ aqt oL, :(tr6r) sarqauno&!pJ aA ft.lA ur paureldxarpl evepz el11pue ^ouorreI rysuoods urpoo./(ro saqsrp"Jr{1r.4pelerof,apsaloquorrng'saJEJ rrer{ruo peruredsureuedqlr.r,r '3rIuE ppo ur Srnqsrera4'rS pue .^orsory 'sauarsrrlgnd Jo sleartsagr ur Surreadde pue rol^eqeq a,tne:o.r.o:dpelofue su?rssngarp (s]srrntngue{prl eqt aIrI ,r'uolqseJalg?IaSroJunur arrf,aror Prcsse.,ltPuerrear{lg loul aq >lro./il 'taod.atrro^EJ 'sJarTar-relunol asor{.r^. s,urltEl s?/d ^olruqalq){ repuo.^^ ou sr ter{r tr puB sJIIl"I ut drelloror str pug plno^\ uwrz Jo tJadsetsrprraterusrql 'pa1ro,,vr raod aqr qlrq,{\ qrr.tlsaulur prrslqd 'sa8erulpu? spunoslllrerulrd rrr.4 spro.^^o>lruqalD{ roJ 'qyaus 'q8nq .ro3urrrt rr{r ruo{ pe rrap sp.^a ur '9o6r Jo ((rrr pro./'l.l-ra,rag:lr1,r,r. -q8ne1lq uouetumul, srqse,/\4, ssamnsrnaod tsrg s^o>lruqa1l)l'suonelnrlplpue satep 'eag ueldse3 oqt uo upr+Ienry urog DneurarpeuIpue d3o lef,Iro]srt{qtr,& pessasqo -lor{rluro eqJ Jo ]uePnls^olruqrlq) rlr.ullrnser'rsraodu/ntz eq)Jo lsrtEarS €r.('PeuosrJotur st ttrtds u?umq aqr qlrq./^ur e8ecEJo srcqSurdouuzrgr-lrrpar ur ueegsler'rp a,rzg daqt regr'rauolrar'arroJegpa rr IIIII\ ' ' ' ,0rpsnerlypre.roc3o pue 'arun padegs-dorp l-rosnlr 3o 'acedspuorsueurp-eerr{tJo surolueqdperanbuorer{t ' ' ',, '€16rur alor,r,r ulqsnrtery 'Sunearcarartrlaqr r"qr plJor\ ldau srqt uI 'ssaoJ"proadsa,rer1 ot pr?srJr.r


seenclearlyat o-ro. More thatr half of the fourteen arristsin the exhibition had spent time in Paris,and most of thosehad worked therefor ayearor more' Mafia Vasileva,in Paris from ryo7, ran what was known as the AcaddmieRusse,frequentlyvisited by Liger, and the site of his important lecruresdeliveredearlyin the summersof ry.4 and ryt4. worked there in rgrr-rz. Liubov Popova, Natan Altman and Zhenia Boguslavskaia NadezhdaUdaltsova,and Vera Pestelall painted at the Acaddmiede la Palettein were teaching.Ivan rgr2-r3,where Gleizes,Metzinger,Le Fauconnier,and Segonzac ?etersburgirt t9tz, to St. Puni beganworking at the AcademieJulianin r9ro, returning were marBoguslavskaia he and After Futurists. where h"ebecameiirvolvedwith the to Russia back forced be to only in early Paris to moved again ried, the two artists ryr4, by the outbreakof the *at The most Amous excursionto Pariswasthe shortestone, however-Thtlint visit to the studio of Picasso' Thtlin traveledto Parisby way of Berlin in the earlysummefof t9r3,wherein the springhe had gonewith a group of Uk "i.ri* musiciansto play at an exhibitionof Rurri"., iolk ".r.3i"ging atrJ phying the stringed bandore,he was able to make enoughmoney ,o .oi itr",t.o.t io p"tir. There was.alargeand activecommuniry of Russilnartistsin Parisat the time, including the sculptorsfuchipenko, Lipchitz, Zad' kine, and BaranoFRossind,and the month or so Thtlin spentthereexPosedhim to at leastsomeof the new Cubist sculpture.He certainlyhad good contactsin Popovaand Udaltsova,who had worked witir him at the studio calledthe Tower on Kuznetslly Bridge in Moscow.lsBut the critical experiencewas going to Picassotstudio at z4z bou[vard de Raspail,wherettlin r"* hir ground-breakingconstructionsand reliefs. ApparentlyJacquesLipchiu actedas interpreter,and Thtlin entertainedPicassowith Rriri"r.un.r. it is said that Picassogavehim sometubesof paint as a gift, and that Thtlin askedto be kept on asan assisLnt.Certainly he had-seenthe work that would inspirehis imminent movefrom painting to sculpturalreliefl Returningto Moscoq t"di" big- working with the kind of found materia bottle in Cubist setalsthat he had seei usedin Paris,and his first relief represented to.oPenhis studio wo^rk of body enough a largr had constructed May rgr4he By ting. foti fiu.-d"y .*hibitio" of reliefs.The public was invited to 37 OstozhenkoStreetfor recite his rwo hours each evening,where they also could hear SergeiPgdchagvslcy "post-zaum" of Synthetic-static.composiExhibition show poerry.reThtlin calledthe tions, and inihe pamphlethe publishedfor e-ro-where it wascalledthe First Exhibition of PainteriyReliefs-the works in it were describedsolely in te_rmsof their "wood,'metal, putry, glass,plaster'cardboard,primer, tar,-etc.'"whosesurmaterials: 'ipu1ry, glosspaints,dust sprinkling and other means."20 faceshavebeentreated*ith thesereliefswerelargelyabstract,, Cubist IJnllke TheBonlz andits sizingthe inherentproperriesoftheir physicalconstituentsratherthan any rePresentain the Russiancritical tradition as tionJ function. This focus on -"t.ti.k-ktrown of with regardto qualiry painting surface-was to reachits fahtura and first discussed "counter-reliefs" shownat o-ro. 'purestform in the The o-ro show culminated a year of ma.iorexhibitions, beginning with tamway V the First Futurist Exhibition, in Petrogradin March r9r5.This was the monrh that the police finally closedthe Stray Dog cafe, where the Futurists had "pharmacists,"regularlymaligninga bourgeoisaudidivided the world into artistsand encethat cameto be both amusedand abused.It alsowasthe secondmonth of UsPensky's lectures in Petrograd on Indian philosophy, theoso^phy,and the Fourth Dimension. Named foi a trolley line, Tiamway V was financed by Puni and The who later would uie their independentwealth to support o-ro' Boguslavskaia, "ambushpreis looked askanceat both shows,the PetrogradBulbtintreatingthem as


ng tolrd lunts-xe aq; 'derr â‚Ź ur esnorue ll ? Jo lqdsrp s,llsuaruqq rIruIpBIApup 'rl ol lxeu palzu ser'opoar qrr./dJlpqur tnr ]?q dor slxs,ro4e&w rIUP?L\ 'stsrtre-laod orur dq sa8ennopatou osp ssardag1 n.'acardeql otur rr paterod:ocurpue snrlJreP >1oor p-raue8 jo uonrnrtsuor ..rsruodugrnseld,,srr{reeuI[E^aar{ruo uEJEJo a8erue.tpe erp 3o Sursrrdraluelsoru aqt,, '^ououe'I ,/\4,or{ pagrrtrsapradeds.alau ,,'sJe{Bru-ppu?f,s ^ef) v 'auuesneI ur ,ralrq8erguro(arot a eal or uoos put 'tg.p bo7 17 s,^olpsro) -l1r*ru elssn; uon:npo.rd srssnd stalpg egr uo ir6r ur srredut Sunlror'r^rau.E go s!.tpd ur ]req 'pepnPu aro^ae^orer{f,uoDpuB^ouorrBI rz(('eroureprrl pue ssEIE Jo rapulllr e3pq 'adrdurr.rp3oaoardr 'are1durr ernla eJo dn opeursrarnrrid s,upe.1,:ssordaqt ut 'noyduto4 safuoageuue) ou?p lpnbsn:g rar{ltr ara.4d urlteJ 's rarlar lue ut pauotruau -o/[ ltvq l?u011!N a?tnw ul paqrrf,sap ttqr sJarlar par]q11xa rou enSoprer eqr ur persrl rer{rrouSurag '.Lloqsaqr uI lou ser'r dpua:tdde qtr,r yrlr x aTrr{'spnuwuo 176 'tr6r 'tun(I uanJ 'JassrJPJrrH 'pB -apy,qg8nogrpsllsurpuu; ua elepue ^o>lr{sel{pu" eIqJ* {FC alII srslrr?pcptr ssal -er{J '>lnrlrngnurp?l1 pue pl^EC lg s8urrurrdera ! errr{I 'pdy u1plaq rr" u?rssn1 :alrsoddo u1 tuarrnf,Jodaarnsptorq e'(i,.6rfte aql se.&uoplqFlxa8lq agr rrrocsoyrq 'seuoquptssn[ut uot f,1oquto 'orpnls s,uqtpl t? 8uDIJo.1r\ a:ertlure8eoI{ .\ 'E^ost1ppllput r,rodo43o s8urruredeql pueJer1ar rsrqn3 xaydruo)srund ser{f,ns'srslrff rqr Jo lueru os uotlrsodytuourya aql u annbg lq gaylpuacar eurf,su?rsrr?dagr lg pacuengullg8g ser'tl ltr'tue[ uI {ro.l.rreq]o I)Elg s1q patqd qrlnqpry rr{Lz'salqnr ooo't roJ urltt1 E paser{f,rnduHnr{lqs reqr 'parroda: ueeq sEI{ '!16r 'pat8oaa4 'satntn4to uou Jer1ar rr{t ot u./rou>lun -!q!qrZ 1s/wn! $v7 2qJ 'or-o sB'anrt srtrJr paseercur a,req{uo ppo,t lsnopaf s,qc1,up141 ,z(('ror{ln? ere s8uDuleder{r Jo stuaruol ar{J,, tBr{r turcll eqr qrra anSopreoaqr uI pelreru 1p,,t/rfialpryy Buuutr4 ut utsrl $lro./dTBreas pw'tqll1 luau,tdsttrdlrpv aql w [Va7 'moJsoryut uauqrySuE uy se -outatdng,,Fe4rput uotlqp$uJ :rq8r:a,roqe Surla,r:nss8unurcdurrlurles secard,,prr8op,,rpns Sulpnlcur'lt6r ol,r,r srq ur punor8 ssrl alorq oq^\ 'qrr^r[Bt\ uo ]sol rou sui\{6at:olou s,ullt"J zz,,'elnf,Iplr 'asuodssrf,rlgnd rsawarSaqr Sunr:qa '(16r lt6r Jo tuarror E pue lueurapP"raq [8ur]sn?f,,, ruog auo pue 16r ruog a g 'sJarlarxrs sJIIl"I qtr.^a'r{ll,rep6 Pue ullrel ere.ltslsltrt 'pat8oaar1'utnt t 14lo uo!!q !qxg lseSuorlsaqr 'or--o r? ag pFo./rrlagr sersnf 'uoodsuaPoolr\Par ? aJo.t\sro]IqlqxeIIB lstrrlilu 1sv7atlJ 'or--r nl utso4 :url e ogr oruo pereuu?q qJlrq Suruadoaqr rE (uouEf,g]ruapr rsrJnrnC Jo ryau ? ry rz,,'spr?oq aur?srll],, aurBsaqr 'sSurqnepssalurroJ oqr Pu? seuof,ar{l 'sregdor url-PuE-PrEoqPJ?f, Suuuasa:drpee 'saeJuorssrup?1cado1-o5 3o cllqnd aqr rf,aegor polunou ((suonlqlqxr

'iz rrB.rrdt I {t'lt tC eI a Og nqd, r 09 ryrtuq { i t ffik sn{ w."ot I o[ a OI % ,s[ allodl { slJFdrJO eHaB ag , ba o?h g o[ EHI l8h ? pxsuw qHer ag % uFdfis BxmHEdeg r gg tr rrdgcxefl o.{ta-illtqdftl0 tr I EE tdg|||etl of8t-{lttlCCtildf8 r.rc,$ m u hlids FJsh {tq ffisa a.ErG

.ffi!. if,




98 'l1ryrnb turcd ol qrraapyq pa8rn rured-aldoad or-a^\Jl put a8rel Lra,r sl ITEqar{r,,:o3 ptr{ Iund lpf u1 'per3ona43o sacepd puer8 pue suaPr?D rauIUnS aqrJo ^!'aI^ sll qll.l.r 'sr"I^l ul PPq *^ Jo plalC aql uo nearng rry sputqrdqoc "PqzrPEN 3rtir.o,, 'qll^aTel/^{ro{ rr..'raaog otul Sutrsrnq Jo apotu .laouE petnpoJtul tusITII{IuJo uof,I slql 'PoolC eI{] re3re sarrds pa:a.torsrp ly'tau 'ue ^\eu t's8urqr ^{tuJo lo[ aqt auref, eraql 'ssarSord)IlsIlJ? JoJ ry, :or-o lE stlnsrr ar{t paglJtsep dlecUsersnrpuJ uII{snItEW pue lressacau semSurreap punorS slqr teqt Prlslsul t{tI^a[BIAJ'slouag or rarral 3uo1t ur rng uaaq seq 'PePPEdn-e{eu .n.,'arrnbg llqg eqt qrl.^aPa{reru PU? ultol srr ul pareld (tusll?tu qtr/( arnleu Jo ue eql '8urtur"d Jo uV aqr 3o asdror aq7,,'6t6t uI 1t\of,soryuI -ardng pue rry e,urca(q6-uoN 'uoltlqlqxg ertrs r{rueJ el{l or anSoprec aql uI elor.^a unrl){ uE I ry uyto qtoao aunlo^ hh aqt ur Surreadde a&d rye1q e ,,'3ugro51 3o 'sstDIJ?P ruaod,, s^oPeug raod agt ot UDIBPalurrs e Eq lsnul lI r€(('sseuiur{lou Jo 'ssaundrua E uo arenbs 1ce1g leer8 srqr Jo rlnl,, E Jo rualqure aqr se punor8 etr{.^ 3o ,u,esllprnreu srouag 'so6gr agr ur dnor8 trv;o PIrolN eqr3o ,ralq8erq qll^ laPunoJ ,{loq aql uI tsuI V oc'aluoq uerssnu ? uI uof,I er{l Jo uoll?f,ol PuoIrIPErl atp ..'af,?ld >lro.^aar{r uof,I rrBsEpayrruapr dptap lrel oqr r"rolagrsnl reuror ? u1 {n q31q,,ws 1?q] -aurur srouag JePuExaMJeturcd pue f,IllJf, o IlE Jesuol Jql 'or--o bulrrrol,rag 'slstlre Suoure uonttadruoc snopa(3o smuanbasuoc a,tnrsod lsotu 'ctuort dlrtap a.rour ar{t Jo auo ut Sutrurcd .IoJ uoIttaJIP rtrau dlaralduroc e Sullta,run Surqtauros qrIA uITreI pasoddo I{oI^aTBII lng 6z'suofl IEUoI]IPEJIero.^asE raau slP.l.r pepuadsns .,'sJaller-Jetunof,JOuJof,,,slq PelnPoJlul aq or--o u1 ,.,,'salarenbt 'suotrI pue s8rr 'sa8uods ' pardnrcoard peurerua; a ErI Ppoqs I ar{l roJ rusEd\1r31,,'Surlrtruar dlpar.rodar 'uo llrre PauIErl urag PEq ar{ rPltl./t\ uI uoIlIP -EJl uoJI uslssnu Jqr qll^a uollf,nrlsuol lslqn] Peulquof, ulpe,L rllel{r uI 'sluenlllsuoc '8ulurer3 'ro Sur4req ou qlr, A prrereru ilal{r Jo arnleu eqr Surleldsrp dprarp surog arnd ar{fJo ]?s sJerloJ-Jelunoleql 1z'uolsuatpue lStaue rear8 8ur,r1o.tullf,Elle-Jelunotr IIB.4.r 3r{r ql1{./"r ,,'sJaIIel lrellru E Jo suJel uI PoolsJaPun ^o{EsI lIlIJ, lreJodueluol -retunof,,, sarald slq pel1el .4ou uqrel l le.Ltut[ rp sJeITer Erordprs ogt ot ue,n8 uotl -ueue aqr 3ur.,'ro11o3 paseerrul uIIt{ Pu? qlFe[BW uea \]eq tustuoH?lue aqJ u? JrUe Surdg dn ue,r€ ('ruaproce Plrae JeITJea 'sruaru8tr3 aueldrre lpoolq e oq? peq Jlestuq lqueuqq) TeraurJo raaqs t lsurcEt 'o51 uonrgrqxe s,^ouolrel lt real snot.ta;d po.prn lpnol rq8rar"rl,rzeq e qlIL^ ul'f arTtaurldotaV ua uo{ 11agtr u^toqs Sul.teq 'uotlero,rord qcns re rdape se,u.llsueuz;4 !16r'pru8oaar1 'satnn1r1 uoq?qlrlx7isunfl! lo M7 zqJ '0r4 1? tlrmal?w "ttut -/sL>Jpup 'anqsnEsn8oguuat17 (tt13u) 'mouazoy fi16 ({a7)



z5 pictures each, then it will only just be enough.":a The original ten contributors grew "ro" to fourteen, belying the in the title, and in the end only a few more than one hundred fifty pieces were shown. But Puni need not have worried about Malevich, who exhibited thirty-nine paintings in whar became one of the most famous installations of the century. He had been working largely in secretsince the spring, hiding what would be called Suprematism from all but a few intimates. In Septembe! howevet Puni sur"I was caught like a prised Malevich in the studio, and, as he wrote to Matiushin, chicken in soup."ai Malevich wanted to exhibit these new paintings at o-Io under the banner of Supiematism, but he was dissuaded by his Moicow ciicle, who sought to avoid dividing the group of advanced artists by explicit factionalism. Thus there is no mention of that term in the catalogue. However, concerned to establish the correct understanding of this difficult work, and to safeguard his own prioriry of discovery Malevich decided to print a statement accompanying its presentation-the oracular pamphlet From Cubism to Suprematism. The New Painterly Realism.36It was sold at the exhibition, for by the opening there was no pretense of unity. Malevich had been unsuccessfulin convincing Puni to deny Tadin space in the exhibition, and the ill feeling benveen the two artists increased as the show approached. Thtlin for his part refirsed to exhibit alongside Malevicht new work, which he considered amateurish, and the wo artists reportedly had a fistfight just before the opening.3TAlexandra Exter, who did not exhibit in o-ro despite being in Tiamway V, arranged a compromise whereby Thdin, Popova, and Udaltsova would show in a separatesection. Thtlin put a sign over the door: Exhibition ofProfessional Painters. Malevich now felt free to designate the new work correctly, and labeled his area Suprematism in Painting, K. Malevich. The opening itself was tumultuous, with its explosive mix of tense participants and skeptical public. But Puni managed to convince the police that neither the antagonistic artists nor the sculpture blocking the exit posed a real danger. Although Puni-only rwenty-three years old at the time-had insisted on the inclusion of Thtlin in the show, he and Boguslavskaiawere partisans of Malevich, and showed in the Suprematist section of the exhibition. They produced one of the four Suprematist manifestos disseminated at o-ro, an enumeration of simple remarks ranging from the suggestive-'A picture is a new conception of abstracted real elements, deprived of meaning"-to the 6ls6g16-"2 x z is anything you like, but not four."38 It was available without charge at the exhibition, as was another leaflet connining short statements by Kliun on pure sculpture and Mikhail Menkov on pure painting, and the first eight paragraphs of Malevich's booklet. Among those who exhibited along with Malevich, Puni and Kliun seem to have come closestto showing Suprematist worls at o-ro. Malevich had urged his associates to develop Suprematism in three dimensions, and some reliefs and sculptures in the show display their efforts. Although Puni exhibited Cubo-Futurist paintings, such x Hairdresser, he also developed a reduced geometric imagery in pieces like Vhite Ball in a Green Bar. Most extreme was his work reported in a Petrograd newspapet the ". Euening as number ro7 in the exhibition, . . a simple board about ro x Jt centimeters, painted green. The visitors were perplexed. . . . Some touched it, others smelled it secretly, for there was nothing to see." According o the Penograd Bulletin, Maria Vasileva exhibited a similar work, a white board about zo x ro centimeters, one side of which was cut in a semicircle, displayed on a windowsill overlooking the Summer Garden and called SpanishLandscape.3e KTltn also mixed Cubist work with Suprematist experiments, sho*ing his humoious free-standing frgxe, Cubist at Her Dreising "Basic Thbb, along with seven worla listed generally as principles of sculpture,"


Vkdimir Tatlin photograpbedby AlexanderRodchenko,ca. ryr6. Photographcoufies! V A. RodchenkoCollection,Moscow


auiqo2 '31mpn7 unatnry 'ut s7,6r x etr9z la11atprpoqp?r ?u? llo 'lrfu '(Sutl'iietg rrrsey4) dpel e Jo rrerrrod vnodo4 noqnq :arrsoddo

syt4'nop1dao4 sa&toagauua2 'eu.ta?o4it1p 'u! ,/€v x sloz ltuotlrN a?snw x y€r '(poomparuud puo sw131 aSapwassV'I-rdr 'xog uaarg e ur IIEg ettws^ 'rund u?nl


o6 aqr sar'€ er{ luEI sreel;no3 ra8urrrg Ia Ed f,I]lrf, agt or a:rnbs )If,qq tr{r rnoqe Surlr:.Lr puv (?.('esJarun agt Jo slurod e,uteerc aqr nol punoff asuas nol ereq..r 'sseundrua sselpue otul petrodsuzJr ure I 'ssJusnorf,suof,rno or lprarrp eceds3o uonesuas Suo.rts e sa,rr8laaqs seluef, uo rolotr parured3o eueld Sunq er{J ' ' ' 'serrurrar lg dn uet?a esnoq e alll ler'rr rltJea aq1 fla,rrsnlcxe r{tJ?r agr or Suoyaglou saop Sunured .la,au1y41,,'916r eunf ur urqsnl]?W ol atorld aq ry lrrpuareru ssor8 puaf,suerl or JIge lrrlrgrsuas t dola,rap PFo,&-uEruo,& ,!{eu eql Pue-uelu ,^^auJrll reql 8ur -,teqeq 6rpar pcrslqdtrau raq8rq e rog rsanb rstoqrul5 aqt ot surnter eq sutau rurrg 'srolor pue sadeqsgo.f,etft ue puoleq Sulqreruos rrrdap or tduattr:reqr -grp.{:a.1, qtrl)N 'qro.4a 0s0qt 'suoDrsodruor Jo luetuof, lBruroJuou aqt arnf,sgo lou ppoqs iIe^aaor{ tsrrruerdng snl ur paluasardar sr:afqo roJ ]ool ot tou Sururr,rl s,qlpapry ,r(,'eJnltu r{rr1( uoturuof, ur Surqrou_szq qrrq,tr_'ernrcrdparured er{r pertaJ) se.trr{f,rrJ^{ ruo{ sesseruprrotord ssaluroJ Jo sdeaq se uodn po1oo1 ara./dsruroJ Teert?qr rr?trrpur o1 tuE.ldI lnq 'I.uaql ur ruroJ rrer{r JoJ{ool lsntu euo tEr{l i oqs ot r{sr.,\{tou oP I-seJnr -old pra.r,esSunutu uI,, :peuonueru sertnua eql JoJ seJnl)rd srq Surqcreastsurc8Bsu:e,l.r enSoprec ar{r rng e;tuolwau?e puoras pup qunog aqtto taswIAJ"tolo) ',(ya7-suonel ladde asagrpaurqruof, s8ulruled srqSo xalduoo rsou aql Tsayto a7a7ga u suo$uaate omJ M satwry Qtauru4 Sulpeeg praua8 er{t ropun IIaJ eser{rJo uaarq8rg 'Ieuorsuarurp 'uorlelJPrsuof -o.&! se auo-6ua.aal sE TEf PuE TPuorsuauJIP-JnoJ Pe>lJ?ru$lJo/d JnoJ qrr.^ -nur e se.r,r lrrpuorsuorurp srql'uottuautlg qunog aqllo saswrytolo)-ta[r14 llaqtoog [1talu7a4 se cgloods se eruos pue-4uatuanzry ut sasspryQulu1a4 papr]ue a lo u.ts11aay eJe.{\$lJo./r\3AI3.r\l-[BJeueS auos (suor]f,EJtsgE Jaqto srq ol ua,lr8 JJJ.&s3llD a.rrtsaSSns ,rory zr'urqp) pue llsurpur;4 r{tog ot tuel:odun loquls pnrr:rds puolrrpel e 'ap -rl"rJr rr{r alue rrlo pE str Surzrseqdrua'prarelrrpenb Surueaur llprarq '4tu1o3nat,Aat13 aqr anSoprec eqt ur pue 'arenbs armb rou sr ruroJ prlq agr lp pe]Fr sp,&r. -lro,/"r -nDv'ar?nps 4rt1g snol.rorcu eql ur O]?urluln) Pu? ruo{ etEuEruaqtoq ot suees r?gl uonelprsur Jerr.nerurulseu? ur rusltEtuJldn5 ,Lr,ausrq lpo pJ^\oqs qJr^oFI{ 'Sunured sp.4rr Jer{rar{.4ir u1rroul tou sr tr rnq ',to1uaytr ,u'a;nldlncs Jo SarTeJ pu? 'unID{ 'rund '€rz>IseysnSog 'grl,rapru dq {ro.{\ o nf,ollof, € stsr1osp anSoprm rr{J 'r'rlrr}Je redrds,vteuE ur paqrrf,sep ..'f,te 'sreq 'saqnr 'sereqds,,rr{r eq ot pa rrlaq r@lM{ril

q hr'.tu*M$s r{ fh.scars q rH 'nlmx{ldmdll

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"l show away: see in it what people at one time used to seebefore the face of God."a6 Rather than the Gospels, Malevich would have had in mind the views of Uspensky, who sketched a route of spiritual progress analogous ro rhar followed by Malevicht own painting, from the apprehension of a higher-dimensional realiry through the "sensation abandonment of logic, to a more advanced stage of consciousnessin the of "square" infiniqr."+z Malevich pushed Supremarism to this edge in his white on a white background of r9r8, and wrote ecstatically of his achievement as he concludes his state"I ment for the r9r9 Tenth State Exhibition: have breached the blue lampshade of color limitadons and have passedinto the white beyond: follow me, comrade aviators, sail on into the depths-I have establishedthe semaphoresof suprematism. . . . The white, free depths, eterniry, is before you."48 Such high-blown prose was anathema to Thdin, whose own brochure for o-Io was written simply and concisely. Prepared with the help of Udaltsova, it reproduces photographs of rwo recent corner counter-reliefs along with rwo painterly reliefs owned by Puni and by Exter, and lists exhibitions in which Tatlin had participared. Irs only programmatic statement,apart from the list of materialse-ployed in the reliefs, "He is his denial of group afiiliation: has never belonged and does not belong to Thtlinism, Rayonism, Futurism, the'Wanderers or any other group."ar In the exhibi"corner" "cenrer" tion Thtlin showed rwelve or thirteen consrrucrions, both and counter-reliefs. One particularly large corner work supporrs its central assembly of metal and wood forms on a diagonal rigging of six ropes or cables, evoking both Thdin's early days as a sailor and his beloved bandore. Yet despite their radical sculptural achievement, and unique combination of eleganceand dynamism, Thtlint reliefs at o-ro received little critical nodce compared with that garnered by Malevich and his colleagues. The exception was a long eisay by Sergei Is-akov,a cenual figure in the Apartment No. 5 group of artists and critics, and publisher of the New Journal for "out Eueryone.Isakov saw Thtlin as providing a route of the frustrating dead-end of 'transposing modernity' by discovering the laws of materials and them into the plane "cast of the beautiful," achieving the sort of dominance over matter that can off the humiliating yoke of the machine."50 Equdly gratifying to Thtlin, certainly, was


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n6 o1r\lraH 'Sunelsnllr ur pernper rlett.'ytqouotnv prre(41a11tlyag) rqilctg 'sJarIOr e nf,Ese \ aqsqooq asoqn sraodtsrrnlnCar{rSuourepadoya,rep eqspue 'su?dor uaeq 'srrafqo lleclrslpar qrr \ JoloJJo sEaJE rrrtaruoa8teg Ja eu peq EAouBZoU peJepueJ Sururquor s8urturedalrl-a8e11oc pue sJerlerpatf,nrtsuoro^\t pepnlrur or--o tB >lro.^{'E^ou"zoae316 purno( snutatdngarp 3o f-rerarces prrolrpa JqJ 'srueualereueld Sulddelra,rogo ellrs rsrreuardnsaqt ur Sunlrorrrara.,r,r pu? urlteJ peuopu"gep?q 'lalsad 'purno( ptqttl 'e,rodo4pue E osrppn qroq ere1 rrer{r puarg pu? 916rJo pur eqr lg -qndun llareurrp slr of,rgoeqr pu" eceldSurraarus.dnor8eqt arrrtf,aglueuu?de Jo put 'due: lslteruardngaqr ot pa oru uoos E ostlepn ual{./rt!a e./doq 'predar 'erots rqt uoruqrgxaslq re arardaqt {.rood uoddns sq rqSnoqra^?qtsnur eH rlqHxe ot rEOdlxau eql pur 'll errnbceot ssrlt ?uy 41i0g roqSog8noua1ar'rrq8nogt uIIlEl 'slY\rl^aruI Pauonuau eltrrl sP^\lrol( rer{ qbnoqJ 'saJrTIIQSPue srorretul erar'rs8urturcdrar{ 'E^ostlepnroJryuputoABuqanotl Sunuleda3re1rag ur usnurulp lsrrntnC Suous atuos paleydsrposp ? odod 'srrEd ur suon? ouur s.oluadrycry 's8urrured-ordlnf,s (11ryatan--truI (/1!m Jo aruanguragr Suucagar leuorsueurp-eanlr auduoJ p'.rE'xtqpJaqt uo 3n[ aq1 ',(pv7alo fipurod-e)ud esaql 'anSoprmagl ur{f,rr{^rJoaarql 'sllerilod puE seJrlllrrsPeaorls? odod qror"r .,clrse1d,, pareu8rsap 'Erssngot uJntal Jrarfluo lrqro srq urqtr r urc8eaurer laqr 'uqte1 qtr^{ pJlJo r, put orpnls.4ocsoryE par?r{slaqr uaq.rr''suediloJrq ruo5 spuer5rsol3 'srredur reqraSor perpnrsgeq laqr ter{r usrqn3 aqr lq paouangurlya8rq qro,r pauqrqxa'" oslppn 'urlt?J r{tr1tr Jer{too at ar{J Pue? odod Pe.roqsor{ a (,sJetur€d leuorsseJoJd,, r!(.'r{snrgB r{rr.4a Po>lro.4 PEqaq qrlr.l \ srrafgoun llt,, pue ,3ur33rr3oap.rl-raplds,,s,ullltlJo alods raodaqt 'or-o parrsr,r 8ur -^EH 'parnseJlleq tdulsnu?ruJsoq^\pue 'urrqlnoqEJloJ/r\^olruqJlq){terp ueod Jqr

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compositions using raw materials (glass,tin, wood) along with painted elements, and Automobib evencontained a rubber ball and a brick or cobblestone. Probably alluding "humorto Khlebnikovt obsessionwith the planet Mars, Matiushin described them as ous works for young Martians."52 In ryr6 Rozanova married the poet Kruchenykh, and after the Revolution she worked reorganizing the craft workshops with Rodchenko. But in November r9r8 she died at age thirty-tlvo from diphtheria, stricken in Moscow while decorating an airplane for the first anniversary of the October Revolution. She was the first of the new artists honored by the Bolshevik regime, with a large posthumous show of her work the following January. Both Kliun and Rodchenko designed monuments for Rozanova, Kliunt featuring imagery from the Biqtclist. At her funeral Malevich carried a black flag with a white square, reversing his signature image. Other artists in o-ro marked their sympathies with either Thtlin or Malevich in the titles of works. Natan Altman, who would decorate the square around the \finter Palacewith Cubo-Futurist designs when he was in charge of Petrograd events on the first anniversary of the October Revolution, showed a single still life snbtrtJ.ed fahtura, space,uolume. Mikhail Menkov called his worl<s Painting in Four Dimensions. But the pressgenerally was unable to keep the parties apart and seemedto lump everphing under the new word, Suprematism. Although the exhibition was well attended, reportedly seen by 6,ooo people, it was a disappointment to the press.53B. Lopatin wrote that he missed the colors of "dry the old Futurists, finding the work in the show and monotonous, without art and without individualiry." For the critic of the PetrogradBulbtiz, the exhibition signaled "The an impasse reached by advanced art, a dead end of anarchy. public roars with laughter, but for me, I am bored, bored. . . . After this, what can be done?"54 Malevich attempted to explain his new theoretical position at an evening lecturâ‚Ź on January rz. Part ofa performance with Puni and Boguslavskaiaat the concert "The hall of Tenishevo College, the talk contained such sections as spread of the Inqui"Nero sition in painting" and and you."55 Judging by newspaper reports, Malevich failed to convince the unconverted, his messianic words provoking many to leave the hall-"I am the royal infant . . . before me there have been only stillborn children. Tens of thousands of years have prepared my birtfu."se Despite their continuing antagonism, Malevich agreed to exhibit in a show that Thtlin organized in March in Moscow, the Store. Held in an empty storefront at 17 Petrovka Street, the exhibition oddly contrasted Thdins new formal innovations in the counter-reliefs with pre-Suprematist works by Malevich. \X4rile Thtlint display seemed very much like that at o-ro (with rwo corner counter-reliefs, a relief from r9r5, and four reliefs from r9r3-r4), Malevich exhibited only earlier works. The catalogue lists the ten pieces under the heading Alngism of forms, and they include two paindngs shown at Tiamway Y, Auiator and An Englishman in Moscow, and the absurdist Cout and Violin-with its vertical image of a violin superimposed on a synthetic Cubist composition, over which is set a realistic rendering of a cow. The two protagonists were accompanied by Udaltsova, Popova, Kliun, Exter, Vasileva, and Morgunov. Gtlin's friend, kv Bruni, provocatively displayed a smashed barrel of cement and a pane of glass marked by a bullet-hole, in addition to a sculptural relief.57Unfortunately the press again was unappreciative, saying that the exhibition indeed resembled a storean old junk shop-and repeating their claim that the new work was passdand boring, "in and the artists the grip ofa senile and conservativestubbornness."ss The Store, however, introduced an important artist to the advanced group, Alexander Rodchenko. After seeing his work Tadin had invited Rodchenko to participate without contribudng any money-all of the other artists did so-if he would help sell tickets and hang the show. At the opening Malevich tried to lure the new-


96 'uqrag:o3 rz6r pu" oluaqlpod rapun 'snâ‚Źr{n?gaqr re uottlsodSurrpeate uoqt Pu? ur erssn1Ual aI{ pue----o{uaglpoUput (uIF{'t,rodo4 'I{ll^alery 'l1arssr1Sulpnlcul -pazrf,rleqtse" oor q:eo;dde srq peJeprsuof, oq./r\esoqtlq pasoddose.'"r,61surpur;q srqruI 'rJEu1(osII{Jouollelualro porrsftu pue rlrsrSoloqrlsdaqr ol sruerSordqf,J?eseJ str tf,aJrpor rq8nos er{ pu" 'oz6r ut .ry\o)soryuI Parlsl1q"lsrse/'t lI urr{.ry\({t.fitD uI sJnlln] f,Ilslrrv arnrln] f,IlsIlJVJo ernlllsul eqr P"al ol uesoql sE^\aH ?t\of,sotrAJ J rr{rJo rolf,arlPlsr5 agr euref,aqPIrEsrunasnluplcur,rord3ouonPlPrsuleqr Jo rrJnesntr (671) suy ulpel qcII{.4A'so:dtuo]re513o dlsurpus) 616rq8no:q; 'PaPEaq uo pe1ro,,'r ull-rtl ly"reu aqr uI a Itf,Earuoraqor 61surpuullPa>IsB eurCJo tuetuuedaq paqslTq?tse 916ru1 ,n'oz6rur llrea perredapput looq)s er{tuI af,uangullueultuoPaqr separqdsp 'tuaqr uro( ot qll^epry llsussrl Jo uoItElI uI aqt Pa8zrnof,ua Jlesurrr{puno3p8q3 urerSo:d raryy lrpce3 arp ot llstlssll Ig tuaPnrsslq Sur8urrq'u? ll?rlsqt Surrarso3 e padole,mpput '916rtsn8ny ul lsqatr1 Jo u^!,olrlrlor{ slq uI etnlllsul rry npdo4 so8u?qlPuB 'luauuorl^ue PezIf,IrITod rr{r Jo rotrerrp op?rusel'rITES"ql dueru a:a.ra. egr ul ruedurerse/vrruslleuonre3'llSursrrdJns]oN ':ertrod3o suol]Isodol Pelulodd? erer\ slsrue Pelu?^Persoru eql '(sordruolreS) ruauuerqSqua llTqnd roJ lEIr?ssIU ',61sreqceun1 -uro3 llortuy3o drqsrapeelaql rePun 'paredDlr saldoa4 eqr Jo Peeq -red aprtS-rue,rtl:tuonnlo,rare;d aqr 1e llenr.rvt rPltl.^aul 'r{f,reaser pue 8uturc:r 3o trIrsllJ?JoJ suolrnllrsul al?rs aql punoJepe lolal Atrttpt urrar-3uo1aroyq 'saqsnJq lno eJE sleJJls aql,, 'Srbrur.aunut ze,,'saDelEd Jno eJe saJEnbs JI{l

'rB^a -ruo3 a8esseu aql Sulrnp l1s.to1elentr rnssl rr{t ur aror.u atlllo lsrg lltrJo ry II^If, 'slelrel?tu a,nsuedxeut sarnl 3o lr^eqslog eqr pte:ds reql .,sul?rl rr8e,, eqr perured PuE -JnJrs pue sruetunuoul l-rz:oduer pJrEeJf 'seIJEsJJIuuP pcnqod roJ sallll eql PJrEJ 'lertr paruapece.rdun -of,ep slsrue 'uolrnlo aN aqr 3o sreal {:ta snorrecerd arp 3ur:nq u? ur sanrluf,E ap;t8-lutre pe8ernocue eurr8ar>lr,raqslogaqr puy'suorrurdse uetdotn laqr passardxapue sure:3o:d rlrstut parroddns tI sE JeJosuIarut8ar ,trau eql elergrue 'uollnlo lleorrsersnqrue pFo.&\ lagr rng 'Lr6r 1o ITEJar{r ur pcurlode rrr,^A lsory -mU orp aroSaqdlqsrosuor tsIrEZJ aargdp8rel ueeq sraodpue slsrlre aPrES-ruEe PEr{ Jo 'saueuonnlo eJ pcnqod ar{l a{]Fn 'suollnlltsut }JE uoll?zlu?3:oar oqt Pu? saIlI Ilf,E Jo epur8edord qu r pe lo ul dyq8rg auecaq slslue Peou? P? eql qrlq.{\ raUP 'uonnlo eU erp erojaq apreS-rur,re uErssnu ar{l Jo uoDlglqxa luBuodur lsEI el{l se,/t\SII{J re('r{lpepl J pue 3uv'rerp elll?rof,eP ro3 ua1p3dpap '92 rrqure oN -pns a^?r{ 1o Llrua &trp L, :slslrr? lueru ro3 >pads or prruees aqs Pu? raq ur rrear{Jo a8ueqc E parou E ostppfl'uIIlBJ ol rsolf, os lpua:aa or'ursttuuardn5 rraql or pa8uoleg arnrry aqr ,,'sadaaqr lsn?qxa rEql saull qtw' Surteurarp s8urgnep apnrf, rruos,, dluo par'roqs unID{ pue I{trFepI,^{ lerlt .^ eI^ s,ftoAl u?lssny aql rlldsaq lrenrqag ro &Enu?[ ur reedde ppor'r mu'otdng pager purnof e leql Sulf,unouue qlody '.ttof,sotr rllr.^ (ural relrurrs E ur Suqrou. sJrr{ro PuE qtl^aIBW ot tue.ry\uolluell" r{f,nlu J 'luePuarse sertrlIJEaP ur Jaque oN ur uorlrgrqxa sPuourEIC Jo a^?u) JIDelf,a agl lY tr 9r6t 1o Pua eqt lg 'aror5 er{} te Pelprs Prurees urslrtuardn5 q8noqrry . '4rrlg uo TrLtlg ux.o srqqrw\ar?nos a1lqla srar?l agr palloru eI{ 816r uI PUE 'erols aql le roIAELlaqill sJl4a[EW Paraqueruer 'Lr6 ,l1na ooDFarppod'utd slq .rog -.rtal aql Jo Pue aql eroJequoDnlo^er e Surrcrpard uI lradsord AIs^aN al{l dn ePol aq qll+v\ uo lEoE aIP ra^o rauuBq ? ^q PrunouuE -suEIrr?W I{tI.{'r AuBIIIuTEJ slq ro3 rqnop ou 'slla1)N'D 'H PePnllul eq qf,Ig.ld uI eqrJo stueplserd,,aqr IIE elgtuasseot Palue.^a^o>lIugeID'I reql arel{l dnor8 e-..aqol) e sE^{rI 'sr?al ,&Euoltnlolar llrea aqr g8norgr slsllre Prru? Pe ro3 areld Sutlaaur l1a,r.r1 'q)FeIBW rurEf,eq anbsa.rour4?Je3 aql 'gt6r'oE.{-renue[ uo Suruedg Pue UIITEJq]oq su8rsapeql qll.^ 3o sursnred Sur,rloaut rca(ord E'aof,soI^J ul anbserout4 aJeJ el{l roj dpq or ruq palse rarel rordprs er{J 6r'uITrtJ ol 6plo1 slq Paurcluleru oluaqlPod lnq 'sruedrcrued raqro eqr rnoq" qr?rual SulSeredsrpq8norqr durz: srq olul leluotr



his colleagues,Inkhuk was reorganized along Constructivist lines, in May rgzr issuing "production a declaration against easelpainting and in the next three years focusing on art." State exhibitions displayed the history ofthe Russian avant-garde, and the individual institutions organized their own shows of current research. But by this time knin was beginning to move against the independence of the avant-garde in the name of democratic centralism, and against Constructivist abstraction toward what would become Socialist Realism. Initially resisting Lenint pressure, Lunacharslcywould turn to the right by ryz4and support more rigid state control of artistic production. By r9z9 all artists were organized into a single cooperative, and within a few years every independent artists' organization was abolished and the Communist Party assumedcontrol ofartistic content.64 Through these years Malevich and Thtlin remained on Poor terms, involved in their teaching and organizational work in both Moscow and Petrograd. Commissioned by Narkompros in r9r9 to design a monument to the Third International, Thtlin conceived of an immense tower, twice as high as the Empire State Building later would rise. A dynamic abstract construction of steel and glass,its spiral lattice around an inclined cone enclosed four working structures, different geometrical forms devoted to particular levels of government activiry and each revolving at its own speed. \7ith three assistantshe built a large model, which was exhibited in Petrograd in November rgzo and reassembled the next month in Moscow at the Eighth Soviet Congress. "the Mayakovsky called it first object of October"-the first to truly exPressthe princi"the first monument without a beard."65Needlessto say, ples of the Revolution-and "ttlins Tower" received great notoriety and must have reinit remained unbuilt, but flamed Malevich's jealousy. For when Tatlin organized a commemorative Performance poet had died the previous of Khlebnikov's long work Zangezi in May ry4-the and Matiushin were teaching, Malevich Petrograd Inkhuk, where both the June-at Malwich forbade his students to aftend. Malevich lived for the rest of his life in two rooms there, and while Thtlin never spoke well of his rival, Udaltsova reported that he shed tears on learning of Malevicht death in 1935.66 In the early rgzos Berlin became a center for advanced artists who had decided to leave Russia, and Puni and Boguslavskaia emigrated there in r92o before resettling permanently in Paris in 1921.A show of Punit work was held at the Sturm gallery in February r9zr, providing the Germans with a hint of what had occurred in Russia since its isolation at the outset of the war. It took another year, however, before the Russian avant-garde could be seen in depth, when IZO sent a major exhibition to the Van Dieman gallery in Berlin. No longer would the'West think of advanced Russian art only in terms of Chagall and Kandinsky. Yet some ideas had circulated in abbreviated form in r9zo, when the nineteen-year-old Konstantin Umanskij published his book New Art In Russiar9r4-r9r9, along with an article devoted to Ta:1in in Der "the machine art of Ararat r.67 It was in Umanskij that the Berlin Dadaists read of 'STithout much Thtlin," and embraced the phrase as suitable for revolutionary use. understanding the nature of Thdint work, Berlin Dada incorporated it in their collage of anger and disgust at the First International Dada Fair.


NOTES "Evolution 28. Christian Brinton, not Revoludonin Art," Intemational Sndio, Aprrl r9r), p.34. 29.Brown, p. t5z. 3o. Detailson purchasesmadeat the exhibition come from Brown, pp. tzo-ryg, and. sales information from his catalogue of the show, pp. 244-128.


ofArt and the SymbolistBlue Rosegroup.

6. The donkey (lolo) belongedto Fridi, proprietor ofthe lapin Agile in Montmartre, where Picsso and his friends gathered.For the lilll storymd a photo of Lolo at work, seeJohn Richardson,A Life of Piasso, vol. r (NwYork RandomHouse,r99r),p.375.

7. About halfofTltlint entrieswerecostumesketchesfor the rgrr rnno"Frederic vative production The Plzy about the Tiar Maximilian and his Anogant For Torrey the complete story seeFrmcis M. Naumann, 3r. SonAdnlf On Tatlin's designs,seeJohn Milner, Vladimir Thtlin and the C. Torrey md Duchmp! Nudz Descendinga Staircase,"in Bonnie Rusian Auant-Garla (New Haven: Yale Universiry Press,1983),pp. Clearwater,ed., \V'estCoastDuchamp (Miami Beach:GrassfieldPress, z8-32. Goncharovaincluded a seriesenrided Artistic Posibilities ofa Pear99r), pp.rr-23, which correctsmuch misinformation passedalong bv coch,wirhthe bird renderedin Chinae, EgJptian,Cubist, and Russim earlieraccounts. Embroiderystyles.For the cataloguelisting ofthe Donkey'sTail exhibi"Mabel tion, seeDonald E. Gordon, Mofum Art Exhibitiorptgoo-r9r6, z vols. Linda Dalrymple Henderson, Dodge, and Gertrude Stein, 32. (Munich: Prestel-Verlag, r974), z:562-566. Max \07eber: A Four-DimensionalTiio," lrrs, Septemberr982,p. ro6. 33.Brown, p. zo6. 34. For an accountofthis exhibition, seeSheon,pp. 9l ro-. " 'The Vorldt New Art Center': N,lodernArt 35. SeeJudith Ztlcre1 Exhibitions in New York Ciry r9r3-r9r8," Archiuesof Ameican Art Jour"Modern nal14, no.3 ft974):z-7; and An md Its Sources: Lxhibitions in New York, ryrc-r921 A SelectiveChecklist." in William lnnes Homer, ed., Auant-Garfu Painting and Smlpnre in Ameica r9r0-r92t (Wilmington:DelawareAn Museum,r9-5),pp. r66ff "The Big Shos'.The First 36.On this exhibition,seeFrancisNaummn. Exhibition of the Socier,vof Independenr Anists," Anfomm, February 1979,pp.34-39,andApril 1979,pp. 49-5t. Chapters "old r. All datescited for Russianevenrsarein the sn'le" usedbeforethe October Revolution,which can be convenedto srmdrd Wesrerndating by adding r3 days.This meansthat for thosein Pris or Munich, for "old instmce, the exhibition o-ro openedin 1916.My useof srle" dating conformsto that ofthe standardliterarureon Russianan, however, and it seemsleastconfusingto adopt this practice.On designatingthis exhibition o-ro, rather than m, a mistakenform which had established itself due to a mistake in printing the exhibirion caraloguemd postet seel:rissa A. Zhedova, Mabuich, Suprematismand Rnolution in RusianArt rgro-rgjo (London: Thamesand Hudson, r98z),pp. lz3-r25. z. Kasimir Malevich, From Cubism and Futurism to Suprematism:The New Painterly Realism,in John E. Bowlt, ed., RussiznAn of the AuantGarde, Theoryand Criticism r9o2-r9j4 (New York: Thames and Huds o n ,1 9 8 8 )p, . n 8 . 'Worlds, Kasimir Mabuich and the 3. Charloae Douglas, Swarc of Otber Origirc ofAbsnactionin RusLt(Ann.\tbor: UMI, r98o), p. y4. 'Westernprecedentsin rhis 4. The Neoprimitivists also were awareof direction. Larionov had accompmied SergeiDiaghilev to Parisfor his exhibition of thirteen elegmt rooms of Russianart at the 19o6 Salon d'Automne,wherehe had seenthe Gauguin retrospective alongwith the work of the Fauves.And most of the artists had visited rhe srear Shchukhinmd Morosov collectionsof Frenchpainting in Mo.c* Ot Diaghilev'sRussiansectionof the 19o6 Salon d'Automne, seeJohn E. Bowh, TheSiluerAge: Rusian Art ofthe Early TwentiethCenturyand the "W'orld of Art" Grazp (Newtonville, MA: Oriental ResearchPartners, 1979),pp. 169-17r.

8. Douglas,p. 7. The exhibition includedwork by David, Madimir, and Ludmilla Burliuk. 9. Ellen Proffer and Carl Proffer, eds., The Ardis Antholngl of Rusian Futurism(Ann Arbor: Ardis, r98o), p. t79. In addition to poems and essaysby the Russian Futurists, A Skp in the Face of Publit Titste included a number of prose poems from Kandinskyt Kknge, prblished without his permission.Conservativein demeanorand uncomfortable sryle of manifesto,he sent a letter to rhe Rusian with the aggressive 'lYordinMay t9r3protestinghis inclusion in the volume. ro. Both of thesesourceshad been emphasizedin Madimir Markov's "The Principlesof the New Art" with particular referencero Chinese art, pointing away from Europem precedentstoward the Emt, the ground, according to Goncharova, of all the best in Russian art. Markovt essayws published by the Union of Youth in r9rz, and is Art of theAuantGardr, pp. 4_1,8.It is inrertranslatedin Bowk, Russian estingto comparehis emphasison chance,and the generd rejectionof logic by the RussianFuturists,with the coniemporary essayby Ben"The jmin De Casseres, Renaissance of the Irrational," published by Stieglitz in his special Armory Show isste of Camera Worh, }une t9t3. "Cut That essayends: down the sacredBo-treeofsciencewith its mock orangeand stuffed nightingales!. . . The blzing consteflationsin rhe rcdiaa ofthe irrational are calling us, and up the sun-shaftofthe ages we go dancingthe lmciviousdanceof the atomslwe go like godssweating stars,chanting a Te Deum-to Chance." (p. z+) On Goncharova's rejectionof the Westfor the East,seeBowlt, pp. Sj-6o. rr. Douglm, p. 36, from the publishedreport of"The First All-Russian Congress of Poets of the Future (The Poet-futurists)," in which Kruchenyck,Matiushin, and Malevichwerethe soleparticipants. rz. Ma.levichletter to Matiushin, May r9r5, in Dougl*, p. 64. For imagesof the squarein Victoryouerthe Sun, seeJean-ClaudeMarqde, "K.S. Malevich: From Blzch Quadrilateral(r9r3) to White on Whie (r9r7); from the Eclipse of Objects to the Liberation of Space,"in StephmieBarronand Maurice Tirchman, eds.,TheAuant-Gardrin Russia, ryro-rgjo: New Perspectiua(Los Angeles: Los Angeles Counn' MuseumofArt, l98o), pp.zo-zt. r3. Milner, p. 84. 14. On Tatlin's knowledge and recitation of Khlebnikou see \iB. "'il/hat I RememberAbout Thtlin," in LarissaA. Zhadova,ed., El'konin, Thtlin(Nor York: Rizzoli,1988),p. 437.

15.In Bowlt, RusianArt oftheArant-Gardz,pp. 8o-8r. y. It hm beensuggested that the Knaveof Diamondswu namedfor the diamond-shapeddesignson the uniforms of prisoners----emphasizing 16.For Goncharova's remark, seeDouglm, p. z3; and for an accountof the anist'srole asoutcast-but this desienationalsocontrmtedwith the the Moscow event see BenediktLivshits, Ilr One and a Halffued effete titles of the more establishedar-rists'organiarions, Diaghilev's Archer,trans.lohn E. Bowlt (Newtonville,MA: Oriental ResearchPart-



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55,Zhadova, Malzuich, pp. 44, rz3 nrr.

9. Somescholarsdatethis eventin February

56.Villims, p. rz3.

ro. RoseleeGoldberg, Perfomance Art, From Futuism to the Pretnt (New York: Harry N. Abrams,1988),p. 67. On this event a.lsosee\{el Gordon, ed., Dadz Perfomance(New York: PAJ, r98Z),p. t7, wherethe date is givenasFebruaryr8, r9r8

57.For a discussionofThe Store,seeMilner, pp. tzz-tz5; and for a partial list of worla. seeGordon. z:888. p. 59. 58.Costakis,

rr. Allen, p. 243.

written accountofThe Storeand his relationswith 59.For Rodchenko's ttlin, seeBaron md Tilchmm, pp.2.56-217.

rz. Erica Doctorow, Dadz-in Berlin (Gxden Ciry NY: Adelphi University,1978),p. 35.TheGreenCadaaerwx printedon the backofcopies of Dada Against \Y'eimar.

6o. Ccstakis,p. 56. 6. Zlndova, Mabuich, p. 66.

13.Benson,p. r3r.

62. Ibid.

r4. Seethe accountby Ben Hecht in Gordon, pp. 8o-8r. Baaderoffered to sellHecht for $35,ooohis lost two-volumecollagediary of ryt9-t9zo, the Bucherzuhandzndts Oberdzdz.which according to Grosz eventuallv wm buried behind Bmder'shouse,and miqht havebeen shown at the Dada Fair "Dadaism," in Lury R. Lip15.GeorgeGroszmd Vieland Hezfelde, pard, ed., Dadas on lrr (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,r97r), P .8 8 .

63. On Chaga.llat Vitebsk, seeSusanP Compton, Chagall(Inndon: RoyalAmdemy of fut, 1985),pp. 40-42. "Constructivism 64. For theselmt developments,seeJohn Elderfield, and the Objective World: An Essayon Productionfut and Proletarian Culture," StudioInt(mational Septemberr9-o, p. '8. 65.lodder, p. 6r. 66. M.N. Yablonskaya, WomenAnists of Rusiai New Age r900-r9jt ( N e w Y o r k :R i z z o l ir.9 9 o ) .p . r 7 : . 67. Konstantin Umanskij, Nrue Kunx in Russhnd,r9r4-r9r9 (Potsdam, Kiepenheuer,and Munich: GoIa, ryzo). -W4renAlfred Barr went to Russiain 1927,this wd the book on which he had to rely, aiong with Louis lnrcwick's slim volume, Modzm R*ssianArt (New York: Museum "Russian of Modern Art/Socidti Aronyme, r9z5). SeeAlfred Barr, Jr., Diary r9z7-28," October Fall ry78, p. 17. Umanskij would remain the best sourceuntil Barrt own presentationofthe Russianavant-grde in his atalogue for CubismandAbstactArt(r%6). On Umanskij'spiecein Der Ararat t in Janu ry r9zo, seeTimothy O. Benson, Raoul Hausmann and Berlin Dada(Ann fubor: UMI ResearchPress,t98), p. r87. Chapter6 r. RichardHuelsenbeck,En AuantDada:A HistoryofDadaism(r9zo),in Robert Mothemell, ed., TheDada Paintersand Poets:An Anthohgy, znd ed. (Cambridge,MA: HaruardUniversiryPress,r98il, p.39. z. Roy F. Allen, Literary Life in Geman Expresionismand the Berlin Cirr/zs(Ann Arbor: UMI ResearchPress,1983),p. z4z. 3. Mothemell, pp. 77-78. "magic bishop" 4. There is disagreementon the date and site of Ball's episode,which is placed on June z3 at the Cabaret Voltaire by John Elderfieldin his introduction to Hugo Bill, Flight Out of Time:A Dada Dlary (New York: Viking, 1974),p. w. 5. For accountsof this climactic eventrseeHans fuchter, Dada:Art and Anti-Art(New York: McGraw-Hill), pp.77-8o, and.Tnra in Motherwell, pp. z4o-242. 6. Technically, the members of Berlin Dada ued photocolkge,in which separatephotographsarecut and piecedtogether,tather rhanpbotlmznage,by whichimagesaresuperimposedby multiple exposure.However, in this chapterI follow the Dadaists'own nomenclatureand referto this work x photomontdge. (London; Thamesmd 7. For a discussionseeDawn Ades,Photomonta4e Hudson,r98o),pp. r9-zo. 8. Ibid.. o. Iz.

16. Dawn Ades,Dada and SunealismReaieued(lnndon: futs Council ofGreat Britain, t978),p. to6. r7. On the nvo Cologneexhibitions,seeAngelika Littlefield, TheDada Periodin Colngne(Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1988),and Ades, Dadz and SunealismRnieued, pp. ro4-ro6. 18.Groszand Hezfelde, p. 8r. "Erste Internationale Dadar9. Benson, p. r87; and Helen Adkins, (Berlin: BerlinischesGalerie, 1988),p. Messe,"StationenDer Modtme ri9. zo. On thesepoints seeAdes,Dada and SunealismRnirued" pp. 8l-8t, "Berlin Dada," in StephenC. Fosterand and Hans J. Kleinschmidt, Rudolf E. Kuenzli, eds., Dada Spectum: The Dialectics of Reuob(Iowa Ciry: Universiryof Iowa, ry79), pp. t64-t65. zr. Benson,p. 8o. "fut is in Danger,"in Lippard, p. 8r. uz. Groszand Herzfelde, 23. John Elderfield, Kurt Schwitters(London: Thames and Hudson, r985),p. 4r. For discussion ofthe Schwitters-Huelsenbeck antagonism. "Merz" can be found in Mothemell, seepp. 36-42, The full text of pp. j7-64, md in Lippard, pp. 99-ro8. 24. For discussionof Dada and Constructivism,seeJohn Elderfield. chapter 6, md Dada-Construciaism, The Janus Face of the Tu,nties (London: Annely JudaFineArt, I984). 25. Motherwell, p. 246. For an accountof Huelsenbeckand his lork. "The New Man-Armed with the V'eapons seeHans J. Kleinschmidt, ofDoubt and Defiance,"introduction to Richard Huelsenbeck.,11rzr oirsofa Dada Drummer(NewYork: Viking, 1974). 'A 26. Raoul Haumann, Dadmoph'sOpinion of V'hat Art Cnticism V i l l S a ya b o u rt h e D a d aE x h i b i r i o n .i 'n L i p p a r dp. . s 8 . Chapter7 r. Villim A. Camfield,FrancisPicabia:His Art, Life,and Times(Princeton: PrincetonUniversityPress,1979),p. rJ9. z. In Littrature, n.s., November ryzz, circd in Dax'n Ads, Dada and SunealismReuimed(London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1978),p.


86 af,uooq./dJeuJoJJed taJ?gefpaJuerJodxJ uEsp./,t uolu?duoJ srH .af,r,l;as lrerlru pro,r.r ot putlrrzrr.lnsot etuof,perl eq s:agroluzu al{ pue tarpeqr [B]otJo uonou pezrpnl -urds sdlsurpue) pue &runruuof, Jereaqt-Ieruauuadxa sqf,runry Jo turJer{peue sEla. 'eroJegos ro ur e^nrE ueaq Peq E pepunoJlarBq?f,rrar.lltE s8uruua11 Ipg lea,& luuE pue ITBgo8ng punore pelqruesse dnor8 aqr Sururofleal snol,o.rdaqt Jo fte -nrqa{ ur q)unz ot auo8peq aH 'EpECueadorngjo eceldqrrrqarp ,rrrello1 tar"gt3 srrf,rrnzJo asoPeqr rsuE urlrag ot peurntrr p"r{ IreguaslenH r{ruourrEr{f

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had been jailed for forging passports for draft dodgers. Together they approached the owner of a cafe at Spiegelgasser to found an artists' cabaret, transforming the Hollandische Meierei caft into the Cabaret Voltaire, a small place with fifteen to twenry tables and room for fifty or so patrons. Activities began on February 5, 1916with an open newspaper invitation that attracted three artists who would assistwith the festivitiesthe young Romanians Tiistan Tzara and Marcel Janco, and the Alsatian Jean (Hans) fup. They staged provocative events, primitivist dances, and radical sound poems interspersed with literary readings and songs, filling the smoky ca{? to overflowing each night. Zurichwas a center of war resistersand political refugees-Lenin lived down the street from the Cabaret Voltaire at number n-and the Dadas united in rejecting "Our the sociery that had spawned the killing. As Ball wrote in his diary on April 14, cabaret is a gesture. Every word that is spoken and sung here says at least this one thing: that this humiliating age has not succeededin winning our respect."2The horrors ofthe war were seenas the insane consequenceofbourgeois rationaliry, and absurdity and chance complemented the primitive as a means of reaching back to a purer state. Tzara, born Sami Rosenstock in Bucharest, increasingly emphasized the irrational, his r9r8 Dada manifesto proclaiming his principle of rejecting principles, his "continuous adherence to contradiction," all in the contentious tone with which he would promote the spread of Dada acrossEurope: Ghosts drunk on enerry, we dig the trident into unsuspecting fesh.'We are a downpour of maledictions as tropically abundant as vertiginous vegetation, resin and rain are our sweat, we bleed and burn with thirst, our blood is vigor. . . . On the one hand a toxering worU in f.ight, benothed to the ghchenspiel of hell, on the other hand: new men. Rough, bouncing, riding on hiccupsS Dada in Zurich centered on performance and literary innovation, aggressive use of words and verbal imagery challenging the complacent values of the European middle class. At the Cabaret Voltaire there were evenings devoted to the advanced poetry of France and Russia. Arp recited passagesfrom Alfred Jarrys Ubu Roi, and additional inspiration came from Italian Futurist sound poetry and bruitism, noise music. Emblematic of the collective, international, and disjointed spirit was the "simultaneous poern' performed at the end of March, L'amiral chercheune maison ) lnuer ("The Admiral Looks for a House to Rent"), with lines spoken concurrently by Huelsenbeck in German, Janco in English, andTzara in French. Dada manifestos were read by Ball, Huelsenbeck, and Tzara at the first Dada evening at the Zunfthaus zur \(aag on lrly ,+, where Ball also intoned his nonsense vocables in a great conelike out6t by Janco before being carried offstage overcome by the experience.aHeld in public halls, Zuricht Dada-Soirdes set the model for events that would proliferate through Europe, reaching their height in Paris in tgzo-zr, programs of poetry music, playlets, and proclamations. There were eight major Dada evenings in Zurich, spanning the history of the movement there, the last held at the Saal zur Kafeuten on April 9, r9r9 before an audience of over one thousand. That evening climaxed as \Walter Serner in formal dress read his anarchist piece Final Dissolution, provobng members of the audience to rush the stage and destroy the headless dummy to which Serner had dedicated his work.5 Due to exhaustion and increasing complaints to the owner of the cafe, the Cabaret Voltaire closed after about six months of frantic activity. ln ryr7 operations shifted to the Galerie Dada, formerly the Galerie Corray where the First Dada Exhibition opened at the end ofJanuary. On March rTzara and Ball took over the spacewith

Hugo Ball reciting his sound "Karauane" poem in a Cubist costumeby Marcel Janco, at the CabaretVobaire,Zuich, June or JuQ, ry6. The performance ended with Ball fainting dnd hauingto becarried offtage.

'ooo'or SutP'rno.rl str qrra 'rplunry ur eqqndaX tel^os E Jo uollearf, el{l ,^ ?s prdy pup'salreuoltnyo.r,a;oo5'r,ro,ro 3uq1q'lue4 lstunruuroJ aql lq >11rrspraua8 t ol 'r{lr?W uI 'Peqsllg?lsr pellBl sle{ro.^ ullreg PelnEg rsuoJrcJo,{Jlslultr { aqrJo scloorl sr,u rriqndaX r?IUIrln\ agr se Lren.rqeg ut lueuua5 urar{uou uI sllolrr alp Passerd -dns sd:olrarg aq1 ('rre lf,Ensqe uo ef,uerguor t Surploq sE.^a ?r€zJ 'Y)1rnz uI qlgr er{r uo 'ts"rruof, u1) 'fi lrenuef uo sd-rolrarg aqr lg pareplnru arer\ rl{]etnlqerl Irry PYE 'srltls u"Iu.IJ3 rofeur ut s8ursr.rdn S.rnoquraxnl EsoU srepprl rsnpr:edg TelIPEloqt PuE relJold oJe1t\eJorlt qtuolu txJu aga 'rea.{el{l Jo Pur 3I| lE ,{lJ?d lslunlulllo] uEuJaD rqi yo ,rotr"*toJ rqt .raqrueracl ur ur1reg ur stoartseqr ul Supq8g pue sdrolra.rg aruel -r8r.t rsrrg8r: alpJo uoltealf, '916r ragrue,roN uI resIDI allJo uoll?f,IPq" aIJl PUEuolllsr -rnsur ftruonnlo eJ :tpEC uIIJegJo auot eql ras lsqr slualaJo salles?.1,r'es 616r-316r aJeqJ JoJ !e^e.^ oq 'reaJapPu" aluEerJstrufttrqrur uBr{r ol lf,EeJol ejouj se.^.t '>laaqr lq lluo Sur,rzgs euo 1oo1 IryuIrysP srg 8ur,llsuarur 'urlreg aPIaJzrrH Pue]eIlN ol Jo sreertsaqt uo turoJlun fture lqrg e r?e1d Panulluor .statroddns sroe8tnog rral{r pu€ sJJf,Wo seJntef,IJelsnoIf,I .^AeJP-uos?eJlEIIluIs ? Jo 'ststl:t ro3 3roe3 tuog alueu rsrg slr{Jo Suqlads egr pa8uerp PtI{ oq.{\-zsor3 a8roeS 'aPlaJzreH urlreg ragro pu€ tulq pazr:rrqod Sut.teq sacuanbesuocptcos sll PuE r".^aaqr 'rustlotrled ueurraD ol luo$e lnrulaH ruo{ alu?u srg peznry8ut P"q PIaUu"rH ue ryaploJzraH puEIOIl( rrgtorq slq Pu? PPgu"eH uqof lq 3e1-ra1-1p1,rtresnoq Surgsrlgnd rsl5el ar{l Jo Surpuno3 erf ul1reg uI Pue 'ePEC elrol?D eI{] Jo solleerf, ar{l vF-4)uaraglp aqr sazrloqruls LI6I I{lrE] J uI sluole o.^1Jo uollrunfuor aq1 gitnz 'aJl{.,rrr€slauolrurut pelf,Jrlp luerura.g ur stuaudola.tap p:rrqod 'JeAa.^ or{ 'seJutru --ro3;ad put suolrlglqxa rlaql uI eFL,l\ Pe^lo uI ere.^asEP?c q)rfiz aqr 'srrEdruog *adde rxau aqt eroJaqsqluotu 6 put 1-totr enssl rsel aqr rru? sqluoru h '16€ leuno( slq Jo regunu q)r.rnz ,^ eN ur paqsrlqnd sE.^i\ 'arl]ou e Suronpo.rdftenrqeg lg 'pe,rr.rreElg"lld 616l kenuef ul Puoll€uralul lrerllt or ue8eg seItI Ilf,E tayt ?/p?Q uotrmrlqnd aql Pue suogr Teuollouord st:tz1 qSnorqt 'u? e^llrurlrd puv 'aluEruroJrad ag or Penulluof, snco3 SuroSuo eqr PuE suerPllql 'sqruour qrr.LrSuop 1ro.^alsluroPoru Jo a8u?r qsepdelsl?q1(euos PuE ePLA t Sur.r,roqs rrrqt rxou aqr roJ suouqlqxe erolu ere./dareqt g8nogr*r.srsrrrt.{:alp8 rurnlsJo.{\oqs e

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bloody suppression by the Freikorps in the first week of May. The First International Dada Fair was held June 3o-August 2t, r92o, three and a half months after a failed Freikorps putsch in Berlin and renewed fighting in Dresden berween trooos and workers. Called The Great Monster Dada Show in the press,it contained reminders of the events of the previous two years, along with raging 'Walls referencesto the military. were covered from foor to ceiling with political and propagandistic material set among paintings, collages, and drawings. The suspended "Hanged officer with pigs head was marked as by the Revolution." Below stood the Grosz-Heartfield collaboration The Philistine Heartfeld Gone \Vild (Elzcno-Mechanical Thtlin Pltutic), a mannequin decorated with a war medal and rusty cudery with a light "dedicated bulb for head and pistol and electric bell for arms, to the Socialist Reichstag delegateswho voted for the war." Heartfield and Herzfelde showed the May and June r9r7 issuesof their political weekly newspaper NeueJugend,published by Malik-Verlag. Attached to Dix's large painting of the war wounded, 450/oAblebodied-his only Dada appearance-was the first published photomontage, Heartfieldt image of a fan "Open embellished with the heads of \Weimar leaders over the query competition! 'Who is the most beautiful??" Photomontage was utilized in all of the Berlin publications, and both printed and original examplesfilled the exhibition.6 Though it is generally considered the most "Dadd' important artistic innovation of Berlin Dada, like the term in Zurich its first use is a subject of dispute. Heartfield and Grosz were said to have invented the technique while putting together subversivepostcards assembledfrom advertisements and newspapers,sent to Herzfelde and others at the front in ry:6. Hausmann and Hctch claimed independent discovery while summering on the Baltic coast in r9r8, after seeing mass-produced prints onto which had been glued photographs of friends or relatives.TV4ratever the story photomontage was developed in original and diverse ways by each of these artists, and by others among the Berlin Dadas. Hausmann wrote that 'photomontage" "aversion at playing they agreedtogether on the term to expresstheir the artist, and, thinking of ourselves as engineers (hence our preference for workingmen's overalls) we meant to construct, to assemble lmontierenl our works."8 The word in German connotes a mechanical or engineering process of fitting things together, and Grosz and Heartfield often stamped mont. after their names. For all, the intent was to connect imagery more closely to the life of the times. Grosz and Heartfield did so with more explicit politics, and Heartfield would go on in the thirties to create his stunning series attacking the Nazis, using an airbrush to meld disparate photos inco continuous images. But in their different ways all of the montagists used the imagery of commercial advertising to subvert the world of commerce and attack the politicians who supported it. And in the Dada period they each displayed the social condition in disjunctive and chaotic compositions, avoiding the structure ofclassical order that governed precedents in Cubist collage. Heartfield himself was known as Monteurdada, and most of the Dadas were given titles, many fixed when he had calling cards printed for his colleagues in July t9r9. Hausmann was the Dadasoph, Mehring was Pipidada, Grosz was the Propagandada Marschall, Huelsenbeck was W'orld Dada, Gerhard Preiss (the inventor of the Dada-Tioc) was Musikdada, and Johannes Baader was the self-designated Oberdada (Superdada). Other titles were bestowed later, probably around the Dada Fair: Rudolf Schlichter became Dadameisterkoch, Max Ernst was Dadamax, and Otto Schmalhausen, Groszt brother-inlaw, the Ozdada. Hannah Hdch, the only woman in the group, seemsto have remained untitled. Dr. Otto Burchard, in whose rooms the show was mounted and who funded the exhibition with rooo marks, was designated the Finanzdada.




;- Dtllunstrslh

,iTil-,i Installation uiew of the First InternationalDadz Fair at Ga/erie Ono Burchard,Berlin, Summer ryzo. Raoul Hausmann and Hannah Hiich stand betwrcn (lO Hijchi Cut with the Cake Knife and trigh) Hausmann\ Tatlin at Home. Photograph courtesy German lnformarion Center,New Yorh

Vor eqt 'drer'uuy tuo{ uasn?L{Terurlls'slrtd ruo{ ?IgEf,Id ere \ luerura:) Jo ePlslno ruog srupdrf,rrr?dlluo 3rfl lI€C eP?C lBuolr?urrlul lsrlC aql PalIBl serrrrt qbnoqrly 'uonrqrqxe ar{r re ?peq qnl3 ullrrg aqrJo sregturur3o sqdaSorogd pasod eql ur ueas 'tsuPlng al{r uon?fle]sur snorolr Pue PosuoPuoc eqr PelBrlsselau sIr{I Jo PrE^lrnof, 'le,"r1pg Surrcauuor 3 lsJU er{r Jo Suvtr aprs E uI JooH punor8 aqr uo PuE sulooJ o1t\l dluo ur ppr{ se.l.rtI 'teqr ueqt qro.4 etour ue e Paurcluof, rI?{ EPeC aqr ellqrkyarnl -sa8 epeq E sEpetef,uqg era.{\saurcu rtl1lurgun eql Jo euos g8noqr 'srorlgrqxa l,z dq suralr il,r persll rI 'uoltlqlqxe arp ro3 :arsod " Jo >lleq erp uo parurrd sEA PuE Suruado '5r lpf lq of aunf er{r rag" $laa.^ao/r\t Partedde anSoprec ag1 PIos sral]Il ort dluo 'pa8rcqr sB/y\qrelu [ qrr.^a'rsaPou uaeq e Eq ol stueesolu?PuollP rnq 3o uorssrupy ',^oqs eqr ur (.€urrtte:puassaq,,) SunuqnazqtstltpaN E Sunrqlqxa sB enSoplef, ar{r ur palsrl sE1(pu? 'rfirtr.rtyq rclN elp reeu €r ra3n-.anozrn1 re &a1p8 u/(o slq sepeq egr a,re8 'dlgsrapap lre u?rurlg all'zz6t uI uolrlqlqxe uEIssnUtear8 aqr luasard PFo.{\ qllr{.ll (sf,IureJar3un5 asaurq3 ur r.radxeue selt{ u"A erl] Jo rotf,aJlp E pue PJBTPJng

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Veranstaltet von Marschall C. Orosz, 1..l

. Dadasoph Raoul llausmann, Montmrdada John Heartfield

futalog / Preis t,7O Mk.

gnisse Erzeu dadaistischer

peripateticfup, and perhapsthe Berlin correspondentfor the ChicagoDaily News,Ben Hecht, listedin the catalogueand a friend of the Dadas.Arp wasthe most truly international,a founder of Ztrich Dada who recentlyhad beenworking in Colognewith Max Ernst and JohannesBaargeld,but he had gone to Parisby the time of the show. There was someparticipatiorifrom other parts of Germany-such as Schlichterand Georg Scholzfrom the south,Alois Erbachalong with Ernst and Baargeldfrom the Rhineland,and the gymnastHans Heinz Stuckenschmidtfrom Magdeburg,who had come by fourth-classtrain to show Groszthe five small collagesthat the older artist it wasan exhibition of the Berlin Club Dada. addedto the exhibition. But in essence Hencethe striking omissionof Kurt Schwittersfrom Hannover,whoseapplicationfor membershipin the Club Dada-supported by flxu5rnxnn-',vas rejectedby the more political membersof the group. For Huelsenbeckespecially,Schwitterstpersonaliry and his explicit rejectionof political wastoo bourgeoisand his work too aestheticized, contentin art wasan affionr. The Club Dada had beenestablished in Januaryr9r8 by Huelsenbeck,Hausmann, and Franz Jung, leaderof the Freie Strassegroup. \Vhile Huelsenbeckhad brought word of Zurich activitiesto Berlin a yearbefore,it took until Januaryzz, rgr9 for Dada to be spokenof in a public presentation, when he lecturedat I. B. Neumannt Graphisches Kabinett,emphasizingDadat useof poetryand painting for political ends and the current irrelevanceof Expressionism,Cubism, and abstraction.e\Vhen he offensivelyproclaimedthat the warwasnot bloody enough,an amputeeroseand hob. Groszrecitedhis poetryof rhymedi15ul15-"|eu-5en5bled out to audienceapplause butchers' fesh=eaters=vegetarians!!/professors, of-bitches, materialists/bread-eaters, picapprentices,pimps!/youbums!"-and pretendedto urinate on the ExPressionist turesaround him.10Neumann,one of the first dealersto exhibit the Briicke artistsin


Posterfor the First International Dada Fdir Berlin, July z5-August 2t, rg2o. The exhibition cataloguewaspinted on tlte reuerse sidz of thisposter,two weeksajler the showopened.TheMuseumof ModernArt Library SpecialCollecion, New York



Berlin, barely was dissuaded from summoning the police. The next Dada event was held on April rz at the hall of the Ne ue Sezession,where Huelsenbeck and Grosz were joined by bthers from the Cafe des'W'estens,including Hausmann, Gerhard Preiss,and Jung, who two years later would commandeer a steamer and present it to the Bolsheviksin Murmansk. Huelsenbeck read the first Berlin Dada manifesto-also signed in "new new realiry . ' . a absenria6y Tzara-claiming that only Dada can Portray the simultaneous confusion of noises, colors, and spiritual rhy'thms. . . with all the sensational screamsand passionsof its audacious quotidian psyche and in all its brutal realiry."r1 Grosz presentedmore poetic insults, and Else Hadwiger read a Marinetti text extolling war to the accompaniment of toy trumpet and rattle, unfortunately interrupted by a soldier falling to the floor in epileptic seizure.The evening ended when the "The New management, fearing trouble, turned on the lights, as Hausmannt talk on "powerful Mateiials in fut" was greeted by the audience, in a reviewer's words, with nature noises." Thus were initiated the seriesof performancesthat members of the group would hold over the n€xt two years. Bv summer they had been joined by Hausmann's friend Johannes Baader, who appeared ivith him at the Cafe Austria on June 6' where Hausmann firsr read his sound poems consrructed abstractly from letters alone. That "NVMVNAUR," which year Hausmann printed four poster poems s'ith lines such as Baaderwould incorporate into the baseof his monumental construction in the second room of the Dada Fair, The Great Plasto-Dio-Dada Drama. This huge fivelevel work contained mousetraps,a powder keg, an advertisingdummy, minert lamps, newspa"GERMANY'S GREAINESS AND pers, and mixed ephemera to tell the ston' of DEMISE Through TeacherHagendorf." According to the catalogue,Baader showed about fifteen other works, the same number as Hausmann. Only Grosz would display more worl$ in the Dada Fair, nvenW-eight of his orvn and ten collaborations with Heartfield. Luggage of the Oberdada at the The text of Baader'svisiting card-"The Time of His Escapefrom the Insane Asvlum"-suggests something of his personaliry. Older than his fellows and a trained architect, Baader rvas the most outrageous of the Berlin Dadas. By rgoo he had come to seehimsel|as the successorof Christ, and he was completely uninhibited in his public behavior.In 1916he wrote to Prince Wilhelm Friedrich and insisted that the war be stopped immediately on his authoriq' as the "Commander of the Empire of the Soul." Baaderdemanded a Nobel Prize during the r9r8, and that November he rushed into the pulpit at the Berlin Cathedral summer of shouting that Christ was a sausageand indifferent to the world's ills. Arrested for blasphemy, he was acquitted on grounds of mental incompetence. In February r9r9, recently having been proclaimed President of the Earth in the manifesro Dada Against Veimar published by the Central Dadaist Council for World Revolution, he got the movement into the international pressby disrupting the first meeting of the National fusembly at W'eimar. Demanding that the government be handed ov€r to the Dadas, he showered delegateswith a fictional broadside, The Green Cadauer,which reported "Johannes Baader rides into the National Assembly on the white horse of the Apocalypse. He declares it after the opening of the Seventh Seal as the offering of Dadaism."l2 Wild and unpredictable,he obtained much publiciry for the group, but in early r9r9 Huelsenbeck and even Baader'sfriend Hausmann warned TLara that he did not repr€sent the Club Dada in any Despite their distrust of Baader, in early rgzo Huelsenbeck and Hausmann took him along on their performance tour through Germany and Czechoslovakia.The evenings generally began with Huelsenbeck reading some of his Phantastiche Gebete ("Fantastic Prayers"), nonsense sound poems. Then Hausmann would continue with


Raoul Hausmann,Dada-Photo, ryr9. This double portrait of Baader, HausmannandJohannes showingBaadersmokinga rosein his pipe, waspublished in Der Dada z, Decemberrgr9.

opposite: GeorgScholz.Industrial Farmerc, 1920.Oil on plywood,38% x z7% in. Von der Hq,dt Museum, rX/uppertal

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"Fabrication des Thbleaux Garantis Gazomdtriques"), and the show included gaga (for a relief and two drawings of his. Ernst was already building his relations with Paris, and the exhibition contained the Picabia drawing Oeil rondwhich they published in their review Die Schammade,said to be financed by Baargeldt rich father in hopes of moving his son away from radical politics. Both these abstract biomorphic works of Arp and Picabiat quasimechanical drawing reappeared in Berlin at the Dada Fair, where "Hans Arp'ache." In all probabiliry the catalogue listed Arps drawings as the work of the eight piecesby Ernst and three by Baargeld in Berlin had come from the Cologne show as well. Awarenessof the international Dada movement also found expression in the Ernst-Baargeld collaboration Simubanniprychon,which included the names of the Paris Lixlraturegrotp, W'alterfuensberg, Duchamp,Tzara, and Serner,and the Berlin "vulgar dilemante," Villy Frick, so called Dadas. Lastly, there were wooden reliefs by a becausehis name sounded obsceneand he had a full-time iob.17 Ernst's sculpture with attached axe representsan attitude also seen throughout the Berlin Dada Fair, the attack on aft as sacrosanct.Fine art to the Dadas was a "the head-in-the-clouds tendenry . . . means of ignoring political and social realities, whose disciples brooded over cubes and Gothic art while the generalswere painting in blood."t8 The antiaesthetic thus was the other side of the explicitly political, debunk"Down ing art to redirect attention to politics. Placards at the Dada Fair announced "Art is Dead. Long live the new with art, down with bourgeois intellectualisrn'and "conquering materialisrn' machine art of Thtlin." Here Thtlin represented the described by Umanskij, the enemy of the Expressionism that Herzfelde cdled in the "an exhibition catalogue attempt to deny the real."le Every aspect of the exhibition repudiated the fine art tradition-the aggressiveand the ugly replacing the refined and the beautiful, collaboration as important as individual achievement, mechanical reproduction standing equal to the unique creation. The purported puriry of the masterpiece was mocked throughout the show in photocollages utilizing elements of known works-Baadert image of his face over the bust of the Wnus dr Milo, Schlichtert Improued Paintings ofAntiquitywith modern heads on rhe Apolln Beluederear.d, again, the Wnus dt Mib, Hatsmann's doctoring of Rubenst Bacchanal and Groszt attack on Botticellit Primauera. Heartfield and Grosz "corrected masterpieces," both reproduced in the catalogue: collaborated on two Dadaist lettering and phoros over a PicassoCubist collage,and a RousseauselF-porirait with Hausmann replacing the Douanier. Even Beethoven was slurred in Otto Schmalhausen'saltered death mask, with bizarre painted eyes,moustache, and wild hair, chosen by Huelsenbeck for the cover of his Dadn Almanach published just after the exhibition closed. In his introduction to the catalogue, Herzfelde spoke of the exhibition actually presenting things themselves,instead of merely representing them in paint in the manner of high art. Newspaper texts and commercial images were given to the public in photomontage, and actual political materials plastered the walls. In addition to the pile of objects constructed by Baader, Hausmann showed what he called the first Concretisation-Sculpture-,4ssernblage,entiied Industrial Reuolution in the Year rgrg-^ drawing board backed on a piece of wood painted black, to which were affixed slats from an umbrella stand and a blue faience plate. the whole littered with razor blades. And in his collage The Art Critic, Hausmann presented the collective Dada stance "President toward what art had become in their time. Incorporating the calling card of of the Sun, The Moon, and the Little Eanh . . . Dadasoph, Dadaraoul, Director of the Dada Circus," against the background of a phonetic poem poster and marked with Groszt signature stamp, the critic stood ready with sharpened pencil to spear the aesthete and the fine artist alike.


Couerof Richard Huelsenbech's Dada Almanach,rgzo,showing abereddtath Oxo Schmalhauseni mask of Beethouen.Photograph courtesyEich Pollitzer





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John Heartfeld\ couerof Der Dada 3, April 3, rgzo. This last issue of Der Dada was edited "Groszfeld, by Hearthaus, and Georgemann."Akademie der Kiinste, Berlin. John Heartfield Archiu


ssrutr.^a sEpe^rrs 'uonrqrqxeeqr papuarrtptq oqa 'IequEI/i{uIâ‚ŹtdEJ V ilalssagorto aq}Jo retsrurryeqr lq pa8polsel'rl pu? 'ltun ueruraSar{l SuItFsuI sel.r tqa.^,\sr{f,red ullrag agl tsure8erstl eqJ a8-rrqraq1 'tz6t'oz ot etuef,s?pECI uo 1r:dy lerrt 'orlo;rrodzsorX ']rnor ur tq8norq arer'rsa8rtgr wt1 Ta&uaqttyu?lsmtdal{t qrl^{ Suop rr{l ot eruareJerplcads qtr.,'rse,r tr 'pue aqr u1 'eldoadeqr 3o rosserddose ayorprr <n tl1rypog '3e1ra1-1rp11 -rrtod lq pagsrlgndsqderSogtrt srr ur,fietqrtu aqr paruasard 'qr?epot elegrupg 8ur 'alqet 3o orlo;rrod szsor) looq ar{l uo Sulv'ar.rroJ elq"lIE^V -rreq llsnonr,r rrrlgo u? parrrdap'zsor5 a8.roeg3oruluopnasde sdeq:ad'lglerq1v sal 're]l?lde uo ssuprapun -?rJoSsauu?qo['touo11to Vlaxl aq1uo aq?t/ulaHraapysnryuI p?er{srarplosprr{snrl 'dpoolqe pano'4sfuaqua?ulH llptlilaunaq atf n!ruasat4 [11awg 'asaaqryaag Stnqua?utHSurrureds,zloqls3roa5 'tunocct ;edtdsr'tauE ruog u.^aoux V 'tuauntal aprsoglpp:rued JoJur aruef,'lpulsrrdrns lou 'saf,JoJ pJruJ?eI{J 'Qotuanul{dduqup acltrn8ny apup .taqwaway)sEu.^(roul osp &anoglo wt1tq1 Bunurcd a8ellocszsor) lq pa-ra,toclpreld -ruof,se.^, xrg olroJo uorssaco;d rergo er{rJopeaqagr-fta8eurr pelddur arp Surpeay l-r8ur pue rJJ?zrgJo uonenuef,uoJe ur rar{rout auo paddtlra,roqJolN ldoqs ar{r aqr ur pelSuru ur asla paragunutno qf,rq-&'zsor3 aBroag3osa8ellocput'e.rp IIE 'uonf,EJsnrs-Jlrs ^lllBlnrq ,l.iElITIru esoqrqrt^r o \t eql PeI^ Jo s,^aln Pu" PeJra^o Jo 'stsllBulsnPuleql 'ssepelppnu er{l spepr esleJpue ,{lrcqdtuoceqr PUE Jo rrIrE^E Jo aqr 'LrerrlnuarpJo suorrresnorrrl aql lq peldduf, uon?u e-etuoseg peq luerurag 'saPIsP?oJg 'sJaIH's:aded se,r saurze8eru req.l.rSunf,rdepqJo^\ qrr.^ pasJadsJetur PuE -s,^au ur uonElISEJlar{t drorslqy 'rqqnd aqt ot a8esseusll lno Prlnoqs uonlgltlxJ Jo eqt (uoor rsrg *p ur prrunoru srazrue8roar1 jo sqderSotogda8relegt elq 'qro,^a pnpr^rpur eqt ur puno; rueurrl"ts a.r.lsser83e Jo pull aqr paruasardJIastIuolt?l1ersul se.4.^oqs eIlJ er{r pue 'plegtreoH pue 'zsor5 'uu?rusnEHlq 'uolrlqlqxeel{lJo sql Jo II" uI auor d.reqsoqr qrr.^ auq ur 'r8pa uE qrr.^A rounq sem1Itn9 'a)uoJeJOr-JIas ataqTgafuaag ypp1lo suautau{ayaqtlo xapuJpua xa?oJlpuoqaN_ rorunq qrnu sp.^a pu? snwww xa! tFpQ PrlIPr]ro.^ae ParrqrrFrrsura Pue 'sBPecullrag al{rJo soloqd s,gco11'sreqlo Pue '>lraguaslrnH paPnlrur alluy a4ry atf tllru 7n3 e?etuowrorogd ''ollg 'ursneq1eurps 'aplgzreH 'plagtr?aH 3o sa8eluorupue s8uvrc:p Sur.uogs slrl parcrdepdlprcadsezsorS dporcdlg peradurerurslsslJr?ue l]f,elloce 'dtuecepeq eqtJo srrquaru ol ParrajaruoDrqrqxeaqr ur q;or'r lueur'rtlttJ ltv atlJ r4r.'I

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ul dlree suonf,nrrsuof pur sa3e11o:zretrJ aqr ur q8norqrleerg slq aroJtg rsn('316r aunf ruor; dnor8 uJnrs eqt qllld pat?Ioosseueeg Peq sretlllt\I{f,S .IaIouuEH uI sJallllrrqls ou sE \ slql'qlgH Pu? uu?rusnEH roC rpr-u dn pa{urT uoos ^rrlt PUE'el"lslw zz,,'rr?Paflm-os q]IA ITBl? Pe8?8ua ',, :ePEC uITJag uo Sulluaruwoc flsnor.ras urJq a ELl ol st.u a{Btsltu lluo rno 'iz6t aql lsn( se'r'r sE ur paprn8slu {rerrr ppo,t\ aPIeJzreHPuE zsorD l"I{l >1:oll\Jo lros 'a8aur e,rtluloaa t1 'uortrrardralur e18ursou qtl^{ auo tnq {q8g t Palearf, eq'auoH w uq1e1 ur rordln:s eqr Sunuasarda; autz"Seru u"rlraur\y' u? ru:u arn39 agr ol ulerq ullreg aql u^/roP;uITIor $luel uers PEq I?rruEqf,au E PrPPe uuBulsn?H uatl,xuslerrls or{a asoql roJ epntrpe prnleu r sdeqrad .l8olouqcer;o asluo:d rIfl uI qllg aFIITsulaas JJeqf ]nq ,rusruorssardxg qtI^A Palelf,ossBJJntEu ol uollf,?Jll? ,IlueluoJ eql slJa^gns ,fia8rurr I?f,rr?I{reu rlaqJ 'lla./d se dtqsuesrlred prrrqod 3o asuasE qlel eulql?ru aql uu?tusntH rPgrlt ul lz,Lr.snon8rqrue aq1 3o a8erur'ueqrn aqt azIIItn ql?e qloH PuE .su"rsrJed I{ rpl,lr JsoI{lJo luaf,slulrual s)b?urlJo uoutu ssardrur os eql pFol( tsurg '(,,sranbuo3 epeq,,) 6ar rpa7 -at?f,uof, PU?-auoH 1! uqlal Pu? ar?ds uado ue PelBarf, a>lrl 'uourqlqxo er{l uI sa8eluoru sJuerusn?H (',{oqH EUuEH se anSoprec rI"C EPEC eqt ur Pelsrt sarr aq5) ,,'atunlg ?uuv uv,, ruaod rtpdod slr{Jo llr(gns erpJo rEr{r qll (srel auorpurpd E el?erf, ot eureu tsrg raqJo Pue aql le tl eql PaPP?e eq ol PrcssI oq'l.r -ry(qrs ol esolr -,'rer3rartl q)oH lBr{r rePuo.{\ ou sI 1I 'PIegUEaH PUEzso-Ic Jo rriue aqr 8uupt1 aJII urapou Jo asuas t a,u8 ot slueuala u8rsap pue Sursn:a,tpr Iturolol 'uorrrradntr.t_pflrllod uer{r ral{l?l pezr1un;tpuag rpaq se r{rns .se8ellocoroqd ror{ pu? ruslinnuud rlr)qrsae pe&1dsrp rIEC ?P?CI rt{t }" siloP sqf,oH rz'8ullaa3rnaodJo-lros srql eruttsul ol panulluol I{rgHJo PuE uueusnrHJo $lro./$ aql Pue ,,',tn8"-tJ Sur8pq 'anssll 'PftogPrel 'ssEI8'erl./t\'PI aptrrq llpnba umo rnol or llerlut8ro Sulpuodsarroo -rattru per ur suolrellelsuotr snolnf,EJllu,,Peflo]xe '3utua,l'eePEC I"IlIJo lsJg aqrJo Pue 's:eal epeq eql SuunP sanSealor rlarp er{t re uor{s lntr s'E!\ r{rlrl-^ 'ITEI suusursn"H '!16r ur laul leqr JeU? suolllqlqxo uer{t a)uels f,Ilaqtse? eJotu ? Peurctulstu laqr pue lralp8 rurnrg aqr ot srotlsll trIlselsnqtua uaeg Peq qloH Pu" uuetusntH 'qdosepeq aqt pu" IraquaslanH 'rroddns uaa \teq uouf,I$ Sulsea:rut Jo auo se/v\JIeC tPEC aqr 3o porrad aqr PuE s.uu?usn?H rsurc3t 'srJltlAqrs 3o ruauoddo Lrerurrd aql uaeq P"r{ eH 'z'lueunlul -ruo, f,rlslrJ?Ja o pf,Irllod pazrseqduraaJou Pu? eloul uoll?luelJo s>If,aquaslanH'aJnl -?rerrl aqr ur petenradrad uoog spr{tEqr puB patrErsdltuareddt^ag reqr &ors e '1lcuno3 JessIIuIUoJ uaeq bul^eq re^au slt{ alIOsaP stJV auIC lrruonnlo.taa urlreg eqt Jo Jo puv '"peq qnlJ eqr Jo sreqruaur rer{ro aqt qrl \ Pe lo^ul lldaap aruoraq laqr p1q 'uopecllqnd lreuottnlo.o: eql Jo ernlIEJ aqt reUP lluo pue Zrei Suudigo ir,tr-rio'PIegu?aH 'zsorD Suruur8aq p* ,totr"rt8" ponqod uo PesnroJ P"q aPIeJZreH Pue aqt uorC 'rre pu" scrrqod3o stlreru allt"ler aqt Peuref,uof,rqds drerulrd ,qt.rr"O" ,r3 'EPeC ul1reg pr ourrrpeq rc6 lq sragtulu asoq.^a Jo rua,ra dnor8 rsEI aql PrPua erou f,rorar{u?qr sselslqt uO 'patlnbf,P araa slu?PueJaPearr{r raqro rgl'saug lsePour qrl^{ lue paluap dpuapn:d aPIeJzrrH Jo lel araa PuE tqa.tsqllau eqr lFsul ol uonuelul 'af,rt; p.te zsorg 'lranosgo asoqr qrll SuoIE salgloJ u./dosll uo Sutlueturuof, PIIE arll"s 'aloq,^Ae sE rlerr Pessnf,slP.]Pluql_s lrolt\ Jo tuetue^olu E eg ol ePec Pu"lleP eH 'zsorD 'uoDf,elloJ aql elBls uePsarc Jo Spgag uo alods Jo rolrarlP eql Pu" InQI 'golspa' ur1(pg 'Jortrn, u" ,t"t, yltradxa rq8nu auo sBtJnotr aql PuE luaruurarto8 aql 'esuaJaPllaql ullrrsar or sFIrtJo sepeq lern]lnl uo PelTerllasl'n ItrEDe u?qr raIFEr 'oqm ar{I '1\^oqseloqd\ or{l ro3 alqlsuodser PersPlsuof .^aor{3ruoss"ll\ .,eP"Prego" | 'rapeeg pue lagsqgnd srl sB aPIeJzr)H put oqo3r:od ar{}Jo rsllr? sE zsor9 Ta8uuqty ulrssntd aqtJo rotEarl ljeurrd sErelr{lrFltrs lra1p8 agrjo reu.a\ose prBqtrng :sslzotd 'uonnf,esord aqr lo3 ?Fpe eqt rJpau8rtrrt ere \ dnor8 EPEC al{rJo sragtuaru a IC

'qrL| uaaq aapq pu Flnor ulF?J 1pql Panetlaq aq anataq va|tod,(lduta sr1 Sutmotls mo11a!aqt ?aqryrut eq ptf Ftps t2lpl uutusnpH pua 'aunoStut u?JtDutV ua uto{ au?J Putul aq1 uo tamqr?ut qtm uaa aqtlo tldatSotoqd aq1 'uottnlonat 8um 'umtuP sltn -*l ,.ttl* s, lldm s? aq q4tlm ot &aFputr eulqr?ru aqj qltm u?xssna at/1FzlttJots? uuvt'tt -sw17 'uqw1 to aptl Surnou;,J 'tul oqlJols laesftwsuox sualws [sasnoc qdatSoloqd 'ut rr x %9r 'auo11 'a8z,11o2 [patoastp] oz6t 'uupuswH urllEl lnopa :arrsoddo re

uryag '?l0la) 2qrsluqDg [sasnot qdotSototl4'oz6r's11oq ePe(J Dq q|!.m qrqH qvuutH


'sTEIJel?ueput8edord ur prssng uI sqruou a.l,g puods ot uo tuea zsoJ) ellq./rl.tng Sunean pue qooq Surre.rrsnlp'ssord lstunruruoJ aqt pue 8epa1-1rlehtr roJ lpuarur 'PIrg 8ur4.ror'a.PFgueeH 'ssDr DJe prrrqod rralp Penulluotr zsorD Pu3 'ePlaJzreH -rrea11 'rsdpueoqodsd e sEreeretrpaqsrn8urrsrpE af,uaurruof,Pu" llrqlnH 'U selrtt{J ol erueu srq aSueq: ppo.,'r llrguaslenH 'Iro ,/daN ot Sutte:Strurut ro"'I s-<,'{rl Eeuo {srJ ot sI luaruotu elbuls ? JoJ Jlsr{f " uI lls ol,, ]?qr uaDlllr{ P"q oq,/Y\JUo JoJ Sursrrdrns rou sdtq.rad 'uenrslqd e se PegllreJ uaaq Pue salPnls IerIPau slq Pat{srug p"q eq 'uonBlr8e EPEC urlrrg ar{r Jo IP prury lrrtrqclsdornau ul uotltsod e rc1 zz6t 'ullreg uI af,utls ur Slzueq ol Sur,toru 'scrrqod uor3 rredap PFon uoos PequeslrnH rsrgal pe8e8ua ut padop.r.epp?q aq q)nnz ul IIEg I{rlna slEP tsl^Itlruudoap srq :a1e 'Ilaq ey:Iu\[[[[[[[[[[[[[[['ryPpQ luonv ug slr{ ']uarrla^oru aqrSo lrorsrq lsrg al{l puz-3urrqe1tr PuE -ueslanH 'uutursntH tapttg lluo uqrag ruor3 Surpnycut 'ltr't utstlreduou E uI EPEC u?odorn1 Jo ^\erlro,\o ue o,n8 or pordruoue qr\qw--<Pouuuqv nP?Q agl qroq Surgsq -gnd'rr urqrraSurrElSE sEEpEC Surdaarnsur pa8e8ue qlntu sPsE4 >lloquaslang oz6r u1 'aredrssrpppo.,w d8raue e,\Ilf,ello) stl I{f,IIlr\ ruo{ luaruou eql SuDIrEtu Pue lueu 'ep?C -alelqf,B Sur.tret.tar uIIrJg sl Jo xpuJIIf, ogt sluesorda: JrcC EPEC ar{J rrqolf,O 1[lq tO u],,lrv rz'lun<Ipue'l8ep-l1oqoru'drv'uuetusneH-Iz6r lreruetuelg ue roJ I[eJ,, aq] perogtne rtqr dnor8 aqt lq parsaSSnsst l{f,nry'af,u?rC uI 'rusl,rll ppo.,lt rusrleeJ.rngse lueuraD u] Ep"C papeef,f,nsesuestu?tJodtul u? uI qf,Iq.t\ -rnrtsuo3 put EpEC uer.l.lrag suolrf,euuof, Surdola.tap eqt ees an srql 3o p u1 '3op " DIrl lrEq Plnoa srurrPne rql uI sre]rlAr{)s rP]r{,/t\l" 'sra1n./!\t{f,sPUEBrngsaoc u? uorC 'EIs Jo puEIIoH q8norgr rnor Ep?C €z6r '(pea aqr padola,rap sarueuro3red qlns 'r{trgH 'uu"ursneH 'srerll.l.rqrs -sn1 ruo{ po urp lpuaf,er 'llzrrssrl pue 'l8eg-{oqory 'Srngseoq ue,r.'dry 'e:ez1 raqteSor Sur8ulrg 'uolrlqrr1xa srrltl4 r{f,S ? Punor? lalou -ueH ur ppq st/d Surue,raue qruou reqr rote'I 'zz6r reguretdas uI slstrrrrrnrtsuo3 Jo '1 udu ssar8uo3 rerurll\ Jr{l ol sreDlAr{r5 pue 'dry 'Ervzj-er^ur Ppo/v\-lesuog ;4 -opnesd eqr ropun strcr Ep?C pagsqgnd ptq oqr't-Srngsaoq u?A 'na'l mplfug aq purno( s,S.rnqsaogu? oeql or parngluuo) srartl.^qf,S pue uu?usneH I{tog 'l:taod rcensge :iaqropr:r-at?urrl, snoltlqrue srq Surrrdsur Suruur8aq {{'nezer./dqsruJ,, uraod punos l1;m suueursnEH PrBeI{ lsry sJrrll4 qf,S eral{J ,.'zrew PUE ePeC-IluV,, sEpasrua^pe serutruroJrad o.l.rluo rnd larp rerpaSor Pu" 'aJl./'rsltl PuE sralll{\I{f,S r{rl.t\ an8er4 or pelr^El r{loH pue uuerusntH rz6r raqtuardas uI .Iasoltralu?f,aq suonelar rragr oz6r artl ur san8eallocFcrrqod eJotu slq ruor3 de,vtt Sut,totu Jefe Pu?-TSIEPEC e se.,ra urr?rusn"H 'drv pluv eftzL r{Il-suatsal)N srP ?JE:) aql re 3r6t 1e3 ur <,leura>1,, Sultaaru rsJg Jleqr ef,uls s:ellll(rp$ {tt.Lr 13i11to"peurcturcru PEq uu?usneH o.4l alJes uEf,u?ur ou esn?teq 'ue le dluo 'a1dnur.rd3oJalleru P sE €z(('sJalseur 'paruorro llpclrqod,, raluroJ ' ' ' 'arnrlnr lsurc3e 'srure zretrAJ []"S] Pue tre tsure8eSulaq ar{r '(,,"P"EP3ror,, ro ,,1eue1,,) snasn?TrPut2x ruo{ (,pPEP llsnq) tnusxtFtPuaqanH paqsrn8urrsrpar{ areH 'a8el1ocllrta ue ur partadde }Egf zrauuox Pro./dal{l roJ PaIuEu t aq Iro.4 srr{Jo punor8 rneqrsee aqr Sulrursard ,,'zre4,, Palpt ellltre 3uo1 paqsrlqnd 'epeq rsure8t se./i,\ aq lueeru sqr leql PeIuaP t?t?rv pe Jo anssrrz6r lrenuef eqt ul puv aq q8noqr ,,'Ep"C-puv:or?.4tag,, 7u'ks'4atpaqtax al7'sqderSogu3o oqo3rrod srq3o 'suoll?lal a,rordut ol Suqrou Ja o) ar{r ro3 parur:d sJalJlrs per{ srJttllatps 'rred srg JoC 'EJEZI rPI,\{ cllqsuon plp 616r Jeqrxe^oN uI Ja ouIrBH uI lf,Eluof, lBuosrad ]slg JIOTIJ -e1ar3urdo1e.r.ap slr{Jo snopaf pue '616r rsn8ny u umls ra7 ul pagsrlgnd se^\ (arunlg "uuv uv,, raTs Pe rereJ sJsrrr.{\r{f,s,irrcqqnd ar{l ra^o Pesuaf,ul 'cnsluoSerue llulc -adsa>lraqueslanH 'aun1g ouuVto clwa1 atlJ 'orar{r 1ro.^as,rerqrllqls uI Palrolrl 'rrsrrr paidru:De sB/r\rr{ rnq tr"J ePEC elf uI llqlqxe or rlqEun eq sE,,r{{uo roN 'slsluE uE uo ruq aes or pasryeJ zsoJD Pue 'eP?CJuIIJag Iuog Pazlf,EJlsose.4aeq r{trrrnz aqr Pve enzl qtr^/\ slf,Eruor pruaSuor arrdsaq '?P?c ullrag ol eluoql?uE '616r selprf,osses,uap1el6aperu ter{r lurouotne f,DsIlJpuo snloJ ol{t PauIEtuI?u ar1put


"Vous Breton and Soupault's m'oublierez"("You will forget me"),performedat the Festiual Dada in Paris. (lefi n right) Paul Elaard (standing),Phihppe Soupauh, Andri Breton, and TheodoreFranhel. The First International Dada Fair included theprogramfor this euentat the SalleGaueau,May 26, r9zo. The Museumof Modern Art Library, SpecialCollection,New York rgzz-the next year publishing EcceHomo, his great portfolio of biting political and social caricature-by the time he left Germany for Americainrg33 he was wholly disillusioned with radical oolirics. The sort of intensiry rhat characterized Berlin Dada could not readily be maintained, and a group of such diversiry could not long hold rogerher.Activities continued-Baader even organized a Dada Ball in Berlin in January r9zr, and ofier events in Potsdam and Leipzig later in the year-but by the end of ryzo there was little unity to Berlin Dada. In his parody of what traditional art criticism would say about the Dada Fair, published in the catalogue, Hausmann sketched the scene: "'il4rile Germany is trembling and shaking in a governmental crisis of unforeseeableduration . . . these boys come along making wretched trivialities out of rags, trash, and garbage."26 "Cultural Hannah Hctch said that they were considered Bolshevists," bur some were more cultural and others more Bolshevist. And while the social and political climate that united them could nor keep them together, they created a lasring and unique group portrait in their Dada Fair. The Berlin Dadas were aware rhar Zurich innovations had taken anorher turn in France, for their exhibition included the program for the Festival Dada one month before at the Salle Gaveau in Paris. There Dada would take hold in a more literary context, and its subversivepossibilities would develop in a wholly different direction. Eighteen years later, the exhibition that would sum up that movement could not have been more different in spirit from the First International Dada Fair.



55,Zhadova, Malzuich, pp. 44, rz3 nrr.

9. Somescholarsdatethis eventin February

56.Villims, p. rz3.

ro. RoseleeGoldberg, Perfomance Art, From Futuism to the Pretnt (New York: Harry N. Abrams,1988),p. 67. On this event a.lsosee\{el Gordon, ed., Dadz Perfomance(New York: PAJ, r98Z),p. t7, wherethe date is givenasFebruaryr8, r9r8

57.For a discussionofThe Store,seeMilner, pp. tzz-tz5; and for a partial list of worla. seeGordon. z:888. p. 59. 58.Costakis,

rr. Allen, p. 243.

written accountofThe Storeand his relationswith 59.For Rodchenko's ttlin, seeBaron md Tilchmm, pp.2.56-217.

rz. Erica Doctorow, Dadz-in Berlin (Gxden Ciry NY: Adelphi University,1978),p. 35.TheGreenCadaaerwx printedon the backofcopies of Dada Against \Y'eimar.

6o. Ccstakis,p. 56. 6. Zlndova, Mabuich, p. 66.

13.Benson,p. r3r.

62. Ibid.

r4. Seethe accountby Ben Hecht in Gordon, pp. 8o-8r. Baaderoffered to sellHecht for $35,ooohis lost two-volumecollagediary of ryt9-t9zo, the Bucherzuhandzndts Oberdzdz.which according to Grosz eventuallv wm buried behind Bmder'shouse,and miqht havebeen shown at the Dada Fair "Dadaism," in Lury R. Lip15.GeorgeGroszmd Vieland Hezfelde, pard, ed., Dadas on lrr (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,r97r), P .8 8 .

63. On Chaga.llat Vitebsk, seeSusanP Compton, Chagall(Inndon: RoyalAmdemy of fut, 1985),pp. 40-42. "Constructivism 64. For theselmt developments,seeJohn Elderfield, and the Objective World: An Essayon Productionfut and Proletarian Culture," StudioInt(mational Septemberr9-o, p. '8. 65.lodder, p. 6r. 66. M.N. Yablonskaya, WomenAnists of Rusiai New Age r900-r9jt ( N e w Y o r k :R i z z o l ir.9 9 o ) .p . r 7 : . 67. Konstantin Umanskij, Nrue Kunx in Russhnd,r9r4-r9r9 (Potsdam, Kiepenheuer,and Munich: GoIa, ryzo). -W4renAlfred Barr went to Russiain 1927,this wd the book on which he had to rely, aiong with Louis lnrcwick's slim volume, Modzm R*ssianArt (New York: Museum "Russian of Modern Art/Socidti Aronyme, r9z5). SeeAlfred Barr, Jr., Diary r9z7-28," October Fall ry78, p. 17. Umanskij would remain the best sourceuntil Barrt own presentationofthe Russianavant-grde in his atalogue for CubismandAbstactArt(r%6). On Umanskij'spiecein Der Ararat t in Janu ry r9zo, seeTimothy O. Benson, Raoul Hausmann and Berlin Dada(Ann fubor: UMI ResearchPress,t98), p. r87. Chapter6 r. RichardHuelsenbeck,En AuantDada:A HistoryofDadaism(r9zo),in Robert Mothemell, ed., TheDada Paintersand Poets:An Anthohgy, znd ed. (Cambridge,MA: HaruardUniversiryPress,r98il, p.39. z. Roy F. Allen, Literary Life in Geman Expresionismand the Berlin Cirr/zs(Ann Arbor: UMI ResearchPress,1983),p. z4z. 3. Mothemell, pp. 77-78. "magic bishop" 4. There is disagreementon the date and site of Ball's episode,which is placed on June z3 at the Cabaret Voltaire by John Elderfieldin his introduction to Hugo Bill, Flight Out of Time:A Dada Dlary (New York: Viking, 1974),p. w. 5. For accountsof this climactic eventrseeHans fuchter, Dada:Art and Anti-Art(New York: McGraw-Hill), pp.77-8o, and.Tnra in Motherwell, pp. z4o-242. 6. Technically, the members of Berlin Dada ued photocolkge,in which separatephotographsarecut and piecedtogether,tather rhanpbotlmznage,by whichimagesaresuperimposedby multiple exposure.However, in this chapterI follow the Dadaists'own nomenclatureand referto this work x photomontdge. (London; Thamesmd 7. For a discussionseeDawn Ades,Photomonta4e Hudson,r98o),pp. r9-zo. 8. Ibid.. o. Iz.

16. Dawn Ades,Dada and SunealismReaieued(lnndon: futs Council ofGreat Britain, t978),p. to6. r7. On the nvo Cologneexhibitions,seeAngelika Littlefield, TheDada Periodin Colngne(Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1988),and Ades, Dadz and SunealismRnieued, pp. ro4-ro6. 18.Groszand Hezfelde, p. 8r. "Erste Internationale Dadar9. Benson, p. r87; and Helen Adkins, (Berlin: BerlinischesGalerie, 1988),p. Messe,"StationenDer Modtme ri9. zo. On thesepoints seeAdes,Dada and SunealismRnirued" pp. 8l-8t, "Berlin Dada," in StephenC. Fosterand and Hans J. Kleinschmidt, Rudolf E. Kuenzli, eds., Dada Spectum: The Dialectics of Reuob(Iowa Ciry: Universiryof Iowa, ry79), pp. t64-t65. zr. Benson,p. 8o. "fut is in Danger,"in Lippard, p. 8r. uz. Groszand Herzfelde, 23. John Elderfield, Kurt Schwitters(London: Thames and Hudson, r985),p. 4r. For discussion ofthe Schwitters-Huelsenbeck antagonism. "Merz" can be found in Mothemell, seepp. 36-42, The full text of pp. j7-64, md in Lippard, pp. 99-ro8. 24. For discussionof Dada and Constructivism,seeJohn Elderfield. chapter 6, md Dada-Construciaism, The Janus Face of the Tu,nties (London: Annely JudaFineArt, I984). 25. Motherwell, p. 246. For an accountof Huelsenbeckand his lork. "The New Man-Armed with the V'eapons seeHans J. Kleinschmidt, ofDoubt and Defiance,"introduction to Richard Huelsenbeck.,11rzr oirsofa Dada Drummer(NewYork: Viking, 1974). 'A 26. Raoul Haumann, Dadmoph'sOpinion of V'hat Art Cnticism V i l l S a ya b o u rt h e D a d aE x h i b i r i o n .i 'n L i p p a r dp. . s 8 . Chapter7 r. Villim A. Camfield,FrancisPicabia:His Art, Life,and Times(Princeton: PrincetonUniversityPress,1979),p. rJ9. z. In Littrature, n.s., November ryzz, circd in Dax'n Ads, Dada and SunealismReuimed(London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1978),p.



Ep"C '(,,rreaH pepreeg,,) aqrpg ( nal) er{l Jo af,ueurroJredsPrvzl uo {reue lerlsdt{d Surptailq uonct artlod pa>1o,torduorerg ueq^\'tz6r1o rolxtuns "'.rt-grtptrt.5'aqr eqr'lg:uors;e,rq.rrgo p,rr1 tueraJrp ? pre.^aoreloru suolrrg Pue erndsry purarul lq ur euop oq ppo.rrt ?PeC slr?d roJ 'ftesseceusp,llef,urngul aPlsrno ou rng r'rO,P uolpas rr{t Jo Tp^r^arpauueld e uor3 oluadrprv Pue sezrel) lq parreq ere^\ sEPeC eql PUE 'PrslIV 'sarn8g 'sf,DuErsrcPEC 3Il1 ol llSuorls lern]lnl Pagsllg"lse .^AoN Palf,eerlarp pu?'n?ra:af,rol4l'surctuo;'Isntrutrg'sazlalD la8ulzral41':a391-'kVpl'oPID PaPnllul storpr Jo r{lung E sEef,uarpneeqr SuDIreu preogu8ls splq"ld uole-rg e resgo 'rln$ SuIIrnI{ or radtd ot atruepurue ur rsor{J Terts E pue 's33a 'salqera8a,r PuB suloJ 'ealau ? uI Surrtrorgt ruo{ Pa^ou ef,uelPnerqt sE PePua n?3.t3:) alPS Peqspnupsp 'lq rr Sur8er aqt tE ?PtC P llseC eqr 'srolpo Suouvsacueu:o3rad "P"C Jo Sutns e -tno pue 'or sued Sutleart JIEq e Pu" real txau or{l roJ uo POIIoTelilqa l?ql 'ruarudola,r,ap uslleerrns Suta:os u?qr e se alf,Il{e^ srl roJ (f,Irrl{tsaepurure8 e orul paltld EPEC slr?d u1 'prua8uoc os.PunoJ Suqe;aua8 ssel Per{ 'frr,rrlct slqr elq"lld reqt qlrrnz Jo trrrds Surlcotu eqr qrr.t\ tf,lguof, olul eruof, pporu. 'ecue:t rlloudlg put Sutlt-t'tr :tletu ro; p.t.tor8 Ttitrrrotqr e epr,r'ordot Paau rlrl{l Pu? aqr Joc 'Elq?ll4 -otne sE qcns uonlsoduoc Jo seJIDBJdsnoIJeSuo srseqdura(suslslJ?d 'urz.r8o:d pue eJezLJo ef,uels f,nstqf,Jeur OJorueql rpra I{sBIt Ppo.^A uoos leqr euo 'uoleJg addrpq4 Pu? 'uoBErV slno'I f,uaqtse? u,l,ro sll qlt.t eurtl-lprdno5 ?JPUV -qir"yq snor.ta;d eqr anpqilx7 pu.rno( rqt POPunoJP"I{ rtqr dnor8 agr ng'(tpag_ snssl ssl^S lsEI aql uI llo./v\ rlal{rJo ouros poqsrlgnd atscl,tltuv aqr sEurvroul) rP?O Jo (salll^Ilrt y:itrnz eJa^\lult{ PunorE Peraqrsb oq.4 su?Islr?d Jo orBld?IIO,&\ PeqerezJ-PuE aqJ .stua^e "pEC Jo sarrJs^\eu z 3o Suruueld eql JoJ Jeluef, e otu_r PeruJoJSuErt ,".*-,roor qrrq.,rr 'fiuqra,rE ,ut?Iurec 'uotwduroc splqg)ld Jo luruusdp agr or llare -rpeurrrurrrr eH 'dnot? atuaqatT er{l Jo sregrueru aql lq .,gelssatu" DIll PalIEld?,, sJEzJ uE]sI[ ueq.^{ ']f,g uI spl.t\eq oz6t 'Lt Lrznuef uo sIJ?d uI PaAlJJe 'uollBPoluruoJf,s snolllageJ sJOlIJly\ Telf,osuI PelsaJelulIITEItradselou 'slsl1eaJrns oq 'Suruufaq er{r uI aJoru se.r "p?C qlt.& uonf,auuof, E 'JaAa.^ JoJ TBJnrru 'euo aqt jo lueru lq lreoos ur peqsrTqetsesuontlrr etorJuo) agt Surf,roJurar lernt?u 'uolrnl E r{trrelu srqr rPElu r"ql Ilb.&\ agr ur acueSaleput a/rs3o PUDIE sE{\ eJaql roc (sEJJnlnoJ -o OUal{t lg peoerqula se.alapreS-tue,rzu?lssng eql '&,ll rueJeJIP fte,r t ut :rtt"4 rlqeuoqseJ lueturle ut Sunuoreq reus 'rt./t\ aqr grr'tr eslad ,lt't".1 ,iq prroq*, Jo -srp ot se.^auoos lI .sreal uaegg o1 ,solf, JoJ srJ?dur apJe8-tuE^?rBnsr^aqt perEurruoP 'ruauta.aou Lrtrotll e_seSuruulSag 'urslPuolleurrlul peq tusrperrn5 so€6r etel aqt lq 8ur.a,rol8s,tusrpeJJnsSuDIJttu qJoa tuaf,eJOJotuqll^\ Suop Sunq_oran sOz6I eql ruog 'uroor a8rel aql u_1'sread raq s8uuured (za ur61 lg rq pue duregrnq lq parerolaP (slueuefunouue (suollslllul 'srelsod aJa./daJel{l -rce ot lf,Eq Surrulod sgdt:Soroqd PuE 'alsITB?l .acedsuonrqrgxa urcru eql orur de.rv'a8essed aqr Suruq sumbauu?ts aIP Puqeq -rns enr aqr 3uo1y'tuarurlolu E PezlrerulunsPue Pel€ulupl qrog 8i6r ur slrv-xr?rg erre[BD aq] r? uolllqlqxa lslperrns a3;e1aqr'rIEc ?P?c ulTrag eql ell

taTJ y alplagtouanbag'ttvto unltkw enatqvg at11 'ut Vn/S x Vrft 'sanuatuo 1tg '/{fu 'et1 -aqdo Jo Yteo(I'uossvryil?uv

g€, 6r'rfienrqag-2firnuef 'srre4'suy-xneageIJelED [usrl€eJJns Jo uorlrsodxE[PuorlEuJalul

lxal a u! Ilaus

*"-i: ';

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'rrpdg,1 anbsegaqr 'srerrenbpeaq er{r a8esse4 lp uI gua) tu?rnelsar-ftq ep pelpc 'dureqcnq PuauJslq ler]rgoun rlaqr rp lueduor Pu? uororg ot Pef,nPoJrulse r Pu? dnor8 eq1 urol ot rz6r lpf ur 1ro1 .{aN ruo{ Pa lrr" drg utyrquag.'"r,uer8 'lesolf, e aPIsul 'Prreluaoq.,lt ruo{ sluauruof,apetupue laas pue apq poleld s.rale.tal Peuosseallr{.4 ueruo/daqr uo qreadeqr perunor pu? sref,Sut.ttrreJo regrunu eql lno pelpc rnz8ry sanboefroop aqr ry :zal rxeuar{l lrrun lwur.rag a Eelol PaaolIBlou se/'roIJ^r'rsurE 'tunsllH lnoqtl,l.rarqd loor tr gSnogrSlastluI tuala uE serv'z 1t141uo SuruadoagJ 'lIOrEdsuESnVJo ruaurasegar{l ?ua1 puarUssolerg lg unr erorqoog put lrelp8 t ul s8ur.trzrp-a3elloJ pue sa8ellors,rsurgxBI { Jo {s.lTg Jo streduI uonrglqxelsrg ar{l urParPaqr ot [ar'r allnb rpvrrrz6r leyrtru1pareaddepeqLla8eruro{qru"arP 2.,'el?1s PuV spuodsar:oc r?rp ruslletuotntclqrlsd uletref,8,,sErusITEOrrnS PeuyaPlpearp P?quor

-ats,tz6r orsaJru'W usrleerrnsJo rsrssrqr'jll],]J1,,.?l,ilrriJ;J#, rnun rreu'rd

leldsrp stl pu? 'af,Ilf,E.rdprcos lq poperu aqndtur puosrad l:ore1a,ur roJ Pro./t\ e se.l.r, apoc ? aruef,egilltae'sepelap o,&\tlxeu er{l ra o dlensr,r paruasard rq P1nor'l l?II( llpqra,r pansrnd srelrlr\ rslTporrns)qt 'arwpt?ttr7 Jo salros^\au slg uI uolarg lq paqsll -qnd osp 'surearp rIeLIr stunof,f,Eqrr.u Suopsqrdop su grunld ol Pauoos san8eol Jo 'snolf,suo)un ar{l ol uIaJ aor3o,re8sousocl -1oc sJe.trsu? Jlegt lq suottsanb ol rnd PuE '8unr:.Lrf,wruolne 'lt ar3 rraqog lpleedsr pue 'ril?d ururefuag ?uogJo sa)rrtrl aq1 qSnorqr pasduq8 peq laql reqt ruleer por8eru al{l ol ssaf,f,ePuolxr ol rq8nos lagl 'ursnouddg gt1."tuoneluauuadxa qrqm dq anbruqcar e ,,'srunlpal4Jaqr Jo atueJtug,, eqI ,spuarg srrl Jo runof,f,? ue peqslgnd PEq uolarg raqua oN snollarcl 'tuaql Pulqaq sE.t\

'si"tv euel?g gf6r s1"ur1 nt?29 'uotusodxgtt4?eLms lrluov?u -taiul 'uotflqulxaaqtlo (,aatalay 4arn?o+L),,au! qrv-mawqu?9,, aqt sa anSquat aqi u! ?a1t!lspm oqm 'dutaqcng pua77 [q Sunq sTJ?s ltor 2q1atv Dtzprq l?orr?qr p anoqv'gt6r 's1n4 'utsq?ilrns to uoutsodxEl?uotl?u.taruJatlj uuur aqtlo uotiql?ls to t-ta11a3 -ut aqt Suunp uaryt t1dru&olot14



They arrangedfor a retrospective exhibitofthirry-five ofhis worksfrom r9r4 to rgzr in Decemberat La Librairie Six, ownedby Soupault,with a cataloguecontainingshort statements by the artistand his new associates. Despitean excitingvernissage, the show elicitedneithersalesnor positivecriticalresponse, driving Man Ray to earna living by fashionand socieryphotography,in t}re processdevelopingconnecdonsthat would serveSurrealismwell. But it was the occasionfor his first Parisobject,the disturbing fatiron with attachedtacl<s-Ca*az ("Gift")-made on a walk back to the gallery aftera drink with Eric Satieon the night of the opening.3 "Bureau By the mid-twentiesthe movementhad established a of Surrealist Research" locatedat rt rue de Grenelleand a journal in its own name,La Rluolution sunlaliste.The first issueopenedwith Man Ray'srgzo photographof a mysterious blanket-wrappedobject, TheEnigntaof IsidoreDucasse. It alluded to a text of Ducasset pseudonym,the comtede l.autrdmont-'the chancemeetingon a dissectingtableof a sewingmachineand an umbrella'-a model for the creationof disturbingimagesby the uniting of disparateobjects,and a paradigmof Surrealism. Justasthe Berlin Dadas had distributed stickerswith short provocativeremarks,the Parisianspostedsmall "If Papillnrn("Butterfies"),sayingthingslike, you loveLove,you will love Surrealisrn' "Parentsl Tell your dreamsto your children,"alongwith phrasesof more obscure and significance.a It wasin this periodthat the writerswerejoined by painters,and many of the works to be shownat the Internationd Expositionwerecreatedwithin a few yearsof their initial contact.ln t9z3Yvestnguy decidedto becomean artisrafte.seeingr*o works by Giorgio de Chirico in the window of PaulGuillaumet gallery and teaching himself to paint, he joined the Surrealistsin 1925,developinghis signaturesryleof abstractdreamscapes by ry27. He and JacquesPrdvertshareda housewith Marcel Duhamel at ,4 rue de ChXteau,which supplementedBreton'sstudio as a centerof group activity,and in May-Juner9z7 at the GalerieSurrdaliste Thnguy'spaintingswere shown along with primitive objectsfrom the Americaslent by Breton, Eluard, and Aragon. Andrd Masson began making automatic drawings during the winter of rgzj-u4, and in ry27he translatedthe visual impulseshe found difficult to express with paint and brush in sandpaintingsdone with glue spreadby his fingers.Masson had a studio next to Joan Mir6 at 4t rue Blomet, and in ry24 he introducedthe "I Spaniardto the Surrealists, moving him awayfrom Cubism.Glling Masson, shall breaktheir guitar," he createdthe poetic imagesthat he would exhibit at the Galerie Pierreon the rue BonaparteinJune ry25.5Of the paintingsshownbythese artistsat the 1938exhibition, four of the eight Tanguys,five of the eight Massons,and sevenof the welve Mir6s datefrom beforer93o. If the Mir6 showdid not adequatelvrefutePierreNavillet denialof the possibiliry of Surrealistpaintingin the Aprii r9z5issueof La RCuolution sunialiste,the case wasmadeby the first group exhibition of Surrealistpainting,Novemberr4-zi, at the GaleriePierre.Run by the important dealerPierreLoeb,the galleryheld its openings at midnight, and on this occasiontherewerefar too many peopleto fit inside,filling the streetwell into the morning hours.The cataloguetext by Bretonand Desnosused the namesof the piecesin the exhibition to describea surreallandscape,creatinga poetic analogof the show without any theoreticaldiscussionof the work. Over the "Surrealism next two yearsBreton presentedsuchan accountin a seriesofarticleson and Painting."He beganwith Picasso, who despitea reluctanceto be calleda Surrealist would appearin the 1938exhibitionwith two paintings. After Naville left the editorshio of La Rluolution sunlaliste with the third issue,he was succeeded by Breton,*ho ln the next number beganto fill the journal with art and textsaddressing it. Although literatureremainedthe heartof their enter-


LoNertl'iPs'^' DlDloIs DtPU1S A' t R A N c i sP i c P ' gi

Andrl BretonpresentsFrancisPi"Far+ighted Manifesto"at cabids the FestiualDada, Salle Gaueaa, Paris,May 26, r9zo. He wearsa 'ln signboardbyPicabia reading ordrr for you ro like somethingit is necessary for you to haueseen and undzrstoodit a bng time ago, you bunch of idiots." The MuseumofModzrn Art Library, Special Collection,New Yorh


-uor osT€rer{r anssl uE VTOSVS r€6r :aquarag aql uI elf,Itre ue ut satro8aler xts 8ut 'uortrsodxg -lrurleP 'rrafqo rsrparrns eqr IIEpP uI Passnf,slPrsry oll,^aITBCIse^\ rr rng 's8utpulq Perrns err"zlq Ipuon?urarul eqr re Pellqqrc sr-l. "nlos snro7 \Pty1\\ Jo auo 'aurou8 uer:dsry uaPool( e rlll^r Punog Jo sarrese aTpu rerel plno^&raugnH sa8rooS Ioo.{\ >lrElg are.,"rsaSedssorry\loog e uodn eluEr aI{ qlHA ul ur?erP e Jo lunof,l? se dlrea se srra(qoyo uoll?arf, aqr persaSSnsPEq uorerg 'salulgl aqr Sqrnp ue u'lz6t turruJ^oru JrltJo uon?Aouur roleru Jqr eruElrg lJalqo lrcJ]ns JI{r PUE,uotlq1al J?tw -otqdV pedeqs--rarsqolsq llgetou rsou '8t6r uI sltrafqo Pellqn{xe osTEIPC sanbruqcerf,nttuolne ur papuno.r8 snf,oJ trensqp rerlrca aqr Suneldo: 'fta8eurl u?arP Jo uorrcldap aqt or Surturrd 'erluisw rsrpaJrns peluerJoal rTeC 'arun eru?saql lnoq? auaJseqr PaJslua oq { ?ueu uerSlag eqr qrra 3uo1y'uottotuord-3yaspuolleurelul r Itf,e slqJo llnser E rrtd a8rel ur 'rqqnd:aprm eqr roJ rusrporrng tuasa;dar ol rur?f, I[pC-]eruIEd rslpalrns Sutlsaletut lprr lpo eqr eg or tulq punoJ 'rf,g uI 'pnarC-3131urq$1u cnlprrcogolsd E ruory slsE rpr.Lr,ln8uel dq parearcrsrg acedsparrns Jo puDI aqt Surqrg ,,,'paqslund 'parueutu:o 'parnolap 'pareprdel 'ueleoq 'Paauof,r?tu (tsecu^\oP 'allsmbxo 'gos ' ' paleleg slslu?uo oI{1 e uI o€6r qseg Jo uondlrrsoP $rrs'Sunror'lutgdtunt:t,,:txat 'uatea Suleg r?eJ osualul srq lq porsoSSnssr a8ttut s,lTBC Jo Jo a8uer pcl8ologolsd aq1 u? ruog Sunol uagrn pere5ns oq.l.rauo ro3 tuecglu8ls llereadso tf,EJE 'xas reu.e eIELU aqr Surrno,repJo rrqeq s,l[Eual rq] Jo .&\ourlpu? uolnellof, slluetu s,Pr"nlg uaas Peq (rsnf,ol t se taddoqsser8 e8rel rpc 'srruelu SurlBrd ro POIrBur dlsnotJE.teq r?qa ol 8ur:nree3 'ursrloqurds perper€ qlnou stl 'esou stl uo peuoddns pEeI{esueurrul S.EPBC qBH Jo euaf,sTenxas-oqolsdr '626t vtotl nlaqtrutary ruatt at/J s;81u.uoqs s8unurcd xrs er{rJo tsarlreJer{I 'uourqlqxe gi6r agr ur Surq.rnrsrptsour eqrJo etuos JJer\ sarnlrtd u1llJ2llor21?nu(J'ut7n/,fx strrs slr{ puE (sJnJrr{l aqt uI rusl[BaJJnsorul gII J^IssasqoPrJ?.{\au Parf,Jlul IPC ' s ? n u puro llo's76r'''' aunlq ,..'r0rpor3o plroa el{rJo SurrrparosrpFrol eql ot atnqllluo3 Pue uolsryuof, ezlltrual eu ap asdro3 e1 gtrl,g uaof -sls,, ot orrsep slq put srqr qlIA e^ros PIno 4.JTeOuollnlo ,,pol{lJr.uTBJrlIr)-JEIou?red.. -Aer terl.{\ perepuo,^A er{l uo dueu rqnop oN e,,'EualuouaqclsnoulleP Jo uol}?Irosse Uel 8,,8uI I?f,nrrr a^nErardrarul oqt uo PssEqa8pe1mou1FuoIlErrI Jo Poqlau snoaus-luods 'Terlrrlocl.tllol{.4l lou -tnulTep ,,'sry prnnd agf,, aptrre s,IlEC roP?^PS PaPnlrul lI roJ sE./t\enssrlsJg er{t ter"r ueado.lngEJo ruJ^e Jqr ur PuorFurelul PJIIII agr or acuelSalp 't(.6r tre1,1uruorrerrlqnd lI llun luatu go ruaualers Suruado Pu? epD su atrdsaq PasEef, '(alosvs) -alourrraqr3o ue8;o uouqo/r?a q ?P 2rlnut np auttl??uns 2'I Tercwo eql rno rq8no.rq uor3rg oe6r lpf ur put 'purnof.r,rau e partnbar af,ue]s1(ou ar{J 'sreqlo PersueI[E r"qr saqrntrp qrl.4 lxer sH pellg eq pue 'sattlf,ossesrq 3o lutur lsurc3e sPunor8 [Ef,I -lrlod uo pe^ou p?q uolarg '626r raguef,ac ur zlsxlq?unsuoqryonry 27 uI ,,ulslTBarrns 'ltre4 tstunruuro3 gluarC arp peulo( Jo orseJruery puolas,, sII{Jo uolterl1qnd agr lg uoos->Jrun errerd pue 'rrr?d 'prenlE 'uo8ery gryr' Suop-oq Pue 'POIrITod{8ul 'sfllllod uroS lJ?Jo ^uIouolnE el{l uo Jf,uelslsul Jlaqr JoJ -sEarlur eurof,aq Peq uoreJg dnor8 aqr3o rno u^/\orl{r o.rer'rtpednog addlrq4 PuE Pneuv uluotuv 9z6r ragtue oN ul JoJ 'u? lBerrns Jo Jf,uaf,saJoltaeq] UEI{r aJoul \es sallualu elel aqJ .,dqderSoroq4 Jo salrlllqlssodf,IrsIuV aqt Surapag 3o s:e.4og[t1uu11Jornssl zz6r r)qrue oN agr ur partedde rnoJ Pve 'xn2tr pogrel ^\eN J V,, -z1VpsdutoqS t 7 uoIrIPa Parlurl rl{r s erezl lq uoDrnportul u? qll.4 J?ol reqr peqsrl -qnd urar{r uaaq p?r{ Jo at1et"t1'zz6r ul slr"d ur paleorf, rsrg sgderSoroqd ssaptaurer 'supt&otru sq pepnllul r1 'dnor8 aqrJo srequrru snoIrB ruo{ lr? f,lu?ef,OJo Pa.4aorrog sarard &xrs u?ql eroru qryn lrg ue14 lq qro.,n rno3-lrua \t Paulgrrrof,uolrlglqxa rsrg rr rsrual ap lq pardnmo lpeurroy aczdsagr ur ro1p3-sanbcef en-rarp )gj-'?uE)./drr (lro.t\ I{f,ns ot palo,rap lrage8 uo pauado 'IEnJ puEIoU lg unr arsrppuns eIreIBJ aqt e 9z6t '92 IpTEIAJuO '8unoo3 pnba ue uo Puets or Suruur8aq sE.{\lre PnsI^ 'eslrd

zzr 'slreuseql peummsput ra8uassed eqr popunorrnsarntl{l 'sll?usutlPungrng e II rpl/'r palo oqsrpe la8uassedqr{ pue 'sapSo8lrEP PuBPe3r{s)rreqsqrv( porelof,rrEruo.l"r o^\r elclqo^ uEaPIsuI'uolrlgnlxef:eurpro ou aq Ppolt\ ra rrPrr{l 'sulnbauueur l?s PIo srqrr?qr parsaSSns qBl EIPC PuB'ruslqnJ Pue 'rusI^nEC'rusruolssaldurl 3o sa,rnrads -oJteJJerlJEe slq uro{ ruaroJrpLre,rSurqraruos tog uIarsuaPIIlN'Jar.l'tor{'slslueJI{l o1 EuI tsEIel{l ra,ro&age8agt SururntuI 'rreuJepotuJostuaue Jlrpe er{tSuila JnssJIJes lralp8 agr 'vty-maag szpafiazlg autze8erututuodut sE stsrlearrnsaqr paruosa.rd aqr rorarrdo.rdosp 'uIersuaPILAsa8roaSlq pau-44.6'?rouoH-lurcS Srnogneg 3o aqr uo otr raglunu l? Par?f,ol'suy-xreag alrePc ary 3o lqqol nP enr elqeuolrlsEJ aqr Surraruauo sral(er^poroor8WIW 'twJ [u1ay s,1pg sB.^]lrElrrolgtug o,'gf6r3osrronelplsulaqraprn8ot peu€asaldlcuud rer{rpup .,'3urgl&a,ra3ouoner -uarrosrpalalclruof, ,,\rllBerrns,, ? roJr{sr1(rno uo sPuadeP ftrlt saQl0u auual a7 le^ou e?ellot6z6r slsurE ot uolpnporlul slq uI uelllJ^ Peq uoteJg 'uorltsodxgPuoIlEu -roru19€6roqr tp o[BJs tI ln9 'sef,uaPlsar Pu" soP PuEJguI cqqnd aql ol paruaserdservr -nls uaJo Suqguesseeqr !, srqr aa:8ep eruos oI'slueuluoJl snoIJeA ur llerer$rd JuoP sP Jql ol lusllEluoln? se.r,r datslxeu er{taoeds8ur.rqur os '.(ra8eutureeJP Jo uoIrEf,IJqeJ Jr{ruro{ Suuumdur pessa.rSo.rd pEq LuslleerrnS rysyud ap uvs[a4a7 ts 3o lrr,rrrdero.r -seplz6t srqur uoSurylq parnrdereslrdraluaue '&to oqr q8norqt peq dagl 'ocelduouruooa$ pue ftr1nf,adeqr qroq ur .{:olsftu suotssardrulot uado '8uItE 3o -rcerddB lyo,r.rssed lSrouaqcnurtuadspeg lagr srealllrea agr uI terll'rSult?arclla.atlce 'suorsuorurp slsll?rrrns eqt srrafqo 8urleu el{r qll,4A, oorql orur pe^ou 3o 'slJ"du] uontsodxE rleqt 1e ul ure8e:eadde leuolteuJetulegt te ssautdeaJf, ppo.l'r lagl 'srIuII{r-PIu rl{r Jo uolrsf,IlqndrslPerrnsl-rcurrrdrql rur? eg l?r{l rulz 'arnauutryi'f6r ragruacaqeqt uI rPuar{ rl{l or -e8eu rr uaagpeq {pu e gsrael PaTEa u0x1J4l0J elant,td ul -rur-,,rourur el{l-uo suollelre^,,-sqderSorogdsrarullrg ue;o oSelgurassE Par?lnf,ruE 'rourlleg suEH rrBrurec ar{l yo/ 'Vtltyw-ndad Taout 'poory Jo IIoP Par?pdlu?ur llporrslpes eql qry( PelEJrsnlll 'nallag supH se.r ,,lra(qg aql 01rouoH,, 'IIPCIlq altlrr? oI{J ?doqseql Jo lunof,cPspeaflaoreyq 't1fu 'aVdno4v1 ur uoll?U re srcafqoeqrjo lutru pernpordarput.,rcafgg_aqtJosIsIrJ aq1,, lessasuor -erg prpnlrur rI'arurr{r erp or paro op lgecAnadsparcaddeuyp ila!'lp) Jo ansslTeIf, 'rca(qo_rslpS.rrns -adsz erpJoreal aqr pepl eg rg8ru xrs-,0rrqtueeleulN pue 'roJJpd Punts rltl r uoltJnrtsuof,gtIIAJeql sE1(lJoI 1r\aNol oa ol eJalouol -rsu u1t\onl-rsaq eqr 'ulequaddg aql u?qr rar{lG-VIAJOW r" Pue uoPuo'I ur lpuau -lurord parnr?alspe(qorslleerrns'uouqrqxa gf6r arp ul slredut urc3erzaddt ppor'r rr PuE(qJo,,t raqroJoJaglunu? eJe.tse'JaururnslBqr uoPuo'I uI saIJalPDuor8ulllng ^\rN eqr re uoDrqlqxgrsrPsrrnslPuoQ?urr]ul a3re1aqr 01 uollBd uor3 lFoerlp lues ureq peg rcafgoruraquaddgeql 'usrParrns '"P?c 'lrv rnsPluEcuoDlqrqxaE:[ treg po{IV ur lry uJaPoI{Jorunosnryeqt t? Iro ./r€NuI raquereq uI llrllolou PI:) -adse,rarqcrppo,/v\rprq.r'uoodspw iracnes'dnoPOrrof,-rrysurequadd6 larery'tusl -TeerrnsJo itaurllogsu?H artrne141 uof,rreqr papnlrurosp r1 'wa[ Pue'd:ua11 [a)rEW 'ellqour 'zan8unuoq rmsg lg suoll?arf,errzlq l"U *yrl ln8uel 'grlI I '11eCI Pu? rapIEJ E ,,'saptu-lptar,, dureqcnq 'atntltsul ?r€f,ulodel{r t? tsurE dg pe.ra.a.ocsrp e 'satt8t lrtun8 Palf,nrlsuof,ossef,Id srf,efgoTerrrzurrreqtaut Tlpgp7uadsnss,rfutJrooetS (u? a,tottut:duI raPaP pu? slBrs&lqrr.uSuop qro,4 pqlJ] PrurEluor./dol{sslq PuE lrrsro,\Ipaqr PeErrsn[I9f.6r,lequr. E seAuollsu salr?q] 6'uoDruryos pFol rEI{.^aJo lno ulqll.^a uouqrqxe eqr pue ,,'ilrsep:no3o ateldrcerdE ParaPlsuoleq Ppoqs I{f,EOr uortsg eqt ot rnSole]€larp ul uorerg '.4aot{s srrgapJoaoard,{:o,rg,, leql oror,^a lsoru :are1s;ealrtrr{l uortsd srl.rell3eIrrIEDaqlJo leqr sE{\snorrrzJ slf,elgolsllParrnsJo_.t\oqs rslg 3r{llnq '€€6raunf ut ello] erreldeIraTP)eql le PPq sE.4A oq1 'uorrrqnpe9€6reqt uI osaqtJo IEra rs ParlgFlxrrll PUE'626r ur ,,rf,elgo-ur3od,, stanru E a{Bruor speho puBspro.^A pautgluor uororg '(,.sDefqoelnw pue e1qerc14,,) p s4xqougafqo 'sejl:ltdlnrs Sunalnbsrplla8utrrs srq3o s8ulrr\?rPs,Irletuo]?IDPauIPr


vines ennvined the doors, and the interior was completely drenched by rain that fell from the ceiling. So popular was the piece that Dali recreatedit the next year in New York for the ry39 Worldt Fair, along with his panoramic installation Dream of Wnus. A similar reversalof inner and outer dominated the main room of the exhibition, in which the floor was coveredwith leavesand moss, and a double bed with luxurious silk sheets sat at each corner. There was a pond encircled by ferns and reeds adjacent to one of the beds, abovewhich hung Massont Opheliaand Roland Penrose's The Rcal Woman.Next to the bed above the pond was a large painting by the Vennese \folfgang Paalen, who was given credit for Water and Brushwood on the first page of the catalogue. The effect was analogous to a Magritte scene of nighttime street "systematic and daylit sky, following the Surrealist principle of displacement" that "a Ernst saw as the basis of collage, meeting of two distant realities on a plane foreign to them both."lr The installation as a whole was designedby Marcel Duchamp, marked in the catalogue as the Glnlrateur-Arbine (Producer-Referee)of the exhibition. He compounded allusions by covering the ceiling with r,zoo coal sacks 6lled, according to Man Ray, with a light, incombustible material, in deferenceto the insurance company. Masson remembered them as empry but continuing to shower coal dust on those below. There also was a glowing charcoal brazier, said to represent the friendship of those gathering around its warmth. Nearby two constructions of revolving doors were used to display graphic works, a referenceto Man Rayt well-known early seriesof collages. Oscar Dominguezt phonograph Jamais ("Never") revolved silently, naked legs protruding from the speakerhorn, a human hand suspendedover the turntable. At the foot of the bed by the pond sat Marcel Jeant Horoscope,a dressmakert dummy painted to depict its skeleton as geographic continents, Paintings were hung on the walls, and Duchamp originally wanted electric eyes to trigger their illumination whenever a viewer approached. tVhen that proved unfeasible, an alternative was arranged for the opening on January rz-as guests entered, they were handed flashlights by Man Ray, the show's Master of Lighting. Not surprisingly, many of the artists were upset to find their paintings in the dark at the


aboveleft: Salaadar D ali's Runy Tax| rg 8, installedin the lobbl ofthe International Expositionof Surrealism. Afer itspopukrity in Pais, Dali would recreateRainy Taxi for tbe ry39 New York Vorld's Fair. [nternational Surrealist Exposition, Galerie BeauxArts, Parisrgt aboveright: Insta/lation uiew of the main galbry ofthe International Ex?osition of Sunealism,showingthe pond and bed, and (lefi to igh ) IVolfu ng Paaleni U ntirled; RolandPenroseiThe Real Voman;Andry'MassazSThe Death of Ophelia,' and Marcel Jean's Horoscope. Here, at Dalis reqilest, dancer Helene Vanel "Tbe Unecstaticalbperformed consummatedAct" during the aernissage. International Sunealist Exposition, Galerie Beaux Arts, Parisr9j8

tzr -.rnofuorqse3punogsof6r rtEI aqJ leldsrp uolqsBJ ur uoneuref,ulruaf,arrsoru TEerrns str o1(('olsajruEW uraPou ^lloq.,\{E sErrJo ]srrc,,srqur snols^J?ujJr{tJo uouEtsaJru?ru (orurr{O 'uelgura llna agr asn str ruo5 ap3o s8urrured ul pazqlrs {TEls.uolergg8norqr e se.Lr lrrtl ulnbauueu oql 'sruooJuoDrqrqxool\r er{tPJeaorsurnbeuuetuSo tsrIBsJJnS -a8essed agt Suop sela. orf, *{t 7xa1 [uwy s,lleq pu" lggol aqr ruo-rg pal p^ 'o1y\tJaIP 'PJuaclo lDun PenuDuo:!sPrsurllJ?d aql Pue -rr sroopegr rq8rupnupunorv 'gos un?spar padtqs-dqs,rTEC /r\rl^ ppof, uorssrtupe Sunrerv'e asoqt arar{.^toop txau doqs srq pauedo>luerCl*lrrl/t{-uta[ rore.rooap aqr srq3uq1:r pu" 'pauuqt p"q p,tron er{ruaqa rnoq uE ur urnlar ot spurr5 rlqeuorr{seJ aqr Suop ue.rllpar.rodar ^ror{Saag or srqSlgp.^aorCse usrperrns IpCI {Tp^aopls ,, Jo arsel raD af,rtod,,popn srla (gr d;enurf aunqx"tJ naraH 4n^ maN arJrJo uotrtpe srredaqt ur a8essrure,r ar{tJo lunof,f,Es,plar"aSf,rrg 'rprsurdpee:p aldoadgo rrqunu er{lJo esntf,eqaru?nue eqr pasolrprg arllod eqt ueqr lq rnq 'ua.taptnogt Sur,rrrre ue8aqare.reller:os agr 'Suruado>lloll,o uet EJoJpellef,uone]r^urrr{t etrurs'ur la8 ol JJa.{\aJoullueu 'lno tJg ol sEArITEU aureperys'esnorxursEtng pauJetruof, ,,'tno ta8 ol snorxutpu?-lJErus pu? I1etus 'rtpd etuep"W lsarrelpd ur rlaredrrqrg :eppnd pntu eqt ur deld pue ure8e 'lle/r lpuaned Surputrssaurtf eq] lno atuof,ol rJf,uepaqr .ro3Surrre-rrr rsurc8e 'pftr?B :pooqplqr rer{ rrrl prpurruer pre.^pE :l1pmb q8no.rqr8ur4p.,ra. Jo 'prp{?un :q)?s Lra,r Suraq fto8rog eunteg pu? palsora]ur [p rr Surlts uqof'sr113o peaqpuolq l1e,ro1 aqr por rr{r tsurc8r(lap4 alpqreg) uoslt4N. 's,'roperls :parraddeslpueqr pue dn paruoolsaf,EJ rer1rure; aqtJo tno 'sruoor rr{t ralo Sunq .rersesrp algrrrrt luos Jo 8uqaa3e 'erqoqdorrsnelr(lsarun

o8auq7 'uoutz11o)uupru

:le.,n'srqrpoorueqt pagtnsapan3o1'rar74urue(ueglq -maN u01.to7['u/ 87 :H 'tlrlpm pailetsurretsporeogocorlt ruou Sunssrys2tg np uwpo eqr lq pocuequoo.roqdsoune Fup siuaupuro ulsr1d qnm ,(ututnp suqtwssat7 yeluu(J agr 'Surpoqa-ro3 spIIa.^a sEf,rrp sel'rlerf auaf,se ol lsoq seruorro;3 {rtp eq1 ' ..'urtutlluulJo slnosrqt looqs reqrslrp r,rg3oa.rnt:rdlsrparrnstsotup uE gf 6r'edotsotoll'uaaf 7atu77 a,rr8a8td srqruo sqde.â‚Źoroqds.,r,rau aqL, :uonf,auuorE esuasot pataaas altT 'aogs tsr 'srsr-rr -TErrrnS aqr Surrnrm3 anssr 1,.{:enrqeC srr uI aqt e pcurlod ]osrJol tduraur ue ur lq useq l:runoc aqr peruroJsBAteurgef,./deue uonrqr{xaer{tJo {ae.^ aqr pue _'sr{rrrs slr tE f,rr?Uor{rql.l 'a.,,o;dtur pue s.realualalour lurod tse.,"rol rou prp uouentrsr{f,uoJC ar{l dnor 8ur,r-rg8rrE srorunrara./r\ arar{larrror{ot rasol3 'elf,uJp1pue Euolef,J?g Jr Jo uo oluEJCroJ spr?Jesr:drnspatn3exaUprJJrE IzeN sEgf6r ur 1aa,ul?r{t Jtou snourruo ur llurcuar-ur padrdse,rcrsnwAerqlw u?rurrD terp petloderueaf1ar:ryrg ,r'ParegruarueJ leg uzyrqltqt ruesuragr go rarg8nelJo Surploreraqr sdeqrad'sarropor:atslq uzqr arourffer{:o Surlg srerltpeJ rrer{tororuoesppor,roJ lprp pep rorr os sE4llr'peg ar{l uo pue puod aqr ur (,,rry parerurunsuotrulley7,) 2nbuuulapo,Tpelg) acarde ruroyrad or pa8e8uasEAIru?A ruQI?Hraf,uepaqt uonsaSSns s,11eCI uO 'slretpue leof,ur prsserp qcaedsSuruotrla.t aqr rpeur pr?nlE pue 'srezrue8ros.r{oqsaqr se anSopremrl ur erel{l ParsIIeJaaPrenlEIn"d PIrEuorejg aJPUVzr'sluelqalJrrl{r uI"UeluJol qf,nw sE/!a acuereadde srq rnoqtr^{ ua a lnq ..'poolq aspJpu? qseges1pJ ur 'rq8pplur rsedjpq uBlrrauryeqr te uonrqrrFg lsrlearrnsrql Jo IIEr{urpu eq] ssorf,llrld 'puelarlJaaurbue lg oo6r uI patf,nJtsuor'olla.rrur8ruguol?ruotn?eql (urelsuolu?r{Jo rrr?pue)sop ln -uaqlnBar{],,reqr aqJ 'uorlEl^ur eqt uo PalsenDeJ ssaJP iurue^s lueruef,unouuE Pel?ls agt ul Aenos srredqrr,trpellg 'tue r pnos rmr8 E se.^,r Jlrstr Suruadoaq1 'rq8lu rsJgel{l uo srlua^nossE uJ{Bl eraa uqSqqseger{lJo rsou ef,ursal?untJoJsB^4. rplq,!\ 'uoDrglqxarr{t Jo rseJrrp Sutrnp asn ro3 srg8q uoppF{3o ruersls? petf,nnsuof,p"q lsg u"I J tng 'o8essrura,r



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lVolfg ng PaaIen'sMannequin, 1938. International Surrealist Exposition, Galerie BeauxArts, Paris rg8. Photographby Man Rtr Kurt Seligmann!Mannequin, ryj8. International Surrealist Exposition, Galerie BeauxArts, Paris tq8. Photographby Man 114J

YuesThngq,'sMannequin, r9.;i8. I nternationaI SurreaIist Exposition, Galerie Beaux Arts, Paris ryj|. Photographby Man Rny

Marcel Jeanls Mannequin, 19;18. In terna t ional SurreaI ist Exposi-

Andrl Massoni,Mannequin, ry38. Massonls fgure receiaedthe popurnostcommentamongthose lating the rue Surrialiste. Photographh1Man Ray

Marcel Duchampi Mannequrn, tq8. International Surrealist Exposition,GalerieBeauxArx, Paris rg8. Photographby Man


tion, Galerie Beaux Arts, Paris

ry38.Photographfu Man Ray

8zr -naruaulry7 Surrrrs;oEepIoqr snolrsuorqnsrgl ol ryueru8qa5un) se,lnsrr{J 02,,'u,&\op or pau8rsap a:es8elar{J,,leqr Surrou'saoqs>llelqpue lurd put s8urlrols>1urd rsoSSns ur s8alaa:qrlq parroddnsIoorsrr{t perntealos[BlI (('ern]Iurryrslprrrns sI plro.4rretus utrsuedap rogdqp lse \eu,,Jr{rr?qt perers,,p.l,roJ3 sIJ?ds.,r.rEJC elnllulnC rsrlerrrns.. eoerdlegl '1y\or{s eqt 3o aSrre.aoo s{l7 Jo snf,oJegr se \ 'lf,g uI (rrnllurnJ 'aroSaq real eqtam%ouxwur p:qsrlqnd se-r'r u.r'ro89rue13uo1E ur rprsurpar"esIepou e3o qdr€orogd tl"U uEWJf,utsrrnlu -JryrsrleJrrnsJo secardu,&oul1le./'rarou eqrJo euo sElt{r pue 'npqJuuy szan8uruog r€rso sp./'r.{\orreglaaqaaq1 n,,,'sdurndSuouep pue s8ur4rors1ps ur p:serua s8al 'srer{reeJ asooS3osast,r'a8uods30rptru qtr.&sloorstooJ put 'paurl-upessaorr?glaer{./( sBIIeJgunur PesseJoxe sEA\eJnleus,tsrPJJJns erll Jo ePrslBfr]f€ro Pue uBrrelrlDnJql oror{uI 'serrurdpauoggrragJorrcd azrs;a,ro ue ruo{ peuoqseJl1ryr.rt raqapueqrt lq parq8l 1a.uselr\ruoor puolrs Jr{L, reqr patrodarpIarE^eS'ql?s TEolel{t rrpun uEIl dpseaarou urasrq ppoc s8urqraraq,&\'uonrqrrFe erpJo.&a1p8puocesagr uI pelens -uourJP snorJsuof, ot uolsh a,rQdarar tuog 38uErPJq:L uonEJrJqeJ IIa.r sBry\ 'Suruur8eqaqr tuog lueruelorueqr or ueeqpeq reqrslr?d lal]uessa q]I^{ luaueS?8ueprr8eur or{l ezrprroruaruor pe ras otsrlB?rrnsenr at{r 'llpcurzaqr slr errdsag'asrra] anr puE 'alqrcCanr 'srlgerc sal snol 0p Onr'bu?Snp uolsryuBJJ lutru rng 'senr?rouedsapsa8es ?] ep anr sBqf,ns'stsrprrrns aqr lq dn aperuore.^^ -sedaqt ro 'rpnms pelnuruo) p"q raN ap prer?J reodaqr errrf( (euretu"'Ia[IoIA I" ?l ap anr Jqt ro 'pa^rl peq tuolxpJnnel raod Jr{r JJrr{./'r'Juuarlrn anr eql sEqrns 'srJ?dJosreoJls onlqeJaa Jruos 'ulnbauueu r{reeJ oq?su8tsreensIeuJEuo pntce eJe./r\ arar{l'arsrlErrrns anr erf Jo slTB.^ aqr uo paleldsrperauaqdaeqr qrrr"r3uo1y 'uoourrge roJ urcn e 8ur4er'Sutuadoagrrt uorrel1ersur aqr Surqsrug JrUu uopuo'I reqt reeddrrou prp durqrnq aldnur.rdsrqruO 8r(('uonuJlre q)nur oor IJEJuEol rou aJlsap srr{Jo tuplgruSrstsoru tnq 'surnbauutrueqr 3o snonrldsuol rsBelJqr,,lI paJaplsuoo lrg ue61'rapod rsearqaqt u1 qpqrq311par IIEruse Sunrasut'ulnbeuueru? uo teq pue leof,srqrnd llaraur 'lseJtuorur 'dtueqrnq ,,'sotuaurrdpar rIITpqdSurploqsde.rt ftrp grpr osreo,Jo eseq? a oqp poorspue 'sraqwalqrra pau./rorrpue sala ssep lfs lq palc:rclorrrur p,to uE ruog )Wtrr'axas-aqr?rlguts e lpo ero,nrq5 'rrdu.req)eauI p.rrqpagnrslun E 'qtnotu rql ra o lsurd e pue 8eBta,rlaauaarBe 'qsgplo8qrL\ perero -rep a3mprrqre1rr.4E ul peaqrer{'uossery?rpuvJo urnbauuttueqrlq prreuregureq e eq ol suaasltarrolou tsour erp pu? 'ryuru8qe5 un;,1dore33aa8relaqr perereued g1q V :eaSpeagrertnf,adr{rr^\peploJpulq {uo poreaddeaceldaqr pue 'a.ntteoorrord ool .{\oqauossBPa^ourarse./v\ 1r tng 'r{f,Eruotssurnbauueu sn{ re^o qs5 J ITqllr!\ aqop r lqdsrp or pauueldp"q relery oa1 'zan8urruoqrEJsOlg lapourpagror-Surrds arpre^orlrqr3le:ds or perueeseFroqrealese pue 'arl/dqrrn ern8gslr{Jop"aq paqrel 'salpurdsuapoo./r{ -sntu rr{r pelrrnue grrtrJ 'rau Surgsge ur srq passarpueaf 1a:re111 'ssoru r{tr.AA PslErolePllarncsqo wn s,ln3ur1 PuBsluooJqsnuqru( Perr oJ sEt\PuB rl?g 8uv'ro1qsadldgl,n peuropese.^a peer{rer{uo reqa8nqEpeq s,uep"d'selggngsse13 rar{pue srearprsdroper.rrsfe; u?W 'ueru ual[EJE :e,roSutpuels'lle pue adec>pe1g ur ern8ge paleldsrprsurE xBtrl 'IAI'g''Ia uosrcWeqr ruog Suraqse anSoprecaqr ur enJar{tSuop surnbauuerueprueJuaetuelesaJJ.{\aJaql paryEru'atsrp?JJns lurr3o Surllulrds" roJldaf,xapqeu lla8q esl$rer{toSurag'peaqryrn8 n,'suoods -uJdp qpeurepun'teq rqareduqcgE aro^\ltoqs agl ul utnbauuetus,11eq pw 'gf-Lt6t ur sJnoru Ieerrns qtr^{ po^lo ur se,la.repcnrtd ur qpredergo5 eqE ,i-rep3 l,ra1 uaqnfagrlE.&oqssrqur ]ror\ eqr 3urp,u.rreal snor.ta:daqr s,rellalrvr{uoglE s.toPulld 'saf,uelsrunf,rrf, parrns dprurrsrpur soueldpue saSmprlq Ipl \ EIIECJo alods rr pue papuetua'lro ,/€N uI v\{oPul{ uetuPooDJropS:agaqr ut sutnbauutu:3osrlderSor -ogd papnpur 'uonrqrqxr suv-xnteg orrap5 aql Surre,rorol uonrppe ur 'r qf,rel J pan&o1 a,q7'an3o1puetrrzag srafua11'{11eoadsa'lra8eurl rsrlerrrnslq papearadspu


ble ("U\tra-Ftrniture"), perhapsderived from the similarly constructed Uberstuhl exhibitedby a B. Mrihring in rgoo at the First Great Berlin Joke-fut Exhibition.2l Other furniture included GeorgesHugnet'stable with comparrmenrswhere hands foated in fluorescentliquid, and Andri Breton'sgilded antique cheststanding on femalelegs,surmountedby a glasscaseof stuffedbirds. Breton calledthis pieceLe CadaureExquis,a referencero rhe group game whosediscoveryhe datedto rgzj at the Duhamel-Thnguy-Prdvert residence in the rue de Chiteau. Initially it was a verbalgame,in which 6ve participantspasseda folded piece of paper around to the right, eachsecretlywriting a word-the first putting down a noun, the secondan adjective,the third a verb,the fourth anothernoun, and the fifth a final adjective.The senrencesaidto be first generatedby this processgave ("The exquisitecorpsewill the gameits name:Le cadaureexquisboirale uin nouueau. drink the new wine.") The procedurewasextendedvisuallyin drawingsand.collages, and collectiveworks of this kind wereshownin manygroupexhibitions.The 1938cataloguelists Cadaures Exquziasa separate categorybut doesnot specif' how manywere exhibited. The InternationalExpositionincludednumerousexamples of anothersort of chancecreation,decalcomania, discovered by OscarDominguezin 1916.Bretonintroduced this newestautomaticdevicein the June 1936issueof Minotaure,explaining the method of laying blackgouachedown on slickpaper,and pressinga secondsheer onto the first. Removingit yieldedRorschach-like imagesof suggestive shape,some"decalcotimes more fully designated"decahomaniawith no preconceived object" or maniaof desire." Decalcomaniawas one of the many terms defined in the DictionnaireAbrlgl du Surrialisme('AbridgedDictionaryof Surrealism')that waspublishedby the Galerie Beaux-Artsin conjunctionwith the exhibition.Compiled by Breton and Eluard,the DictionnaireAbrlgy'containedentriesprovidedby manyof the Surrealists, or excerpred "defined": "rhe from their writings. The artiststhemselves were Duchampwas mosr intelligentand (foi many) the most troublesomeman of rhis first part of the rwentieth "the "the century";Breton, glassof waterin the storni'; Dali, princeof Catalanintelli"the gence,colossallyrich'; Ernst, superiorof the birds" (in his incarnationasLoplop); "the "the "the Arp, dune-eel";Mir6, sardine-tree"; Masson, man-feather";Magritte, 'the "the cuckoot egg";Thnguy, guidefrom the ageof mistletoedruids"; and of Man "He Rayit wassaidthat paintsto be loved."22 But mosrof rhewordslistedwereSurrealist termsof art, often definedby quotationfrom one or more membersof the group and Fromits appropriated literarure. In a way, the DictionnaireAbrigi servedas the illustrated caraloguefor the InternationalExposition,complementingthe printed list of piecesin the show.Some of the exhibitedworks are reproduced,but more often it illustratesothersof similar date.This is usefulin giving a senseof rhe more obscureartisrs,and what it showsof painterslike Remedios,ElsaThoresen,V/ilhelm Bjerke-Petersen, PaulNash,and Freddie suggests that the exhibitionwasfilled with dreamlikeimagesin the mannerof Dali and Magritte,with an admixtureof HieronymusBosch.For a well-knownfiguresuch asGiacometti,whosecatalogueentry listsonly sculptures,it illustrateshis gameboardlike On nejoueplus ("No more play') and a studiophotographshowingthe primirivist Inuisible Object,which Roland Penroserecalledbeing shown. Like the exhibition itselfl the DictionnaireAbrigi wasa repriseof a maturemovemenr,recapitulatingthe past and consolidatingan ethos.Its textsfeaturedrheunlikelyjtxtapositionand poericresonancefor which Surrealismwasknown, and double-pages illustratedsuchthemesas 'W'omen the surrealobjectand the erotic of Surrealism, alongwith groupphotographs ofthe artistsoverthe years.


Max Ernx. Au Rendezvousdes Amis,r93t. Photomontage, rg% x r31/zin. Collection,Museum of Modern Art, New Yorh

otr 'dno.r8oqr ruo{ popnpxeserrrrpq 6€6r ur 'uozrroqeqt uo r?.4qrytt l1pu1g Lrenrqogl1.reaul ruatuure,to8aqr palddortsotup aqrdq paznrrr:cllere,us srorrSurrtr-rq8rr aroJaqrsnfserrfedurlsrztN-ord roJstsrlBarrns se,traq i'€6r ut 'Ef.6rur slsnrv pu? sralrrl)N ,fieuorrnlo,rag Jo uolrel)osry aqr ur san8eal -lor slq urol or SursryarraUV 'e>IDsB,v\s uetura3 aqr rnoqe ${rErurrelllrsod prpnl]ul rpg ,,pcafqg eql or rouoH,, apnft 9€6r sry pu? trplH roJ uolrerltuP?passardxa 'srpntrue rzeg-ord dpoqdxa-1yts esro.ll-pue 'rsalrde Surtpsur ra:94 ururefuag 3o q&rSorogd e pegsqqndlpnord peq reqrlururoloru e ur l8ra1caqrSorroddns's:ttqod 'Jeruossra141 ol srr{ara/( turuodrur aJotrAJ ;aturrd eqr3o asrerdsrqur uonJealf,uJr{rsae lcuapuar e pa&1dsrpag'uonoruord-31as a,rrssa.rSSeJo sf,nu?or uonrpp?uI'sanlnlrgrp prterrr uos:adsrq-uoplqlqxe aqt rosr^pv pnadg e sp(rsurgtpl^ Suole'anSoprec Jo eqr ur persrlsp.ll'eq-ro EJrsrporrnsur prurerueriro./'rrr?s.1pq q8noqrp _ 'rroJagsreo^uat srerfo q seltrreqr durreag Pa,^aorsag aruos'l,t6t pue lt6t uaetreq euop Ip 'parlqFlxaera,vrsof,IrII{Jop tq8ra r'roqs3€6r rr{l uI ez'p"qeqt pur lyreaaqr 'lro,,orurrl3ap 3o sporrado.l.rtSulqsm8ueslpn?au 'seltu -an| aql uI srrnr lq a1:rrre SuoTB rrarlt uourglqxa puouleX uE r{trlrr prsr^rr qtr.4a -crdaqrparnpordarNW a$qp?ilnsuounl1(t?A p7 enssrer{lur u.doqsse.^a tI 'lr punor? Jo arntrurryJosacardlurr pue sasrorlrrggnr qtr,/'rEsrdJorar\oJ Surueal:arseyd e3o ruroy ar{I aqr ur ra1ftru a,trr8e patf,nnsuof,pue 's8unurcdeqr paprrarlgentrt srezrue8ro 'seqsrl\passa;dxa stsnrr or{l tsure8eof,rrrrl3 ap llree Jo uonrqrqxaut peluesardarst 'rurr{ (1pl:adsa'uotarg -p?rrns arrap3 aqr ur qc.re61-,fieruqaC pup pruurrpuoo 9z6r 'plelag JneqlseeuB se616rra3p ouop8urgr,fua,ra 'lroa luarar slr{ Surne(a.r lf,Eu? or un8aqpeg lpearp ssardrsrparrn5aqr rnq 'su?dol pr oru of,rrrr{Jag real wq1'Sz6t ur aJJrrderrepD aqr re Surruredlsrpe::n5Jo uorrrqrqxetsJg eqt ur rJe,tr'916rurorj seue:spcrslqd qtoq 'ruer{tJooral 'lIeC pu? arrrrS?WJosa8eturrrr"arprgt Sur.rn8gard -rlaru Sununeq'sueareqt ur,auopereldprpuodsardaqrrplqr"ror qro-ll rr{r rng 'tz6r ur Surrurcdor ln8uel peuo^uor peg .{:a,rorsrprreqt pue '6r6t ur aapqSurrrsr.talrqrur rurr.p.l.resJr{ uJr{.^a uonelelare sElsurg llnlrs peq purnof uer1erlu? ur pacnporda.r all put srlafqotrIloquls3_o asn s8unurcdsrg'saredsueg;n snouarsdruJo_uon?f,ole r{lrr snl grv'r 'u6 l1rcasrsrpa:rnseqr ot lldaap qods of,rrnl] aC 'olrrrrl] ap or8rorS eqt se^/rpee-rds prrSolouorgr E r{f,nso1 uondaf,xaruer.rodrureq1 Jo >lro.^^ rz'qro.^lJEJouoll?eJleqr dn e,u8or soz6r-prtueql ur uorsrrepsrqua.u8'{ro.l^ slq la.Lrnsler"raruosur op leqr uone]plsurarp grrrrrSuop '(!16r a.ro3agaotqt) 9z6t eroJrqeuop eraa anSopref,rr{r ur parsqsrrefgoaarq] pu? sSunurcdolrr sdruerlcngelqi puv,.'1cnsdr1 .l,raue az]f,rlgndor uops enua^VqUrC raq lE uretsurqngEueleHlq u,lroqssel'ruJqr pue 'rlnef,olord oor seef,ueluarr{r ruog Suraqa-rogeq pEIl Es pr outrrar 9€6r ut uonrqrqxaVWOW rllt or srotlsll paruof,la./v\ arp ur Suneogrellrry ra'IJo sdqpa: pare8uoleeqr SurrrrdepleA ueytrsrgl'(,,sra,ro1 ar{I-aurrrrJ &ore.aresgg,,)xnarnoutosq-ailolpnutqo,l tp ilnatl,l y s.,{eAueyq pue voLtatuJqane s.gJl IJo Juo se rlcns-sebeur snouBJrsou Jleqr buourc aruos 'Pag 'srrofqopue s8urrurzdqlog palrgrqxeqceoln8uel put lrg u?IA['9rlry 'uossPlAl -ru8rspue u8rsjo uoncauuo:.{-rertrqrtagt uo ,{.retuaruruor e '(,,sruza-rq 3o day aq1,,) saSuos sapta13 a7 'nca(gorerTrrugJo Sur1aqelsnu snourg srqJo uorsre euo Surpnlcur 's8urrurrdaurupar'tor{s 'lf6t arrr.r8r141 1o (,,ssaupury3o laatjl-y,) Vtuoqapauwuasaun '1a,roua8elyoc prlr{l sH uror3sa8edpur8lro aqt pue sa8elorllrea grv'r Suop 'rsu.rglq rcelqoue pue s8ulrureduee]rnoJrra \ ereqJ 'rou8n11sagroa3qtr^\ pat?arreq rrr{loue pu" laqneel algdo5 'a3r.r,srq qtr^{ auop {ro.^ae n?roqellof,e pa^\oqsosp ag rad epeu srrelqopur sernrdpcscrqd.rotuolq]uef,rJeroul grrlr\sJarTar uepoo.^ 3o llrza parrqrqxadry 'drueqf,nq pu" dn8uel '&a ueytr '9rrll{ 'uossel4l'autr8t141 'rsu-rg'dry lq sanrrqrpue sanuaaragr Suruuedsqro.anJra.alarar{rpu? 'ststtre8ut -punoJrr{l sa,rucadsonar uonrqrgxaaqrJo azrseqJ prsuepuof,roJpe/'tol1e Jo


Max Ernst.La Joie de vivre, z83l x 361/a ry6. Oil on cAnuas, in. Colleoion of Sir Roland Penrose,London


z€r 'uolrlqlqxa eql uI slsllre uPlrlrec ar{l -OzPo JO Pr"qlru Pue rsurg-o/r\l 'lJOuroJqdasofse,,"r-lgecolSunpor'rleg uelaqSururo(-peorqetuo.r3sarard Surpuesu?f,rrJruvelos eqJ 'uollnglrruof, puoll?u qf,uaJC-uoursa8Jeleqr Palnllls -uoo(uou8lrryrteuaqlQprv,pulrr?W-lul?SlE lsurg xe141 rpr.tr3ur,u1uaqr)uofuure3 erouoe'Ipue (srre4ur 8ur4;o,t) :erde11u"IIL4N daluer5'uos.,'lequewroN a 'errng pr".lrpg 's8uruuafderqdrung 'eroory d:ua11 'asorurd PuEIoU:t8y uaayE 'qseg pe4 lq noqs gf6r eqr uI 1ro.^aaq1 lrrruapr Suortse grr,u pa8;arua1I PuP'Prenlg pue uorarglg perlalassarn8gpuoneurerulqlv( Suop paredlcnreddno:3 aqr s3IralTBD uaqr uor8urlrng^\eN or{trV 'eporr.rlearrnseqt ur 8ur1:oruslslu? r{sl1gugPolqurasse punorEpue 'lrr^DlEqruerCJo pro.^dpueq-rsrguoPuo'I rq8norq pe'qSt6rul audocseS 'xne^leq 'suosory pr^ECput asorurdpuEIoU'qsllSuger{rput-l"qn In?d InoEUPue 'errlr8eltr-suer8pg aqt p?orqt 8uryror'r sdnor8 u8lero3lsa8uortseqr 'strtd aqr3o luru qrrlN 'salrluealdupu uaql Jo ,^aalE erlnb ur 3uw1 slsnJer{f,uarC-uou 'suel 'o8re1 agr ,lra,r ueoq Sunsq anSoprec p"q 6zz JIasrIuoltlqlqxa aql 'Surrr;8arursrp ruo;3 ser'ruonrsodxgFuolleuJalulagr rt paruosard prrrun aql 'pr€^rroryuoosrau8nll pp se'dnor8 eqr Uel pu" pr"nlg r{tl^\ pePlsrsurg 'pu:no[ rsrurprgr ur sruaodaurosSurqsqqndsraueleq] ra o prenlg r{lr.{\qorq uoterg 'uolrecqqnd 'tsn8ny ro1 uo sII{ ur srJed ol SuruJntag Prrnlltsqnss'e^\Jur?u spJalU olseJluerueqr tsonbors,l1sro.r1 re rnq ,,'rrv lreuorrnlo,ragruapuadopuluE Pr?./"roJ,, peror{rnB-orl1uor1 pue uorrrg lpf u1 'rel{]agolsuolsrnrxosnoreurnu8ur4ero.Lrr agr 'l1srorl qrr.^a ueuo ralll pue 'sraturcdo,$t oqt qrl^\ PalBrsuolorg '1t\ol{s 3f6r aqt ul 'olqEl "PIrC rsot{./r,\ readdrol rou ser'rq8noualppo 1ro-,v' Pueera^rx o8alq lg peuto 'l1sror1 leeu ol erlsepslgJo asn€treg lla8rel o:lxayrqasoqc asnoqe ul or{.^a eH 'pneq lq pazlpue ueeq peq rerp uasuafuleqll/6. re]Ir1du?rure3 aqr ,tg ,i;ors oIrsPD rqr pouedopeq eq ter{l E^IPPTD EroJperueu'euresrp enr rql uo;rel snor.r.a:d rar{llOol uols aqr8urso1c.re3r srredUalaq 'spuryJopeouuI 'of,xery ro EDle^olsor{f,az3 -srrurrnlf,ale rurq prre5o prq.{rrsrururu8rero3er{I 'olIxJW ot arull slqt 'dlrr tagtoue uo Jo ras uorarg '9€6r ,{-rcnrqagur uonrsodxg puolreuretul aqr Surrnq 'sOIJelTEO uoriulTJng./t\aN arp rB.roqs s,riurunsrsedaqr uo Suruodor'9€6rrequrardasuI uoPuo'I ut ratelreal e ur lsn8ny ur 'eJuauelu1leyg ur 'an8tr4 ur 5€6rpdy ur paqsqgndser'rr1 pue 'slassnrg 'Purnof aeu 'slueruelour eqt uuqlng n? srq tolloJ l1a?n1'ausqu1uns puoxtuluarul pa l{s$ug ? Jo unr rnssr-rnoJ eqJ 'uonrqnpa uopuo'I rter8 aqr Suluuqd uo stsl1eerrns eqt qrrn Burl;o.rl.sp./duolarg.real^aqrJopue aqr lg 'dnor8_aqrpaulo[ peg lpuarar oq,^ serJtrr?Jeqt Jo e n?u e 'zan8utruoq recsg lg pazrue8rouolrlglqxe lsI[Ee.IrnS eroSag e papueuelagr e.raq1le14 u1rer?drpt/dspuepll*ue3 aql uI glrruel Surrrsr,t q)trnz v elods ueqr uorerg 'uonrqlgxa 3€6reql ur u1r\ol{saq PFo./t^l1s:65 gctlp -ul[ pu" ualol 'sreqrueruesor{rJo orrrrdnor8 rslleerrnse^Ilf,EuE puno3laqr araqrtr 'rn8erd ur u1 'St6r ur l1apr.a,r pele.lrrt uolarg eq pernrf,al prenlE pu" pdy ProJrreH ez'rt6rregrua oN u_J er{r rE rarTr?al{rnlu PIar{ueeq PEr{-ursllBeu-raons ra.tlaN ur runeueqlv r{1ro.{\sPE/N papuue-uourqrqxersrg er{rsarersperlun eqt ul g8noqrp'utsqaaungtoibrunguoqg 'uopuo'I ur pa$edderuetualotu arp uo gsq8uEuI {ooq rsrg al{r 7 seulorseSpr^eq sa8erulpue spro.,r,r pea.rds real reql 'lf,Eluorpuosradpu? suolr?f,Ilqndg8no:qrl1apr.r,r 'sautunollueu ur a,nrrt eJer{l5€6 ,lg 'tuarualotual{tJo Jl?rs ruarrnf,arf,uo s?t/r?Aeutze8zrurlaqrJo anssr6z6r eunf agl Surredardur suerSlagaqr aqr uI slassnrgur dnorSlsllBerrnsE rfr./'rper€roqellorsuersuedrqr pue 'sanue^\r-prur rPuEIraaI^\S 'uedefput 'eDl€^olsollf,ez3 peqsqqe$a per{suesrl4lI "I 'E pue arrr.r8e141 ' uape.&\S'eruetung'lpr1'acuerg'seters uruaq'tunr8pg'?ulsnv aqr'uIEdS'lft patrun 'puepug 'luturag :suon?uuaorrnoJSutruasardar slsItJEltxls parsrTanSoptecag1 'Ipuoneuraurse,rlpl uouqrqxe slre4gf6r eql IIECEpECIurtrogeqr a{lpfl



had been living in Paris, and Bellmer was to move there later in 1938,escapingan intolerable situation under the Nazi regime. Surrealism itself, and modern art in general, had been vilified the previous year in the Exhibition of Degenerate Art in Munich. 'ff/hile the International Exposition might have been viewed by disaffected Parisian poets as too bourgeois, and by some members of socieryx drmodz and somewhat boring-Life reported the former, and Voguethe latter-in Germany such art still seemed advanced and threatening. A few hundred miles to the east lay a different world, one soon to encroach on the Parisianswho had mounted their last prewar extravaganza. The Galerie Beaux-Arts showwas the last of the three great international Surrealist exhibitions of the r91os, and it is striking to find that many paintings and objects appeared in them all. There almost was a packageof worfts, first assembledfor the New Burlington Galleries in June ry36, with many of the objects coming right from Charles Ratton the month before. Quite a few of these pieces were sent five months later to New York, to be presentedwith Dada by Alfred Barr, Jr. in terms of an historical tradition of Fantastic Art and related cultural artifacts.2TtVhen Breton and Eluard organized the Paris exhibition, they reassembledmuch that had appeared in one or both of the ry16 shows, setting it amidst their installations as the record of a mature movement, a view by now familiar throughout the world. Among the worl<s that appeared in all three exhibitions are de Chirico's Child's Brain, Dtrch^mp's Pharmacie, Erleen Agar's painting of abstracted horse heads, Qadriga, Victor Brauner's Knbiline in Mouement, Oelzds Daily Torments,the Oppenheim fur teacup, and Man Rat's ObseruatoryTime-The Louers.Other specificworks by Duchamp, Mesens, Thnguy, Masson, and Man Ray appearedat MOMA and the Galerie Beaux-Arts, with the 1938Paris exhibition sharing additional piecesfrom London by fup, Thnguy, and Masson.28Certainly most works appearedin only one of the shows, but the ardsts overlap to a large extent, creatingavery similar picture of Surrealism acrossall three exhibitions. The difference in 1938was the physical setting, installations that clearly overwhelmed the works shown within them. This constituted the showt unique asDect, turning rhe exhibition itself into a work on a par with its content. To an extent thii was true of the Berlin Dada Fair, the chaotic and aggressivepresentation expressing the same messageas the piecespresented.But at the Galerie Beaux-Arts the intention was more explicit, the installation designedto evoke the disquiet of represseddesire on the verge of self-recognition, the viewer placed into a world displaying its own Surrealist interpretation. The setting was appropriately nightmarish, theatrical, and selfconscious and, more in the spirit of Duchamp and Man Ray than of Breton, entertaining. In addition to Schwitters'stransformation of his own home into a shrine to his obsessions,the Merzbau the 1938exhibidon is an important model for what would become installation art. Thus, while Surrealism by ryg had become part of a cultural establishment, fixed through great international surveysand embracedby high sociery this exhibition expanded in presentation the advancedwork that had been initiated years before. And in doing so, Surrealism moved beyond its particular theories to a new form of art making. More than this, through expauiation Surrealism would continue to develop, its roots in automatism generating anew in the fertile soil ofAmerica.



Giorgio de Chirico. A Child s Brain, ryr4. Oil on canuas, jrt/.2 x z5"a in. StatensKonstmuseer,Stocbholm opposite: YuesThnguy.The Sun in Irs JewelCase,rg7. Oil on cAnuas, 45Vcx 341%cin. Pegy Gugenheim Collection, Wnice, The JolomonK. Uugenhetmrouttdation, New York



55,Zhadova, Malzuich, pp. 44, rz3 nrr.

9. Somescholarsdatethis eventin February

56.Villims, p. rz3.

ro. RoseleeGoldberg, Perfomance Art, From Futuism to the Pretnt (New York: Harry N. Abrams,1988),p. 67. On this event a.lsosee\{el Gordon, ed., Dadz Perfomance(New York: PAJ, r98Z),p. t7, wherethe date is givenasFebruaryr8, r9r8

57.For a discussionofThe Store,seeMilner, pp. tzz-tz5; and for a partial list of worla. seeGordon. z:888. p. 59. 58.Costakis,

rr. Allen, p. 243.

written accountofThe Storeand his relationswith 59.For Rodchenko's ttlin, seeBaron md Tilchmm, pp.2.56-217.

rz. Erica Doctorow, Dadz-in Berlin (Gxden Ciry NY: Adelphi University,1978),p. 35.TheGreenCadaaerwx printedon the backofcopies of Dada Against \Y'eimar.

6o. Ccstakis,p. 56. 6. Zlndova, Mabuich, p. 66.

13.Benson,p. r3r.

62. Ibid.

r4. Seethe accountby Ben Hecht in Gordon, pp. 8o-8r. Baaderoffered to sellHecht for $35,ooohis lost two-volumecollagediary of ryt9-t9zo, the Bucherzuhandzndts Oberdzdz.which according to Grosz eventuallv wm buried behind Bmder'shouse,and miqht havebeen shown at the Dada Fair "Dadaism," in Lury R. Lip15.GeorgeGroszmd Vieland Hezfelde, pard, ed., Dadas on lrr (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall,r97r), P .8 8 .

63. On Chaga.llat Vitebsk, seeSusanP Compton, Chagall(Inndon: RoyalAmdemy of fut, 1985),pp. 40-42. "Constructivism 64. For theselmt developments,seeJohn Elderfield, and the Objective World: An Essayon Productionfut and Proletarian Culture," StudioInt(mational Septemberr9-o, p. '8. 65.lodder, p. 6r. 66. M.N. Yablonskaya, WomenAnists of Rusiai New Age r900-r9jt ( N e w Y o r k :R i z z o l ir.9 9 o ) .p . r 7 : . 67. Konstantin Umanskij, Nrue Kunx in Russhnd,r9r4-r9r9 (Potsdam, Kiepenheuer,and Munich: GoIa, ryzo). -W4renAlfred Barr went to Russiain 1927,this wd the book on which he had to rely, aiong with Louis lnrcwick's slim volume, Modzm R*ssianArt (New York: Museum "Russian of Modern Art/Socidti Aronyme, r9z5). SeeAlfred Barr, Jr., Diary r9z7-28," October Fall ry78, p. 17. Umanskij would remain the best sourceuntil Barrt own presentationofthe Russianavant-grde in his atalogue for CubismandAbstactArt(r%6). On Umanskij'spiecein Der Ararat t in Janu ry r9zo, seeTimothy O. Benson, Raoul Hausmann and Berlin Dada(Ann fubor: UMI ResearchPress,t98), p. r87. Chapter6 r. RichardHuelsenbeck,En AuantDada:A HistoryofDadaism(r9zo),in Robert Mothemell, ed., TheDada Paintersand Poets:An Anthohgy, znd ed. (Cambridge,MA: HaruardUniversiryPress,r98il, p.39. z. Roy F. Allen, Literary Life in Geman Expresionismand the Berlin Cirr/zs(Ann Arbor: UMI ResearchPress,1983),p. z4z. 3. Mothemell, pp. 77-78. "magic bishop" 4. There is disagreementon the date and site of Ball's episode,which is placed on June z3 at the Cabaret Voltaire by John Elderfieldin his introduction to Hugo Bill, Flight Out of Time:A Dada Dlary (New York: Viking, 1974),p. w. 5. For accountsof this climactic eventrseeHans fuchter, Dada:Art and Anti-Art(New York: McGraw-Hill), pp.77-8o, and.Tnra in Motherwell, pp. z4o-242. 6. Technically, the members of Berlin Dada ued photocolkge,in which separatephotographsarecut and piecedtogether,tather rhanpbotlmznage,by whichimagesaresuperimposedby multiple exposure.However, in this chapterI follow the Dadaists'own nomenclatureand referto this work x photomontdge. (London; Thamesmd 7. For a discussionseeDawn Ades,Photomonta4e Hudson,r98o),pp. r9-zo. 8. Ibid.. o. Iz.

16. Dawn Ades,Dada and SunealismReaieued(lnndon: futs Council ofGreat Britain, t978),p. to6. r7. On the nvo Cologneexhibitions,seeAngelika Littlefield, TheDada Periodin Colngne(Toronto: Art Gallery of Ontario, 1988),and Ades, Dadz and SunealismRnieued, pp. ro4-ro6. 18.Groszand Hezfelde, p. 8r. "Erste Internationale Dadar9. Benson, p. r87; and Helen Adkins, (Berlin: BerlinischesGalerie, 1988),p. Messe,"StationenDer Modtme ri9. zo. On thesepoints seeAdes,Dada and SunealismRnirued" pp. 8l-8t, "Berlin Dada," in StephenC. Fosterand and Hans J. Kleinschmidt, Rudolf E. Kuenzli, eds., Dada Spectum: The Dialectics of Reuob(Iowa Ciry: Universiryof Iowa, ry79), pp. t64-t65. zr. Benson,p. 8o. "fut is in Danger,"in Lippard, p. 8r. uz. Groszand Herzfelde, 23. John Elderfield, Kurt Schwitters(London: Thames and Hudson, r985),p. 4r. For discussion ofthe Schwitters-Huelsenbeck antagonism. "Merz" can be found in Mothemell, seepp. 36-42, The full text of pp. j7-64, md in Lippard, pp. 99-ro8. 24. For discussionof Dada and Constructivism,seeJohn Elderfield. chapter 6, md Dada-Construciaism, The Janus Face of the Tu,nties (London: Annely JudaFineArt, I984). 25. Motherwell, p. 246. For an accountof Huelsenbeckand his lork. "The New Man-Armed with the V'eapons seeHans J. Kleinschmidt, ofDoubt and Defiance,"introduction to Richard Huelsenbeck.,11rzr oirsofa Dada Drummer(NewYork: Viking, 1974). 'A 26. Raoul Haumann, Dadmoph'sOpinion of V'hat Art Cnticism V i l l S a ya b o u rt h e D a d aE x h i b i r i o n .i 'n L i p p a r dp. . s 8 . Chapter7 r. Villim A. Camfield,FrancisPicabia:His Art, Life,and Times(Princeton: PrincetonUniversityPress,1979),p. rJ9. z. In Littrature, n.s., November ryzz, circd in Dax'n Ads, Dada and SunealismReuimed(London: Arts Council of Great Britain, 1978),p.


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gvr optrl p ul dpseq raqroSolu \orr{t uaaq p"q ,urs lagr rEr{tuonrqnFo ogJ 'qrle1 agr lg rBaI puesnor{J pa8und -xa eq ppo./$,ruqr lceraue8epJr{r suolssardxa f,nsrlre,t\ell ot sJpef,JE uer.rr$o11 Jo or{rur sruoorpadurcn aqr q8norgrpDIIB^\or{./'rsrotrsrlar{rJoprn{r ? ueqt ssalpetf,eltt uolrlgltlxr IzeN rr{r rng 'rJntln3 uerura3Jo sreal puesnoql o^al Surrordepstuedlrll -red ooo'9 uer{t erorurpr.trruea8rdereroqeleuE parnteeJSuruedoeqt 'rpaadssraprH or uonrppe uI 'srsrpr)os puorpN rr{t repun tft Jo sluluelergce parrdlcnue egr or aldruarqsr^plE Suru8rsapgtr.,'rpa8regose.4a ar{ pue 'srauqd:nxnl roJ srorrolurrprr SuuearoroJu1rrorDlse^\lsoo{'luaue pr4 lq lo ura uf,?.s,reprHr{tr.,"rtsoo[3r.rnpn1 sfurtu:ag 8uv'ro1 pau8rsepsr,trSurppnqeql 'suoneNJoan8eal aqt tuog Te,'r"rpqrr.,rl. '€[6r ragor]O ur rerrlnCaqr lq prel ruotsraurof,srr (qf,rrgprrr{J rqrJo 1o3lep eqr uo Sur4errapunprntf,atrr{lr?rofuu rsrg eqt splduV u"tura)Jo asnoHor{t (sreprH3orte -(ord rad y'W6tpue Lt6r uoe.&\teq uV u?ruroDJoesnoHer{rrEplaq >lro.rpeuouf,u?s llerorgo3o sr'roqsrg8raar{lJo tsrg aqt (uorrrgrqxgtrv utruraD l?erD ar{tSunern8neur senhnsg rr{r reur ftp aqr uo pauadouy orrraua8aqJo uorugn1xger{J 'qf,runw ur Je(urunsl?q] ueas rq plnol Lreurp:oenxa.v'oqrsnf ,']rE Jo uonf,ury pu? rrnt?u aql uo Jpr{ E pue rnoq ue ro3leads ot uolleu rofeu e3o pEer{eqr JoJse/'rrr lreurproenxe^roq uo pe{r?ruer p"rg rroqraH crrr:c qsly8uEarp 'uV uerura9Jo esnoH arp3o Suruedoeqr re qcaads s,raplHuo Sunuaruruo) 'loJtuof,srrro3snrenddeJn?JJneeJnq JrEJogEIe ue Suurarcur p"el slq pa.t{olloJsrrr?uontruryrzeN pu? 'llsnolraslnl ue lool raruredpaurndssrga eqr ot pu? tusrxJ"Wor uonrsoddo z'uoD"zruJtporuf,rruouof,a-orJos Jo saluanbasuoc slq qry( ecarde Jo sp/r\erntlnc tsrurepou pue rsurc8ere.n s(rrnlnCer{r rcg uslaaqrlogrlltryn eqr .rapunlqcrcue pcnrlod pue ,'(nu,tstmaqcqoqnuny) Jo IegEI 'f,neqtsa?'le]lqra parrodrnd EuauoueqdSurlrun Jo ,.'a8urqr teer8er{r pepacerdrrgr orutp?f,eplernlln) Jo sepef,ap aqr,,'paurrldxaralldrued Surlurduoroe eqr 'peleldsrp uorrrqrqxaegl '.r\oqsrr{t olur pe.{\ollErrr./duorplrr{rou teql buDlf,or{s os uE 'rlBrrpErr ot rq8nosrusrlerf,os puor]eN t?r{rdreJeuoSop [EJorupue pruoru erp.ry\Jrlo] aruef,tsoru lng 'uoIlEuIIuIIeroJ Pelr?r.uPue slunosnllltuo{ Por?rsguof,s{Jo./d'sPueruPIo Oes or eurrr?f, aruos 'pueruepr?pdod ot anp raqruotda5uorg pepuerxe'L{.6t'o(.raqua oN or 6r lpf uro{ parselqf,rq.&{'uonrgrqxearf Surrnp drp E ooo'oz ueqr erour Sur8r -re E sp.^irorf, r{rF\ 'rpFnry w atauatuE)rry eleraueS:q uonrqnlxEar{rpar Qsun;g Jo -sr,raydoaduoIIIItu o^u Ja 'arnldFls pue Sunured,treuaql uo O {f,EDeue sepetunoru sE^ tre paf,uepEJo uorrrqrqxeprpuau? lg8rq rou s,&nruer eqr dlprruo:

uassl '&uamq1og anatnw 'npqrlutr7 uon oilry4[ tg tsaunottldn8 'tsatotd -o1or14 uqnd o7asuo{sat srmil q4qm ut zz6tut panoutet uotl Toqaqta2yaqrT u! uotl -Elusut s4pemoqs mopq pu8uo 'uV atuaua&a7 qdatSototld V touourqqxEatltto3u7uu73aqaqt w srlpitacltto dotaqtn pau,1d 'plom s?m'umlu4urx suocueLutp 'fparbasaytlqrqodl rz6r 'vt 'rsrrr{JpagnnrSs,satg &mp7

z16r'{ro1 ^aaN 'd-rnrua3srqlJo uV zl6t'{ro


'ruslleauns Jo srededrsrrC L€.6t'qrlun14

'uv el?reueSecl uonrgrrlxg Jo


2(f luaruaru1ds\g Io 0.t=rd!/Hc


8tr 'eeD{ 'zllldJlo) aq]sv r"rso 'xrCIouo arr.r\suou JawtuaF{ls Ined :IalsreunegilU[ 'eletsaql roJspuryesr?rol puelrazrr,^as -rsod Surqcear rrrqt Jo tno prf,JoJasoqrSuoury ur pJuortf,neSureqa.rogaq ^aor{strv aleraue8aqaqr ur .rraddep;r:.ot\\q)rqt\\ lqq?A papnpuJ'uer uadoue ur ltn ar{tpunorepaperedara.usasrqcrnduraporu EIpgEr{:)sB.l'r (qnEItJEH 'runasnur srqJo Jrrros'pe^orual sE.^A ^Etsn3 uraquu?W aW Jo pmq aql uarl6 'stsnrepue srotzlsrururpz&euonorarlq paczldar'passrrusrp rrr,la.trr parut^pe or :rragreduls s,tossa3ord tre pue srotrrJrprunesnuluoueu aql rnoqSnorql ererslq paseqc.rnd ureg p€r{trJo r{f,nrur{trrq.^a rrpun arur8a;rerura26aqr E'srunesnur 'uorsra qns Jo sarnlEJarp qlr.r\ PUE Prlos PUEProlu qll,^ PrTurl sE/y\rPrEb-tu?E erp Jo tlt aqr 'sreel rnoJ lxeu aqr Surrnp sr'ror1s puor8ar rar{to ur put 'suoltlqlqxr rsar{rJoIIr uI'uorsra qnsJo rrr^rrs er{rur trv:reqrue^oNJo turos 3r{J,suEts]]nrs s,ztrutuIl] 'brrgrurrnN ur srorroH puB 'slnos rno luo{ anssl roN prc ttl]] trv ara.nlaql 'ar{nrslr€)ur 'f[6r or 916r Jo rogtuerl3 rr{t sesuonrqrqxaqlns lg pe,,'ro1o3 ruo{ trv tuetuureloC pue 'urroquueyl ur.'f.(,6ror 916rruo{ uV lueuura,roS leed cqgndSuneaqroJ IanJsEal.res rerp pdy ur pauados,!\oqsgf,nslsrg arll u,,'s8urppng uer,,laqr 'peroutr '&1dsrpsrqtrrUV'suon?uruoq?eser{lroJprrd peg luaruute.to8aqr aqr Sunuasa.rd uourgrqxauEpue t?q.^ uo uolt?ruroJurgrrlr Suop patetrsguof, IBrJal?u 'suoltrellor ollgnd ruo.r3tr€ urepou 'lauuos;edrunesnuJe,rrssa;8ord Jo I? orual eqt 3o uorsuadsns aqr ro3Suqpc ,,'lueururrloD .^aoNaqr ruor3rcodxgstsruv uaureD t?rl,l\,, E panssrInuno3 srenlnC8ul.n-rg8l;at11'tt6t ur;a,nodJo uorl peplrue'otsaJnrcur -drunsstsraprH r{tr1r IO^rlTpuoneueqr uo ue8aqure.rSo;d TerntlnlIzeN or{J 'unasnussolqls eqr r? ?losrPruo{ u!1uapAun2to ranbag Pr^oruarera.&\ '1u/12s/1w tr" uroporuJo q;,tespue 'ralo perurcdurrq per{Ilr.'!\lrctslooqls rrll ur sFlnu 1JVstn07lurps zqJ 'ur srorurutl{ls r?lso 'pessrursrp uaaqpeg lrprr3 sner{neger{tJo srequerueuru-ltuar*l y6t x Vrg\ 'synu?t uo fO '/,16r 'rrsnruurepou pue :ar?aqr 'surlgtsrTrl Suruuzqegr ot 'dralppy ur ur1ul ueurol)N II? :"urelN ur uurnlnElg Jo uEUraDrno roC-ernrp3 or8a51tsurr3y, 't Ae;Zqqy pa1..'a8err.rag ae;rapslrtsrurtu eql PUr lstry) uu?urag x?w :atpoddo srH 'luoulurodde pr-rarsrurursrgrraql ourelaq{rrrJ rulaqlrlNpur 'er8urrnql ur tueru -ure,to8uoltlleof,E o]ur prlol aJe.trslsrlBrf,os [Buor]rN Jqr :a.{od ol JruEJsrzeNEql aloJagumd aarrp'o€6r u1 'sreellurur lceq tua.a stoor srr ral 'qaa,u.o1r\tueqr rroru aa{ s1uolqqlqxaatlt ot f.uua wqt taiou u37saq1 '/f6r 'qnu -nW 't"tv atauua&ae uoury lo -lqxg ar D1u201slxpm Pmorr v





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D I S P L A C E M E N TO F T H E A V A N T . G A R D E

elegant, if crowded, display. But in all galleriesthe Nazi view of modern art was clear. It was an amazing, if appalling, achievement, for the actual processof confiscation, shipping, and installation had been accomplished in lessthan two weeks. To enter the exhibition visitors climbed a flight of narrow wooden stairs, where they were met by Ludwig Giest large sculpture of Christ on the cross, removed in rgzz from Liibeck Cathedral after public protest. This 6rst gallery was devoted to religious imagery and was dominated by the work of Max Beckmann and Emil Nolde. Featuring Nolde's nine-painting cycle The Ltft "f Christ taken from the Folkwang "lnsolent mockery of the Divine under Centrist rule."lo Museum, the room illuptrated Nolde, who had been a member of the Nazi party since r9zo, objected strenuously to being included in the exhibition, writing to Goebbels of his loyalry and of the Germanic spirit of his painting. Yet despite his strong anti-Semitism and committed parry affiliation, the Gestapo closed one of his exhibitions and vast numbers of his works were removed from museums. Similar objections by Oscar Schlemmer also went unheeded, and his nine works remained in the exhibition. More touchy for the authorities were the five or six paintings by Franz Marc, since Marc had earned an Iron Cross and died in service to the Fatherland near Verdun. The German Ofiicers' Federation protested, and the Tbwn of Blue Horseswx removed from Room 6. But Marck other work were left on display Anti-Semitism, of course, was a major theme of the exhibition, despite the fact that just 6 of the rr2 artists were Jewish. Only Jewish ardsts were shown in the second smaller gallery which included Chagall's Rabbi rhar had been pilloried in Mannheim. Throughout the show walls were covered with anti-Semitic comments, often applied to works by non-Jewish artists. In the next gallery paintings by Kirchner, "German farmers-a Yiddish view," and, more Mueller, and other Aryans were labeled "The reveals itself-in Germany the negro longing for the wilderness oddly, Jewish becomesthe racial ideal ofa degenerateart." This third gallery was the most outrageous in the exhibition. On walls devoted to Dada and abstraction the paintings were hung askew with offensive slogans written around them, though after the Fiihrer's initial visit they seem to have been


Hitler and Goebbekin Roomj of Att, the Exhibition of Degenerate Munich, J"b tCSZ.Art worhs, fom lefi to right are by Rudolf Belling, EugenHoffmann, Belling Heinrich Campendonh, Paul Klee; (aboue)Campendonh;and (below) ConradFelixmiillzr. The panel on the back uall quotes Hitler from a ryj4 speech.It be'All the artistic and cubural gins: blarher of Cubisrs. Fururists, Dadaisu, and the like is neither soundin racia/termsnor tolerablein nationalterms.h. . .ftrb admits that the dissolutionof all existingideas,all nationsand all races,their mixing and aduheration, is the lofiiestgoal."


DISPLACEMENTOF THE AVANT.GARDE The most striking panel was decorated with a simplified version of Kandinskyt abstraction, The Blach Spot, on which were hung some Dada broadsides and works by Schwitters and Klee. Scrawledabovewere Groszt words from the Berlin "Thke Dada seriouslyl itt worth it." Dada Fair poster, now used as Nazi admonition: "An insult to German womanAcross the room Expressionist nudes were displayed as "The hood" and ideal-cretin and whore." Farther along the same wall were rwo of Otto Dixt twenry-six works-the painting from the Dada Fair, now called War Cripples, and his vision of wartime horror, The Tiench.Borh had provoked public outcry "An insult to during the twenties and did so again in Munich, where they were marked "Deliberate sabotageof national defense."l2 the German heroes of the Great'W'ar" and Since the exhibition was intended to show the degree to which things had degeneratedduring the yearsof the \Teimar Republic, it highlighted works of German Expressionism, which had become popular with progressivecurators during the rgzos and were abundant in museum collections. Schmidt-Rottluff led the group with twenfy-seven paintings and twenry-four prints-in Room 5 his still lifes were labeled "Nature as seen by sick minds"-followed by Kirchner's thirry-rwo works and Noldes Nventy-seven.There were rwenty-one Beckmanns,and ten or more works by Kokoschka, Pechstein,Mueller, and Heckel. Despite the prominence given to Dada in the wall decoration, it was much lesswell represented,but the show did include rwenry works Karl Schmidt-RottluffYxe with by Grosz and four by Schwitters. Fiom rhe Blaue Reiter came fifteen Klees, fourteen Kandinskys, thirteen Feiningers, and less than ten each by Campendonk, Jawlensky, Dahlias, r9rz. Oil on cAnuAt and Marc. Most of the sculpture was figurative-Ernst Barlacht reunion of Christ and 3i% x 3ot/ain. Kunsthalle,Biek"Nature "nvo as monkeys in nightshirts." But there was some abstract sculp- feld. Undzrthe uords St. John was seen as ture such as Rudolf Belltng's Tiiad which had to be removed by embarrassedofficials seenby sick minds" in Room5, this painting was hung along after discovering that his bronze of the boxer Max Schmeling was on display in the with otherExpresioniststill lifes Great German fut Exhibition. There also was a large animal-like form by Richard and landscapesby Schmidr Haizmann, compared in the exhibition guide to a cat modeled by a mental patient. Rottkff Ern* Luduig Kirchner The comparison beween avant-gardeart and mental illness was natural to Emil Nolde, Erich Nagel, and the Nazi perspective on cukure, reinforcing the connection between modernism and degenerary in all its forms. The guide to the exhibition juxtaposed works by Klee, HeinrichDauringhausen. Kokoschka, and Eugen Hoffrnann with piecesfrom the Prinzhorn collection of art of the insane, and the seventh group of works demarcatedin the text were said to repre"the sent idiot, the cretin, and the cripple."tt Advanced art was charged with presenting images of Africa and Oceania as the racial ideal, as it was said to portray the prosdtute as a moral one. To represent degeneracyin all its forms, the cover of the guide showed "the a primitivistic sculpture installed in the ground floor lobby-The New Man by Jew" Otto Freundlich, who would die in the Lublin-Maidanek concentration camp after being captured by the Gestapo trying to escapefrom occupied France. Bolshevism itself was viewed as the epitome of degeneration,a debasementof politics to anarchy. The guide stressedthe political endi served by mo groups of degenerate arworks, those depicting social misery and classexploitation, and others attacking the German military. Yet it was not only that advanced art served political ends, bu"t that the destructive anarchy of aestheticfor^ *", an expressionof the sa-e degeneracyof spirit that issuedin leftist politics. Modern aft was seenas an expression of what had happened to sociery during the modern period, a time of political, moral, and psychological dissolution, a condition that in Germany had led to the disastrous 'Weimar. yearsof For Nazi theorists, it was no coincidence that much of the degenerate art had entered museums at just this time. One alleged manifestation of this situation was the arnount of money that the state museums had spent on degenerateworks. At the exhibition most works were listed by artist, title, museum from which confiscated,date of acquisition, and price of


llt sul^lt\I ssau{ee.{JneuaD 'Jrrpru puorluatur Jo uonf,uryTeru prrSolonlqd-rre arerauo8ap3o 'aprn8 'utl uonrolsrperp roJ suonpu?1dxa oyqrssod lory sauurqof (q8u mqaq) {uo aqr3o .trerl srr{setetsJaprHa.raq1 uourqrqxeeqr ur parurrderrra ! 'Sl.6rpuu{.ehu 'kqlrre4 puonrg uo ep"tu qreurar ?uv tlIladrn5 1ur4 rpr'r.ern8rg za$tauwg u1t71(q8zt anoqtl qrv'r Suop 'trv uetura3Jo asnoHaqr Suruadogcaadssrqtuor; sld;acxa3uo1pue 'rry larerurp:ef ellag '$urq xlry ale;aua8aqJo uourqlqu er{tJo slp./'l'lueru pare;ooapspro.trsrerrllC ar{J ' ' 'sooqrno 'uE ({zp fq aro s1to111 suoll?f,sryqo tsulPunoJJns ,,' Paf,u?^PE 'qJEuJruaJJnJul sacrrd.r,rol oqr uo loeue rsqndodsJeprHSuloro3uror prrt suorsueroJd 4r!l 01sqzusut?u Pu? apu o nl ,^rlEJ?durof, rE a[Bs]oJ area./t\orlstrv rr?rureOrearD arp ur qro,t eqr 'pu?q rer{ro nnm atft a4w amatuapndunmo eqt uo 'uV u?uraC Jo asnoH ar{rry 'aseqr-rnd rrarplg palaldapueeqperl sragor srr u1"' statrldulod pauap,uqrout tnq 'uE sego passzdSuraqs8unpasaqrlq polooJuaaqcqqndaqr prq lluo ro51u,,,'e1d aqt a4nSnlq uer aA,, Buyutylt 'uonrv -oad ^ 8ur4ro.t rr{l srolf,ns rraq utrurrD s" sa:ald pe>1reu per TrutnoI l"Jlptil eql Jo sexeteqt lq ro3pr-ed,, 'aseqcrnd ux iuautai?is -&e,rg 'sanuartll aqr ol patrf, llstltz, 516ru uto{ 3o lcuarrnl petegureqt ur tf,egeaqt ale:a38exe st uortptonb aqJ ,,'1/a4 aql 01 paqsnd-t1l oq n-atuauuta dutt n ftryflqs ux elauqf aqt, 3u7 -moqt 'ePInJ uonrqrqxa .,uv,, areraua8aq aqt lo afud ra7 :rg8r:r"rolaq rltt1punatgoug [q atw -d1ws r'ra11 ag18zz r'zfir'ue1,rg -moqs')Ptn) uolrlqrqxa .,uu, arerauaSaq ar.1llo unot at11 :url .'!\olaq rarueq .r\ollal lauqtay 3mpn7 tsutE (tqZu mopil pu? :?Je) quoN eqr lE Fnq1Ptuqzsut4)J

iuaqey.4eS e41dg roP{) * tloqqoort

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eyp lrrs - soploq {opo |toquru{n{

'rtur dor*


1l tnqe.rq


ilqrtxtr. .q{rl !tr. Irqtrtr[ r.4r .tD q nrrrilo d;qftnil. I.p .rlrtrt{i Drd votrdnrrox r,rtrrqil tsvJ rrD u.qwa .!{ { .srr{ i{ ur rF iit !dnr&! rwFu:q oc rqt wirlua .rr x.Ptfrtr.rr.ffit..tqrt rdtso4 u.q{ r{trfl rntur'm -Fd r.p d tur@iq ts[ lnr .qq-mrTqT Ee :rF

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fflurloB.roub roqosr€soJ r.t.Irrf,

illo.lo{ro rropl uoqolllllB unz prtra erJI{I oI(I


rtlor gtg


raturualqrs ralso Jo trenrod :lauqilxx 37mpn7 $utg Fu! :llr.^arzpt1 zuerc Jo trerrrod 'xlo o11o frreruod-Jlas7au3to77uqatllty g/8y 01 {a1 u.tonoq) :pea11 p>4 l"ux Qlp {n1aoy-tp1uttlrs -?tut) lE' g 1o 4ento4 !ryaoy 4qlutclrs F?x :rletu)d PUEtr"l^l 'e?loN llutE pt13y ot {q d*) :ata patnpotdat sqnm etlJ ,,'uotj -res ssotrpnat Su4aaaat[1q8u.1 4, Sutmoqsrprn9 uonrqrr{xg ,,uy, areraua8aqaqt uo.{ a8q :ual a^ogE


Ernst Ludwig Kirchner. SelfPortrait as Soldier, r9r5. Oil on canuas, z71Z x z4 in. Allen Memoial Art Museurn, Oberlin College,Oberlin, Ohio, Charles E Olney Fund, 50.29.Exhibited as Soldier with Vhore with rither Kirchnersin Roomj, this painting washung next to a quotation meant to be mochedahng "dtmouith theart-a remarhbT cratic" curator Edwin Redslob, art cornmissionerof the W'eimar Republic, extolling the artist as comparableto Diirer. Ouerhead "Deliberate werethe words sabo'An uge of national defense"and insub to the Gerzan heroesof tbe GreatrVar"


gtr 'aoeldralretu 'Peorq" Puollsurelul eql uI an[E lsou e eq PIos oq or ueSaq $lro^a PuP al{l roj Plno.^alPr{^\ aullurelaP ol PelEarf,sB^Alrv elPreuaiec Jo sllnPord Jo lesooslc papeau-qlnu ro3 pe8wgrxa ag ol stessesP qro.^a uorssruruo3 aq1 'buar:no u31a.ro3 or rapr11 paStrnofue-uolllgltlxe ]rv u?rurac Jo asnoH ar{l roJ suon eserp lurqr Jo -rrles ulEtu rl{l 3P?ur r{f,lJuleH lng 'l[E rt buturnq3o JoAg uI sE.^A PEr{oq./d-uu"u$oH dparrodar sleqqro) 'rre paref,sguor rl{tJo areJal{r Peuref,uol uonsanb Sutssa:da.lou e 'slsnrE ogr glv"r SurpapSo ler'r pe.uaSardeqr uroq a^eq rqSlru srqr gSnoqlly tsueqPu? uraqr er(('PEalsuIsll?u uo ssIIIoJl{lns Paullutuof, ogl1\sPulrutrf, eql jo auo apurs Lra.ta u.ra.oprear or Perduet sr au[g],, :sa;ntctd eqlJo stuos ot radedsr"reu uassg uPJo rEqr sE/tresuodserrqSr: aqr {urerra3 raSue qrr.u lf,Ear ol aldoad ueruraS agr pa.rre3ardsrazrutSro ar{r-pale EJr,/'rol{sal{t sEuoltetuaseJd egr u.ra,ro8P1nor'raJnl -f,nls ssoq^\ PuE uoDrqrqxr rlllunl/\ eqr Jo Pue er{r lE Per?edd?qrqr'r-aprn8 Pelulrd eqr ur Pue srxer uolrlqlqxe eqrjo duuru ot auol Sunlcoru t sB^aaral{l tlt;H,r,rr.", 'rue8ala ragler se.4a sq ruog sflsurpur;4 xls ruarua8uerre e>lrldolsaqr dlplcodsa Jo 'Suru8ndurr-31aspue .{-rep8 q5g eqt uI uoltf,Errsq?Jo uoIrPIPlsuI egt 'q8noue lpp6 '1axaq snorf,rpnl se paleldsrp ara.,tlra8uraal4l Pu? 'sraulmlltrS 'u"IrPuo]AJ 'llsurpuu;'1 aqr lq rqqnd rerIBlN larslarun"g qlUN lq sef,eld'srolrrrlP tunasntu PuE,af sI ePInS rqlJo uerura9 eqr3o Surdnp ar{r uI .^ ?us tsq eqt .,'lrruesul rear{S,,se Pa>I.TBLu uonf,es TEugslr{J'uolrf,Erlsqe rpl.^ pegltuapl sr llarerurtp uoltereua8ePJo tq8loq aqr lnq 'qJo.,rnlsruotssardxg qtl,l! ((Jolo3PuE tuJoJJo uoltderJedJo uoIlEJoIJalaPo,nssar8 -ord,, srqr sarelsnilr aprn8 eqr uI pet?losl ue ateraua8apJo ftogercl tsrg eI{J sr'pollonuof, aq ppo.u lce:auegep f,Itsllr?Jo urayqord eqt 'uonnrtsord pue 'Erseueqlne'uolwzllrars Surzqlln 'slJnol Pullulrc aqr lq uollfaJ -ror roJ ran?ur p seld lr 'Fuolrualul se.^ fta8eurr erp JI ,,'spaJJPpnsn Suqpdde rlons aqrgo &rsrur141eqt ol re^o Jo uorssnusuen fterrpareq rarlury lue gerseroSol,, rolralul pournt aq pFor{s sreuEu esef,rPII{^\ ur 'suralqord TElIPetu qlns loJ luno)fe Plno,t



[q qde8 sautTuq4 aS.roag -olot/d 'yof, maN '1"tvurayow 'utu,uag aua8nE to unasnTJ 'uututSqagilnX'macltttlaqrJ pnarJ 'zt1tpd77sanbtaftualung ey'P ?tuv' uossvw ?"tFuv'uruquow latd 'uoptg Vtpuy (mot 4ttq) :u3V7 puautag l1a3rq2 ut1,1J 'isut7 xary ',(n7ua1santr'aury -pr7 dpsg 'uaillnqrE piil4 (not tuo{) :tq7u ot {a1 utotg 'zt6r qaaq'4t0tr maTJrAallag 2sstlpw etDlcJ 'uolllqlqxa alrg ut slstiJv aql ut paluasatdat suaadotngaw.tlodxa atlllo saurQ tw14 afuoag tq tratod dnotg :arrsoddo OJL4N Pue PuegsnH 'g 'eruoN Jo llBrlrod /lutg :'u [ryaoy+pruqt5 pax :one]nl/i{ ell'ry10N llutz'uo4tq/(/xg uv alwauaSaoeql fi 'slfi lansm aql t? ilam sp ,2peq1 2(/1Pup rts -nutto ,,Sutzrtafrr7J,,aqtSuuwtp -ut sSuuundpup &aaaw$ llp6

eflofie{ lturtlutu{tjlll0l uQ

00prX4q q11t


First, however, high officials appropriated particular pieces, with Hermann Gciring adding to his personal collection a number of Impressionist pictures along with Gaugiris Ri&rs on the Sand. Foreign dealersvied for the right to sell the other works, but four German dealerswere given priority. However, Iz5 of the outstanding pieces were reservedfor an auction to be held in Lucerne on June i'o, 1919at the Galerie Fischer. Among others, paintings by Corinth, Marc, Kokoschka, Braque, Derain, Chagall, Kee, Beckmann, Pascin, Gauguin, van Gogh, Picasso,Marc, Modigliani, Nolde, and Ensor were put on the block. Despite aftempts at a boycott, the auction attracted dealers, museum representatives,and collectors from around the world. Many works would make their way to the United States, including some of the most important paintings now in American museums.IT International sale saved relatively few of the confiscated works, for most met the fate that Goebbels intended. Three months before the Lucerne auction, on March 20, the art deemed unsalable was burned in the yard of the Berlin Fire Brigade in the Kcipernickerstrasse.That day r,oo4 oil paintings and y8z5 works on paper were incinerated.l8 Like the mass book burnings of May 1933,this acr points to the deep fear of art and intellect that was built into National Socialism-fear of the madnessof political protest, fear of degeneration to the weaknessof compassion, fear of moral decline to a state of human decenry. Before sale and destruction, however, two additional traveling shows of degenerateart were organized inlate 1937,the Great Anti-Bolshevist Exhibition, and The Eternal Jew.leAnd Entartete Kunst itself went on tour, adding over r.2 million people to its total attendance. In Berlin, the exhibition opened at the Haus der Kunst in February 1938. It then traveled to eleven other cities around the Reich through the



716rreqollo '4n maN 'kntua2 s1q1 tty lo lo [ta11r7rwa,uns aqi ut un(l -ua33n9 t33a4 pua $ut7 xpry

DISPLACEMENTOF THE AVANT.GARDE Hamburg'Frankfurtam Main, Salzburg, springof r94r, including Leipzig,Di.isseldorf, manwaitedin line to seeworla_by a young inHamb,rrg, and On a grayday he disold friendswho hadvisited his parents'CologneaPartmentyearsbefore,and 'Woman"Insults to German covereda painting by his father in the sectionentitled hung beweenworksby Kirchner and hood." Max Ernst'sTheBeautifulGardznerwas line manytimesthat day.After waiting rejoin the Dix, and to seeit Jimmy Ernstwould his last viewing a man approachedto askwhy he wasso interestedin the exhibition, Germanyat any cost.2l and in fearand confusionhe resolvedto escapâ‚Ź of his flight from Europe,Jimmy Ernst becamea central As a consequence activiryfrom the old world to the witnessto the shift in critical massof avant-garde spentwith his fatherin Surrelater time Dada and in Cologne new From a childhood alist Paris,he movedto a New York fastbecomingthe centralrefugefor the advanced to PegryGuggenheim,he would-parartistsof Europe.As a young artist and assistant in Hamburg Fromhis exPerience ticipatein the birth of the first postwaravant-garde. world art watched Ernst This Century to his time tending the deskat Art of Jimmy entera new pnase. More than any other institution, PeggyGuggenheimtmuseum-galleryfut this transition.Her openingexhibitionin Octoberr94z of This Century encapsulates and in the next fiveyearsshewould displayedmasterpieceiof the prewaravant-garde, to gi ri their first one-personexhibitions JacksonPollock,Hans Hofmann, \flilliam Baziotes,RobertMotherwell,Mark Rothko,Clyfford Still,and RichardPousette-Dart. painting had begunin I-ondonat the oursetof rg38,with Her supportof progressive the opining of her hrst gallery GuggenheimJeune.Theresheexhibitedwork by the majoi Surrialistsalong with advancedabstraction,and thereshedecidedto createa museumof nonrealistLtwentieth-cenuryart. rVhile Guggenheimhad lured Herbert Readawayfrom the BurlingtonMagazinewitha6ve-yearconuact,the Europeanpolitical situationwaslessthan propitiousfor the foundingof a new museum,and the plan was abandoned.But shekept Readt list of what sucha museumshouldcontain,and a collectionbased in France,as the Germansapproached,shecontinuedto assemble on his suggestions. PegryGuggenheimarrivedbackin New Yorkon July 14,r94r,raveling with Max Ernst,io *horn shewould be marriedin December.Shealsoarrangedtravelfor Andri Breton,whoseVilla Air-Bel outsideof Marseilleshad beenhost to many of the artistsgatheredin the south awaitingexit visasfrom VarianFry and his Emergency Rescu. Committee. By diverseroutesmany membersof the Europeanavant-garde could not but signi6in New York during the war, and their presence would assemble candy affect the indigenousartists.New York, of course,was not unfamiliar with advancedEuropeanart, having seenits full rangeand depth at the galleriesand in Alfred Barr,Jr.'sexhibitionsat the Museum of Modern Art. EvenPicassotlegendary Guernicahad been shown at Kun Valentine'sgallery in 1919.But actually to seeand speakwith such artistsas Mondrian, llger, Ernst, and Duchampwasc-riticalto the of the Americans,and much of this interacdevelopmentand growingself-confidence tion occurredwithin the orbit of PegglrGuggenheim. her museumin San Although Guggenheimseriouslyconsideredestablishing Franciscoor New Orleansratherthan NewYork, by earlyry42shehad decidedto con\West vert to her purposestwo former tailor shopson the 7th foor of z8-3o 57thStreet. Pegry had introduced who California dealer a former Putzel, of Howard On the advice shehired Frederto Max Ernst while showingher aroundParisianstudiosin 1918-19, ick Kieslerto designher new space.It wasa brilliant selection,for Kieslertinnovative plan brought immediatenotoriety to Art of This Century and set a tone of radical experimentationsurroundingthe new gallerytacdvity.


o!r ser'rSunq8qar{J 'sllB/r\poo.Lr-run8 prgrpolu riloU pa rnr. rr{t or parpB]]Esr"g IIBqrsEq por)e(ordsa:nlcld oql rplr{.^^ur 'rusrlpounso] palo ap llogr* se,l ruooJsnorJotou JrJJ 'urqtr.^,r ? eJo1 JaInqs EPueuolaJg lsoru rtrJlgo-uraod Pa Peuado ''g'V tolrv aqtlo go arnrcrdE punore Sunr'rs;ar'a1€ a.rar{.l'r 4auto4 suolarg prpuy 8ur -leldsrpruaua8urrrr xoq-,^op?qse se.r\osTE oroqJ 'aloq daade q8no.rqraurll " le euo lpuara: srq 'To.r\ sdrurqcnq 3o runasnurrrnr?Iulru uaalpg pateldusoo pr,tnrrl caryaA ar{t tuo{ sl:afqo uaagno3Sul,noqsuouder]uoc rel{roue pauJnr reqr laagr'ra8rel e 'seaDlaulu rnoqeSurleldslprlag :ola,r qrr.uSuop 'ueag rqSqolqrsr^urue lg pe.raSSrrr -uof, E paurttuoc Lralp8 f,nauDl 'esronbJnl:olof, etuo EJs-{33a4parurtd se,r"r .roog V arp put 'stlu?f, anlq >lreppeqrtensJo ara.l,r lralp8 sqt Jo slp.l.rag1 '8urrq8{ lurf,srro 'suro3trld arnrdlnf,sreln8uelnput s8urruredJosrarsnllreln8ueur -ng Suonsrrpun il" rre.^^uroor ar{tJoraturr aqr ur papuadsns llrzlrturg '8ur1rarpu? roog uar.{\laqq1 tear8 8uru,ro3saurluo slle.^aqt ot r?lnf,rpuodrod pue ppred qroq Sunq s8urrurtdperu?{un r{rr^\(plro.tlrsrqn) p oprsurSulag30 asuasaqr a,rt8rre rf,ensqppue rslqn3 3o Lrage8 :g1 'peleydsrpu? arl Jo a/rs aql ur pau8rsapsrualuuorrluor{tr^r-{ro1'r ./deuJo suoll -lq1qxaSur8urqc.rog,{-rap8E pue 'u? ureporrr uouf,rllof,s.rulequa33n5 Surtuasa;d Jo suon?lptsur rrnlt-serre rnoJ orur paprrupse,lrdrnlu:3 slr{IJo,uV^ paxg 'arun Jno Jf,Eos ,,irJIPts snotuEJ Jo lsou eqt sE.^rlnsar eqr rng 'reloldura lSurrs srq qrr.4i\]f,ruuof,rurnbag orur rurq ur Suruur8agsqluoru rq8no.rqsunrre.{otsof,pue sueldsnorrrquesrgpue 'zl6t rqtrc16r1l rq8ra rog .{:nrua3 slql Jo rrv Jo uonrnlsuor pu? u8rsepaqr uo pa1ro.^ relsery 'rrv rrensqv pue ruslqn3 uonrqrqxa 9€6rruerrodurraqr ur :f :rreg pal3y lq papnllul s"-/( rr{ pue-raels r{r8 rsa/N uo ErururJ plln9 tullC agt-sarnntd uoltoru 8ut -.l.ror{s roJrueerulyprgloedsmueury ur rtteer{}tsrg arp pau8rsapre1sary6z6r uI 'seepl prntf,etrqf,rersrurepou roJ ef,roJrueuodrur ue eurccoqlprder eq 'serersparlun aql apreS-tue.r.r Suruadoeqr.ro3su8rsapTErrlEOr{r ur ureruaror Surpnag '1eg le,,lr,urarg3o srr{ot?artrer ot 9z6r ur >JroI.,rleNor prllul se.t pue '€z6r Jo uoutl1ersursrredparurelf,f,B ur dnor8 t{pS aC or{rJo raqruew rsrgunol eqr uaag peq relsary {llJrprlC


il0qqv arlu -tag ,(g qdar8ototl4 'Qf6r) n3 rPorI{JJaH qI t\\ uewo.Ns,142ru -orplg orraqlv vtoddns ,,s1oo7 isq?attor,,asatlllo auo 'puno8 -atot atlt u1 Twnyad [a1ds1p 'qqu tvqr s? pauotnu{ Fup s,ralsalx luatualaarnixutr{ a13u7s 'r2ls2/X 4rt"tePatl Ualtqaa ,(q pauS1say'4t0,4 maN 'ftntua7 s7q1lo try to &a17a3rqaattng


Pages4o-r font Andre Bretons s1'5rr' camhgueof FirstP,lppr5 "com peusati on reaIism, shotui ng portraits" of Mana and of ,)Ia,: Ernst. Two workspainted that 'bf' lear are reproduced: .llono The Earth is a Nlan; (right) frzsr. Surrealism and Painting (t942). TheErnst wasmarkedbt, "centra/ canuas" Newsweekasthe of the exhibition.New York,Coordinating Council of French ReliefSocieties, Inc., 1942.Offet, printed in bkch, eachpage:rot/: x 7% in. TheMuseumof Modern Arr Library, SpecialCollection. New Yorh timed to go on and offevery fwo seconds,illuminating one side of the gallery and then "like your blood."2' -While certainly surreal, the the other, pulsating, as Kiesler said, for most, and Putzel later convinced Peggr to allow continueffect was too disruptive ous illumination. The last space-devoted to changing exhibitions-faced 57th Street, and was illumined by daylight diffused through a screenof ninon, a chiffonlike material commonly used for lingerie. It also firnctioned as a room for browsing among minor works from thecollection, where visitors could sit on folding stools and look through open storage bins of framed pieces. Another sort of seating was provided in the Abstract and Surrealist galleries, a feature welcomed by reviewers. Kiesler had designed a biomorphic muldfunctional piece that could sâ‚Źrve as a chair, lectern, coffee "correalist tools" table, pedestal, sofa, and hat rack. Variously oriented, one of these could be found supporting a tired visitor, while Giacometti's Woman with Her Throat Cut crawled acrossanother.23 Altogether, the design of Art of This Century exemplified Kieslert developing conception of architectural space as fuid and organically related to the activiry within, ideas that achieved their visionary height in his EndlessHouseof ry49-59']Virh sculpture and framelesspaintings on variable supports to be adjusted for optimal viewing, and rooms designed to evoke the mood of the work displayed, Kieslert goal, as "dissolve the barrier and stated in his unpublished notes on the gallery design, was to 'environment,' 'realiry,' 'image' . . . fwhere] there and artificial dualiry of vision and are no frames or borders between art, space,life. In eliminating the frame, the sPectator recognizeshis act ofseeing, or receiving, as a particiPation in the creative processno lessessentialand direct than the artistt own."2a It was natural for Kiesler to evoke his friend Duchampt notion of the viewer completing the work, for Duchamp arrived in New York in the midst of the project in June ry42, and stayed with the Kieslers until October. Peggy hoped to have the opening of fut of This Century coincide with the publication of the catalogue of her collection designed by Breton, but planning and


ztr 'Sulrrs3o sulals qSnorqr 1ro.4 eqr ^aeI ol Sulrtq ur asr:d larreyrJ'sruef]arrreHrr1 -rns B sertrSutuadopruro3eqa ,slsan8aqr roj lpo rou puE:rEJp alg?Jor.ueu 'runasntr udlloorg eqr pue ]rV urepol{Jo tunesnry l eqr tuo{ seIla { sE'ssneDs-hy'lepnEIJ pw assn?Wrrrrrd sEqrns 'sPnPr^rPulraqlo suorrallof,egr tuo{ pe.&orrogsE1(uolrlqlqxaarpJo Lpn/{ pue stsureSurredrorrred3o 'srrrrlod3ur,ra,-rq8rr srq ro3 spr8rupaqr dq prur"psp lp.raua8 pu? 'tusllelf,rtururof, srr{roJuoterg lq epFV,,pelpr 'r[BCrop" pS sE^ a)uasqeslq ur snonrrdsuo3 ..sre11oq 'aftH 'lle ^rer{]o/{ rreqou PrrE PI ec llollod uoqcef parr,rulllryssaccnsunPEqorp{ 'setorztg ureIIIlA, sE r{f,ns sal?rf,osse rref,rreury.l.reusrqJo eruosqrli\{ Suop 'papnpul sE\ lsurg lunurf 'lTpBEr{C )r?I/{ pue 'plegq]srrH srrrory tsrlrllulud uef,uaurv aql 'lrEAaf,uernsl'ruraquaddgtara4 'ezlao pr?qllg 'pro{-^ olsuo uoproD 'olqD{ Eplrg launtrg rotf,r1 'ureI ope{lllN 'rueurorerD..r.ppl 'duregrnq 'xnt IaC 'dry'aroo14 'aurr8eyrJpu? olIrIr{J ap lq luaur 'ossprrd'grlry lrueg 'aa1;,1 dq Suop secald qtltr -a^ou aqt slep llrea f,rorar{aqt tuog s8unurpdere ^,osTB aral{J 'qor?,&? pue 'soleel Jo 'sauare8ro's8r.,r,rr 'peorqr Jo epetu3u74tolgutoJ V palpc rrefqo u? parnglrtuof, olil'r 'uorarg ue e pue 'eDe1y'g 'uossey41 'uueru8llegrrn; 'ln8uel sEqf,nssTr8lruTueadorng lq os ro rtal rselor{rur euop sE^{ro.1r\er{r;o tunoru?leg r 'Sunuledsrqra{r'I 8z(('se -rref,prluef, rr{r,, sEr?al wt1t Suuuto4pu? tutqvauns srsurg xeIAJpalretu pu? 'uoll 1o -lqFFa eql ur lro.^Aruerrodur tsotu eqr Surrrssdureqenc PalPl yamsm2N 'rusrlBtunSueado:ng uoll Lz'quoJ 3o Puell"q puno"'rdlsnorpetSuroqqsa{ ef,uoseePr -antrsluarrnr arp rsaSSns or Sulus eqTJloortzYto maN )qt ur s3l?o) rJaqou'lFrlrr-rr '1J?uJePou Surpurrsrapunur aruof,Je^o ag lsnu rerll sJIrln)IJIp aqr ruasa.rdar aJoIAJ ol sernnrdaqr3o Surrnosqoeqr pa.^ar^ srwf lauprg pue ]alrr?H 'sruoorpeuoputgt 'lecap:o lrrpnb raquaazqoguls Jo pu? saproqaur.&plo auyJo qrog ulq Surpurua: ppol rleJa ge \goJ eqt teqt paur8eturueaf lerreTrq'uol]BlprsulSuqrrrs sIIItJo suon -ela.rdralur ssor)epodool lurur uaaqe ?g aregJ nr'sarnlrrdar{tJotuoU ur pu? sBuIIIatr eq or p?q ror{tour pue arg rq8necllsnorrotslur rsrg al{r lnq 'posn eraa sallul o \l 'D?xoororueq oI'eJ"s ag ot tsn(rrJo selru ueatxrsporncordpeq aq q8noql 'dureqcnq lg serrage8 aqt punorz Sunnssertrrurlr\tJo apure lpo lypnlry ' \oqs arlrJo 1r?tulleq slq,, agl eurerag'aseayor ssa.rd eqt ur PeuoDueur,,8uutsgosaltu uaalns,,eqr Pu" .,'aur,/r\l ro3dureqcnq satrf,uer{l tnq '3uâ‚Źueq aW qrp\ uolarg srrperf,enSoprmaga aqr3o duru osJo snl'ls ^aeurr.{l'sIE^rrrE ruaf,arJo s:adeduorrerSr**, ;:1";i:;:l uorrrgrqxrer{rJo eltn ar{J 'su" A re{IElA,lg a3r.,ra.urrz3 uorssardaqt se uot8urrre3 erouoa'Ipue 'preeqalq.u Surr'rogqlra ueruplo u" sElsurg 'uns roll"s uI loq Sunode sE?DeW'reroldxaw seattrr8el4l'oulDIsEuEseuosserysp^aartlll s:aqtoSuoury'srole -JJf,Jrar{t snourduouzqrl.&\sgunuEdrsI[EeJJns patuosord Jo ,,strcruoduoDesuaduroc,, u 'qrftu uo lesseuorerg E qrv'r Suoyy 'asaaqcarqdn:g3o acarde 3o dn-asope peq rr{t uo pu? 'salor{Tenrlegrur 'sralpq lq parrerdITE.tEruo{ eql uo-ralof, el{rparnqrrr -uor du,reqcnq 'anSoprm u?r{l tuerunJop rsrpaJJnslrsself,arou se.ll reqr uoIrEf,II -qnd e raqreSorrnd pue 'srsrrr lgg or esolf,lq lro,ngo uorrrqqxr a8releqr palqruesse uorarg 'dureqlnc pue rsu;E lq prrsrsry ,,'go( aqr roJ uorrrg pepurruruorarrulaq -ue33n5LrelpS.uaureg Suncnnsuocqtr^\ pa^lo ur lpralduoc lnq (uonrqrqxergauag srql Sununou rnoqe urequaSSng133a4paqoeorddrpeq r1predtrqrseslE 'rsurg xEI ruoU uela tarcastdal a:arrr J r{f,rr{.u''ralsery3o sradEdrsrl{'durerpnq saslrdrnsaqr [E rr o] pruateergtrusr1perrnsJo lg palprsursEpuv 'rnua^Vuosrperyr{f 'uorsuel41 el{r uI srau?nbPeaq pled ,/'teletnl/d\ rrer{t le uourqrrlxr u" PIoq 01 se.r ssnrrf,osJellau qluerc Jo IDunoJ tsun?ulProoS aqr l, :egrua.,roN o1tr regorlo uorc 'r{luoru ler{r rarlr?aroJ PelnParPs rua^areqlou? lg uelorsag ppo,/rrrapunqr srg reqr parealrrlsary :agorlo arEIpr?1rror pe^ou rrep Suruadoalryqord eqr se 'dpuerrodurraroy,q'alqrssodurr ttr{t apetusdelepuolt:nrtsuo:

D I S P L A C E M E N TO F T H E A V A N T - G A R D E

Installztion uiew ofFira Papersof Sunealism,IVhitekw ReidMansion, 45r Madison Auenue,New York, October-Nouemberr942, with hanging by Andrl Breton and twine hy Marcel Duchamp. The challengeto clear uiewing wastahenhy Haniet and Sidney Janis n representthe dfficuby of understandingmodernart, but critic Robert Coatessaw ir rc embodyonce-feshidzasndiously wound bach and forth. Photograph hyJohn Schiff


lSr ro3 lurd pue sruaodloJ anlg 'asn rlel{t roJ I[E,'t erp uo s.rededpaploi Suqeurre 'leand 'stnbw atatryut orserftoredlcrued e rrlgnd aqr e EBuem Prtl(oH Ieztnd Jo dq loogcg ^ aN aqJ r? pezlu?8rosuolllgqxe rno3 dq peruedruorcesroa sarnlrrl pepnug 'ri6r Jsrr{l uerunH olur arntue pV uy :8urrure4rsIPaJJnS,, ,,'ssausnorf,suo3 aql te ProC^\olsuo uoPro3 drenuefur ue8eggcrqr'r'qf,r?esr1pIf,oSroJlooq]S .la.aN dq sarnrcalrnoJJo sJrrasaqt uI tusl1earrns Jo uonrsodxaPelrcFPe Pallaf,elslslue uEf, -ueurv 'yo1 .,\AJN ur prlur" dueqrng puu 'tsurg 'uota:g::o3eqreal :q1 buourv 'J IsueJo suBf,IJaur\y' aql (sa^IJsuaqr se.'Po) rW,, selulq ol PoJJaJal 'uorerg 'Atunruuor,'qsq8ug ur?al or pasryerol{.,r.r 7r3nu7aql papat -red al{rJo laqr agr ot lpurq o{Bt tou PP 'NPIturlal{l ula,rousueadornE usrqqous rlaj elrq,t 'salulr{t aqr Surrnpsrf,ofordVd/6. ul raqreSor slurua.^.erqf,? er{l qu.^ passerdrur pe1ro,/,rp"g oq.u slsnr?uetrrreuryeqt roC 'sumdornEraplo aqr ro3 lqrtdrrue treqr Sulrrasgo'af,uengulslq rapun usllearrns dolo,rapPpol( oq,.'rstsllreu?)IreruvJoalf,rll a,roetc arp3orse8unolor{t'Errtt { or'sanbtuq:at sz.Lr's9r8nu9 BSurlqwoss€ ur palseJJtur -osseeeu pu? )IleruolneI{rL4a luaulradxe ot rel{le8otl1:o3 apqsrysdegradPuE'esng reted(Dls^{olus){eruore3 'lle \rer{rory'selolzzg5llollod lq8norqs8utteeuuoourege lgaa,"r Itprnre5 a'qt'€l--zl6t Jo rarullr\ agr g8no.rqr3unse1 'olPnrsslq uI suolssas roJ ?uEW punoJ? peraqre8slslrre ueJlJerrrv3o dno.r8? aurlt slqt tnoqv es"'rlJolr?o rruofeqor PEqno^ 'sturelrc1lursur lralp8 ' ' ' 'esnoquryJo 'rr q8no;gr PuPl3,,sB 1p.u rsnf luppoc nod rulaquaSSnS eqr Pareguretuat'z161 1o reulurnsaqr uI ToI ,^aaNor Suluoc lsrg uoq.^a 'e8e3 u\o[ put rsurg qrIA palersog.,'r. ESv] EHJ SVUSOS ro JEE4A5 zt(,,'31g.ll!r? -IVHI sl8 JSnf OA llry Er11',,:papuodsareulzeS?rumalA ul tuaruestua,'rpe 'stuetutuot -3e4) Sur4eru u€ ar{l leur asec aq] s? Jnos Jo lrr.l'rs Ilolrs Ppo.4 PunoJ" ,,'aq 3r se-8ul Pue [e./t{or{1o] Paxgaq Ppo.{{rolepads arf rsqr a,tordtq8nu u Puerl{r ur -f,?uarudpure3,, tr? eqrt?qr PunoJeI{rng 'lea/derllJo polool Ip^r aqr tuo$ .,pareregll,, rue e ,,tu?nbrdrsour,,ar{rSuruedoegr PalIEllamaf uaply p re1^PgTaMtJ4't0^maN)qr q 'Pu?lq lauo3 put uV uraPolI Jo lunasnw eqr uea \]eq ssolf,E sElrelp8 aqr mes sareo3treqo1 pue 'u8lsepEralsarylq 1:nls lpnedsa arartr'rsrnorJo'slulr3 rE"'[EeX -uo51 lluafe5 pue 'rslqn3 'rtrerrsgv seoD plrolN ur?erq sulaquaSSnS193e4 'tuedursg srusl,,:eurlpeeqs#amsmaNlq parseSSns rattrq sI rqqnd aqt uo rrege rl{l ,,'Surrragurepoyt{E ur rrv urapolnl,,,fie1p8aqr uo peardsoroqdpue arnr?eJsrl Palpr saalJ 4t0 maN eqt elqrtyraple:) lq ayqoru arl^{ E PU?adzcsuea;pln8uel lulr 133a4'uonf,BJtsqvJo tuslpaJJnsJaI{tIaot pnred rou sE.raqsreql r 's8uureeorttrero.rtr .l.roqsoJ 'ssor) Peu uerrrrury aqr or r$ Sutrnqlnuor rsanSqlta {rgeurqE sBPIsIl s?,.( osp Lrnrua3 slr{JJo rry3o Suruadoqloz raqolro PaPl(ortragr 'lrrel lrea V lsnq Err^o lseloro oEfqqoleql uI ul?r?d[BI{S]"WJo ol Prlf,Eara eq PFo./t\aq.t\ol{srePuol( ur srsDr?ra8unol aqr3odnor8e Sulpealsplr?IAJ euo 'os ruop rr{ peg nr'Suruadorr{r puett? tou PIP dureqcnq arlperd pnsn srg8ut -.rolloJroJ ruEI s:r:l o,,ntrnoqesruefllorre3 tuo{ ]r tnoqePrerqrr.luaq.t duerl:nq pasnun lpear8 srgr Jo IM 'uarpplr ar{r u?qr pl.,lr erour eu?f,rq uoos stlnPe ,I{r 'lpursrrdrnstoN 'asn"f,aqr ro3lauoru etoruSursrer'lutdt:nred I{tEatuog TEIIoP tlrxe ue PePu"rurPsPI)|eqt lgauegE sBldlr lEql buLAotDIPUE'uI ulol ol Palu?1(srsannaqr 'paureldxa ere,&\ dols enulluof, or srepro rlrl{r ro3p tnq erea Pa.^aolp 3o aurosllpnrua,rE rtgr des ot persenbera;a,r laqt 'asrnorJO 'a.reqrleld or uaql plor dueqonq 1eore1A1 suollf,arlPsdruegrnq dotsor pope3r puz 'euodut or lpt rou put pq leld ol lsnf ere,l.r 's8uqrac selrelp8Suoyaqt uI srnol{oerqttnoqe-loJslpg .rreqr qrv'r pera q8rq 'sru"d 'sraTBaus -uos llBqssEq PU? I[EglDIs?q PUEslPqrooJPessorsPurlg slq Pueaq Pu" las;af legroogE ur JIesuIq pauytno srutf 1orre3 'urslPilrns Jo eaprsp1o-real-urale u" qlllA,',l,roqsarpJo stuooraarrput srrcdur paleld uerPltt{lxtsSulua.taIEI{rPuE'uoll -dacaraqr Surrnppg &1d ot spuarr;.rraqr:arpe8 ol suoso./{lral{ PelsBpeg dutqcng




drawings.36 'With

some knowledge of Surrealism and its automatic techniques, then, American artists found themselvesfrequenting Art of This Century.37Howard Putzel succeededJimmy Ernst as Peggys assistantin ry41, and he worked hard to interest her in the young Americans. After Matta brought Guggenheim to Pollockt studio, Putzel encouraged her reluctant acceptanceof his work, eventuating in the large mural commission for Peggy's apartment and his first exhibition at Art of This Century in November r94?,. Amerlcan artists-including Hare, Baziotes, Pollock, Motherwell, and Ad Reinhardt-began to be shown in force earlier that year, in Peggyt collage show and in her Spring Salon, and they soon dominated the specialexhibitions at the gallery. The spring after Pollockt first show, Peggy mounted Hans Hofmann's initial American exhibition, and in the gre t r944-4j seasonshe held the first exhibitions of Baziotes, Motherwell, and Mark Rothko.38 Against a backdrop of the achievements of European Modernism, Peggy presented to the public some of the most important members of the future New York School. Although the inertia of avant-garde activity had shifted acrossthe Atlantic, more than a few exhibitions were needed to create a viable center of advanced aft. A community of artists was constituting itselfl and along with postwar prosperiry a germinal market was forming. The late forties in New York witnessedmore shows by the young American abstract painters and less by the Surrealists,whose last hurrah was the undulating Kiesler installation of Nicholas Cal,as'st947 group exhibition, Bloodfames. That year PeggyclosedArt of This Century and Pollock was taken on by Betry Parsons,in whose gallery he introduced his poured paintings in January 1948. Four 'Willem months later the long-awaited first exhibition of de Kooning was held at the Egan Gallery. But it would take a few more yearsfor the extendedNew York School to show itselfin exhibition, at an old storefront on 9th Street.


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v9z 'lslue :qr or Sulp:o::y tz lron aqr dnq or paraJo ularsulqnu €u:l:H '(8t6r'suv-xnBeg_au:Ie9


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NOTES " tichau, EntarteteKuul Munich, 1937: A Reconstrucdon,"in Barron, pp. 4t-8r. This mrterful piece of reserch includes complete photographicdocumentation,and a painting-by-painting/text-by-text reconstructionof the exhibition. rr. Seecontrastingphotographsofthe Dada wall in Barron,p. y5. rz. For an account of the controversies,focusing on The Tiench,see "The 'Golden Dennis Crockett, Most FamousPainting of the Twenties'?"Art Joumal"Spring1992,pp. 7z-8o. ry. Bzrron, p. 376. r4. Von Ltittichau, p. 45. r5.Barron,pp. 386-388. 16. Reviewin Der Riihr-Arbeiter,luly zo, 1937,cited in Dunlop, p. 253. t7.To cite just two examples:Van Gogh's1988self-portraitnow in the FoggMuseum at Haruard wasacquiredby Alfred Frmkfurter, publisher of Art Neus, for New York collectorMaurice Venheim, and Matisset Bathersuith a Tilrtle now in the St. Louis fut Museum wm purchmed by PierreMatissefor JosephPulitrer,Jr. For accountsof the activity of German dealersin disposingofconfiscatedart, and ofthe GalerieFis"On cher auction, seeAndreasHiineke, the Tiail of Missing Masterpieces:Modern Art from German Galleries,"and StephanieBarron, "The GalerieFischerAuction," both in Barron, pp. tzr-t69. "'Degenerate 18.Georg Bussman, fui-A look at a Useful Myth," in C.M. Joachimides,N. Rosentha.l,and \Wi Schmied, GerrnanArt in the 2oth Century:Paining and SculptureryoS-t985(Munich md London: PrestelVerlagand the RoyalAademy ofArts, 1985),p. rzr, nises doubts about whetherthe confiscatedart actuallvwasburned. but most sources 6sert this s unequivocalfact. "t917: 19. StephanieBxron, Modern Art and Politics in PrewarGermany," in Barron,p. r5. "An zo. For detailson the exhibitiont travels,seeChristoph Zuschlag, 'Educational " Exhibition,' in Barron, pp. 9c_+)j,roz-ro3. z,r.Jimmy Ernst, ,4 Not-So-StillZry' (New York: St. Martin's/Marek, t98Q, pp. 94-96. "The zz. Cynthia Goodman, Art of Revolutionary Display Techniques," in Lisa Phillips, ed., FrederickKiesler(New York 'Vhitney Museum ofAmerimn Art, ry8), p. 65. 23.In a Septemberry39 articlein ArchiteauralRecord,Kieslerdefinedhis "correalism' "an conceptof m investigationinto the laws of the interrelationshipsof natura.l and man-made organisms." Cited in Lisa "fuchitect Phillips, of EndlessInnovation," in Phillips,p. 24. "Notes 24. FrederickKiesler, on Designingthe Gallery', 1942,cited in "Environmental Lisa Phillips, Artist," in Phillips,p. rr4. 25.PeggyGuggenheim, Out of this Century: Confesionsof an Art Addict (London: Andrd Deutsch, ry7il, p. 273. In addition to Guggenheim and Schiaparelli,the cataloguelisted m sponsorsof the exhibition Sidney Janis,Mr and Mrs. rValterArensberg,Mr. and Mrs. Robert Allerton Parker, Marian Villard, Katherine Dreier, Mrs. George Henry 'Warren, PierreMatisse,PrincessGourielli, Thomas F. Howard, Mr. and Mrs. John Latouche, Mary Jane Gold, Bernard Reis, James John Sweeney, John Barrett,and IsabelleKent. 26. Rudi Blesh, Mofurn Art U.S.A.: Men, Rebellion,Conquest,r900-r9t0 (New York: Alfred A. fnopf, 1116),p. zoo. 'Vriting only thrce ycars after the exhibition, Harriet and SidneyJanis,who werecloselyinvolved

in its preparation,saythat threemiles ofstring wereused.Perhaps.srnce therewerethreerooms,a mile wx usedin each.SeeHarrier md Sidner' "Marcel Duchamp: Anti-Artist," in Roben Motheruell. ed.. I/,r Janis, Dadz Paintersand Poets(Cmbridge, MA: Harvrd Universin' Press. 1988),p. 3o7. 27. Mxrel Jeen, The Autobiograpltltof Sunealism(New York: \'ikinq. "The .\n ry8o),p. 4o3.Harriet and SidneyJmis, p. 3o7.Robert Coates, Galleries,SixteenMiles of String," TheNew Yorker,October lr, r942. p. the opening ofArt ofThis Century and Tz.Here Coatesalsodiscusses in both installationsprefersthe older,more clmsicwork. In eachexhibition he singlesout earlyde Chiricosfor praise,though he alsolikesmore "lmdmark recentworls by Matta, Mmson, and Ernst. Among the of the teensmd twenties"at Art of This Century he mentionsMezingcr s The Cyclist,Gris's Boxle of Martinique Rum, and Piabia's Infant Carburetor,In a recentessay, BenjaminBuchloh hm suggested that Duchamps room of coal sacls at the 1938Parisexhibition md his installation of First Papersare commentarieson the obsoletenature both of painting itself and of the retosoectivex an exhibition form. SeeA.A. Bronson and PeggyGa.le,eds.,Mu:eumsbyArdsrs(Toronto:Art Metropole,1983), p'46' ,g."AvgoniredHumor," Neusweeh, October 26, ry42, p.76. 29. Interviewwith Carroll Janis,Decemberzr, I99o. 3o. Ernst, p. 234. 3t. Neu Yorh TimesMagazine, November y t94z; Newsweek,November z, 1942,p. 66. \Weld, 12.New York Times,October 25,1942,p. x9; JacquelineBograd Pegy, The W'aywad Gugnhdz (New York E.P Dunon, ry86), p. z9o. For somecontext,this issueof the New YorhTimesbegan with the head"Allies line Gain in Big North African Offensive," and included an accountof a protest by the Municipal Arts Societyover the Brooklyn Museum'ssymbolic deaccession of two doren Japmeseswords,scabbards,and hand guardsfor scrapmetal to help the war effort. 33.Interuiewwith John Cage, November29, r99o. "The Cycloptic Eye, Pataphysicsand the Possible: 34. Martiu Sawin, Tiansformationsof Surrealism,"in Paul Schimmel, ed. TheInterpreriue Linh: AbstractSunealisminto Abstact Expresionism(Newport Beach. CA: Newport Harbor Art Museum, 1986),pp. 39-40. 35.Dore Ashton,


and PerpetualResolution,"in Schimmel,p. rr.

36. On the lecture series,see Sawin, pp. 37-j8, and Ining Sandler. "Dada, Surreaiismand Their Heritage: z. The SurrealistEmigres in New York," in Anfomm, May t968, pp. z5-26. On the exhibitions.see "Howard Melvin P Lader, Putrel: Proponent of Surrealismand L-arll AbstractExpressionism in America,"Arts, March 1982,p. 89. 37, Their experimentationsince r94o involved dripping and ssirlins quick-drying lacquer, including sessionsin the bxemenr oi Pees\. uncle Solomont Museum of Non-ObjectiveArt, whereartisr-emplolecs dissolvedthe clssical recordsthat Hilda Rebayplaved in the sallerics. "'The Third Man,' or Automatism .{nreritan See Martica Sawin, Style,"ArtJoumal a7,Fill 1988,pp. r8r-r84,for theseearlvexpenmenrs of Pollock,Kamrowski,Baziotes,Jimm1.Ernst.and orhers. 38.For a completelist of exhibitionsat An of This Centun. see\lehin P lader md Fred Licht, PeggltGugenheim'sOther Legdo t\err \brk: SolomonR GuggenheimMuseum,1987),p. l-. ,{lthough Purzelleh the ga1lerybefore the showsof Bziotes, Motheniell, and Rorhko. he wm instrumental in bringing on the anists, and he reponedlv oilered


992 'k-zz dd'z16r :aqua:aq atuaf,r1 uouesrr uor urJolssedred prp s lu:r:qr pred arl ter{r paruep inaN ilV ,.'slatur?duonf,V u"rrraury :q1,, ,3:equosogpJorEH .rz laydo:1y pu? rtla1-Err?W groq (166r 'iz q:rr;,q) rr^oisraH nlrrr4 pue seuorlJ Jo auoq aqt ur uorssnJsrpdno:8 e le lnq .oo9--oot$Jo .,3yas:nod:oj1:nq 1:rnb r e{eu snor)suo:gnsratsuou:nol 1a1,, '6 E ot srsol prol lpuonrpp?pue tual ar{rparalo: Surleq sr:oda:q1arr3 pup ,.'tsou aqr g8no;qr led lar{r JDunatrlaerp tE sala :1ey,q,,,,.sasuadxa .dd ler3ap >1redsaurlrp rnol lal pue rnueuor ag,, ar" (.r^oq?l, puE $nvglr 'z|6r't'ou 'r'1ot) uo4aruolJsurl4ur stspJ"ot saar! tx:u rpJ?quradr?r{t 9 salou ur prrrl sarrNrrul) llluse1 pue 'laydo:1y ,ueJJaC,rTIersEJ '69'd ,{6r.2 .ou ,r .lo ,uouuutqfJwaa.oz 'aurD{ .rurDl ,^olroal .rTJaU rrr^pEJo sa:ard aqr €uoury JJesunl srll] rTlau-elrew :repuBs puB -B3r?IJ 'z9t 'd '{6r'l,r ftznrqag 'uotiyN Jlesuq sau?u rllalsJ :arrr:el;re1n:n:ed ft 1rrus:U prreuarraC luuey,q .6r ,,,trg,,.:aqreg slprer Er Ed :urD{ pu? 'llJad-etrery'Suruooy :p rurEJJ.u::rrC JJrsurq 'r! 'd '!96r:aquaiag wruoluV rllra orPntssuJrJscte tsuDaauaallruuof, aqt slJquJual atuef,r^ .g ,,'seqnzqJepeuJ qrra aar^Jatul,, nW qdunl:: e alrl sea tr .sn rog .e:ar{ 'uonrued Jolzo) ,, JEuy Jqr prlrrr) Br^Edpup eulry rlrIIA qtla sreal rq8la rsrl arp ;o3 3ur:alrTepuaaqper{ aa t€r{a3o ssaualnue^uraql 'lpa ar{t SurpJrnquo palsrsuroqa 'ssauqsag 'luauetrfxr If,or laaqs pue spnts eql Suuapro aqt :qr Surgrou :,,Ga1p3 jo enua pzq i1,, V qUlC r:ls:ry sea lr reqr slzs (166r'6r aunfjo marilelur) €Lreddq1rq4ftor:e3 s9;rz3 slnol te Sunuredq:ua.lg,&eroduaruocSuraasuo sarggdJ;raagt ssanleu E s asn str{ srarpeaJJo:opoSuo.lrsaqr q1e:arlaldo:ry pue ut Sunoljo:suodsa: aqr palprer sqnzq ppauC ,6tz-Ltz lryaap ':ro$ arnxg 'dd_srsnre 'qsalg ees uoqs aqt or parpog sr:tured qruarg :aSunol Imrnrala pw duel E sElr srrquauar s:apuegdoof.,'doqs rnq anbnuz :aru:o3roo3-o6e,, uonerol er{t slpi ssaH 'g ruoqa .(1,}-9i 'a^rsua3ap .z!6r sea uollda:ar &enrqag ur atrwJC 'dd 'r!6r rauung 'tm2NilV,,'ap:e3-ruele s,Iro1 aaN,,) uourqqxa rql lurrrrJl rlluJJC aq1 rp )uapg aqt or rr SurpuaseroJeqtaelts qtl! uo rr flg1a;1€ld-gs1l 'qruourTo($J:quauel srJr{topw lt1:a-ecrey,g g8noqi -rqqxg srr?d :o3 rry p;en8uel uouaury-aoqs Jaqtou? uo patero Jo aarlar srq u1 'sqruou oar roJ r.ltuou/ooz$ Suraqruar aql srequruer rTIOtseJaor{s 'reqll/urTuoJ ,aurezeglaqo1 -qBIIotr rllrlse3 sruef pw r(6r ur atE.I pup aqr ro3olg:o3 a:edsaqr paurerqopup :oqr?H SnuSsroJress?a sa^rrTaq t^lrs eplaurars'la?ls ap/o]qlou,pefa51pp:equrag lolsuryppol orla 'prolpu€Jaqr or ruan Surqnrls te4 or Surpro::y '1, trnlpd/qrr"O targurspsurg JoJssEd Jolsftd 1o4'saSepogTaurD4 Jarssrwl4l/$^er) ' laqao5/usrrrJ'uolno3/uolp^?J,slolfv$loorg 'rS aram s.lrcd r:gro seSurqnarg $6 rs?E09 Surrsa8Sns eqt pw 'rll"rC puE S n Jr{t ur srrlur?d 3unotr rm uonrqrqxaaqJ .gr ueaf ot srurod (166r'i qr;ep1)3olssedted pu? :aurD{s:aquaua: (166r 'zz &enrgag) laldo:Jy :rTIaU-erJeW rrper: (o66r ,l requeraq) rtlalw3 '91 'd Tooqq 4totrna11J oe1 puz (166r '( g:rey{) atuarr^ rlDqatsg:reqt:8ot rTleu-err?l^lpup ,ssa1q.Lr 2qJ 'ralpuBsur paronb llrararpol{ .Sb.d Butuooy zp ua17q11 aury rprrtr (r66t 'tz rprcy1) rTleg-elrEryp"ruo3 prre (166r't g:reyq) srapuzg doof 'sarzp 8urmo11ojaql uo paaardalur asoq] Suouy .9 's8urqrra:8 Surqsrld -uo:Je sr pu? arp lq Surqtauosro3,,cq srslue3ouoDerau:8mau e;o3 'papln8sru sr preA{req 1oo1:r31ersousuarraCter{l pslueuruof, mordq4 ue11y'(8-l 'dd) anssrr)qruef,aq aqr ur perur:d:al:1 e u1 Iz 'd'9!6r;agur:ro51 \itv ,uar:agugof.9r ,,,apre11uz^Vue ro1qdelrdE,, s L - € L ' d d , ( 8 9 6,ru V .g wuoqa '{r urapowJo unasnw :lro^ aaN)/zruoox ,p uqllA .ssa11 'spollod rqr pr^ol l1p:::od:r rpuprory pue 'slsrue uerpll Sunol arp 8uourc uouusu:s e peteaJJsue:lraury pren8 -uB rqJ 'qloJlod Jo uonrallotr rer{ paaoqs uraqu:38ng 133a6elp raq lz 'l1tua:rn:uo3 'urftt{ uqof pyo-rz:l-og agl So se,tr osp arar{I rlste) aa-Jpw <unJqe.Iolry ,uoolg ueudH partalestruN rr71o :arpqqnd eqt :aunllwrJ pa{IV pu" :lrollod pw ,11:o5 .€ur -uoo) JP )sorlf JJEgpa{M 'arrue1 ut uaorls a:an suecr:auryuamq .ir 'tzz'd'(Lg6r latsnq)Sprrcuours :>FoI xa1tr| [t1dot&oq V 'yo/lo(I uoqsaf ,uouolog rlproqae eas .uao] otur drrt ;alel e uo aoqs ar{t palrsrl el€rl tsnu aq os ,Suluadoaqr roj sSur:dg eqJ ur asnoq slq te pwlsl 3uo1 uo ltr€q se.{r{lollod .uoruolos rler -oqec ot Surpro::y 'o66r '! :aqu:raq ,rlJ,rs] oa-Jgrrn nan-ralu1.€r 's8unaau puoltrawS.lo roJ asn ot qnlJ :rl1 or da1 aqt :apary ale8 erae4ter{r morrry sea uarraC ugof 'errz4 or Surpro::y r66t ,6 aun[,eur4 dqrq4 r{lra rer^la]ul .zr 'ot. 'd '(gL6t 'nog rg :ad:e11:1:otrrrlag) saufg aqt uotd\wg pu! sulutptr :/ootlrs |toL maN atlJ 1Japueg3urru1 u lo 'Lvz 'd'(956r ydou; 'y par31y:Iro arN) '$anbilo) 'uo4!2qay 'uary :'V'S.n ltv ulpol4[ ,qsalg rpn1 .or


(a,toqzL pw 9 salouur palr: saer ratuD '8ul8urq aqr ur asu?plnoa reqr sarndsrpalq€tr^auraqr armpn(pe ot rrpJo ur pels Suragrqars3 sJIEreJsJepuBSdoof pue 'uousaSSns1lrusr; rqt 3o &ors aqr am8 13d aJsqslOJSrqrruJruru peaer^J3turs1sDfteqt Jo lsou puE JOISSEd 'uonfalasNruB ur pa lolur Ip tE tou sEArllrrs) reqr lzs l:1do:ry pw

'of 'd :apueg aas'suorssas z!-r!6r aqrjo :ruosSorsqe :og '! 'sJaquau JstJ€qtraJaaoz aql jo zr lluo regr sles '9f 'd (a1do:1yrnq 'tsrJsrqt salD ,62-Lz 'dd :apwg ('lsrTrarElu uo prpp" sr eru:redg a8roa5) no1:on1 1:ef pue ,lanugg -uag uorsv 's:apueg doof '.tapueg3r,,*pn1 'nesog sauref ,stuelaod uef'rprequrag pV']rrusa1 uorll4 'er^?d dqpq4 'rrraraeg 'g ,rqag -eore4 operroJ 'unra:'I srpue'I 'aessrl uerql '8uruooy4ep uallrl)N ')uID{ zuprC'addrrg :ara4 'IpC snC 'ueBE say:eg3'uo1em3 or3;org 'l:1do:;y s sraguru r:trerlf aqt tsrT'uV umrrauv Jo sa^rylrv ar{I ,r(6r uy 'f te rrsodapuo 'qnl3 l{t uo{ sprorrr looqatou sppe4 d1111q4 '/l-5, 'dd ,\gh ,t nsu.tyt{ punofV '2nsl ..'gnl) aqr,,,la1do:1y'1pue,(.-Lz 'dd,596r:aquerd:g 'ruruoluV 'spetepjo acua8rarrp:uos .r'qnl3 erll,, :alpuug 3uru1 eas r{rla 'qnJJ aqr;o &orsrq pue Surpuno3arlt Jo slunorre rog 'Suqous palgrgo:d ua a pu? 'elqet ? t€ aldoadrnoj u?ql arou ou paaolp aH 'sauroJrr{l q8norqr wa oo:6 :a3z palquass uago laqr ararla yoppl6 aq: le Suroau uog stsn;" aqr ruala:d ot patduaue ra8eueuraq1 '€ 'gg-!g 'dd '(o66r 'uuea sued) tlais?Oo27tlaau/auuorur yrag rywlJ ''p: fupur11uuy ras 'aorls FanS grurN rqt ur eJorsnl1o lunoJtresrTIalsJ :og 'o66r 'J Jaqruatrac'rTlatse]oa-Jr{lra art^ralul 'z 'llf.-h(. 'dd'tdtns -tre:r (! orpnrgaqr slur:da: osp uosqrg I rardeq:'(066r'ssaJdr{lrersay IWn :roqrv uav) slprtpotral uny-tsluv aq1 :usruorsstdxE naasqy u sznsl 'uosgt) uapd uuv Jas 'suosas rre r!--o!6r puu o!-6f6r aqt Ja^of,ol lueau sa Jaqunu ,los Jsorla 'uonnqqnd srr{lJo tunof,f," ue roJ '(r!6r 'zrpqrs uroquauLX\:{ro aaN) rrrrs, Ittrl 'pruauv at flsurv utpory ''sp) 'rprpqul:U py pue '[[aN)rpot{ u:qog '1:dr; preurag 'r 6 a{oq7 '26'd 'plar{re eu ,,'1oan4pEAoH,, tepe-l aas rra.4^rplr{a qarruo3 qdlopy ot pue Suruoo; ap urllr/N ol suonrqqxr

9sr 'otFttlt ?F 'er,re4 -r?rp lrue \r aql 'rsrrdrerueerf S4s2A {r"g or spury tualf,IgnsqrIA raquaw dpo arp dqrq4 rordpf,s ar{rJo dpq aqr qrr^/rpasl?rserndauourla1 oo5$ 'alenboptseruaoeld uq wo{ moqg paus FutN atf aP ua[Il1 'uolp EJ nt umw ssonvSuuuud aBnTnqt arp teqr prpnrp-srepw5 doof pue '{rrusad uorlr4 'Suruoo;,1 'ace14

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ru'rslJorr',:l'_:il#iT3i:,,6rtpl,:t^,"", zu'r{rau"'^\esssr eurDr


'oS6r'nzr'papnun uvof qrxrs uo "rrrray3 Jroplpln\ eqr Jo ra8rueur agr lg ruarusserel{Luo{ le,tre 'ale8a:8uor 71aqa1y6 ol slsnrt roJ u^\o rraqrJo ereld e aq or PePuersl'qnl3 eIFJo uouearf,aql l'lesurunlnE rurEsrEr{l 'urnrsodurft o56r aqr lq pelretu sEt\ esluraPssolrr\ sornl3elSurua,ralep -rrC arrse '!€ orpnr5aurneq rI gnrpooAr alBH pue 'qrnu5 luol 'rregapul uaqog Jo -sreq)?ol u? Arsrallun >lro 1$.eNaargr lq 616 p1 uI ralo ue{Et selr\actds tae:t5 orrrrlpo parsellsruv eqryo srrafqng'u?ur^\aNrraureglg rpg rseg!€ srrrnq 'srelseuros peuro(rarey'o{Fod lrery pu" 'lle \relpory urqod 'erEH pI^EC 'salorzegIuEIIIIIN 'loor{f,S /rlaN :rsruv eqr srca(qngw 9161 al{r ur Patlsllqersa lq pazrue8ro rrv V 1o ITEJ Jo 'q1el asaql 'sernrralrq8lu uonrperreqr penunuo) 'suolssnf,slp laueddlpnrua,raPue deprrgsrrpuau? or sragruaulq parrrruruaeqpBI{luetu put 'laarrsI{r8 tseE6€re raru 'asrnof, 'srer{rorqr ue 'qnl3 eqrJo .4aeull legr uonezlue8ro(srsnJe PUBrreg Jo 'aruoraq a8reyltoq rsn('Surrdstegl aqr puE u^\oru.&op paqsqdtuorf,? p"q plro,^a ile u.troldneq] ol PUEtrBg roerr5916tsEEot leivr rraqr epeu oq,{\sropellof,pu? sra[PeP el{r rnoqe rrpg plot aq put-sqder8 ol uonpltler e se^rrI z'uolugn{xeaqr yo srsauo3 -oroqd uorrelplsuro.^^lurrr{qtr.^ peq ar{rer{rqprse3 ot elglPer)ulsruoesilns rr 'dtpor urla-pernlf,rd serrrlror'r. esoqa srsurEer{rJo srrueuaqr q}la g&rSoroqd EJo {leg er{r Pe>lrBruTIalsEJ rreqJ 'raurotr il{t Punor? ura^?J laarls r?PaJ ar{l ol PalEarler daqr puu 'uras p"q rr au aq 1ro^r asoq,la. srsru?asel{lJo IIe rnoqe 'uonezlueS;o s,&\oqs eqt qrv(PatsrssEpEr{oq./('{arse3 o{ PDIst aH'slslrre el{rJo^\aJosaetI)I ar{ r"qi polloqs sp^\rr?g taplaq dqroroq 'rorernlJaII{rs.WVOWqrp{.t\oqs reertsIpUIN aqr3oSuruadoaqr ot u.&operu?ceq utqa rng 'uolpellof,uV ureporyJo Lunasnryaql otur san8talo3rlal{r pue 'Suruooy ap 'llollod lq qro,r,'Suuq padlaqaq 'urnasnurstr{ etmo^Pt uy'aldurexe Jo aaDluruo3 suolltstnbryeqr eroJeqSurruredl*-roduraruor3o'r[::zg per31y'soi6r poo8 e sr 'unrsodurdsaqr ul Suntdnrued rsnreuoulluo agr eruospue oJnou Terlllrr ot .rrolteraua8rsrg,,eqt rq8norg Peq oq./'t atEIeqr lg ssaccns aldoad'auo etrlepu? ^\orr€ue se,u,uo'ruSoter wqr ot au'r trtt.ilt$:;rt*r Bur8ue: -Japr,,ra. pue ssedruorulro sl Jo ^{er^ rsrg s,llunturuot srql pue 'dnor3'rarerrS'reqr pue uotuuSo:erqtoqJo sturruoru Jo lualxr aqrgo rqqnd e lq acnou-ssruere^{?-Jles parlr"ruJlrsrr uonrqrqxetr{J 'srslu?3o lpoq ra8rel e or l*3a1 rlaqr Jo Surssedaqr papu8lsrr rol 'loorpg lro1,&\eN pultura8 aqr prteerf,peq oq,&asoqr3olueru PePnlf,ul r1 'rfuorslqslqr dsnc eqr uo SIIBJ1561 ,togg teorrs r{lulN aql 'aP"leP lxeu aql 3o 3o or Pr?1r\roJ eqr qtl.{\ eruof,Plno.&\t?r{l suorsr^rP Pe)loolosP ll rnq te^\ rql Jo sassaf,f,ns pur uolsserdaqeqr Suunp slsnrt prrut^pt Jo uollelosleqgndaqr or {leq palooylrru -nurruoJrnoqe,{rrortts,u?rul\aN,'&runruruor rnogel:anb ? sEuotlrEJlsqBqlIA{ uJJJ -uof, sqarproD,{dlopV rsef,arrreru,^aaN pSryrrruarlpursearcul uz ueureg 'uorssnf,slP

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glr uLIoJ slr{ ot sEragrp serJotsrpl{r 'sruaua8urrrt Sur4eurur orpnls srsnJ",r{r tuo{ u.,'roldnaqr qtr.^arerlrurg sp.lrl. eq arurs 'ef,u?lsrsse roJ pe1roa IIIaTsEJpue 'sar:a1;e8 'dlrq or snorxr.I? luH pqsE sB,req 'uonrqrqxaeqt roJ ouop eg or pepeou IIIeU-ElreI{ 'qnlJ or{r sroqruaulsrlr?uou tsrg rr{r euo sp.&rlletse] 'slsDrE lro.& ueq./dpuE Jo Jo ol{r qry( aurrr puads or pJlrl put srr1eapar{r r\au1 rorlalloi) E sB,&eq r!6r ur fta1p8 srgpeuadoqetse3 o{ eroJeqsrealxls se./"r srr{J puz 'la1dorry :r3Prr"s31,V'pn1 s'rtlerseJoa'I Pu" "rolror"ra lcef 'atutf,rA utqersE 'If,ruseg uot1ry 'uarragugof'Suruoqq )p urellrlN papnlf,ure rrf,t llrtprrrrtd asoqr'rurD{ pue rllag-?rrery r{rl^aSuopqn13 aqt punore pu? ur slsnr? 8ur,lrrou Suop sreruor,r\au lg 1ro.ll 8uular,r lla.tncr 'slurdroured aqt asor{f, qur rer{roonrruruoJleruroJuru? sB.,'a. eraqtteqt flecersraqr6 'Suluadoaqr arogoqs&p mag e rrans qr6 rseg09 ot 1rold euo Sur8urrquosradqrea qlvr\'lsrue ot tsnreuror3passed se,ntsnf p;{] stuno))EoruosuO 'peJnlf,nJlssselrpnu se,r ssaco;deqt ,{rlpnrcr ur PUE'gnl] arf sPrstnoPu?urqrv( grog luog ernssaro rePunu.^oP e{orq tr ra e./(orl 'ualsls eqt sel'rsrqt 'lrqqxa ot tsan8euo etrlur ppo./draqturtu 8uno,rr{ceateql pe JJ -prtop se.^a tr orerll'tqnlJ Jrll lr SurraeruSuruueyd? srequeruerry'e4 dry1q4 'uourgrqxeeqt ur PaPnllur eg ppo,t oq.Lrrsnf peure)uof,anssrrofutuaqr llernreu ]ng 'o1'rrro {aa/( e ur raqraSor or Surprorfe pu? 'tsrl dlqsroquou s.qnlJ rr{l tnd se,urue e aloq^\ er{t 'r{eg-err?1A1 Sutsnpatreluocdppearag ppotr slsruy r'eoedsIIE^ asearf,ur ot uouruede Surplng pue 'stq8q 'otrqa surunlorpu" slTe/(oqr Surrur?d'ace1daqr dn uealcor reqraSor Surqetsur paTo^\ s;azrueBro eqa lpprnb uaddegot p?r{.{oqsar{rpue uonrtouap roJpelelssE.4 Surplrnqegt 3)urs'r{tuorue olg le sr{tuotuo./ rqt tuo{ lueweseqpu? loog rsrg erfl paruarllarerpauur rTIeU-?rrEIl11 pu" ourl){ 'uerraCpuz rllrd-Errtry Jo sop -nts er{rur pue gnl3 ar{rr" pleq are.r s8urlaeru'prsrcrsur Erprrr{t ra3ry 'drgsraquau p-raua8eqt aprstnoruog stsnr?papn]lur pue uonf,ury qnlJ E tou se.tru rng 'qnlJ eqrJo srogrueru3uuo.r,pue rotrpqr lq poaue8rosp1(.^oqs reerrsqlurN or{f 'uonseSSns eqt eTetuplno a euoeuosregrd1e1llser"r 'aseclue stsnrer{tr./y\ agr I 'lep .&a,raSurppnqtuetrE *{t lq 3ur41em u1 pasod n'aceds -o.rde.rcqor pressrosp Sulqnar5pue '8urqner5ueefpue 'If,rusr1 uo]lrl4l :alsery ltrua 'uar.rag -perC err,&\ ssorJv'roop sorpus rrar{r uqof raa.rrg qr6 lxru p"q qlrrnSuop 'og.,"r 'aulD{ qle1-Blr"I,^{ zuerC ere lpuanber3 pu" p"ruo3 peuonuaru lsour 'taons qr6 rseE o9 8unse88ns qtr.^ porrpor asogr3uouryotrs alqeqorde se,,"r. pooqroqq8reu(stsnreor{l uI ruogarotslrdua ue pue 'rrt eqt ur selrrerpr aqr dlurrr.rarrng {ppq eq uonrqrqxeuE dq pauorserco regr pasodo;dpue eceldaqt or se&r,r sel:or5'eouersuaddrq se.,',r lel 'Peaurlg e or papuodser./\^or{S rrels grurN ar{t JFstr qnl] aql a{l-I !'sf,DrJf, PU? SrSqJ?JO aJEJ

rzln8er egr Sunuau8ne arnt?rrtrT pue (qdosopqd 'orsnru uor; sra4eadsqrrr\ 'sargg eqr Sur.rnp Ar.anoe len]Jallrtur {ro1 .neN Jo rrtuef, E aurmaq stuale rsar{J 'reqrurur e dq parraur uerq per{ ar{ reqt perurelo oqr* auolue ol uado pue '1561lrrun er,re4lq pa8urr:r 'qaued ro salnllel JoJpa Jese:era.u s8urue,re&prrg 'rq8ru eqt olur re33unse1 suorssnf,srprpl.ra.'oâ‚Ź:6 s8urua,ralepsaupal6 uo tJru sregruJru,qn13 's:asoduroc puz te 'srJtu.iv\'slnuf, 'sJaIEJp {oog pue tr? pJpnpur pue olr ot esolJ se.rtrdrqs.raquaur praua8 z56r trg'rellery sepaf,rel,^{pue Suruoo) ep eur"lg Jo uor}rpp? aqr qtrld IpJ alnr ter{l os ro;ead e urpr.r"r q8noqr 'dlqsregruaru ruo{ ueruo/d apnpxe ot aperu serrrldtuele ue 'sorun ogtJo pr1dl1 ('auo,ira,relsur?8?pelo^'Isepue esntreq pe8ueg: sel'rsrql I rnq 'drqs.ragtuJtuperuep eto,r a.ree8auauo lluo rsJg ly) 'parce(qo sJegruaruSunorr or"rl u?ql aroru ou uor{.,lrsateprpu?Jpasodo;d ruog pelnupe srJqurJru preue8 qll&{ 'gnl:) aqr paura,ro8 grrqr* luo; or lrrrgr 3o raltrruruof, Suuoa r ot papuedxa sertr.dno.r8 pu 'salqt] pue srr?r.{tr -1ul eI{J u'stseqSunetor E uo sanllqlsuodsa; Surrr:ado patelolle pue 8qp1oj paserlcrnd 'alrq^\ uroor er{r peturcd 'suorlrlred Suusxa palo{uer sreqtueru rel



lrascibles,"1950.In Li[e, -lanuary rt, rgtr. (fom top lefi) IVillem de Kooning, Adolph Gottlieb, Ad Reinhardt, Hedda Sterne, Richard Pousette-Dart, IVilliam Baziotes,JacksonPolloch, Clyffird Still, RobertMotherwell, Bradley WhlherTomlin, TheodorosStamol Jimmy Ernst, Barnett Newman,JamesBrooks, and Marh Rotbho. The photographshowsffieen ofthe eighteen artists who refusedto submit paintings to the Metropolitan MuseumofArts exhibitionAmerican Painting Tbday-r950. TheT boycoxedthe showbecause ofthe jury that wasto select c7nseruatiue the worh. covering expenses,and ii th. selection ofartists, câ‚Źrtainly Castelli was actively involved in many facetsof the exhibition. And in hanging the show he was a crucial figure, since he exhibited nothing. For no single artist could have organized the installation without major problems, and Milton Resnick seemsto have approached Castelli for just this reason. It is easyto understand the reluctance with which he agreed.e Castellis position as impartial installer was a taxing one, for with about seventy artists and relatively limited space, discontent was inevitable. On the day of the hanging, Castelli and a group of artists set to work. Marca-Relli, who wanted the installation to be done by the artist organizers, remembers that Franz Kline started the process, picking up his large black-and-white picture and putting it on the wall. But Castelli soon began to give directions, and Marca-Relli left in a huff. In the end Castelli seemsto have coordinated things, also taking the brunt of anger from artists "Hung the show! . . . I unhappy with the location of their pieces.As he said in ry56: hung it twenry times. Each time it was done, an artist would come in and raise hell about the placing of his painting."to Et en after the exhibition opened some artists insisted on changes,as Pearl Fine did in switching her painting with that of Alcopley, moving his next to ke Krasner's.At least every anist selectedhis or her own work and delivered it to the show Most paintings were just walked through the streets-Castelli and Joan Mitchell carried her large canvasacross9th Street from her studio on the west side-for the majority of artists lived within the downtown area bordered by Sth and r2th sueets between First and Sixth avenues.rr



This larger artists' communiry was the one that the exhibition sought to present, something less parochial than even the broad-based membership of the Club. Significant here in his absencewas Phillip Pavia, who did not initially exhibit in the show despite his help with planning and construction. At the insistence of Frederick "Mr. Kiesler, who referred to him as Club," Pavia was dissuaded from exhibiting. Kiesler argued that the show should display the achievements of the New York School asa whole and that efforts should be made to disassociateit from the Club. His view fit with a long-standing prejudice within the Club against anything that might suggest self-promotion or partisanship; even members fortunate enough to have shows could not post exhibition announcements on its premises, and no paintings were hung there. Pavia agreed to drop out, though during the show he placed a figurative sculpture in "uptown boys," inviting the exhibition. Kiesler himself sought conuibutions from the artists like Gottlieb and Motherwell by telegram.12 In a sensethe vanguard New York art world was relatively homogeneous in r95r, living downtown and united by poverty and a lack of commercial interest in their work. For the vast majority of these artists, their only public was thâ‚Ź community of other artists, and studio visits were the sole means of exposure. For them, the Ninth Street Show was as unique in prospect as it is historically important in retrospect. But for a small group of artists there were exhibitions and a germinal public, and Peggy Guggenheim! work with the founders of the new painting was carried on in the uptown galleries of Betry Parsons,Charles Egan, Samuel Kootz, Marian \7illard, and Sidney Janis. Saleswere slow, yet there was growing recognition that a body of American painting was challenging European hegemony, and that there were masters of the new genre. In fact, Kieslert invitation to exhibit with the many unknowns from downtown struck Sam Kootz as insulting, and he prohibited his artists from showing there. Gottlieb and Baziotes concurred, but Motherwell broke ranks and was applauded at the Club for so doing. Betry Parsonswas willing to include her artists, but Rothko, Still, and Newman refirsed. Bradley \Talker Tomlin and Jaclson Pollock agreed,however. Pollock told her to send something down, and Parsons chose a Iarge painting, Number r, rg4g, from hjs third show at her gallery. The horizontal work mistakenly w4s hung on its side, but the artist allowed Castelli to leave it that way since wall space Also exhibiting from the more well-known members of the first generwas so scarce.13 ation were the sculptor David Smith, and the painters Philip Guston and Hans Hofmann, whose ..hool *as a rraining ground Foi .o -rny ofihe younger arrists in the show. Among the successfulpainters, there was no question about the involvement 'Willem of de Kooning. He was the central figure of the downtown scene, an artist whose purity of purpose and commitment to the painterly processbecame a model for the generation of the fifties. De Kooning's inabiliry to finish a picture was legendary and it often was told how he had wiped many a masterpieceoffthe canvas.Most noto.Wbman rious, perhaps, was his nvo years' work on { completed and painted out literally hundreds of times before the art historian Meyer Shapiro encouraged him to return to the canvas and finish it. This work, purchased by MOMA and one of the most widely reproduced pictures of the decade,was begun just after de Kooning let his great abstraction Excauation leave the studio for the Venice Biennale in June r95o. There it hung alongside the work of Pollock and Gor\y, stunning the Europeans with what had been accomplished in New York.ra During the Ninth Street Show, Excauation dominated MOMAs exhibition Abstract Painting and Sculpture in America. For the gallery and museum public de Kooning was an abstract painteq his reputation establishedby black-and-white abstractions shown at the Charles Egan Gallery in 1948 and by the colored abstractions exhibited in Venice, at the \ilfhitney Museum, and at


\Y'illemde Kooning.'Woman, r94g-to. Oil on canuas, 64%x 4o in. Weatherspoon Gallery Greensboro,North Carolina

z9r .uedJaluno)q)uarCE qlvrr s:alured lSelertsrroqt 'ztoo) pnuresJo p€eleqr Surru.olyog Iref,rraruvuaaugJo qceaSuuredftrl1rD ree:r5qrl,( ssluefre regor]O ul srueflauprg pur IIIetsE) oe-I lq pazlue8ro.,*or{sE sE\ uorsurroeqJ .slr"d Sulssed:ns srllestuaql rcs sratured{ro1 ,&\aNegr o!6r lq pw .Sunuledq)uar{ Jo qretullerl ar{t ara.aetsel puz lrneag JoJ'sf,rlJrltseE uprF eJor.u JeD?ruE sElr\JtsBl uourele.laq1 Jo 3o rou'qrnJrJo _r{.'JtsEt spunor8aqt uo areSurrumdJossacordaqt ur suorsrleprofeu er{J . . . .le]luJf,seruof,Jq 'parcedxeun aorl rel?ru ou ,se,\uef, er{t pue Jleseuouaa \taq srntrf,ol?r{ ^ ot &qaprC,, t"qt urr€paqr qlp q1r11lpa,rag ul Surrurzdlro,1 ^\aNJo uonrqrqxeo!6r e pa:npo:rur Ilr,ll;arpo/{ Iryorserlyaruardnsrqt ue E,,.acuarradxepu? uon?suesrorretur slsure aqtJo af,ualetnba ro uorletuasa;dar rt?rnf,f,?u?-en[ ]nq ,lrynn"og og or pasoddns ra8uolou ser"rarnlcld oqr :slrqteot struaqlsee tuo{ Uqs ?, sp \ stsureasaqrdq pauors -ef,f,ouon?ruroJsueJt aqt 'looqtrS>lro1./€N agr 3o ue8ro osnoqaqr Dlrl Surqteuros olt.;rsmaNuV pa1,D^uo),:otrpa SulSeuEuJ se ,oq { sseH .g seruor{I JoC

,rr'ruril'i;Hi*::ffi;J; lffi,l,Tt;Hff:lJ -,urcd rrer{,ro pa*Eoq sra,urcd

'8ul1aey 'qe; ,rllnn rno,ot anrt lla,rurnlur luser g1 tr se./t\Ioluof, lpo aq1 l?qr Jo ' ' ' 'pelurEoa.upu? 'se,r r?qt rr^alEr{,r ar{l perEJa1N,,:uoe?nlrs 3pS erp qtr \ sB^uef, pa,uarradogr segrrrsapuolteroua8sq ro3 qderrdesuarreCugof .Surruredu.4o]u.trop jo ll-rSorur pue lrsauoq uo srsrqdruasn{-teans Jo reuueq er{t euereq uorssardxa gt8 r?au arr14 &rsra,rrun uo paterol llenrce-ura,c1 raarrs rppal otp tE $lurrp ra o pue qnl3 aqt tE suorssnf,srp uI .Sumlerpetrsrnbxapue ,Aogla rsool,,srq prp se qJnru spSurturedserugJoprppuetsrqt tasup pr?1(olrpnlntB s8uruoo;qaq ,,.sread ro3 dyo,rrrern8gpur lpre;rsqe qrog pe>lro1(p"r{ rr{ reqt .raurl daqr ro3 .a8ue-rrs 1p rEslr{tpug ot pauraossrsrutrr{rJo auog .6i6r ruo{ rr?ruo.,'r E3oSurruredprnrse8a3:e1 B rrqrqxeot asoq)Suruooy ap roons qr6 uo rng '{--o56r ur srrpgglE pue .VruOW 'uotsn1 txa .uat1l u slto! 'qnp eql owx -P lrt:l"l a4dop palilutp! uautom$tg[ aqt atam Sutuooy ap autplg pup.taii?W se?arfiW 'Suruooy a? euulg 'uotsng dutq4 '"r?H.O qu?.q 'Suruooy a? uelltAt tail?h{ saparraw 1tt13y ot gfafl 'so!6t 'ryo meN 'ut2/1?JQ2tlS tTPe)


Cedar Street Thuern,New York, ry50s. (lefi n right) Nicholas Carone,Franz Kline, Christopher IOAb. Cedar Street Thuern,New Yorh, ry50s. (lefi to righ) Norman Bluhm, Joan Mitchell, Franz Kline.


v9r 'g ugof ueq,u ^aeuaql te tuasardarol stsnrt Sunol rnogr af,l^p?srg rg8noss.ral141 puy rz'lllawJargaof pue 'ur8rrreg af,?rD'erls{l pegry 'Suruooy ep eurBIE'q8nou 'orrN aP ueqod sEr.lf,ns'^ oqs learrs qturN ar{t ur -Pooc ueqou 'segnzc laParrc :alty real e rraddeppon oq.r,rduerupepnpur sraluredaarqr-lrua,ureqr 'lra1p3 aooy etlt roJ orrdeggralalAl pue 3:equaar3lg parernr uonrgrgxerueIEI .reN lueuodrur aqt 'stslu?asaqrJoregunu a3re1e3o rnqapo!6r Suudsaqr u1 ,.'Suruoo;qepJo sraaol 'olqro1 pu" 'ueruaaN 'lllls 1o3raSunol ar{rol ruaruaSernof,ur lernrrr a,re8osp er{ Jo uonf,errpprnts:8uou aqt ol {rollod ruou pa otu rrntry or{lrogadoqlreurlrd srgellqr'r puv 'sarygeqr Suunp ef,roJlrrpurruopE ag or penunuof,aq 'saruoJaql ur uorruraua8 tsrg aqtJo altf,o^pt ue seuouztndersrr{paqsrlqetsa p?q Sraguaa.rS q8norpry 'uoneSltsar'ul er{rJo,/rcp"qs pruro3 q8nolp uorrerl-J]as ol stsrlre-qtuog pournt rl{r raPun ile-ell'ueqog Proru rrar{r urou ssarf,nslPrf,raruluof, Jo arnl agr ;urf,g 'Ef,ueuryre,tusodtsnuJoJuollpurseanur up pue rusrunruruo3r{roq uro{ pareuerlv 'el?3J, ot erarn laql ^ JoJ uonE^Doru e uoDrsod r?q pezrpurSreru (stsDJE lJoI .&eN eqr ur punoJSraquaa.rS spstoorrreql pue SreguesoXqrog 'sanrrr{lar{rJos1ent)alletur p ot pel stsru?tsrualJoued ar{ruo urIEtS ot an[ zz'sf,naqlsae otur srnqod ruog lEaJ]eJ qlv( uorsnllrsrpqll{ a ur 'polrad eqt Suunp sof,uetsrunf,rrr prrrrlod qtv'nuoncouuo:) stl Jo ere./d? se./dosp Sroguaa.rg'ursrurepouJo or3o1aqr tuo;3SumssrsEurrruof,-Jles Sulsearcur r{f,ns.tteser{ rllrL{\ ('.noqglaelg qlurN orlt ur pepnlcursp.r r{f,rr{./rr3o auo 'sodmspuelprp eg 'lleoruorr ral 'parurcdosp SraquaarS)'uorroury leuor]eluoserdor Jo puH lue uo ssalprr-rroddns reg uo rured sEeJnteustr uo-suonrpuof, lerrer -tru slr uo eJotupue erotu sn)oJot lueetuse,u. SunuledpJJuEp? ter{tSunurelf,'seruoJ dyreaput senrrr{trtel rr{r ur uortrsodsrg padola,rapSrequaarg'looqrs lrol .!\aN dyrraaqr Jo lro./'r'egr go Surpeerrsrleru]o;srr{qtr^{ pera as peg Sraquaerstuarual3 yo'1' maN 'artn.tasatWttrl attT 'fua1 or perdwerreSrequasoA erag l"ql plrol( aqt qrv( uonreuuor or{rqsrlq?rsaar

til -l?g suost?(If,aag f,sal"mo3'tu1 zat1 /,/,6r'6tfu g auua8aa ay't uee\reguorrlulrslp fta,rau.r^op ue{oJg seq8u'uled^\auor{J'rr"rrrr,.iti;:'rjlJil ef,uelsgnsprrslgdelaur atues ar{rJo sl SuDuled-roe rqJ,, :slerraterusrq qtr,r ratunof,ua 'u?umeN noury tq qda"L8ont14 r uf,E rr? g8no:qr eluosse srq peteerf,tsru? er{t 'uorsryuor prnqod pu? Ieroru Jo plro,,t\ '6t6r 'g tmSny 'eJt-l uJ ,,isai?is e Sulruorguo3 ,,'tuele uftnq arnrld e tou selr{sE uef, erlt uo oB ot se/r\reqrh\ ' ' ' 'ltrE ?alun eW ur uluryd Sumq or rp]r{.,'t ur euare rrc se Jer{touE raSr rerured uef,rreurv auo ol readde or ue8eq se ratvatS aqt aq sJ'Tnllod uos4trt[,, 'reg repe3 eqr r? pue gnlf, erp l? uauo -u?r ar{r [uaq,ra.]rueuorrr ureuec r,, Surqrnsep os pJEeI{peq aq ler{.4asruJat 'pue:8 leqrrraurosJr 'lf,urJJns ur tnd Sraguasog 'plJolt\ u? aqt ut Suluaddeq sE^ ter{,r\ pu?tsJapun ot snorxrr?ll8urseanur rqqnd e roJ elf,rr{a llerurrd E eur?req lr tnq (stsnre aql dq lln ler.l/deurospue Surpealsru rq8noqr sE& 'alf,nJpsrH 'slsnJe ar{l puarg arurr8uol pue :e1n8a: ,.'srtturpd uonrv u"trrJaurv ar{J,, Jo qn13 e 'Sraquesog ploreH trg z56r reqruaf,aq w smaN$tV ur parprlgnd senasnf,rsself, snlol er{J ')rrolar{r tsr1enuersrxEJopuDI E ur punor8 Tetrreroer{tpuno3 '&nnuaqrne ol rurplf, eqt uor3 rrcde suoltrurldxa arr,r8or psryar E 'auol Fnlf,ellerur-nrl? srr{J sr uosBed,,PUE,.' ' 'luqr l,uoP L, ,,'ilu 02..'alqBuosEarun sturcd Sunured ,\4,, ,,'trell'tue sacardratseruftu dnq aseeld ' ' ' Surop tu,I ttrl.4 ^\oDI ' ' ' a.,tnlruud ? ru,l,, sE $pnlnle lreldtuaxa qf,ns satrl (,.s:luod aqr aloq uoa8rd luop I or ' ' ' adoq Sulcea tsere'I er{J,,) ,ru.rog Sulcrg tunasntrAl,,156r srg 'plro,.'l,tr? er{l tnoq? sf,Iruof,lef,IJnesur ef,uets./daueqt pelloul tpJ"r{ulag py'dureo apreS-rue,reaqr urqtrlrt ue A 6r,, ,'spu?q ou iEW 'loo'L-uoos pue 'uonlsoduror ou 'nafqns ou 'lepour ou,, rlll^'\ auq llqurasse JDsnJeuB pprl ppor'r enbtuqrar prnrsaS3o ,fialseur lpear rrqr per?al sE^\lr .&\oqsraans rfurN ar{tJo arurr aqr lg dseaoot sEsf,nrrr dueur pnns ':n -uaqtne ar{lJo af,r^resaql ul lpn eqr Surrdaccete^'oq'arserpooS urnds oI '{ro5 aprs8uop prrery pue 'Suruoo;4 op ,,'uosr.rrdruoc lg pa.regnsqluerC eqt lq auo ol lxau ueruo./i4. reJnqnq letuatunuour e ruog uedv 'Surrured urado.rng 3o JnTE aqr patdaf,f,Elleclrr.rrun teqr rrlgnd E eJoJeqstJoJa rrcf,rJeurv atzrurtr8al ot se.,r,r




J,tcKSot\ POTLOCK Is he the-greatest

living painter in rhe lJnited States? Rmently a femidably high'bro* Net Yorl marr rritie hailed the braoding, gual*l'loling rhowa ahevt m I mejor ertiat of out time an l "thc gt&letst imer' to kcomâ‚Ź n 6ne sldidets Othcrs be of the ?Oth thlur}-" i{:a6 }*iat$ nothir4; lieve thrt Jaclson lfollock prulut* ,locortrnorc than ilrlerstirlg, if ilcrplieble, pictutes ai dF hie othery wftlm. tioat, Srill m yes' gRneruft a&l fnd lhem ec tapahtable ien:lsy's mssruni. Even m. Pcllml, et the age of 3?, hes bursr lorth u tho rhining ncw phe' Btt. trof,onas of ABcrisn Pollort vm rirtuelly unLao*n ir 1944. N o*' his wintin*! hanfl in five l-.S' nrus"ums an,i {t privrte colirti,rlu. f,xhibiting in New Y,'rli last winrcr, he cold l9 out +f 18 pictute. Moreover hie *ode hs* stirrerl sp a fust ir llsly, and this *utumn he it slatol ftrr e onoman 5h' 'w in.rtdn! gnr,fe llarig, *h*re hc is i*et leoming thc nrrrst anrroverrial U.S. poilter. He hns t*lhsl'tfand ako wcn a lolluwilg tnong his owl neiShlx'rs in the villnge ofSpdlge, N.Y., uho amuse them' ellvs by trtkl* t* d{Eide what his paintings are alxuri. lli* grocer hrug|t one xhich he irlenti' lie frrr lr"ihlernl viriling *lmnren as art neri. or n erpluna. al vir* of lilrt ria, For l\,lkrl's titt tl xhy h; pints as he rl,ts, turtr the P$ge.


,,.\,.r1-ll,ll,,,.l - lrlirr |l,r rlrrniril,r I,ri,rr.\hi|h h{: rHJit* fri'rlI !lrsiFht \tltl:ta 1\rfl.1f:' , , ' , t , , 1r 1 , , . , . , rl,t , . i ' " 1 . { l , i t l , \ ' L - n r i r " i r l t , , r l ; r t . , . \ , , i l t , , ; r r tl , r g f { i r n e r r i t i r r gt . r I r r a l n , n l r a * t .


99r aunquJnpraH )q) lzp rxau ar{r pue 'a8rra,roca8ed-ruor3l:ors aqr arc?saual q"totr maN eqj-,,'tr? peru? pp ot alnsoqllsnorrotog, are.ry\ leql sarrnior sarnrcrdlnuqns ol Sursryarrueplserdsrunesnrueqr or oz leyq uo reDelEluasptq 'srordpcsuardq per.rod -dns 'sratureduaarq8raar{J ' loqs aqr pauotrlog p"q oq.{\srelurcdpef,ut^pt uaerq8re ,r{1Jo uaeTg,,'selgrf,serl erlJ,, Jo qderSoroqdarrqa-pu"-{r?lq s,uaa'Ieur51qlt.,nsSur -lured anssl &Enu?[ Suruuv'tazr:d a,ule,uasuoo elp3o suonJnpo:der rolor Jr pasoderxnf uerqod eqa 'o56r-lepo1 3ulrurc4 u?f,rraur\y' uonrqrqxepalrnf puorreu srunasnl4J -onew eql punorpds;a,rorluoo orf uo SursncoJ attT ,qt1ll.ueaag 156rreadag1 runasnu prresJolf,allof, ale,urdalnlsersoruar{rJoeluos,, ,.,,',{:tunoraqt ur sJotf,eJrp lq uorrrsrnboe rreql Sunnol 'suosrtd lneg re uqt,Qy uuunv prrr lslry Dpuanry suouf,?usqp {rollod leluetunuotuegr rsure8e,]ool Uosl'rru el{r,,ur pesodsppoulJo sgdz-rSoroqd s.uotraglrla3 parntealan&on'ne1 ul ltroqs roals rpurN aql a:o;aqtsnf 4ro'1' ',r,r.orr' a,rnrsodororrr? paluasordan3o1 pve 'u|fiL maN atlJ 'rrrz?g s,tad"u1qsPqf,ns meN 'tuolrrqlo) pnadg f,tatqry sprrpor.radaprsdn-..ur1uoJ pu? 'o1qtoU 'lp.&uaqtory 'sarorzegsE sarruBuequ?ll1 utapory lo anasn717aq1 u{g apreS-rue,re agr,,Surlnq roJ III relleJqlog 'C uqof 'srytr 'u! %g x s4ot 'qdr"LSoqtu qtrnsJo anbrurlcal-reaurs peryowaalJ r!6r jo roununsoqt ur-elaruarlr arrlasrrpue 8unurcdrcerrsqtpalrre p? '116r'e:nrdpr5 pue sBunurt4 lf,Elre ol srrug etelaql otur Prnurluor slPurnolJ]n'I ar{relq.^^lng ..'EIregISJo,/â‚Źl^IBI Jo uonrqrqxa r))r]s qrurN -roprr?sE,,erolsaqr ur Sur8ueq {rollod oqt pognuaprracor8s8ulrd5sH .laoqpoqrrlsop ar{r roJ rersod 2utlx zu?q -rooJ E oor$ lE paclrdSurruredalr1llorcsE aroJegpasodrsrrresnorredrurue3o oroqd 8urry:rssrr qrr.r{,,isarerspalpn etp ur rarurrd 3ulu1 rsalearg ar{I aH sI Tlollod ru0ldllc$!w sllllnfd t0 l0lll$llxl uoqre[,, ul--4!I pur ,,'Srnqslue3Jo apteg aqt 3o deru rnoluof, s.ppp E alguoser or rde,,sB1ro.{\sll prqtlo:epauxJ rral rrqa 'arntlnf,.uorqq8rq3osrnrprnsq?aql Surlg -qdtuoxaspurrr{paprrprr ppr{a)n'I lruag3o saurze8rtu eqt'6V6r e)urs 'lrp,(rerodruer -uotrJorg8noqrtr ueq.^ {rollodJo >luqr ta aaoq5qgnd p:aue3eq1 'uon?nlrst?qt paf,JoJurJr lyuo 'u,ra.ot ur spl^or{uaql\ JEgJEPaJaqt te uoltelJqeul a,nssarSSe pue puEIsI3uo1 uo s8uudgol tearlar s,Ilollod or pasoddosB'u1r\olu.1t\oP oC 'qlollod xfl?l Jo uolttarr Aqrqrssocrelpea: pue Erusrrerlf,puosrad s,Suruoo;,1 aqr .ro38uv'ro1panbrugcarparnod slq 'pue peep " prruaaspollod 'uollrrsse {uo -JIOS rnsltr? pup uonrp?n ruo{ r.uopee{Jo Iepourt g8noqlly 'rb{rqrssod 3o IIry ilps se3unurcdparuesardar 'po11o4rr?rltJarlt?r'Suluoo;1ep se1rr rI ta a.&oq'solug er{tJo srsnrerqt Jo tsoru.rog'lesreaqq8norqrdpo ur'rou1uaegSuol ptq rEI{.{\plro./d 'l'I '8 "rs 'sqderSorogd selt\-/z(plro./d sueg lg )neurerp sgrnrueN IUot rtl il10lsrr 09 parensnfi] tre ar{t 8ur.^aor{s Jsuelul s)If,ol 'fl 'd tNtN 'l5lz ^.vl 'l'vol{of, ttSr^tId rel{lou? Jelue ol sI olPnls s,llollod Jerua oJ.,-Poqlalu AuDIJolr4. '1t\or{s rsrrrs r{rurN er{lJo r{ruorrraw,smaNilv uI .(ernlf,IdE slul?d 1 9 6 1 ' i l t 0l1t n l 0 l t 9 l z l t I lod Jo runorsssrH 'q8noupooD u"qr rarel ef,uengulsxf,ollodrapun pp treqog {rollod,, peqsqgndoqr"r e lq pue rJ6rJo Pua aqr le sSuDurpd alupr ar{ssqt uI 'orPntssrq ot lrsh ruenbasqns errq.r\-pue-{lelgJo./dorls srqlq perrdsureq ppo.,'l q8norgupa;qu./dorel{ pue 'I)ollod telu aqsruoq,nqSnorqr's.8raguaarD rueuelS Jo Purr{ asolt ? sE^\aqs 'Suruooy op rrgdroruolq prlill qrra 8urryo1r{ se./dprr?3unurcdumrsrsrg rel{ Jo turf,srunurrsur.roS uor3 le,,'rereal e uegr aroru se.r'trepr{tua{uerCuapg 156rgo Surrdsaqr u1 'rIIslI 'uoqctflr:tg 'w8rue11 (ace.r3t'1'e) e3;oa3 poUIV pue 'q8noupoog SolBqrue{uer{ ueleH :reons If6 uo u1(oPuaesaq PFot osTE ueqog oq \ stsure'uone.rauaD,ra:N l{J paruasa:dlralp8 srguorrrqrqxaagr Surrnq szao{S erPqtr^\JlBrlrgrrar{ruo Palggolaq Pu?'s]sllr?slq Parou taansr{turN eqrJosrezruE;ro -ord llo,urceaq Lrap8 13151ap roqrI or{tJorortrarrpsV 'sanrlnr?apreS-ruear3o o8ue.l 'ma11autzt3eutrsllporrnser{] rol apr,r E ol lSraua .{-rzulpro?rlxesrq paro ap s,:Latry1 Jo -rpeSur8eueru uooqper{senroJar{tSurrnpoqr'rreoreddndraruroJV'uone:aua3puoces lrerurrd ? selr{tr o(6r raguaoaq ur toons prfS rseg uo pauado13e51 ar{tJo esel/dor{s ep roqrl elun eqt tuo{ Pue 'asou rng tueqtJo IIB,{^,oqs or uo luartrs:ely41 atrrrlee'Ipue 'srelrx lrrel 'q8noupoog Ez'eso1 'orrN ap talerltuoluer{ 'ar1sa'I'u?8nftH parseSSns Sroguaar3lralp8 13e51ap roql I


D O\TNTO\7N "The Irascible providedthe groupwith a namein its editorialcriticizingthe dissenters, Eighteen."HaIf of the protestingartistswould be shownon 9th Street.2e Although FranzKline createda striking black-on-whiteposterfor the Ninth StreetShow,its list of sixry-oneparticipantswascomposedbeforethe exhibition was hung and is not entirely accurate.At leastone artist listed on the announcement, RichardPousette-Dart,did not exhibit.A memberof the first generationwho showed with Betry Parsons,Pousette-Darthad movedout of the ciry to RocklandCounry in I95o, and perhapstherewasdifficulry gettinga picture to an exhibition that was consideredrelativelyunimportant uptown.3oAlso in RocklandCounty during the show was Michael Goldberg,who legallyhad changedhis name for a yearor so, and thus appearson the posteras(Michael)Stuart.Goldbergdid not seethe exhibition,sincehe had committed himself to RocklandStateHospital for a while, but his painting was chosenand deliveredby his then girlfriend,JoanMitchell.3t More significantthan misleadinginclusionswere the omissions,for about Somewereneglectedthrough inadvertence, thirteen artistswere left off the poster.32 such as Ludwig Sander,but most failed to be includedbecausethey were late additions. There was a photographby Aaron Siskind,the only one in the show,whose abstractimageswerecomparedwith the paintingsof FranzKline. Siskindoften photo-graphedothir artists'work, and he took installationshotsofthe exhibition. In one of thesewe can seea particularlyodd addition, hangingbenveenthe worla of Cavallon and Pollock-a box by JosephCornell.Although the showalsoincludeda painting by during the forties and affiliatedwith Enrico Donati, closeassociate of the Surrealists Betty Parsons,this backwardglanceis strikingin the muscularworld of gesturalpainting, where such work was consideredrather effete.The most interestingomission lookstowardthe future, for the exhibitioncontaineda smallwhite paintingby a young artistwho laterthat yearwould be invited to join the Club, RobertRauschenberg. Rauschenberg removedthe painting from his first exhibition in order to it show on 9th Street,and its incisedpatternof numbersand words,drawn in a childlike manner,wasa peculiaranomalyin the midst of de Kooning protdgds.His showat Betty Parsgnshad openedon May 14,and alertedby JackThorkov, Castelliand a few other Ninth Streetorganizers wenr up to takea look. Within the weektheir invitation brought them a work now calledzz TheLily W'hite,paintedin Morris Kantor'sclassat the Art StudentsLeague,and namedfor the inscribedwordsfrom a songthat the artist rememberedfrom his Texaschildhood.In the cornerits white groundwasPunctuated to the red starswith which galleriesmarkedpaintby a smallred star,a comic reference ings assold.33Yet therewereto be no suchstarsat the Ninth StreetShow,for while a pricelist wasavailable,no one purchasedanythingfrom the exhibition. Not that the participantsactuallyexpectedsales,for it was a time before moneybecamea factorin the vanguardart world. In r95o,evenJaclconPollockbarely Survivorsof the period look back on it asa blessedtime, earnedmore than $z,5oo.3a real community was when possibleamongthoseundividedby the enly that would folThis situationlasteduntil mid-decade,with low morewidesoreadcommercialsuccess. atJanisoften menabstractions de Kooningt 1955sold-outexhibitionof landscapeJike tioned asinitiating the new age.But in r95rmost of the artistsin the showwerewithout galleries.35 Kline'spostercreditedsix galleriesfor worksin the show-Borgenicht, Egan, Peridot,\fillard, and Hugo. The newestwasthat of Tibor de Nagy,The New, Parsons, GraceBorgenicht,a painterwho had openedher gallerythat month in the samebuilding as CharlesEgan.Among the artistsin the showshewould exhibit Calvin Albert, Jimmy Ernst, Louis Shanker,and both Peterand FlorenceGrippe. Peridotjust had presented JamesBrooksin March, showinganticipationsof Frankenthalerin paintings 167


{fu aunf4oqqnf, maN '1aatlg t1t6 islg 09 'morls paus tltuylJ ar.1t to mam uotlqlllsuJ 'ndsto 4w1 aqt 01en? prllptsul osuutad,tolSuuuudaql pamqp tstup aql :ayts1u,(4 app sil uo Sunq wm [11autut 'qtom '616t'r ragunN lpluozt.toclv 'uo/pn?) I4rolo(I ad&tg uta4 opto1g '4tq1or1uosltt[ 71auto3 qdasof nol.rom1 4n[ 'qosoy nutf (t13y "i ih) ,q s4tom8uy -moqs'[6r aun[-{a71 'qnf, maN 'taaag qt6 $!g 09 moqs Patis qtu1trJaqt lo miln uottql?1sul


Installation uiew of the Ninth StreerShow,6o Easrqh 9reet. New Yorb,MayJune r95r Franz Kline beganthe installation by pkcing his hrge bhck-and-white painting at the end of the room on a short wall, whereit could be seenfom a distanceuithout the distraction of surrounding pictures. Installation uiew of the Ninth StreetShou 6o East9th Sneet, New Yorh,Ma1,-Junet95r

ffiE r6g

oLr qtry pto17 utloflo ranbag 'anatnw UV aa4wmltw 'ut ,r x z7,ot'wnuatuoyg 'r!fu 'satuet -uE pue y*>q'uapurg doof


stained from the back, and the gallery would exhibit Guston's new pink-toned abstractions the next year, one of which probably was shown on 9th Street. Coinciding with Brooks at Peridot was Cavallon at Egan, where the next month de Kooning had his second one-man exhibition. The April Art News marked de Kooning as one of the "Four Stars of the Spring Season," iong with Beckmann, Ldger, and Fantin-Latour.36 Up at Parsonsduring the Ninth Street Show, following Rauschenberg,was the new work of another participant, Ad Reinhardt. \Vhile a few of the artists of 9th Street were showing-and there were some gallery exhibitions of advanced painting-the number of painters had far outstripped availablevenues,and it was growing. So one of the artists' great thrills was to seegallery and museum people appearing at the preview of their exhibition. No one really had expected such a rurnout, despite the banner stretched across9th Street and the spotlight mounted to shine on the storefront. But after nine o'clock on the warm spring evening of May zr, shocking numbers of taxis, and even some limousines, pulled up to 6o East 9th Srreet.The opening was crowded and festive, with the artists retiring to the Club afterward for continued celebration. Speecheswere given thanking Castelli for his help and acclaiming the phenomenal turnout. It appeared as though a line had been crossed, a step into a larger art world whose future was bright with possibility. And while it seemed crazy to think that vanguard art could particiPate in the general postwar prosperity, there was a senseof something major having been achieved' For something special had happened with this assemblingof work by close to sevenry artists, something that took the artists themselves by surprise. Certainly frequent sudio visits had made them aware of each others'work, and there were few individual revelations. But once that ground floor and basement were 6lled with painting and sculpture, the whole looked remarkably coherent. Although qualiry was not uniform, and srylesand techniques were diverse, there was a sudden awarenessthac artistic activiry had achieved a critical mass. The artists celebrated not only the appearanceof dealers, collectors, and museum people on 9th Street, and the cons€quent exPosure of their work, but they celebrated the creation and the strength of a living communiry of significqpt dimension. From the small dark Reinhardt at the enrance, past Tomlint abstract calligraphy and Klinet slashing black forms, to the slew of worls by lesserknown painters such as Theodore Brenson, Al Kotin, John Stephan, and Robert Richenberg, visitors were surrounded by manifestations of what looked like a wideranging movement. Such a movement seemed to cdl for a nalne, though de Kooning had con"It is disastrous cluded the discussion of this topic at Studio 35 with the assertion that show of the first for their September name Eight months earlier, to ourselves."37 ry49 generation, Kootz and Rosenberg had proposed The Intrasubjectives, from an essayby Ortega y Gasset.'Vhen Castelli again assistedJanis to assemblean exhibition of twenry artists, most of whom had shown on 9th Street, for exhibition in Paris inJanuary 1952, they were referred to only as the American Vanguard.38By the time of a seriesof eight panel discussionsorganized by Pavia at the Club later that year, earlier suggestionssuch as Abstract Symbolists and Abstract Objectionists had been eliminated in favor of Abstract Expressionists,a term used in America since r9z9 by Nfred Barr, Jr. to charac"[i]t is terize Kandinskyt early abstraction.3eSince among these artists, as Ferren said, practically law . . . that everybody agreesto disagreewith everybody about everFhing," many remained unhappy with the name.4oBut despite its procrustean effect, it did fit the gestural sryle of de Kooning, which dominated downtown painting. During the two and a half weeks of the Ninth Street Show, however, Kline's identified poster the group by a street narne at the heart of an artists' community. The exhibition stayed open until ten or eleven o'clock, a volunteer sitting by the door to



aq1 'spaau r{rr.{\ 'lla./t\se a.raqdst?qt ur PeurclulPur sEAruoIsIAlP u1\{o1u.1doP/u./dordn slr a^res or Pauado sorrolpSaroru PuE Podolo sP le>lr?ul ? sEaPProP-PIu reue ropg e 'llsnouroua u.ta.o;8peq 15613oArunruruoc leurs dp,ur Jo e;oru Sunuorag leuotu grvtt -?lar er{J'uorsuedxa sl uI rlnllp ot patuJes Surruredyo a/rs p.rnrsa8eqr sE'salug alEI ar{t ur rleuruopa:d or Suruor rJr^\ rlal lueur regr sJJnlEeJI{f,ns se.,"rr] PuV ry,,{lluleJ 'snontsarur s3runaruospue 'rusrrer8eld;o rurod rl{l ot sarult tE IJo .,lroNprurou e tsnf 8uyro1' ' ' rpgz l1pe3 ?,, 'pps er{ 'se.^aosp ry ,,'drqspurl{Jo elsls 8,,PUE,,PuIurJo elels

usofimaN e,,qroq ua:reg rrparlBr uv "r



-olur or slsnre ;a8unol roJ runroJ sseruE I{lI^{ uarsls lralp8 tqr b, 'pare '1t\ogsOql loJ >lJo1\{u.t\o JeI{ ro slq >IJIO -aJf,sE{ uoDnlDsurJo Ppol( lsluB PUD{E snI{J lra,rg 'uonrqrqxe agr Sueq or dnoJS e Sunralas sEII31r\sE 'slstt;t sreal lxeu aql asoorP 'ssocordf,Il?rf,ouaP ur paureS ol oollnuuof ? llalt PTno \ sluedl)IuEd egl r?el grtg se,l ltraurtuods ur rsol sE-{\t?r{ ! tng 'reoJrs rP6 Jo IEI{r u?ql Pa:nlJnJls eJoul tuslu -?r{)oru uon)eles e palnbar rr 'eppeqf,s r?ln8er Put-slsllr? olr lnog? ol 8ul^'\or8 Pu? 'o6 ueqr erotu r{lr^! SuluulSaq-azls reltorS srl r{rllN 'LS6t ut Ponulluof,slP Surag lrrun tS6r tr;enueful uor]decur str ruog p.rrn8ue.r.{ro ./deN rr{lJo uolrrrs-sso:c llreal t 8ur -pr,to:d n oqs roorts I{1uIN ar{t l:e8e1 erarouof,er{l se.^ Fnuuv elqers 3I{I Jo 'larrls LlluINJo ttrtds etf ol lPerr{r_e .{\EsssrH ruol u.^ olu1(oP [uo{ o^olu slql uI 'laaJls gl8s l? anua v qlua as uo uldolon se.u ,fiape3 rlg"rs aqJ 'ef,uaraglP t?er8 3uo rg Plno./'r eraqr lng ltg pue asrotl Jo elg"ls s,Pr%Nroueelg Ilarus slr rnoqrr^r lptalduror ramu tlgels .rauro3 a8nq e .{ra1p5 'ssarSo.rd ldel^ralo:ep8ar rler{rJo 3o lrrlqeye.,r,eeqr qrr.^ JIesrI peruasard uolserro aq1 el{l llal lJarrs e Suneen 'urc8e u op or se.,r,r rq8noqr [BJn]Pue 'astrdralua:teqlJo ssef,f,ns '.^aoI{S suonlqlqxe dnor8 a8rel taerrs qlulN er{t uo POITPoLu 9163o srsrrrt ar{r uaq.t roJ 'luaruura)slP uEqr rar{rer 'sPnuuv rlg"rs eqrJo Puof,asagr Sullor,rar w.{{ eH Jo sorrese uon? rosgo 3o acqd r 'uo Sulo8 spr\ l?I{./'r aas or oteld t se.t\ tl,,,'pa3pn( 11ry3u1 -uearu leretu ter{r roJ :ro padpq eq louu?f, rlf,Ilfrr uoltr? u? ' ' 'rEeJ ro apud ol ro'a{El -sltu E ol enp dn .t\oqs ol tlf,It{.,lt IIq sJeqlo :o{Elslul lq poropuen a,req aldoad euos,, orul ,,pu<iissa3ord-ertur,,Surgrauos .,'lue aleJJr,, se.r,rruaur8pnf e,rnerrpnb ararl.t'r uoPs e se lrJo aloJ./y\aq .{{oqs raerls qlulN er{r Peuollurru ralsl sseH uatl,l\

-'"1i1,:::$il:i"l: s,rnsrlrr{rrruodnr,,,^i'p:i:iffJ,iirf:J"JJ:5];i?:,ffi uraq peq anbruqrel e dn lcrd or Sutrduraue'rPru8-tue Ellr{slrnalelu? PrYrr: eJou r{ll^ buo[E-sJaPws dool sJeqroJo Jsqwnu ?,, leql salels lnq 'saw?u J?IIITUPJ pue :aqre{ luuelaq 'orrN rP ueqog 'Suruoo;4 3P aurclg '{f,Iusad uot1rlA1-s:aturcd u1r\otr>ljla.t\ ssal Surtou 'srsnre Suolls aql saglruaPl ssaH ,,'1r? lrySuruearu qrv'r uorssardxa-31es rnnaderarp puE IIDISJotoru asryuof, ot uoneullf,ul 'uoueJof,eP eJaru roJ aFrrs or buapuar 'rdacuoc Jo 1l"l 3rE sassauryea lng 'llD{s Sulrured trrder .rad 'euers a oqe pu" 'uropaa.r3'uolrrlluof, 'lrrprr,r saPnlf,ul gfualr5,, 'ruser) roJ qStq nr I{f,ns luJJJnf,ar{rJo sessaD[ea./\^. Pu? sqlSuarrsar{l qroq sleldslp uoncnpo;d asuatutul u? qllr{ \ ul de,,'raqr dq pue llogs aqrJo ezlsaqr dq pessardul are laqJ ,.'tuauqstlduoc:t pue lSraue 3o uollerseJlueru l1e,u1srgr,, 'sPJo.^a EsseH ur 3o rrrlds f,Ilselsnqlua er{l uo euseJ){ snJoJ$nrJf, r{log zr'sruatussessp ITEJJo Jlrr{t Jo auot aqt ut aa;38 1n&g lty uI aleg dg pue smaNuV uI sseH 'g seuroql lq 's,l:t,ra: auveBettt uE o.{\l aqJ rllsrtroluaP llq8g e u1 '.'pFU uonrgrqxa ar{l ol sraruof,l(ruJo reqt Suourt rauu?tu eql rPlr{.^ ul raarr5 qr6 uo (xolllgltlxr TBnsnun,, pasredsratursr,,stsDrErelllrugJo >lJo^^A eqr 3o qeads sautJ agl'vwohl r? uol])ello] zrrfiaug 3qr Jo ef,Ilou ra8uol e 8ur -./y\ol[ol'Suruadorql rau:Eslep omr sdullJ 4roA mdN )q) ut uolrueuJrl.rq e lq p:r:lJe rra./r\srer{lo lool E e)IB] 0r ur PeraPuEt ltrunuruo: er{r ruog aldoad 'spuarr3rlerp pu" srsnr? or uorlrppe uI 'rsan8 leuolsef,f,oeI{] qrl/d l[el Pue s8urgr uo ada ut deal


close to ten cooperative galleries around East roth Street between Third and Fourth avenues forming the heart of an active downtown scene.45In that world, generically known as Tenth Street, a primary concern was whether the advancesseenon 9th Street had calcified into a new academy. In his 1955Stable review, Ferren concluded that they had not, but doubts proliferated as the decadeprogressed.In 1958and 1959the Club debated the issue,with "Has "V/hat Is the New Acadsuch panels as the Situation Changed?" and the series emy?"46With artist statements reproduced in Art News,the discussionwent more public. Tom Hess led the defense, but many of the 9th Street artists mourned the loss of vigor and originaliry the lack of authentic statement grounding energetic gesture. "\X4ry None expressedit with more verve than Friedel Dzubas: is it after an evening of openings on Tenth Street I come away feeling exhausted from the spectacleof boredom and the seemingly endless repetition of safe sameness?. . . The finished product rubber-stamped with the imitable fick of the wrist of the masters."47Perhapsequally worrisome to a group that had grown-up cultural outcilsts, in 1959Life wotld do a "abstract rlvo-part feature on the expressionists,worldt dominant artists today."a8 By then, of course, vanguard New York painting was being displayed around the globe, from Paris to Tokyo. It was promoted as a triumph of American culture, an expressionof the personal freedom available to those living in the Free W'orld. Central to these effbrts was New Yorkt Museum of Modern fut, which in 1958organized a vast traveling show of The New American Painting for circulation throughout Europe. Before this grand presentation, however, smaller bodies of New York School painting had been sent abroad, sometimes with surprising consequences.One of the most interesting developments, and certainly one of the least known, was the formation of the Gutai fut Association in Osaka, Japan.


992 'k-zz dd'z16r :aqua:aq atuaf,r1 uouesrr uor urJolssedred prp s lu:r:qr pred arl ter{r paruep inaN ilV ,.'slatur?duonf,V u"rrraury :q1,, ,3:equosogpJorEH .rz laydo:1y pu? rtla1-Err?W groq (166r 'iz q:rr;,q) rr^oisraH nlrrr4 pue seuorlJ Jo auoq aqt ur uorssnJsrpdno:8 e le lnq .oo9--oot$Jo .,3yas:nod:oj1:nq 1:rnb r e{eu snor)suo:gnsratsuou:nol 1a1,, '6 E ot srsol prol lpuonrpp?pue tual ar{rparalo: Surleq sr:oda:q1arr3 pup ,.'tsou aqr g8no;qr led lar{r JDunatrlaerp tE sala :1ey,q,,,,.sasuadxa .dd ler3ap >1redsaurlrp rnol lal pue rnueuor ag,, ar" (.r^oq?l, puE $nvglr 'z|6r't'ou 'r'1ot) uo4aruolJsurl4ur stspJ"ot saar! tx:u rpJ?quradr?r{t 9 salou ur prrrl sarrNrrul) llluse1 pue 'laydo:1y ,ueJJaC,rTIersEJ '69'd ,{6r.2 .ou ,r .lo ,uouuutqfJwaa.oz 'aurD{ .rurDl ,^olroal .rTJaU rrr^pEJo sa:ard aqr €uoury JJesunl srll] rTlau-elrew :repuBs puB -B3r?IJ 'z9t 'd '{6r'l,r ftznrqag 'uotiyN Jlesuq sau?u rllalsJ :arrr:el;re1n:n:ed ft 1rrus:U prreuarraC luuey,q .6r ,,,trg,,.:aqreg slprer Er Ed :urD{ pu? 'llJad-etrery'Suruooy :p rurEJJ.u::rrC JJrsurq 'r! 'd '!96r:aquaiag wruoluV rllra orPntssuJrJscte tsuDaauaallruuof, aqt slJquJual atuef,r^ .g ,,'seqnzqJepeuJ qrra aar^Jatul,, nW qdunl:: e alrl sea tr .sn rog .e:ar{ 'uonrued Jolzo) ,, JEuy Jqr prlrrr) Br^Edpup eulry rlrIIA qtla sreal rq8la rsrl arp ;o3 3ur:alrTepuaaqper{ aa t€r{a3o ssaualnue^uraql 'lpa ar{t SurpJrnquo palsrsuroqa 'ssauqsag 'luauetrfxr If,or laaqs pue spnts eql Suuapro aqt :qr Surgrou :,,Ga1p3 jo enua pzq i1,, V qUlC r:ls:ry sea lr reqr slzs (166r'6r aunfjo marilelur) €Lreddq1rq4ftor:e3 s9;rz3 slnol te Sunuredq:ua.lg,&eroduaruocSuraasuo sarggdJ;raagt ssanleu E s asn str{ srarpeaJJo:opoSuo.lrsaqr q1e:arlaldo:ry pue ut Sunoljo:suodsa: aqr palprer sqnzq ppauC ,6tz-Ltz lryaap ':ro$ arnxg 'dd_srsnre 'qsalg ees uoqs aqt or parpog sr:tured qruarg :aSunol Imrnrala pw duel E sElr srrquauar s:apuegdoof.,'doqs rnq anbnuz :aru:o3roo3-o6e,, uonerol er{t slpi ssaH 'g ruoqa .(1,}-9i 'a^rsua3ap .z!6r sea uollda:ar &enrqag ur atrwJC 'dd 'r!6r rauung 'tm2NilV,,'ap:e3-ruele s,Iro1 aaN,,) uourqqxa rql lurrrrJl rlluJJC aq1 rp )uapg aqt or rr SurpuaseroJeqtaelts qtl! uo rr flg1a;1€ld-gs1l 'qruourTo($J:quauel srJr{topw lt1:a-ecrey,g g8noqi -rqqxg srr?d :o3 rry p;en8uel uouaury-aoqs Jaqtou? uo patero Jo aarlar srq u1 'sqruou oar roJ r.ltuou/ooz$ Suraqruar aql srequruer rTIOtseJaor{s 'reqll/urTuoJ ,aurezeglaqo1 -qBIIotr rllrlse3 sruef pw r(6r ur atE.I pup aqr ro3olg:o3 a:edsaqr paurerqopup :oqr?H SnuSsroJress?a sa^rrTaq t^lrs eplaurars'la?ls ap/o]qlou,pefa51pp:equrag lolsuryppol orla 'prolpu€Jaqr or ruan Surqnrls te4 or Surpro::y '1, trnlpd/qrr"O targurspsurg JoJssEd Jolsftd 1o4'saSepogTaurD4 Jarssrwl4l/$^er) ' laqao5/usrrrJ'uolno3/uolp^?J,slolfv$loorg 'rS aram s.lrcd r:gro seSurqnarg $6 rs?E09 Surrsa8Sns eqt pw 'rll"rC puE S n Jr{t ur srrlur?d 3unotr rm uonrqrqxaaqJ .gr ueaf ot srurod (166r'i qr;ep1)3olssedted pu? :aurD{s:aquaua: (166r 'zz &enrgag) laldo:Jy :rTIaU-erJeW rrper: (o66r ,l requeraq) rtlalw3 '91 'd Tooqq 4totrna11J oe1 puz (166r '( g:rey{) atuarr^ rlDqatsg:reqt:8ot rTleu-err?l^lpup ,ssa1q.Lr 2qJ 'ralpuBsur paronb llrararpol{ .Sb.d Butuooy zp ua17q11 aury rprrtr (r66t 'tz rprcy1) rTleg-elrEryp"ruo3 prre (166r't g:reyq) srapuzg doof 'sarzp 8urmo11ojaql uo paaardalur asoq] Suouy .9 's8urqrra:8 Surqsrld -uo:Je sr pu? arp lq Surqtauosro3,,cq srslue3ouoDerau:8mau e;o3 'papln8sru sr preA{req 1oo1:r31ersousuarraCter{l pslueuruof, mordq4 ue11y'(8-l 'dd) anssrr)qruef,aq aqr ur perur:d:al:1 e u1 Iz 'd'9!6r;agur:ro51 \itv ,uar:agugof.9r ,,,apre11uz^Vue ro1qdelrdE,, s L - € L ' d d , ( 8 9 6,ru V .g wuoqa '{r urapowJo unasnw :lro^ aaN)/zruoox ,p uqllA .ssa11 'spollod rqr pr^ol l1p:::od:r rpuprory pue 'slsrue uerpll Sunol arp 8uourc uouusu:s e peteaJJsue:lraury pren8 -uB rqJ 'qloJlod Jo uonrallotr rer{ paaoqs uraqu:38ng 133a6elp raq lz 'l1tua:rn:uo3 'urftt{ uqof pyo-rz:l-og agl So se,tr osp arar{I rlste) aa-Jpw <unJqe.Iolry ,uoolg ueudH partalestruN rr71o :arpqqnd eqt :aunllwrJ pa{IV pu" :lrollod pw ,11:o5 .€ur -uoo) JP )sorlf JJEgpa{M 'arrue1 ut uaorls a:an suecr:auryuamq .ir 'tzz'd'(Lg6r latsnq)Sprrcuours :>FoI xa1tr| [t1dot&oq V 'yo/lo(I uoqsaf ,uouolog rlproqae eas .uao] otur drrt ;alel e uo aoqs ar{t palrsrl el€rl tsnu aq os ,Suluadoaqr roj sSur:dg eqJ ur asnoq slq te pwlsl 3uo1 uo ltr€q se.{r{lollod .uoruolos rler -oqec ot Surpro::y 'o66r '! :aqu:raq ,rlJ,rs] oa-Jgrrn nan-ralu1.€r 's8unaau puoltrawS.lo roJ asn ot qnlJ :rl1 or da1 aqt :apary ale8 erae4ter{r morrry sea uarraC ugof 'errz4 or Surpro::y r66t ,6 aun[,eur4 dqrq4 r{lra rer^la]ul .zr 'ot. 'd '(gL6t 'nog rg :ad:e11:1:otrrrlag) saufg aqt uotd\wg pu! sulutptr :/ootlrs |toL maN atlJ 1Japueg3urru1 u lo 'Lvz 'd'(956r ydou; 'y par31y:Iro arN) '$anbilo) 'uo4!2qay 'uary :'V'S.n ltv ulpol4[ ,qsalg rpn1 .or


(a,toqzL pw 9 salouur palr: saer ratuD '8ul8urq aqr ur asu?plnoa reqr sarndsrpalq€tr^auraqr armpn(pe ot rrpJo ur pels Suragrqars3 sJIEreJsJepuBSdoof pue 'uousaSSns1lrusr; rqt 3o &ors aqr am8 13d aJsqslOJSrqrruJruru peaer^J3turs1sDfteqt Jo lsou puE JOISSEd 'uonfalasNruB ur pa lolur Ip tE tou sEArllrrs) reqr lzs l:1do:ry pw

'of 'd :apueg aas'suorssas z!-r!6r aqrjo :ruosSorsqe :og '! 'sJaquau JstJ€qtraJaaoz aql jo zr lluo regr sles '9f 'd (a1do:1yrnq 'tsrJsrqt salD ,62-Lz 'dd :apwg ('lsrTrarElu uo prpp" sr eru:redg a8roa5) no1:on1 1:ef pue ,lanugg -uag uorsv 's:apueg doof '.tapueg3r,,*pn1 'nesog sauref ,stuelaod uef'rprequrag pV']rrusa1 uorll4 'er^?d dqpq4 'rrraraeg 'g ,rqag -eore4 operroJ 'unra:'I srpue'I 'aessrl uerql '8uruooy4ep uallrl)N ')uID{ zuprC'addrrg :ara4 'IpC snC 'ueBE say:eg3'uo1em3 or3;org 'l:1do:;y s sraguru r:trerlf aqt tsrT'uV umrrauv Jo sa^rylrv ar{I ,r(6r uy 'f te rrsodapuo 'qnl3 l{t uo{ sprorrr looqatou sppe4 d1111q4 '/l-5, 'dd ,\gh ,t nsu.tyt{ punofV '2nsl ..'gnl) aqr,,,la1do:1y'1pue,(.-Lz 'dd,596r:aquerd:g 'ruruoluV 'spetepjo acua8rarrp:uos .r'qnl3 erll,, :alpuug 3uru1 eas r{rla 'qnJJ aqr;o &orsrq pue Surpuno3arlt Jo slunorre rog 'Suqous palgrgo:d ua a pu? 'elqet ? t€ aldoadrnoj u?ql arou ou paaolp aH 'sauroJrr{l q8norqr wa oo:6 :a3z palquass uago laqr ararla yoppl6 aq: le Suroau uog stsn;" aqr ruala:d ot patduaue ra8eueuraq1 '€ 'gg-!g 'dd '(o66r 'uuea sued) tlais?Oo27tlaau/auuorur yrag rywlJ ''p: fupur11uuy ras 'aorls FanS grurN rqt ur eJorsnl1o lunoJtresrTIalsJ :og 'o66r 'J Jaqruatrac'rTlatse]oa-Jr{lra art^ralul 'z 'llf.-h(. 'dd'tdtns -tre:r (! orpnrgaqr slur:da: osp uosqrg I rardeq:'(066r'ssaJdr{lrersay IWn :roqrv uav) slprtpotral uny-tsluv aq1 :usruorsstdxE naasqy u sznsl 'uosgt) uapd uuv Jas 'suosas rre r!--o!6r puu o!-6f6r aqt Ja^of,ol lueau sa Jaqunu ,los Jsorla 'uonnqqnd srr{lJo tunof,f," ue roJ '(r!6r 'zrpqrs uroquauLX\:{ro aaN) rrrrs, Ittrl 'pruauv at flsurv utpory ''sp) 'rprpqul:U py pue '[[aN)rpot{ u:qog '1:dr; preurag 'r 6 a{oq7 '26'd 'plar{re eu ,,'1oan4pEAoH,, tepe-l aas rra.4^rplr{a qarruo3 qdlopy ot pue Suruoo; ap urllr/N ol suonrqqxr

NOTES "Avant-Garde zz. In his often-reprinted essay and Kitscli' (Partisan " 'anti-Stalinisrn ... Reuieu,Fall r%9, pp.34-49), Greenbergwrote that turned into aft for art's sake,and thereby clearedthe way, heroically, for what wm to come." In a 1944talk at Mount Holyoke College,published by Volfgarg Paalen in D7z, Motherwell had seen the issue in related ^the "The middle artist's problem is with what to identifi himself terms: clms is decaying,md m a consciousentiry the working classdoesnot exist.Hence the tendencyofmodern paintersto paint for eachother." "The Modern Painter'sWorld," seeDore Ashton, The On this lecture, New YorkSchool:A Cubural Reckoning(New York: Viking, 1973),pp. fit-t63. 23.\X/hileGreenbergis usuallyviewedm championingPollock (and the 6eld painting of Still, Newmm, and Rothko) overde Kooning, who wm supportedby Hess md Rosenberg,m late c 1953he introduced a de Kooning retrospectivein Washingtonwith the highest of praise.See Hess, Willtm dz Kooning pp. r38-r39nrr. 24. Sandler,TheNew YorhSchool.p. 259.In his reviewof the exhibition, Tom Hesssoundedthe Existentialnote in describinsthe curators'visiting the studiosofimpoverishedartisrsin searchofwork for their show: "Rickety stairsand cold-waterflats are not figuresofspeech;they exist. and in the deepestSartresense,m do all the grey discomfort,bleakness, "Seeing the economicinsecuritythar go with them." Thomas B. Hess, YoungNewYorkers,"Art Neu1 Mav r95o,p. 23.

his work there. 3r. Interuiewwith Michael Goldberg,December7, r99o. 32.A copy of the posterin the Museum of Modern Art Library hasthe following additional iltists written in by hmd: Karoly, Dienes,Albert, Nichols, Florence Grippe, Anita, Cornell, Rauschenberg,Siskind, Finkelstein,Farber,L. Sander,andA. Kent. 33. For this painting and its inclusion in the Ninth Street Show, see and theArt Worldof Calvin Tomkins, Wrhe Vall: RobertRauschenberg Our Time(New York: Penguin,r98r),pp. SL,6r-6zi and Roni Feinstein, "The The Betty ParsonsExhibition of Unknown Early Rauschenberg: t95r," Arts, January ry85, pp . rz6-t1t . Castelli has said in m interuiew on Dec. 5, r99o, and in Ann Hindry p. 86, that he chosethis painting for rhe exhibition. \Yy'hileon most accountsthe utists are said to have selectedtheir own work, Thomas Hesst review in Art Neus (Summer "Some pictureswerechosenby the artisthimself;others t95t,p. 46)says, picked by a small delegationofcolleagues."Alcopley,intewiew ofFeb. camewith zz, r99r, saysthat he wm at 6o E. 9th St. when Rauschenberg his picture, md that both Crotelli md Vicente wanted to re.jectit, but were persuadedby Alcopley to hang the painting. Mcente does not wasunavailablefor comment. rememberthis, and Rauschenberg 34. Ellen G. Landau, JachsonPolhch (New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1989),p. 264nr9.

zt. Sandler,TheNew YorhSchoo l" p. 17. M\€rs wasintroducedto Greenberg at the Pollocls' house in The Springs,where [.ee Krmner had advisedhim to representonly voungeriltists. ril/hen Myers mked Tony Smith for suggestions,he secondedGreenberg'srecommendations. (Leslie,Goodnough,and fuvershad beenhis studentsat NYu.)

in interviewswith Marca-Relli,Vicente, 35.This attitude wm expressed Goldberg,Alcopley,and Sanders.For the objectiveground ofthe situa"The Market for Abstract tion in the art market, seeDeidre Robson, The Time L€ Beween Critical and CommercialAccepExpressionism: tance,"ArchiuesofAmeican ArtJouma[vol.25, no. 3, r98t, pp.19-21.

26. Intervim with Joop Sanders,March 4, r99r. "Pollock 27. Robert Goodnough, Paintsa Picture,"Art New1 May r9yI, p.39'

36. Hess compareshim to van Gogh and Soudne, md describesde Kooning'spainting in a manner rypical of his promotion of the arrist: ". . . when the picture finally emergeslrom the thousandsof notations that have appearedand disappearedon its surface,it bearsa living, human statement,sometimes fragmented, often mysterious, always m a complexof culture (insteadof the usualsimplificationof expressed Pzris)."Att News, April r9jr, p. t2. A year earlier Hesshad compared Pollock'sentry unfavorablywith de Kooningt Attitinhis reviewofthe "8 \X,/hitneyAnnual, excellent,zo good, rlJ others,"Art Neut Jantary 1950'pp. 14-35-fhe topic of naming wm pressedby Alfred Barq and 37.Gibson,p. 344. Motherwell had just mentionedthreepossibilities:Abstract-Expressionand Abstract-Objectionist. ist, Abstract-Symbolist,

"Words," Time, Febrrary 7, 1949, p. 5r. (Thar same da,v,Emily 28. Genauer in the New Yorh lVorld-Tebgramcomparedhis painrings ar "a Becy Parsonsto mop of tmgled hair I have an irresistibleurge to "Jackson Pollock Is He The GreatestLiving Painterin the comb out."); "fuch Txrcs," Time, Unired States?"Life, Argust 8, 1949, pp.4z-43; "Jaclson August 27, r95t, p. 78;' Pollock'sAbstractions," Vogue,March r95r, p. rS9.For the contrmt betweenthe Luce publictions and more 'Jaclson Pollock: Amerisn upscalemagazines,seeMary Lee Corlett, Culture, the Media md the MJ'th," RutgersArt Reuieu 8, 1987,pp. 92-93. "The 29. on Irrcibles" protest, see Iruing Sandler, The Tiiumph of Ameican Painting(New York: Praeger,r97o),p. zrl; and B.H. f,rieJl man,Jacksonpoihrk, E nglt Madz visibh (New york lr.c."*-uiir, r97z):pp. r5z-r53.The Surrimer ry5oArt Neus containedan .ai,.riJif Alln.a ro*nri.r agreeingwith-tire artists'criticism, but objecting ro their strategyofrefusal. The artistssigning the original letter were th€ following, with participants in the Ninth Street Show starred: _ Painters-Jimmy Ernst*, Gottlieb, Motherwell*, Baziotes,Hof_ma.n1-' Newman, Stamos*,Still, Pousette-Dart,Reinhardt*,Pollock*, Rothko' Tomlin*, $Tillem de Kooning*, Hedda Sterne,JamesBrools*, Weldon Kees,and Fritz Bultmann;Sculptors-Ferber*,David Smith*, lssaw. Mary Callery Day Schnabel+,Lipton*, Grippe*, Rosak, Hare, and lnuise Bourgeois.

Amongthose intheexhibitionwerede n'l*''*'rrra|t952'p'43 1: Kooning Pollock' Goodnough' Gorky' Brools'-Mothemell' Mana' Tobey' Tomlin' vicente' Hofmann' Bziotes' Kline' Reinhardt' md Ir wm shown at Janisin Decemberr95I' and in Parisat the P:fut; Galeriede Francein Januaryr9;z'

"Richard Pousette-Dart:ExpressioninPaint," Joumal 3o. BarbaraRose, of Art, March r99r, p. 5o. Pousette-Dartis listed among others in the NmYorhTimesnoriceoftheshowonMayzj,rgtr,p.33,butthewriter might well havetakenhis name from the mnouncement without seeing

40' f€tren' p 24'

39. The term first seemsto have been used in Germanv in r9r9-l9zo, ,"a *^ adopted by Barr in his r9z9 lecture at Velleslev College "Kandinslcy "nd Ab.,r"., Expresionism in Germany," and'in subsiqr..r *.irirg, in Museum of Mod.r.Art cataloguesthrough the thirri.r. S.e perei Selz,Geman Erpresionistpainrlrl(BerkeleviUni'erin, ofCaliforniapress,rgr),p.34in4g.OntheClulpanelsandthisterm, -iitl.,,, ,,Tie 111s,Spring196o,pp. 8-rr. Unwanted seephillip paria.

4t. Nm YorhTimes,May 4, r9ir, p.33. The piecelists as the familiar namesin the show Broola, Cavallon,the de Koonings,Guston,Hofmann, Lippold, Ernst, Ferber,Lipton, Margo, Fine, Mothemell, Pol-


sea ut ,.'uE>I sa ,1Jo uV arlJ :uon?tha-l parsrsry,.pqru:sog w111.i 'u!4x t24f,ur uo atoN ,.'g){J 'J 'f!u (g d prruqral V, 'on8un-rsn:ueyA1 IorEJ pw ,,,pro1ar{rJorop .anlg uraD{ .f -elsrnbuo3 :ur3DI sa lallrlE:1,1 :as ,1, Ieuon?ulrlul ug 'g( 'd 'lapg:141 .,lopersrnbuo3 :uraDJsaq,, .,f,olo)enlq Iprraleuur w,, Jo uourqrqxeu? s JPI 3-I Jo elods JJl"[ 3r{ sp .anlq aJaa .asJnof, 's8unurtd aga Ltz 'd ,laJJrlgryl 'z ,,'usruer:urrsog prreur:D s:q,,

8gz uI prrelsuel-ar) z d '956t 'r t1n['n 7V1pg ,,'(dnorg rrv ,IVpC, tsrrCrqt uO''ereqrqsol or{'g

Jo uonrqnlxg rsrrCar{J) ,NEI-IVJ1D,

'lunof,3?srql uo{ aJelxal aqt ur qJoajo suonezrJapEftqf, tz 'd p:ronb ag1 (orf-gof'dd f;aq1oA pue rzzouag ur par?Jsu€u-ar) '!!6r 'oz raqor:6 'f ntng .,'uns rauunsprry Suru:ng aqr a8uapq3 or uV urapot{ Jo uoDrqqxg rooprno pru:ur:adxg,, 'eryn MoL'L 'oz 'o'zzouag'9


'gzz-Szz'dd 'rprA {Jo runolf,Euao surel){Jouou€lsuzrl e sapnPurosp anSoprm srql '(z96r '&rs:allun ,rry ,strv eqr loJ ernl -nsul :uorsnoH) an4tadso4ay :296r-9z6r 'ulrl)J satl^ .Ars:alrun a:ry V 'stJV 3r{t JoJ arntDsul ur rpoq prre uraD sa^ ,, pw ,,'usru?rf,nJtrrsod 'l:pq:yq seuoqJ ees,Frsed ,,pIoArr{l Jo :opelsrnbuo3 :ureDl sa ,1,, rpnEJJ pue (upurv) zrpwurr{ pu?urv spuarg srq qrrn acrg ur gi6r ur Suilpnrs {snor:as uz8ag urapqylrqw'non4soy sapatuoSoaso2a7 s lrpurrH xpry Jo aurrlf,op)qr pue Iroa srr{ur)a.rrq slalJered p:yrerap aqt Jo pu? 'uraD{ uo af,uenuuruerJnrtrsouaqt 3o dpnrs asop ? JoC 'r t t utdurlS 'lL-rL'dd \taq ,r{esg lolN puB rzzoleg ur .'puatEw puE uorDv uaamrag8unulu4,, orlqilulqs oas '9rde1jo ::uetda::e lztn5 er{r Jo tunof,f,?rr" roC gr 'l,g 'd 'r:aqyo26pw rzzouagw ,,'uonsanb plur) ? sedno:g rernS ./r aqt 3o ruaudolamq pue punor8q:Eg ImrrotsrH,, .r{asl DID€SeJ J 'gnn-SW dd'r:aqyo16pw rzzotragur p:rur:dar,xFz d '1,!6r'g raqua:aq 'stulJ .{pC lsg '9r {o^ /rN ,,'srorzlouulasauedef,, 's1u5mrctn) aran rauenb Juo lsoule '>1ooqsnordrl4 Jo uoufrs rsl Jqt ur perues -:rd sSuru:dde11 zl aqt19 'tzz--orz 'dd,.(996t.suerqy .51&:e11 :1:o1 ua111s8uruaddallpua sruauultxlluEzh1qwasry'notde5uellv res'€r"r{ ,s8uruaddeH txaluor arll ur -Jqsotrdq uq ol lues lerrareu uo pawq Jo mn) arltJo lunof,Jesrr{JoJ 'f96r ur sa:uzu.toy:d a8etsrragt uo uoneu {oJur peJretep pa ra:a.ldpo aq rrqr pw 'artse.Ipagly uo{ ErnD eqr3o paur"el aq reqr sles morde; '(6€ 'd r:aqyo26pw rzzouag)6z lp{ salr rzzouagrnq 'l,r lpf uo acueuroyradolloa aqr sarrp (62]-!zi 'dd ,u:q .dd,LS6t lolN pup luca:ogur. uerSord aqr rnoqlra prltlswJl-er :z-r 'St Ip[) L JVlpg ur ]ual: ar{rJo tunorre pw urer8o:d screqrgsotr(r 'g9f.-n9(.'dd 'rraqlolN pue rzzolragur ,9!6r r:qua:aq 'otlnrqg nanttag uo{ .ereqrqsol orf .tr ,,'otsaJrueryrrrng eql, 'LfUlnC

'Szf-tzl 'dd 'uaqlol6 pw rzzotrJgur 'LS6t'St t1n[ ,zreqrqsolorrf fr ,,'uoDrqrqxar-elnDprlr{I aqtJo Iororord,,

'(of 'd 'r:aq1or1X pw rzzorrag ur'LS6t'\t l1n['L Mpg uo:3 .,{rneag;o q]ftrs uL, ,runs ons1 'zr '96€'d !ag1o16 plaerno)ragur ,L\6t ,r ,9 Ilrdy MJng uog ,.'r]snrgar.ltJo asrn] aql;o &oaqa aqJ., .oiourpuqs ozoqs .rr srqr uog ar' ,*al aqr ur ;urno11oj saron| '(zzt-grf dd ,t:li;fi p$e rnqooregur parelsupD-ar)r 'd ,956r::qor:g .! JV129 ,.,dnot} rrv .rern3,Jo uoDrgrrlxgrooprno puoDs lF uO,, 'erBr{rqso orrf 'or 'ttt-ett 'dd'uaq -lol( pue lnoTregur parurrdar'9t 'd,\\6r,zz raqoDo ,ol4oltafuug .spuoupE ,3.1 ,6 Pup uols 4trr1 <.'PunoJ) eqr ur aJoH ? sI rrv,, 'ru?)lernw puE 'runs 'DluzEru" ,urpuel .e8euoroy,tl,eurzleuqtr 'e8errqg 'tunollz s€r?rlrqso a:an llna ol1o1 or or{a srsru" aqJ tuana rJ" uat er{t ur suoneron} '(ttt-<:tl'dd traq1o16pu? zzouag


'izf 'd 'r:aq1or16 pw tzzot::g ur parur:d:; '(1,(6r) ,,uonrqrqxg rern) prrql aqr Jo lololord,, '€rerl -rr1so1orrf.r:ag) qsrqgouslre8aJaue,,seq q]lqd 'suerptJar{t u€r{l Jrr -urp qtrnrusr srqregr Suluonuau 'BuetuoCJos8ulrurcd l;oa sanSeaJyo: eqt ot 'saloqlq p::rald ptou raarlsJo a:ard r 'uourqlqxa roopur pJn{l Jreqrtuog sororu?rurqsJo lroa raleJe areduo: ppom eregrqsol '€! 'd '(!96r 'p:oJxg uV urapoIll unasnry :ptoyg) !96t-St6t ilpdp[ ut uV Jo ?pttt-iilttnv :su1tiJngsuoJa[ur ,,'saloH,,s pJ]Eubrsaplron aqr ::5 '( 'ErBqlqso olqrlw 'er?qrqsoloaPrH '?Prgso^orqsoJ'DIEsus Pue olnrnsl 'nqowsw il{sotBstr'\tr'EunC DIptnI 'enz1lfng o:lq;loa 'ruDIeSrqsol iBpDIO rqsorrH ':zu:n ntrq3 'EprIl olrurel 'nrelasl '(AErrJrrs) orolu?uqs ozoqs oraa uon?Dosry uV ra) 'EuJnzVruJEpBS r€tnD erfJo sJaqruauSulpuno3Jqr 'uerrrrreq]seureqnlsol orrf glrl6 'i 'ozt-6r 'dd'(!96r fry,p puoneN rgsnhJ:eleso) prqoS 'nint 'uolloug t2 uollrv ur \ruu1lry :o! sapuuVtzp tdlttlut2(J .,'EtnC uv,p '€t€qalel erDIVaas uourrlossv.l ap saauuEsa-I-:JQu98 asrnb nea1gea,, ,.'Sunureduolre,, sSraquasoaplor€H pu" r€]n9Jo uorssnf,spe rog € ' ilz{rqsotr 9zt'd'zl6t nuuns 7pilo1iru21uJ o:rf pue rernS-rry :sauedef .&zrodrueruo3 ur dnorS aq1., 'a^o'I qdasofur paonpo:dar9€6ruorJ lroa papr]un aqt ars 'aldruexaw rog 'z 't\'d' (r66t'rp?tsurec aloquaplqtew :1pe$uJe]) t96r-rt6r 'ryrpg4upnv asauadof1apta8ruany aqtnuadaf :lung "spe'ueqlolN snED{pw zzouag EJeqJEgur ,.'reln) stsnrvJo uonertross\y' asawdzf aql :sapr€)-tue^V atN ar{t jo ur8r:g )qr uO,, 'Ezo.urg ?leqt?g 'r ot utdvq3 reaarl rr{t ur SuuagnsSos8uqaay alola o: f:r ppom lar1r 'wu 3ur:agnse 'alduex: ro3 '8un:rdap u€r1tJrqt€Jrnq-*rr:rds aqt pue ueu 'aJnteu,,-ue Ip Jo suJaluor psJalrun aqt qtra pellolul :tam srelured eserpteqr p:urc1dxa:uln8zur aq1 69 'd '6!6r :aquaro51 9f7 'gf '65 'Lt 'dd'6!6r :aquarda5'saag uV ,,;tru;lapetyaaN ? ararlJ sL, uog sr tuauetuts seqnzq lapal.rg l,i '69z-6lz 'dd Tootltg 'Jelplurus,8ulu1 aas 'r:a(qns srqryo suolssn:srpu6 9i 4ro1 maN atlJ

'(1,16t 'atuag ?g trv 'uonbnpg qrol re51) aI :qr sduo3 aq1 :s[aq 1 lo tliuzJ 'p:eg u:y1ao[::s 's:r:a1e8alue:adoo: asaqrgoqrcr:p :og '!] ta2r.1s 'fz-zz 'dd'\\6 'ua::ag uqof'ff Aeyl<smaN ilV ..<purryJo:tErS:lqets,, .95,\z.dd 'i56r fiznrqeg 'smeNuV rssaH'g muoql '€i ('uops lrol aaN aqJ,, ..'' u:tro3 -ro3 lldurs aJaa sauo uaol-ur a(uos :pJlriur aJa.^astsan8 umol -Jo-tnoauos ' ' ' 'dp,{ tea:8,e wr,qlns-pue-gtrns, asneraq.4^aJ ? l,ao[ -leJalru e rpns, sr (os-prre-os, asnz::q p:rd:::e:::m sJuruJae3y, :,^aor{s aqr 3o ,llpuuo;ur ssru-ro-1q,, aqr :oJ Suqaa;auos salr8 ssa11!r 'd 'r!6r'r aunf lsa8tguV.,'lua 'auser) elpg/n-9t'dd E lr:ls qturN,, 'r!6r 'ssrH 'g suoql 'zi rauung sma.|g uV ,,'apn3-tw^B s.{ro aaN,, 'uuc-au)snod 'urTuol 'souers 'lPrBr{urad'llol Prr€

lLr 'uoutqtqrl rooq wadorng ur perurrd sr.4aaur?us,rsrrrelra,ra pue 'qsrfug olul PalEIsuEJl 956r11tdy ,'sJatf,EJer{f, sfr"r{lqso arer{I 'Ieurnol rler{lJo +ng ,(oq auo aql w altl uto{ se,r.lrssa srr{roJ Seallara4,suolrlqurcTeuon?uralul ur tuaPuadapulrrnlluo qlue aseql uatldruSotoqdnt uotuan uqto enssrlsrg ogr paqsqqndpeqdpeerpag'!!6r qf,rEIAl rE r?tng Jo aureu aqr repun .lloqs ppol't reqr dnor8 aqt PelqlrrasseP"q er{ ler{l arulr -u! sey?ruatl areH ,,'&utmrup,, aqr dg 'rrapau prf,raruruof,prr? F nrrf, 3o sreel oqt g8norqr seltllltf,? rernD Pury or luelotn p 21!2tJ012x? up qllm 'pat palurud alqese/rrag pue 'uedef ur sseulsnqpo-Sunyooo rsa8relaqr3o PPOq'uerulqlparvr e ser'r aprsutatll Sut,ttpts ?reqrqso 'Surssedsrg re osTE peqsloqercrnD at{r uaq,rt'zl6r uI qr?ePslq lllun s4sodua7lo auot a yattata t8tt Jlesrr -rt1g '556rttltf "Q(pV 'uns reut e 'saldrosrp Sunol srg ol rarsBlrr rselPpo./tr.rrgr drgsuorrelar Jo alor eql PtunssE?r?r{ -lqsotr'apre3-lue,re w ryorol;q Pue 'aqo) 'nIBsOJo -unspty6 Sutu"tngaqt a8uzJptl2 re.,'rerdrr{t Jo rsnr?paqsllqp}se se[r, oq] dq pernuqapEaJeu? 'uolSorlasuu;traqtJo stslu?re8unol qttrr"Sullaaruuaaq 01 uo4tqtqxg uv uo?ow roo7 'aqox per{ Ereqrgso1olf 156racurg '?56r rrqrue)eg ur Surpuno3sll r3UP(uonelcossyrry -ng ptuauatadxE eqt rol 'tty utapo24J unesnry prnl rclng) rr4ol; nsrnfig rctn9 ar{rJo Al,upe.roferu ls.rgrqr sE\ uns reluunsPlry 8ul lo -ulu4 oSotg '14?sOottty'rluts -urng erf a8uapg3 or uouqrgxE uV urepol l rooprno pruaurradxg eq1 '5561 reurrunsaqr uI relry ellqry aqr qu"q aqr fsaunot qdu8orcq4 'u/ s/€zx 3o 1o aurde ur ue{er rsJgeloru E 'uolrlqlqx, ut 3o rdacuooagr Sur8reluesruaur yrgft :qma slsod uapoom6 556r Suop tsaro3 onzay -l.radxareqtrry rnq are.rtr laqr :ra eaoq 'oJet, suollc?esaqtseetueJlxrryTEIrarEIuPUE 'ur Jruor asve14'o8rutqg sregrooprs8uoleu^loqsag ot sacaldSutleen 'uotl rrurrJo saulaqrult\r or{l uo Sulsnco3 -lqFrya suollf,?esaql n:aded aqr 3o Suruadoeqr eroJoqssardegt ro3' 'slrqappu? ruredqtr,upalg sap 3o sradelg8no:qrSur4eorgdpualor,rIturllBrnry ornqes -roq Surqseusotorueurrqsozogs 'reeJslr{qll&\ Sunuredpue adorz uo-rySur8ueqe8rr -rqs onzDl-,.3urrured uollf,?,,Jo sluroJorureulp llanbrun auos Pauletuocol1o1 ur uqle) "rErIO eqr rE uolrlqlqxopuoresrlaql qruou r?qt roJ '>lrollodul urespeq laql req.upuodagre; auo8peq rcrng egr 9!6r reqotf,Odg lng '{ro ^.rlelll roJ uollsrrruPt slsnrs 3r{lJo arorlr\rr?uPelr{ Pue 'qooq s,>lrollodSuoue PunoJueeq PeqMJng 'purnof rern3 eqr Jo ensslraqorlo aqr ul parur:d Jo srnssrprlqr pue puof,esag; u?rupor' 'H 'g tuo* ratel e uI Porunouu?se.r,r916r uI qr'rP .:*..Jl.g"" rr.r"* reql s,>llollodur parelof,srpptg ar{r"r{ \ dola,taplgry ppo.ll erer{Iqso1 3o uone8nse,rul r?rnD er{rqrr1(sElt^ u puy '}56r ur uonBrf,osryrrv IErnDel{l eurcleqteql dnorSt 'eere rrIESOeqr ur s]snr"Surtblgo elrrrf,B or roruatu sel'r?reqlqso sarrygdlreesrll ul z'rer?l sarnSga.rd polrad leqtJo uollf,trrsqeprnrsa8ur"ro sr?aluaaryg1ro .^aN ur euop> telurcd srqpue 'so€6rorelerf uI rsy-nstrqsnl;4dno;8 aqrgo raPunoJE sel'rEr?r{Iqso1 nrnsqe ueJlrsrurHr'ourlpu? rured3olrrprrererupltu?tsqnsarp3oleldsrp sH qrla trrurl.^^auE or uollf,ErrsqrSurgsndllollod punoJeI{ Pue .('salesrnouo lprarlp raqrt: rng 'uondacredpnsl.r.dyarndeqr uo rpnu os lou llpdul,, rlaqrJo aro:mereqlqsotrorlf 's8urturedpa.rnodpue paddrrpa8rrl s:ro11o4uoqoef;o or'lr lq Pexgsuer]selv\rellr,{\ e18urs e 'stsrueqruarJ er{ruo pesnroJsf,nrrf,rsourellrl,NysatrrsPrllun ar{rIuoU >lro.{\ slqr Pu? 'lqBry Pue Irnlruo^ a>lIIsraqsllgno Jo uorlf,asE ePnlf,ulor rsr5 rl{r se.4A./t\or{s dq papury suorrrgrrlxra3:t1q8norqrtf,eluof,leuolteurelulrtteuarot tqSnos radrds.anau prnrlnJ asauedefeql 'uolrtdnf,f,orertrsod3oslul?Jlsuof,aqr tuog Peerg tueruqsrlgersa 'uorrrqrqxgruapuedapulrrnrruo,1prqr eqr ro3olloa or rq8norqsertrs8urrurtd looqcg rsnf'{6t1o Surrdsarp lrol/daNJo dno.r8r',v\or{Sraels r{rurNrqr aroSag


LS-SS6r'ol1o1'eTeso'"d1,{ry uonsrfossv lrv rclnD arpJo suorllqFlxg

oJ uns2w a&ua11acD




gLr 'saarl (lueuesnueq ueqt raqto asuodsareptll arnrry r{tl { sEpue ParIlIIe,^aoqsel{l lng 'srollsl^ aqr Suoure Sunrrs sqpq u? r-oor Aua,res lg pereununlll sela uonlglqxe rql eseql at?polutuof,f," oI .r:z pren3w,r3o./rror{s ? r?eu JJaqaou o3 pporrr llrJeurPJo r"ql 'JOAr:alp paoJr e isurvro8reruruns Jragt ur sJalloJtsqr]i[ pallg seld lseJoJaurd aqr Jo egt qlr^r Parr? Poou azaerq Iootr e rgSnorq Sulua.ra ry lep 3o auD 3gl pup rer{t?e.4a agr 'a:uegap Surrlcrocs Jo ePntlue ue slsaSSnselllr uolrlqlqxa eql ellr1d\ 'uolsef,f,oaql JoJ 'puod e go ruorrog aqr Suruq Jal?.lr\JePun Perf,nJrs PUE -uor Surplmq e3o Suqrec eqt uo palqdslP ere.&\s8ulturcd rso141's1owd rno3 Jo lrol'r 'seaJl aql uaa.{\laq uolltrsJlsge dssaurroo3-o€ e aBrel t parcara otoru?tulqs ozoqs PuE 's8urrured ltreru ata.u aragr Sunras rooPlno eqr arrdsaq prgrrrrir runs onse .punor' 'suorlf,nrrsuof, aqt ssortrEsrrafgo prrrpur/r 3o sparpunq posradsrperrqsoury oTr{sol 'tprLlsol 'o,tg dq parqd orgsol e alrd lq srloqJo oloq pinrdprs rrensq€ snolre,t-p* .es?g a8ng e uo araqds prr i.1rrr'.r.poo IIErus r paleld Jo.^ or Buol e se.Lrareql -srp rruefturl1 err{v .srrrd aulqf,?u palun( tuou epEtu slcalgo lno ras orrlf,rw uos stq pue .sr.roddnsle]aru uII{tJo uatsds t uo sureag uePoo.l PtssoJf,o1t\l Pe1tlraleeJ?I{Iqso o.rr['sroloc snolrel parured slleu ParaIUU"q eq q]ll{ r olul'Per raqlo aqr.Pu? auq'^a pue snrfqo aSue;rs ur'srsod oru pa3po1e3ruolo141.suonf,nnsuof, ,uo.pu.or8:qr

spoo.^.aqr trc agr ur pepuadsns>lro.^eqr IIE or "",t1!lrl,lt qr, pel* era.4a r, ", "", 'rntqd 'e'1' Sunresaqr qrv"rraqraSorurng ot w8eq prng eqr uoq.v,,lluo pazrpar/11ry '4Butaueq JIrslI ra_renllqgxe or rqSnos 3o rzar rtirS'e .tt ,rrr " uor3 suolp8 PadP-Par ""8",rotoy,J 'pag:eorddt orlrr auolut Suruateargtsruroddrrqs rraqr 'a1odler esptu?p?S 'u8uaq s,r7e7 e 3o dor eqr or euq puo8elp e Suop Patlf,"rr?ull Jo slaeqsuae5gln,oq? or prcssaqse8 -Eru€I o>lnJnsJserrlarrlssarSSe alllrunsul ssardxa,, llpnbg ,,luoncnrtseP Xqdrtp prnrsa8 str,ut autoraw4(I tl pelpl eH'axe ue qtr,rl eprsureqr 8ur.r ,rrq lo ipor parured e8trrq5 -rrrt ,ipur1ot,,. PEqer{r"qr sureag3o1ual Jo auoJuado ue Palf,ero onzr;4''a1odrco1-Sfego dor eqr ol lrc aql olul Sur4euslagraSol sPreoqrEPef,looJ-g 'slsodor"rruaa,vrleg dlpcFla,rclrqe3 ueelualasparpelz ar{so}rseqtJo Jarsof,agr tE pue pepuadms'puno;8 er{rJo seqlul L noqe uofu lurd rq8rrg3o 3o acerdadre-lraqroue raa3arcnbso€ pagclarrsETpu"Jolnstv rq3113osluroddun rupf,aq saloqaqr rEJEuro{ 'allq.^araqro eql lnq 'puolaq seurdaqr aesor gSnorgrPalool auo asolc€urpuer5 Pue 'suolr enlq lr"P paruredePIseuo 'u ur salogtlll.{\ [e,^Autl e dn ]3s olotu?rulqs ozoqs -rpuor Sul,r,rar,r ur sa8uegoSutzrseqdue'SurUasIeJnlEuel{l ef?Jgrue pue a,rrrcadsred I?lnD lsolu 3r{l sE.{\>lro1t\ pup ezrlnnot sruJoJprepuelsrxog aogSur4earg'alqDIJEruaJ rrp tng /.sreqtuelurrrnS aarqr-lrua.{!rqr ot uolnpp€ q sra]pgueelue^esPaPnllurrr .,ron"oorrr ri, prol oqlTq pa:osuodssp.^a lr ef,urs'lsaro3aurdqlr' elrgrygo ea:r e8rtl e ra.r.o'556rfpf ur slep ueaulql roJ PIaq se^l'uolllqlqxa rooP]no lsrg eI{I ra^JesqoPUE'IJo1t\ 'luouluoJl^ua Jo uoIlf,EJJluI ,qr pu? ,ssacord ,uonder:ad 3o sanssrol uolluetlt Palf,erlP Surrraslecrsdqd aql aragr"r ,tnqep rooprno rrer{r qrr^\ esorelrrprodrual uo snf,oJsrqa 'pattpdruBlu eg ol raD?Lu 'f,uqg 'elorus 5rE 'Pnru lar?a-sle Jo tros Jaqtoue sBatull Jo ,/r{aI ? Pu?-sPlltuerlf, anslg aql rf,uls aPJeb -uetEru PJEPuelsuouJo osn aql se.trrclnD al{r ol [eJ]ue] e'JalIeU -luE ? uratselN aqr or rurr.rodul os 'ueJPIIt{f,JoJoI^Erpq ar{r of PereleJPUE'uolssaJclxa rrarrp pu? ar?IperuulJo asuesaql uI ..'elarf,uo],, sP PeroPuer ueeg sBq osF rI ,,'lualu -fp.q-E,, se qqpug ,tt prrrlt.teir sr dlpraua8 !4n9 Pue'dpoq sueoru 'ul swet3oapt arucrd aqr pa:nr:und eq leql ecualoll l{f,ns qll^ PeJalsIuIluPE o1r\lslrJo euo E'ef,eJJns .qreur se llrea sE ol{.1r\'olotuElu llcuad tuopuEr rltrlr\ {ro./d plrp?J auop pzg o16r -qS ozoqs 'uollpl)osse agr3o dretatras aqr lg pesodo:d senrung aturu rr{I ''aperSorrai ap:e3-rue'rr ieaddt P'old 'rold rlor{r Pu? rsrd ser'tluruloru 'uolluetl? IErnD eIP ueq'ln le1 Fuolleuralur Pe^larar dleuy dnorS rlaqr llprruorl


efforts of the Gutai group, it was largely ignored by the Japanesecritical establishment. One person who was impressed by the exhibition, however, was the Ikebana master Houn Ohara, who offered the Tokyo hall of his flower-arranging school to the Gutai fut Association for its first indoor exhibition. This mo-floor installadon of about sixry works, The First Gutai Exhibition, consolidated the radical moves taken in the Ashiya pines. And for the first time the artists performed before the public, extending to the creative act the status ofarrwork. "actions," They called these events the same term that Joseph Beuys would use in the sixties, and they were shocking in their violence and aggressivetreatment of materials. Perhaps unaware of the analory, Kazuo Shiraga and Saburo Murakami enacted ferocious versions of Pollockt physical entry into his work. At a gathering of the press on opening day, October ry, ry1r, Shiraga thrashed around for twenry minutes in a ton of clay that he had piled in tle courryard, wearing nothing but his shorts. As he attacked the material it began to rain, and the wet, muddy artist emerged from the processcut and bruised. Murakami had spent night and day stretching layers of packing paper over three large frames, which he set one in front of the other. Before the startled reporters he smashedhis upper body through the structure six times, creating his Mahing Six Holes in One Momenr. Evoking birth trauma and the notion of artistic rebirth, "I the last foray was followed by an emotional experience in which, he recounted, became a new man." The piece would be displayed in the center of the first room of the exhibition, which visitors entered throueh another frame over which Murakami


aboveleft: Tiuruko Yamazaki\ Danger (metal plates and wire) in the ExperirnentalOutdoor Modern Art Exhibition to Challenge the Burning Midsummer Sun, Ashiya, July t955. Photograpl: courtes! Sinichiro Osaki, Hyogo Pre/ictural Museum of .llode,t Art, Kobe aboveright: SadatnaaMotonaga.\ils. t 9r:. lVoodzn paint. uiL. tt . t posrs. g in. Collectionofthe a,rr;t. r ,catedfor thefrst Gurai ourrioo, exhibitionin Asbi.t'a. Jul.t rq;: Photograp h, coune1 o.t'5tnti ht ra Osaki, Hyogo Pre.fet'rural.lluseumof Modcrn An, Kobe

8Lr (uonrqnlxerqr eroJeqlep auo oAoJ .rl IJr?Ereqlqso1 reg.n3ur:a,r.orsrp Pa (ruoor '1'ropul./'t aputs e PaPurdsns :rrge3 rlurd3o orard eql eplsrno PuE aruuarqt ssortrE grolf,.urogelgosalSueDua8rtl Sunq e>IEuEJ JIesreI{ot [e.{t looJ-oor f,IrqeJ[BurIuItIIeqr sE.{\InDu?I rrotrAJ']I.{Ilf,? E r{rua.'E)fBusIolnsrvJo uonEITErsuI sse1purru Jo rrnpord pe8uerapeqr aq o] pa-rceddt1ror"rsp8errggsf,Illrr lsoru -ro3lpur -srrdrnstoN 'petulurradxe :arlreapeq e8uq5 qJlrl.l.rqrp\ 'sanbruqcat Sunurtd-:e8ug E uE uraasdaqr ,,'Surrureduollle,, >lro .^aN er?pdnapJES-luE u?rry plo-serJnruaf,Jo '[56r 'uE)IIE) EJeqo eql uI PalunoruarerrrsSutlulrdrpns or"r1 Jo luerr? 3 sElu?aw ? area arelul un8agp"q aq r?qr SuIruI?drooJel{l Jo ruewdola,raplPuolsueulP-aarl{l 'ssardrursrrSurreaqput lpog SunerlSslq qtl.^ pateerr'qro./dpnru sp8erlqg aqr q8norgrpatt ,,lpoq a1og.a,r -rca:ddeeg ot,, 'prpsEr?I{IqsoI'qro.^aoroa osaql 's8urrdsuo Petunorusrpeduapoo.u s,orouErurqsJo o.4r esrr^ErlIIPr,{t PInof, srollsl^ 'ruoor 0I{l ssorlv 'saFue llB rE rqSl per eqt parlagaracardler'r perorrlrurel{ put 'enq snouatsdlu" uo 1ool DIEZ?ureI o{nrnsl lq suer un lrdua or"rr-/!g Jo uollrellor aqt 'uaorg-Prr auref,eqSurrurtd lueurrr raq:o .uo11als"r?r{rqso1'r(qreaupallersurqlo./'r peurroJsrrtrltetlt rq8q par e r{tr^\aprsauo Sunpururnlll'peaouog peq ttuedeuqtrerrTv teqt uool1eqerrqr"re8rele dq parruruop sE4ruoor reqrouv dpre.rrorg8norgr.rarg ppo.a,rrqBITel{l l"ql osluaur -rsn(ptgo ltp e Surrrnbor!ete.^ parolor s8tq ouselda,r5-lruor'rrrnogt Jo tretn ue Jo laqr lauI?ue aqr lg 's8urrupda11py1gc srggrv'r Suop paleldsrpe.ra,lt Sunqaq.^aopur.l.r eqr tuou )If,orJo spunod oâ‚Źr grr.u PaurnlerrH 'uoll qrra Patur?d:a,rry e.a,reSrtuEJ -ellBlsur uoos3I{ Plr? ol lf,rJlsrPeurBrn>lof,IuaJsaql ol Jo lua,^A srq roJ sauols lJallof, 'e8euoro141 ol ue,rr8sE^.\ JooUpuof,asaqt uo ruooJaJlruauV'uolrlqlqxa aql ot Pato^eP aqr ur rqSru3 ruadsdaqr pue 'aoe1dagr roJ IreJe tag ot Paluelt\ eq PFo./v\tsrp sEarE laqr 'arrser{l lE paleeJf,eq or eJe./'r erulg ,'prrdec tgr ol rcsut){ ruo{ er{tJoJeJed ?r?r{Iqso reqr uorrrpadxau? './r\olls ? or p3J?dlUoJ uorsJnlxeuauB8JapuD{ -ard or olloa ol rue a srslrJ?eqrJo ua asuolllqlrlxa rq] eroJeq>ler./r\ e tnoqv ^ '1IqtsnorqlnuqsErf, dg ,lloqs oqt Suruadol1ry.rarrl Jo rouoq eql pEI{EreI{IqsoIradtd plo8 PelplartsP?q

2q0x 'ttV utapory lo unasnry ptnl -u!at4 oSotg '/4!tO otltptuts 'q{ru8orcq4 'putt1 to ,6aunot -aq lpm aqt uo umotls t8uutlg onzry tq sSuuuud rcol a8nl omt qltm '('u! r/r9 :a!1e :'ut z7,oz:g) suatuu oru-@{lo qrz -?u?f, oyunsJ [q uauta8uatta uo lo trrd v punot&a"rolaql u1 '!!6r uqott7 'oQo1 'ua41tS1 u?qo 'uo4qlqxq "tooquJt?1n9 $fl1 eql lo man uoqt llpisuJ


SaburoMurahanl. Making Six Holes in One Moment, r9y. IVood, paching paper. Photograph. courresyof Sinichiro Osaki, HyogoPrefecnral Museum of "acModern Art, Kobe. In this tion" petformedbeforethepres at Ohara Kaikan, Tokyo,October 19, r9tt, Murakami createdthe work that he would install in the initial gallery of the Firx Gutai Indoor Exhibition. SadamasaMotonaga.Stones.Installed at the First Gutai Indoor Erhibition, Ohara Knikan, Tbkyo,Octoberryy. Photograph, courtes! of Sinichiro OsakL Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modem Art, Kobe


o8r .eceds orur E putrl ? r{f,Euor uaqr 8ur snorrersftu 03rc1e parrnnsuof,erroH lalqllN aaJl{rsllJo euo PaIJIsJoltsll -rrrolprsnf (pa.loJJ?ulleferparururJoPIJJof, eql (saJuzJlue uarl6 'eprsulrq8q par Sutotluaue qll.4aslp./denlq {reP Jo esnoqe Pelf,rra?l?qlr{so aql orrf 'srueruuorllur TEIf,ods PaurctuorosTEuolllgrflg rooPrno Puolas 'qle^u?l uaAlJP _SutrdssrgJo auo apEtuolourEurr{s ,spuar{ I?su?-)srqJo tuetuurcuatuasnoPJEzeq eqr roC .trit:o; dtuei rauruns ar{tJouonrp'' aqt ur lood r'rorreuE ur suretrr'l aueqdol 'saarler{l uee^uaqralE^\ 'rg8r1 -pl Pero Pelr?UOrrql SuIPsrsElllryssaocns Per"oupue -jo,jo trq.r 3uo1Sunq r8euoroll lpum ratuurnspue gsgllef30 Er?qlqso PaPulruer /t laqr .puno: ouo puE TEo auo .plotu puE I{f,not ol POlI^uI Ora/( srollsl qf,Iq '>1oo1 ftuqs e uI?luIPuIor aurgdolac trerl polgruasarrel{r duaq ,rtrr8 Sutrnotdsauo 'uolrlglqxe rooPlno lseBrPI qt^i prl,J"- pnru Jo sdeaqomr palqdsrp e8errq5ereqJ rror{rroJ rseroJPlIqry aql or Peurnlarslsllr? IErnD aql rerElstlluolu earqJ 'llareunlroJun 'uonlgltlxe ol1o1 'pereadde aql ,fiots attT nrcu 'ereld axE er{replslnoPal?orf,-ar Pu? regtul] slr{Jo uolsre^ral{louE P?q os[Eor{ I{)II.4 ,pe* ,furtq5 ontql tiogi aql 3uo1y 'ul1esoul uolrlglrlxE lesus)-fiV eqr rE&EnrqeC 'oqnr uopoo'Lr r'ro11al ur uo tls ol sJolrsllprrt,"ui p"q ,q l"gr xog eldrursoqlJo IuEIJ? ? e parrqnfe ItuP)lernw'uaa:3put rvropl'pal PorurcdPerlrq q]Iq^\'surlf,lr{r a^ITaergl '1uer. pr.^oqs eq pu?l uO 'teoq raqqnr ? uI sl)elqo asaqlg8norqr PO'&or?rEI{IqsoI 'ret?a llt urorSparrn( iqr ,rr'*oq ^o1rX " p* ,"oq iitq^ e ,orar{dsarrqa E Sulreolg 'lIrgPJ>lr?Pl{ll^'\ qP/( ePIsuI laqr rtqr os uouoq eql olul sroqrullPerurcda orP Pue eql Surrnppaqruoglu"r IOrya8rele ul ras arp para^of,ETBqII{so'paPoog/dou PuE:8.^,1 a,rrssardrur >lJo1r{ lsoru srl 'g)IBSO sE4a PIo uEuI Palsf,ols9.4i\ PJ",{dn{s PUEego) uee.&\]eg uE rfl{\ uolngqxE rooPrno deq eug eqJ 'euoP se^lesuaqlro3pazlueSro-uolllglqxe o1'rrluas lt t'Hrr.r rr* t r /tqt 's{PsO ot 956r pdy u1 sraqderSoroqd r,rru, -euos pa8uerr?du?duof Pu? ErEr{IqsoI'a:nsodxaqlns Jo af,ue-llodtultq,3o ""* 'u? ,\ru rlel{r uo rrnt?al e .ro3-dnor8rcrn) aql pagceorddegrtq""r 'eurze8eur IIoIN tpi l" sarlgo al{r-pegr"rt teql Lrors qspuotuPgseanllgego:d r1 n..'prrdsogTerueru sf,I peJu?pE uBur'ruoorldrroql pcrslgd,,eqr qll sEuorlrgnlx3er{lJouorEzlrarf,erBqf, sn{elwN's,(uls Pup srpls -rrrf,raqrou?PalonbsPuotuPg'alg?ro eJsPr\lunof,f,eu.^Ao 'ndedsnaudrury'S'n eqr uI ((PunorDarp ul aloH " sI uV,, ssPuotuPg'D 'I $tw4 ,rctn3 er{rsPAslr{rrng 'slurPnls uolsef,Jo aqr roJ rpl3ug a8rn8url rsrg lrors aqt uo ."*eloy u1 olloa rr, Binoi rrr.4 srotrsrl rqr jo Iroyrq 3o ratuaf,er{l aplsrnoparrad -xe oq ot af,utpueDe^u1'rgl ol Surrnglrtuof,'uotuglqxa al{l Jo esrnof,ogr q8no:gr penunuof,Suqtse:.upnu stSerrqSSulrnp ssa;deql PDIEosPtq r"qr uIEraI{I 'Jol?JqrA f,Illfala u? qll.4A euoP saull

'qsnrg ogr rea(arppo.t leql SuIruIEdrcrn3 3o uonr.rn8guof,s<rrunsonspl sE1(arerp 'ouo arnrrySurrn8gardpuy 'attuan ttltql Pt" EPII{so ryso1dq s8unuredraqlo PUE a:aqa 'rq8ru euo uI uTerleql uo euoPP"q ?q I{rlrl a olory lq qro.,r.ra)il1-llteqara.4^ ,r8,rri.ttrd,8r"1 rriqr pr or{sEr?qrqso olr{rll tr'radrd rarlg otuo spf,nuaqr8ur,r1oss1p lq se8eurrt)?psg?af,uprlf,pateerf,otl ^ 'etlqsoury o{HsoJ raqf,?al,/ulsluel{f,lrg saseto rq8rr aqr uo SutreluE'seloqxs Jo ryo1\ qlurnlernl4JbulPunorrns^{oqsaqr lq8la ora.^a 's8urlurcd,tral e armb PaPnllul uonlglqxe aqJ Jo ruoor rsrg elf ur lwru 'slslu€ rElnS eql ol Prluef,lpulsea:rul 'sPr"oq lSurrds o>lII ser t?qt erup Jo luewele aqr pazrseqdtueosTEtI EorouI?uJIIlS 's:.rilsr,rlg paraSSr' Sunpus Pu€ uolrlqlqxe erllua arp q8norqr lro.noalllr'rerul uV ,sllog f,rrtf,eleSulsn sarerdse>IeueJ rsrg al{r sea SII{I (('srl?lsu^\oP Pu" srlelson Jo 'Palunocer 'Peuals{ rnoqe ^{oU'sarnl?arf,8ur,rqalrl 'sPunosaqJ Pu? Poors]IE alN,, 'moqs er{r qslug ol lq8lu Ereqrqso ysilag 3o tc,rrttbtt ? Prerq lluoppls laqr eqr orul arelpelro.t daqrryuonellElsul aql qrut SurdlaqPUEPapocuof,PEqslslueslq


Instalhtion by SadamasaMotonaga of tubesof coloredwater in the pine treesof Ashiya, during the SecondOutdoor Exhibition mounted by the Gutai Art '4ssociation, July 1956.Photograph, courtes! of Sinichiro Osaki, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modtrn Art, Kobe

cube in which a ray of sunlight traversedthe wall as the day passed.And Murakami put up a greatcylindricd tent, surmountedby an open metal cone.Entitled Shy,rhe pieceisolateda sectionof the heavensfor personalview inside the pink interior. As "a Yoshiharacommented,it was trap to catch. . . natureitself."r0 Murakami madethe point againby suspendingan empty framein the trees, and many artists took advantageof the setting to hang work in the air. Nobora Sukamitsuhung a row of white glovesfrom strings,and TakeshiShibataput up a large YasushiMurano madea convoluted six-corneredkite and an arrayof geometricshapes. consuuctionof wire netting, and in the treesKimiko Ono suspendeda long line of woodenslatsresemblingthegoheiarShinto shrines. Akira Kanayamatied the show togetherwith about loo feet of white vinyl. Imprinted with blackfootprints,it meanderedthrough the exhibitionuntil finally running up a pine tree.He alsoconnectedthings through light and sound,borrowinga signallight and bell from the railroad,which he set to fash and clang continuously through the duration of the show These coincidedwith the sequenceof lights in "bones" weretimed to resemble Thnakatsevengiant human figures,whosefluorescent fowing blood. Her other illuminated piece,a largecrossof light bulbs,slowlyturned on and off.



# €*


Shota Obayashi'sinstallation of gildzd boxes,in the SecondOutdnor Exhibition of the Gutai Art Association,Ashiya, July ry56. Photograph,courtesyof Sinichiro Osahi, Hyogo Prefectural Museamof Modern Art, Kobe Installation uiew of the Second Outdoor Exhibition, '4shiya,July 1956.In theforegroundarefloating lanternsby SadamasaMotonaga, and in the backgroundis Axuko Thnaha's illuminated cross. Photograph, courtesy of Sinichiro Osakl Hyogo Prqfectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe opposite: Akira Kanayamaifootprints on approximatelyno yardsofplatir, ending up a tree afier snahing through the SecondOutdoor Exhibiion of the Gutai Arr 'Association, Ashiya, July ryy6. In the bachgroundis ShozoShimamoto's painting done by fring paint fom a small cannon. Photograph, courtesyof Sinichiro Osahi, HyogoPrefecturalMuseum of Modrrn Art, Kobe


aqoy 't"ly utzpoqto anatnh[ pntrala4 oSot(11t4a -sg ot1qt1u1g tsaunot 'qdu8 lo -o7oq4 'uadu[ 'uV lo unasnyg ,(tty natutaqtl 'ur 14r{ x 14rf x !9 'saqnt uoau 'sdua7 '956r '?Tpu?J o|ngv 'ssajP lef,rjtf,ela :arrsoddo aqo;,1Tw utzpol4Jloanas -ny1J luutalat4 oSotg 74asg o.r7r1t1u1g lo f,sal"rnoc't1dar8otor1r1 'uVlo wrcmryJ,0t) nstvwvypJ 'a8u"ut1gonzty tq Suttuud tool aFnT aqt to tuo{ u 'lleqrooC pax{ur lnaotruay anqy sttoo{ aqt uo req purqeg '956r uqol -tg 'ot4o1'up1!vx preqo 'uotj -lqgq ruru) Fuoraseq1u'ssetq 4t1r21a0q ut !1!ueJ olttslv



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#i *"# There were quite a few nonstandard smaller paintings in the show, including 'W'orks Yamasakit piecesof foil and tin. by Yasushi Murano and Kimiko Ohara were of distressedpaper, and Miyuko Hara showed just a sheet of paper partially rolled up on the wall. The stratery of using distressedmaterial, however, was most impressively displayed at the third indoor exhibition, held in their native Kansai at the Kyoto Municipal Museum in April 1957. At this first Gutai museum show, Murakami abandoned his paper crashing and exhibited a large work ofpaint already peeling offthe surface, revealing the connection between time and material as no stable painting could.r3 Shiraga continued his foot painting, which he had begun to rework with layers of podiatric gesture. The most striking innovation, however, was made by Kanayama, who Yoshihara felt now "went even firrther down the road marked out by Pollock." His work resulted from experiments he had made with children! mechanical cars and tanla. It was painterless painting, done by a remote-contrclled model car rigged with a can of quick-drying paint. The device made all-over compositions, substituting mechanism for the effects ff atip and spatter, and looking forward to Jean Tin[uelys meta-matic drawing machines of ry59. After nvo years of Gutai exhibitions, Jiro Yoshihara began to articulate for the public some theoretical issuesraised by the groupt activities. His account of the second indoor exhibition emphasized the way that Gutai worls question their own artistic sta"it was the frame of the concept of art that he tore tus, noting that with Murakami through so bravely." Such Duchampian lessons,howevet were suppressedin the manifesto that he published two months later, in the art journal Geijutsu Here Yoshihara focuseson mateial, on its murder by traditional art and its renewal by more direct and honest presentation. Crashing through pap€r, throwing paint, displaying water alone-these serve to bring the spirit of material to life, rather than dominating it with brush or chisel. He extols the various automatic methods used by the Gutai artists as strategies in this quest, from Kinoshita's chemical reactions to Shimamoto's cannon fire. But he distances their work from Dada. His model, of course, is Pollock, yet Yoshihara also mentions a group he has only recently learned of-the art informel


Akira Kanayama hanging his painring done with a remotecontro/mechanicalcar on uin1l, during the Firsr Gutai Indoor Erhibition, Ouoberr9s5,Ohara Kaikan, TbkJo. Viewed fu his colleagues as druelopingthe work of JacksonPollock, Kanayma anticipates by two years Jean Tinguelyi mechanicaldrawing machinel Photograph,courtesyof Sinichiro Osaki, Hyogo Prefectural Museum of Modern Art, Kobe.I(yoto Municipal Museum, April 1957






of Michel Tapid and Georges Mathieu. \flithin a year he would know much more , and the direction of the Gutai would irrevocably change. In the course of his manifesto Yoshihara speala of things that had not vet appeared in public, such as Shimamotot Gutai music and Motonaga's work with smoke. Since the 6rst outdoor exhibition, he had been thinking of a new forum for display, one that would focus on the temporal. So after confronting the Ashiya forest and the midsummer sun, the group adopted the theatrical stage as a new challenge. The results were presented two years later, a product of studio experimentation and the experience of the intervening exhibitions. At Osaka'sSankei Hall on May 29, 1957repeating the program in Tolcyo on July z9-the Gutai introduced their works for stage exhibition. Along with the earlier actions, these would be marked by Allan Kaprow as the first Happenings.15More than this, the stageevent itself was an exhibition ofworking process,the elevation ofcreative activity to the level ofthe objects that it produced.'Withour the existential anguish, Rosenbergt painterly drama had literally moved onto the stage,to be exhibited alongside its issue. The program consisted of twelve works, beginning with a highly stylized performance in which Kazuo Shiraga and his friends attacked the back wall of the stage with arrows and a spear.There was Gutai music by Shimamoto, described by Ray Falk "It in the New York Times, sounds like the screeching of tires, the tearing of a bolt of cotton, the grinding of metd against metal and most often the distorted recordings of ultra-high frequenry radar and radio signals."r6 Shimamoto also violently destroyed a seriesofthree objects lowered from the ceiling, sending debris out onto the audience. In other pieces paint was thrown toward the viewers from behind clear plastic, and a giant balloon was inflated and deflated to more monotonous sounds by Shimamoto. Jiro Yoshihara displayed an empty stage, and his son gave a slide show whose abstract images mixed and melted from the heat of the projector. Among the other worl<s was Saburo Murakami beating through huge stretched paper panels, to great amplified crashes.Atsuko Thnaka removed costume after costume, some electrified, and the exhibidon closed with SadamasaMotonaga presenting his smoke work, which had been developed earlier but saved for the stage. Colored lights played on drifting smoke, and large smoke rings were directed toward the audience. Unfortunately, things were a bit more smoky than anticipated, and the audience fled the theater choking and coughing. At the second stage-art presentation, Motonaga aimed his smoke cannon suaight up. Art on the Stagewas the last in the seriesofchallenges that Yoshihara had set the Gutai artists, provocations to create art in and for new contexts. Many of them had come to the group already experimenting with novel forms of picture making, their interests focused on new means and materials. Yoshihara set these efforts in the context of European avant-gardism, the tradition of trying to be rid of the weight of the past, layers ofobsolete culture distancing the artist from the sources,and goals, ofcreativiry. "Do only what never has been done," and his exhortation to the new His motto was prompted the artists to fix on the novel materials and techniques that they displayed indoors and out. But the very notion of an artwork was also up for revision, and the Gutai experiments led them to display working processesas substantial entities. For the Gutai, not only was a picture an arwork, but so was the processof its creation. In the Ashiya pines their focus on matter had led to a concern with physical change and perceptual process, naturally developing through their actions to a theater of artistic production. But all of the Gutai exhibitions contained paintings, and most of the artists showed worls of conventional media alongside their more radical pieces.Events soon conspired to bring them to the fore. The crucial occasion was the arrival in Tapan of the French critic Michel


Jiro Yoshiharaperforming for photographers fom Life during the One Day Oudoor Exhibirion stagedin their bonor April r956. For this work he useda fooded fuel storagetank, in the abandonedshipyardbetweenKobeand Osahawheretlte euentuas beU. Photograph,courteryof Sinichiro Osakl Hyogo Prefectural Mu' seumof Modern Art, Kobe

o6r re gldtadq parnporrur'a8ers ogr roJ rreJo acuztu;o;rad rsEIrlar{rJo uolsEf,lo eql sBlr\ osP lI 'looqrs ToI ,/doN aqt pue putotul Jo sroqluau qll^r uowlfossE rlal{l lq uedef 'ppse8ep uI snr?rseulos srslrrErcrn3 al{r 8ur,u8 lpug 'otol) Pu" '"llol'?ulqsorlH or Ert ,v\oqseql 'eurD{ zuErc gtr^ ruoor e uI JIasurII{ Pug ol Errr?^EIIEI roJ Pu" Pala 's,llollod uoqref3o auo g]r.4a ITp^.nr"s erp uo 8unurcd srq aasot Er?L{Iqso roJ IIIrI{l E se.1d tr dlurrrra3 'suoqf,aJrpualult{ slq or Surprooo?stslrr" tzrnD ar{r lg pacnpord serrl '?ueluoC pue 'e11adory'sa1dt1 'neII{tEIAl'pddy papnl:ut sueed lro.^a pellg-eloq esoq.{r -orng nolro.^al pu? 'ile uoqtory 'ileg-Brr"W '{lollod leuseDl 'Suruoo;,1oP '1pr{lrtry (rlEuoCI 'auor?J (qoorg Surpnlcur 'arysal 'ue8rrreg 'Sraqpyo) tapqlueluerC ,^aoqs pons r{rurN erp uor3 lueru ara.{\ su?f,Irotuv agr 8uoun7 'serers pellun aqr uor3 auo-&rrqr ptre 'adornE tuo5 xs-ltuerru 'uedzf uor3 uo,tos-dtua,tu-slsllr? rno3 'lalng pua -&q314 pepnpul ^ oqs oqt 'p nsoC leuoll?urarul erpso aqrJo r:td se plag pwolul :?rE .^iroNEJo rrv puorreuretul 'erlpso ul arors ruaruu?daq eleurrqse4ea agr rp uouqrqxe a8rc1e a8ersol se,t\rr 9!6r pdy ul peulnler grdel laqoryq uorld\ 'pa8pnf aq ppo.ra.Sur -rurBd rrar{r qrlr{^r, uHrl^r, lxaruof, aqr /11ry erour .1r\Bs rErnD aqr reqr utdef ol dtr] lxau s,grde; Surrnp se,&tI 'rer{trry padola.lap sE IIea sB peorqâ‚Ź u.t\oqs eg ppoqs tq8noqr ar{ reqr sruaurdola,rep 'suorsuourrp o.^r uI sef,u?Ap?pllper epetu p?q rclnD eql t?ql .4atnl erer{rqso1 ralured paururuof, E sB puv 'a9erue,rpepue asn Fnlnu Jo uoltentls stsltre slq or tyouaq agl E se.,rttL,'?ldEI pe8ernocue er{ pu" 'uonue!? puollturrlulJo 'uolrrafqo ,&?s 'esrnorJo lorurcd raplo er{J :rrlseru sBEreqlqso Jo PEaler{t 8ur.v'o1yog slsuJe rrln3 ar{t 'san8eallof,u"Jdorng srr{Jo rsogt qtr,,rrdlasolc oot stJoJJ ou pesr?J l:ar' se^auoltuene slq rcelSau pue alncrprr 3o s.real rreql peterf,osseeq ellq,4N'atuoo1a.,r,r eql reUE Pu? (srsllrEaseqrJo aruelrodrul arp a8pal,trou)lf,?ol 'u?dE[Jo ePlslno ro ePIsuI 'lro.1d 'f,nrrf, snoues aqr se.Lr rrer{r tsrg 7rde1 laqllry PUEsrsltr? slr{ roJ uolrlqure spreq 'mn3 agl -HsoI pu" Jo uolrelrerdde pa.r put 7aruolu1 1o le^rauar r ro3 uoneldse srq r[szrsnqtua s(trr]rJf, ar{t rallzur xaldruor ? selr{7rde1 qrr.LrtuoIUJ IoAuI JqI Jo U4I q]I^\ PE]"IIIJP AJAAIIV'rclul NS]IUIIqSOIISI]JE TAAJOJUX osauedef Suru.rnla: oq] pu? 'sr)ueJC urcS uEJIJJITTVoqr 's.{oPutld aJols luoruu?daP ur rurelf,f,? rrar8 or rured ppo.u oq./t\ 'nerqrel4J sa8roaS :pa^Irr? grdel reql qruou euJesar{t srJedruog euref, stuaruef,JoJured'lxeruof, srql uI pa8pnf ag >lro^\ rlaqt rEI{r Sundacce 'Surrured arntse8 leuol]?urrrul Jo plro.Aaer{r Peraua laqr teaa.r,roqlautolul pur grdel r{lv't uonertrosspasoltr e Surdola,rap u1 'aspdul llrarured arp ot enrl 3ul -ur?ruar alrqr'r SurruredJo sPunoq ar{r leluarutradxa tsoru Pualx3 ol PaPualul sE^ >lJo1r{ rrar{rJo qlnru pue 'sralured era./"l'esrnof,Jo (r?rnD oqr Jo IIV 's8unured lluo paureruor ,!\oqs aqr 'g1del lq paf,nporrul 'usTs) Er"qO egr re 1,56rraqoro6 uI uoltlglqxe rooPul

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'lpursrrdrns ro51'uedef ot trsr,r.tsrg sql Surrnp pegsqqndput Er?r{rr{so1 ,V11arutotu1 amruan77,,or paro ap '8 MJng ut stuasa:dgrdea runor:E rr{l sI rPnS 'uolt?If, -osry rrv rernD aqr ul drqs:aquau rq8nosag 'srreluol eseutdzfans:ndueqr.raqrrro5 'tuauralouJaJnleur? pereloJsrpar{ 'leuareruelg?elptuSurpug3o PetlsurngTautotut pue Ererllqso1raeuror uedef tt4l Jo sr{rnn arf ruar{lr{f,Ealor se.lnpo8 srH 'sar?rf,osse ototuocJ or eruol ol pepr)epgrdel pur 'su%Iur uuaflnq rleq] Jo sardoorurq pa,/dol{s oest11raturcd aqr url{./t\dnor8 rernS aqr Jo ptureal peq aH dpca3radsueydsrq orur aqr elrler ol u8rtdurt: E uo pr{regtua peq pldeapue paleydrrcdef'tuaurr our 3ur1rz3 '8uruer"rsv.t'tTautotut u?,1 ur.tseJeturueadornEetup sII{rdg r,,,'urrotsl:yyy11aruolu1 ,, eqr peqqnp lueruelrf,xelerol Jo rrrroJE Sulsner 'lepo1 rry Jo plro/N aqJ 'uoltlq -rqxaperosuods-rqery at{rur rrots rueuuedaq eletuqselea oqr re od1o1ur parzadde 'Surruredprnrsa8youolsral l{f,uerC? pef,uepEp"q seHU llo./d srr{t9!6r requar'og u1 llrra aqr af,ulsrlf,nlr 7t*olut ua,l Jo rapeeleqr se,,'rprdtl '1,!6rreqruardagur grdea




Osakat Asahi Hall. Thpii continued to promote the Gutai group. He arranged for an exhibition of their paintings at the Martha Jaclson Gallery in New York that fall, where Yoshihara showed a film of the Gutai stage actions. It was a year before the first HappeningAllan Kaprowt 18 Happenings in 6 Parts at the Reuben Gallery in October r959-but early work had been done in John Caget classat the New School for Social Research, and the new art form was already germinating. He also introduced the Gutai to Italy, rhe Arte Nuouo evhibition during May, and where they showed nvice in Tirrin-in with an exhibition of their own in June at the Galleria futi Figurativi. The April 1959 issue of the Italian journal Notiziewas devoted to their work, presenting the first long texts other than those they had published themselves,and paralleling the radical work being done in Europe by such artists as Piero Manzoni and Yves Kein. From the beginning Yoshihara and Shimamoto had sent ou GUTAI to members of the international art communiry but it took the efforts of a promotor like Thpid to get them broad notice. His last project with the Gutai was the strangest of all, the International Sky Festival held above the roof of the Thkashimaya Department Store in Osaka in April 196o. Collecting drawings from a group of international artists, including Alfred Leslie, Claire Falkenstein, and Sam Francis, the Gutai artists enlarged the images and senr them aloft attached to balloons. In form a radical exhibition concept, its transfer of standard media to larger format failed to engagethe substantial concerns of the early shows. But it maintained the element of humor that from the outset characterized the exhibitions of the Gutai. By this time, however, the Gutai group had done its work. Ironically, as it was assimilated by Thpid as a mode of gesture painting, the most advanced international artists were embracing the kind of thing that the Gutai had done in the midfifties. For in Europe and America the avant-garde was in revolt against such painting, concerned more with the new consumer sociery than with existential expression. Reversing the direction of the Gutai, they moved offthe canvasinto assemblage,installation, and performance. Their general route embraced a junk aesthetic, which in the United Stateswould be cleaned up for middle-class consumption as Pop. Yet the most outrageous ofthese artists grounded his project in a spiritual quest not unlike that of Yoshihara. For Yves Klein, this enterprise led into the void.


sea ut ,.'uE>I sa ,1Jo uV arlJ :uon?tha-l parsrsry,.pqru:sog w111.i 'u!4x t24f,ur uo atoN ,.'g){J 'J 'f!u (g d prruqral V, 'on8un-rsn:ueyA1 IorEJ pw ,,,pro1ar{rJorop .anlg uraD{ .f -elsrnbuo3 :ur3DI sa lallrlE:1,1 :as ,1, Ieuon?ulrlul ug 'g( 'd 'lapg:141 .,lopersrnbuo3 :uraDJsaq,, .,f,olo)enlq Iprraleuur w,, Jo uourqrqxeu? s JPI 3-I Jo elods JJl"[ 3r{ sp .anlq aJaa .asJnof, 's8unurtd aga Ltz 'd ,laJJrlgryl 'z ,,'usruer:urrsog prreur:D s:q,,

8gz uI prrelsuel-ar) z d '956t 'r t1n['n 7V1pg ,,'(dnorg rrv ,IVpC, tsrrCrqt uO''ereqrqsol or{'g

Jo uonrqnlxg rsrrCar{J) ,NEI-IVJ1D,

'lunof,3?srql uo{ aJelxal aqt ur qJoajo suonezrJapEftqf, tz 'd p:ronb ag1 (orf-gof'dd f;aq1oA pue rzzouag ur par?Jsu€u-ar) '!!6r 'oz raqor:6 'f ntng .,'uns rauunsprry Suru:ng aqr a8uapq3 or uV urapot{ Jo uoDrqqxg rooprno pru:ur:adxg,, 'eryn MoL'L 'oz 'o'zzouag'9


'gzz-Szz'dd 'rprA {Jo runolf,Euao surel){Jouou€lsuzrl e sapnPurosp anSoprm srql '(z96r '&rs:allun ,rry ,strv eqr loJ ernl -nsul :uorsnoH) an4tadso4ay :296r-9z6r 'ulrl)J satl^ .Ars:alrun a:ry V 'stJV 3r{t JoJ arntDsul ur rpoq prre uraD sa^ ,, pw ,,'usru?rf,nJtrrsod 'l:pq:yq seuoqJ ees,Frsed ,,pIoArr{l Jo :opelsrnbuo3 :ureDl sa ,1,, rpnEJJ pue (upurv) zrpwurr{ pu?urv spuarg srq qrrn acrg ur gi6r ur Suilpnrs {snor:as uz8ag urapqylrqw'non4soy sapatuoSoaso2a7 s lrpurrH xpry Jo aurrlf,op)qr pue Iroa srr{ur)a.rrq slalJered p:yrerap aqt Jo pu? 'uraD{ uo af,uenuuruerJnrtrsouaqt 3o dpnrs asop ? JoC 'r t t utdurlS 'lL-rL'dd \taq ,r{esg lolN puB rzzoleg ur .'puatEw puE uorDv uaamrag8unulu4,, orlqilulqs oas '9rde1jo ::uetda::e lztn5 er{r Jo tunof,f,?rr" roC gr 'l,g 'd 'r:aqyo26pw rzzouagw ,,'uonsanb plur) ? sedno:g rernS ./r aqt 3o ruaudolamq pue punor8q:Eg ImrrotsrH,, .r{asl DID€SeJ J 'gnn-SW dd'r:aqyo16pw rzzotragur p:rur:dar,xFz d '1,!6r'g raqua:aq 'stulJ .{pC lsg '9r {o^ /rN ,,'srorzlouulasauedef,, 's1u5mrctn) aran rauenb Juo lsoule '>1ooqsnordrl4 Jo uoufrs rsl Jqt ur perues -:rd sSuru:dde11 zl aqt19 'tzz--orz 'dd,.(996t.suerqy .51&:e11 :1:o1 ua111s8uruaddallpua sruauultxlluEzh1qwasry'notde5uellv res'€r"r{ ,s8uruaddeH txaluor arll ur -Jqsotrdq uq ol lues lerrareu uo pawq Jo mn) arltJo lunof,Jesrr{JoJ 'f96r ur sa:uzu.toy:d a8etsrragt uo uoneu {oJur peJretep pa ra:a.ldpo aq rrqr pw 'artse.Ipagly uo{ ErnD eqr3o paur"el aq reqr sles morde; '(6€ 'd r:aqyo26pw rzzouag)6z lp{ salr rzzouagrnq 'l,r lpf uo acueuroyradolloa aqr sarrp (62]-!zi 'dd ,u:q .dd,LS6t lolN pup luca:ogur. uerSord aqr rnoqlra prltlswJl-er :z-r 'St Ip[) L JVlpg ur ]ual: ar{rJo tunorre pw urer8o:d screqrgsotr(r 'g9f.-n9(.'dd 'rraqlolN pue rzzolragur ,9!6r r:qua:aq 'otlnrqg nanttag uo{ .ereqrqsol orf .tr ,,'otsaJrueryrrrng eql, 'LfUlnC

'Szf-tzl 'dd 'uaqlol6 pw rzzotrJgur 'LS6t'St t1n[ ,zreqrqsolorrf fr ,,'uoDrqrqxar-elnDprlr{I aqtJo Iororord,,

'(of 'd 'r:aq1or1X pw rzzorrag ur'LS6t'\t l1n['L Mpg uo:3 .,{rneag;o q]ftrs uL, ,runs ons1 'zr '96€'d !ag1o16 plaerno)ragur ,L\6t ,r ,9 Ilrdy MJng uog ,.'r]snrgar.ltJo asrn] aql;o &oaqa aqJ., .oiourpuqs ozoqs .rr srqr uog ar' ,*al aqr ur ;urno11oj saron| '(zzt-grf dd ,t:li;fi p$e rnqooregur parelsupD-ar)r 'd ,956r::qor:g .! JV129 ,.,dnot} rrv .rern3,Jo uoDrgrrlxgrooprno puoDs lF uO,, 'erBr{rqso orrf 'or 'ttt-ett 'dd'uaq -lol( pue lnoTregur parurrdar'9t 'd,\\6r,zz raqoDo ,ol4oltafuug .spuoupE ,3.1 ,6 Pup uols 4trr1 <.'PunoJ) eqr ur aJoH ? sI rrv,, 'ru?)lernw puE 'runs 'DluzEru" ,urpuel .e8euoroy,tl,eurzleuqtr 'e8errqg 'tunollz s€r?rlrqso a:an llna ol1o1 or or{a srsru" aqJ tuana rJ" uat er{t ur suoneron} '(ttt-<:tl'dd traq1o16pu? zzouag


'izf 'd 'r:aq1or16 pw tzzot::g ur parur:d:; '(1,(6r) ,,uonrqrqxg rern) prrql aqr Jo lololord,, '€rerl -rr1so1orrf.r:ag) qsrqgouslre8aJaue,,seq q]lqd 'suerptJar{t u€r{l Jrr -urp qtrnrusr srqregr Suluonuau 'BuetuoCJos8ulrurcd l;oa sanSeaJyo: eqt ot 'saloqlq p::rald ptou raarlsJo a:ard r 'uourqlqxa roopur pJn{l Jreqrtuog sororu?rurqsJo lroa raleJe areduo: ppom eregrqsol '€! 'd '(!96r 'p:oJxg uV urapoIll unasnry :ptoyg) !96t-St6t ilpdp[ ut uV Jo ?pttt-iilttnv :su1tiJngsuoJa[ur ,,'saloH,,s pJ]Eubrsaplron aqr ::5 '( 'ErBqlqso olqrlw 'er?qrqsoloaPrH '?Prgso^orqsoJ'DIEsus Pue olnrnsl 'nqowsw il{sotBstr'\tr'EunC DIptnI 'enz1lfng o:lq;loa 'ruDIeSrqsol iBpDIO rqsorrH ':zu:n ntrq3 'EprIl olrurel 'nrelasl '(AErrJrrs) orolu?uqs ozoqs oraa uon?Dosry uV ra) 'EuJnzVruJEpBS r€tnD erfJo sJaqruauSulpuno3Jqr 'uerrrrreq]seureqnlsol orrf glrl6 'i 'ozt-6r 'dd'(!96r fry,p puoneN rgsnhJ:eleso) prqoS 'nint 'uolloug t2 uollrv ur \ruu1lry :o! sapuuVtzp tdlttlut2(J .,'EtnC uv,p '€t€qalel erDIVaas uourrlossv.l ap saauuEsa-I-:JQu98 asrnb nea1gea,, ,.'Sunureduolre,, sSraquasoaplor€H pu" r€]n9Jo uorssnf,spe rog € ' ilz{rqsotr 9zt'd'zl6t nuuns 7pilo1iru21uJ o:rf pue rernS-rry :sauedef .&zrodrueruo3 ur dnorS aq1., 'a^o'I qdasofur paonpo:dar9€6ruorJ lroa papr]un aqt ars 'aldruexaw rog 'z 't\'d' (r66t'rp?tsurec aloquaplqtew :1pe$uJe]) t96r-rt6r 'ryrpg4upnv asauadof1apta8ruany aqtnuadaf :lung "spe'ueqlolN snED{pw zzouag EJeqJEgur ,.'reln) stsnrvJo uonertross\y' asawdzf aql :sapr€)-tue^V atN ar{t jo ur8r:g )qr uO,, 'Ezo.urg ?leqt?g 'r ot utdvq3 reaarl rr{t ur SuuagnsSos8uqaay alola o: f:r ppom lar1r 'wu 3ur:agnse 'alduex: ro3 '8un:rdap u€r1tJrqt€Jrnq-*rr:rds aqt pue ueu 'aJnteu,,-ue Ip Jo suJaluor psJalrun aqt qtra pellolul :tam srelured eserpteqr p:urc1dxa:uln8zur aq1 69 'd '6!6r :aquaro51 9f7 'gf '65 'Lt 'dd'6!6r :aquarda5'saag uV ,,;tru;lapetyaaN ? ararlJ sL, uog sr tuauetuts seqnzq lapal.rg l,i '69z-6lz 'dd Tootltg 'Jelplurus,8ulu1 aas 'r:a(qns srqryo suolssn:srpu6 9i 4ro1 maN atlJ

'(1,16t 'atuag ?g trv 'uonbnpg qrol re51) aI :qr sduo3 aq1 :s[aq 1 lo tliuzJ 'p:eg u:y1ao[::s 's:r:a1e8alue:adoo: asaqrgoqrcr:p :og '!] ta2r.1s 'fz-zz 'dd'\\6 'ua::ag uqof'ff Aeyl<smaN ilV ..<purryJo:tErS:lqets,, .95,\z.dd 'i56r fiznrqeg 'smeNuV rssaH'g muoql '€i ('uops lrol aaN aqJ,, ..'' u:tro3 -ro3 lldurs aJaa sauo uaol-ur a(uos :pJlriur aJa.^astsan8 umol -Jo-tnoauos ' ' ' 'dp,{ tea:8,e wr,qlns-pue-gtrns, asneraq.4^aJ ? l,ao[ -leJalru e rpns, sr (os-prre-os, asnz::q p:rd:::e:::m sJuruJae3y, :,^aor{s aqr 3o ,llpuuo;ur ssru-ro-1q,, aqr :oJ Suqaa;auos salr8 ssa11!r 'd 'r!6r'r aunf lsa8tguV.,'lua 'auser) elpg/n-9t'dd E lr:ls qturN,, 'r!6r 'ssrH 'g suoql 'zi rauung sma.|g uV ,,'apn3-tw^B s.{ro aaN,, 'uuc-au)snod 'urTuol 'souers 'lPrBr{urad'llol Prr€

z6r poleldsp era./dsauJorqf,ououanlq Flnuopr uolelo arel{,tr'oroJoqsqtuoutrnoJ UBIIW maN 'olpnrs uo*rn ,urq:):, ur paraure8peg aq lrarrorou er{l olan{f,tor padogurol){ uolrlqlqxasgr I{lyil. 'punor3ryrg ayt u pa'{e1d,Cuoqda,$ auopuorys,fsr}re qdat&orcq4,,'ssoutl?rtit"u ? otul eqt3o Surproca:y luterSSo ef,u?gappasoddnsuI sfie.treql urog saqcurrg8la rnoge ?asua7uorpat atlt lo atrot ptot paleldsp 'se1odurqr uo prrunotu a;e.us8uttuledetuorgoouotuenlq oulu Jlasll fte1p8 aql,, alaldutaluot autoJ oi uou -?lrnu! ua#ymqu?t/p s?m'qw4 aqt uI 'Peseelerera.nsuoolPq enlq roo'r erar{^\'s?rd-seP-uleuro)-rures Jo qrrnqr erar{l 'en]q Palul?o ary qllm 3uo7a'apsu1 '!z uqot anbseu?uou eqt ot stjv-xnErg saPenr aql u./t\oPeP?J"o" se./t't rqr r{rv( 'LS6r'ot leyrJ'lepug 'lzp Suruado 'a8asvutanatlllo alrp aql atot .&ep8 prus er{rJo ruog ur lp.ry\aprs re pue -aq upr atf uadool ruarduat atll uO 'rral3 srrl arrap8aqr rE.^oqsrsrg slq 'luorrpouory al se^ :uonoruord-31as 'ut 'uonrugep-Jles le rroJr oryqnd:o[eut qrvtrparredse,ulpually er]alo] rEuolllglqxerr{r slrattPleqtl aqJ %r x yrz x roC 'rJrlrm slep ;no3 srrEdor pef,nporrulueeq peq anzlqanbodysulrl)'I 'lelreleturul a1,t'uat auxptts! ut as{at ouaut '096ruq 'sro er{l pre./$otatnor snl pelr?ru aurreurcnJn lo uotlzrJnwnnaua sam Jo lrarrt,r prcads? Jo al?rglua slr{rPue -otro '(dnll/tl) ulrl(I 27 ttot uErf,nJf,rsou srr{JoJse'uIaD[JoJOnlg rsouJar{l se./d(sJar{f,?at Jof,Jo TBnrurds '(an1gurap'1puolreu-raru1) -!q!qxa aql 01uotlplmut s, ,'srrafqo3odrarrer'e rtoc or lypcrslgd Lra,rpasn 'g'X'I sEo9& leyyur luarrd pFo,& urrl){ rrqr ruaru8rdanlq esuarulegr su.l.r uolrlqlqxe lpuayry arraloJ agrJo snf,oJar{rpur 'rq8noqrrrupuEse.t{ruoorsII{rlo1'srnd stueru8r4 uonrqrqxaslq SurrnpLralp8 slouallv ouelo3 Jo roog puof,oseqt uo raqtuerlclrdua ue q8no:qr spuerr3Surprn8'ecqd Erpns parrqlqxarsr5 p?q eI{rallrtr real y'lSraua a1g -rsr^ur seore8uq1asutlr pu? Suntarc'Tetrarrrurul aI{ r{rltl.^a oqr uo lro \ slq PosnJoJ Jo f,DEruneud,, sq PalTBruraD'lrEr{.t\Pef,nPorlul^llqqnd aPI.AyI ur ,,'Pouad 'plo eqr qlr/N,, :looq rsan8agr pau8rsaq ,,'snur?Juaqps.ra.,lrodfiry asodrndle)rrsdrus,uleryJo Surqraurospererca:ddzo ?q ol stueestale {oq 'PP oqx' auo 'PIoA ar{r rrlur o1 rlqE erea rv'a3rqSp reqr Pu" fta1pg agr-aplstnosuv-xn?eg sEt{ uolsuarulPPnllllos sIqI z(('l1lcllrre saPanJeqr Peilg oq./\{sPuEsnoql eql ol rsol sE^A u g8noqrp's8urrurzd3oLrap8 e uor{s ur se.rrrI,, retp parslsullsltr? al{t pue ,,lrrlgls -uaspr:orrrd przrlrqersJoarelsagl ol reu?u arurrd3oarns aqr tuor3,tqlqrsuasJouon -ezrpnadsaql, sB.^(,,ptol eql,,) opr'1a'I spu.lrotnluoelqlqxeer{tJorltllgns oIIt roC 'SulluledprrrreunurJo uorrlglqxeue Sunrarc'ooe1d aqr pallg ln{r rllds algr8ueruloqr ol sElr\uonuorursrH r'ef,uJerduelrnrctsog3os.realg8norqr rroga prueru lg tuJoJsrreJr 'uollEllPrtulq pe,,rro11o3 PerersEru PEr{ureDl lEr{l seslf,rrxtuolr ITEnSIeqrlq pur uorrâ‚Źf,grrnd'stsnJeraqtoJo pue ue JeqtoJo rr"Jr IIEarturrurlaor erlq.t\qp,l aqr 8ul -ruredl1.uo1s pue ernlrurry eqr Surr'ouarrsrg 'aredsaqr Surndardsltp aa:qrsnolrtard aqr ruodsppr{eH 'rral3 slrl Jo &a1p8lrdrua ar{rolul srotlsllJo sdnorSypruspauotsa

uraD{se,t '956r'gz prdy'leprplgqrelrrt{rsrq3oSurua.ta *


z96t'tlrol rvteN /ttll"D

sruefleuprg 'stsqeag,vtaN

c'96r'sue4'rra13 sul euelBD'dn-lF{ s,uEturv g56r'sue4'ue13su1 euelBD'aPIAeT s,uleDlseq.

rusquau mN v

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l6t uIeD tnq 'laerls eql ruor; lpra:rp uel) slrl elrtle) ITepue peleas]oop r€r{rpalu?.^a aql porerueauo flr.rturpr6 'aptru lsltre er{rreqt sa8utq: pcrsdqd3o rrglrrnu EJo euo 'rf,uenuoSulplrnqel{r rrlo pelprsw ldowo rnlq ? raPunpoorsspren8aq1 'zr 'kyllllun'lea \ yIJo uolsualxarr{l [BuoI]PP?uEroJOPIA e 's&p rq8repulSr:o s/r\ol{seqt se3uo1sPlsotup lsel PFo.^^ dq parnlrp ecuanbasuor sulary ol Sulproccy 'edp ErsrSololqE 'anlg aua/qrau paurer rleJa orp 'suon?lnf,TEf, -uol osp neenuro3 pue ur8go rJnlxlru aqt 3f,uls'{ae.,'lE roJ snlg elEuIJnppo,.lr.,{agr 'qurrp asar{rparda:reor{./"rsrrl{to a1r1 'srsan8srq ro3 endeld alodno3 "'I Peq uIeD'I eulu l? r?qr IIErIcol onlg prcads? PeJaJoera r sralP]osaqr 'srsodrlrlp e)Pl o1>lf,olf,,o Sur,urry'SuluadoarpSurrnpePlsrnoPauollslsag ol 'turoJluns$rP IIry uI'Pr?nD rrcrIT -gndea erf sreqrulu o,rrrlroJa8uerreor alqeare.t rapaPsq Pu?rsrlreaI{J Jo lralp8 urrs oq ol sel'llruald rng 'suv-xnEag rtp uo 'esrno)3o 'rd::xr-ar*ll eqr Jo sl1e^a uolrrEI[p gtgz y:dy uo os ']eProaql Pulrsarol alqe,lllrol{rnBuI euo sepenr eql uo sp^4, ou punoJual) 'ernlcaJarder{ror Surqsn5'u.^ErPrlll.a ueeqPeqtnurad agr regl arqod aqr tuo5 IIBf,? pa^ref,arulapq Suruadorqt oloJrg rnol{ ut roJ-eq ol lou se^\srnl -sa8osorpwr8srqrpua aqr u1 'srg8rlSuttsxaagt uo paceldslerl5 enlq {rlrrt ('1,121t t" umqo ol elg? pr€zprdy uo parf,npuof,sE{\unJ IEIJIV'salrltoqrn?JI{rluo{ uolsslruJed sE.^rral3 sul 'uao sulaD{ ol tuaueldruor lddeg e 'lrqlqt puolrouord puz d8:aua rlqrPeDurrar{ qI/N 'aProf,uo] "l 0P ereld aql uI >lslleqorl{r Jo uolrsulurnlll anlq aqr pasodordar{ 'rnlg 3o asn prrsdqd lprnd aqr Suruopueqese/v'eq reql r?elf,a lelu oJ z'apr1 a1 dutdu.rocreppoqs eperlads cqqnd teat3 e ]"ql PaPIlaPulal){ ,,'alels 'Pa>lJEuJaJ 'se llan8ul r sE'rruls 'seutzt8eruue [BJn]Eue tsn( serrrerurruop8aur I JoC,, aleld er{r uo sPr"ogilq u?f,rriluv Pue rPuarc uI sP" roJ PUEs?rd-saP-ul"rureD-lul?s ar{reloJeqslep aargrlluo Suruur8eqaceds o1t\troJ aP?ruaraa stuaura8uerry'Suruado ar{r ur {Jo^r pnrre arrdsap'et?Jog?laeJta uoltlqqxo arp JoJ suotte;ede:4 aqs'rllselsnqluolprelp q'eplAa'I u pc laqr reqr parsaSSns -atuurl 'sperepar{rpor{llals eq pue 'peef,ordpporv'eq.l,roqtuq Pa>lse lrol3 slrl /tltt$p -uaspr.rorrldgoLralp8 rrnue ue ruasa:dot POtuEl'r eI{ reqr sPuaIUsII{plot ulop'1rqbru lpuersuol-uPllv -/r\auperereua8 euo 'uorssnrsrp dnor8uI ruaql uo Suneroqela'sEaPI ellep€uregtf,etn{f,re'atuneyt le uolueduor suIsD'IPu"'duersaA'utlurv llan8url 'olodno3 "'I ]e asseuredtuol4ur Suplupp ueef'rra13su1Surpnpuros1e-alf,rlf,s,urap,1 'tsrut ':aqraSor eqr Punor?PrturoJreqr dno;8 agr tlteruslr?gl Suntg srauulp esauII{J or parournr'roltd aurldrle Puelslllnf,f,o rePoD'sun3Suluunr dq e.Lr1 Jo raqrueu ? se1\{ uV 'lapo3 ueqoI PUaISs,uleDluro{ aru?) sdtu?]senlq ar{rJo eePIar{J E'solu3ls aqr Surqr:queql Pu"'a8elsod arerrdorddt u/do slsllr? aqrJo asn eqr aol1Eor >1ralf, artlcerdsrque8aqulapq Sur8ur.rgSo aql Surled 'aorgorsodplol eqr ot stueruef,unouue 'druetseuorqf,ouou rnlq B I{tI1r\ a.ra11 PaI?u trey1urdpua1ryerraloSaIrs[ED eql Pue ual] srrl JIra[eD erl] lE uollrglqxa algnoP eql ol uollElr^ul I{f,?a 'rroddnsprrslqd stl tuog or dwrsaX errar4lg Peulor rurel e'suotilsodot4 rolor sJraD,IJodurouorneagr rsaSSns araoufrouorypalle] rre.& sBurruredaqr araq,ul:a,tg'eunf 3o Pue aqr lE euo dttlltD sJopuo'I or Sut,rourpue rf leyrq uo EIeuqf,SPt{[V Jo .&ap8 Sroppssnq ldau eg] 'slrtd Suruado'pue18ugpue duturraS or Pele?n uoDlglqxaeuorqf,ouoru anlq arp u.,*osrqSuqpsuale PuPqro ure sealdoadSutu8rsrotel pue u"lrry ruorC'ruaurarf,xe .sr.rogapnrdacuol sJIOD{SurqoturturJeeJBf, selrrIuoz e pue lurorqrououl ol POllJAuoJ -uEIAJorardSunol aqr pue 'a;ntcrde paseqrrnd?u?tuoCol)nl 'slsllr?u?IPII ol ./dol{s aJJr{rPue '8ur4eu qrdur3o euo selt\ uBIIINer{rJo aruetrodrutel{tJo uonsanbou se.,r,r uonuarursrq rng u'9lg rnoqe tsof,l{trEalagr teqr slsafflnsatruePheqSnogr 'serupnb laqt arutssecrrdlueJeJIPpeq sSurrured [ef,Iru3Plesaq]r?ql lBrJa]?uurasra^rP Jo arertL alor^{ureD{'arrcuqlodyeualle3 al{l tE rf,oN a'I oPInD puar:3sluersa6 arrel4rttln dq



accessthrough a small door off the interior lobby. He painted blue the outside of the gallery window and door, denying a view to passersbyand creating a monochrome advertisement for the show. A blue cloth covered the gallery door in the lobby. Once one entered, all was white. Using pure white pigment mixed with the medium he had developed for his monochromes, applied with a house paintert roller, Klein made the gallery his own. Leaving untouched only the metal frame on a display case,the ceiling, and Irist new gray carpet, he covered the inside ofthe front window and the glass of "stathe outside door along with the walls. With mental effort, the artist affempted to bilize" the same sort of pictorial space within the gallery as he had realized in front of his blue monochromes. \X4ile the room might appear wholly white, it actually "the immaterialization of Blue."8 enclosed, the artist wrote. rVith the purification and transformation of the gallery enhanced by his "an individual, autonomous, stabilized picmeditative exercises,Klein sought to create "literally impregtorid climate" within those four white walls. Valking into this space nated by the sensitive pictorial state," receptive visitors were to experience the essence "radiance" of of what could be felt before any great painting. Klein would display the painting without the mediation of gross matter. It was an enterprise requiring spiritual power, and before its commencement he embarked on a specialjourney. In early April, the artist made the first of four pilgrimages to Umbria, to the shrine of Saint Rita of Cascia. The Italian saint had many devotees in the south of France, and from his childhood the artist had held her in specialesteem.Known as the patron saint of lost causes,Saint Rita would receivegifts from Klein on each of his visits. And once he emerged from preparing the gallery Klein was confident that his request for spiritual strength had been granted, as years later museums and the mar"the blue may be accepted ket would answer his additional prayer to Saint Rita, that everywhere."e A formal announcement had been engraved in blue script, with Pierre Restany inviting recipients to witness, between nine and midnight on April z8th, a "demonstration of perceptive synthesis sanction[ing] . . . the pictorial quest for an ecstatic and immediately communicable emotion."l0 Sent with blue stamps, of course, the 1,5oo invitations included cards each admitting two people to the gallery that evening. Those without cards would be charged r,5oo francs, about $3. \7ith all but yoo of the invitations sent to Paris addresses,and with the public billboards and general word-of-mouth, close to J,ooo people thronged the rue des Beatx-futs that night. Expecting a great crowd, as well as possible trouble from the unreceptive and the skeptical, Klein had brought four ofhis advancedjudo students as personal guards. His plan was to station two of them with the ornamental Republican Guards at the lobby entrance, and two more at the gallery door allowing only ten people to enter at a time.ll The artist himself was to remain in the gallery in formal dress,explaining the exhibition and encouraging visitors to stay only a few minutes so that others could come in. But the crowd was so great that the system soon collapsed. Klein found his void filled with people, whom he repeatedly implored to leave more quickly. Before the first hour was out, he discovered someone drawing on the blank wall and, to a suddenly hushed crowd, led him to the door to be expelled by his guards. At around ten o'clock three vans of police and a fire truck arrived, but they could not get near the gallery becauseof the mass of people in the street.Attempts were made to clear the area, and the police investigated complaints from some who had paid admission only to find an empry gallery. By ten-thirry the irate Republican Guards abandoned their post, having been sufficiently tormented by mocking art students. With the stock of blue cocktails replenished at about eleven, the gallery remained open until a half-hour past midnight, when the principals retired to La Coupole. There, at a table of forry set






in the back, the artist delivered a speechwritten that afternoon, announcing a new age for the human spirit, the age of sensibiliry. The next day Iris Clert was called to the headquarters of the Republican til/hile nothing came of the charge, even Guard, accusedof demeaning the elite corps. critics sympathetic to Kein found the Republican Guards objectionable, detractingas did the blue cocktails-from the seriousnessof his enterprise. As Michel Ragon' who had shown a red Klein monochrome in the 1956Marseilles Festival of the Avant"It is up to Yvesto choose berween Dadaism and Zen, which Garde, wrote in Cimaise, are two radically opposed states of mind."r2 But Restany defended the use of the Republican Guards as a reference to the revolutionary character of Kleint work, and they suggestmuch else. Like the aristocratic bearing of the Knights of Saint Sebastian, which Klein himself joined in ry56 and who would provide the pomp at his wedding in196z, the Republican Guards signify the elite character of avant-garde art, its general inaccessibiliry to the uninitiated.r3 Klein wvisted this point back on itself, for he was not unaware ofhow such figures would appear to the crowd on the evening ofApril 28. "puppets" (the term is Ragon's) into a He would turn the derision accorded these mockery of those who scoffed, transposing their ridicule into a critique of avant-garde snobbery-for The Void was open to anyone sufficientiy receptive to senseits content. This is part of the richness of Le Vide, an opennessto interpretation symbolizedby the very form of its emptiness. An occult enterprise mounted by a Rosicrucian initiate, in displaying a gallery itself as art it also tells a Duchampian tale emphasizing the creation of art by social context. An egotistical expression of individual power, anorherstepinthecreationofKleintpersonalmythology,formanytheshowpointed to Zeis annulment of self And while the product of an esoteric avant-garde project, these invisible pictorial srares were to be perceptible to those without any artistic sophistication. Klein reported that the exhibition was extended one week to accommodate the great public interest, and that every day brought more than two hundred peo"rush[ing] to the interior of the century."ra He says that some visitors cried, and ple others remained for hours. ApparentlyJean Tinguely came many times, and, while the two had known each other since 1955,Le Vide led to their collaborative exhibition Pure Speed and Monochrome Stability at Iris Clert the following November. There, Tinguelyt machines would rotate Kleint monochrome disls at speeds ranging from 4to to ro,ooo f.P.m. The most suiking exhibition to come out of Le Vide took place wvo and a half yearslater, when Arman filled the galerie Iris Clert to the ceiling with garbage.The concept of the show emerged from the same group discussion as Le Vide, after Klein had explained his idea. Arman, who at that time was impressing objects dipped in paint onto canvas,saw his focus on physical things to provide the perfect complement "You know, Iris, Yves is working at immaterialization, and to Kleint flight from matter: I am always working with something that is very much material, so why dont I fill up the gallery with objects, and call it Le Plein, Full-Up?"'i He proposed to completely fill the gallery with discarded objects and with refuse, so that immediately after emptiness would come plenitude. One aspect of realiry would supplant another, urban detritus replacing Rosicrucian spirit. Her responsewas immediate and unequivocal-too dirry, and too smelly. The void was one thing, but rank garbagewas another. Instead of trash, the month after Le Vide Arman exhibited his Cachets,all-over paintings made with rubber stamps. It took two yearsfor Clert to relent, years in which Arman moved from pressing and throwing paint-covered objects against Grnvas, to accumulating messes of objects and presenting them in boxes or on a support. He had begun to make his Poubelbs,heaps of trash dumped into glassvitrines, some taking the form of portraits


Inxallation uiewsof YuesKleini Le Vide at galerie lris Clert, Paris, April z8-May n, ry58. r and z: walh; 3: uindow; 4: curtntn. canopland entrance


Iris Ckrt atop the exhibition Le Plein in her galbry Paris, October t960. Photograph by Harry Shunh

oPPoslre: YuesKlein. Portrait-Relief of Arman, ry62. Paint, plaster goU haf, 68%x 37% x n% in. Musle National dArt Modeme, Centre Pompidou,Pais Georges


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Jacquesde la Villegli. Angers, Septembrezr, r9t3, 1959.Dlcollageon canuas,6jJto x srt.ain. Musle dArt et Histoire, Genlue opposite: Arman. Robot-Portraitof Iris Clert, 1960.Accumulationofuarious objects,mixed media,fi|/a x 16t/zin. GalerieBeaubourgParis



sE/d1rrrqr porsarord,ntww ?u?"t9aqr lpog ruoPnlsIooqf,s-uEar{lJoP"eqaqJ luns prg /rr.r.o, eqr .rrol ./doqre persnSsrpsE^\aqs raqrorupuerSyr^uarga sEIEI{I alorl( 'a8egre8 rePlouv 'TBrllrrf,dg31qarart qr?ruer egrJo lsotu pue rr?ruo1r\ 30 PeolE aq ol uourqrqxaaqt loot 'lcadxarq8rureuo st 'lueyq:sruauruoc Jleql eloJlt\sJolIsIAgllqll\ ", 1""q e rdq'ua13 ereH 'roou aqr uro{ dn rggrerrsSurslrr1wrl3o alld eqr lE lool raDegE ra8 or ,fia1p8eqt Jo rBeraI{] l? laeJlrdua aargraql ralue^olauII ? sB^aeraql ,esJnof, ^op,rt^ &a11eieqr q8norqr reerls3r{l 8uv'tat.tlsour af,uls JO _luo{ agl lued 4io1q3o pull " pJlqorasar5z:aqorcg3o rq8ru aqr uo a8essrurar' 'r{lael 'aPIs asp3'sda1 f,lrpele ere/r\-sJozer eqr ur oqt ot arlgo paleldsP PuE 'luloo .srolsrsupJl orp?JJo saxoqq8norqT4es--luoqEnuwJv tJl.o s,u?UIJV Jo lrreJE -retunof,"1 ,j.A""lrrg pu? ossuf,rdolrl Drss.EIr 'Ersrr?dlq s8u'ured paureruoralrd 'uoneurelsuof,srrpeP egl oJ oqt 'seproqllo e^ITopue srrd orne PIo rl{l qrl^r Poxru real snor,ri:dol{rJo uoPsorlll { Elrel3 sIrI luo{ s8urrureddup lug YI ^/\enlru?u-rv 'lyparurod:so6^',,'"rprt*trr,, tauoiluoo uW, (ztt:eo."serqrelag lq rqqdurcd t3o sardor lralp8 plo pue sautze8etu ooo'r,, 'srueruaf,unouue Jo srol qur'r 3uop.P* ,,*t'H alrardJo$lro1( lsf,rsnlurqr *or3 edBrrnauSeur3oprel )rqnf, r,, :ernllnf,Lreroduaruoc ' ' ' "T* qlrrtrle'qse r 'sdo-oq yo trrrta ,rt rirgl ..'s8ur,tzqipratuSo p;tl llqnf, r ' ' ' 'sa8ec 'seoqs s:rcdzr 'sreq EInr{! 'surerrnr3o spunodol, : ' : 'ralrnq-af,Ir PIo ot Jo 'sawc Sunlpn gi '' ' 'tlll* L eayoc prlqogt'srod raltog €'ptarq jo se)Ils9'sreprq5 'q1aqsrarslo :af,uruosor ;rprort p1ogo spunodooz ' ' ' 'sqpq 9,, PasnJo spredcrqnr € ,rirod rri ,n"q sop roelordrgr or',roritrqtrluor s,llc aqr3o anSopreostqr put'ruaod ? rtnlDsuof,o1 rsrl srq prpueur eg Lre1p3aqt olur parrrecdaqr Prlt\ Jo ryerr rdal uoll)ellof,ttt utt"fln., uErurv'uol]lglqxe eqlJo uollf,ulsuof, PUETBlrel?ruJo Ur,ro* slep^u:rlrl.qlrrUV'erolu -auostruoqs Surunr,uoprqrgxa aqt esoll ot PePIlePse.r,rrt 'ssBtu3ur'ror8 aqr orul ler't puE arou 11r*r or uesaqlralles arp uo luolt\ arun se os ,r, p.r.,oyafeqrz8clue8ro3olunou? 'EJ ? ,Wo-tsrr ploqesnoqare ! pappuncce leqr or sleartseql IuoU asryarq8nouaparral iq8rarrrlq ajrq1l fiap8 aqr rrq ilg 3oito* '>laer,r e ro3ttqljSor Surrogelpur 'essltX PIueI trPueIUlsllre srq3odpq aqr 1o, ftqr 'ueld parslluauEIurVo5 'Sulrsn8slpl?tl {euos seilaa ry alqolroaun P3^ordlelar'ror{ srql 'splrerBrulut Surpueg lnoqll^{ ,,saqsnrgbur,tq,,se slaPou Peleu ParrnPuol uIaI)'ISEr{f,nlu,^roqssn|a]BeJf,orPIJo.&]J?eIFaPls]notuoUsJa{Jo.^Ar]aJIPPpoA]nq rS"qr"8 eqr qlnor io,, pltto ag fia1p8 aql olul slueluo, rlagr llds Pu? suv-xneog EePISUEIUJV sapanJ f or dn lleg s{f,nn a8eqre8u?IsIJ?da EI{ol se,lt.^aou luaSurtuor3oerntru rnreSrollaurnuaSaqr dy"rorreuos Pequf,srunf,Jlf, nr,,.,orper ' ' ' 'uolsuarulP p?r{ ,plo^, aqt Sutua,rutllpcrper uorrerrdorddtJo 1r? ou ./douInun f,ruotf,allqJrBTElolsrl luslleal rrrausarrlSu?uJV;, :lcaford s,u"turv Jo t'n u^\o slq Sunelarp"" ,"n eqr uado or r.rardnaraqr Sunca:rplwrsoX arreldtuou a8tssaurpadlr ? rpr/d lues sE \ lr?f, JurPJ?s l{f,Eg ,('ssElu Tef,IIIJJ E olul PJSuaPuoJ IeeJ OqlJo ef,JoJ leror

agr,ur arzldruatuof,etuof,or nol qse uel3 sIrL,:rq8ruprtuol aulu uror3'lz 'taq ,qi .1ry dro ,l"i;.W uo Lrep8 aql ol uo'Elrlur ururrlyr-prregrgo_ldoc? s'tr areql'der'rgns 'NVMM ,qr *oty qserrqtl,l\ Suop 'epnu1'096t zaqotcglz atotag_uadg,,(In-71ni, 'suec I{sEn ruog raded arser* palleqq err.l"rsult eulprpsaqJ Pel)allof,Pue orleur srrtd el{t olul lue \ u?Lurv'rell5ro{ 'tuagrJoooo't ecnPordol euoeurosPunoJPrrEsal -rourref,perJeluof,rrr13 i8rr.rJrn*"rt"ttqc qrr2tr'a8egre8Jo IIry uer ruIPrEse parsa8 -8ns urapqrnq '>1un[yo xoq rlf,tetut rno Surpuas3o tq8norp uEruJVlueuerunouue dnor8 agt Pa \euerdn-1ng 3o [E^I^araI{I uorrrqlqxeeqt roC 'Suttu.totsure:q 'reqol)o roJ PalnPsrPssEr uolrlqnlxerI{I 'dn1Fa :o3 rqgrr petueesalulr eql 'uelJ sIrI :og lrrcqqnd r1:ntuSurtzraua8pue uorr -lqgxa aqr lno 8uq1as'eleruqcsg1I.^JroPIessl-1CI uI sareldqserrqf,nsJo',t.roqs Iryssef,f,ns 'sPuaIU Lrar,e peq uBrurv o96r aunf u1 'suorssassod Jo Jo-rssf,rreqr uro{ PalquressE


shamefulto hold suchan exhibition so closeto the F,coledesBeaux-Arts.But Arman's friendsreceivedit well. Tinguely wasespeciallypositive,reactingto Le Plein asrevelatory in its rich juxtapositionwith Le Mde. For theseexhibitionsstood ascontrarypathsto a similar end, oppositepracticesof negationundercuttingfundamentaltenetsof middle-classart and its The nvo artistsdisplayedthe empty and the full, the pure and the sullied,but they wereunited in their antagonismto the acceptedart of the time. Klein! rejection of matter complementedArman'srejectionof the elegantart object. Consigningthe paintingsof the Microsalon to the junkheap,Arman negatedthe painterly as effectively as did Kleint displayof the immaterial.And in their differentways,eachshow commentedon the galleryspaceitself,asa containerthat, through a suangeinversion, had becomemore important than the art that it wassupposedto serve. YvesKlein, of course,had his own view on how the exhibitioncompletedthe "After my Void, Armant Full-Up. The universalmemoryof art significanceof Le Vide: at last, all of nature lackedthis definitive mummification of quantitavism.Reassured will from this moment begin,asof old, to addressus directly and with clarity."teThis talk of naturewith referenceto a pile of industrialand domesticrefuseseemscrazy,bw PierreRestanysawboth Klein and Arman to be engagedin a movementredefiningthe natural.For the group of artistswhosework he promoted,Restanybelievedthat nature wasthe ciry,a landscapeof human activirystructuredby the consumercultureof postwar Europe.Sincethey engagedthis new kind of naturalworld, he calledtheir work NouueauMalisme,New Realism. Restanysought to show that there was a viable alternativeto the lyricd abstractionof the Parisianmainstream,and two daysafterthe openingof Full-Up, on October 27, he gatheredeight artists in Klein's apartment.There were the three ffichisteswho exhibitedpostersripped from the city walls-Raymond Hains,Jacques de la Villegli, and FrangoisDufrâ‚Źne. From Nice, alongwith Klein and Arman, came Martial Raysse,who constructedsculpturesfrom plastic bottles and other pristine


aboveleft: Meeting ananged by critic Piene Restarytat YaesKlein'sapartment, 4 rae CampagnePremiire, Paris on Ocrcber27, 196ofor the signing of theNoaueauRealistedzckration: (bfi n ight) Arman, Jean Tinguely Rotraat UecherDaniel SpoerrL Jacquesde la Villegll, Pierre Restany. Photograph by Harry Shunh aboveright: Christo wrapping the statue of Minerua in Paris, February4, ry6r. Photographby Harry Shunh

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'296ti(unua[-r96r EqM2teQ '4ro mzN 'pe4s 'atolg aq1 "tol {a1 Fuz ts?g /ot -at uo Sut4tonrSnquaplg sar13 :rq8rra,roqz o96r '62 [ttntqag '4t0tr meN 'qrrnqJ lryroaaw ilos -pn[ ka11ag uosVnf 'taau5 at11 lueutuott/tua sttl ut pautoJtad Sutuad ,,thg aqt uto{ voqsdauS,, -daq w{ s1qut Stnquagg sarr12 :url a^oqE


Installation of underwear by Claes Oldenburg in the front window of t9 tVesr57th Smet, New Yorh,for rhe exhibition New Rcalists.


orz araqt duersaA roC .relsod per?ref,ElsurEH P Jo sProld PaElolsIP aqr PLIBJaIIar E sE.{4. 'uotssordruo: res93 ;arra1ess,irq3 e .lpn8ul l puE zf,r.^^er{uetslq ernrdpcs prau lunl E puB urBlJaqureg3 dq susd JEf,Jo aJnrdlnf,s E-pasodErxnf erarrr q:o.Lr uEJlreurv 'nof,aluog ae'I 'urclrrqurBqf, ugof 'z:vrronluer5 'tss,fiq3 PuE Pue qruuc Jo srl"d 'r"s?3 'sureH 'alPqd-rures aP n1r51 'l1an8ur1 'ueu p*qrtU 'Siequegcsnrg 'suqof '>lro1 ./'leN -rV 'ulaD{ lq PtrE srrel'ttttl??[ wennoN 1ro.u padqdsrp uolllqlqxo eql prlp) 'allorq a^rx aIraIeD saperrel wef re uolllglt1xr ue^e?etsol,aruesa:d rlaq] Jo r3"r,r"np" loor luersag pue 'lssegurE ueclreurv agr re aBeJ uqoJ {9 II suoll?YoA lar{ gtlrtr petedlorr:ed laqr oz aunf u6 dpn8ul r PuE Jo af,u?ruroJreds,ropnl PI^EC ul 'gluoru l3I{1 u1r{orIaIIrJo suonlqnlxa roJ slred o] eluof, PBr{oq^r'braquaqf,snEu rrtgou pue suqof' :adsef erir'r lralp8 ?uuooqs EPI]N lE usulqr?ur aqr Suoury ('reol snor,rerdaqr IIEIN ullrag 3I{l Jo uollf,nrls -uof, arp or Surpuodserul%"tn) u^,tJ srq-slernq po o?z3o lpa E r{rIA lluo)sln enl agl 'srooPlno) 'slIB^ aqr uo paleldqp pDlrolq p",1 oitttq3 '296r'Li aunfyo rq8ru aqr uo irlrl ,,ttt.urta-r.rr,ri, ot.r, epztu eJOr surctual esor{.l sJOuulPJoselJase3undasd'f'96t 'Sutrured ur llr?rn?lser e orur,i-lage8 eqr pega^uof, JaIP eug_Eselvroly('ruaod5 r{f,J?IAJ uon)? uo Jrr Jaqtoue ,tured 3.o sra>1coduaPPH erntrund ol suoqf,nrlsuoc rcafqo-pue -.trrsqd t, irgp roqs stsan8.qi tttq^ '(..llt/6, r" ax.7,,)2tuqon ( nal lv.oqs:aqro3 '{:e1p8 Sunooqs z orur octld aqt ParuroJsuâ‚Źrl elpl{d-rurcS eP PIIN eunlJo Pua 0q1 lV,(.pP"CI a,,roqe.oi,,) ryaO ?p snts?P-np.ot pe11tcdnor8 aqr 3o uolrlqlqxa puouoruold t qryrr 'luzlsoA 'cttrro lq un'r '[ ar:apg aurwaf agl eJI^r al{r Jo ry6t- tre14ur pauado qrtqm 'uorleerf, roJ alls e 'hayea aql rgr r" ptttr,rjc serrrltwtce aqt Jo rllnIAJ PuB slue^J 'ulaD{ auref,aqsuolrlglqxa rreqr 'ueurrv pw 'dpn8ur r Jo P"el er{r 8uv'ro11og 'ta$qp?a eqt xwannoN Punor? Pa lo^er lr? ,:196r cqqnd s8urdderm rear8 sII{Jo lsrg aql ur g:uarg Sunoxa prrc palue pE lsou eqt 'olsur{J esodord plnoi\r Pu" 9!6r ur slrEd ol aruo, Peq oq-^^ PUE :bulqloll Pu? lIrqPJ l{ruour aqr llan8urt pafuloc pue peiepdru?u ol{1r\'sdruzqcsaq PrEr?D :dnlngJo 'utIW uI arrPu qrv'r 8ur.r.q wSoq og.u 'alPr{d-lul?s aP HlN Jo uoDIPP" aqr qlllN '{pn8ulJ 'ulaD{ -il.aV "ttr11t3 ,qr r" tpn slqt laPun augUnq pue '9p_a111'ypg 'ueurrvJo Sutrds snot,ta:d aql g8noqrp 'szltqa?Axnoan {ro \ eqr u./doqsper{ dwtsaa 'lrv rPr?3 -nW lpnrldxa ara.'ndeql sraqf aqr roJ paruase:d eurll rf,uer{ uI st tsrg -ru? ,{eldslP_PFo.^.\ aq l?r{r-Pnorqs V Jo TE^IrsaCslrEd Puof,es eql 1? regrue oN uI uI salpoq rlaqr Jo suotssardurt-+z.4Tutodotqlua e lpafiof, e e)Ptu oug./'r ? uo 'g)'I or raqreSor dnorS agr3o srrgtuetu e,ry ra8 or pa3euetu urap,1lep lxau eql re1 luarue^oul slr{ rEqr ..,rq peruroJul ar{ te}BI srnol{ oi\ar ?rl P w luersag X"tt:iJ# ,rurq lrrlrqrsuas urapq paddep uaqtr1 .parer8arursrpSunaaur aqr pIJ? lelrar?tulul Jo ' sasslug seuoz s,uIeD,ISurrerpnda.raroJeg 'tun{ Pallelle dlegra,r PuB 3o aruos aas 'turlor^ olur,, u.1dog'spro.a,rs,assdrg or pe{sp suieg puotulug 0.,:ruarun8re reprzrcads 'tuaurtrtdt s,ulau selElross'EsII{ Ual f,IlIrf, eql ul .p"q derp sarnurur lruar'rr urq]rlN YI ''g;1'1;o^puno;8 -p""bra1r"q aruorr{f,ouoru ploe e uo rer{lou? put lurd E uo-auo r uo {IEtp elq./r ur uet}rJ1r\ua^es-uoll?Jepap eldurrs t 3o sardoc a_ulueql u8ls ruagr 'rr Surrnrcrd pq dutliag ,jgy':r.tor3 pallun B ara,vtllpreq laqr rng 3o pealsul lrrper ^\au eqt tuasa:d ot Sursooqc ,plJo I uBqJn aqr Jo s]ueuele IBnllE Pal?JoCUoJuIslsI]JE 'uIeD,I se osegrJo qf,ea 'u.^ o su 1e ad,{r E Jo sEld lre esoq.4 I uBqr rar{lo 'rEs?c 'salPoq r?f, 'Puerle lou per{snrrJo rordpcs aql pue ?llaro1 or.tstur.ytlatnqtl{auBIPII aql PFol oq'/'r o.r\l perl^ul peq osp dutrsaa 'uV aPre9-lrre VJo P lrsaC slred Puof,osaql le qluoru 'sruaruaSuerrc rxeu eqr PallglFa eg rsrg ppo,,"r-s3unurcd se pedeldqp _pue PunoJ 'r:roodg rlrrp ul panp srrafqo iep,{:a,ra-1.,sarnlctd-areus,,) san41d;xnaapw esoq11' dlenBul t Surulof 'spoo8 plorpsnoq IaruECI u?Iueruo1 arp se { Pu?lreztr.^S uor3

POP TRIUMPHANT: A NE!7 REALISM "a similarsensibiliryat work on both sidesof the Atlantic, new senseof our contemporary industrial, mechanicaland urban naatre."22He saw his French artistsworking tradition that alongsidewhat was called Neo-Dada in New York, the assemblage focusedon the funky remainsof massconsumption.Yetwhen Restanyhad occasionto transporthis vision to New York, timeshad changedand a new mode of cultural commentaryhad emerged. It was natural for Restanyto associateNouueauRlalismewith American for he had seenmuch in Paris-Stankiewicz,in fact, was showingat the assemblage, GalerieNeufrille the month that Restanygatheredhis group at Kleint-and he had learnedin detail from Tinguely about what was going on in New York the previous year, when Tinguely had created his self-destructing Homage to New Yorh at the Museum of Modern fut. Klein waslured to New York for a monochromeshowwith Leo Castelliin April 196r,an abortiveeffort in which neitherhis personnor his work was receivedwell by either artistsor public. But when he accompaniedhis exhibition to Virginia Dwan'sgalleryin Los Angeles-where Arman, Raysse,Tinguely,and Niki de Saint-Phdlealsowould show-Klein found the atmosphereand the artistsmore congenial.It was from Los Angelesthat Kein wrote an angry letter to Restany,after readinghis statementfor 4o' au-dzssus dz Dadn associatingthe NouueauxMalisteswith the Dadaists.At home, however,RestanytcomparisonsbetweenNouueauRialisme and Neo-Dadawere reinforcedby \Tilliam Seitzwhen the Museum of Modern fut curatorcalneto Parisduring that first GalerieJ exhibition.In searchof materialfor his exhibition to be held in the fall, the Art of Assemblage,Seitz visited Restanyand his artists,and he decidedto includein the MOMA showeveryonefrom 40" au-dessus dz Dada exceotKlein. A year later Restanyreceivedanothervisitor, SidneyJanis.The renowned dealerof modern and contemoorarvmastershad decidedto mount an exhibition exploringin more detail the.on,.-po.".y territory of Seitzsmassivehistoricalsurvey. He askedRestanyshelp with selectingthe Frenchartistsand commissionedan essay for the catalogue.Togetheathey decidedthat the exhibition would be called New Realists.Naturally, the French critic believedthat the NouueauxRialisteswould be shownalongsideRauschenberg, Johns,Stankiewicz,Chamberlain,et al. In this he, and his artists,would be sorelydisappointed. The Neo-Dadaand assemblage that Restanywas expectinghad beengiven its classicexpositionat the MarthaJaclsonGalleryin196o.In a wvo-partexhibition in June and September-Octobe!New Media-New Forms,the gallerydisplayedalmost r5o objectsby 7r artists.Moving what had largelybeena downtown phenomenonto a classyuptown spaceon East69th Street,the showelicitedmuch public afiention and, anticipating things to come, was coveredby CBS television.In the catalogueAllan "as Kaprow sketcheda new conceptionofthe arrwork a situation,an action,an environment or an event."Kaprowsawsuchephemeraliryin political terms,subvertingthe financialground and divisiveethosof traditional art, but in the New YorkTimesJohn Canadayrailed againstthe political evasionof gluing tacks to a mirror or stuffing nylonswith trash.Having just pushedhis way toward the secondof the Martha Jackat the son exhibitionsthrough demonstratorsgatheringfor Khrushchevtappearance United Nations,wherethe RussianleaderattackedAmericaand demandedthe admis"art "baloney'' to call this an of sion of Communist China, Canadayfelt that it was Pfotest."23

Jaclson'scataloguecoverwas done by ClaesOldenburg;it was a funlcycollageof old newspapers with the artists'namesscrawledin dripping black ink, evoking instalthe rough urban imageryof his recentenvironment,The Street.This aggressive lation of cardboardsilhouettesand gritty refusehad beeninstalledin the basementof

uaar3 erp w sapnNu?ruaav patg suueulessel)N ruoJ pue &rlpD a1qet5oqr re s8ul -lurcd uaaroqlp s.1oqre1tr dpuv 'stsrpa1r'ra51s.slueflauprs o]ur Surpralraqorlo-rag 'lp[ ur sala8uyso-1 -urarda5ur Lralpg uaer9 aqt re sa;nrdlncs a8ngs,3-rnquap16 ryos ur lra1p3 snraCar{rt? srrerdnog s,pgdure3 3o s8urruredor'rr-lrrrqr s,1oqre1tr lpuy (zyq u1&tl1t3 uaer9 ar{rre sern8grarselds.p8aga8roag 'r1latse3re urarsuarqcrllo6 pue fta1p3 ueer3 egl le rsrnbuaso6sauref3osuorpnporlur do4 aqr or Lrunrqagul pa,rou;'l-renurf ur uoqcef er{uury }" aurcJru1[ qllu ue8aqrzal aqa 'do4 sBu^ otnl ouotoq pFo.l.rt"qr tre )qt roJ real woog ? otur peurnt z96r se'ralor"rorl'poo8 opau aq ppor'r dppeertqap srql ,.'!32$ ,fia1p8agr SuvrrossaursnqJo sr{ruowo1r\tsq papua S.rnquoplg'ootg rnoqe3o sasuodxa pue 5!9'r$ 3o sepsTetotrltrl1 'ooz$ per{rearpeq srlesrarypprrr{r-euoJo uorssrrrrluof, E r{Er pue sasuadxaer{l Jo JIEI{led or paa:3e p"rl rplr{.&\trrl1r3 uaarD er{rqlr.aruolrrun(uof,ur pelurserdsernaror5eg1 'prsJeloJtuof,eJourpu€ 'tuoredde ororu oruoJoqppo./'t uonlauuof, er{t3o roadseprlutug eqt uoos rng 'sarralp8pren8 -uEAur, teql .Lro8eulErpotupue spooSraurnsuor3o sa8erur'punu ur rareru tcefqnspeq eq areH 'ool 'apre3-tuer'eeq plnoJ urcarq u€f,rror.uvar{r ter{l Lra,rocsrp luatrar(stsnrepegrlduraxaerols ar{I 'urllllJ ro{ /z(('{trngeodpue sftes pup asrrdretuaaa:3pooqroqg8reuJo uoueurquotr ? 'sarots&arrerruef,rJeurvur aleunF ar{rJo runrJelnurs&a,r eqt sel'r)I,, "t,tv ur olorld urqr 1 lauplg ry ez'sosec ssepur sald 's33aparrg'sassarp 'san'serprlr puEse{el 'sosrotpate>lf,ef pur s8alperpogulesp'sayprr8 -PuBs'steq 'sJelal 'surr{s'stu?d 'sJ?qlpuec 'sra>paus'stnuq8nop'saor{seJe.rilar{J 'uef,aqtJo rno rg8rr ]rur"ua lerf,rauruof,rg8uq ul parurcdllrssau Surqrl-re,r.a'srcafqo Surpuers-aar3 rvroqsuoqcrf "r{u?W eq] ruog sJerlar 30 srrosIp lq parueualddnsere.,'r. rt{J'eptrg e3o arn8ge3:21aqr rc1 56'669$ol rorrnu p,ro rarseldparurede rc1 6l'rz$ 'l,r g a3r1prg urorj ocud ur SulSuer'srrafqoLor qtv'r palg s" \ arots er{I 'apr.^toal ual pup 3uo1reog &q319 de61go.pua eqt lltun parselteqr-$lro^.r dp,r1 qq tspnu?pepaoro a,rg-lrrrqr s,uupulesseyutol Sumotls '296r 'lnnuef g8no;qr tr papuotxO 'tf uqoug '4toS naTJ fuaptg Jo eruerpnt ue ro3-s8uluadduq3o $rres e lq po.,ro11o3 Srnquaplg pu?tuep :zpdod ol rnq 'ruetuluroddzlq p* {f,oll,o xrs ot auo ruog nuaf f,aupry w uoqlq'lqxa slepung q8norqr sftppg sseursnqSurrcnpuoctagwaf,aq Jo pua aql lE asolf,or se/'t s$tpey meN atltlo &uruadoaq1 lleulSuo orots orlJ'lueduro3 3urrntoe3nue141 un8lea aqa separuodrocul 'uoseasSurddoqssBunsrrr{) ar{t roJ arun ur }sn[ 'a;ols u,ro srg pauadoeq ''w'd ur] ot ueles tuo{ 'r Jrqruef,eq lrprrg u6 'aragrrq8rr tr at?nu"tsuror paprlap aq 'rerns puz rsEELor re ruo:3arors plo u" or orpnlsslr{pa.toruSrnquaplo ueqnapuv 'u^ro srr ge aoelde papueuep rdac -uol llt-sered5 'suortentrs'stuaruuo;r,rug-r96r Jerutunseqr ur llrea uorrrqrqxa 3o e8rels,uoqrtf eqr:e613oLrayp8ruor3pu? IIe.^rrErsaqr ur sJarter paruredlpq8ug sEpar -poqua lsrlg ur erotsspnbardacuoc[sroe8rno]gul tunasnJ4J,, arar{./d'te>lreru Ez(('aultu rrurnsuof,ar{t roJ peunsepse srcafqostr pu? tre tuasardot pe oru Srnquapygrrraqr 'ef,JoruruoJJo -sae alrsarf] ot srJgepJoJls eqt_rrrog'erotser{J ot teans 1un[ aqr uoJC eql tuog uoursuert s8;nquaplg ur pazrualgureaq uEf, do4 3o asrr aqJ 'u?qrnqnsagt ot urqrn er{l ur'uedspue rrds arp or Sulrsnrpue lqgeqs er{truo5 ruog tre qsnd dpg ppo.^astsnr?esar{t'urar{rpunorp plro,{\ar{rJo r{f,ntuos Surce.rgura ur 'lpeoruorl 'plro./d eqt ur sEAuEr pe^q agr Surly darspcl8ol rxau aqr qrl^\ puodaq 'a8eur llratuled agrSo uorsradslps,pollod uoqcrf 3o uorsurlxeprnteu E sEsrr{l.{\Es all 'acuar:adxa .rerrrar,r pwdxe pur a8e8uaor pau8rsapsluala lef,rr]Eaqtot arar{truo5 pue :qfu pu? punosSunr:odrocurstuaruuorrlueor a8zlguassell.raruredruo{ pe oru peq ,ra.ordqq'6!6r :agorcg ur fta1p5 ueqnad aqr pauadotr ueq./d'arua8aqr pue 'urr.rrer eqr paf,nponur peq g"t?(I9 ut s&utuaddoll81 parntf,nns dg8q asogr'r l'rords;1 ue[V se.4eseqr auo 'etun eq] sruroJrrureulp tsour er{tJo euo .,3urueddeq,, Jo Jo rl{t erytu plno^l,or{.4srsrrrelq sluale lef,rJteaqr xrsJo serJes e lg paruedruocf,? uaaq pEqll puv 'aoutur.ro3rad pue tr? u,roru/r\opJo retuef,B 'qlrnr{J lerroureryuospnfaql


ltz 'uoqorf er{rreryr? uaasuos eq]Jo "p"C-oeN a:ou tsnl -uatqlrlJo lro.{\ tuef,rr aqr sp uoDrqrqxaeqt aer^ ot papuar 'uotqry uoc sEqJns 'srDut eluos JIttL,X\ do4,,:autt1ur ,e,.'doddo4 :rry, ,,'ecelduoururo3aqrJo rlnJ-uv saurlPEeq ur ffadde PFo.4auoosturar aqr PuE,.,'rrvlr\aN aqr seoS do4,,, PeFIluese^\ ,&oqseqrJo l et^)r saunJ4to maN Puolesslrrer{oc,o uelrg 'lI ruou Pe IrsP ue aqr or utqr raqrerernllnf,eqr or reJeror le,tro1ryaruar,treI llllrr tIsISuElq pasnlsrg rural r 'pagdrunr.rrdo4 'esrnor3o ,(lenrua,rg'elnruJarleJrr{]out sEstsluoruluo3 ot sreJJr eq eroutooJ" ur prrc lprl ur rsrplrareu.rllo4pue putpug uI tsttrv do4 go asnaqr 3uI -uoDuilu osp 'srsruv pnrlEC .ro3ard or Peuaassueflaupr5 lessaon8opref,u,{{oslq uI 'popr oq pFor{s slsnreesar{rrer{.^ uolssnf,slp qrnru sE.^aJel{r'luelso5 uro{ Sulruof, Jo uoDrlleddr eqr(srsrlBeu^'n qf,uarc ParErsuEn o1f;ffI;ffij;:lr:t#ljysf,DaqlsrE

aql EI 'rearrsqrll lssep or apISrsEEraldo'Ieqt uro{ arots eI{JJo uorllsodsuerllluorl up tea./ruepunsueuron paruredlpq8pq 1o ,{etrc s8rnguaplg paceldaq ^ opul./drql asoq.ra. uI 'uorr?lletsuraqr da,unsppor rqqnd eqt tuo{ sse13 g8norqr 'raa.rr5grll rsa1tr a.rorslrdue uE petuar eroJerel{rsrutf '1prusoo] qf,nru se.& 6r re anua,tyqTrC ssortrE rearrgqrl,l rseg!r re l;a1p8 eqr 'a8re1os a:ar'rs8unurcdu?rlrrruv rqt PuE'stsluerno1 -r$g lo rlrea urog qro.,'r o./r\trsealt? apnllur ol sE^\uorrrqlqxaaqr asnef,eg ,r'stsnr?{ro ,^aoNaqr lq pa1,r,rou..e/rg Teuolleuratul1r\au 8,,Jo eruelsxeagr{n.roc ot papnlrur uaegp"q 'u?tueurv aql u?qt alnelouul sselPara -prsuof,sf,rrrrr r{frr{ { '{ro.^aueadorngeqr urqlI roC ,,'puerre Surfilrrec3oalqedec ITE l? sr,,ar{'rusruorsse.rdxg lueuruaardaqr sE'r?r{rPuE,,'erunlsa^JEtI tleJtsgvJoJe1eap ezett dod,rqt uo ur pa oru seqsrueflauprgrrpap,, ]Eqrplou oq.trtuv ul ruqrl dau -PISsE,\rnrqdue rsotrJ ,,'aP?DrelsEwrr{rJo suer nc PIo rr{l selquesarrrqr Sulruled aqr or lrrpnb eul1euorPe 3ur,rqro3 sntetsB perunsse,, prq sruefa]urs ,,'uolr?rsaJlu"ur tmaNl"tv ulEtref,E gllq,'rr,fia1p8aqr jo uonelndor eqt,,se r, rI r?q1Pe>lrpuret PoPPE aqr Sunngrrue ur ssaHruoJ 'enuel snor8rrserd eqt ot ,,operuSuragLrorsrquEJo esuas,, ,,'alenbqrreauE Jo arroJ rr{t qrr.4 plro./dtr? {ro1 r'laN eqr rq,, ,/'ror{saqt tEI{r pIEs SraquasogploreH 'uyn^ maN aclJ ul zr'raqotro3o lep rsel aqr uo peuadosrs[Ead .^AaN uoDrqrqxaaqt uar{.4tuiluruotr prrlrrf, r{f,nurroJJa]]"tuEsE.(,'lJelPJsluBl^3uPIS slsnrsd\eu er{lJo ,^^oqsdnorSrs"ryeql reqJ aqt rE PIaq sE./!\ rusur{srTq?tse ' ' '{rors rugI qI areserntoldesaq[I],, ,r,,'dnqor rrun rr{r sr srqrpu? :{s,,"ro1gnXur u.,'t.oqsse-/'ratuoq asor{.^rotrrllof, auo teqsner) uoal peronb llld -dtqt*l ,^aou E r{ll.ll rrt rleqr Sulseqrnd ag ppo, esap PrrV ryapnrrlt 'uorrelndodu?f,rrauryeW prrr{t e tnoq? glm Suop 'uraqr pe oru ptg lrrradsord Jo re.rusodr{f,rr{^\orur plJo.^ u"grngns er{t ralue or g8noua u?alf,aJnrlEJrpr,u 'qrnol rrerlt Jo errraruv arp or elSprsouqrr,^,r>ll"q pqool 8uâ‚Źurytd Pu? 'stuetuaslue^Pe 'sulersuergrrl'srstnbuasoa 'qooq f,nuor urorgsa8eurrslIE,{\esoqruO 's'slor{relNpue uo 3ur,rqsrolcallof,^\au aqr 3o sqderSot rrer{rqtr.{\ sqrngnsrrlt ur pu" rnuelv lrtd 'sallxlsaql Sutrnp 'l1s.alo1gng -ogd pa-rnrea3 uqof lq 'do4 uo {oog rsrg ar{r 'rtrg -uI senrrqelerplro^\-rreeluoragpFo.& oq.^ srotf,ellof,aqr pazrruortde']eI{rE'aJI.t\slq Pu? 'raagxer r o lqlperg 'llnrs uaqog 'rry do4jo rolf,allof,rofzur tsrg aqr ilmS Jo sreu.4 lq lpnouluou? pelleq se,r ,fie1p3 urrr9 lf lurelleg prtl{lld trtllt3 EsUEHer{l Jo rotlarrp rauroJ ar{tlq ung r'roqssruefeql oroJagr{]uoru? srolf,alloJaqr passardrut os ter{r a{Br Jo af,rlspu? 'euoc urErJJarr .re8:nguel{ selu?f, pagnts clrue8r8agr Sunearc'arols ,r{J lE u./dor{s peq er{ reqr srcaho3o puDI aql a8reluaot uroor PEr{eq araH 'uonrqrqxeuosees-rr{l-Jo-Suruado srg ro3Surndard ,fia1p3 ueer9 arp3o artds Srnguaplg z9611o rluruns aqr ruads3lasrurq raarrggrl,( dgol aql ur 8un1ro.r,r aq1 arnrdpcs sIosrrEWul )C[Jo arn8gaqr roqsppue,re '8ur ur's[pauuay 'eror{J 'oor{J sr1 &runo3 1141'stsnreurrulrp -poqeroJ arrae r{lr./"r Jo ,,'rogsdno:3 e , Jo uE./rr.C aqt rr sala8uyso'I ur pepuedo43o.rtel aqJ regura oN ul ftepD qlr.a,r'Lra1p3

POP TRIUMPHANT: A NE\T REALISM 'W'esselmann, 'Warhol, and Rosenquistclearlypointed in a new direcIndiana, stein, "The point of the Janisshow . . . wasan implicit proclation. As Tom Hessreported: mation that the New had arrivedand that it wastime for the old fogiesto pack.. . . the New Realists were eyeing the old abstractionists like Khrushchev used to eyeDisneyland-'\fle will bury you wastheir motto." And Janiststableof Abstract Expressionistmastersdid not take the challengelighdy. After the exhibition, as the gallery continued to take on Pop artists,a protest meeting was held and Guston, Motherwell, Gottlieb, and Rothko left the gallery.Only de Kooning remained.35 In the catalogueJanis identified three themesexemplifiedby work in the exhibition-the everydayobject,the massmedia,and repetitiveimageryevokingmass production-but the two installationsmadelittle attemptto group the piecesby these through the intercategories. The senseof an internationd movementwasemphasized mingling of Europeanand Americanwork, and most artistsappearedin both gallery spaces.Certainly therewere sometelling jutapositions of a thematic kind. Just past the Oldenburgunderweardisplayin the window of the storefrontsPace,Arman'srows of faucetshung next to W'arholtpainting of zoo Campbell'sSoupcans,the antiquated look of the Europeanhardwarecontrastingwith the slick reproductionof American packaging.Further along, pastJamesRosenquistthuge painting of a cargrill over a massof spaghetti,I Loue Youwith My Ford, the EAT of Robert Indiana'sBkck DiamondAmericanDream #z-which would be acquiredby the presidentof MOMA for his personalcollection-sat behind Oldenburg'slusciouspastrydisplaycase,acrossthe room from the enlargedslicedwhite bread,Lipton soup mix, Del Monte catsupand cannedfruit, and Schmidtsbeerof Tom'WesselmanntStill Life tug.Towardthe end of the spacesat GeorgeSegal'seeriegroup of six plasterfiguresaround the dinner table, life castsencasinginterior likenesses of their models.Positionednext to a refrigerator by JeanTinguely,they bore mute witnessto the shockof thosewho openedthe fridge door to a screamingsiren.Appropriatelyenough,the theme was introduced at the front door, asone passedLichtensteintcomic book close-upof a woman cleaningthe "snare-picture" inside of her refrigerator,below Spoerri'sfunky Le Parcdz Marcelle,a comprisedof a chair and folding table,to which weregluedbeerbottles,a coffeecup, and a full ashtray. The displaywas more elegantin the SidneyJanisGallery at r5 East 57th, without the ad hoc lighting and exposedsprinklerpipesof the temporaryspacedown the street.In the smallerroomsof the gallerythe largeAmericanpaintingswereeven more striking, completelyoverwhelmingthe intimately scaledwork of most of the Europeanartists.Here suchcleanand bright paintingsasLichtenstein'sBhm, Rosen' and W'arhol's quist'sSiluer Shies,Vayne Thiebaudt Salals, Sandwiches,and Desserts, away from Yourself, took all affention irises, Do h and paint-by-numbersdaffodils works like Tinguelys relief of radio parts, Christot wrapped burlap package,Yves Kleins pink and blue sponge sculptures,and the Italian Gianfranco Baruchellot 1I Of course,someEuropeanpiecesacquitted mounted pile of newspapers, Awareness with fumant accumulationof sabresmore in scale and power, themselves well termsof than holding its own acrossa doorwayfrom Jim Dinet painting with attachedlawncartoon imagerybearmower,and the SwedeOlwind Fahlstromtsurreal-psychedelic ing up acrossfrom W'arholtunfinishedflowers. In both spacesthe overallimpressionwas that the Europeanwork was oldfashioned,akin to earlierNew York Neo-Dadain its useof discardedand rough materials,and in painterly feel closerto the legacyof Abstract Expressionismthan to might paint the clean lines of American media images.The Italian Mario Schifano 'W'arholt souPcans. the Coca-Colalogo, but his messydrips looked dated alongside ripped but their posters, actual advertising Raymond Hains used Mimmo Rotellaand


9rz eql 01 rxeu anbnue pw lrsnp lpurs pEr{uoorqnFe er{I lJo,{r uef,rJaurvarrrssarSSe palooy sacaldrrogl :spuar{ qr{ ruog rarroypa8rlno u? palracaror{ rnq 'slred r^Bel ot elq?unsE^.u?r.urv'rarurunssnor,rardaqt suef lg uo ua>prurrq peq aq q8noqry ltrl1rD splolaqr le lpuarrncuooSuvrrogssea or{.^'rller{d-luresap HIN pue lpn8ur r ueef 'assleA leruery-uonrgrqxa aqt roJ lro irleN or euref,oq { srslut rpuarC earqt eqr ro3 rear8lgercadsase/d{roqs aql /€'slsnr"lrol .,'raNer{rJo (srorseru"elq -ereue^ elrl taryl?ay rflaaanoN slq r"qr paar8erredsorta: ut luelsea ue^opue lpe)11ool, 'uolllqrrlxe aqr petEurruopsrr?f,rJeury sJItrJf,Jer{roeqJ eq] rEr{rpeJJnJUof, 'ooJ,Jo ruap,unbaarp a8eururlpo wo rnq les or l:r regr sdr:rs ,,4A.OIN, nn...fareur 'smaNuV ur -f,rruof,op uaruqsrpugeruog'dn-ouq sqt ur elgeeJ 1oo1,,sueadornl eqt aqr qrr, pelr?uar sseHry'fte8eurr erpeurSurlrba:3o ler'r u?f,rraruvsnorersrog -r.uof,uJf.l./d snor^qosE1\{ .lulEIsJl lEnsl^rJr.{] 'slauedlooq f,rluof,PemtultlJory llpK s,sd{Ir{d raradpue 'a8eped Eotsrrr{Jpur sarnrdposo8uodsureD{ el{r uaa ueq .4aau pu? ErteupDlool uear{e3o a8eurrdo4 pue 'sdn-urd'sprnrsod3o77?Aaao7a8relEoplg retadalrr{{ puy 'a8elgtuasse sal5g at"l eTI qf,nrupeuaesqooq pesngtJo sJeIIers,rur 's]sru?qqpug orp roJ -qrq utt{l ro urlof lprcuaf, rysarsetutJ pr"oqlllq s.lslnbuasoX sa8rllorsuu?uless?)N ur speeunsudaqr u?gt antsa?alstc/wJe>lrleroruara.nsuralttd

'suatdnog 11aqduo2 oozlo Suuund 11ot1tt11tpuy pu! nW n1,1ntsald paturud s,funquaplgsar72s8uz,qr.13uaqt o1Tvnbuasoysaanf tq p:og lTrq rlrr.4{nola^o'I 1st11vm"u!aqt uo 'satwx{ aootqtaq purd s,autq lo w1[ s1{a1aqt ug 'e96r'yrotrma1rJ 'uaag qt/S 6r tr uourqrqxa ra711 vqlray maTJ lo matn uoqqlltsuJ 'susssac??sJr{ll.r\ -puBS'sp€ps s,pnaqatqlau[rr11 ?u? :e^ots >ya $tnquapTg sar12:Lry aJrI IDS t uu?apttqA u.to1(tomtoop q8nottlt) :an4u -rng a/r5 s,[ogot1"tuE.'re,laoru -u^ea s.aute u4[ @13y ot {a1) 'tta1 Sutmotls'296r '1totr ma1,,J 1ag nu{ [aupg i? uolilqulxe vsllaay malrJto mem uotiqlpisuJ


Installaion uiew of New Realisx exhibition at Sidnel Janis Gallery, New York. r962, showing Iefi n righr) Roy Lichtensteini Blam; Arman'sAccumulationof Sabres;(throughdaorway)works by YuesKlein and Alberto Giacometti; and Jim Dine'sLawnmower.


Installation uiew of Neu Realisx 'Vest exhibition at ry 57th Street, Neu Yorh,1962.On the lefiaboue AndT W'arhol's dance diagram, Fox Tiot-ls Black Diamond AmericanDream #z by Robert Indiana, with British artist Petel Phillips's Vall Machine next to ClaesOldznburg's pastry dispky case.In the right foreground is GeorgeSegal'sThe Dinner Thble. Instalktion uiew of New Realisx exhibition at ry Vest57th Srreer. Neu Yorh, ry62. On the lef Daniel Spoeni's Le Parcde Marcelle hangsaboueRo1 Lichtenstein'sRefrigerator. On the ight zi Five Feetof Colorful TooIshy Jim Dine.


8rz aSueqcE sErI 1r\EsSraqurer5 'opft8-tue E er{l Jo arnleu rl{t uI Urqs t papu8rs uoueurou -aqd do4 eqr ter{rsg 'ef,uaraJarctlslSerut srsllr" Pu" IPqra^Jo esBOu?r{l arotu Pelf,ager do4 agr 3o qdrunrrr rr{r rer{t rg8noqr 3-raqurar5oe-I Pue relr{ezPle5 qroq rr uE eqr JoJ uoneurelcord uott nd acatd uonesre,tuof,erp' ' ' [']rnuc ,,'atuzpacxa 'urrr{ roC 'rnoqe ualods rq -rdrcutura Plnol lro,ln eql gll{^\ qr!^,l 3o puD{ ",,_pqreur rI rsea er{l ol ssef,trnsEdo4lo l{lnul parnglJrte Jarrr?J) PuE 'zlrun).'{aluetg PUEJeuJ"rX lq parreep se,u.'ssaco;deql ur sunesnur3o uortedtrlrred aqr pur.,'ftorsrq IJE ltrelsur,, srr{J 'rrB ezruorled or 8uD{ees pareodde PerI srorf,ellof Jo ssBItrluBf,glu Pef,uE P? -8rs e acurs eralosqo uonou e 'rslu? peleuelp aqr 3o qrlur PoPorulno ut ol aglrrsqns ol'rq8noqr rq 'ssef,f,nsprde: qrns lueser oJ 'YIAIOW 13 ,.luelue^olu,, rlarp uo urnls -odruds eu aql ur 8un1ro,vt erE.lteun oPotu,^ auoJo E s'E^a Jrer{r-,/(ou leqtou? pue r?qr 'uuBrulossalN'lorlrElN'ulrlsuerq)l'IJo solPnls eql ParI IP uaqr Pu5 or rsmbuesou PUE 'lauoddns do4 rurg E -sr^ peq eq ofu jpq ? PuE uVJo lunasnw Pu? r?ed E l?I{l Palou utrt1odo.rra141aql l? rolErnc Sunol ? taF{BzPIaD lruag 'lryssaocns lleDrauruoc aruo)aq pue parcadde peq rft do4 golg.l qrr.u paeds egt selr\ rnssl rof?ru V zr'uv ure -poryJo runasnl eqr tE zlas.rate4 roternc lg J PezIuEBroser'rrca(gns eql uo urnrsodruls e 'do4 .rradagr Suurunupc pue .,ltoqsslutf aqr reSe rsnf 'tr reqruaf,a6l uO 3o 'u?,{e,{{Ee\oJr{reg or rr'ruoP sE.t\To/t\ rnsrpu;nol rJ^elf, sll eruo algePuedxa Oror{trpnw punoJ 'spunoq ,{.aJ.^aou>Iol Paruaesuolllglqxr 3I{l roJ Iuselsnqlua esoq-&\ 's.raxoslqqog 'sra.&\eqf,un8 jo a/rs 'esrol'r 'lr.raqoq,g u?rrg ua E ,,'sruanbu4ap PuE (sI qrnD ar{J,, algrrdtuaruoc pue pap"eq-urd aql lg POP?^urSureq are sauage8u? eql :,,suerre8pn ,/rtaN aql pue rsn9srq pcrsdq&lay,J 'ernlln] do4,, 'a1oqr're sP uE '4aeu aqr SurssnrsrpaPIIJ? tsrg rr{r uI .4AaI s,Jolzo) XEIAJPeoqla srtltrc lutul 'Juol uI lou ol asuodsal 3r rrlds uI ..'uortplouur pue llcepneJo Jauu?q e repun acuatradxauJaPou ' ' ' ounsrlrr{d pue rsrurroJuoc dlenuossa uE esln8srp ot lduJue Tensneqt [']8unep -oururof,f,Epue etuer ool,, uoIsI a 'pau8ra3sB1(?sletueJ;tr fttluaururoo TEIcossEPeaeI oruos tell,Xyaruerglu8ls raq8q ro af,uopuaf,su?rtroJ r{rrtrs lue arelpndat 01 Paruaas luarualotu praua8 eqt tuolp .ro3.,'s8utueaur arrtleut8trut .laau gll^\ sDafqo actlduou 'oqa'p8eg 'spro.l'r -ruof, 3-rnguapl6go t?qt sE{ro.t I{f,ns3o e I esryur,, sralpu?S q pue (uletsuelr{f,I'I 'lol{r"lNJo Surrured aqr -uoddns sde.Lrsnotre,r uI aprl,Xyrstnbuasog PuE Sururaouoc llercedsa 'arrlle8aul1a3re1erartr'urstuotsserdxg rleJrsqvJo soqra aql qll^ palerf,osst llasop 'sseg seruoqJ pue 'reTPu?S8ura.r1'uorqry aroq laureDl uorllH se

r":i"rJ:llff;Ti,r,u nssrrlrrc.^\or{s eqrBurpun o;rnsssa.r d3o n* r{f, ];,1:r


lraq,{ry ugof3o ler{] sel"rpepnpur eq ot txar p:lrr.rc 3uo1dluo ag1 .r'uolrlqlqxa slq lpro.ra.eqr PunoJ Jo rueruof,eqr ol ruelelarrrlla8rel Pue olgttelsu?rtunllpnrrh rcel anSoprersrqSo acard3uo1eqrgouoruod purs e lp6 'dessa peq srurf.ro3'perul.rdsea,r luarur?rn aqr rnoqElddeq uaaqrleq rou plnor rtl 'dn ultoqs ueJqP€r{slsllreslq IEI{I or uorrrpp?uI 'eJuetsqnsul ape;3o:tattng lool ul uJePou ,{er"raqt ;artoernseeldsrp 'a1lrs aqr srarurcd do4 rerloue uI pelro.4 tsnf pao,yaduon 3o lsoru rulq :og .'rcafqo aql,, er{rJousrqsnsJuraPou,,snouorouorue orul ((rf,algoJtllJo ^tuouoln? e^lsseJoxa eq uer{J el{r PezIf,ItIJf, a$q??AnpannoNagr Suldola.tapJoJsuef,IJeury' 3o uortr8rtserrw 'srsruedod ,/druarp or Pu? .t\oqssruefeqr or Pe]o^aPanssluE lauot1oua7l11tV t96t &rnuef aq] ur altrnreu? rpl.l.ruonlqqxa agr or papuodsarJlesrulqluersaX ra8unol ar{l ol aAIpEJtleaJourtI SuDIeur';rc ep*8-lue,reuz Lralp8 6r'slslrJeuBf,IJeurV gluerC el{r ruauqsrlqersasrq aar8or srueflq pasn uaeg PEr{daqr regr IaeJot era.4^ 'lcadsonaruy ,n'uorlsod slq rurcltrerol seos srcefqorPuarCPerolorlpg8lrq3o sdno.r8 Sulpnlcur ua,ra saq:ra>1s Sulrurcd u€aq or puarryslt{ plor pue 'sacardreln:nred 3o 'lol{relN rnoqe u?rurv ot alor./daH 'rasdnd-ra,rse,nsseleqleuou's.!\ollalsrr{ Jo lrol( egr or pareduo) qseUllproadsapelool selrlporuuroconseldaurtslrd3o sleldsrpasoq.,tr 'asslrg 'pagsrnbue,r llrre3unurrq peqlaql pw 'peqlool tutql a{Btuor ptu8rsapur:g



in strategy, a move from attacking the bourgeoisie to embracing its values with a vengeance.For Geldzahler the point was that advanced afi now had its own establishment, one that had been educated to expect and to desire the new, and thus one that no longer could be shocked. The avant-garde had triumphed, and in its successit had eliminated the ground of its own existence. "Collectors, uncertain of their own A few monthslarcr, Time reported that taste, find pop art paintings ideal for their chalk-walled, low-ceilinged, $rz5,ooo co-op apartments in new buildings on ParkAvenue. . . . [S]ince the avant-garde public is so hungry for more and more avant, the pop artists are in the chips."43And certainly it was these chips that inspired much of the resentment toward the Pop artists. Members of the Club had slaved for years before selling a painting, and here young ardsts were finding financial success with their first shows. The grapevine and the journds 'wild reported buying," and Pop artists socialized with wealthy collectors who, the "as frequently collecdng artists as art."aaThe fifties critic Barbara Rose remarked, were had brought America into a different world, and the sixties had brought it a different kind of art world. "If the artist was in hell in 1946, now As Allan Kaprow would note in ry64, he is in business."a5The growing university system had hired artists trained on the G.I. Bill, and for the first time large numbers of artists could expect to earn a decent living. \Tidespread universiry education had expanded general cultural awareness,and an enlarged middle class was able to support what they were being taught to value. Museum activiry grew, popular media gave more coverageto the new art scene,gallery 'S7ith Pop the pattern that would recur salesand prices of successfulartists increased. throughout the seventies and eighties was formed-new art providing new status to those of new wealth. Not only had Pop packaged the imagery of the American dream, it had wrapped itself up in the same bundle. For the rest of the decade advanced art would attempt to untie the nvine.


sea ut ,.'uE>I sa ,1Jo uV arlJ :uon?tha-l parsrsry,.pqru:sog w111.i 'u!4x t24f,ur uo atoN ,.'g){J 'J 'f!u (g d prruqral V, 'on8un-rsn:ueyA1 IorEJ pw ,,,pro1ar{rJorop .anlg uraD{ .f -elsrnbuo3 :ur3DI sa lallrlE:1,1 :as ,1, Ieuon?ulrlul ug 'g( 'd 'lapg:141 .,lopersrnbuo3 :uraDJsaq,, .,f,olo)enlq Iprraleuur w,, Jo uourqrqxeu? s JPI 3-I Jo elods JJl"[ 3r{ sp .anlq aJaa .asJnof, 's8unurtd aga Ltz 'd ,laJJrlgryl 'z ,,'usruer:urrsog prreur:D s:q,,

8gz uI prrelsuel-ar) z d '956t 'r t1n['n 7V1pg ,,'(dnorg rrv ,IVpC, tsrrCrqt uO''ereqrqsol or{'g

Jo uonrqnlxg rsrrCar{J) ,NEI-IVJ1D,

'lunof,3?srql uo{ aJelxal aqt ur qJoajo suonezrJapEftqf, tz 'd p:ronb ag1 (orf-gof'dd f;aq1oA pue rzzouag ur par?Jsu€u-ar) '!!6r 'oz raqor:6 'f ntng .,'uns rauunsprry Suru:ng aqr a8uapq3 or uV urapot{ Jo uoDrqqxg rooprno pru:ur:adxg,, 'eryn MoL'L 'oz 'o'zzouag'9


'gzz-Szz'dd 'rprA {Jo runolf,Euao surel){Jouou€lsuzrl e sapnPurosp anSoprm srql '(z96r '&rs:allun ,rry ,strv eqr loJ ernl -nsul :uorsnoH) an4tadso4ay :296r-9z6r 'ulrl)J satl^ .Ars:alrun a:ry V 'stJV 3r{t JoJ arntDsul ur rpoq prre uraD sa^ ,, pw ,,'usru?rf,nJtrrsod 'l:pq:yq seuoqJ ees,Frsed ,,pIoArr{l Jo :opelsrnbuo3 :ureDl sa ,1,, rpnEJJ pue (upurv) zrpwurr{ pu?urv spuarg srq qrrn acrg ur gi6r ur Suilpnrs {snor:as uz8ag urapqylrqw'non4soy sapatuoSoaso2a7 s lrpurrH xpry Jo aurrlf,op)qr pue Iroa srr{ur)a.rrq slalJered p:yrerap aqt Jo pu? 'uraD{ uo af,uenuuruerJnrtrsouaqt 3o dpnrs asop ? JoC 'r t t utdurlS 'lL-rL'dd \taq ,r{esg lolN puB rzzoleg ur .'puatEw puE uorDv uaamrag8unulu4,, orlqilulqs oas '9rde1jo ::uetda::e lztn5 er{r Jo tunof,f,?rr" roC gr 'l,g 'd 'r:aqyo26pw rzzouagw ,,'uonsanb plur) ? sedno:g rernS ./r aqt 3o ruaudolamq pue punor8q:Eg ImrrotsrH,, .r{asl DID€SeJ J 'gnn-SW dd'r:aqyo16pw rzzotragur p:rur:dar,xFz d '1,!6r'g raqua:aq 'stulJ .{pC lsg '9r {o^ /rN ,,'srorzlouulasauedef,, 's1u5mrctn) aran rauenb Juo lsoule '>1ooqsnordrl4 Jo uoufrs rsl Jqt ur perues -:rd sSuru:dde11 zl aqt19 'tzz--orz 'dd,.(996t.suerqy .51&:e11 :1:o1 ua111s8uruaddallpua sruauultxlluEzh1qwasry'notde5uellv res'€r"r{ ,s8uruaddeH txaluor arll ur -Jqsotrdq uq ol lues lerrareu uo pawq Jo mn) arltJo lunof,Jesrr{JoJ 'f96r ur sa:uzu.toy:d a8etsrragt uo uoneu {oJur peJretep pa ra:a.ldpo aq rrqr pw 'artse.Ipagly uo{ ErnD eqr3o paur"el aq reqr sles morde; '(6€ 'd r:aqyo26pw rzzouag)6z lp{ salr rzzouagrnq 'l,r lpf uo acueuroyradolloa aqr sarrp (62]-!zi 'dd ,u:q .dd,LS6t lolN pup luca:ogur. uerSord aqr rnoqlra prltlswJl-er :z-r 'St Ip[) L JVlpg ur ]ual: ar{rJo tunorre pw urer8o:d screqrgsotr(r 'g9f.-n9(.'dd 'rraqlolN pue rzzolragur ,9!6r r:qua:aq 'otlnrqg nanttag uo{ .ereqrqsol orf .tr ,,'otsaJrueryrrrng eql, 'LfUlnC

'Szf-tzl 'dd 'uaqlol6 pw rzzotrJgur 'LS6t'St t1n[ ,zreqrqsolorrf fr ,,'uoDrqrqxar-elnDprlr{I aqtJo Iororord,,

'(of 'd 'r:aq1or1X pw rzzorrag ur'LS6t'\t l1n['L Mpg uo:3 .,{rneag;o q]ftrs uL, ,runs ons1 'zr '96€'d !ag1o16 plaerno)ragur ,L\6t ,r ,9 Ilrdy MJng uog ,.'r]snrgar.ltJo asrn] aql;o &oaqa aqJ., .oiourpuqs ozoqs .rr srqr uog ar' ,*al aqr ur ;urno11oj saron| '(zzt-grf dd ,t:li;fi p$e rnqooregur parelsupD-ar)r 'd ,956r::qor:g .! JV129 ,.,dnot} rrv .rern3,Jo uoDrgrrlxgrooprno puoDs lF uO,, 'erBr{rqso orrf 'or 'ttt-ett 'dd'uaq -lol( pue lnoTregur parurrdar'9t 'd,\\6r,zz raqoDo ,ol4oltafuug .spuoupE ,3.1 ,6 Pup uols 4trr1 <.'PunoJ) eqr ur aJoH ? sI rrv,, 'ru?)lernw puE 'runs 'DluzEru" ,urpuel .e8euoroy,tl,eurzleuqtr 'e8errqg 'tunollz s€r?rlrqso a:an llna ol1o1 or or{a srsru" aqJ tuana rJ" uat er{t ur suoneron} '(ttt-<:tl'dd traq1o16pu? zzouag


'izf 'd 'r:aq1or16 pw tzzot::g ur parur:d:; '(1,(6r) ,,uonrqrqxg rern) prrql aqr Jo lololord,, '€rerl -rr1so1orrf.r:ag) qsrqgouslre8aJaue,,seq q]lqd 'suerptJar{t u€r{l Jrr -urp qtrnrusr srqregr Suluonuau 'BuetuoCJos8ulrurcd l;oa sanSeaJyo: eqt ot 'saloqlq p::rald ptou raarlsJo a:ard r 'uourqlqxa roopur pJn{l Jreqrtuog sororu?rurqsJo lroa raleJe areduo: ppom eregrqsol '€! 'd '(!96r 'p:oJxg uV urapoIll unasnry :ptoyg) !96t-St6t ilpdp[ ut uV Jo ?pttt-iilttnv :su1tiJngsuoJa[ur ,,'saloH,,s pJ]Eubrsaplron aqr ::5 '( 'ErBqlqso olqrlw 'er?qrqsoloaPrH '?Prgso^orqsoJ'DIEsus Pue olnrnsl 'nqowsw il{sotBstr'\tr'EunC DIptnI 'enz1lfng o:lq;loa 'ruDIeSrqsol iBpDIO rqsorrH ':zu:n ntrq3 'EprIl olrurel 'nrelasl '(AErrJrrs) orolu?uqs ozoqs oraa uon?Dosry uV ra) 'EuJnzVruJEpBS r€tnD erfJo sJaqruauSulpuno3Jqr 'uerrrrreq]seureqnlsol orrf glrl6 'i 'ozt-6r 'dd'(!96r fry,p puoneN rgsnhJ:eleso) prqoS 'nint 'uolloug t2 uollrv ur \ruu1lry :o! sapuuVtzp tdlttlut2(J .,'EtnC uv,p '€t€qalel erDIVaas uourrlossv.l ap saauuEsa-I-:JQu98 asrnb nea1gea,, ,.'Sunureduolre,, sSraquasoaplor€H pu" r€]n9Jo uorssnf,spe rog € ' ilz{rqsotr 9zt'd'zl6t nuuns 7pilo1iru21uJ o:rf pue rernS-rry :sauedef .&zrodrueruo3 ur dnorS aq1., 'a^o'I qdasofur paonpo:dar9€6ruorJ lroa papr]un aqt ars 'aldruexaw rog 'z 't\'d' (r66t'rp?tsurec aloquaplqtew :1pe$uJe]) t96r-rt6r 'ryrpg4upnv asauadof1apta8ruany aqtnuadaf :lung "spe'ueqlolN snED{pw zzouag EJeqJEgur ,.'reln) stsnrvJo uonertross\y' asawdzf aql :sapr€)-tue^V atN ar{t jo ur8r:g )qr uO,, 'Ezo.urg ?leqt?g 'r ot utdvq3 reaarl rr{t ur SuuagnsSos8uqaay alola o: f:r ppom lar1r 'wu 3ur:agnse 'alduex: ro3 '8un:rdap u€r1tJrqt€Jrnq-*rr:rds aqt pue ueu 'aJnteu,,-ue Ip Jo suJaluor psJalrun aqt qtra pellolul :tam srelured eserpteqr p:urc1dxa:uln8zur aq1 69 'd '6!6r :aquaro51 9f7 'gf '65 'Lt 'dd'6!6r :aquarda5'saag uV ,,;tru;lapetyaaN ? ararlJ sL, uog sr tuauetuts seqnzq lapal.rg l,i '69z-6lz 'dd Tootltg 'Jelplurus,8ulu1 aas 'r:a(qns srqryo suolssn:srpu6 9i 4ro1 maN atlJ

'(1,16t 'atuag ?g trv 'uonbnpg qrol re51) aI :qr sduo3 aq1 :s[aq 1 lo tliuzJ 'p:eg u:y1ao[::s 's:r:a1e8alue:adoo: asaqrgoqrcr:p :og '!] ta2r.1s 'fz-zz 'dd'\\6 'ua::ag uqof'ff Aeyl<smaN ilV ..<purryJo:tErS:lqets,, .95,\z.dd 'i56r fiznrqeg 'smeNuV rssaH'g muoql '€i ('uops lrol aaN aqJ,, ..'' u:tro3 -ro3 lldurs aJaa sauo uaol-ur a(uos :pJlriur aJa.^astsan8 umol -Jo-tnoauos ' ' ' 'dp,{ tea:8,e wr,qlns-pue-gtrns, asneraq.4^aJ ? l,ao[ -leJalru e rpns, sr (os-prre-os, asnz::q p:rd:::e:::m sJuruJae3y, :,^aor{s aqr 3o ,llpuuo;ur ssru-ro-1q,, aqr :oJ Suqaa;auos salr8 ssa11!r 'd 'r!6r'r aunf lsa8tguV.,'lua 'auser) elpg/n-9t'dd E lr:ls qturN,, 'r!6r 'ssrH 'g suoql 'zi rauung sma.|g uV ,,'apn3-tw^B s.{ro aaN,, 'uuc-au)snod 'urTuol 'souers 'lPrBr{urad'llol Prr€


Klzira p. to8.

zr. Interuiw with Armm, October rr, I99I.

y. Rosenthal,pp. ro9-rro. Noting that their proportion of 5/4 wm the sameil that of most of Klein'sblue monochromepaintings,Rosenthal views thesestmps s original monochromesbelonging to a very large senes.

"Modern AuantGardt Nature," in Breahthroughs: zz. Pierre Restany, Artisx in EuropeandAmeica, ry50-r990(NewYork: fuzmli, r99r),p. $. For a detailedchronology of eventsin Parismd New York involving these artists from 1957 to 1953, see Nouueaw Rlallsres (New York: ZabriskieGallery 1988),pp.t6-zt.

6. Interuiry with Armm, June19,r99r. "Yves Klein: Conquistador,"p. 27. 7. McEvilley, 8. Quoted phrasesin this and the next paragraph are from Klein's own "Preparation and Presentationof accountofthe exhibition. YvesKlein, Kbin, pp. zzi-227. the Exhibition ofz8 April 1958,"in Yaes containing 9. On another trip Klein would leavean elaborateex-voto "zones ofimmathe gold that he obtainedfrom the first four salesofhis terial sensibiliry."For Kein and his devotionto Saint Rita, including an Klzin, pp. 22-21,2jS-257,zT. accountof this ex-voto,seeYues ro. Klein, p. zz5. "Yves Klein: Conquistador," p. 86 n7, notes that Iris rr. McEvilley, Clert rememberedpeopleenteringin threes,and that ClaudePascal,the third memberof the trio who met at the Nice judo clms,recalledgroups offive. Kbin (New o. Cimaise,May-June, 1958,quoted in PierreRestany,Yues York Harry N. Abrams,r98z),p. 5o. r3. For the aristocraticcharacterofthe historicalavmt-garde,seeRenato Poggio\i, The Theory of the Auant-Gardz (Cmbridge, MA: Harvard UniversityPress,1968),p.39. r4. Klein, p. zz8. 15.Interviw with fuman, Juner9, r99r. 'le " 16. Inside the sardine can: Iris Cbn uorcprie de uenir contemPbrdans phin' nute h force du rlel condmsl n une massecitique." The complete " text of Restanyt typed messagereads: Un eainementcapiml chezIris 'PLEIN' dr k Galzrie,[AN danne au CLERT n 1960.En fdhant le noaueaurlalisme sa totalz dimensionarchiteaonique.Dans un tel cadre,le ex d'importance:Jasqu'hprlsmt, un ge*e d'appropriation h lbntipodt fait 'Vidt'n'auait du ceml d'ausi prls lhuthentique organicitl du riel contin' gent." For the uanslation of Restanythat appearsin the text, I thmk Anthony Davenport. 17. The entire list is printed in Henry Martin, Arman, or Four and TwentyBkckbirds Baked in a Pie, or lVhy Settbfor More lYhen You Can Sexbfor Les (New York Harry N. Abrems, 1973),pp. z6-29. 18.For the notion of"practicesofnegation" m essentialto the modernist "Clement Greenberg'sTheory of Art," in avant-garde,seeTJ. Clark, Polbch and Aftr: The Citical Debate (New York: Francis Frascina, ed., Harper and Row, r98t, p. tt. 19. Interuiewwith fuman, June 19, r99r. fuman also remembersKlein "Hail fuman, who mummifies qumtity." sending him a note saying, "Apris mon Vi.dt,Le Pbin dArman. Il Kleint statementin the book wx: manEuit i h mimoire uniuerselbdt lhrt cexe momif.cation dzcisiuedu quantitatiuisme.La nature totLtentiire enfn rassurieaa commencel,comme dzrc lzs tempsanciens,) norc parlcr en direct et auecclartl dls d Prlsent." Otto Hahn, Aman (Paris:FernandHaan, ry72),p. rz. For the English translationin the text, I thank Anthony Davenport. "Refusing 'The ImpeccableTiajectory of Dualiry. zo. Martial Raysse, YvesKlein."' ,4rrs,Februaryt967.p.3s.

Media I (Ncn' York; 23. Martha Jackson Gallery New Fom-Nm "The Blind Artisr-ln a Martha Jaclson Gallery 196o).John Canaday, Crucial Time He Playsat Games,"Mu York Timel October z, t96o, "At a time when the front pageis filled secdon2, p. zr. He remarked, with the kind of news it is just now, a show like this one is downright "Khrushchev Wuns embarrmsing."The paper'sheadlinethat day read U.N. of War Peril of China Issue,"and the traffic of which Canadav ofthe police complainedin his reviewseemsto havebeena consequence bomb squadinvestigatinga suspiciou applepie sentto Khrushchevasa cift. "The lrgac,v of 24. For Kaprow'sgroundbreakingPerspective,seehis Jaclaon Pollock," Art Neus, October 1958,pp. z4-26,55-57. The best overall sourceon Happeningsis Michael Kirby, Happening:An lllustratedAnthohgl (Nry York E.P Dutton and Co., t96), which includes scripts for many of the clmsic performances.Kaprow's own '4ssembltge, (Nw York Harry N. Abrams,1966)conand Happenings Enuironments tainsimportant theoredcalexpositionand is a powerfulevocationof the period. For interuiewswith important 6gures,seefuchard Kostelaneu, The Theatre of Mixed-Means (New York RK Editions, I98o). For an overviewof the period in all its variery including a full chronolory of exhibitionsand performances,seeBarbaraHxkell, BIAM! The Exph' sion of Pop,Minimalism, and Perfomancerg58-rgd4 (New York Whitney Museum ofAmerican Art, 1964). 25.BarbaraRose,Ckes Oldznburg(NewYork The Museum of Modern Art, t96). Also seethe artistt 196rnotebook remarksin ClaesOldenburg md Emmett Williams, StoreDay (Nw York: Something Else Press, 1967),pp. 8,49, 8r. 26. For the firll inventory ofThe Store,with prices,seeOldenburg and 'Williams, pp. 1r-34. "Month in Review,",4rrs,Febrwry 1962,p. 36. 27. SidneyTillim, 28. Oldenburgand Williams, p. r5o. 29. John 1M McCoubrey, RobertIndiaru (Philadelphia:Universiry of Institute ofContemporary Art, 1968),p. 54. Pennsylvania, 3o. John Rublowsky, Pop Art. Photography by Ken Heyman. (New York: Bmic Books,1965).In addition to photographsofthe Sculls,the book showedthe home of Leon Kraushar,whosewidow would sell his Pop worls through Munich dealerHeiner Friedrichin 1968to Cerman collectorHans Stroher,who would circulatethem throughout Germanr before their installation in the HessischenLandesmuseumin Darm"Ameriqn fut in Germany:The Histon' of a stadt. Phyllis Tirchman, Phenomenon,"lrtforam,November ry7o, p. 59. 3r.


Bought lt-Now

Live withIt," Life,July 6,196t, p. 59.

32. Actually, this wm the first group show in Nm lorA ro featurethe nwly emergedform of Pop. The previousApril md Mav, the Dallx Museum for Contemporary Art had presentedthe exhibition 196r' whose 36 rtists included Dine, Lichtenstein,Oldenburg, md Rosenquist. There The Store was partially re-created,and Oldenburg presenteda secondversionofhis Htppening, Iiun. "The Art Galleries:The Game of Illusion," Ila 9. Hxold Rosenberg,


oLz -odulg y, u ratel sqruou naj e paqsqqndaran s3urpaaco:daga'zf a8a11o3 eno:g rro y1 :xeyy11)!/,6t4!6r s3uuur11 ata1duoS'ppn{ppuoq ur parurrdar'\96r 'g qooqtoatrsuV ,,'sna(qg:gl:adg,, 'ppnf ppuoq '{ '(l,96r 'yt{n :rogry uug) srulu aqtyut uy do4 '1,96rur :ucadsorlJr uraD{sa up prre 'unsrp4 auuv pw '(696r 'IWn :roqrv uuySanSq ,1 lorp3 ur p3ssnf,srp ''P: 'unsr{EI suuv 996r ur s8uuured.xr?1q,,s,rptrqurrUpVJo aorls e patunou aq pua srql -t!Q P4lyJ lt/J :uV docl I Ior"J ur parulrd:l sl do.I ot pw 'slsrueraSunol3o su:a:um luer;nf, ot alrJe alarrelncnred3osea Jo usrf,nrrf,paqsrlqndrr{t Jo Wnl J fz d 'z uon:as '296r 't Jeque oN Surnoqsur palsa]atursa osp ralunH '9('d'L96r rer{r pw ri 'd '2961 '(. nqorJo J2a1J qnf, meN .,'uV reN er{r soo5 IJoA lnlJorsr{ '6 qooqtaatrgtv nrolf runaffiWatlJ ur .'tuaualels V, :a1unH ures t .do4,,,pue,.&a1p5 srueflaupl5 & !r!-rorlF.i ur ]nlln3 ssw S'n '.,brJr{oC,Oueug '8t ,slsrpadaaN, :rlo^ru epre9-rw^V :1,'!;, ' f . E' d ' 9 9 6 t lf,oW 'd '296t krntqa4 lrv .,'swrre8pl aaN aqr pue rsnSsrq 7uuzt1pura1uJ lrqotro-requrrdag'suV arv a:aqrX, :arnrdp:S Jo rJnlf,nJls .,ialN prrslqderall 'a:nrp3 do4,, Uolzo) xery 'Sfl 'd '296t'l,r raqua oN !:aQg,, 'surqoa auurro3 .. rro3aq&ntua: e lpq norlg &oury arp or 'zt'd'aunr8eu'296r 'gr raqrualog ?sa7 'u7!tpN ..'rry,,laurerx uorJrH dluo ayqerudu:o: a f,nsnJepue pnos V,{uJel asorpuer8arour ur yo^ naN !.'saualp5 aqr uI,, iralpuesSurNI'oL-69 'dd'296r raquaca6 _rua aorls rqr slussaJosulqou 3uurJo] :a^aaor{ 'uoDrqrqxaeqlJo tunoD? 'uorqry JroC ri -requa oN 'qurusunx sag ,,'trod:a IroI arN,, p::adruar-uara llpraua8 raq uI 'izc 'd '996r 't tre141 rau11 ytotr 'Iro ArN'sarrg:ry&a1Je3 sluefleuprg se$qprympaanoN eql puz ru77 ,,'.1orwtruouy arN ar{J-.salnt:n;rg d;auu4, ,, teurBl,l uolllg '€ luersaa qroq3o suonelnda;aqr a8euep ppon a:ard aloqr arp rurrd or 'z6z'd'(g96t 'uorlnq A'E TroI reqr rp3 sluef 'gsllBuE:lgepuelsrapunolur rr 3o ued ;apu:r or pa8euzru rey1) 6o1ot1tuV1or4tl) V :itv lputulw ''pa '1co:1eg -{:o8arg ur arard peq (sruefol wury pmnponur p?rl pup 'rpmft'I w:f qrrn palrom aqr3o €unuudar aqt aag 'uralsua8rrr26 8lnpn1 raqdosolrqdagr Surpear oqa) rrEW sa8;oa5 reqr rnq 'lzss: aloqa rqt 3o ,uonzlsw:r ayqr8 lq pa:uangul dprelrp aJoruera,r stsrueJgV iaq---aleq Durngur lpn]re -rTletur,, uE ra8 or elqeunueaqpeg laqr rzqr dep auresaqr raual e ur 8ur aau aqt or llrTrqlsues tou sEAaraqt reqr :Ja eaoq 'qJeuar asou '{z -urc1dxa lJoa ragu::rdag uo .,ruem1arl,,l1a3;e18ur:q rx:t sluersaa rnoqe ul esoJlsepeuonuau sr rellrr5-aqqod ''3 a 3o ,,1aaou alncalqo q:ua:g,, arraJegrqr palq"r swe['9t-tf. 'dd'f.96r 'Sz trsewn[ TpuoupuraiuJ uV rqr 'J96r raqua oN-reqot)O Vrlrauv ut ittr ul ,,lrv l11V,, sasogereq f 'luersaaa:rar4'of ..'{ro1 aaN ep ar?nbuo3 e1e,ausrp?d nea noN a1,, -reg ''lE 1r'arpuv(surotr J'ppn[3o rre ar{rJo uorsmtrsrpprrrr]f, palErap rsrg eql uI 'zt'd'996r aun['sltV,.'sarnlon]ts l:eur:4,, :auqf,og 'W z '€t'd'L96t tr:enuef-996rraqua:aq tuv ,,'996ror 9z6r uor3 aruet -slq rri1., 'uotr{ry rroq 'Lz 'd'f.96r raquardeg 'untofuy,.'8unurz4 lrqrqrsua5-uuy,, 'drr;'1 ueq 'Sz 'd'1.96t raqualoN smeN ,V ..Fry do4 s1 rer16,, 'uosuaas 'U'D qrp a:r^retur ur uratsualq:r1 dog 't

'EpEC-orNJopa:sur srsrrre do,1ruu arp i:o sn:o3or srwf pa:urluo: oqn rllrrs3 o{ sa tr reqr nsaSSns osp dwrsaa q:rgm ur 'sldr::suerl r)rlJo rsn agr rog pooSdzg {wqr I Nr^ srql pJorlrr:aodglanreq pue luersag arrardqloq '266r lrrdy ur slre4ul poo8drll uesnglq parnpuof, saerl;alur paqsqqndunor Surp;o::y '6€

'166r'rr raqorlo 'ueury qlrm naruarul 'g€

zt utdrtl2 'L9 'd'1196t'uots -uIlN rrcqeurg rloH :lro1 aaN) ,uars trv aty'J:4r0AmaN 'sqderSotoqd 'wp;,,q o8n pur 'txrl 'uouolos ueIV (.'slotf,alloraqr rro{ stsDr"aqr JI:l or rFtrlJrp eJoruJa e auolaq seqt[rl ' '.' saqrol: u]otsnl [pue] 'p?o.rge JJ^BI'sssnoqrauuJns'sjrprli euolJlJeg'sru: suods s11rq.uslJew,, aql qlra lerl pt{r"uar 'ulnrmry r{suaf aqt te Staquag:mrg pw sugof 3o sau:edsona.rl1:ea aqr patunou p"q oqa'uoruolos w1y !are1sreal AaJ e auarsuE Iro arN atp Sulzrreuung 'nf.'d't96t reqco)OrmeN r.rtr,.iplrolN arpJo uEW E aurof,agtslrrv rqr ppoq5,, mordqq uely 5i 'lz d no51 pue uarlJ ep?C,,'asod €ftqreg uo{ sr srotJelloJarp uo ,, aaN ur stsrpsd na51,,go>ppna eluog luauuor aqr pw 'rf 'd ,,'1rotr lq patrodarsr uouentrssapsaql 'uonrqrlxa sruefaqr or paromp '€96r 'Sz trsenue[p :;,gunu 'fh lluotltuaiuJ ilV eqt uo{ ar? qreuar qrog .,'pesreqtE:pue Suus::arurwqr ssJIJaprsuof, 'elo3-ero3 rer{r srlgqnq :lqaa3auos rsn( sr r1,,,Sur4reuar I grrr{a Jo l1:lrslr:p rsuJ1xel J pue ,.'lepor plroa aqt ul lualue ou ue tueuodul rsou aqr,,do4 8urryr uosuqof dqrq4 r:onb ot uo saoBaurl (Joqftl6 pue 'rsmbuasog 'Sraquag:snrg 'utrtsualqlr-I 'suqof 'aurq ala,^a srsru€ar{J) ,,'r:afq6 agr prre sratur?d)flS,,(runasn4 uraqua8Sng :qr u uourqqxa sftno1y a:u:rme1 dq pauorsr::o sa rlf,ru" aq1'oL-69 'dd 'f.96t 'f Ae1t1'aut1 do1,, 'ft ,.'arelduouuo3 rql Jo lln3-rrv 'tz 'd'f.96r'( trsenrn[zno1 31114 at11 ,,'pltor1x. ?lo3-eloJ ? ur rsrtrv aq1,, 'uolsugof yyf ,,'paueaq-rq8ltlpuer:1gnsur,, pauaasrDuJ aqr regr :oqq8r:u slq ot palr?uar dmq:nq ,.,u8 ur:pou ur rJlur5 Pet€rJao lsou arp,,uq pellm JrurBr) raup l?tp pue 'afuarpne 3r{t ur sea dwq:nq lelftW teqr parroda: uolsuqof lJr[ lon ,srsrr:z rqtJo uaoqs era,r sJprlsunrsodu,{s rqr rB prre 'zlJSr)1rd puu 'ztrun) laywrg 'Sraqurar5o{ 'uotgry aroq tawrt uorlrH :alqezpla5 .&uaH o:ar"rsruedr:rued aq1 'Snj(. dd 'f96t 1t1dy,suy *!ry do4 uo unrs

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u?[V to]rarrp .e\ouf,rurBulp er+ e96r ur puE-uoDErauao puoles :looqrs lro rnaN arpJo slsnrv uoorqr\xe LS6 sorrder{Srale141ur 'n8n1 uaatg-u:llrogs sE/{rsrg Surruredsuqof :adsefE ]Bql runesnryqqltef atp l? sE1(]I lro^{ pelup pe Sunrqnga 'ITBJsnou,erdaql 3o LrorsrqSuo.rrslpursudrns e grv'.r.uonntnsur uE tE pa rrre rH urnasnWqsl,rrafaql o1 aruor PEqauqs]l J uroq-pBprur[ eqt '696r ur urntar Plnoa aq qrlqa ot 'trv urepory Jo unesntrJ eqr re sreal xrs reUV 'uorrrqrqxeeqt ur slsnr? etp3o lueru uerp ra8unol se,ra. auo-lrrrqr rE oq./( 'euqsrry uorseul;,1'ernr .,ra8unod,, -dpcs pw SunurzdyoJotEJntr /r\ousrrnesnureqrlq pelqurasse sp.r\.r\or{s ar{I sauour dlqzco,rarrlrr saxgpup €('ssausnorJsuo) 'porradE saugepter{r suonrqrgxeesoqt auo,,'sauuJ Jo 4roAmaN eql ur alor.^ raur?r) uorlrH 'parnutsuof,{ro.r rraqrragra8ol 'pqq eqr pasryarsragro'srordpf,ssallasuaql palpl euos 'slerrattrul'rru pue srolocrq8rrq qrv( eroory Lrua113o pyoqaqr adzrsa ol Suqoassrordprs qsnrrg pue 'uorrerrrgeJprnsnpurJo sanbruqoar pef,rrcp? Surzqnn slsureeruroJrp3'rusluorssardxg rlrrtsgv3o trrrdscroragagr ur 3ur1:ortnsrordprs 1:or1 .4eN rrr.r osleJJJqrrnq 'Jrns Jq or 's]srprururl^JeJJ^/\JJJqJ 'reJrrs puz6 le rnuJ^v qUICuo uorsu?ru3:ngre26roruroJeqrJo sarralp8snourunlo oqt ur stsnr?o ,\r-luoJ lq auo-,{gypaleldsrpuonrqrqxaaqr ..'srotdprg qsnrrg pue uecrrauryra8unotr,, 'esla 'arnlolnf,s r{f,nru PaPDgns Pauretuof,I tf,EJuI Jo Pulil srql Jo dnor8 rsrg eqt se pauonueu sr uauo seJntf,nJts lrerur:4 prr? 'stsr1errJrurry sBu.^ornl eruof,eg or{ { stsrlJB e ot slq Jaur{f,og dnorS peuSuol lunoJf,B Ppo./t\ Jo UaPPHou 'tajf,es Z..'a^Doru ou 'eprsurou 'satrEJrns rseqrpun{eqSulqrousrareLp' ' ',, :tsrlelouaqr dq l.reuer e qrr,u Suruado'sarntrnns fuurr4 Jo ^\arlar srr{ ur tellrrD-agqoUa>lo^urppo.,'r raur{f,og IaI l rat?l srmdgpq e put aarqJ'uouduf,sap a.,u:a[qolploo3o rre ue g8norgr uorr -oue peplo E og,/r\sretlr,d'etnerresrlpr{reN pue lalllr)-eqqo1 uIETVJo Pu? srsl1eue slr ou aqr or e)urrgrr r{rr.ruotrrqrqxrslsrlee5,rrN rgr pr)nponur peq &aqqry uqof 'suollelfosse 'uonJ€Jlsqe dreralrl ot aql ol uela pJpuatxa lr TBJrusaB 3o tre a,ussardxa uotusoddouo pesequonErIIXruV'euo pJnl?u B se./"l. uonJeuuof,er{lerun Jr{rtE (srrlxs -prtu rl{t Jo arnrdprs e^rpnpar ar{r ql.r\ do4 lp ot a8u?nssuaastr epL/X\ gsr.trafslro1 ,Lro51 r'runJsntrAJ arar'rlagr pue 'uepelgp1euogdg a.ra,tr t? sernt)nrlsl:erurr4 uortrqrqxrarf ur pel1etsur st)e(qoSulruelsrear8oq1 'sruefre uonrgrqxas.ueulosslr[ urolJo qderSoroqde aprs -8uop suro3 crnaruoa8 a8nqaarqt3oe8eur ue (se.4.neuJel[e loo) lueJJn],,seSunuasard 'do4 qtr,l >lro./dJo puDI ruereJrpLre,re a:rdurol pFo/d uorqry eroq rer?ls:eal aa:qr lng (('aroge sr&u.usueg,, :Surrureddo4 uo elJrrr?srqur apntruenaauJr{t dn paururns r',r.o-rdr;,1 uEIIVJo ef,r^pEaqt uo uonuerE s,r{arse3oo'I ol urelsuatqrq rq8norg peg oq,l'dr;q u? I 'uou?Jaua8 rarpra ueJo luerua8e8ua Jr{l ot e{nqeJf,ruorr pauorssedrur u? petueesorntf,g puosradul agr pw ..'Sunuredlprr]snpur,,lro.& rrar{rpal1ecpeq urots -uorqlr'I doa 'ruaurgrerapsl dg peqJnrsrpeJe{ os[Bsf,r]rJf, pu? stsruedueu 'uondruns -uof, sserrr lrepos aqr or rre do4 luaulnuruor ruereddeJr{r or uorrrpp?u Jo Jo

?mqio 'rpua7 ka11ag puo1tt1l'u1 to I '{ 6zx 'ul slgx 'u! qf :pzlqwas -sv:'ut%zxslgxzrlttlua'sqcuq -a"t{/fr '996r' rr^:r-I'a"fuvLt?)

9 9 6 r ' z taunpLz tt'dV '{ro^ ToI ^aeN ,vteN'runasnlAtr r{srfi\efaql seJnpnJls AJelurJd

r0oll aw uohoaql



pue IIag.{rrt1 or sereuressern'I put p8e5 e8roag uorg Sur8urrlrrs:a.rrpE f,rrqnrsrr{l repun pepnllur eq oFLt\ ,..'srca(qgogrcadg,,-sarnrdpcsrou s8unurcdrer{lrauere.a ter{r qroa 3o l:o8erec E pef,unouu?peq ppnf pIBuoC teal snorr'a:deq1 'lf,alqoJo E aq or Par.uses l?rfr\ roj rurel ,Leu3 qtr.4 uonrglqxa PUDI.^Aeu sn{ paFn ag 'Eprtddq bn1 crrrrc3o uonseSSns e 8ur4ea 'erntdpcs wrrroury-opuy Jr{l ot ,AnEuJetIE ue 'Jpnl pereurrxopp"r{ oq,&sJatsef, pu? 'sra rEf,'sJrple,tlartlsserdxe -nte ^\ru e parelnsdmuadaqr aurqgc;,r1 uorseul;1oJ 'uourqrqxeeq1ur slsnrera8unol lutu petruenguloq./dsrer{f,ealqrog ^ oqs rlll Jo srrqteJrqogtuds eqt rra.^ aqr 3o 'uqtJ orEJ pup qtnus rog 'an1gparuredsE.{,r{f,rr{./"r sort3 luogtuy Ieets8uo1-roo3-zr poluo5uof, ryH aaq s.qlFrs luol 3o lrrauroa8 prlq snoro8u erp orer{.&'eprsur le,u rraqr uo urnesnuroqr paJatuasJotrsrlsEpef,unouuesertruortrsodetxnf prefunor ar{J 'sumrraur\y' aqt qrr.r enSoprpIryasnESunuasardsearnrdlnrsqsurrg.ry\ruar{l1'rarl or ue8equoosar{ 'aor{suef,uaury-oFov * ag ot tno u?ls tou pp rl ol1q\ pue 'rrreql -see ^\au EJo p:nrdpcs uonrqrqxa a8rel auqsrlAl aqr alquessp ot ts.ry tq8nos 'sarnt)nrtslreturr43o uonf,ury oql sE.{^. srgr'llurer -ra3 eqt uo JrElaql .raryzueqt JeqrEJ'runtuaruour u..'aqndurre lpallof,Jo adolsu,,trop .raqre8pw azqprs.{-rc laqr setJEur salf,uapuat.trau trr"ArlrJaugopot,,:?urr?,{rerodurar -uof,er{l ur lrrlrqrsuodserpnads E a Eq ot uJnasnuraqt pootsJJpunrelunH pur 'areds uolrlqlqxa ue se lprerul-rd pauorrury unasnry qsr, aqr 'uonf,ollof,luaueruradz Suruqrqxouerp raqterroJ'4lpq$unx Jalrp s,>lro1 .^oN spolor str enunuol ppo./"rog,& latunH ue5 lq rotf,arrpsEpapaaf,f,ns se./rr ar1pue '196r ut urnasnruaqr Ual uoruolos 'suqof:adsef a,utoadso-r]a; { ? unasnyg aqr reel srq jo qlr re puof,os pa]reur ^raN E puB-EIIrlS {uErCptle 'smo'I surory 'pueloN qtauua) Surrnrea3-11errf,errsgv sprBir'rol'Surturedplsg-rolor,&\auer{rJououqrgxa ue qtut Sragurr.llsnsU pa,4olloJeH 'Sutruredrc1 azud puerSeqt uo,la.llsnorrolou Sraquarlcsn?U 'apuuarg errua1 aJer{./d t9(c;ratp te uoqr,redser?tsperrufl aqr3o a8rerpur lnd se.uuoruolos real auresregl 'a.tnoadsonarSraquagcsnugrsrg er{l qtr \ unasnru pa3.rr1uaaqr pauado 'uourolos





'r'LO18ur,la.5 s,tapauuypnag (tq&u) pua 'uet -tlspt?) tuoqtuy Sulmoqs 1{ap '996t 'zr aun[-/,2 'satnt lldy -tutg krun"q Suln? qn^ maN 'unemry qs1mafaql 01arultiug



Anne Tiuitt, in his programmaticstatementshere and elsewhere,Judd sketcheda tighter view.Along with the writings of RobertMorris, Juddt remarlcpresenteda tfieoreticalbasisfor the most radicalart in PrimarySuuctures.After beingcalledby many names-ABC Art, Cool fut, Low-BoredomArt, Idiot Art, Know-Nothing Nihil"Minimalism." ism-this art ultimatelywould be denominated Coined by the English philosopherRichard'Wollheimto characterize such artistsas Duchamp and Warhol, "minimal" whosework had artisticcontentof a traditionalkind, the term wasadopted for very differentuse.And while Judd and Morris resentedtalk of their *ork asredu.tive and minimal-Judd, in fact, devotedhis catdoguestatementto a repudiationof theseterms- minimalwasthe word by which their art would be known.6 Taking off from the rejectionof standardcompositionalpracticesby Frank Stella,whosefriend Carl Andre would createone of the outstandingpiecesin Primary Structures,Judd and Morris soughtan escapefrom the Europeanartistictradition. As "It Judd saidin a joint 1964radiointerviewwith Stella, suitsme fine if thatt all down the drain. . . . I'm totally uninterestedin Europeanart and I think itt all overwith."7 In a move combining, ironically, the Europeanavant-gardesearchfor purity with an American denial of Old Vorld values,they eliminatedcomplexiryof image for the sakeof phenomenologicalenrichment.For Judd, whosephilosophicaleducationat Columbia had alliedhim to the honestyof Humeanempiricism,the point wasto confront directlywhat is experienced, abolishingillusionism,emotionalism,and other dissemblingof the old order. For Morris, whoseroots in the world of new danceand performancewere infirsed with the infuence of Cage and Duchamp, reduction of detail openedthe viewerto fundamentdsotherwiseobscuredby complexcomposition and expressive intent. W'ith lessto interpret,the focusbecamethe basicsculpturalfacts of shape,size, mass,illumination, and spatial orientation. More imponantly, the viewerwould come to seehimself as part of the picture, a being whosephysicaland experientialrelationswith thesesimple elementswere essentialto the sculptureitself. Often mentionedin the contemporaryliterature,the philosophersLudwig Wittgensteinand Maurice Merleau-Pontyjoined Duchamp to mark the viewerasconstitutive of the art object. Morris, in fact, had describedhis first minimal sculpturein a Duchampian proposalwritten in ry6o-6t for the essays and avant-gardeperformancescriptscompiled by La Monte Young,JacksonMac Low, and GeorgeMaciunas and calledAn "Blank Antholog'. Under the headingof Form Sculpture"he describedthree simple objectsto which viewerswould responddifferentlyaccordingto whether or not they "art." were called \Vhile he refusedto havethe pieceincluded in An Anthologyafter becomingdisaffectedwith Maciunast Fluxusactivities,Morris constructedone of the objectsfor a performanceat The Living Theater in January196z-"A column with perfectlysmooth,rectangularsurfaces,zfeetby z feetby 8 feet,paintedgray."After the column satverticallyon stagefor threeand a half minutes,Morris pulled it to the floor whereit lay on its sidefor anotherthreeand a half minutes.Not only did a falling pillar becometheaterbecauseit wassaidto be such,but the objectitselfchangedits perceivedcharacterwhen its spatialrelationto the viewershifted.8 In Primary StructuresMorris made this latter point in an even more dramatic way,when he exhibitedtwo largewooden Ls. Substitutedfor the z4-footJong gray beam listed in the catalogue,a work from Morrist important 1964exhibition at the Green Gallery the two righcangled forms were from a group of three that had beenshown at Castelliin ry65.Despitebeing identicd in shapeand size,they looked Iike two completelydifferent objects.Yet their soledistinction lay in spatialorientation-one restedon its endsto form an inverseV and the other stood on one arm with the secondarm stickingstraightup in the air. The fact that theseobjectslooked



puzFpsud'unat -nw uoryts uol"toN 'ut ov :(J "ut o6r :r71"ut of x of x of :11 ilun tlJpa 'unutury? uo unb -r"l 7ryq ?up uotl ?az!u?nl/9 '99tu 'papnun 'ppnf pltuog


Iwtallation of RobertMorri exhibition at the Green Gallery, Netu York, December1964. The hrgefnor beamfom this exhibition wasto beshownin Primary Structures but was replaced b1 Monis's two hrge Lls. so dissimilar exemplified an approach that he said was shared by much of the new "takes relationships out of the work and makes them a function of sculpture, which space,light, and the viewert field of vision."e Characteristic of the r96os, with its call to personal responsibility, this focus on situation and context would broaden from perceptual to institutional concerns as the decade progressed.\iVhat began as phenomenology would end as social critique.l0 The emphasis on viewing situation was part of an investigation of the "Kantian' basic facts of sculpture qua sculptwe, an extension of Clement Greenbergt project. As Greenberg took progress in painting to involve those features unique to painting as a medium, so in a way Judd and Morris sought to isolate and emphasize sculptural essentials.ll For both artists, these featureswere revealed most plainly when internal detail was removed and overall form simplified. While they differed on particulars-for instance, Judd believed that color was critical, and Morris that it should be neutralized-together they presented a theoretical stance able to encompass great sculptural diversiry. Yet for those used to the personal touch of gestural painting and assemblage, or to the brashnessof Pop, much of this sculpture seemed uniform and dry. Many, no doubt, came away from Primary Structures as did Hilton Kramer, who felt that he "had not so much encountered worls of art as taken a course in them." Barbara Rose, in fact, remarked that the work of Judd and of Morris looked like illustrations of 'lfittgenstein. Inthe'Wall StreetJournal,JohnJ. O'Connor also noted that many pieces "visual in the show were presentations of ideas; the activity is more conceptual than aesthetic." But he emphasized that the issueswere firndamental ones-"The question soon becomes, \Vhat is space?And ultimately becomes,tVhat is art?"r2 Ironically, this study of sculptural essentialsdenied itself the use of the term, preferring three-dimensional objecthood allied with neither of the traditional art forms. The point was made by Judds rwo nearly identical works in the exhibition,


9zz 'o8eon13dpnfyo etueuerp repun f,naqrsee luereJ -31p,fia,re af,?rgruoppo,u sreadr'te3E ur 'avrtora3 lpnf'lsrue eql pue 'uorutdruocsl yo alrrrSupprgroJerou orp qrr,&p)tsenuor-te4rx(I moqut/U---4pnstl 'roog pu" I[er\ Sultceuuorllpuo8erp 'qr8ual Sursearcep Jo slueuale Irrsed xrs u?r Ip.{\ tuecefp?ue 3uo1y 'ruredderdsuaar8aqt Jo uonrsodruocpcrtuaq) oqt popnpq WI{ a 'lueurel?ts anSoprecsrr{sEuosrprruglq uorsnardf,guuerf,sgrvtr pegrcedseJa.^uonnlusuof,prr" rrnl)nls JrJr{rpue 'lp,tr eqr uo pJlunoru :.lartr,{:qt sJJnllnIS l-rcu.r:4 ul ,r'tre ./r:u er{rJo ,.ssauloof,,, eqt uo luJruruoJlrrtt r paurroSsnr{tstuaualaasagr'sprslr eJrr{lr,r pulru suosquus ur petreuuo3 'uonrsodreqtraur pedeldspeq ppor ataqdsoi{.p aq1 suosqtlrustraqoU dn epru teqt sapporu atuon{f,e uf,egerpue Iaatsparuredpruuepr xls aqr '{reprurs :ooH er{t uo luou ur tâ‚Źs rarpo ar{r pue IIE^\eW uo Sunq ruo 'Ernr -dpos ro Surruredse Suruorrrsod Teuonrp?not tuaragrpul er'regrunurrunp grul-o6r E r{l?eurapunpeqrerresaxoqIeetspezrue,rp8g8rq-geul-o} rnoJJo llgurasseuE qrea

uy ,,'uot1uanut auoreq oJ satanot mo11y'qoo1 not w lq8tsnof, tuanuJ,,:Surmatn to! suoutattp pwdaruor eLuos 'turud aqtlo xuau+suor lprtuuqr aqt lo ts11s1qatotaq $n[ 'suotj -a$ytads t{1tua1tsparaqtultu atll otut padd4suostl1lulslal 71y1?F pustqd put l?r1t?u,ot/wa atpto -qqa qqm anSqotataqt u! pawat -atd spmqrom tlql too6faqt uo ro lltm aql uo ttqlla uoqtllpltul nl alqat1ngVtotr maTJ&a11t9 uqar11 utlof f,salno2 'u! .l9r x rtr/r tltaa gtun g 'sJolJtutppru uo iurud uaatg '996r 'enyds -oft3 eq1 'uosqltuts uaqoy




The use of the floor was important for most of the artists in the show, a repudiation of the basebeing essentialto the many aestheticprograms representedhere. For no one was this more critical than Carl Andre. In the summer of ry65 Andre had a revelation while canoeing on a lake in New Hampshire. Rather than the vertical constructions that he had made by geometrically piling uniform timbers or blocks of sryrofoam, he decided that henceforth his sculpture would be as flat as the surface of the water. This decision resulted in the first of his worla to cause public controversy, the piece that he created for Primary Structures. It was called Leuer,a title punning on "raise." Beginning at a the name for the simplest of all tools and the French word for wall and extending 74/, feet along the floor, Leuer consisted of ry7 firebricks stacked horizontally side-to-side. Andre had been heavily infuenced by Brancusi early on, and here he sought to transposehis mentort most monumental image, adding his own sex'All I'm doing is putting Brancusit EndlzssColumn ual take on the sculptural tradition: on the ground instead of in the sky. Most sculpture is priapic with the male organ in the air. In my work, Priapus is down on the foor. The engagedposition is to run along the earth."l5 Originally installed through a doorway, reinforcing the sexual allusion, Leuer wx moved after that location proved a problem for crowd flow. More aesthetically disruptive was Andret use of uniform manufactured objects merely set side-by: side on the floor, his total rejection of craft and of the traditional notion of what "had sculpture should be. For Time, it the look of an old-fashioned surrealist leg pull," and certainly it evoked the Duchampian ready-made.r6 But more importantly, Leuer epitomizes the new sculpturet use of unaltered industrial materials, as well as Andret own investigation of the horizontal site. Another sculpture designed for the exhibition was Dan Flavin's czrner monument 4 for those who haue been hilled in ambush (for The Jewish Museum) (to PK. who reminded me about dzath). Like Andre , Flavin used readily available, repeatableunits as material components of his work-in his case,fuorescent lighting tubes. His first fuorescent piece had been an 8-foot gold bulb set at a 4j-degree angle on the wall, done in May 1963,which the artist also compared with Brancusi'sEndlzssColumn.tTThe Primary Strucrures work was his first to span a corner, and consisted of four red fluores66n11uf6s-twe lines running along the walls from the corner at a height of 66 inches, another bulb cutting acrossas hlpotenuse to form a triangle by intersecting the first rwo, and a fourth coming straight out from the corner. The construction was 16 feet across, and its red illumination affected the color of everything nearby, especially the clear blue of Ellsworth Kellys sheet aluminum disk sitting dongside. The use of color was a prominent feature of Primary Structures, and the exhibition title, in fact, was in part a pun on'primary colors."l8 This was nowhere truer than with the younger English artists. Behind the blue Caro in the outside court sat David Annesleys Swing Low, a rtbbonlike form painted bright blue and sea green, sandwiched between two luminous yellow geometric frames. Striped ribbon shapes also were used by Peter Phillips inhis Tiicuruular, each one flowing through a Plexiglas triangle set before a triangular background. Phillip King cut a great fiberglasscone into nine sections, arranging them on a series of ascending steps, and paindng the whole red and green. Tim Scott showed an assembly of two peach-colored wheels-and-axles positioned on either side of a sheet of clear Plexiglas, and Isaac Vi&in's Nagas consisted of two vertical snakelike forms in fiberglass,one purple and the other yellow. Yellow also was the orominent color of Villiam Tirckert three variations on an oDen pyramid of curvilinear forms, Meru I, II, and III. Michael Bolus and Gerald laing similarly used polychromed, wacky, curvaceous imagery though the two other Englishmen, David Hall and Derrick W'oodharn, were more geometric. For them all, Anthony Carot infuence was clear in the concern with the relation betvv'eensculpture and the


8zz -uasun'Sunertu8urunsl rI ' ' ' 'rr? ^\eu srqrsalr1lgea: lpoqog,, :ursrpreS-lue,re puon -rp?JrJotrjrdsSurs[uorduocun eqr oq]a qJ?rual JegPuE'sarnDnrl5,{reurt:4Sutra.toc rler{l al?uluesslPo] dlernreu autl 'atntedsJed[RJlreJoarp ueq.d aso1 pa.&er^Jorur u^\o (srsnrpaqr qrr,raSuop pue '{ro1( rler{l Puil{aqSunlulgr lsotu aqt plp srrg 's8unrr.rvr aqr a8pay'a.onleterunurp"r{ osog Ereqreg'ppn[ pue arpuv Jo Puar5 PtrE'"llals 3o uos 8,,elf,Ilr?sl{r IPI PFoa retuEr) {u?rc or PaITTEIAJ ,,'rr?^\eu eql or re>lePeegJo Lrerulr4 Surrnp pue 'luetue^oru lueJeqo) P sB aPou J nrnPar uotlrH saJnrf,n-rr5 aql Sunrnrrs ur rrrcuodrur llprcadse sena'lpJ arp uI Peqs{qnd ,,'rry lgy, Eoso1 'asog ErEqrEgpur prtddrl bn1 sclrrn lpuap3 lq uolrrsodxe arolu ot Jol PelIBraP -zo) xBWpue ralpues8ur,r-r1 dq stunorJea,ntt8auruog 'urroJpagrldurrs go arnrdpcs ur 3uruu18ag ^{eu rr{t uo pareaddeSurlrr.a,r ur"aJrs? 59(ir tr1JrJe lBf,r]rJtr Jo 'af,ueqre prq dlpar ra^eur{sl1bug (uoll eq1 'ssa.rd u? eqr ur paredardlaru llenadsa uooqp"q punor8 eqt esersII{tuI lnq 'esJnoJ -rqqxa IJo 1(eNe ur uonuenersou aql re8or suef,ueurvaqr ro3Surslrdrnsun 'se/dtI ,z's,sulgogol rtlrrurss./darlqlr ^ ul pa88oyssa;dpclttrc eqrJo IIe ,,'su?ruaury Jo oprno srordprS qsr€ug,, 'tso4uot8urtlwTlar{l uI ePtlr? euo luog uEdV 'uoDlqlqxe rr{r Jo tunof,f,ealrsuetxarsou eqt ur rr rnd sulgog ouulro3 se ,,{rylug pw rg8qs,, peruaassrsrrreqsllSugosor{tJo >lJo.{\eqr plro,trtr? 4ro ./mN uelr?tJosaqt oI 'rPls Pu?ldef,uof,r{rogur rqnra,t -rq31 sepassrusrpse-/r\'oftJ ruog uBdE'arnrdpcsqsrfug eqt ryo .{\eNuI lng 'suoll -lqgxe qtog ur u./doqseroa sererd,ta3t arrn| 6r'sarntrnrlslrtur.r4 ul reeddea:ppo,tr sluedrcltredeuru tsot{.l.rJouales 'uopuo'I u l-ra1p3 ladeqcerrq4lagr tt 596r :uollera -ue3 1!\eNog1 re real snor,ra.rd aqr atrIrouoqgnd or etuecdnorS.ra8unoleqr uI lu?tu uer{^\ uodn PalJEluaJr{f,ntu uaag P?r{roloJ asualulPUEPootu O^nsalsIr{J 'sur?aq laarsparuredJo suonrsodurorraqos eror.usrqJo rtr{l uror3parrtdap stsnrera8unol erp 3o arnrdprs eqr lool pleld srr ur rng 'uoPuo'I uI lrv Jo looqls suIrrEW 'rs esar{rJolsoruJoraqf,sel" ueeqPEqoJ"J 'Jolof,JoesnxuDllrlsaql ut Pu?loou l? stsDJ€

'slrrrld\ rpead ocgu,u1Sumoqs {# '996r 'zr aun[-/e pdy '4t0tr meN 'unasnry qemafatll w satnl -nag fuaunt4lo qStu 3uruad6

dv:n[ acedg1y aqqt utrl 1212d Pup :u.4aocrprno{ r77ga9 pruaq :y?nosyl s,3u1yd1111t14 '996r 6q3y ot g[ap Sumotls 'ytotr malg 'zr aun[-/,2 17tdy 'unasn747 qma[ aqt w sa.tnirrLqs tnu,u"t4 to maln uotipll?isul :lqBrr


Installation uiew of Primarl Smtcturesat theJewishMuseum, New York, April z7-June rz, ry66, showing(lzfi) RobertMorris'swo L's and (right) Robert Grosuenor i Tr ansoxiana timental, unbiographical and not open to interpretation. If you dont like it at first glance, chances are you never will, becausethere is no more in it than what you have alreadyseen."21 The casewith the new sculpture, then, was similar to that of Pop art, where a great deal of published commentary appeared before any significant group exhibition.22 With Minimalism, howeve! there was extensive theoretical writing by the artists themselves, who no longer left public explication to the critics. At the time, "hip, sophisticated, Kynaston McShine characterized the artists in his exhibition as articulatâ‚Ź. Most are university-bred. Theyve read philosophy, have a keen senseof history and know what theyie supposed to be reacting to." Less than a year later, with Minimalism fully ascendent, Harold Rosenberg marked the social import of this cir"[I]t refects the new situation of art as an activiry that. . . has become a cumstance: profession taught at universities, supported by a public, discussed in the press, and encouraged by the government." In this regard, despite its oppositional rhetoric, "post-vanguard," completing a processthat had begun Rosenberg saw Minimalism as with Pop. Reporting to the English about the work that had bested their own at Pri"To be avant-garde now is to be mary Structures, critic Brian O'Doherry concurred: old-fashioned."23 \,X4rilemuch of the work in Primary Structures came verbally articulated, for one group of artists the theoretical reticence and expressive intention of gestural abstraction remained an emotional model, if not a formal one. And their sculpture included the most visually powerful in the show. Suspended from the ceiling, in counterpoint to Morrist neighboring inverted L, was Robert Grosvenort 3r-foot-wide Tiansoxiana.It was an immense Y, rc/z feet deep, and the ambition and structure of the piece owed something to thâ‚Ź artistt experience in naval engineering. Previously installed downtown at the Park Place Gallery it hung overhead with powerful effect in the great space of the Jewish Museum, a long black form with one facet painted red.


o€z p.rnrsaSaql or e^IlB srledsef,Iorel{ ul uaag8ur.rcq'>lro^{ aqr ul Pu? ryoPgg Jo lo Pe eqr ePlslnoPaleldstp llenadsa se./dralpu"s 'raulrunssnot,rardoql SuIPIng urErBBaS pee,1raruyg roo3-6t-ryon srg Sutlcnnsuof,'arnrdpcs luelf,ueue 3o Sugqgr uaeqptq llpnrJt uaPEIgpue 'a1lr5 leuol]?uralul erf Jo relserrre lq pau8rsapa8uaq -auor5 parsaSSns aratd eIF relpu?SSula.l1rog 'tunulrunle ]eaqsJo srgrns a IDaUel lpgns e lq pa-ra,roc euo qcta;o act3:eddn Peorgell qll.^ 'lcelq paruredarr \ sassetu 'rr?d? rarJ puo8erp eql 'arerf,uo)ptrt peelJo qrolq leuralul lq a13uesql le PIaH ? t? Sunu?lsqf,ee'sqlllouoruuaPoo./( or lnoge,v'or? ur pauontsodpw a13utaar8ap-S9 rooy-6aargrpetfnrtsuotrrr{ olPnrsslq q 'salug at?l aqr uI laerls I{loI uo_siulluleoslq parrturuep"r{ rEqr erntsaSaqr Surruasa:d Jo suEeurlern]dFtrslrnaruoaSe padola,r.ap uepelg 'arulr al{t re p1o sreadua,ras-luog ez,,'sluatunuory.&eN eII put ,{dolug,, 'orse;ru?ru-rnaqrsa? )It€rf,ulsorprsuosgrlws trogo1 3o afud aFIl eql uo Sur.rtadde ue^e 'ssardar{r ur PalnPordrr IIaPI/d se \ sluarualeeaIlr PeFIlun sJsPElg 'uePslg ppuod lq sarnron;rgftuurr4 roJ ePeruse.,'teldrutxa f,Il?urtrP rsou aqJ Ez'alef,s 'ellsserdxase.Lr a,nssardurJo sof,aldazrll',:'tot OIq?aJalddagr sgoylsEAJIeI{ruI Pu? put pa8pa-preqserrr{ool eI{J 'looqls 1:otr r'rag llree ospdurroql tnq 'ctrteruoa8tsenb or{rJo Sunur?daql lq Pa^all{f,eueeqPEr{]?ql slloral{Jo lros aql ol PerIdsEpue lrryq -rsuesJnutuloJ " pEI{san8tallocslq Pue ouetuoU 'tusI[EtuIuIWqll^\ Pe]?Ilosseslslll? d1ltaaqr aqr ruog lno a.{otu>po.^slq uaaspeq sarrxrs eqt a{Ilun ra1 loog eqt otuo 11e.& g8norgrpue raruredtcerlsq?uE uaeqPPr{ar{ ,{oqs rr{l uI slsllr?{ro .t\eNaqrSolueru 'ernlf,nrlse{Il-urrrnloJ 'arnrse8slt Sunro3utaruralt?d puo8elp erlqa a>111 PueP"lq " e e^oqea13utut rt Surreogrutag reln8uer)artooJ-orE se.^11ouaz sPueurc1.g rler{rlnog? I[E] Plnoqsslsllr?Iurql ,z(('>lro./t\ trertsgv Jo stcurcardar{r aPlsrnoarotulue preagllare:,r r,uop I,, :rusruotssardxg 'sluJol e JaDnot luaruatelsanSoprecslq PasnoueruousJol? Fs 'rurod srqruo Pf,IlaJo '1p -eqt roJsPual{ sq lq part8rrse: Surrdurarre ot srg ureldxa ur llelradsa r{rns rt, sElng ,.'arnl loog uae.{ueqocedsaqt uI eleredoqllq.^asEePI,, se/"raq pue rng ,,'Buryrec -dprs a8re1,, >lro1'rslq t?qt onSopreceqr uI PIESJouo soJD se3orq8noqreq or rou s'

fua11ag 4totrna11J u"tnqqwAi(sattnoS'{ z x '{ t x 'ur t <tunutuq? Faqst { 6 :t/r"a '596r 1od put pats paturad4rt1g 'sruruelg DryL'u?Frlg nau0a


Richard Artschwager Thble with Pink Tablecloth. t964. Formica on wood, z5tlz x 44 x 44 in. Santchi Collection, London


ztz -lqgxa u?f,rraur\y' peq sddog rel[E/NIuoq,^a'1109ftre1 er{rro3ppnf qrr,v'SuolB Pa]lalas sE.r\surruroJrlB]ar{lJo a Il? ouul ]so]AJ'laalssselulEls Peranbl?lpue sseproqg3oqore 'ua{f,?r3c61uqof aiII 'salaguv teatl e sex-aSJesoqrrt'de1 ap luoa pue 'ferg Pr,t?C so1 ruou slslrrearp rog rq8u dlpoedsa Peurrs laqr tng 'IJlopelqtr luld grr.u alqer uI 1llr.ra:?r gurtl Surreadde'uorrlqrrlxoal{l e3o dn-puos?f,ItuloJ s.JO3?^\q)suV PJBTPry (Ef,IruroC 'cnse1d3o rnoq8norqrueeseq pFoc splrereur./drur{f,ns'ssepreqgPu? 1oo1 'saJnlf,nrls Ilrls er{rdg pazlrenerzl{f,sel.{reeulluouerltJo asnqsrpug aql uJ^aeJel{.ll eq1 l:erulr4 ur anbtun eJr { sDTEro{ put p8alqrg uol Jo selrnf,ar'tssardxe 'Ja]uaf, sE oqosJo luelu u? lrE -do1a,r.ap ladoo3 e1nt4 rartl sreal,na3e,{:ap8 u./dossoq-/d " ag oqr uI PFo./d 1r?urpuel artds,,or rqqnd sp.4a JolcaJrpsrl 'r,.'Jolof,[EuoIsueuIP-JnoJ,, Pu" ..'lSreua]Ildo,, ,,'dJE/v' e qll Arequleloy snonardoqr peuadoP"q oleld 1re4 '' aql Sunnporrul orsoJltr?ur 'adtqsagr alearf,ol aPIsuIJIasuIt{ -PEorg uo rsolN IPH lrr3 ruo.r3qlolq eerr{lPalElo'I agl JeUeos Jo laa.l s.ruaprse.ld 8uq1orpue runulrunp Jo raagse 8untnf, 'uoll?ulssesse e'{.96t ur ecardaqr ePEu P"q sDIEro{'rsnre act14IlEd rJqlouv 791 ssr4erograra4 'pue 'poo,,r. 'Jrr{ro aqr uo parurtd Jo an?A Surrtog s.p8agc5 uo PI^ECPtrBotreulog gunq r1 'uneld eqr lq pa11o:ruor fte1p8 se/trrourof, aqt 'oprsauo uo 'uea./tuoq Suqcolralul Jo srnlf,nrls a8rq ogr Jo rrruef, aqr ur papuadsnsse^\ sturoJf,tJtalrroaS e 'sral141(lrso:g) rsar ,,'rolal pue 'anlq 'per a8rel asoqr'rrsnre p1o-real-errg-lrua,ur -rog lq pezrue8roueeqpEI{al"ld {rtd &rllt3 elpld lred ellt?radoorer{lJo srslueaqr osIBora^ns IC ulnlsodtuls aql uI PePnllul sEry\ uo e)uonuurslt{Jo asnef,Oq er{l oP lrJseoP 62.'{Jo.^a aq asnef,eq rsnr" rr" se-frpnb lwc,, ppnf rap Pele]seq put '3ur4eu lre PerJo Puaaql 3r{l sE^.tr .rala./'lor{'oJr^ns lC aTI euooruosJoC'tr?d E seld1I qtlq,&Jo ruJlsdsTEIf,os aqr3o lrrpnb snotoerdeql Sunlefa] Suruuapuoclprcrldurr pue rca(gouE TEuoItIP?rt 'erntdprs n au arp roJ aloru onSolBl?l Ipf,ItIJf,? seslqt PJIrEruauqslry uoIlJnPoJluI 'uouueluor sq uI 'per Irqe3llpr.rrsnpul uaaqPEr{uonlglqxa aql uI lrold I{lntu roJ go ansslu? ser"rrulod tsq sil.lJ 'Putq u1r\os.tsluear{l lq apeursz,upue a:eds ;erceds paltlnf,? ter{t aJnrdlnf,slf,eJtsq?Jo uolldef,uof,f,ItuetuoJOJoIuE JoJuerusalodsJIEI

'OJOAnS -nlrue uE sE/( :Ia e \oq 'oJe^ns IC '.{\oqs Jql uI ua^e lou sE.ry\ IC {Jo.^AJSOr{,^A 'surow 'ppn[ qll./!\ 'auo rsurc8e dn pauq rsou ?rBgreg armo PE rlaqr PuE PPo tr? sE^A slr{ ql$ uoltrunfuof, ut pezruzSrosull{Strhl rerp runrsodruls aqr pued aga'uolrlqqxr (orelns rE IC {rEW rordpcs or Sutpuodset uoltf,euuof, aqr ePâ‚Źur ppnf'arnrdpcs TEuoI] -rp?rr oq.aa,'ppn[ PFUoCI Jo ..oceds3o purl rlqdroruodo:qrug, eqr qrl./l\ lI Pel"If,osse ot erueqt?ut sE./{uapelg PuE 'ou?tuod loua^soJg 3o a.rnrsa8rnueudp aga 8z'llesor J IssBluool sElt\leqt ((lJEurnJsntu _ -nue loDrllof,-nuE,, maN eqt PIol P"q Jo pasodurof, sB./t{./(oqs aqr IEI{r sautlJ 4roA rsnf auII{SiInJ uorseul;1 roJ 'rluorl llrep:lrred set{ Iro.&r lsaS:21s,uorrrqqxe eIJlJo a[Es eldrrlnru slrlJ 'rotrerlp se uouolos ue[VJo tuaututodde aq] 8ul8"rnof,ua lq rrt l:t:od -ueruof,Jo luogaroJ arp orul uollnlllsul aqr Pe oIU Peq Pu? uolrrPPe lrors-aa:qr f96r 'tst1 ere1 aqr pepunJ per{ runasnl l qsr.r,raforp Jo srauoddns Suotts Pue ]reqy 'sddo11 srorf,rllof, or rua^\ prlr{r rr{J 'Iunesnur srq .rogerard p,t ppnf aql POrInbf,Eosp 'rrv uraPowJo rrrnasnw ar{l relIElN torf,arlP asoq.{\'lrvJo unasnt\ ?uaPssedtr{l Pu? 'srooPlno PalPlsul eg PFol rBr{] uolllPa lunultunTB PezIPou?Pu" PaPnpu srtsEllf,rnd acald aqr 1eU3 uoos ro Suluado eqr ry's-ralnq Pelr?rlle IeersE uI seull oorl{t plos sB,&{ lr 'rzrs slr arrdsap pue 'Iro t pazlpuosrodaP ? lou sel'r s,uePelg llulerra3 ,.'lrqrqrrauln,r uerunqJo u8ts e ser'rtu"ls snolref,erdarp put lwryg slnPop;3o ,,Fu 'auurf,oP rsI[EruIuII ol &Erluor arour -o8erp roJ aqr relpues a se18ue croreq,, arp pa{o J (sluruele o.l.rl 'suos"al rnuqilgr pue puorrrsodtuo] roJ arotu auo PePPEaq lng [nS lluo a,req or pauueld lpeur8r:o uapelg 'slrrory pue ppnf3o lrqr ruorJ sE^ ]ro.^ sII{l rEJ l,r'oq .tratnl aq pue 'f,Iluf, crraqttdruls sE Pu" ruedlf,Iu"d se qrog laarls I{loI PUE qnlJ


Installation uiew of Primary Stuvcturesat theJewishMuseum, Neu Yorh, April z7-June rz, ry66, showing(lef to righr) Peter ForakisiJFK: SaluatoreRomanoi Zeno lI; FonestMyersi Zigarat & \(/. & \7.\W.\7.; Dauid uon SchlegalliWave; Elkworth Kelfii Blue Diskr and trighr foreground) lVilliam Tucker\Meru I, Meru II, andMeruIII tion at the 1965 Slo Paulo Bienal. Bell showed three glass cubes, each with a tinted high-tech coating that allowed it to appear both reflective and transparent. The multiple reflections and prismatic efFectswere enhanced by the only basesused in the exhibition, clear plastic supports permitting light to enter the bottom of each piece. The open feel of Bellt closed forms was reinforced by rwo works exhibited nearby, W'alter De Mariat Cage andSol Le !7ittt large gridded cube. McShine had seen a wooden version of Cagein De Maria's studio, but for the show the piece was fabricated in stainlesssteel with financial help from Robert Scull, who had expanded with Richard Bellamy and the Green Gallery from Pop to Minimalism. Like Morris, De Maria had made simple geometric sculpture in connection with the reductive aesthetic of early Fluxus performance, and he had shown an unpainted 8 x 4 x 4 foot plyrvood box in July 196r when he delivered a lecture at Maciunas's AG Gallery.3t But in his CageDe Maria used the new sculptural idiom to more disturbing psychological effect, moving toward the threatening presenceof his Bedsof Spikesshown rwo years later at the Dwan Gallery which required visitors to sign a releaseof liabiliry before entering the exhibition. The contained soaceof Sol Le!7itt was more cerebral than that of De Maria, and its use of simplified form was more aestheticized. Exhibite das [lntitled, this was LerVittt first moiular cube, created during the previous winter. At 6 feet, it was 'S7ith approximately of human scale,but there all anthropomorphic association ended. the pristine structure of a pedagogical Euclidean model, it consisted of white wooden bars displaying the geometrical analysis of a 6-foot cube into twenty-sevâ‚Źn 2-foot cubes. Le'Wittt first show at Dan Graham's Daniels Gallery in May ry65had occurred 'ABC Art," but its intellectual rigor too late for Barbara Rose to discuss his work in and puriry of form soon would be seen as a paradigm of Minimalist sculpture. LeWitt was lessinterested than were Morris and Judd in the experiential aspect-though after Primary Structures at the Park Place Gallery he did place a 6o-inch version of this cube about rz feet away from another of 58 inches, creating a visual illusion of identity.


tâ‚Źz aqr lessaenSoTErEf, slrl uI srqpu? ueru.^rN ueuffg Jo a.rnrdpos.^aJuer{l ot ef,u?tJodrur 'efu? Peroururr{sf,I^l PErslurePouJo e8elstxau eqt sEParouord peg 3raqua3r9rErll rusruorssordxg rlertsgvJo apls prnrsa8uouar{rruog Surruuratsrre erp 'Sunuredplag 'tf,EJ 'seJntJnJlslrerurr4 ur -rolm qtr.^ IJo,{{ ar{rJo grnru Pat3auuofs'E./v\ ur uonueut tlegap ot 8uqool sE^!oq put 'spuargrraqrput 'ppn['suro1f1dq sr'eraq^rasla pren8ur,rar{turorJpa:eydsrpsralurcdplag-rolol slq Surrprrrrrser'a.8.raguaerg rng 'ppn[ lq perndsrplltu-re,tr.a8:eqce 'tusr1erururry Jo rotrur8ord a'1tsen-L96t ot l96t vtotl uedefur pe rToq \-]rrn[ ppo.rnSraquaer3tuarual3 'rcegur terel s:red ]?r{t tseSSns otv'L'u?p.tygzrs' unururnfe perur?ds,urn[ euuv pue 'dn aprsdur grlu paleldsrpeg pFor qrq.e\'arnlf,nls Ef,nuroCuado qralqeng sepnoq qts qutrt srarzerg1ne4'[aya6 eTl-algers,urer{poolN aprs8uopu.uoqssrcafgo.l.rolrnoJ {rrrrac-elqet s,re3?-^,\qcsuv 3o dno:8 eqr ur 3ur4r:rslgercadsese/'tasegeqtJo luauuopueg" eql'punoft pe{p ^ sEIIa/( se uo polle.^^eq ot tueoru a8pr:q Sunelnpun peorg e se,\ yaat) rcO uno 'afog ruol se./dpunor8 aqr Suop Suqro,u lsnrp reqtoue'orEJ pue arpuv or asogaa. uouPPe uI '1r\or{s eqr rnoqSnorglluaPr^asBr roou er{lJo asnorrrtldruaag1 'aouereadde pue eapr uee \teg lsenuol f,ruoteld ar{r pasnloJ,&oppqspuz a.tncadsrad Sur.rotulg rg8no;r'r sa8ueg:pntdolred agt ereq./d'runasntrAJ aqr3o roog eqr o] sruroCJo plro,u eql ruog pepuaf,sap o ?q ol suaasoqnl s,uu(a'I sarntf,nrtsd;erurr4rV'rue;4 ot qoorD eqt peteururetuorunpue lrund 3o Irporu eW 'Lrrauoa8rrro{ ue>Iel eJe,tr((sesnuaJd,, srg 'lsenulsorpl puos:ad pu? 'Jlrorp 'ef,uerpJo ef,uanguraqr pro E or pau8rsapssarordsrqrSunuaruelduo3 ,n,,'asruard?Jo stpser eqr SurnSoprec>1ra1c z se lyarau suonrury tnq 'rra(qo snorralsftuJo Iryuneage acnpo;d ol tdtueue tou saop,,eq 'autza8u7,g uady uor.ter\qndle]ueuruadxaagr3o anssrue ur .reelreqt parrrs aq os Sulaq;laqr oqt pue 'palereuo8eg plnor qror'r prrslqd ])g ry'perepur8uo Jo qlrq.l.rtuo{ seepr'erntf,nnslf,Erlsg?pazrsegdura urlNe'I lSolouaurouaqd3o pearsul


IEGiF t::= *i niillll ll llllllr


-utp1ss.?u?Waq a1rrtr1 @13u) pua :996r'aqn3 reppory uadg s,iitAa'J Sumotls '996t los 6eD 'zr aun[-/,2 '4t0tr ma1r7 1ltdy 'runasnwqnnaf aql w satrutnag f,tnuut4 lo mam uol1qllttuJ

j{*a ll





THEORY ON THE FLOOR "a rhar-agreatdealo[rhe showwas species.of progeny,and Hilton lGamersuggested The British work actually "Uri"., painting aspiringto theiindition of architecture."3a Caro'sstudio in the sumhad visited in an odd way,for he de.cendedfrorn"Greenberg that fall and his embrace States United to the trip mer of 1959,leadingto the-sculptort Louis. On the Americanside, Morris and Noland Kenneth of p.o-g."aestLeti. of the the new work wasL -uch a reacrionto the felt limitations of painting asa development within sculpture.Further progresscould come only by-m.oving.{t1v: onto the floor, wherethe sort of abstractobjectsplacedon the wall by Stellaand Noland would escapethe illusionismendemicto painting' to takeoverthe New FollowingPrimaryStruciuresthe new sculpture.seemed york art world. Tliat fall ii was the subjectof the annualArt in Processexhibition at the Finch College Museum, and in the galleriesartists from Primary Structures appearedev.ry*f,.r.. In SepremberRicharJ Feigenexhibitedthe EnglishmenDavid rtat ""a Derrick w'oodham,their colleagueMichael Bolus showingat Kornblee in October. That month Betry Parsonsmounted Modular, featuringher artist Lyman Kipp whoseT:shapedbeamshad sat alongsideAndret Leuerar the JewishMuseum' ani'Virginia Dwans exhibition of ten artiits formalizedthe classicMinimalist_group. In NovJmberTony De Lap showedwith Robert Elkon, and at cordier Er El'strom 'W'alter De Maria irad his hrst one-manexhibition. And Decemberbrought Robert Smithsont initial one-manshow to the Dwan Gallery.By the springJohn Perreault would report in Arts thar New York gallerieswere refi,rsingto take on anlthing nonminimal.35 of course,things were hardly thar homogeneous,and the seedsof what would come were being Jo*.t "r the reductiveform settledinto commercialsuccess. The Septemberafter Pr"imarySrructuresthe critic who had coinedthe title curateda showoi anothersort of abstractionat the FischbachGallery.Lury Lippards Eccentric Abstractiongarhâ‚Źredrogetherartistsworking in new materialsaswell, but their forms were soft, flJppy, attd inpredictable.36Vtile formally powerful, much of the work " r."n"l dimenslonfar from the world of the primary structure'evokedby suggested th!?o* and fexibility of materialand process.In works like Keith Sonniert inflating and deflating clear vinyl forms, Louisi Bourgeoiskflesh-coloredlatex molds, Gary Kuehns melled fiberglassrectangles,Eva Hessetstructureof tangledstring and geometric blocks,Lindsa! Deckert flastic extrusions,andAliceAdamst hangingwomb of "not-r.ulptural style"ableto constitutea new firture chainlink fencing,Lippard ,"* i for sculpture. Such works, howevet soon would seem very sculptural comparedwith and traditional media anorhâ‚Źralternativearisingout of the breakdownof categories_ tVhile the sourcesof what would be known as that wasextolledin Primiry Structures. "conceptart," in beenpreconceptual Art werewide-ranging-a notion of 9-, \"{ inspiration much and Anthologlt, in An published in an eiray Flynt sented^byHenry of manifestoappeared ."-. fro- Fluxus event ,.or., "rri projects-in 1967a l<nd "Paragraphs on Conceptual from the heartof the new reductivesculpture.Sol LeWitt's concePtsas unrealized viewing even ideasoverphysicalinstantiations, Art" emphasized of Minifor much foundations the theoreticd tt" "llo*.d worLsin their own right.37 malistart to assumepti-".y, turning what had beena point of hostile.criticism into a positionof strength.To view works now asrealizationsof ideaswasno longeran attack t.r, "n ",r.rru. oi aestheticrenewal.And asconceptsbecamefocal their linguisricpresenrationmoved to centerstage.futworks could be embodiedby.statements,and a collectionof statementscould Eecomean exhibition.It wasa radicaltransformationof the exhibition format, and in its questioningof both work and context' the catalogue asexhibitionwould culminxl6-xnd encapsulate-thespirit of the sixties. 235

oLz -odulg y, u ratel sqruou naj e paqsqqndaran s3urpaaco:daga'zf a8a11o3 eno:g rro y1 :xeyy11)!/,6t4!6r s3uuur11 ata1duoS'ppn{ppuoq ur parurrdar'\96r 'g qooqtoatrsuV ,,'sna(qg:gl:adg,, 'ppnf ppuoq '{ '(l,96r 'yt{n :rogry uug) srulu aqtyut uy do4 '1,96rur :ucadsorlJr uraD{sa up prre 'unsrp4 auuv pw '(696r 'IWn :roqrv uuySanSq ,1 lorp3 ur p3ssnf,srp ''P: 'unsr{EI suuv 996r ur s8uuured.xr?1q,,s,rptrqurrUpVJo aorls e patunou aq pua srql -t!Q P4lyJ lt/J :uV docl I Ior"J ur parulrd:l sl do.I ot pw 'slsrueraSunol3o su:a:um luer;nf, ot alrJe alarrelncnred3osea Jo usrf,nrrf,paqsrlqndrr{t Jo Wnl J fz d 'z uon:as '296r 't Jeque oN Surnoqsur palsa]atursa osp ralunH '9('d'L96r rer{r pw ri 'd '2961 '(. nqorJo J2a1J qnf, meN .,'uV reN er{r soo5 IJoA lnlJorsr{ '6 qooqtaatrgtv nrolf runaffiWatlJ ur .'tuaualels V, :a1unH ures t .do4,,,pue,.&a1p5 srueflaupl5 & !r!-rorlF.i ur ]nlln3 ssw S'n '.,brJr{oC,Oueug '8t ,slsrpadaaN, :rlo^ru epre9-rw^V :1,'!;, ' f . E' d ' 9 9 6 t lf,oW 'd '296t krntqa4 lrv .,'swrre8pl aaN aqr pue rsnSsrq 7uuzt1pura1uJ lrqotro-requrrdag'suV arv a:aqrX, :arnrdp:S Jo rJnlf,nJls .,ialN prrslqderall 'a:nrp3 do4,, Uolzo) xery 'Sfl 'd '296t'l,r raqua oN !:aQg,, 'surqoa auurro3 .. rro3aq&ntua: e lpq norlg &oury arp or 'zt'd'aunr8eu'296r 'gr raqrualog ?sa7 'u7!tpN ..'rry,,laurerx uorJrH dluo ayqerudu:o: a f,nsnJepue pnos V,{uJel asorpuer8arour ur yo^ naN !.'saualp5 aqr uI,, iralpuesSurNI'oL-69 'dd'296r raquaca6 _rua aorls rqr slussaJosulqou 3uurJo] :a^aaor{ 'uoDrqrqxaeqlJo tunoD? 'uorqry JroC ri -requa oN 'qurusunx sag ,,'trod:a IroI arN,, p::adruar-uara llpraua8 raq uI 'izc 'd '996r 't tre141 rau11 ytotr 'Iro ArN'sarrg:ry&a1Je3 sluefleuprg se$qprympaanoN eql puz ru77 ,,'.1orwtruouy arN ar{J-.salnt:n;rg d;auu4, ,, teurBl,l uolllg '€ luersaa qroq3o suonelnda;aqr a8euep ppon a:ard aloqr arp rurrd or 'z6z'd'(g96t 'uorlnq A'E TroI reqr rp3 sluef 'gsllBuE:lgepuelsrapunolur rr 3o ued ;apu:r or pa8euzru rey1) 6o1ot1tuV1or4tl) V :itv lputulw ''pa '1co:1eg -{:o8arg ur arard peq (sruefol wury pmnponur p?rl pup 'rpmft'I w:f qrrn palrom aqr3o €unuudar aqt aag 'uralsua8rrr26 8lnpn1 raqdosolrqdagr Surpear oqa) rrEW sa8;oa5 reqr rnq 'lzss: aloqa rqt 3o ,uonzlsw:r ayqr8 lq pa:uangul dprelrp aJoruera,r stsrueJgV iaq---aleq Durngur lpn]re -rTletur,, uE ra8 or elqeunueaqpeg laqr rzqr dep auresaqr raual e ur 8ur aau aqt or llrTrqlsues tou sEAaraqt reqr :Ja eaoq 'qJeuar asou '{z -urc1dxa lJoa ragu::rdag uo .,ruem1arl,,l1a3;e18ur:q rx:t sluersaa rnoqe ul esoJlsepeuonuau sr rellrr5-aqqod ''3 a 3o ,,1aaou alncalqo q:ua:g,, arraJegrqr palq"r swe['9t-tf. 'dd'f.96r 'Sz trsewn[ TpuoupuraiuJ uV rqr 'J96r raqua oN-reqot)O Vrlrauv ut ittr ul ,,lrv l11V,, sasogereq f 'luersaaa:rar4'of ..'{ro1 aaN ep ar?nbuo3 e1e,ausrp?d nea noN a1,, -reg ''lE 1r'arpuv(surotr J'ppn[3o rre ar{rJo uorsmtrsrpprrrr]f, palErap rsrg eql uI 'zt'd'996r aun['sltV,.'sarnlon]ts l:eur:4,, :auqf,og 'W z '€t'd'L96t tr:enuef-996rraqua:aq tuv ,,'996ror 9z6r uor3 aruet -slq rri1., 'uotr{ry rroq 'Lz 'd'f.96r raquardeg 'untofuy,.'8unurz4 lrqrqrsua5-uuy,, 'drr;'1 ueq 'Sz 'd'1.96t raqualoN smeN ,V ..Fry do4 s1 rer16,, 'uosuaas 'U'D qrp a:r^retur ur uratsualq:r1 dog 't

'EpEC-orNJopa:sur srsrrre do,1ruu arp i:o sn:o3or srwf pa:urluo: oqn rllrrs3 o{ sa tr reqr nsaSSns osp dwrsaa q:rgm ur 'sldr::suerl r)rlJo rsn agr rog pooSdzg {wqr I Nr^ srql pJorlrr:aodglanreq pue luersag arrardqloq '266r lrrdy ur slre4ul poo8drll uesnglq parnpuof, saerl;alur paqsqqndunor Surp;o::y '6€

'166r'rr raqorlo 'ueury qlrm naruarul 'g€

zt utdrtl2 'L9 'd'1196t'uots -uIlN rrcqeurg rloH :lro1 aaN) ,uars trv aty'J:4r0AmaN 'sqderSotoqd 'wp;,,q o8n pur 'txrl 'uouolos ueIV (.'slotf,alloraqr rro{ stsDr"aqr JI:l or rFtrlJrp eJoruJa e auolaq seqt[rl ' '.' saqrol: u]otsnl [pue] 'p?o.rge JJ^BI'sssnoqrauuJns'sjrprli euolJlJeg'sru: suods s11rq.uslJew,, aql qlra lerl pt{r"uar 'ulnrmry r{suaf aqt te Staquag:mrg pw sugof 3o sau:edsona.rl1:ea aqr patunou p"q oqa'uoruolos w1y !are1sreal AaJ e auarsuE Iro arN atp Sulzrreuung 'nf.'d't96t reqco)OrmeN r.rtr,.iplrolN arpJo uEW E aurof,agtslrrv rqr ppoq5,, mordqq uely 5i 'lz d no51 pue uarlJ ep?C,,'asod €ftqreg uo{ sr srotJelloJarp uo ,, aaN ur stsrpsd na51,,go>ppna eluog luauuor aqr pw 'rf 'd ,,'1rotr lq patrodarsr uouentrssapsaql 'uonrqrlxa sruefaqr or paromp '€96r 'Sz trsenue[p :;,gunu 'fh lluotltuaiuJ ilV eqt uo{ ar? qreuar qrog .,'pesreqtE:pue Suus::arurwqr ssJIJaprsuof, 'elo3-ero3 rer{r srlgqnq :lqaa3auos rsn( sr r1,,,Sur4reuar I grrr{a Jo l1:lrslr:p rsuJ1xel J pue ,.'lepor plroa aqt ul lualue ou ue tueuodul rsou aqr,,do4 8urryr uosuqof dqrq4 r:onb ot uo saoBaurl (Joqftl6 pue 'rsmbuasog 'Sraquag:snrg 'utrtsualqlr-I 'suqof 'aurq ala,^a srsru€ar{J) ,,'r:afq6 agr prre sratur?d)flS,,(runasn4 uraqua8Sng :qr u uourqqxa sftno1y a:u:rme1 dq pauorsr::o sa rlf,ru" aq1'oL-69 'dd 'f.96t 'f Ae1t1'aut1 do1,, 'ft ,.'arelduouuo3 rql Jo lln3-rrv 'tz 'd'f.96r'( trsenrn[zno1 31114 at11 ,,'pltor1x. ?lo3-eloJ ? ur rsrtrv aq1,, 'uolsugof yyf ,,'paueaq-rq8ltlpuer:1gnsur,, pauaasrDuJ aqr regr :oqq8r:u slq ot palr?uar dmq:nq ,.,u8 ur:pou ur rJlur5 Pet€rJao lsou arp,,uq pellm JrurBr) raup l?tp pue 'afuarpne 3r{t ur sea dwq:nq lelftW teqr parroda: uolsuqof lJr[ lon ,srsrr:z rqtJo uaoqs era,r sJprlsunrsodu,{s rqr rB prre 'zlJSr)1rd puu 'ztrun) laywrg 'Sraqurar5o{ 'uotgry aroq tawrt uorlrH :alqezpla5 .&uaH o:ar"rsruedr:rued aq1 'Snj(. dd 'f96t 1t1dy,suy *!ry do4 uo unrs

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ofArt and Design,r97y),pp. r8r-r88. "Minimal

skerch,"Artforum, December ry6r, p. 24. In another similariw with Andre on Lns,Flavin referredto the angle of this first neon pieceu 'the diagonalof personalecstmy."SeeAnna C. Chave, "Minimalism and the Rlretoricof Power,"Arts, Jtnvery rg9o,p. 4j.

6. fuchard Vollheim, Att," Ans, Januaryry61 reprinted in Battcock.Judd wrote in the otalogue, "l dont think that myone'swork is reductive.The most the term cm mean is that nm work doesnthave what the old work had." Kynaston McShine, Primary Stractures:Younger r8. Interviewwith KynastonMcShine,Februaryr8, 1992. Ameican and British Sculptors(New York: The JewishMuseum, 1966), r9. Bryan Robertson, The New Generation: ry65 (Iandon: The n.p. Morris made the essentialpoint clearlya few months before:"Simplicity of shapedoes not necessarilyequatewith simplicity of experi- \ThitechapelGallery,ry6). For contemporaryaccountsofthis group of "Britain's "Notes Baro, New Sctlpt:ure," Art Intemaional, June ence."RoberrMorris, on Sculpture,PartI," Artforum, February artists, seeGene "Britain's :nd, Young Sculptors,"Arts, Deceml>er1965;Andrew ry65, ry66, reprintedin Battcock,p. zz8. "Some Forge, New British Sculptors,"Artforum, May r96y; Norbert "Latest 7. The interuiewby BruceGlaserwm broadcaston $7BAl in New York Lynton, Developmentsin British Sculpture,"Art and Liftrature, "New "Color in February1964,and wm entitled Nihilism or New Art?" Edited Summer 1964; and JaisaReichardt, in Sculpture," Quadrtm "Ques by Lury Lippard, it was printed under the more minimal title X\{III, 1965,which includescolor photographsofmany pieces. tions to Stellamd Jtdd" in Art News,September1966,and reprintedin zo. Robins, p. 36. Andrew Hudson, "English SculptorsOutdo AmeriBattcock,whereJuddt quoted remarlc areon pp. ryo md r54. cans," WashingtonPox, May 8, 1966, p. G7. A.lthough Hilton Kramer 8. Barbara Hxkell, BI-4M! The Explnsionof Pop, Minimalism, and Per- markedCaro asthe most impressiveartist in the show,he did not think 'X/hitney (New r9t8-r964 York: Museum of American Art, fomance Titan a partictlarly strong piece and wm not interesred in the other 1984, pp. roo-ror. For an illuminating comparisonof the new dance Englishartists.Kramer,p. Du3. and the new sculpture,see the list of malogous elemenrsdrawn by zr. The following threeessays YvonneRainerin'A Quroi Suney of some'Minimalisr tndencies in wereprompted by the lfhitney Sculpture "The Annual: Iruing Sandler, New Cool Art," Art in Arnerica February the Qumtitadvely Minimal Dance Activiw Midst the Plethora,or an "The r961tMax Kozloff, Analysisof Tiio A," Bancock,p. zo3. Further Adventuresof American Sculpture," Arts, Februaryry6; BarbaraRose,"lnoking at Amerimn Sculprure,' "Notes on Sculpture, Part ll," Artfomm, October Arforum, February1965.For sympatheticdeailed expositionfocusing 9. Robert Morris, "The 1966,reprintedin Bancock,p. z3z. on Judd and Morris, see Lury Lippard, Third Stream-ConstructedPaintingsand PaintedStructures,"ArtVoices,Springt965.Phylro. For this perspectiveon Minimalism, seeKenneth Baker,Minimal"lengthy lis Tirchman emphmires the way in which discoursereally ism: An of Circumstane(Nw York: Abbeville, 1988),especialtypp. precededprolongedobservatiori'ofsuch sculpturein her "Minimalism 2.r-zz, 7r, md 89. Also seeHal Foster,"The Cru of Minimalism," in Artforum, May ry77, p. 26. For quoted remarls, Indiuiduak: A SelzctedHistory of Contemporary lrr ([os Angeles: ard Critica.lResponse," "An seeHilton Kramer, Art of Boredom?"New YorkTimes,June5,t966, Museum of ContemporaryAn, ry86), pp. t77-r78. "Engineer's p. Dz3; Esthetic," Time,June3, t966, pp. 54- 67. rr. Notwithstanding this Greenbergianmotivation, the mosr sustained criticism of Minimalist sculpturewas marshalledbv Greenbergacolr.te zz. There werea few group showsinvolving Minimalist sculpturebefore Primary Structures, most notably Black, White, and Grey at the Michael Fried in his "fut and Objecthood" (Arforun, June r9o7; 'Wadsworth Athenaeum, Hartford, Connecticut, Jan.-Feb. ry64, atd reprinted in BaccocQ, who arguedrhat in its inclusion of the viewer Shapeand Structureat Tibor de Nagr in 1965.A more underground within the sculptural field Minimalism was essentially"theatrical,"a earlyexhibition wx organizedby Dan Flavin at the Kaymar Gallery on repudiationofModernism by denyingself-sufiiciencyro rhe work itsell \7est Broadwayin March 1964,in which he placedwork of his friends, "Exploring rz. Kramer,p. Dz3. Rose,p. u9r.JohnJ. O'Connor, Space," including Judd, Stella,kVitt, and Robert Ryman. On this show,see Wall StreetJournal Jtne 6, 1956,p. t8. Lury R. Lippard in Alicia Legg, ed,.,SolLe\Yitt (New York: Museum of Modern fut, t978),p.25. r3. The two works by Judd differedonly in the crossbar of the hanging piecebeing painted blue. At the symposiumheld in conjunction with 23.McShineis quoted in GraceGlueck'sarticleappearingjust beforethe Primary Structures,Frank StellamkedJudd whetherhe experiencedthe exhibition opened,which announcedthat already"it's being hailed m volumesof the nvo worls differenrly.He repliedthat the work seemed This Yea's landmrk Show." "Anti-Collector, Anti-Museum," New lager on the floor, since one couli obseruerhe back along with the York Times,April 24, 1966,p. xz4. Harold Rosenberg,"Defining An," front, sides,and top, whererothe wall piece appearedsomi*hat fatTheNeu Yorher,Febrtary25,t967, reprinted in Battcock,p. 3o3.Brian "Minus tened. But Judd saysthat the work can be displayedany way, "on the O'Doherry Plato,"lrt andArtists,September1966,reprintedin "The ceiling,wall, or floor." Ns Sculpture,"symposiumheld May z, Baccock,p. 254.A number ofthe artistsconcurredwirh this view ofthe "The 'avanr-garde' 1966at the JewishMuseum, transcriptin the Archivesof AmericanArt, avant-grde. lil/itnessDan Flavin; term ought to be n.P. restoredto the French Army where its manic senseof futiliry propinot apply to any Americal art that I knou' r4. Robert Hobbs, RobertSmithson:Smlpnre (Ithrce: Cornell Universiry tiously belongs.It does "Some about." Dan Flavin, Remarks,"Artforum,Deceml:ert966, p.27. Press, r98r),p. 55. "Comments A similar view is expressed by Sol kWitt in on an Adver"The ry. David Bourdon, tisementPublishe d,in Fltxh Art, Aprrl ry7," in lcgg, p. r74. RazedSitesofCarl Andre: A Sculotor laid low by the Brancui Syndrome,"Artforun, Ocrober 1966,reprinted in 24.Robins,pp.34-35.McShine,n.p. Battcock,p. ro4. a "Engineer's 16. futhetic," Time, Jtne 3, t966, p. 64. The issue'scover 25.Interuiewwirh Corinne Robinsmd SalvatoreRomano,Februaryr4, "Viet r99z- For Romano,thesehuge, inexpensivelofts provided artistswith a storyw6 Nm md the Clas of '66." "Americar truly spaa." For Robins, the lofts supplied them wirh a "'. 17. Dan Flavin, . . in daylight or cool white.'an autobiographical "machospace."


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'laaJr5 ryoI ^AeN Puzstwlw


sa!$!sawlo aryoA aqJ :uoll?rzxlry,tawruaQ nI .tsrdvHo




's8utpunorrns prePuetsuou dl,{3tq q tlagp 'os PP ar{ qruou }xou eql 'r(8opn uoruq pue 'eoedscqqnd e ut >lro^ tnd or Surruer'r dpq rou ppoc gnele8ar5ratr -rqrc rreJo aunlo prrr{r eqr Sururro; esuesE uI 'uolrlgtrge se uonecrlqndJo aruaql eqr uo uonerrel raqloup paleld rr 'se lasueqt qro 4'rrp Paurcluof, ,(1ynnt 4oog xorax )qt aour5 'parurrd eJeih1ooq oqt So sardoc ooor Pu? 'sselord xorox er{l lq pa:npord 1ror"' aruarm?7 'sttrory uaqlA 'fllAa7 a?ed-SzE roJ pa>lsese/d srsltre esaqt \)eg'rauo6 Jo '4oog xoux 'qlnsox qdxof taJqanll sq&noq t(urg uaqoy 'arquv l,tv) PaPI]ue los er{r se u^\onl aq or aurcf, tEI{ { peqrygnd osp qnep8els ragtuelacl rer{J 'lp rE pezrlBerrou ro 'eqa ruoeuros ^q rPEtu 'lsllrE aql aq plno.l acerd eqt Jar{taqa JulruJateP ol se,rrr((JJ Ief,ar,,aql esur ,{ra.ta lg paronrrsuol slg ot ra8urr pctSoloruo uE PeIPBrl? raulelN 'sassarord rzp u1 'suondtnsap Ieqre 'ra1qan11 suorlf,nJlsuor arutt-areds aql u?ql -crrred dq pateaJf,saltllue Jo IEIJatpruSurag el3Jf,uof,erouj Peluaes$lJo.{\ esegr elq.e\ lng 'uollezllenld0JuoJ o1 Prc PnsIA Jorpo Jo uoD?ruarunJop ou pepnloul {oog aql PUE-.,'u?3 ,l.EJdslosoJe?PJ?PuElse ruo{ JooU uI paruasard a;aru saratd sPJo./rr aqr uodn dprarp rured lerds3o selnulur o1{,,-euof s,JaurelN ler* :epuls e ur Sutuoncury llurer.rar tnq uolrlqlqxt u? sE PeJnPoJlul dp1 'guaru4ws -cqdxe wutaA aruatmaT paqsrlgnd qnela8arg ratPl qluou V tou slq uI ?,,'slJol{sJaPunJo llns xultpBq-Jtunlso) tsuDIJo.t\Pnsn 'prcddq lrn1 or Surprocry'socord ''' ,roTEp, lpaas:aqrer e,,lq raru are/( srollsrl qens 'uolllqlqxa ue aasol rrrqr paserprnd lgenrcr oqa ila ^od u?[V ror]ellof, dlqtrou lsotu 'lesolf al{l uI Surrredxo palrrrp {ee \ E aldoad aarqr ro o.trt 'astrdrns s,qnela8ar501 PuV peJotsaJa.l, uolteluerunf,op pue srdrrcsodlr aqr aJel{.,'r'anuaV uosrP?W oorr lE ssaJPP" ruaurtrede sqnela8ar5 parsll uoltef,Ilqnd aqa'sa1ru ooo'f rer'o Surpuetxa Pu? sgluolu ef,reuruo] Jo sJeq aurl reqr Suop su1(ol ueJlJnoJ ortrr Sulrsey>lro./r\E 'apntE?l Jo Jo -ruer{J er{r rxog pue ol stdtarar ptsod tptrlll' lqlato4 yuet 3o a8utqcxe er{r Pa lo uI se./"rrrl{rouv lr13 >1ro1^aeN ul suoltetrol Pa>lrerure srca(qo Sutr'our lluop':el pgp 'rlgEIrE^ e poxg qrog uo peceld sre>lrllslq parnuqap alls IeuolsuerrrlP-errr{l PeglrlsaP erald au6 'uonetuaurnf,op Jo stJos Jaqto Pue 'sdeur 'uottdtJlseP PgJe^ Jo sruJel ur paruasard err { qro^\ ar{r qll{.{\ u1 '996r laqua(tw :rzlqanH sqSnoq sea llnser l{J 'ruop anSoprm E Jo turoJ orp uI ^roqs s.ralqanH oP ol PePIloP aq JIaslI To/d ue 3ur eqlJo rrnr"u eqr pu"'areds lralp8 EJo llq srq'uolltsodsrP luelrrl{slTgelseJtut -urquof, pup '{ro./,r -&\eul{rns agr lg aq ,,llqlqxa,, 01 Petu?,t\ qnzya8ar5â‚Ź'Pet"f,IPuI qled or peq rr 'os prp euoJI rng 'dl:r Jqr a>IBIlou ro r{Br PInof, auo let{l uol}f,nrlsul 3r{r qrl^\ 'rrrl deu pzo: E uo pelreru arnor E '3ur.uerp dttu ogr sBA luroJ pnrdacuor rsrg slq Pu? -:r'td ue7 uI aseqe ruog uolt)erlp slql ul Sut,roru uaaq P"r{JIasuIq relgenH 'aeedsuolrrqlqxaJo pupl .1deuE olul anSoprm aqr a{Bur or qnela8al5 r{rrs pa \olIE ut pnrdaruorJo arnteu ega lrelp8 pue nafqo3o urarsls p1o erp ePlsrno Sunsxa uB Jo lJos ^{eu " se./r\slqt reqt .rzap 8ur4eu 'uolrlqlqxa^er{l Jo uollou aqr qll.4 'aniolE uort?tuatunf,oP tu?trluof,uoJ Pu? su?eu TegrJ Prpeuuof, rnbolB]?tr JI{r roc -tef, arp sE \ ruJoJparurod rsoru aqr pue 'onsrn8uql(lPlt.trtt, sE^{uollelurserd3o aporu lf,arrp tsoru ar{r-Jlasrr rre Jo uonou aqr 3o uorre8rlse ul aqt ol stuala pue srca(qo3o seeprqlllN 'uoIrEzI uonEerf,eqr ruo{ 'srrefordyo fraue,r ale;edsrp e ro3 sropl-Lrturrd '8urop eJe.l,tstsllJ? slq l?ql -IEeJJe o uoueapr Surzrstqdue IJolr\Jo lJos aql uro{, pBal srr ]ool uonou r?r{J 'esudrarue u.^^osII{ Jo uollclaluof, luaraJlP " PEt{ Pu" u" 'os ;o reel e ntle utz?e rrlgenH p Paptluof, Jo puH ^reu qll \ pe lo^ul se.Lrgnele8erg rrleep eqr uelld\ z'sarnrf,nrrg lreurr4 t1 q 'a.rnrdpos ?fIuIJoC s,ralqenH sepnoq 3o uonrqnlxr ut Suruutld serv'ag pasop Lralp8 aqr l?qt etull aqr 13PUElauIOlN aruer.^a?'I sett pe.r(oqs aq s.rarurcdeqr 8uouryactds uorrrqrqxa lslurePoru ar{l Jo ,xog allq.^ ,, aqr ur paleldslp erea arnrdpcs pue Surrurcd araq { 'tearts gt9( rsa26 uo >JroI .^aaN ur lralp8 rreJo rros pr"putrs e pug qntla8als qras 996pue f96r uaar'Trag :arrrod pt.tott.rnJ Jo PuDI rrraue u.aledsppor't ap.rt8-rue,v puotrtsoddo






January 51l 1969 was not the first indoor exhibition that Siegelaub had done since closing his gallery for in February 1968 he had organized a show ofAndre, Barry and lVeiner at Bradford Junior College in Massachusetts,where Huebler was teaching.5Through one of his students Huebler had obtained a grant from the'Weyerhauser Corporation for a program of new art, independent funding that allowed him to bring the most radical of artists to this conservative New England academy.At the time Robert Barry was working to incorporate emptiness in painting, positioning four z-inch square canvasesat the corners of a large €xpanseof wall. Soon he would further reduce visibiliry with single strands of wire or nylon monofilament stretched berween walls or from floor to ceiling, before embracing complete invisibiliry by working with forms of energy and imperceptible gases.\Vhen Siegelaub came with the participants to hold a symposium on the exhibition, he brought another artist to whom'Wiener had introduced him, Joseph Kosuth. \[ith the addition of Barry and Kosuth, what "Siegelaub Mafia" was complete, a group that dealer John Gibson referred to as the would debut the next year in an empry office building on 5znd Street. \X4rat has come to be called the January Show is just one of Siegelaub'smany 1968-69 activities, but in retrospect it stands as the classicgroup exhibition of conceptual art. Of course, the emphasis on ideas from which physical worls were generated was fundamental to the Minimalists concentrated at the Dwan Gallery and Virginia Dwan had mounted rwo important shows focusing on language in the summers of ry67 and 1968.6And Joseph Kosuth and Christine Kozlov had established the Lannis Gallery in ry66,later dubbed the Museum of Normal fut, where a number of group shows displayed work of conceptual intent, including an exhibition of the favorite books of fifteen artists. But Siegelaub'sJanuary 54, t969 explicitly presented these four varieties of conceptualism as a new afi form, and it did so while denying the primary of the standard exhibition format. As he insisted in the information sheet accom"The panying the show, exhibition consists of (the ideas communicated in) the catalogue; the physical presence(of the work) is supplementary to the catalogue."T "consisted" That the show of ideas governed the format of the exhibition itself, In line with the fact that the artists' ideas could be instantiated either in orinted or in more direct material form, the exhibition was divided into two parts: a receprion "receptionist" room where catalogues could be perused, with a available to answer quesdons, and a gallery spacewhere two worls by each artist were to be installed. The receptionist was Adrian Piper, a young artist who had been recommended for the job by Sol LeWitt. Vith an acute analytic mind, Piper was highly qualified to play the role of expositor-her ry67 Drawings about Paper and Writing about Words,for instance, explored the self-reflexive properties of these representational forms, and she would go on to earn a doctorate in philosophy from Harvard.8 The reception area contained a desk with a telephone, and a couch alongside the coffee table on which sat a pile of catalogues and the visitors book. Open from rr:oo to j:3o, Tiresday through Saturday, the exhibition attracted from swen to thirry visitors a day. By the end of the month it had been seen by 488 people, and the names in the visitors book suggest the increasingly international character of the vanguard art world.e Siegelaubbegan looking for a spacefor the show in the fall, and as late as the end of November he was expecting the exhibition to be somewhere in the viciniry of Madison Avenue and 79rh Street. But in December he was offered the use of an office in the otherwise vacant McClendon Building at 44 Eart 5znd Street, a small brownstone berween Madison and Park. He rented the space for the month of January for $llo. The place had come through a client of fellow dealer Manny Greer, who also introduced Siegelaubto collectors who would purchase enough work to fund the exhibition and the catalogue. This midtown office suited his purposes perfectly, for Siege-


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tlcll*r:trlrrr ltr. dn(i :1.i. lt{&q*1 {:r'cer, :;. Y.

Roi*,$r*l FNFRT S. L600 he Cerrl€r lrave {Nt) 196,$ 1600 ktl,asycler 30 *llll{qttc tl0 edltE A{./!C Collo€il$nt ,1f. nnd ilrs. Fobert Hr topol. j{{r,, !r.Y,

Installntion hbek for two inuisible worhs at the January 5-1r, ry69 exhibition, 44 East 5znd Street,New Yorh:Robert Barry's 88mcCarrier'Wave(FM) (1968) and 6ookc Carrier'Wave(AM) (rq68)

olz parsrlacaldr{f,nsrsqlouBpallBtsullrreg Suruadoaql3o lep egt uo lrrpqrsuasuetunr{ 'srca(qou? lrdua lpua asaql 'o_lpnrs Pnrf,?ero.&\ i"oXtq lSrauejo pjrttt,to, laql lnq -reddeiH Surldncoodlsnoauerprurs u ror{s,enSoprmaqr ur pareaddzosp qro r,rpoq 'ruoor 'parsod eql ol s.&reg lxau ara./\^' stxet grq,l Jo Pua r"J er[] r? 3o sqdaEoroq4 ol{a taI{lEJ uE se.^a tesolcE ur rq8rs3otno t?s sralllusllEJlo.^Alaq1 raaurSueT?f,IJlf,elo tt.1iq prrr.irsub: ruarudrnbalg pareraua8'(sa1cl*8aur88)I IC rer{rorql pw $apdr rlaqlJo cqqnd arp -o1nloogl) hM euo 'al?.,ra. gceg 'ecuaserd reuref,oIPBrEJoPelslsuof, '>lrortr SunuroSurspq"l IIei\{agr dpo 'sacaldalqndao:adurortrlpatuasard,{:regrraqog pnrdaouocJo spuDIt)uIlsIP rnoJ PunoJ tuoor lrldslp agr Suuarueosoql 'a,ntrsodaJoruqf,nrusBrrr uotldaoareql (Pauo^uof,arp PtrB 'Pe{l?]]? dTPUnorore.{rseePl nuarsouSocegr lq dlrerul:d pa]Isr,rJlestr.doqsar{r lV 'lts ssapoap or rraqt .uorrf,Ertsge prnrsa8Jo uoupen aqr SururerurcuresoqlSuorue 'rslpnldaruoc ,eurlaqtr?g 'tsrlelou aqt aqr snld .a,roqs rrl{lou? >lrrroparg Jo reqrorq 'qnIJ eqr re qrnsql lq -ot3 trtn* rqr p qrvrr €un5euj se.ll\l1lrsllsnoprtllu qllq.{\ pazrueSrolauede pepnlcw lrrcrlqnd aruP PEreglO rr'flOVI:IDEIS 11195 tfo513z 'rs zS 'a ll'SDOTVJVI oooz 'NOIJIS (zrz) '696rlxynNvf r€-5 )lgg1INEN .IH)GI I .SXTIOIA.Z' .UANIEIA.E]NTTI,4N\rI I .HJNSO) HdASOf I .UE'ISSNH .SISIJUV T 'STUNTATN]S O 'SdEINIVd S\rI)NOC I ATIUVS JUASOU I 'qne1e3or5 ; 'SItEfsO o 'stuatueleuaetrnoJJo uunlotr e Jo Pelslsuof,tr 'sg.ra'npt (Jo lq parlddt pu? pagpory ,,' ' ' 'adlr lg pardnccolou ?areQo SunsqrEuunlof, srr ut8aq raqunu; "t,tnrtfp, (;o:aqurnu),, selqElrPrq8re-lrue.au3o (luauJasluelP? q)lyt VMatlrSSunereuaS-uraod 996rsrrErIErDuec raUTPelePousE^\ tawlJ 7to^ maN E seSurreaddtosIE'uoDlqlqxaaqr roJ luruaf,unouue rql 'uE or qnela8ar5 Artu eqr rroddns Pu?raeJ9lg perulauoceJe'l\'^aoq -auros'qrrc rarpolrE pue iJe>lorq>llols puoulug 1odo1lraqou a>lIIsrorf,allor^'>lro1t slqjo uoll? eJxeaqr Pu?auIT;ulqsg lng o,'de./!ra,urP aql PrElt\o]OPnlIll?JleqlJaAJlEry( aqt ur ueqr uolsllalat uo aure8IIEqlooJslu?ID el{l uI Palseralularou go uorsuodsns pr-rrr 3pr*1g 1odo1'rW 'Iro,.'raqr uo .{:orse oP_or ,!l ^oty ol Prsryaragsprrc lrr 'l,amanup 'srpf1'sf,Due tqr auoruTPuPls -rr?s asal{l 3utgort16 eqt p3rqnop (slsDr? 1odo1 'lertra.tlrp y ssortalw e1cuau datp,,r aptm,,2 V sJeult \ af,u3r.le'I qrvtl ,qodoa eql sluas -ard anSoprerrrqtouv'anSoprec eqr ur sreadde'prel put rsnoq u?qrn qderSoroqd -qnse lluo Surr,roqs dpuareddt 'acardagr3o gderSoroqdV 'luaurelgouotuuo/u qlv* rurr{t pJtJauuocpue punor8 aqr e oq? raaS!r rnoqesaejlol sala.Lra:rspaqreUe&reg '{f,auoreru€I uI amoq ]rrqog lro { er{lJo auos IIEtsuIol lro .4eN J ,s1odo1aql or '1odo1r:agoX 'sreer) dn i,rorp srslueaql pue qnela8ar5'r ragurerec ltpun5 uo Prr? 'uollf,allorelt rud e ur paceldlpearp Jo rorf,allof,e lg paseqc:nduaaqpeq ureqrJo xIS se enSoprtc eqr uI u1(oqsse.tracotdLra,ta'do1dSuttalreru snolrsuotr? ul 'enaolB]Ef, uolllg Prr? 'a,u]PJlsn[, -rtlxeuoetl\]aqdrqsuonrla:[EurJouaqr Suts;a,tar qrortr pcrslqd pu"-punoJ iq oi tttrtd orru-lrrrqt IP are.4ataqrdyuoroJ-uouqlqxa aqr sertrenSop -trf, eqt tam_lroq.gnela8al5roC .tuoor af,rJopuof,)saqt uI uolrelPtsulroJ qroa sII{Jo 'a-lqlsl^ulsed\ o1,rrlrolosol selt!rsnrelra.q 1ue1qa8edtuaruatetssq Ual&reg rreqog >lro.{ osoqa tsnr? uE rogq8nouallartudorddy 'lu3luelelss(lsllreuE rol^a8edIaqlou" e reser put 'qrea sqderSoroqdolu ePnlrul 'lsllff qc?e lq sarardrq8_ralsq ppo'tt 'lno uoslllN peddorp en8opreceqJ 'Irrlr{ lnoqll.l.l PePnlf,uolse.l ueld Pug eql Pue 'uoslllN u?l qruolrr rsel aql ul lng 'af,u?rollnTBgro^ Pu? Jo luroJ aql lool lr? esoq.^ taurelnr'qrnso; 'ralqanH 'ftreg-51tttt" e g eq ol era/\ eral{l lleur8ug _uoplqqxa lueru gSnorqrpur eqlJo lueluof,erFpu" lerrroJ aqr peptassrsruBeq] pue ag sSurraaur

'rpapcelloc srca(ord'y:lf,Jr;;l#i:lTli::Lr-rercedxa orsBA s'urqraurrurarep

f,neqrse? aqr plo ? ot sE os lrale8 puorrrP?I ? IrPql :agro Surgraruos Polue.^ qn?l





in the catalogue, this time using nuclear decay rather than electromagnetic transmission-half a microcurie of barium-r33 buried in Central Park. Less than three months later he would have Siegelaub place a similar amount of another radioactive isotope, uranyl nitrate, on the roofofthe Kunsthalle in Bern. l,awrence \Teiner showed the most physically intrusive work in the office: ,4 36" x j6" remoual to the kthing or support wall of plxter or wallboard fom the wall" located around a corner on the right as you entered the room. A kind of negative painting, it suggestedthe paradox ofcreation through destruction, a notion that he "exhibition' had addressednine years earlier with his Mill Valley, California of a hole made by explosives. \fleiner would travel to Bern in March to raise the issue in the stairwell of the Kunsthalle. An ironic comment on the assumpdon that art must produce substantial objects of positive form, it was a kind of indoor transformation of early earthworl<s,such as Claes Oldenburg's Placid Ciyi6 1,.1[6nu7nsns-a deep rectangular hole dug and refilled by union grave diggers behind the Metropolitan Museum of Art-and Michael Heizert trenches in the Nevada desert.12W'einer'ssecond work was more visually elusive,An amount of bleachpoured upon a rug and allnutedto blzach.Slbtly marking the carpet in front of the window it is the least clearly remembered piece in the exhibition. But this seemsappropriare given the artistt attitude toward the construction of works that are essentially concepts. In his interview with the fictitious Arthur R. Rose, published in Arts Magazine the month after the exhibition-----one of four interviews in which each of Siegelaub'sartists asked and answered his own questions-Ifeiner denied any concern with making objects. Since these works are ideas encapsulated in verbal statements, it just does not matter whether they ever are physically realized.rr In Kosuth's interview he claimed that the only role for an artist in 1969 was to investigate critically the nature of art itself One cannot do this through painting and sculpture, he argued, because as particular forms of art they assume the validiry of a general conception ofart. Instead, Kosuth was engaged in a seriesofworks enti:led Art "art-as-art," as ldca as ldza" a referenceto Ad Reinhardt's purist focus on with the dou"idea' ble use of meant to avoid the reification of the art object as a thing, even if an


Installation uiew of theJanuary 5-3r, t969 exhibitionat 44 East 5znd Steet, New Yorh,shouing LawrenceVeiner'sA 36" x 16" removal to the lathing or supportwallofplasterorwallboard from a wall

zlz '?arelqdsrp aql ur pa*1d tsnp.tres Pareluesroll Jo apuerrer ltau E LpI./dun8aqptq rl 'aurll -sr^se Uelaqr or [e^ aqr uo Sunq orer'raseq]Jo auoyo sqde:Soloqdpronlo4 PrrE 's8urqtaroru dut PPPPIPrelqenHseullletuoslng ,,'erou-r 3o porrodPerlurll? roJlseell? 'qreuer ppe or qsra rou oP 1 'Suttsaralutssalro orour 'stca{go3o IIrg sl PIro.&eqJ,,


uollef,glunpn:dac et7 ?up 'ssardxE Al..g atlt eI{ ry 'sellltueSurrsrxeardSo enSoprecsrq3oSuruur8eqrr{r tE pr-Es g aql'ydefi>p1 -uor srsnr?erp ruoryPatpser{ro.4aaqr 'saprud55 &a,ra4oor ralganHrtgr punor8 aqr 'sarurI ler)ueur 'srrurJ uoPuo-I ,fi lq palreru 'saulf,aarqtagt Suncauuof,alnor apu-oS9t Suop suollelol ,{yeq aql 3o sqde.r8oroqd '/z $querae uo stadpd uaarrrqrgo Surrsrsuo3..'acuat:adxepnrdaoradrrarrp puolag,, 'lueulelels an8oprer -g96t -smauuo?uo7 angfw paqsuqnd or ler'r lluo s,ralqanHpuaqa-rdde se lesrueqtsaraldeqr roJ '>lro1d srqur potou aq 'ore1r\ egt se.{\ uoDsruarunf,oPIPns 'zrakJuTtpw 4"t0^maN-u1?olqula1le/anpH s.relqenH s?m)utr.L'(9fu krnutf) untol '(996r '{z uqutatag) -!rV Pup uorreN ,7l '(696r 'r hrnuaf) s €N runasnryut patut"tdSutaq n{n '(696t '! f,tonurf) uott -1q1qxaaqt to trp tugf aqt uo $rur I >lro .r\rN aql ut patraddrt arualslx[ 'uouan\qnd uo urto s?m ynm aqt 'Suqrads [1nuts 'q7not1l 'sutal asatll .tol sat"uua sluwsatlt paluud poq etl a.taqm saurzpSput yut stadtdsmauatll uo{ saSrdaqt pe4qlqxa .Fntox '(erpl se eapl se rry) rtulJ 'IA (t13u) yur (eap1se eapl se uy) a)uarsng '1(pl s,qtnsoyqdxof Sutmoqs'ynA maN '1aaagpuzS tsvE tt tp uotflqulxa 696r 'r9-S [unurf aqtto mern uottt lltlsuJ

'sqdt'rsoroqd ede1 tuoor sepnoq jo looqrrou Tl#5:ilTrH,ilx'lil?


acadsrcl stuluouls slq 'ureg uI .^^oqss,uu?IuoszsP[BreH ut atedlclued o] PJISE uaqa pue 'acirrerd )Irslrre s(qtnso);o rred tou se.l.rrearr5 puz! uo sradedsrtrau3o deldqp aqr ;uaqr 'Sunpods lpcrlg 1141,,:secerd ..'uoneoqqnd sxrol( er{r qrIA sPue lsllr? rr? st alor 'elglllafio] aseqr Jo asn luenbasqns lue qrr.v' tuaruallolul Pe \o EslP qrnso) lng sEput ?roueqda se grog Suruortcury uI sE IIa r se soulze8ttu ue ut 'sasodrnd raqro acrds-rvroDl er{r ur asoql ol lJo,t\ s,qlnso) Sursn:artpe tno ue{El se.a,r pa ros osTElI 'urolsuorl{f,I1 loX ro3 uolsslluruof, ? sE ouoP Buuuud p auo aqr an3o1 -ElEf, slq sdegrad 'suolusgoP l:tuorrcrp arnpo:da: or rulg Sundtuord aqr ul Palunow E lBruJoJ1t\ousrg1- uaqrunu Pue Sulrured qlr. ^ uonelf,osseer{l or PePIo Paqf,erl€ _r?Prl 'aau 'aJua$Na JoJ selJtua snJn€sar{tSursn 'on8optef, ar{l ul PalsII aJald stcalo:d grns rnog 'urerSord s,rprer{uladJo arepdn pnrdecuof, srrlnso) ur lre8erur p?r}sqe 8une1da.r rsq z uoneueldxa lnor{rlA perurrd seepr lf,EJrsqe'uual tf,EJtsqew rog suluoulsgo llararu aq eraH 's1ef,Ipol:adpue srededsrtrauut artds Sulslrra,tpeSulsegcrnd lq raqr:ry >lJo{ srq azrlelJerBruapol paloru r{rnso) Butuvaut sP I{f,ns sulJer PeP?ol eJolu olnaql (Dwm ol Jal?a pnrre Sursn ptra Jo uolrlugap .{-reuorrcrpaqt Jo retsotoqd e Surruasard tuog pe5qs dlsnol.l.ard 3ur,re11 'qaqe1 s,ftreg pue arenbs Surssttu s,leulelN uee^\laq 'anSoplrr p,l Buol or{1 uo Sur8ueg se8ed :adedsr"rauJo stes aqr paurcldxa grrq.'u. aqr ul parurrd eq t€r{t luaual?ts eq}.^aellrelul slq ur PaPnllul qlnso) rr'auo IEIJelEluluI

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re* Installation uiew of tbeJanuary 5-3r, 1969exhibition at 44 East Sznd Street,New Yorh.showing documentation fom Douglas Huebler'sHaverhill-WindhamNew York Marker Piece (1968), which werephotographstaken nery fftT milesahng a 650-mile routeconnecling thesethreecities. the hallway at eleven in the morning on the opening Saturday. Adrian Piper was assignedto photograph the sawdust every thirry minutes for the next six hours. After taking each picture she taped it within an area that Huebler had indicated on the wall, making sure not to position the images in temporal order. At the end of the wellattended afternoon there were thirteen Polaroids, and after sweeping up the sawdust the piecewas complete.15 The energy and high spirits at the opening, and the attendance of such respected figures as Claes Oldenburg, suggestedthat interest in conceptual work was widespread. And while critics like Dore Ashton thought that Siegelaub'sartists were "bored with art," across the international vanguard there was broad experimentation with such nonstandard forms.t6 One factor encouraging internationalization was the format of the work, documents easily mailed and ideas fully describable in letters or over rhe telephone. And Siegelaubt next two projects involved the sort ofinternational mix last seen in the intermedia activity of the early sixties, itself a phenomenon essentially dependent on texts and publications.lT Before the end of the January Show he solicited contributions for the first group exhibition to exist in catalogue form alone, March r34 ry69, in which thirry-one international artists each was assigneda different day on which ro execute a work. Siegelaubdisuibuted the exhibition/publication without charge around the world, as well as in New York at the artists' hangout of Max's Kansas Ciry and at the \Tittenborn Book Shop. For the summer he produced a fully international exhibition, July August, Septemberry69, presenting projects by eleven artists installed in Europe and the Americas during these months. As an exhibition, the work existed together only in catalogue form, and in line with the international character both of participants and audience, all information was printed in English, French, and German.18 One person following Siegelaubt activity with interest was a museum director from Switzerland, Harald Szeemann, who visited the dealer and his artists in New York just as the the Xerox Book appeared.Szeemann had done a number of experimentd shows at the Kunsthalle in Bern, and in the summer of ry68 he began formulating plans for a comprehensive international presentation of the new art. Guided by the


Wz srural'stueuodruofstr ezrJotJ?Jeq) ot pesnsauru eqtJo qceolg passrruseldreqr Surqr -auroslg pagrun se./t\./dor{sagl 'ftssa anSoprecsrq ur parersJot?Jnfar{t ry 'olrour llaurrr e ur a8ts WaH tnof, w ant7 :reruuosqlle) rsrrn dq turq or parsaSSns -seurrr srqasurpuorplno,lruu?uraazganSoprzcaqr3oe8edepe ar{r doty or'uouautolul -suo4arytg-gdatuoJ-sasserot(I-tqJo6 :uuol auoJagsryrugv uaqAl :suonefseJrueru su ./r\eueqrJo af,uesse eql sp.l.resurreueezsreqrtr8ul 3o lrerrra eqr Sunupur pue >lro.,'a -rntdBc'euo elrsnlf,uru? sE^{aprr rqt 'lprerrdorddy'rueqr arerod;oc;ag lq pepury eq pllo-^ateql uonrgrqxeeqr roJ app e llddns ol uurC pue rapnUJo rurg suoneler rrlqnd erl Jo ueplgy ?urN ^q passard'uonnlos sq punoJuuEtueezsteqr lro ,&eNur 'ruJoJJospuDl.,"raualteJf or lumur se,trdttllrf,EJIaIpl?ql 8r Jegruef,eqInun lou sel'rtJ uonou aql paua qns turet eql 'lpuerrodurr aro;41'arnrdpf,sJo tros reprlrred e' ')uqnr sruedrcnredoqrgoduetu se.4a srqt rapun u.l.ror{s Sureq or lr sEpotercosse percefqo rng '996r pdy u1**qluv ur paqsqqndotsaJrueur rueuodtur srsrueoqrJo epn oql aqr,!run ot sEr EapIrsrg,slH ,,'ruroC-nuv,,rurot ssrrronJuaqou rapun>lro1\{ 6r' lrsro^rPsrrIP ur af,uanguof,srgrlqdsrp or se.v'po8 suueuaezspue 'pa8rau saspdrurrnaqtsappue 'pcrrqod 'Frcos 'sr.uro3 prrror TB)rpsU leuor]rptJrJo^\oJrltJao eqr roJgecsopreS-rue,re -srqeqt arnl?u aqr3o Suruorr srgt'tsrue orp roC 'Tro/t\s,auoJoasnaqt qrlar poql( pu? -sanborseqE pe^lo^urgcrqr"rlrqrqrsuodsarpuosrad3oteqr se/'rruntf,rp le]ueu€pury aqJ 'serrepunoq,u,a3 paredserarun sn{tJo trt aqr 'uonerr8ep:nqod lq p* 'llor pue por lq 's8n.rplg papuedxelrrunruruor pu"JlasJo suonoupuolrrper qrrJd\ 'uself,ouof,rJrer{t uElnq u€ lueJrnf, PUEstsnJ?aqt qlrl\ tualua^lo^urPeuorssBorur E ag or tou selr\srH 'sanKsetEIeqtJo eJntlntJerunocaqr ruog 3o a:nrcrdpelsaJatursrp asaqtJo atef,olp?ue se,lnJlesrun{uuetueezs'srgl fiernreu amr8 reqr sruaurdoya,rap ueqr arory '8uroparar"rslsnr?esaqtteqr'rtuesardlyeternle ppoc srcafgo30uonrqrqxe prepuetsou tpqt pe^ellequrnrurrzs 'lrr.tnre rnsrue epr^,plro1(Jounteu snolllager ,eJily4ue

hapfi ary u rnpmos lo a18uat -cat ato uotuadnpaqt'paptota.t t?ty't uoutqtqxe aqt to tap 3u1 -uadoaqt uo noqtlatl kaaaudr4 u?ttqv,,lstuotldatat,,,(quaqol sqdt8optld protrlod atamcprqm '9 'oN aJsrduot]PJnQs,rrlq2kH salSnoq uto{ uo4aluau,tntoV Suunoqs'7nf, maN 'taaugpuz! ispg ,r 1! uoqlqtqxa 696r 'rt-! ,Atnu{ aql lo meln uottrllpttuJ

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like Anti-Form, Arte Povera,Concept Art, and Earth Art. This was the primacy of processand activity,an emphasisfundamentallyrooted in the salienceof the artists' "inner were the works, variously attitudes."For Szeemann,theseattitudesessendally realizedin materialand immaterialform. !7hile the attiudes of artistslike Mondrian and Pollock, of course,had generatedtheir worls, their goal was the creation of autonomousart objects.But without a persistingproduct, attitude becameprimary. This is what grounded the aestheticsignificanceof a sentenceryped on a piece of paper,the collectingand burning of flammablematerial,a smashedsidewalk,somefat smearedin a corner,the mailing of a package,thirteensheetsof emprygraphpaper,or "atda walk in the mountains.Here the important thing wasthe act producedby an tude," not an objectmadefor consumptionby a market,evenif someof theseactions did producesalablegoods.As Szeemannpresentedit in the catalogue,the new work was meantto disrupt the basicstructureof the art world-the triad of studio, gallery and museum.It was a utopian conceptionthat would have difficulry surviving the of its birth. socialand cultural circumstances Both the exhibition and the cataloguedisplayedthis emphasison attirude and process,and the correspondingdemotion of the object. Szeemanntplan was to rurn the Kunsthalleinto a giant studio wherethe artistswould producetheir works, and from thereextendtheir activity into the staidSwisscity. He alsopresentedhis own curarorialprocessin the catalogue.It reproducedthe addresslist he had usedto visit to invitationsto artistsin New York, alongwithhany of the letterswritten in response catalogue,in fact, functionedasdid thoseof participatein the exhibition. Szeemann's for the exhibition containedmore than everwould be physicallyrealSethSiegelaub, by informaizedin Bern.Of the sixry-nineartistsin the show,fifteenwererepresented tion or documentationalluding to works elsewhere,both physicaland nonphysical, including Ed Kienholzt accountof the immaterialsensibiliryzone that he had been given by YvesKlein. The cataloguepulled this dl together,along with other worlc wasasfully instantiatedthereasit wason sheetsof paperin the Kunstwhoseexistence giving however,this one containedcritical essays halle. Unlike Siegelaubtcatalogues, In addition someaccounrof the exhibition and the developmentsthat it represented. to Szeemanntpiece,there were essays-â‚Źachpublishedin a different language-by Scott Burton, GrdgoireMuller, and TommasoTiini.. Szeemanntraveledthroughout Europeand the United Statesseekingartists for his exhibition, and twenry-eightof them went to Bern for the installation.2lThe action beganwith Michael Heizer and his family arriving on March 15,followed by Keith Sorinierthe next night. On the rTth Richaid Serrac-amito town with his friend Philip Glass,and togetherthey installedSerraspiecesof leadplate and pipe propped with the ciry and with a arrangements madenecessary againstthe wall.After Szeemann demolition company,the r8th found Heizerdirectinga wreckingball to smashpart of the sidewalknear the Kunsthalle,creatingrhe BerneDEresion. That sameday Serra threw closeto 5oopoundsof molten leadalongthe baseof the wall in an elegantskylit gallery recreatingthe Splah Piecethathad appeareda month beforeon the coverof Artforum. Meanwhile, Richard long set off on an extendedhike in the mountains abovethe ciry,his contribution to the exhibitionthat would be markedonly by a statement on the Kunsthallewall. On March I9 the Italians Giovanni Anselmo, Mario Merz, and Gilberto Zorio arrived,artistswhosework of impoverishedmaterials-Arte Povera-had beenchampionedfor someyearsby the critic GermanoCelant.Now, as "The coming and going begins.The Kunsthallebecomes Szeemann wrote in his diary a constructionsite." Over the nexrtwo daysmore and more artistsarrived,alongwith dealerslike Siegelaub,RichardBellamy,and Ileanaand Michael Sonnabend,and the Kunsthdle 245


rynt1g[.ua11tg qfui8otot14 '696r'/z pdy-zz qrnry 'u/roC au0rags2prutgvuzqa ut 'ur2g 'a11aqtsuryJ aqttolpmnqs aqtut sqpunoxs1uurftq um8lo s&ag

D E M A T E R I A L I Z A . I I O N :T H E V O I C E O F T H E S I X T I E S

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Installation aiew of the Arte Poueragallery in \VhenAttindzs BecomeForm, Kunsthalle, Bern, March zz-Apil 27, 1969showing Mario Merzi igho, Acqua Scivola, and, against the uall and on thefloor untitled works by Giouanni Anselmo. Photograph by Harry Shunh became as much an international meeting place and discussion center as a workshop. Naturally much talk was generated by the charismatic German artist Joseph Beuys, who viewed his primary role as that of a teacher, and who had been the professor at Diisseldorf of many of the German artists in the exhibition. There was activity throughout the entire building, in the hallways and staircasesas well as in the galleries. Beuys smeared margarine along the edge of a foor and into the corner, Jannis Kounellis filled bags with grain, Merz built a glassigloo, Barry Flanagan laid out sixry feet of thick rope, Anselmo arranged bricks in a basin of chalky water, Reiner Ruthenbeck set a network of wire and metal rods atop a great pile of ashes,'Weinerremoved a square of stairwell wall. Ger van Elk replaced a square meter of asphalt outside the building with a large photograph of the section of ground that he had removed. Robert Smithson had a mirror placed in Bern and photographed, and a geometric pattern of marks was drawn on the wall according to a plan sent by Sol LeWin. fuchard futschwager, the American speaking the best German, stuck forry of his fuzzy oval. blps onto walls


8vz -lqlTra slq roJ uouertdard ur a1q.^a.r{oqs eqt uaas peg uuetueazsroJ 1ro aeN Surrrsrrr 'sopntruv ur papnpur ere^.stsnJ?osor{tJo slr3ouonrury e ued IIV'uorrear]Jo sseco.rd a8relul sE1(pu? peleydsrplra8rur esoqld'sleueteurprepuersuouJo$po { paruasard slsllreaulu 'turog-lruygo reuu?geqt repun 'srrrory rraqoXdq palqurssetequreraq snot,rardaqr ecedsesnor{ereAtaans rp8or s,rqerseJoel q u^\oqs uaaq ptr{ r"qr >lro^\sr aseralg?toutsoru rrll'suerletl arp pu" srsnreqnela8arsor{ru?qr rarpg 'sle.,n .l.reuuI elor plo aqr Surleld (srnrlueSuusrsradsp uolpury or ur8aqq:o.,ra.praruaqda 'rcafqouE eu5 aqr puodegra8 or rduaur aqr r{rr,\{uorsual Jo suon€erl-araldrrpw roJ eteraua8seoptr tng 'lturpr pren8ue,,t patelueruor llqSggo etun E lE aceldloor reqr uonrqrqxelaarns a8rele ur Surslrdrnstou sr srql 'eraq.\asleltarrotou poule8peq reqr stualeput qro.t\ qtr.^ pell5 se,',r. /'ror{ssurreureezs pue 'o8errq3 ur rry lreroduraruo3 Jo runosnryer{rrE aroJagreal z mard ouogdalarE qtrnsauop peq errery eC 'ralraf,alaqr dn papld roloor{^r,ot SuDlpeds:oog Lralp8 e uo paceldouogdelar? Ipc plno ^.?rr?W aC rel 'ueruerg 'acuersur -[e/N uor]rqrqxa erf rer{tou? uI Jo qaa,tre g eqt 3ur:np l?rol puEsre 'rueunuoru aIJ 3 ol lxau pauJnqse \ uoD?lnruncce ->looluoJo aqr lep Pi!\orf,e PrrUE $EI erp uO '?f,rraurvssorf,eruo{ rno33ur,{eldsrp alqerE 2ta74pnatl spng -sraddngua1ryaprs8uoppaeeldapd lsseurp ot pappt sEAJnlsJo puDIrerpoup1\4.or{s aqr Sur.rnplep lra,rg 'IerJelprualgrrsnguol qrv'r rcafordssrrJoryuagog sBrpns 'uon -lq$xe eqr ur luetualeproduror srql {ro1( orlt Jo qrnu ro3 luruodtul s'p^a 'sler'rgns ToI ,/deNrqr ur s:ersodSurlrors tuoo'I eqt Jo trnrC uo esn roJ eprtu llprrrur peq eq durerse qrra 'llf, aqr q8norqr pedurersa:ar'r,,sdqs(lsrue,,su)?qruarlq>luaqdarg'lyrqnurg 'uondarrad ,(:etuaruoru pagap sdlq Jo uou?lptsur sre8er'r,gosrry-slep o.&!-lrJoJ ra,ro uralsls prsod sarerg perpn oqr q8no:qr a8zlcede 3o 8ur1a,re;r aqr-onSoprec aqt ur perou uoung (^ogs er{t ot uo[ngrr]uof, srelqanH eT'I 'aller{tsun) oqr rnog8norql pu€ lrrr ar{t punore qunqg tuo11 tq qdut -otor14'696r '/z ludy-zz qt"w1,t1 'ureg 'ql?tl$unx 'u,trol euor2g tryrylav uatlA ut Sutunq (ep -rol) paprrull s.oyoz orraqlg


lf this telephone rings, you mav answer \t. Walter De Maria is on the line and would like to talk to you. Wenn dieses Telephon ktingelt, nehmen Sie den Hiirer ab.

dann '

Walter De Maria wird am Apparat seln und mcichte zu lhnen sprechen.

'W'aher De Maria. Arr bv Telephone, iz lVhenAttitudesBecome Form, Kunsthalle, Btn, March zz-April 27, 1969.Photograph hy Harry Shunk RobertMonisi uork using combustible materials,from \Yhen Attitudes BecomeForm, Kunsthallt, Bem, March zz-April 27, ry69. Each dny a singk item uas addedto thepib, and at the end of the exhibition the accurnulation was burned in font of the TebgraphUnion Monument. At the lefi is Allen Ruppersberg's Ti.avel Piece of four newspapers fom Decemberry68 placed on a tabk: the Sah Lake City DesertNews,rle OmahaW'orld Herald, the Chicago Tiibune, and the Cleuelnnd Plain DeaJer. Photographby Harry Shunk



srqlg pue :IooHar{t uoBw(1vs7t11?u?it!"A ty4Jloaz1gaqt tqoH tlq(n ataatglo ua[o7 fq pata,udagIry".awry qqf"tf snoyalto uour4lo) s<uptunpNacnrg rsed pa>pusador 'cuqe3Lleaq aqr uo ll.ltr8 adeqssrr 'r1a3 3o alld llgr aql Jo lf,aJa aqr lg paura.r.o8 8u€wq s(srrrorytragod pr?.1'tot pe1ador su?8euelC,{:rtgruoor rer{t ruorg 'raarlseI{J uro{ 4unqgtuvg ,(qqdu7 -ototlrJSurVpnqaqtnotlSnotqt peaqllrea uE pue 'teurg€f,eurJrperugos e 'sruedsuoruJorred tuer8z ruasoq,vr'8.rnq 'uE ur aPnlrDe^{euaqt roJ sarn pastadnpeam qrtqct'sd1q oi' -uaPlo see13qrrr'r&a1p3e ur slnag paceldurr?ruaezs 'ele{-eLeLef,,3urreedar s,nSomqtsuyptatpty to oru a"u -3g ragreSsEsnlelsrraqr azrseqdueoT ,.'eau-eeu-oou-aau-aeu aqt ug'atntdlnts rqvuilutut llssalpuarapro)erederr parrld aq'aprs8uoly,r'tl6rur ?arurr3er{l ur poqsprlrequrog lpm -1so4ut ssatotduo nwqdaa mau srq raup sr?trel lg re3pur rlej ur palppe/dsSuraq qilru gurqar srq 3o leuosrad 3o aqt lo uoct ur auanq Qymb uonef,oluru? 'tE per?eussrqor lloJrrrre.{\Jopaq? pepp?peq slnag gdasofruoo-rrxau slqr '996r nqwataq ut eqt uI 'eror{,resppelletsursuorrrrn8guoouoau paluro(srps.lauuafyla51Suroqra'uoau 1nm m0qt amo(/at?ms,qlalsp) oaI w r{tr.1r\ paxruJatureuo 'Sulddensreqqu Jo salSu?teuru Sung roog aln tuESolaaqt uo n1qnd aql o1patuasatd$ng uotl sogselds p?ol sprrosa,roqy'rsrg-lrua,{\taqtJo rq8ru agr otur etEIslpq aqlJo Surueap -tqtqxa uu?uaezgaqlto uotuan r{f,]nq Jo aJF\ aqr arrdsap'sprep g8noroqr e pal Sur,reqsraqqrc uef rsqenrdacuof, s,utnaslt4 aW ]p utt? 4[llapa$ -u?ts urnasnur lq ssour € pelool { ge pa8reurteqt uontlletsurer{J -ulsutv ul 'aPr?i-tu? e Fp"l stq paqsEdspotl asFclurrPu??aPrJo uon 'ssr1g PuonBuJetulaql ssorJE r(q patvssr'ttrag dq1q4 -erqdrulooorp 1(oqsor uaqr Sururquroc'eutn aqt suorrrgrqxa lrssell eqtJo rrqunu Jo 'Suruadoung atf atotaq 'ouozpua 4aam e pacnpordaruu€ruoozsosurs? ur tng ur pe,^aor{s ,z'uJag aq1 '696t '/z Tudy-zz tlttrltg otulesuv tuaqr Suoue 'slsruerer{lo aqt put essaH'lTE4ar{t ruo{ lpured palaedse.,'r 'uDg 'eilpq$unx 'u.tol aaor xatplsraruuosqlla) pue 'ruau8ny's? ue) uo xertlJo sapurrrarSurddel:ar'ouoeleuru -ag ta?wftV ua%A u! '69-/96r sassaH? E tes roog eqt u6 ..'ssaro:d pue s[ErJrr"u uo snJoJTen]daf,uotr s,Jaurel1 uto{ ottag ?nqrly ,(q s4,tortr1 r1lerseJagr re pareaddpperl tsrg pa{o a rr laal pcrsdqdl1og.v' " ur rrrril'r (asnor{rrz.,lr eqr Surrnpessrrr?lsoql ur sa^ealpeappepd peq pealpogseldssrrrag 'SuruadorTIOrsE) or{./r\'surow dg pau,rurunls[re rr? '] srqor rrrrr{ 1:eqdugprppp os[BaH 'uor]



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JosephBeuyscontemplatinghis installation offat for lYhenAnitudesBecomeForm, Kunsthallz, Bern, March zz-April 27, 1969. Through the exhibition, the tape recordernext to him wouA intone -nee-neeJa-j a-ja-ja-ja, nee-nee by Harry Shunk nee."Photograph Works i nstalled in \VhenAttitades BecomeForm, Kunsthalle, Bern, March zz-April 27,t969: fun the floor lefi) Alighiero .Boetti's I \X/ho Thke the Sun in Torino, February24,1969;]efi uall and fu door) works by Mario Merz; (rear wall) RobertMorris'sFelt PieceNo. + (rC68);(on thefaor center) Barry Flanagan\ Two Space Rope Sculpnre (196); (on thefnor right) Bruce Naumani Collection of Various FlexibleMaterialsSeparatedbv Layersof Greasewith Holes the Size of My \i/aist and Wrrsts ft966); (right rear) Neon Templatesof the Left Half of Mv Body Taken at Ten Inch Intervals (1966); and (near right) Untitled (ry61. Photographb1 Harry Shunk



y1alaty' utnasnTgry aqfA tas!?N 'ul o, x gl :qr?e 'gtun, outqtanQod tltm pa[rus xetElo seatlsqqnoe '996r 't$ny Qpm eql uo)Fup 'ut t x g/ :qna'wun fu \pnu?J uo x2WT '896r 'lu)ul -Bny (tooyf atlt uo) 'assagtng


Neon Templates of the Lefi Half of My Body Tahenat TenInch Interuals.On the other sidelayAlighiero Boetti'simageof his body in ballsof concrere,I Who ThhetheSun in Tbrino,February24, 1969,and somesheetsof glasslaid againstthe wall by Mario Merz. But most of the Arte Poverawas clusteredtogether in another room, which had appearedthe most worlahopJike during the previousweek.Among other things, in addition to Merz's glassigloo, stuck together with mastic and brandishinga tree branch,therewerevariousobjectsby Anselmo,including a fenced-inelectrifiedsandwich of stone,and a Zorio hangingfrom the ceiling that actuallywas set a6rein the gallery.Ruthenbecktpile of asheswasinstalledin a skylit gallerywith mostlyAmerican work, including Sonniert neon and latexpieces,threeEva Hesses,Alan Sarett tangle of wire, RichardTuttlet irregularlyshapedpiecesof dyed cloth, Bill Bollingert curves of tapedrope, and Gary Kuehn'scut sawhorses coveredby a fiberglassblanket.There alsowasmuch that looked more cleanlyKunsthallelike, evenif nonstandard,suchas Carl Andre'ssquareof thirry-six steelplatesand a casedisplayingsix of Hanne Darboven'sbooks of obsessive numerical computation. But the generalimpressionwas that of a wild arrayspreadingthrough the entirebuilding, punctuatedby futschwagert fuzzy blpsandvariouswordsand photographsalluding to peculiarevents. One striking thing about the Americanwork was that much of it was listed in the catalogueascoming from Germangalleries.Germandealershad beguntraveling to New York during the heydayof Pop,and by the late sixtiesadvancedAmerican art could asreadilybe seenthereasin New York. The most activedealersfor the work shown by Szeemannwere Rolf Ricke in Cologne and Konrad Fischerin Diisseldorfl Ricke startedwith Gary Kuehn in ry66, with whom he beganhis practiceof inviting Artschwaartiststo producetheir showsin Germany,and by ry69 he wasrepresenting ger,Bollinger,Hesse,Serra,and Sonnier.Konrad FischeralsobroughtAmericansover to createtheir shows,working mainly with the Dwan group-in the Bern show, Andre, LeWitt, Sandback,and Smithson-as well aswith Robert Ryman.Thesedealers,alongwith Heiner Friedrichin Munich and Rudolf Zwirner in Cologne,the moving force behind that ciryt commercial^ff far, createdan atmosphereof excitement aroundcurrentAmericanwork, placingpiecesby their artistsin many Germanmuseums aswell asin privatecollecdons.By DocumentaIV in rq68-the internationalsurvey of .ona.-po."ry art that Sr..-"m was concernedto update with his Bern exhibition-forry-five of the one hundred and seventeen artistswereAmerican.25 As a resultof having beento Germanyto makework for exhibitions,some Americansalreadyknew the Germanartistsand art world figureswho cameto Bern. V/hile the variousnationalartistssocializedwith one another,Americansand Germans being the closest,the Italianslargelykept to M*y of the artistshad met a week beforein Amsterdam,where \flim Beerenof the StedelijkMuseum stageda concurrent show, with Szeemannt permission, taking advantageof his having brought the group of advancedAmerican artists to Europe. Entitled Op Losse "Square Pegsin Round Schroeuen: Situatiesen Cryptosnucturen(loosely translated as Holes: Situationsand Cryptostructures"),all but wvo of its thirry-four artistswould appearin Bern. Like the internationalSurrealistexhibitionsof ry76,a corecollection formed the heartof theseshows,though inry69 that coreconsistedof artistsinsteadof particularworls. Somepiecesdone by theseartistsfor Amsterdamwerethe sameasin Bern-Serra splashedhis leadon the curb outsidethe museum-yet mostwerediffer'Weiner's ent, suchasLawrence residueof a flareignited at the city iimit. In comparison with the Kunsthalle,however,the Stedelijk installation would seem sanitizedand museumJike,an exhibition seekingto tamethe transgressive spirit of its contents. Attitudes itself assumedyet other forms when it traveledto Germanyand to England.Szeemannwas not entirelyhappy with the exhibition at the Museum Haus


tSz petuoopere^\r?qr q.ro1tr'q8ne1rsEIaql plosorpup plos aq plno \ uoosprf,roruruof,uou al{r Pua eql ut '{ro \ [eJlPErJo uol] e^?r{or ale1t\rueuqsrlg?rsaTeJnrlnrar{rJo sof,JoJ -lqF1xe stsllr?al{rJI tng arerodroc ur ro3 rroddns 3o rr"J aqr dq pasnureera.1d or'Suruadoeqt r? &A\e ua IS dIHaJo sodorde'1p reryy :ar"rod arar'rseDare8D3o qrrd puE {prlorus p laqr 'surotrAl laqr r"qr pe ellegstsllreaql 'slsaretul alrrodroc3o srrlo3aqr uo Ja o auo Surundara,vt ,fap ol ruEaru>lro.^A rrarPJo q:nu grrrtr '8unp prf,reruruof,Pue 8un)allor PrEPr.rErs -due 'Sunueuguorrlgrqxe erJnosaqr qrll.r pouref,uorpeluaasauo ou-uueruaazs Jo 3y lg unogs luetu Surpnlcur'uorrrleo3 (srolro/NuV Trrlp"r er{r3o SulreeruE roJ lrol ,^aoNur tno peuJntsrsDJE pJJpunqaajl{t 'tf,eJuI 'aoqs uJageqt buunP-slsluE ;uourB ssauer?.4 8 pcnrlod pauetq8raq3o orun ? sulr\ll rllq,v' puy 'Ielreteurpue trrroJ^ eu Jo 'anSoprn sapnrntv oqr ro3acardslrl sEarB)gltrerrFrlg s,uos 1-ro.uprrn8ue,rSurlqdsrp 1t{eusrq Perutugnsoq/,! 'J{)eeH su?H 0{{ srslrrePoPnlf,ulosP sral{lo aqJ 'suolrEl -uasarddo4 o.l,uqrrr"r596rur urcrSorduolrlqlqxaue Suruur8aqerulstsrg rlal{t '696I uI turoCeluof,agsepnutrv ueqA\ tuBr8ruaJe8rf,aqr lq perroddnss^{oqsrnoJJo euo se.l.r uE,,sElre pruaurredxagouoddns s,ruJgsrr{Jo,.urd TEJgaruI 6z(,'uorDuryTerf,Jeruruof,,, eqt a?s eq 'srqruer{rsJow ,,'uone^ouur,,'PIJolr\ssrursnqeql PuElJ?^\au agrlq pareqs luauale le1 regrjo enSoprrr ar{l ur alorld uolturodroceqr ruaplsard Jo Tf , 'ruol 'arntry Oqt rr Pernbgercl 'srqt 'adorng -uor slr sE r{rnru slr:o61 dqlg4 lq papury sE^ tuJoCeuof,eg ur se ur pue sopnrnrv uaqjl\ ro{ 'Surpe,rarllpnedso se.4a lxaruot ol uouuatle qlns-PIP uarng se&,u prrslqd auresaqr ur lrrc ar{l otur tno pelotu teqt rJE-uonEIIErsurpue rdef,uof, 'u? qloq ur uorlrp?n r{rr.^alorq r{f,rr{.,"r Jo uonlglqxa ;ep:rutd srqr ql./t\ PuV ,,'uolr -dacxeou sl >lJo,l.r seuoJo uoueruosordaql ' ' 'pue pcrrqod sr rce lrartE,,reqr tul?1f, srr{rf,roJurarol pe reslpo srqa 'pa ouar sadutsslt{pue ltp rtrp potsorrese/duarng uotssar8su?rlr{f,ns 8z'af,Il pue 'pu?lrear^\SSurprqe-.l\Blur allsuago llprcadsa '&rl aqr rnoqSno.rqr -Jasor pallBl esoqr Parsrlr?qr saf,nou3z:p fterrlnu Surra.roluouo sEPernol{ro.^\azlf,lllr) os sraaqspadrDspersodlp8agl aq Suruadoeqr roJpuE 'IB3IpEr aqr oy8urs,, or lrrunrroddo srql ssnurou ppot uorng 'ruauqsllq?rsoaqt3o ,.rurodrtrar,t lluo panole urlr{ ro3qrlr{,&,,'oru?U,,,{-ra1p8 pue unesnul eqr aplsrnouooseg ppol u? ellr#t\ uo sadutsapv'r-ralaru leqr os secqdrqqnd ur palplsur aq esaql 'spunorS)If,eg 'uarng -rruer l,'g IaIu"C ueuqtruar{ lef,Iua rnq SurqrouepEtupEq 996r $u$ oq.^a ar{rsE1t\ uorrrgrFe Jr{l ur PaPnltrurlou Peq uuErutezs{ro./!\asoq./d lstlJEuv ^ ^EW UI UonsutsrsAJ Srr.l parutugnsaq pue 'pauueldpeq lpearp uuetue)zsreqr aol{s sdnegqdasofer{t laru?tr or aalruruoc uonrgrqxealpqrsun) er{rpardurord$pnrrrrv uroryrnolpJ er{J rorf,orlp ar{l ot luas ere.&\sralrelSuruarearqrpue 'sdarsel[Br{]sun)aqr uo Uel eq Plno^/duoos r{f,ns./r\or{s or spuryrqqndgo asnaqt te re8uepraua8 lueruaJlxaJos8eg'suoneurruoq€ se,rrrrrqr pue-uelorq uraq peq /vrEIou 'ruo ou Plurer1 PEql eruls 'reqr paln: drr: agr q8noqr->1p,ttrprsrr{r Jo uorpnnsap s,JezIaH w pa8errnoaraa ssl{S alll?^Jesuof, aqrlep rtqa aq1 'ue8agporurnt:qqnd egr pue '.l,roqs aqr perr otruorsrlalerpuz ssa.rd 'epu?q ppoc rlpqrsun) aqr uerp erorulueur 'Suruadoeqt roJ pallrre puesnoqlauo '8ur4rrrsaroru sB.4a dprerrecureg uI uoltdorerer{J Jo p.4orr e zz q)ftlN ug 'ureg ur rng /z'plaJar) or rIsI srl rnoq? ul lluo uro3 arnd ur persrxououqrqxa eqr af,uesse uer1rVJI er{t re ^{oqssrq lnoqe raueq rlal er{ pue 'Suruado8z raquerdos aqr aroJag slep aa:gr Jo o1t\troJ uopuo'I ur sE\\ uu?ruJ:zg '8uv"roqsuJag aql Jo tno Uel {ro,l.r r{snrrgourospoppeuosrrreHsalrer{J'lIeJeql ul rry Aeroduaruo3 Jo arnrllsul arf t€ u.1dop uopuo'I u1 'Surour,ruoc aroruuoneluerroler{t rq8noqrrorf,eJlpplol aqt Jsnef,eg aprsdnpaleldsrpareydruar srr?tuneNarnrg qtr./'l'urag prp u?qr suolruelul (stslueer{l rogrcadsarssalpe,{^oqs uonelptsurer{t arer{I 'aun[ pue le11 SurrnpplaJaDIur e8wl






in a growing international market. By tyZl Lucy Lippard was lamenting the disap-pointed aspiiations of ry69, and over the next two decadesthe oppositional impulse of adt anced itt *at to be largely coopted by commercial and institutional expansion.3rA similar phenomenon, of course, had been seen many times before, and assimilation into the mainstream was an essentialcondition for the perpetuation of an avant-garde. Bur after the sixties the scale of things changed, and what began in a small way with Pop broadened and came to characterizea much larger world of artistic Pfactice. That world was one in which exhibitions were less able to disrupt expectation than to confirm acceptance,if only becausecollectors and the presswere moving so quickly in their hunger for the new. In 1958it was a fuke when JasperJohns'starget appiated on the cover of Art News before his first one-man exhibition, placed there at *ri t"rt momenr becausethe intended cover failed to arrive. But such events eventually became the norm. By the eighties large numbers of exhibitions would be sold out before they opened, their contents long known by many. Even artists whose work was born in oppoiitio.r could not resist the system, nof the way in which it subverted radical impulse. Robert Smithsont Spiral Jetty became a beaudful photographic object, Daniel Burent studies in cultural context became home and corPorate decoration. After working for ayear to produce an aftist's-fights contract, Seth Siegelaubdeparted the art world to found a leftist publishing house in Paris.32Soon his four artists aII would be with ko Castelli. Exhibitions still played a crucial role in the afi world, of course, and large survey and theme shows proliferated with growing institutional su?port for new art. 'Vhen Attitudes Become Form was a model for such events, and for the increasingly central role of the curator as creative participant. But the difference in spirit between ry69 and what was to come is epitomized by Jan Hoett ChambresdAmis.33Mounted in Ghent, Belgium in 1986,the exhibition consisted of installations in private homes throughout the ciry. The artists were some of the hottest on the international scene, and *ith its innovative format it is among the most significant exhibitions of the decade. But what exactly was the show? It was fifty-one artists designing work to show offhomes of the Belgian haute bourgeoisie. Nicely housed and fed, unlike their sc_ruft predecessorsrurned iway by the restaurateursof Bern, they were looking at significant prices for their art in an expanding market. For these artists, it was a very different world than that of ry69.


lnnue{ uo qnela8argqtra aaru3tur uE uo{ sauor sqder8erud3urno1 -loJ er{rpue snp ur uon?ruroJul'ureFequeq3 uqof pue 'wu,{a rraqog 'uragu:dd6 'oErC '{reqpues parg 'p1o3uzp1uaqoa sruuaq pr^p6 'lqrry peq:ryq 'ur^{ uiry 'r3urltog ,lrragoq,6 wrrg ,qn) 1ay,q aurrarprt 'ftuegag preq:ry a{rt srelpo1.rrN pue :addo11sruuaq qtr^\ Suop raual preuJagpue 'eeqqrq uef'9ruo.;qredwy papnpur laql'6 '(166r tua1pg raqaA uqof :;1ro1 rey1) o/6r-/96r anatalay puv auu 'andg :udr4 uaupy iaoJJeg trpnel3 Jas 'IJoa pnrda:uo: s:adr4 jo lunofJz u? JoC 8

zLz 'p;ed '996t 'oz raqus^oN Tpuoqpuzlul lltr .,'uoDtrsJrsqv:urua::9,, -dq 'g bn1 aas'uorrrqnFaeqr runolr? ue pue sgde:Soroqd:og '9f Jo ., sn:oj :r1qndorur l:uapuat $rJeuru{ l slgr rq8norq llreap rsou r?qr rue a aqr,,sea saJnl -:n:rg Lrerur:4 reqr Sunou lq apnre :gr surBeqall 'r€ 'd 'L96r r1ttz1tt1 91ts ,.'uouauou3qd € uo uodag ':pept1-uorun,,lpre.rra4 uqof '!f 'fzq 'd .,'lrnuluouv aeN rqJ-,sa:nrnng lreurr4 , ,,'nuera'lf. 'usrpulul1,,1lq Sunuredp1:y rolo:3o ru:u::e1dsp agr ot asuodsar

er{l uor]EsJrl u lrn[ auuy or &r:or:d :lr8 8;equaa;5 reql uonsaSSns tL 'd \oatr 15 'preddrl '1, -uoi ur surqo1 Juuuo3 ol aao I JJDAorl 'JorEJnfJql lq pa::qu:ua: 'ileg 'ilPUV 'ur EI{ 'suJol ' 9 1 ' d ' 6 9 6 r sr lr aoq tou $ srgl sJrqto aal E I Pu? 'ppnf lpo epnlJur ot llzurSuo wm sles aq qlrqa reqqc4)o\puotllur2LuJ1Lv ,,'r:dr1lrol a3N,, 'lrIBplrlws r3]rd ..'lpa .,'.{oqs seJnttrnJls slr.lluo PelElo[ sI lr l"q] JUD aJDuaar{t JoJal"JJnse^oq" aqr uo Psxg lreuu4 :rp par"q,' eq teqr $t?ls osp ppnf:;a11 'g6t-L6r 'dd \3uuur14 ur"ueJ prJ" al"lnunrf? JIra uoor srqt3o ::zds aqt unpu ualods prom atafiruo3 'ppnf ur patur:de: '696t ytdy 1luoqpurarul olprus .,'I uad :srurelduro3,,'ppnf pleuoq '92-Sz 'dd '(196t'try p unasnprqlruno3 l:ara 3o punos eqJ,, 'uouoq aqr uo pad& pue 'llEA aqr uo radrd le;8 '696r '8r eun[-tz d"W 'r,r"l r?rl sala8uy so1 :sala8uyso1) sauxg aqtlo iladlnrs up)tauv ''pa 'u"rx Jo lral{s € Pslunou ralqsnH rPlga t? 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'tL6 lnntgag'anuoluv,,'rrrfqo e prolN :ltr11\a-lIoS,, 'uarr/\-snl -urd ueqod aas'usrpnlda:uoJ ot usrpurur4 uog alou rqt ur af,u?l -rodu.ns,ur26:130tuau3l?ls reJlr " JoJ 'g9r1.9r 'dd '3311ur palur:dar a:z sa:ardgrog '696r lz4 'a7an7uz7-uVur pue '696r'Ao ur paqsrlgnd ,,'rry Jenrdacuo3uo sarueluas,,ur uonrsod slq parepsdmua rrr,trg1 'L96t aun['**&V 'l,t 'lu,[1el ,.'uy pnrdacuo3 uo sqde:Bere4,, IoS 'of-gz'dd

u? Prljauuol arllJo .,rusDDrJlPrf,ostrsrTorurug, $ lo^ur IJoa 3r{tJo apls aqt r?qr par€tsauqsrtr{'lessa anSoplm srq u1 'fzx 'd'1:an1g 'gz tueJeJrp E Jo suon€suas

'S€'te'dd '996rraqoro 'untoluV ,,,'npto ', :uepzlg ppuo1,, JaIpuBS2uu1 Lz

'uone:r1qndsrr:o3 uormf,o eql p:pnord r1:rqr'salrurnJls lreur:4 uo:J qron nej e armb p::npo:da; lzsse aqa '92 'd '996i' aunf '**oluv,,'slurunuory NN tql pue ldo:ruE,, 'uosqtrus traqo1 9z


rz, t992, and from documents in the Seth Siegelaubfuchives. ro. Intetriews with Seth Siegelaub,lantary rz, t992, and with Robert Barry March 28,1992. rr. Dan Grahm's Schemawx conceivedin March ry66, and first published in .AspenMagazine,1966-67,It is reproducedin Ursula Meyer, ed,., Concepnal ln (Nw York E.P Dutton, r97z), p. rz8. The announcementand ad for January5-3r, 1969can be seenon the bottom of the coverof Ans, Febrtery 1989,below Duane Michal's photograph of Siegelaub'sshadow.Michals shot the January Show m a freelancephotographer,spendinghalf an afternoon there and becomingvery interestedin the work. Interuiewwith SethSiegelaub, Janvaryrz, 1992. rz. Oldenburg'sprojectwasdone in Central Prk for the 1967exhibition "Sculpture in the Environment," and photographsare reproducedin LArt Conceptuel,Une Perspectiue, Second Edition (Paris: Musde d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris,r99o), p. zr9. Oldenburgs other for the exhibition werethe naming of Manhattan m an art work, and a "scream monument" broadmting a piercingcry through the city streets at z:oo A.M. It is interestingthat the exhibition jury that acceptedOldenburg'srefilledhole in the ground rejectedRobertMorris! proposalfor displayingjets ofsteam assculpture.Lucy R. Lippard and John Chand"The ler, Dematerializationof Art," Art Intemanonal"February zo, t968,p. 32.lTillim Anmtri had done an earlierwall removalof r7 x 14 inchesin threeincarnationsbeforethe Januaryshow:in 1966in his studio at r33Green Street,in John Weber'soffice at the Dwan Gallery in ry67, and in Klaus Keness'soffice at the Bykert Gallery in ry67 or ry68. Interyiewwith William Anastci, Aprrl24, t992,and ThomasMcEvilley, Villiam Anastasi(New York: Scott Hanson Gallery 1989),pp. 3z-i1. "Four Inteniews with Barry Huebler,Kosuth, and 13.Anhur R. Rose, Weiner,"Arts Magazine,Fel:ruaryt969, p. 23.Reprintedin,4rrs, February ry89,p. 4y, and in GregoryBattcock,ed.,IdtaAn: A CiticalAntholagr (New York E.P Dunon, r97i), p. r49. "An-as-fut," seeBarbaraRose,ed., Art asArt: The ra. For Reinhardtt SelectedWritings of Ad Reinhardt (Berkeley: University of California Press,1975),section2. Kosuth clarifiedhis terminolory in a r97o VBAI interviewwith JeanneSegal,reprintedin JosephKosuth, An afer Phihsoplryand Afer: Colbcted \Yritings, r966-t990 (Cmbridge, Mcs.: MIT Press,r99r), p. 48. r5. The r3 photographsand Huebler'sdocumentarystatementarereproducedin LArt Conrepnel,p. t76. "New York Commentary," Sndio Internatiotnl, 16. Dore Ashton, March 1969,p. r35. For other reactionsofthe critical press,seeGabriele "Formed in Rdsistance:Barry Huebler, Kosuth, and'Weiner Guercio, vs.The Amerien Press,"in LArt Concepnelpp.7+-8r. r7. For a senseofthe broad internadonalcharacterof intermediqa term coinedby Dick Higgins, through a full chronologyof eventmd performance, see Hanns Sohm and Harald Szeemmn, happening& fluxu (Cologne:KoelnischerKunswerien,r97o). For its rich manifestationin the Fluus publicationsof GeorgeMaciunas,seeJon Hendrils, F/zxrr Colx (New York Harry N. Abrams,1988). 18.For Siegelaub'sMarch r3L t969 md,July A*gusL SEtembert969, see Lippard, 5r Years,a docrmentary history of the period from one of its most active critia and exhibition organizers.Lippard and Siegelaub lived togetherduringtg6S-69, and therewm much mutua.linfluence. 19. For a picture ofthe political and cultural forcesaffectingthe art of the late sixties,and a senseofthe number ofpeople involvedin the conresponseto ceptualmovement,broadly construed,seeSeth Siegelaub's BenjaminBuchloh in LArt Concepnelpp. 257-258.

zo. For one responseto Morris, pointing out that everwhing hu some "The Shapeof the An Environment: sort of form, seeAllan Kaprow, How Anti Form Is'Anti-Form ?",4rtfomm, Summerr958, pp. j z y. For 'Hraid Szeemann'sproblem with this title, see Jem-Marc Poinsot. 'Quand les attitudesdeviennentforme' et quelquesprobSreemann, Idmes du musded'art contemporain," in Christian Bobarcki, Daniel Buren, Gilbert 6 George,Jannis Kounellis, Sol LeVix, Richard Long, Maio Merz (Bordeaux:Musded'art contemporain,r99o), p. 26. Sremann relatesthe titling processin the diary of his travelsmsemblingthe exhibition, publishedin StedelijkMuserm, Op Lose Schroflen;tiuatftt (Amsterdam:Stedeli.jkMuseum, t96), n.p. en cryptlsfructuren zr. Sreemann traveled to New York, San Frmcisco, Los Angeles' Chicago, and W'mhington,D.C. in Delcember1968,with stop-offs in L^ V.g* for Christmm gambling (he made $9o) and in Da.lla to see (he dissentedfrom the \!'arren the site of the Kennedy assassination Commission'sview of the singlegunman).Januarytook him to Paris, Milan, Tirrin, Genoa, Bologna, Rome, and London. Details are presentedin his diaristic accountin Op Lose Schronen For excerptsfrom "\il/hen AmiSzeemanntdiary of the installation,seeHarald Sreemann, rudes Become Form, Bern 1969," in Bernd Kliiser and Katharina Hegewisch, eds., Die Kurct dzr Ausstellung(Frankfurt am Main and with the translripzig: Insel Verlag,r99r), pp, zrCzrT. For assistance lation of this material, I would like to thank Klaus Ottmann and ReginaCherry zz. Joseph.Kosuthhas said that Robert Morris went to Veiner's studio seekingwork for the Cmtelli warehouseexhibition, where he saw the "materialist" conceptualworla to be publishedin Stdtmnts. According to Kosuth, while Morris did not put Weiner in the exhibition, he told Serraabout \0'einer'spieces,and that this gave Serrathe idea for the splashedlead.Interuiw with JosephKosuth, October 8, t99r, and t97o "lnfluences: The DifferenceBetween'How notesrecendypublishedro 'Vhy,"' in Kosuth, p. 8I. Vhile fawrence Weiner (interuiew, and March 24, r99z) denies this account, Douglas Huebler remembers 'Weiner complainingabout the matter at a planning meetingfor the January Show (interview, March zz, r99z) and Robert Barry remembers him being upsetby Serratleadpiece(interuiew,March 28, I99z). Whateyer the truth of this story clearly Serrm concerns wirh material and processwere completely different than Weiner'sand predate his splmh piece. 23.The artistsin the Cmtelli exhibidon, in which Morris showednone of his own work, were Giovmni Anselmo, Bill Bollinger, Eva Hesse, StephenKaltembach,Bruce Nauman, Alan Sret, fuchard Serra,Keith Sonnier,md Gilb errc7nrio. EvaHessecompletedtwo additionalpieces for Bern in January(SarcIII and Vinrulum 11),during a period of disability from an undiagnosedbrain tumor. During the courseofthe exhibition her illnesswas diagnosedand she undement surgery and she (New York: Neu died a yearlater in Mry r97o. Lury Lippard, Eza 11rssr York UniversityPress,1976),pp.135,r4r, t48, t54, zt6 n4. 24. For Beuys'splane crash,seeGotz Adriani, lfinfried Konnenz, and Krin Thomas, /areph Beuys:Life and lVorksfW'oodbury NY: Brront. rg7), p. t6.In an interview later in the year,Beuyssaid that his Bern pieceswereof a kind that he had beendoing for a long time, md u'hose "An Inteniew with Joseph value he now questioned.Villowby Sharp, Berys," Anforu.m,Decemberry69, p. 46. zs. For information on the German involvementwith Ameriqr m, see "American Art in Germany: The Historv of a PhePhyllis Tirchman, nomenon,"Artfozz, Novemberr97o, pp. 5849. 26. Interviewwith Gary Kuehn, March 1t, t992. 27. Letter from Harald Szeemann,May rr, ry92. For CharlesHarrison\

'tl6r'ss:Jd ode3 eq TroI aaN 'rraqlu{ snep4lq uonrgg l;eruaunroq reN 'rltupalv oilay aurlg atlJ spa 'zuerC .rlEW prrp ,{1nse,46 ,Qsutpur;4 :rr oC :IroI AaN uV ut puudg

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Pue I

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[qdufioqq?g '€old '1:o:rreg ur ,,'uonrpo3 .sra)po11\ trv aq1., 'p:uddr1 l:n1 aas '266r 'iz grrelq :aua146 'uorrrpo3 .srqro^ uV aqlJo Sunaau agr ug af,uararl qlla puE '166r 'g raqor:6 'grnso; qdasofrlrrn sm:ruarul 'o€ 'urerSorduoDrqrqxasuoD?Jod:o:aqt;o rrmo::e tn rc1 6t-gz'dd aag'9 'd '1o66r'serueduo3 srrrory dgq4 :1ro1 aaa51) uolsrqrle) uatr-of V suV aqt pup fluory d4tq4 ,,',lpuosptml Jo pr-Ed lurp ,uo tnq l:? ploq ?, se ue lrerodruatuor grra,r,fnuapl ol uorsDap srr 8ur4nu uorraqqnd lueduof tuafar ? ur pagrqduresr rurod aqa '62 'tor--ooldd'ol,6r q:reyq 1ruouu4ul uV ul.,iar? r:g,, 'orsjrwur 3uo1sJaJngees'qder8urzdsnp ur paronb saw:gdpue surrar :qt rog '266r 'i'z q:re61 po^\aruelur 'rruraA r:uar,$e'J uor3 s::tsod 'ttz-<tz 'dd'q:sv'ra8a11 pue rasnD4 3erp Suuarror slarng Jo paureel I ur s.readdrrlpqrun) rqr uro{ ssor:z sodu$ aqr go qderSoroqd y 'gz '%--o6'dd '696r raquerda5 Ttuou"arauJ otFws ,,'vluap -m:r; rsurz8y,,sr1:as'Surnoqsy3I a{r roJ uorrrnporturanSolnm n:u

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\brk: Rrali.

'996r'uolng A'E {rotr rey1 'utaquaffing ytam,(a4X,atla tffia4 .perSog auqanb:Bl ,pplN .. lflflX


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'996r 'uy uraporyJo unam4 reN 'a3uua114at11 Fuz'ufltpauns 'rpp1 'S urelilllN 'ulqnu '61,6i'pg ner5:W qrol aaN wp.tuodltS'u"W,lsg

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Ars:arrun :lrr3 enol snaluVrpag

'996r 'uy uraporyJo runamry ,"fp7 'S ueIIIrrN.ulqnU qro reN e8wyal1 42qJ ?ut'usqpauns aeN'u7 lsqpaunspuv tFte 'S urelllllN 'ulqng '696r 'suergy qro 'llrH A"r)rw

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'lL6l'3ur4i1 'preqllU 5paqueslanH 'L8tJl

'suon"rrTqnd 'pe ,lery ,uoproD fvd :4oI tayl'a:uaruolta4 tpte 'tl6r1t1dy 'Fosu Tpuo4rwluJ otrn4s ..'uryag ur serp prj? sa ou slorr ?p€c,, 'uueulsn"H pue 'uueusneH poug,, 'ugo[ .plograplE ,.'salou JnoJ rarrun rgdlapy:1q lrl3 uepreS 'u1regut-tFte'etruA

'9l,6r llrs .aolotf,oq


(EHArril'ER.!9 Alcopley,L.


A Jounulfor Artists4. 1985. Club." Issue,

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p./+. G[/Zl

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rGltzn 'A



Symposium on Pop Art." Arts Magazina Aprrl ry$,

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' ' ' ' 3u aqt uo patnod tlwaJqlo unowz 6t '(qdrry) wruotq1 ry1 vt1&ouy 6€'(v{dry) stolo) onJ u mSxg 'aqdtouy ror '(uaod Ep"C) 'mo| ? uoltru eufl 2(fu(f Pttuv ,7 'olJo reN) uonrq 99r'dJr -rqn o!6r-lvpo1 3unured mueuv n9r'@raluxoX) 'sJ?rured uontry @ueurv, .,aql S6'ruqoa ,wrEN ,wu1y 'amds 'utwqr!:56,fg

s6'(pw1e17qq) w{to


tE 'ouae"'I 'dEAollV o8r '(9!6r'"rIEsO) uoplqlq{l psuD{-lIV V6r' z6r' eueI€' eDa1o3'dpuagy gu'fi '9e 'o€ '92 :a8oa 'pn1Jy t6r 'aDap"urlg 'uE[V ftr'o€r'(,{rd wI,,{) rurou? t?l-uogr'Mtqq 7P ilNtll v t9 'I rnqrJv 'sIpIV 6!r'gfi '9fi 'upr1'la1do1y orr 'alululzH

8Lz saplnw

tela)os Fuwqof lqDrqJV

l,9r'ur IEJ'rreqlv zl, 'mrmEw'u$ry ffz '1rotr re51 l:apg 5y of 'erm€ny'on8y :zfr 'u$Ig 'rEEV ttt'v7upfi l€z'aqy'swpy tt" '/rz 'Lrz '(ua1,t1)oJonogmbry ,oz '(w|grv) tuoaqnuwry /rZ saqrg to uourlnwwry €l ,,'uy par1ddrsr113olwapoy,,

'!rz '(wwrv)

t7 'Lz '92 'tz 'QeNu@nEJ sI) erurplflqv r9r'(116r .){ro^rcN) Fuaur\y' ur a:rodpo5 pw 3unure4 ozlsgy '(IaSuurn4N r(tltodug puv uotlrputqv zt'uoruv'tqv tfz '8zz '(asou) .uV ltM, rf '92 'TraprJ ap ad?qqv .uopuomgr or rqtil


pw roopda ated rya1 zaoyT

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'696r'ung alpgsun) :ur?g'(F/aH nof, ur anrT)uoutuuoluJ-nuttws4asaror(f uatll 'pgreH ,uueruorzs +dano)-s1toA :wrll euzrtg sr/wliv '696r'unasn141 lfqapar5 :ureprarsuy 'uurutnusoldk) ua sttjrnljts :uanaoil/rs assoT dg .umamw 1(lpparg '696r lreruqa4 'grtr ur pstuudrg '696r lrenrqsg butztSpw tirv ,,.:oura4{ 'qrnso; talqenH 'ftreg qrln si\eruatuJ rnoC,, 'U rnqlry .aso5 'o66r'urcroduat 'tq6a7 -uoo lrE.p r?ml :xrcrprog zrary olt l W BuoT p,tutlcw los 'ry1aunq1nuuo['a8toeg r? uaqllg .u2rng plar1 1ysaulog umrsuty') u1 .'urerodru:tuoc up,p a?mul np saurqlqordsanbpnb la .aruroJtuau -uar^epsaprurrlrsalpuenb, 'uueuarzs ppr?H,, 'JJBW-uEaI.rosulo4 uoPuo.I Jo rno qrol ruN 'aqtululw4tod

'LL6r'ss;'t7 'u'qou .uauuN-mrurd

'696r'slredap ailr el ap auraporyuy.p a?m1tr1:w4'an4tads 'syed -u4 au2 ap a1p.A ?l ,p .urapory uv.p e?m4 uV7 Teudatuo) 'zL6r'ta%et4{Jo aaN rrl, -wug aqtlo uy aqt n! smssl:apag-rurnv neN eqJ 'arro39r5 'ralpyq '696r lrmuqeg 'rxrtr ..xa$y' pue ,r$qs lrmwf, aq1 :uy pnrda:uo3;o uonerurs aqJ,, 'l urqod .ueSroyq 'rl,6r'uoDnq a'A qJoI NN'uy lowdatuoS'pa'epsrn,ralary '996r .oz lreruqag 7puoulurauJ uV ,,.nV 'uqof 'raprnq3 pw ,prrddrl Jo uonurprralprrra6l aqJ,, 1 lrn1 'z16r'nBaet4:uoriulqse4l pue 'c/6r ol ggfu wo{ lro aaN aqJ :g$e^ xls'pa ''a 6n1 'preddrl

patqo ar aqtlo uolirzll4tttjpilDl

'L96t .urJ(e-l aunl tutuolt ty ..'uy pntdaeuo3 uo sqder8ere4,,los 't66t raquardag TtmoupautuJ wruog ,,'gnela?als $aS,, rluapar{ ,uayl '695r'qnepBar5rpas qro naaN'696r,f-{ twnutf '696r ttq 'selrer{J 'uosurDH -usatdag 7ruo4nu1uJ olFnts *'tuapa:ard rsuw8y, '696r'n3*t4 't"ta/n<J uV 'oveutra9 ,ruEIaJ {ro rcN 'fl,6r'uounc '6qoqtuV 'pa ,&o8arg ,Itrotrlr?g a'g qrol reN 1otuu3 V :uV "ryI

.LL6t f,e1t1


'ueugcna ,,'asuodsaa IRrDrrJ pue rusrprururry,, snfq4 '996t aunf ,rr;N lp pue ldonug,, 'uaqod 'uosrpnus


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lz (Xreiner), z+ "rln Anna Blme' (Schwitter), rrz, rr4 Ardemn Galleria, NsYods zz Andre, Cd, 221,,24,223,44 48, 21,9,253; Im4 zzr, zz7,215 Angn, 9ptcnbn zr, t951 (llll$4), 20t Annaley, David: Suhglna zzz,z4 Anselmo, Gimi, z41,,247,247, z1.o, Antholagt lz (Youg, Mrc low, md Mtanm),t21,211 "Anti-Fom" (Monis), q+ Arti-Fom whow ahibition (Nw Yotk, ry68),248, z5o, z5o Aphndbiu Tblcphore(Dali), rm Apollinaire, Guillame, ro, r8-r9, 24-26, 27, 22, to, t3, j6, 17, 19, 4o, 4t; Thc Cubi* Painmt, g: LlEcartbmat dr Cubiw, 19 Appel, IGrel, r9o Angon, buis, tt6, u9, tni It Payat de Parb. oz fuchipenlo, Almder, )\ 40,6t,74, 81,, 94, 116, r4o; Family lifr, 69:' Sabru,4o fueroberg lfalter, 69, 74, 77, ro9 Armo, r94, r97-ng n; 2@, 2ot, zro, zrr, x6-t8,l'.16; Anmtktim, zo4; ,4camulatbt of Sabn, x5, zr7; Cachct, r97; invitetion to FullUp ahibition, ry3; pomiendif of (Klein), ry8; Poubclta, rg7-zs6 Robot-Portzit oflrir Clat zoz Arebair(Domngw), tz8 Amory Shw, rea lntemational Exhibition of Modcrn An Arp, Jm (Hms), t8, ror, ro5, ro8j, rr4, r29, l3o, t11, t1'2;Faugaga (wth Ernm md Brugeld), ro&9 Art and Decoration, 65,7z Art a ldza a ldca (Kosuth), z4t-42, 2U Araud, Antonin, rzo An b1 Tilcphonc(De Maia} 248, 249 Art Cftic, ?"fu(Haumn), roryo (Twin,ry59),ryt Artc Nw qhibition (Finch An in PIm College, Nw York, 1966), z3y g,74,75, Art Irotitute of Chiego, 76 Artiss in Exilc qhibition (N* Yorlq r94z), r47 Aniss of Passy,39 Aniss of the Ns York Schol: Sec(|Iw ond Gmention ahibition Yo:*, 196), zza An of Asmblage ahibition (Nw York, r95r), zu An of This Crntury, Nw Yo*, 48, r4r52, r5o, r'4i, rt' An on the Stage(Omka, r9y7), r89 Arrchwagea RJ.chtd, 247, 253; 4o blps, UZ-$, z5o, 211; Tabb uith Phk Tabbcloth,4t, z7z, 214 An That Did Not Isue from Our Souls qhibition (Chemnio, rgll), rr8 An Workcn' Coalition, u54 Asahi, r74, r9o Ashbcry John, 9, zr8, zzo Ashton, Dore, zr4, zr8, 22o,243

Asciation of Amerim Painten md Scrrlptom (AASP), 6o, 62, g, g, 6 4 ,6 t , 5 7 , 7 ) , 7 4 , 7 6 , 7 7 Asiation of Revolutiomry Vriten md Artists, rlo Aryht(H*), z5z Arymt(H*), z5o, z5z Ar rendcmre da'4nir (Ers), tzg AuSu Prcil gallery Pris, u8 Annbib(Rww),91,94-9t Autunr Rlrythm (Pollo&), fi6 Atianr (MaI*icA),95 Auams II(Bnchdlo), zrS Bade6 Johma, ro3, roo, ro7, ro7-4, ro9, rr2., rr4n rt1; Tk Gmt Pfu* Dio-Dad4 Dnna w7: Tb Gffi &daw,rc7 Bangeld, Johmc, rot, r&3, 216; Faugaga (w6 ErN ad Arp), rc84; Fhidalcptil rof; Siwluntriptyhn (widrErcl, tq Buclunal (Puttrs), to9 tuch I(M^ds),6) Baj, Endo; St/c fmi*c, u6 Bdl, Hugo,98-roz" ror, u,1 BdlaGiam,33 Benm$-Rsind, Vbdimir, 83 Barlach, trnst, a3 Beeid, CoSF Cat7. haegd $L 6s, 66 Bor, Alftd" Je, 8, rzr, Dt, 4r, rto, t55,w Bery, Robdt, 2tz, zr8,2rg,2,1.o-4r, z4z; ttre bitt Ve, 219, tqo; 6ookbiaVe,49,zqo Borddnc, trcdsidq rao Beruchdlo, GimFem: II, 'hm zrt Badr6(Dcnin),15 Bauhau, 41 95, r38, r,1o, 46 Baueimr,'Willi, r$, V6: fum udt Pinh Strip III, 14 Bziota, Villim, 49, r1,\ rt+ rtt, 116,t59, r6t, t66 Beton, CaiI, r55 Beu, Alcidc lc, r8 Beudin, Niolas,19 Bcautiful Gadaa, Th (Iz kllc Jodiniln) (Emsr), ul, r+g Beckm, Ma& r4o, r4r, r4t, r47, TZLor in ryr; Christ and th Vm Afubal rtp Bedof Sp*a (DeMzn),211 Beren, !?im, 253 Bethwen, altcrcd dadr mrk, ro9, ro9 Bell,Ixry zzz, z1z-31 Bellmy, Richard, zr4 233,r45 Belb Jardintre, Iz(Tln ka*ifal Gardina) (turct),44,r49 BdIn6 Rudolf , 4t ; Triad, 43 Bellmer, Hm, rzz, r9; lz Poufa ru Benois, Alemder, 86 BCnrd, [lon,4o, rz4 Bergmn,Heri,3r,33 Berlin Dada, 97, 98, toz-r4, rt5, tt91, seeako Club Dada; First Intemational Dada Fair Berlin Natiomlgalerie, y9, r4o Berlin Sroion, f, 73, ro7

Bcm, Eugenc, r47 Barc Dqnsion (Hew), 245, 254 Bcm Kunshalle. rrr Vhen Aniruds Bome Form qhibition kuys,Joxph,r77,247, zto, 2to, z1,4 Biqc [st (F.omow), 94, 94-9, ar'd(NiadC), tr Bjcrke-Petem, rf(/ilhelm, rz9 Bhck Dizmnd Atwican Dream #z (Indim), zt5, zt7 thch on Blzck (Rodcher*o), g6 Bhc h Spot, Tk (Kndnsky), w Blah Qun (MeJai&) , 84, 86, 9o-9t Bladcn, Ronald, zzo, z3o, z3z; Three Ebmatt, zjo,4e1z Blake. Peter: Inuc Wa.lI zt5 Bhnt (Lichterctâ‚Źn), zr1, zt 7 "Blank Fom Sculpre" (Monis), zzl Bhu Rcier Almm, 44, 46-48, 48, 50, jr, 1,4,5J,,7 , 1,8,519,6c, 8o; wer (t<zndtnsky), +6, +8 Blau Reiter group, ,+r,4zJg,50,7r, 78, 8o, t41, 176; chibitiom: first (Muich, r9u), 17, 42, 42, 44, 4, 4, So-SS,5o, 5t, 53, 57-58: wnd, (hbuaz-Weis, rgrz), y8-y9; lrt (Bcrlin, r9r4), 57-y8 Bleyl, Fritz, y8 Rls,Li;l\e0,61,74, 74 Blalr, Alben, to, 1ft, 58; Head, 1;t; Tbnc Pimr,5r qhibition (Nry York, Bloodflarc 1947), rt' Bhu Dish(Kdly), zg Bluemer, Ow,51,72 Blu Nudt(Metix),6r,76 Bluhm,Nomm, r@ Breioni, Umbeno,3r,33 Bahler, Mel, zzo Bocni, Alighierc: I Vho Take thc Sun in Tbino, z5t,253 Bogulawkaia Zherua,81, 86,87, 90, 9t' 97 Boitc m Valiv (Duchanp), go Bollingea Bill,253 Bolu, Michael, zz7, z3y Bonnard, Pierre, rz, 6o Bontruu, Irc, zro Borgenicht, Gre, Gallery r57 Borglm, Gumn,5z,6y &otth, Thc(Teilin),8t Bottb and Ghs (UdaJtrcn), g+ Boudelle, Emile-Antoine, 63 Bourgrcis, lnuis, z3y Bmdford Junior College, 239 Bmcui, Comtmtin, 76, g, 72, 77, rt6, zq; Endlcs Colum4 zzTi Mlh. Pogary',67,67; Tbm,63 Bnque, Gorga, tz, 14, 16,21, 24, 26, 26' fi' t6' 4c,' 45, ,8' 60' r4o' r47; Iage Nu&,26 Bnuhau Winter, Cologne, ro8 Bramer, Vctor, r5z; I(abihne in Mouemt,81 Brwn, Theodore, r7r Breton, AndrC, u5, tt6-t9, rr9, tzo, r22, r24, r29, r3o, 42, rtl, r47, r49, rjr, rj2, rt3, r14, 256; Le (hdam kqdgtzg; Firet Paper of Surelism etalogue, r;r, r 5z;Portrait ofthc Aear A.8., t5o; A Tom Saching r5z


Brcton, Julo louis, 4r Brinton, Christim, T3 Bmks, Jma, ry9, 167, rV, r9o Brue, Patrick Henry 51, 73 Brticke,Die, 17,58,6o,71, roS Bmi, Ie,95 Bwls Sciety of Indcpendent Anisa *hibition (r9rr), 27, 4o Buffet, Gabrielle, 69, zz Ballrtin D.rc8 Balletin Intcrutbul d4 Sffilaliw, r32 Buchu{ Dr. Otto, no, ro3-4, rt2i gtletie, too, tot, to3, to4, ttz Bm, Daniel,254, z5y Burgs, Gelen, z3 Buliuk, David, 45, to, 1-r,78,80, 82, 84; Horc,5o Buliulq Vladimir, 4t, so, tr, 78,80, 84; PortruitSnS y Buna"Flwalj,Bz Buton, Soa, z4y,248 Bw, Peter,r54 Cabuet Volairc, Zuich, 98, ror, ror Cacbct(Arm),gz C-adam Eqais, Iz (Breton), rz9 Ctdzar (ManRry), t9 CafC Pittoraque, Moscw, 96 Cage,John, q4 r9r, zto, zz7 Cage(DeMaia), 217,234 Calas, Nicholo, r15 r2z, rrz, rt4 Calder, Almder, "Call for a Elemenury An" (Haumm et d.), rr4 CawaWuh,+6,22 Camoin, Chulq, ro , rz, 14, 19, 21 Cmpendonl Heinrich, 5o, 5r, y4 r4o, r4r, r43i laping Hom, y: W'omrand.Adiml p Camu, Alben, r9z Canaday,John, zu Carc, Anthony, zzz, 227-28,z)4,211t; Tiun, zn, zzz, zz7 Caone, Nichola, rd3, r9o CurI, Culo, r, n; Fuwal of tln AurcbttGalli,g Cmington, lonora, r3z, r;z Eroico,59 Cru, Cmclli, trc, 46, 156, t5859, t6t, t5z-44, 167, 17, zzo; gallery No Yorh rl8, 2rt, 2rz, zzJ, 2tt; rehoue, Nw York, 248, z5o, :;o Cavallon,Giorgio, r16,t67, r6t,w Ceda Stm Thvem, Nw York, 156, 16z, t6z, t6j, 164, t66 Celmt, Germmo, 245 Cendrus, Blaire, +; b hoe dt Tiareibhia a dc paitc Jclvnu & France(vithS. Delarmy), + Cdsa, zro C4amc, Paul,r.4"r8, 19,21,14 b, 6z61,6s, z+; Alliu da pawrc,74 Chagall, Mrc 8o, 8+ 96, 97, 47, r17, ryz; Rzbbt p,8, t+ Chambcdain, John, ao, zn Chambcr of Horcn shibidon Nuembury 1911),r3t Chanbrc d'Anir (Ghcnt, 1986),zJy Cbampsdllbictuc Io(Ma Rey), ra Chanler,Bob,6q

-mg e$ eaualFqJ or uowqqxa uV uJapo4 ropmg Jrruau.ndxg zrz'*z' (qaso>l) zru4trJ


ryt,@uruaaap\uownzwg 'auarc9 €urlrarg 9rr zJr 'JrIIDl(r 's?^g 06'pA?d leAuEA Ltu' (Le6r) uoil qryn rof 1roug LS,(efit 'u\tag) uowqpH pqrstn P asg ztt ttr '(zr6t Suquttd pur' w t6or' (ppamg'pw) uoqtr ?uns -duam\rutg lofr'r1uoq etruas ry tun lgzt 9a 'utnbeutl4J :r€r <Mtn 2p Aof y7 :zzr 's4dj 0or ?ww! '(drv pw ppgrwg :610r rI pl rpw) zSt8ang lor 'nuwry yF, e :6, r' rtu' (u u2ptog t{.unwg) 1 illlut?ttl ?129:6a "!uy s2pwep -w tbr ,.9e2,r'r,ztr ,6r ,6rr ,grr '/tu 'orr 'e{,-zer 'otr '6zr ,ezr ,zzr '8rr 'zr '6-80r 'tor 'for 'xqAJ'rsurA

'(relqanH) 'oN 2r2+t uottun1 9 6r'F?d'pru-p|mc LL 'ot 'asrd 'ruomc 6zr'611 1ue11'pmpq fz '6r '9r 'ir 'zr ';novX '.fng orc 'Joz 'so5mJ 'au?{nc ,'I

'Qpruqouepfl3Q2 tluoN aqtp ene \9'ot'atqr2 aontyg *L'e9'ot 'Lf 'eeaf 'rt 'oe 'k 'rz 9r-zr'puoudsu'uoJp,,1dung:nq of 'aums'duEpno ttl'r/ ,69 ,A9 ,L9 eer'rurqd '59'lt'z 'o1tr"wrqs rZwpaztpe .PnN :gzl '/,a 'utflbeuurw :fl 'Lt'!t opn71 $ng {4 pzpunung uml po 3rg1 a{!J tU.utrtunol :6tr zwmg aopylto oa&ug aq1 :oh'et4rA u 4!og :gk ,kz ,ezz '16r'Lgt'€!t'li-ztr'r'r'oit'6lI 'tet 'oer '6zr 'Bzr 'ezt 'zzt '6r-4r 'grr '9rr'60r'rl'69 'e9 'o}, '6e 'Lf

'tt-tt 'rf 'o€ 'h 'pny1 'd*qr.C L9r'6tr'Sh'z't'6h (wr['rsu{ tl '8t '9t JJopV.q,o.lsqrg luouE?nnrlrrJ'roP6I'emnc tor 'soIV'q*qrg f9r 'rcf 'lqgmqnq 'q1ry ot lttslod 9S'il 'qraqBrlil ,u.rrsdg Bt'(ulute) 2tlJ rylo 3qtuq gz'aueJBgit9 .aIuA .ranro zrz'(196r 5lJo rcN) uoBlq -qp sryds'sonmrrs'sluawqhug Ezt'(we,) iluAlo urue ogz '(uospruS) 6ez'Qed1g)s?o6 ttuqt 8uury1 pat ndr4 moqt sflunaq (suamuol I re51 agr pw ddonug,, tfz'lau) lrc uao :uo1 .afoq 8II '(uortg) Bez't96r'DqwoN qqm11 s48noq ,,smrpem arp Jo ownug, 'rosua lh'otr'swf 08pwlod'RFBroq1 6u'(duvqcn6) og '11u1s,laluoq ,t!J 2ffime aoqtu lo ruQug og 't 'ez'61*r'M eO{ 'u.8uoc t6 *g't6 06I 'l9r 'orJua'nEuoc '(ptDleru) utr ,noztorI u uruq$aag 06r'wH'orouoc ttt' (Dls\rt) eiloH $21?ug 8zr'9zr 'wbauuo74J ;eT'w[ Lzz'(tffiMg)auqoJ $WX tgzr rlrqJ -uy :ztr'6T'ar ''Ir' (ryagu?spnt]D tp?O tur'av ug U6sg tanSuuoq ffr Stz'(1oqn6) jnutr q o6 'zet'6zr'fzr '@r '6rr 'lrr 'In"d 'pmlg @ql {kaqeoc irr'B ' tez 'ux1o1 'uoI[l zl,'pqe11'a8poq Ltz'lmDU?fl esz,(896r 'psq{) olz'6tz '('{rng.)aaqN wD rugg uonrqrqre I "ruam)oc zrz '16r 98 ept{aptN'wnpdqoq '(AqdDI) st"<J g ul t7uruddtH gI th'cltuilJ2qJ:rrr ltuttqJ teh,or 99'29,o9.aq1 !q8n Il2il1zpty nullo 'tor'oor '86 (qdQt2 o1fi payoq ,s 'ot 'gt'rt 'Lz'6en9pq) mJ -?tW %t, t6h 'eh 'Ber,86 .ouo .xl(l Nw rLr 'L9t 'z9r,r9r z€z'lrEI I'q$ns rC '!Jr r1:otrNN'lral[u3 .spq3 .ur8g &ntnq 9gr'(eMryleL'IN) o8r') 'I 'sPuouP.d of'r 'puourlrg 'qrq tl, 'ruonfmr{rrv'lppg /.rz 'Srz'(ll€es) rtlJ 'rlqtJ eale Soz'6r '9r 'zr 'or 'srv-mag sp alo'{t /r? \k'(996r,1to7.,9rz,Mffirf :,/rc,q@JNop) ,sru ,Zrc .uJ .eqc reN) uourqrqp uon]arqvtrrrsJ'a lo oag ryg :grz 'rt.(zsot|v) ruoH 2trg tZ'qrrpc 5lsw.C 6€ '(rEq 6zr'(F ra uor zraslqD nl tuu2l{urrll -dg) wtt?uf,S np $7qy uruoatg {ldg.Z ,ueIAJr' lI q$rg rtr'@nel[)xlJ 99'fg'n8ras €FISErq '8or '(0z6r 'er66oJoJ) 9€z 9}I lerpl('pDC 8u3d5 Ypz6 lpeg 5r 'zr 's8r@D 'w?rIIE^sc Quntp{q-ryr67 6rr '8rr 'uagou 'souso €l.r 99r'ppoug'wqnzq orz 'pmpg 'sduerpoq f|z '6fz 'ttz 'eez'trc'rtz IZ 'op8uy sq ftaJp5 'zru€rr1 .uerq osw?.tJ lo t ?srod :rr .(TJruL0 JorEuodt8r?rrs'aElo34hq:92 ,s2tlttg tlh ,orr ,Ll ,rL ,o9 ,gS,5, ,ez ,6r ,Br ,9r ,Ut ,zr ,or .ilpuv .uBaC gr .omEW .wao 8r.un"W.pnC oer'(g!tw) souaul qane Jtr '8or 'rTsqJV 'rmc ,tz ,e,

o8z zl,r '99r ?9r'ueqod 'qrN ep ,tz 'efz 23D :ttz 'vq1dglo pag :6r? '8Uz 'floqd -al.J q uV :Jtz 'rarFlN qrry eC zJr'z€r 'FEd 'm%pc fi'(w+urJ\rw)ilu"qrf t? ro+l auzd ay o u!?qffituJ 'of 'mos 'lm?pq rl :tt 'o,'6f ,s ,rs,ot ,r .oN ,uun?s '$ le "ut?ul sI ttt 'ot '9( 't€'lz'm1 (l' Le'9t'wz4 $t7 p tp *s 1t 'z oN fiD 2qJ |ts 'tS<S t 'o111 tttS aq1 tog,lL,9L,gS ,Lt ,ts,tt r, .oJ .8t ,ot ,6t-lf.,9t 'ef 'oe4z'92 'tz 'lrqox 'lmepq zezr)J {ez'AuoJ.'dvlrt1 59'aq8ng'nmep6 r9r'J uruo^ :o9I 'uruoA lr9t 'aott"a"trI ttrz '06r'rlt' Lgt'991'r9r'z9r'29-r9r '6lr 'glr'9Sr'l!t'uap,46 €moq1 ap zLr 't9t'z9r 'Brn'rm1g €uruoaDlap

9rr 'rh 'rtu '6r<rr'gtr '8ett gtr '$r'6'(Le6r) qrmw ioh '(ff6t uapsq :suonrqrqr uy eraauaSag 6 'tS'QnW) J twol zcf ut u?e 5€z',{wpuqraloq aC zZ 'urwluag 'erffiJ t zt' €zt' (uwy1) 47at1 dg lo qw q g|aYlo WeO ,n'(ratqilps) uryg nuVlo Eraq o/r '(sapws) seulug ?ar' qtt2e zgr'ruroN A'u(M?C ffr'qrrrorag'uma1€ururg 69'€9'rmrs'sh?C L L ' 9 1 ' r / ' t L ' e L ' z L ' 6 9 'L 9 - 5 9 't9 'e9 '29 'o9 ''g m{uv 'ewo zL't9'29'o['u6pvge 1,9 'o9 'g erq3 'aSpneq !9 'flouoH'Jelm?C zl,'€9 'rupuy €mqeq 6 '/., 'Qaun1rl;.)fu WS ftz(I glz '?uwH 'ua oqJEC €gz5J'oI DN'draIIeD splwo /./,r' 9 h' (rqmw7) u&urq ?L '6(.'g€ '(wqan4,)Zuudg atg r vtuoq tzr'fzt 'tz<zt'w1 taug :9u futf,bruar'I^J ;er ,ogqtv -el^l 2qJ $zr'iluAlo ur'a1 trilg :ozr' uoq dz1 t1 nstp u t1dV : o€r' 6zr 'gzr'lzr'ta 'zzr 'ozr 'rop%Fs 'rFC ter'(elao)sruoJ tlt"e '8or '(@6r 'euSolsJ) 9fz @uud5 Ypeq lpeJ) Zuaq9{q1-rpzq oz'€or'(sHd) uoJ-?pEC Ior'rPrmz'silros-"PD(l zr 'dd '(wm?H) fiqS ,f,rO zrrwwx? Q /or '(I'rusaH) o,oqd-rpr'O pl rfre or'(rs\rg,) iluww dr'zn'zu' (t{J{.H)tlloQ ryrQ zi'(q)gll) tpar'e t?to Ju '(E6r'unrag) sp?C IIEg hr'60r .5or .qmqmpql) t!ruff x?"O Lottruo^XtwoSytTvq 6or Dm I gor ,/or ,se ,pre ,zor ,(uourpe sms) rFrC' .(pp!]EH)


€z q?{'PqqJ olt'ror 'for '(qr901) "!qt "ryJ aqt qtffi tnJ Lz'(eleuslrI)q r2Mtf,J ,L '({pryl) wuotwdul4so<J ?ur' stlqnJ 6e 'GtftwTody)tqJ 'flollxtl?2w ,tt2qleY :zrupd tqqx) ,6,t8 '(nlx) qq"J 3uw6 ug v n3n3 oJr'(9f6r' o reN) uonlqnlp uv lf,Hrsqv PE uslqnJ 18'o8'ot -6f '(DAuraeW pw wt"lJ) wst) ,r,'([a,q pw F[Ial'r) 2qJ'JWWn) ,zz'9zr'(u6qrroS1 uqdsohS fir'/€r'(sJ)ttutD?r{tu) 'soJJ 09 'rz '91'zr'Puowvl-rcH zzr'(uorilg) ,.rr(q6 eqrjo s.u3. 8rr'?rFu'PDJJ 89'uo,tury.xsJ S6' (tp Elel.i'l) uauA Fut ru J J9 '6€ 'a^"tmD 'reqmo] rl'Qaug1t1)pvoy {uuno2 €1,'zl 'ploa 'rcsn:oJ rzr '(orrr.rl-)r'f 'etuq ru q 6&D !9'9t'eilrw]-3rsnd"g-@[.toroJ zfz' Lzz'(u qJ,) r twflaou ruor g9 r' L9r' zer' rldan['1xtor1 /fi'sMI'qtuuo] !f? TotreN'u@e[I ?9 ralPIsJ fg'(rcTruqo;l-qrury) a7 tg,p bo3 'uotsog 'pg le1daJ 9l z€z'EF?d .Dd@J 60r'(umm?H) a3x7 qwsyanu dlwg-u ottwtatfl o) oS'JJ '9t'(qsrpuDl) atll Satwtuo2 1ty ut Trtuydg t6' (uod,o7) Ttug tlna aoduoS

ss,rt \s'os,t, A :otAI

:ot '9, 'JJ :(llsupuqq) uouroduo3 u'e9'29 'o9 'Sl '(zt6t) pmgrapuog ar€o1a3 6tr'6-80r'!or'sp"C erfolsJ ,l'(ryuv4J)wwd t2p nno) rta'oJz '(wmPN) tt4u4thl tlqxp,{ nruotllo uquolo2 '(wL) 2qpg ( tED 9rr tlr 'ttr 'zJr 'ueqou 'er?o) zrr 'gol 'L-tor 'ror ?or 'urtreg '"PDCI qnlf, olz 'ztz'6n 'eLr "lr'Lgr 't9r'zgr 'z9r 'r9r 'Bt-9Sr 5tJo eN 'alF 'qnJJ 6g'92'wd's[.'I ep au$olC a0z '(wuty) Jott 4rod4oqod :9ez'n? 'ooz '66r 'L6r'Nr 't6-l6t'z6r'swd 'asrFg 9oz '66r ,L6r ,l6t.sJl ,ual3 oer 'Qlllf,ew1 t7 taSuw vplt12 eL'Lt '9t '(AYatt{eO) ryr4lo ,013 It'il 'z v7J t}S'tS--oS'r'oN \iuwwp1r) il1J l|tu orz'w&q3 orz 4ff1 -tf,) uul igrz 'Srz 'orz {oz 'orsrq3 6tr'(ulmtlsg,)fra 7ltFV u! uqtJ uruoa ttf lut twl) z5r 'orr'oer'Vzr'6n 'ap o6ro19 'ourq3 Ifi '€€r '(mnru3 ap) V 14ru9 tnlq) 'o8nrq3 aree5:as'lpnf


Sm (Ashrya, 1915), ing Midsrmer r74. r74, 176-77, r77 82, 90, 9r,95 Ener, Almdra" Fahlstrom, Oyvind, zr5 fahura spua w lsru (Nunn), 95 Falk, Ray, r89 Falk, Robert,84 Fdkerutein, Claire, r9r Fallfmn an Aaoplzrc,l (Kameroky), 85 Fmib Lifc(Archiry*o),6g FmtasticAn, Da&, Sunslism qhibition (Nw York, 1915), 8, tz2, t o, r33 Fmtin-Iatour, Henri, r7r farbcr, Mmy, r7z "Far-sighted Mmifato" (Piebia), z9 Faugaga (Ercr, Bmrgeld, md A+), ro&9 Faue, Elie, Io,6t Feigan, Richrd, Gdlery 235 Feininger, Lyonel, r43 Feliniiller, Felix, r+r Feh PieccNo. 4 (Moms), zro, ztt Fmm no t2*s, lz(Ernst), rzz FCnCon,Fdlix, ll Fnhtm, bs(Ddawy),lZ Fcren, John, Iy8, r5r, rya, r72 Ferre5 Raphd, zyo rz Fem Gdlery IoAngela, Festival Dada (Puis , tgzo), u5, tt5, tt6, I19 Fa t whntl evhlbition (SainrPhalle), 2to Figun with Pinh Stripc 11l (Bameisrcr),44 Fim I D isn lution (Sener), rcr Nry York, Finch College Muem, 215 Fine, Pal, r59 First Dada Exhibition (Zwich, ryr), IOI

Fint Exhibition of Painterly Relieft (Mosw, r9r4),81 Firet Exhibition of the Editors of the Bhu Reitcr (Mwich, rgrr), 17, 42, 42, 44, 4t, 48, '.v5l, to, tL tt, j7; Berlin version, 57-58 Firet Fumist Exhibition, rcaTimmy Fint Germ

Autumn Salon (Berlin,

ryv),57 of Firs Germm Pmt-Wu Remime the Am (Berlin, r9r9), ro8 Fimt Get Berlin JokeArt Exhibiuon \19oo), r29 First Guai lndmr Exhibition (Tokyo, r95), r77-3o, t78, t79 Firet International Dada Fair (Bedin, tgzo), 97, 98, roo, ro2, ro3, ror-j, to5, ro7, to8, rogFrz, rro, rr4, rrt, 116,rtz, rr1, r4t Firs Papen of Sunslism qhibirion (Nry York, ry42), t5t, rtzJ4, rt3, 216 235 Fischbrch Gallery NwYorl Fischer,I(onnd,253 Fircher, Ono, +8, tz Fiu Fea ofColorful Took(Dine), ztz Flmagm, Barrp Tuo Spue RopcSmlp-

tuft, 247, 2tO, 2tr Flavin, Dm: cow mnumilt 4,227, 212 Fkifu sLEti k (Bnrgeld), to8 Flww, zz7, z7g,231 Flynt, Henry 235 Esen, r4o, r4r FolhrmgMwm, Fontana" Lucio, r9o, r94 (Kxwyama), rI + Football ForaJrjs,Paer, zlz; JFK 42, z3j (Pach a al.), 76 For and Agairet Fon, Pau.l,26,39 ao blps(Artschwager), 247-4f., zto, zt) (Pris, 4o'au-daw dt Dada shibition t96r), zro, ztr 4z nd.ParalbI (Huebler), zt8 a5% Abhhodbd (Var Cnpphs) (Du), 98, too, to1, tro, t41 Fom Exhibition (Nw York, r9ro, 77 "Fomdation

of Futurmd Muifsto isrn' (Muinetti), ll Fnnain(Dudtmp),77 zz8 Fourth Dw(Goskt), Fu TmtNluhol), zt7 Fmcis, Sm, r9o, r9r rz4 Fmk,Jm-Michel, Fnnkel, Thodore, zy Fnnlenthaler, Helen, 166, 1671, t9o Froier, Paul: Pink Slit 234 Freddic, Iz9 "FrcMuic" (Kulbin),8o Fne Rtub (Smith), zn Freud, Sigrnmd, rzo, r3z Freudlich, Ono, r43; The Nru Man, r43, r44 Frick, Wilhelm, rl8 Frick" Willy, to9 Friedmm, B. H., I74 Friedrich, Heiner, zy1 Friw, Othon, 14, r5, z, TfuNru FrcmCilimnSupmtin, Painterly kalim (Malmch), 87 Fry Rogec +t,51 FryVuim, r49 Full-Up (tr Plein) qhibition (Puis, r9j, r99, 2oo, 2or ry5o), ry7a1 Rrnaal of thc Amrchi* Galli (Carl), 36 Fumrist Tour of Rusia, 8z of our frr Galerie, rce nda m galbria not listed bclou u6, rr8, tzz, tzj, Galerie Bau-Ars, r28,129,rn Galerie Bernheim-Jewe, 4, t9, y-16, 17, 61' 7t Galerie Dada, Zuich, ror, roz Galerie de la BoCtie,35 Galerie de l'An Contemponin, 33 Galerie Fischer,Lucrne, r47 Galerie Gndiw, r3z Galerie J, zro, zrr Galerie Neufrdle, zrr Galerie Pierre, u9, r3o Galerie Pierc Colle, rzz Galqie Rive Drcite, zro Galeria Dalmau, Bua)ota, 37 Galerie Sur&liste, u9, rn, rto Galleria Apollinaire, Milan, r94 zro Galleria Ani Figuntivi, Tiuin, r9r

Gallery One, Iondon, r94 Gmcoyne, David, r3z Gauguin, Paul, rc, t6, 19, 45,6o,61, 65, t4o, t47; Noa-Noa 6, 65,76; Ndas on theSan447 Ghe lfung Dq (Thc Yclhu Sound) (Kmdinsky), y5,y7 Geldahler, Henry zr8-r9 Gereowlub, Cologne, 57 National Gdlcry Berlin, 59, Gem 140 A Wnter't Tale(Gw), too Gmry Gerowitz, Jud;c Rainbw Phka, ni Gsler, Ono, rrz Gwcy, Edwd,64 Nkno, n9, yz, zt7; Giaometti, Inviibb Objcd, rz9; Objer mobila ct muts, r22i On ne jou pl*, og: SaEmdcd BaL nz; lY'omn virt Hn Thruat Cut rto, t'r Gibson, John, 219 Gide, An&C, r8, n6 Gic, Ludwig Creifud Christ, 47, 4t Gignou, RCgis,z7 Gimbel Brcthcn,77 Girieud, 14 Glackem, I7illim Jma, 6o,62, $, 72' 74,77 Gls, Philip, +t,:to Gleia, Alben, 24,26, 27-29, ?o, t6, 37, 39, 40, 4r, 77, 8o, 83, u6; Cubin (wth Metzkrye), 19-4o, 8o,8t Harut Thrching 77; Man on thc Bahony 74; Vomn with Phlu,27, z8 Gnedov,Vroily,86 Goda, Roben, r94 God.ui* U(Grcs),uo Gcbbels, Joseph, 4o, r4r, t4t, r45, r47 Gocritz, Mathio, zo4 Gogh, Vinmt m, o, 14, 19, 48,6o, 61, 6t, r4o, r47 Goldberg, Michrel, r57, r9o Goldtn Fbre, l"Da 8o; qhibition (Morcq r9o9), z5 Golz, Hms, i8 Golyschcfi Jefim, ro8 Natalya, t8, 28, 8o, 82, 8+ Gonchm, Goodnough, Roben, 164, r55 Giiring Hemmn, r47 Gorky, fushile, I54, r5r, 164 Gomki, Dmiel:.Fazrt Dw, zz8 Gotdieb, Molph, r55, rt9, 16r,2rt GoAm b(Mevinge),29 (GerGovernmot An qhibitions mny,ry3),r78 Gnfton Gallery london,53 Grahm, Dn, zg1;Schm, z4o Gmd Palais, Ptis, ro, rz, rt, 27, 4r; reea&aSalon d'Automne Gmphischo Kabinen, Berlin, ro; Gtay,D*id,z7z Great Amican NrZr (W'ewlmmn), 212-14 Get Anti-Bolshwist Exhibidon (Gernny,9g7),t47 Grat Gemm An Exhibition (Munich, rqlZ), t16, r4o, t4r, t44, 146 Gnat Mrenrbao4 The (Dall), rzo Gmt Plan-Dio-Dada Dmna, Thc


(Fgtu),rot Glrc, El, 4; I loltr, St Gmbcrg, Ckmq & t5+ 16, z:.t, 2)4.2t5 rot Gna Cafuux Th(W), Gren Gallery Nq Yodq il2n+ xL, 22t,2)1 GnmTaryaQohrc),zn Grc4 Muny,219, z4o Gregg Frederick J., 54 6g, tz, Z6 Grippe, Florenc, 167 Gli;ppe,Ptet16T, 168 Gris, Jw, 24, j6, )7, 4o; Honagc a Picreso,a6; It lzuabo, 4o "Seing Nw York with Grisold, J. E: aCubix," 72,'7217 Grwenor, Roben, zjo, 4z; Thwi 4r4 229,22y-to Grosz, Gorge, 98, too, roz, toi, tot, ro7, ro8, Io9, rog, rro, rr2, rr4, rrt, "orrated mrterpic" r4o, I43; (with Herdeld), to9, tro; Eccc A Winmi Hom, trr; Gmryt Tale, no; God uith U, vol' Thc Philistine Heanfeld Gou VliA (with Hardcld), no, rc1; Vctim of Socittt roo, tro, ttt GuCrin, Chde, I8 Gwnia(Piwo),t+g Guggenheim, Peg1 t48, r49, Ito, Itr, t5z, t54 t15, 16r Guggenheim Jeue, Iondon, r49 Guillame, Paul, gallery n9 Guo, Elem,8o,8o Guton, Philip, I5I, 162,r7r, 2r5 GUTAI, r74, r9o, tgt Guai An Assmiation, r73, t74-9t; Art on the Stage (1957), r89; indor First (Tokyo, r95y), shibitioro: 17718, r78, t79, tE7 Srcnd (Tolq., tq:6), t84, 186-87; Third (Kyoto, r9y7), r8z; Founh (Tolqo, 1917), t9o: Internarional An of a Nry Era (Osaka, 1958), r9o; International Slqr Fatival (Osaka" rg5o), r9I; outdmr ahibitioru: Fim (Ashiyr, r95), r74, r74, 176-77, t77: One Day (t9s6), rz4, r8o, r89; *and (Ashiya, Igl5), rZ+, 18o-36, t8r, r8z, r83,'Tirrin exhibitions, r9r Haclre, Hms, zt+ Hadwiger, Else, ro7 Hains, Raymond, zoj, zro,215-16 The (hru), ts,8z, st Haidmrr Haimmn, Richad, r43 Hal| David, zz7,215 Hall, Jru-Baptistc, t6 Halpen, Smuel,73 Hmbug Kumthalle, r4o Hapgood, Hutchiro, Tz Hua, Miyrko, t87 Hre, David, r5z"r55,156 IIamnl on kint-lrc (Valtri), 19 Hmison, Charlc, zq Hmigan, Gre, 164, 156, t9o Hardaub, Guav, rlt Hanlry, Masden,7z Hm,Thoruvon, to, tt Hammg, Hm, zo4 Hzrwt Thrching (Glws), lZ

fl,r'p;1-nuruml; l,gr'mm1r1 pdnm11 orol; 6f ,ntmuuq) toH uqdrouv $e 'aqo3 m1 u at3r7 'r{dn) tqdaouv :6e '9t'ot 5ls@J 'lqrms 'arurDl 8rz 06 '?8 'o8 'EIoIr.N 'urqFDl U'91'il'eL '69'59'r9't9-29'29 'o9 .rplN 'u{Dl €lz 'Jtz 'ln) 'uq.r) oi'pe{JV'u.qtr) !6'r8 ?t'reblv'qr/uar[ml{ tt'uwqof 'aort 9z'qrna,'(aspy uo,Q1'mfrodoX irz'uwy'nqmu;q 06r '6gr '.tI 'rrusa){ zlr .e[!g .ausr) Stz'8zz 'tzz 'ozz 'grz 'uor[H leuu)l 6€z 'f,uns.rq3 'rcFoD,I '8rz 'nW 'JoFoD{ 8zz Ltz'9r'2'srw['s1pwo1 rlr 'JV'uncDl ztz '|t-rlz r./J f, tuil n sV tzl-r|z 'orz '6fz 'Bez '/fz 'qdamf 'rpnso}tr tfz 11ro1mN'IDJJE)


t9r'r9r ToIrcN ',fialF5 :/r 'z9r'r9r .pnws .aooDl g€r'aqrg)l 'ahJJq4 Ltr 'ttt 'LS 'w>1sg'q(psolo)I LS'lS'tS'tt'pmryng'relpo) zB' (WWlzW), tlJ lepayg -S qI ort ' 69'/9' (l{ruqurqrT) umo41 3u4eau2 ,92 96'916r):z8,oB,6S '(z6r) !zB'81. '92 '(rHr6r) soD -rqrqD :o8 '81, 'spuowrc Jo a^?ul ,6 tL8'rlqlJSutw1 uHtt $lqf,J t96'56'06-18'98 'eI .mrr)r rLt'L9r'99r 'NqS, rsrs rpulN :og :armd :o5r ,rl,r '69r 'L9r 't9r '6Sr '8Sr'9Jr zuJ 'rurl)I . tfr {rj p lnQ :JnEd.lPurN.eDI wN ilr te '96r 'L6-r6t'ap q :g6r ,ufurv lo play*4tq1 :96-z6t'wuroda41 auiltlwory '.Sta '9ez '/rr 'glz 'ttz 'rn 'orz 'Soz +oz 'ld"6i '16r '8 'e 'ureDl l L(, eaeul 'ot,r ,gtr .FEd .sD,I t7f tztr'o(r 'lh 'eh'rtu 'ofr '8or '8J 'lS'rt,zV.l.€

26,(eGrvptluqqrI 98r.mD{ ttu'sl4 :6rr'ttu'eh yg o n rouqJ-jag 'rh'og'€1,'g5 €mpnl rsrg tauqriry lfz'uaul1'ddrv Z8r'98r'o8r'91,r'oFlsof ?rrq$ury r L' L€'S€' (dvz'prq,) 2tu'op"N uttQ puo 3u91 {tng Q pynung gzz 'kz'q8nq1 :drg.n16€urv rtr'MoH $qlug :r9r 't'r'ttr +Sr 'Ttr 'r'r'otr 'oJ-6h 5[Jurprd 'raleri J'.z'pg'qoquary L6 '96'56't6'28'ot rurp1'olruqel51 z9.lPA{Iu 1ury hz '(1w1uy1) at11 'stpnuql €tz'ise rtlg tlzz'TFJoNJE {p)I trr'(srarh{Js) zO'2luprcpr)I

ozz'mI'drq{ t r '(IIEg) .ewaus){,, zrz'r6t'gtt1 9 ut sSutuddtg gr :ozz '6rz 'ztz trz '68r 'wW '{odr) l,9r'wow'rotuDl !J 'repwlv lplous),I LS,St TauS %oll2f,2.!J :ot'uf,S $tA :rt ' l J 23toD'8 :t r' uor-rlqlqDl,lA)N 'rwp pw rsg ro3 rasod :!t '99 'ilul mrms perured lhl'o/ lo utVzg q1 :1,2 uoxru&u1 tst,tt,ol ,zz tosmdul :9e zo4 -motdwJ ;tt ,rt ,{ ,(MroW) Il uottuduJ :gr'wr'u4Y t4w iltlg roj ,am :o8 'tS ,9t ,lry ut ltw -y1dg aqt Sulucurj :SS'{ 'rS 'oS 'tt '9, 1 toStV :oS 7l :uosrodwo) :eh tods lttJg aqJ tgtz'rLr'9h 'eh'orr'86'16'96'06 98'o8'el '65-8S'LS-SS,rt-tt ,o,-St W 9, 'W<,'tt'1,€'h'lyw,1tr,t1wpuq1 ,gr Wqtool to6r,/gr, LgI '98r'zgr 'r9r'81,r t{TV tutdruqq ur 'au@J 'DtsoJuc)tr gg'uqduzyuz uo! lpl y :9g-r9'zB runpu14'l1ruaurq1 gfz'uagdag'rpqwrJql &r teqdo$urlf,'srpJs) t}. '?uIN'EPIE) 9z'h'ez ;1ueld $9'9e'92'lruaglamg lall?euqq{ ot'e "rs5'uqc) zlr'ztr ?puC'oJrlct rt 'eueSng 'ralqE{ fer' Qanug) ttw@W u! ilfllqrx ztz'(dv1aq)ry Lor'Jor'mC €mf &z'69tuaquadq wAty(p[ t6' (ercdo41) aq1'4qt1 tE rc 3n[ zrc' I oz' W nq) ls touaw u6?n[ zez'rft ?qtttun ttez'ee-ztz 'Bzz '97-tzz 'ez-zzz 'pWoC 'Wn[ ot'h 'or 'aMJ 'uEprnof fr'(rwg)ry'mfl rl zo[ uug uz Taitta .orz tJdsf .sqof :t'z 'zzz 'ez'rE 6r'uaPof €tz 'ztz '(sqetog;)yg[ errwJrs lwtdoqy 22t:zez 'zz4z 51to rcN'mmw qsrcf trr'uaplvprilpAlPrcf z€I'urleqF^'wef zfr'larqdmg'€maf olz'pap'lauuaf gzt'/zt 'unbnuq4J :ta 'ta 'Czr 'adowo11 lz|r'Uzr,zzr.plrt\l,uE[ Eh,LS +S'oS '91 '*'zt 'tr 'ranry {lmepef ror'Lz'DpryN'[re[ ttz 'ttz 'zrT 'rfz'6€z'€t4tz'(;>po ruN) (aoqs ,{rwrwf) uoorqrqre 696r.ILt Inw[ ozz'8rc'/rc '9r? '9rz 'S1z 'hz '|rc 'L9r 'r9Fz9r

z8z ezr'(Engtroo1)

srutl 7ft

'zrz'rrz'16r'drepo'rgry,1'uoq:r{ 99t'.{:ng'uoop{ ,or'L6'(zz6r 'urrrag) uonrqqp wsu 196'OZI zg'92 nunprl4'l1qepzl tt7 ttz '(plwgl) 696r 'rz [trugag'ruw1ut urs 2tlt 2lrJ oq6 J 16'99'rafta5 ro4n1 orc' (ors1tt13)utatn) uul L9-99r' 6t r,,' a'g[-'elgllMl" 9rz lrotr rc51'&a1Jvg wloy 6zt' (ptauwrl.) aah 6 4 gn au1 eer'zer'zzr' (, e6t' uopuoT) uonrqnP(lJ rsrJams Puonruarul r5r'(096r 'srI6O) p^psC {5 Jwouruerul '/zt '9zt 'tzr '(.t-zzt 9tz 'ozr 'grr '6\ '9r '(8€5r 's.nd) uu lnggo uonrsodxg Jeuorrulerul et,t9 '29 'o9 'Sl '(zt(l'avBo1oJ) pmqrap -uos arlr Jo uoplql[r[l Imonwrerul 9/'91-rl 'el '69 '19'o8anq3 u :9L'tL'el 'uorsog u :ovr'LL'9L41 't/ '/g 'g 'r9 '69a9'St 'ot '/t't€ ,(tr6r 'Iro rcN sor{S ftourv) uV uraPow Jo uonqnP(tr Puon"ualul 06r'(8J6r's{6O) uoulrlqnlre pw 7ru{u7 ryng sa rcN E Jo uv Iwonmarul tSz'uoP -uq 'uV lmoduruo3 3o armnsul /6J)6'E$rU 'oFrPluD rnrFf, f,EsuvJo rrrunsrl k (aoarun,1ur.qn3 uo Ambu1" /616 Tq{uI 'e€u1 59 '9e 'zI 'q-y-f '

95r.uaqoa.wppq 60r'(mum?H) 6161&af, 2tf ut uotlryoit[ t?!4eYul 'GI.q)s) wrr 9or n4il?al tS'zt uo illtpal tJ 'rJ '(qrw) lmqeoH /rz'tft'z# wae utwv :srz'uagod'"wrpul lqg Prurla z9' (tr6r) tz9<9' @61 5Vo reN) uonrqqr{ squy rmpurdapul ?8'(^oW -qa1g1) .rarq3nrl lq uonzmu1,, 'L 'o/, 'g9'au7lo ucptog 2tlJ :/,2 :SS'tS 'ot :a t9€.'(q*p""D uowwduJ 60r'(rerplFfrs) (wbuuy sSapay4 pwduJ lo SS*5'r! (mffiW) II uawdwl o5r hsororqsJ'ru{ ((l{snpury)

9rz'tn 'Qmbumg)2uag,@g rpnnof, mq J zz 'gr'afiel a nrJ',7 'w.ttutqll ryog'dno.6 aqlg '(eiloNDD 9tr {tA pat ?utgmH ?zz'wS 'prmH fzz'p6PC'amH l9r qroarop fta1pg o8n11 @|'fllos ilroT

'r9r lralJe5 :8rc 'Srz *rz '?rc 'm'rLt'r9-zgr'ttr 'zJr leups 'wf th'zSr'o1tnu'w[ tJr'ilorf,'ffif rar 'lq aumtm :ror .l3mw '@w[

lztt'o'r'6zr'ozr'egroe3'DUgnH Lot,at2q?g 2tPttsmuu!<l lhr ulmo fl?cv ug lhr'60r '60r 'qnruM tpre :trr 'zrr 'orr '60r'g0r 'g-lor 'tol '€or '10r-86 'praprx lpxlurslrnH trz 'ztz '2J4.1 py?w q&f, @N4?w"lt-fl!tl -wH gez Ttlwd ?az, :rt? 'E <lz '9 oN 2J4(J uo4unI :\eZ qqilH qfuA'tBtz,et-<lz,orz '6tz'gtz'/tz 'ifz 'q8noq :rlqang 9h'rrr'otr '9€r 'q"rww 'uV wura3 Jo moH ot'(4alld|g)txoH lzr 'tzr 'ezr '(wD 2doMoH r8{8r 'ErqrrN'arJoH f f-zfz'rarJe16'sddo11 f9 'prmpg 'reddo11 zzr'(rIEO) .ulqo eqr ol rouoH, '(w2) owq4 u a3ruo11 9t nz' (,lpniug.) yotr m71 u atmog r9I'!5r'6h'swH'reugoH 9ir tpuupH'uwu$oH €h tr'r'ua3ng'uueugo11 ,52 'w['raoH zrr 'zn'zu "lloe xvtq :zrt {?uoq rvrq ioil'ror 't,r '"!"X tlrl aql fn flJ :Srr''Ir 'ztr'8ot'tor 'for 'oor 'qeuw11 'qc911 'ftt'otr'8tr'9€r

9l-Wr'eh'rrr 'o€r JJopV lrprH ztr 'sPJoW 'ppgqsrrH

orr' (Aoq) 2t22tltpt2H fu nquzputll S) 8II'?uaf,'msal dz,o,ztuuSny :z!z 'tqzny *Sz'oSz'Stz 'B g 'NH 9r2,9rc,,src 'rft'eh'zh 'sH ?9r 'fl woql lrr 'zrr 'orr '60r 'Bot'eor 'zor "rr 'rppJaeH ?wpr^ €z 'armSrng'urqrag 'oz'uerd'&ueH zzr'Dm?W '&uaH Ll.' 9L'29' og.rpgod' \rueH ro116'lrrog'€ma11 l5z'Slz'uomdag 'rL 'lJ"qrl .ril.rH 2wg l'rz l gtr '8J 'qrsg ]qsH lor'ueg'rqsH zrr' orr' oor' g6' (terr{rnqrs rIrr.a) pSuoqay uo\mtq :for'oor ,(TotJ auog p1a{*re11 auu WV) nAl -!!l!qd pe :60r .t!J tpte Jo r"M .'rrr '60r (6dD grn) ,.mrdrarw '60r '8or pelu@,, l(r-rr,'zrr'ou 'Lot 'eor 'zor 'mr 'wp['ppFeH St '(cmg) uruo6 vlo pag ts'(qJldpuH zl ,,'Jpg 3rg,, porleg zfr'wnrrltl:Juerg ruftg t z'zrz'QqqenH)pad o,yt I4 wA MNeqPatall! qt2@H trr 'zrr 'tor 'ruoH g aWJ !6ot '616r tt2A 21flu! uowqsf, W'er?uJ lztl '66 'i&S ,?re :/.or 'qoqd-x?re |or-4or 'ntu) uy 2tlJ :Srr ,lrr 'ztr'oil 'orr'60r '60r 'gor 't-Lor 'tor 'tor 'eor 'oor 'FosU 'urom"H Itr 'uF?g'rsrD{ rap s"H


Izdy at tlrAdurtiwt Pilhr(Malevich),8+ rad)t Colu Mrca of tk Fotr* and (Malryich), qo 9coad Dimim Ia Fmmyc, Rogu dc, 27, 3o, tr-31, +o, t8; b Caircict zz taing Gcmld, zz7 lam, Wilftcdo, r5z Iampud, Pierc,4o Izndrapc (Sany Pa*) (Mrc), yo bndrapc uith Aaituk and Rninbru (Mtc), So Innis Gallery NwYorlq 239 zro Iaede,Ja, Iagt Nu& (Bnque), z6 Iaionry, Mikhail, 58, 78, 8o, 8u, 84 86 Irow, Ibm,156 I*ham, John, zr5 Iauencin, Muie, z7, 30, 40, 60 lautrdamont, Comte de, r99, rz8 Izuabo, h (Gis), +o Izvcnda Mb t (lollock), 6 6 zt7 kmw(Dine),26, IzmeWein4 Sammt,48 lawn, Emat,5z Imping Honc (Czmpendonk), tr ken, Nina" 166 lr Fauomier, Hmri, 14, 26, 27, 1'o, tz, 4t, so,8o, 8r; Abtnfurcc, 25, 26, 27' 4I Ldger,Femd, 24, to, tt, p, 77,8o, 81, tr6, r4o, r47, t49, w; Nth in a Izndtape,27, zE; Thc Vciling 16 lrhmbruck, Vfilheln, 6z; Ihcchng Womn,6z,6g,t4o k Nmi, Guido, r94 lrcnardo &Vnci, 37 lslie, Alfred, r54, r66, t9o, rgt Im (Andte), zzr, zz7, 235 llvi-Stmm, Claude, I;z loy,Julim, Gallery rz8 lmitin,lada, r58 lrVim, Sol, 233-34, 215,48, 2119,247, 41; Opm Modulzr Cube, 273,214 Lhote, AndrC, 4o Libruie Six, Paris, u9 Lichtemtein, koy, ztz, zr4-t5, zt8, zzo,z4z; BIam,t1 zt7; R$igaamt; 217 Liebknecht, Karl, roz, ro8 Lifr of Clri*cyde (llolde),4r Lbn Dwring an Attchpc (Rorrcu), ro, r8 Itp chie, Jrqua, 81, t 47 Iippard, ltcy, zzz, zz8, 45, 48, 251 Lirsitsky,El,96, rr4, r41 Lis, Albcrt md Vera, 4z Littln*re, t8; group, to9, 116 LivingThate6 zz3 bru Sohs(Hugnet), tzo Icb, Piere, u9 Iong Richrd, zay Ilpatin, B.,95 Iotircn, Roben,58 louis, Monis, zzz, z3y Lungingundo thc Pina (Puy), 18 Im Wall(Blake),16 Liibtrk Cathednl, 116 r4r hlc, Gorge,6z Lunrchanky, Amtoly, 95, 97

brchan of tln Boating Paq (Renok), 19 Lw, It(Mans),76 lrc, cabnawlupd (Matis), rz Lwboqg Roa, roz,to8, r44 LmbourgMwm,rz Lyell, Marf md Earl, Zl Macbeth Galleric, Ns York, 6o MacChcncy, ClmT,68 McCmcken, John, z3z McCutchon, John T,, 71 MrcDryell Club, Nry York, 6z Mrcim*, Gorge, zz3,213 Macke, Augute,44,46,48, :.o,t+ st, ,7, t8, j5giIndiare on Horcbuk, 5o, ,r, 52' 54 MrcIm,Jrclaon, zz3 MrcRae,E)mer,6o,61,77 McShine, Kynoton, 2n, zz2- 229, 212,z)1,2)4-3t Mlh. Pogarl (Blllrui)' 62, 6Z Madison Gallery Nw Yodq 50 Magrinq Rcnd, rn, ot, r29, rto, rt2, r1z; la CIcffu nga,go Maillol, fuistide, 5o Mairon &bistc (Duc}mpVillon), 40' 6t Maison fu Mn Pln (Vbmind), t8 Makhg Six Hola in Orc Mmt (Mwakami), ry7-78, r 79, tb Mela, la: Marcquit tz6, rz8 Mddich, Kaimir, 4r, 58,78,8o, 8o, tz,8+ 86,86-82, 9o-9r, 9s-96, 97, 256;Alogin offons,g1,i 'h'iabsgji Bhck Squn, 81,86, 9o-9l' wr for Tlr TIru, 8o; Au ail Volin in Macou 91; An Englbhm 8r, 84 9t; hn a C*bin Supmmttum 8z; 7k ICif -Ginda, Rlbt 8z; Izd! at tlx AAntimt of th htdt 84: ItdT Gbr Mrc and hcond Dimins, Fi Pcineily Mrea, go; Painnly Rcalin of a Football Plalcr--Abt Mrc of ttr Fourtlt Dmiott 9o; Supmwist Painting z9; WorT w tlr Sut8t; Witt Squrc,9r,96 Malik-Verlag roz, roJ, rro, rrt Man and Fmlc (tlolde), r* Mmet, fdoud, r2,53,5t Muguin, Heui, ro, n 4n 19, 21, 6o: Thc Siatafi Mmifato of Surqlism (Brcton), n8, tu (DaIi; Manncquiu Dominque; Duchamp; Emst;Jm; Mdcq Mm Rala Mmn; Mir6; Paalo; Seligmm; lurguy), 16, rz4-t8, rz6, r27 Mmolo (Mmwl Mardne HuguC), 74 Man on thc Bahory(Gbiza),2+ Mm Ray, 77, tt6, rr8-t9, tn, nz, 123-2.+ r28, r29, r1o, r)2, r1.); A mw, lharcfulbbstatioFta t1o, r77; Cadcaa, u9; Ia Chanpt dllicim, tn; Marrcquh, rz6, tzt Mmni, Pierc, r9r, r94 Mrc, Flw, 4r,42, 44,4tJo, 46 rr, A, jt, t7, t8, 59, t4t, r41, r47; Dea

in tln Fortst I, 5t, y; Izndrape (Snny Pah), 5o; bndscapc uidt Ani' nab and Rzinbou 5o; Portmit of of Hai Rrcca* y, s4 5s; Tw Blu Hora, r4t; Ycllm Cou, to, tr, tt' t6 Mrc-Relli, Connd, r18, r19, rgo Marcl, Henri, ro Manh tjt t969,241 Mreuis,Iouis, +o Mre, Andr6, lr, +o Marcy, Etieme-Jula,37 M*ineni, F. T., 26, 3t, 37,8o,82, to7 Tbc lhtudy,u4 MnnL Marque, Alben, ro Marqua, Albert, ro, 12, 14, 16, rg, zt, 6o; Mativc Ptinting in Manguin:s Studio, zo Fstival of the Amt-Gude Mmills \1956), t97 Mabkw, Ilya,84 Mmn, AndrC, ug, r2t, r29, r1o, r31, t47, t1,z;Dcath of Opheli* u7, tz1: Manuqri4 rz7, rz3 Mather, F.J., Jr., 58 Mathio, Gorgc, I89, I9o Matis, Hemi, ro, nt, n, r4-t6, t8, t9, 23, 42, 45,6o, @,65,67-48, 59,72, 26, zz,8o,8z, r4o; Buh I, 5t; Blu NuL, 6t z6; b Lw, z6; Lw, caln a wfupl, rz; Thc O?a Wndou+t+ tz, 18; portmit of (Denin), zr (Marqua), zo; Thc W'mn with dr Ha,4, 15,16,t8 Matis, Pim, r5z; gallery, r4d Mativ Painting in Manguinls Sndio (Maqut), za Matiuhin, Mikhail, 78, 80, 8o,8r-42, 87,90' 9t' 97 M^t L r4Z, rtr, rt2, rS4 r51, 64 Thc furt Is aMan, r5r Marcr, Merceda, rj8, rdz Mauclair, Camille, r8, z7 MamrAlfu,6z Mayakowky, Madimir,82, 84, 96, 97 Mehring rIfdter, jr, rc), n4 Meisnier, Emot, r3o Mm ria of Nigb t (Rwlo), 15 Menkov, Mikhail, 87,9ot Painting in Fnr Dimwiorc, gs 26, ,o, 17,82, Mcrceu, Almdrq n6 Merlau-Ponty, Mauric, zz1 Merid<" L.,68 III I, Mn II, nd Mm Mn (Tucker), zz7, ztj t41, zy, z9; Acqu Mera Mrio, Sciula (r{a), 247, 247, 251 "Mep' (Schwittcn), u+ Mm.bau (Schwittere), gl Meero, E. L. T., rlz, rli Metrcpoliun Mwm of An, Nry Yorls 74, ttg, 165, zt8, z4t Metzinger, Jm, 2t, 24, 26, 27, )o, 31,, 40, 41, 77, 81, tt6, 146; Cubim (with Gleirc), )9-4o, 8o, 8t; Le GoAtut zgt 7La Tiru, jz Micrcslom, Clen gallery n4,2o5 Miller, Dorothy, rJ6 Miller,Ia, rto Miwtauft, n\ r23, 129


Mir6, Jm, il9, rz1. r29, rp, r1z: It Corpr dc m bnrc. . ., tzt; Mt Intcrion, 4o; Mannqth, n6, nt (MMimr in *c Ccntcr of tlr Mt Ychihm), I85 Mitchell, Jm, 61 t67, t9o; Uttitlal, rt7' rtg Moderne Bu4 Der, t8 Modemen Galerie, Muich, q+ g Modiglimi,Amedo, a7 Modulu qhibition (Nw Yodc 1160, 4t Moholy-Nagr, Llsl6, ua Miihring B.: Abntahl, n9 Mofzlrn, Johmo: Tuirc, r44 Mondrim, Piei, 6o, t4o, t45, r47, t49, 24t Mona, Claude,r9,42 Monftied, Gorges-Dmiel de, I5 Morcchrcmc Prupositioro (Kein), r9z94 Monod, Fmqois, r8 Montms Gallery NwYork" 77 Moore,Henry 4z, t5z, zn Monu, Gutave, rz, r9 Morgner, l7ilhelm: &lf-Portrait, t44 Morgmov, Alelaei, 95 Moria, Chula, rz Morcw, Im,8z Monis, Robcn, zz3-2s, 22t,229, 229, 42, zrf,24,48, . t't,248, 249;Fch Pbcc No. 4, z1o, z5r Monis, Villim, z6 Mow Schml of Painting, Sculp rure, md Architecnue, 8o Mothemell, Roben, r49, rtz, rt4, rtj, 156,r59, r6t, t66, t9o, zrl Motonaga, Sadamra" 176, r8o, fir, rg, 186, rSgi Naib, q6, ry7; Snna, r78, r79 Mourcy, Gabriel, z7 Mueller, Otto, j8, r4r, r43 Muhtto, The Q'Iolde), q6 Muller, GrCgoire,z4i MuMr(Oldenbw), zt6 Much, Edrud.5o Mmicipal Archaological Irodtute , Mmich, r4o Miinter, Gabriele, 4z-44, 46, 1o, trJ4, jt, t;8, s9; Coantry Road, 5r; Darh Still Lif, 47, 5t; Mwau houe, 44, 4t; photognphq 44, to, 50,9; Still Life (Pinh), 5o Munlami, Sabuo, r74, 17, r8o, r8r, 186, r87, r89; Ma*ing Six Hola it Onc Momnt, ry7-78, r79, t8o; SQ, r8r Yruhi, r8r, r87 Mmo, Mwm Hau [:nge, Krefeld, zyl-54 Mwu of Artistic Cu.lrure, Mww, 96 An, Mwm of Contemponry Chiego, za8 Mrem of Modem An (MOMA), Nry York 74, 74, r52, r14, t56, t6r, zt8, zzo, zlzl' qhibitioro, 8, Izz, r3o, tjt, r49, r!o, 16r, 162, r7z, r7f, 2rl Mwm of Normd An, Nry York, 49 'Mwm

Rrcing Fom" (Rcinlz!d$,

tu'FAflduprb 81 52uld aE oparSuEuntl :619r'zr 'mf 'dnd '6h'prao11'pan4 l(-tlr'rfi ozr'([EC) ..rqJ'sV prrnd,, d'wH'reuund l6t'(gS6t'srd)uonrqrqF dTqas auolpouow Pw Pss amd /6 Surszq nopu141:gg 'LB'ng ua9 f ut llr'g 4ttlA :t6 'LB'tg 'psaptr'H at11 :ht'L6'56 '16'06 '06'Lt-g8'tB'€8 'mI 'En"r zrr 'orr'ou '86 '(pp5]mH pw rargrrgrs) pSutqay uwm41 or 'lrnw'rmord LS' (uewt N s1tflf,X p qwf 2p I w a+J rt'($upua) pw leunelao'5) 17'atuttg q ruau1af tt? ro+J apad ap u u2lqqlwilJ ti'(Drawq?S){reuqd, uogp7ppa41 99' 59' (pwg) th 'uonD[m uJor{zuuJ /f 'Drm?W'lDuJ.I y'92'€€z'6zz 'gcz 'zzz 'Se-zzz'ozz'096r lto NN) uourqnlp mcnrr5 lnwr.1 6zr'6rr'onbcrf'uar9r4 LL'89 '59 '29 'ntmery 'rstSrapuard ,rr 'l,or 'gor 'prsqrrD 'serd 'wJV 'r3aod 8€z 9t'sl@rN'wsod L9r' 6tr' 6}r'pntp\t'rEc-auamod zu'(t u{lpg)tl '2?drqJ 8 s4J.Pmod Voz- L6r' (lumJy) ell aqxod e9 '(z16'ofir'uop -uyl) sonrqnlp rruolsdul-rso4 /'QFllrng rrurpvl ) {pwg tluttto4 g6t '(wy1) amylop.qry *zato4 olr '(uourg) 'g'V tt4ry tcl{o ltttuod rc '(rmaq)anvyglo *utto4 zL'(mts),,e.romJ aqr lE a8poq pqql3o rmo4,,


ss,ts ,rt

-\'@(]EW) tmmoy uuplo $*uo4 '(ffit'i)' ut4s 2/tu$29!o 4uao4 9r ,tu' (ag,) woq wuto4 ttmwry lo il' (tpuw?l ut ue lo ItwlroJ ,,,1 9,1 '(fnlnou-rppluqrs) 'g A lo tfw&I ,rr'(dnI -uou-rPF{rPs) truoa 7 Jo ttf,uo.I f 6'69' (E odo7)tp7 t lo tlutto4 ot ,(wasdg,)#uuo{ 955pqarr'rrrous1uyrqndo4 !16'6g ,6'aruoA8u4e"tJ rtVrT rlo wato4 :V6'qqrJ 2cF uo 3n[4J :16 Vrug ryn aoduo2 :96 '56 +6 'Lg'rB'e8'rg '^oqnr.I,E odod g9r 'ry'616r 'I pqutN :99r'tstw upunr'I lggt 'utftqY auur7 ttlT 'Zrc '06r '/,gr '/gr 'Ur ,rLr 'g9r'L9r'99r't9r'V9r't9t'6tr'9tr 'SSr+St 'zSr'6h 'tl, 'uoqrf slrlJod 99'(ropou5) .SrmpoN Jo tlmd, f6'n8rag dlwqcpo4 re'ooz '66r 'tdr 'Se -1,6r :uonrqrqF (dn-[nJ) xI 'ulq.I 't/r '("8.ents) at rur 2fl.1d m 9Lr

'pmquapl6; tluufluol/{ ilt) Wld Ll'(tr6t\ uoplqlqp ,{raro5 uy q3-qqtla 8l'oIr.N'rfl qsrusurd 'prEr{urad:adr4 l! 'tl 'gt'9f'tt ftz '6k'w1tpy'ndg ,ez'QewJ)1!lS lutd gzz' dunf andg :J?rrd ?aqq]u.d ,6r'z6r '(1,!6r tred) uonrqnpo sntr sruau€r4 tr 'uouEu 'roqrrd y 'ryatg apn*aglo Jttsto(l :Sr'aruoK rlo ?t2H :6Vr 'uuffig lroz 'zk 'Lh 'ort 'azt '6rr '60r 'f8 'zg'o6'Ll 'tL 'z/. '69 '89't9'f9'29'o9'gS't\'9t'9t'ot '9t 'e€.'92 '92-lz 'ez'olqEd 'osmrd zl, .'usrqd:oury;1 sre^,, :601 ?uu f?O :6il ,.,oNJl -uE parqAerJ. :tl, '6e'gf 6uudg l tqt p etut1 :9il 'lor 'zor 'zl '69 '6t-4'€t-rt'of 9r 'mmg 'uqnrtr 69'110 NN'uorms-orogd /rz'9rz tutqmw :rao4 'sdrmq4 ll"A llzz ttleuuJ gor ?rr '(ppgoeH pw 6qJ) ulJ ntA mo9 y1e{*t41 nuqg4 f5z'admg suory drpg4 tt'(dvap{Jne)rutqd Lor 'opquaspnH) 42q29 2{.ptitntt?0!<l zf 'ruqvq; t6'€8'ae^'prsd !62 'uqof .rlnEilad rl-1,9r To €N'&alF5 ropued rzrlwgaPvw?o 'ril?d :ztr 'o€r 'ozr '8rr 'Irufuag 1,6'96'(sudwolnp) rmmarqfly -qI rlqnd:o3 rumrrmo3 Ea1do4 €zr'eT'wo& peY eqJ tztr '6zr 'puqou 'rsru:d zL '59 't9 '29 'trnr'srog np au?d '0FmoU ezal, 'so1rv 'sqrye<l 8r €h'8!'EI l'u.ars{€d 'kz '(tt@S) tl22qA qn2d 8zz zzr'(uo?ery)2l 'wol q aos[t4 rl,r'r9r '8!r '9!r 'drlJl{d '?hrd 09 lDmS $srilar$d ToImN Lir's1n['uw6 z€z 'uVJo mml wep?sd l Sez'rlt' Lgr'g9r't9r'JJr .)lrolrcN 'ruw4 fta1€ r9r '!!r 'fl,'Aug ttz'zez '6zz sVoL rcp 'lra1u3 DEId {ed on'(096r) uv eFBeS-rmy Jo P neJ wd 'nl2ilrlit 2? at(I /,tz '9rz'(unodg) 4 5€z'(!rr"d(tl) uo qdu.€ur1,, .uy


-ES) o4uol{ 2qi s

95'(r.uFe 2flve ur'd-urd

80r '(516r) roruoS cmua3-uq1 fueo4 56'(ro1 -u"W) tuM41 ttog at Suuuto4 €8'(tr6rA6oW)Jo uonrqrqr{ rsrC :16 'od 'garp lparwg 06'(l{3reIBW) u,b74 TloEoog t lo ustqty 'tyaury o6'(tpt avtN)flflNqautpd LL '9L'VL'59 'f9 '29 'r€ 'rapl( '{}d

tBz 'unbnuolq

ta ?tfl4un tSzr'/zr :€zr '3uBgJ1tN 'uapqJ

ttu'ePlw'$eJu.eo ,ez'pl(o0)fal eO !ilO o6r '(8t6D nI6O JB npJ puon"uerul rlr 'po['raw5 I t8eu6 zll'eer'zzr'DplN'uraguaddg t|z'(696r '@prar$sv) uoilqll{la uagltt oj -d{t2 u saarwg :muqtg mo7 d6 noputlg udg 8r'/r'Vr' (#avyl).tlJ ,e z 'eez'QlJJNell) 2gr2 qnVoTtJ udg (J'(i]s -ulpu?){) .,uroCJo uonenb aqt uO,, !t '(d1runuq1) .uonnoduo3 a8ag ug,, tJr 'ztr 'uoprog 'PloJ-aolsuo r8r 'olury 'ouo o8r '91,r'olorl 'ouo ug 62r'(ruu@rD)fl/drutau ggr 'ogt'5/t '(916r) uonrqrqrg r@prno dEC auo rt'9f 'apnmoH-Jahrto ff 'epwured'rehIIO osz'7r-rr7 'rens 2w :9rz '2408 etlJ ?rz tgsz'gtz'lrz'zrz ?rz 'JorS r{I :rft'srufluow ffit) ?!r4l :9rz ,W tLl 29Sz'oSz'€fz'grz '/rz 'Srz 'vrc'fiL'60z 'goz twlJ ftnquapyg l8r'ollul)'?EqO 06r'/81 '98r 'ttr '6/r 'g/t 'gLr 9Lr'oqof 'usrJg{ mqo LLr'moH'wI{O 'wH.o z9r lruc e8'suu 'up6 -ro1 t11rg tz|r'ee4er ?mpry 601'(s.qatd,)?uu tpo 6zz'88 .'rz'mrg tbDqoC,O ,ar'(Dr?d,)ltug f,? st?O z8 '92'(016r) uops ?spo Jzz "[ ur{of touusJ,O aow@tqqlryilNq.l 's2nrl aqJaII ttottutqo

V s


vnu e qtqru vzhg 't8r 'gror{S 'rqsIEqO


g9r 'r9r'(]l:,oIlod,) 616r 'J oqutN gz 'k'Qaryl) rdrryuq z u, tTtN TL 'r/, '69 '89 '19 '19 'lc'(dwqrnq) zpn71 ? 'oN '2f,ilfrr; t Sutlutv1 rr+n '(196r 'suErl) uoullrqrqF 2ut1tN percN 16'98'(6161 'a()NI D (uonrqr.qxJ rrsrs {rual) usnruadng pw uy unalq6-uo51

8r-tr'losw'q@rN €zr 'tzt'(6€6t) 4uTs,ppolN1ro eN o{z 'o6t'flt'tLt 'l9t 'z9r 't9r'9Sr'i!r 'Jmqrs IJoI reN '69 '6€ ?peq 96 ryo1rep t9r'(o!6r'{ro NN ,fiaJFC aoox) uonrqtrrF ruaFlNN Lor' tL' BS'ulq"g'uorwes NN 16r't!r To reN 'rPrwu JEDoSroJ loorPs reN ozz'/rc 'Br-'rz 'trz 'ztz 'rrz '60z '(296r 9rz reN) uonrqnrp srsrFQI NN To uz'(o96r'{ro rcN) uonrqqp sulod reN-"rpel{ reN ttr '€h '(q?[pmaJl)2qJ tvw MN K-tez '9Jr 'uewg 'ruN 99r'r9t'6!t



8zz'(uoPuq) :uonBaua3 reN

99r'Gg6rToI NN) uonlqltlp uonueurg eN l,9r 'ryo1rcp 'Aapg rcp zer'Ge6r'ptoJ -EH) uonrqnln wlax-ndn5 rare51 tfr'ztr'zzr 'uopuql 'surlFg uo:€u1:ng re51 SunSrurarauapm; anap ,rr 'qf,rwW Jo uoDrcossv sr$UV reN /6'({qs -truO) 6fubrr6r uM[ ut 1rV MN fl,r'(8J6r To reN) uoplq1qs Sunurel mueuqT rcp ''g 'I 'umaN 8or'1,-Jor otr 'uapsrc 'msqtru sneN lor 'fl,'8! 'ullJag 'uorsss.neN rl 'oS 'rt '(tt6t) tLt 9V-W'(or6D :6J 'LS '1r' '(6o6r) nonrqvrn $L'o9 'lS '5t 'ot-tt '9t 't, 'W '(qrrml t Jo uonsf,sry psnrv reN :J LD{N ulpu11nl Sun9ruruwepm;1 ana11 totVuBn[wp 'aP 'FNoN 821 P{H?5 Itz't|z'fiZ'(rmv$t4og tWlottoU th "f lo sa4dw1 uozTJ 6rr 'ilrard 'el[A"N 6z VzVTtu1:ttz'fSz'rlc t{Vog rW lo lrU $7 4t lo sa4dw1 uo2N lrtz 'oSz 's14uaryt6 4q1v1g w1 lo uoluqJoJ toilg'wweN z9 '(806r 'ilounpg) uoFlqrlp lrarm5 arudprg Jeuonrp o}I'6J'urTrag'rual€Ieuon"N z9 'o9 'rfinq luapmy puoozlil 3o z€r '62r 'FEd 'rIsN /6 '96 'sorduo1n51 99r'wH'rFnwN /./r ,(t€,uuorow) Vr'N ttr'TJgg'p8"N lzz!(uy,{Js)v8rN €9 'zr 'arn'wu{ep?N

9rr'@,tlflW ztlJ :rrr 'rtrul tw.lJ lue uew lr'I'rpb 't!t"76 pv puognp lo lP7 :9rr 'g! 'gug 'ap1o1q lLh'€rr 'ttt'rh ltz 'zzz 'qrawDl'puuloN 9l'59'q'(url8rer)r'oN-r'oN SunSruraauapmy mNrzr 'J{\],IN 06r't Lr'zl-rh' 69r' g9r 'L9t'99r ,99r,tgr,z9r,r9-B9r,9tr '0J6r 5t,o eN) aoqs rsns qrurN rS 'spttg tLS'SS*S 'solg mf '?FsrN

'f9r 'g uqof'ualyq 99r z9'o9'audaf 'salw ttz'AAA? Apue :zez'(lrsog) rwrog 'ua$1 tflrZ, trz '(296r'eFEuV sq) uourqtrIre s{I Jo srJ. lnmo3 lry olr'(r\flqly)2f"tluqrHpwfnw l9r


Quenau, Raymond, r3o Quinn, John, 52, 57, 72, 7j, 74, 77 Rzbbi (Chagll),48, 4 Ragon, Michel, r97 tuinbw Phka (Gercriz), zz6 Rainy Tui (Dali) , n2-zy r2t, rz4 Ranon, Chds, rzz, r33 Raurchcnberg Roben, 167, r7, uo, zrr, zzzi 22 Tln lil Witc,r67 Raynal,Mauic,37 Ralns, Mmial, :oo 20+ 2a1,,zro,2rr, zr6-t8 Read, Hcrben, rt6, r49 Thc (Penrw), 14, tz3 Real Vomt kd Hcad (Schmit-Rotduff), r++ Redon, Odilon, ro, 41,62,51,65, z+: Rrya andAngclba Q, 75 Redslob,Edwin, rrz,4y Reed,John, 7z R{rigaaor (Lichrcnstdn), zr z Reinhardt, Ad, r15, r19, 164, t7r, z4r, "Mwm 244 Rrcing Form," 164 Remedic, rz9 Renoir, PiereAugute, n; Lunchconof thc BoatingPartyry Repin, Ilya" 4z Ronick, Milton, r;6, r58, r1;9,r7z Ramy,Jmine, zro Rotmy, Piere, r94, r9s, n4, 2ot, 2ot, 2ro-il, zt4, zt6, zr8 Reubo Gallery NwYork, r9r, zrz Rbohtion nntalistc, 14 rr9, tn,9o Rlythm of the %int'Mow $alerci), t9 Richenberg, Roben, r7I Ricke, Rof,2t3 Ridcn or thc knd(Gaugun),47 Rigaut, Jacquo, u8 Rimsky-Komkw, Nikolai A, 84 fuopelle,Jm-Paul, r9o Rin, 14 29,3o Rivera, Diego, r3z Rivere,larry, 165 Robbe-Grilla, Alain, zrc Robins, Corime, zz8 Robimn, Theodore,5y Robot-Portrait of Iris Clcrt (Arm), 202 Rmkefeller, Ma. John D., III, 166 87, gS-gZ; Rodchenko, Almder, Blak m Blah,96 Rodin, Augutq 69-72: Balw, zlz Rogr anlAngelica(Redon), 53, 7y Romairo, Julo, 116 Rommo, Salwtore, z1o, z1z; Zno II, 23o,2)2, 233 Rowelt, Thodore , 67,68,59 Rosati, Jmc, rd8 Rose,Brbm, 9, urg, 2zt, 228-29,2)2, 21' r55 Rore, letria, Rorenberg, Hrold, 9, t64, r7r, r89, 2t4, n9 Rwnquist, Jma, zrz, zr4, zt5, z16, zr8; I Inw Yoa uith My Ford, zr5, z6; Silua Skia, zr1, Rotella, Mimmo, zro, z15-16 Rothko, MilL 49, rS5, 156, r19, t6r, 164,166,2r5 Rouulq Gorga, n, 14, 2J, 4t, r4oi

Pcillzn,Acan, Cltw,rS Rorcu, Heni,27, 46, .48, 5o, 5t-5a, 7y Lin Dmaing an Artlopc, to, 18; Mynlf, Po*ait-LandraPc, to9, rra; ponnit of (Mrc) , tr, tr, t4, sti htta aith Chickm, try,1 y, t3, 54 Rmnova, Olga, 8o, 8d, 94j5; Atagl, 94-95; Bitylist, l+, mbih 94-95; lViting Dak, 9j Rubero, PeterPaul Bucharul ro9 Rubinsein, Hclcna, r3o Rublmky,John, z4 Tiaucl Piccc, 248, Ruppenberg, lila: 249 Rukin, John, r8 Rudl, Morgar,53 of Luigi, 3t, 9; Mmoria Rwlo, Night,36 Ruthenbck, Reiner, 247, 253 Ryder, Alben Pinkhm, 6y Rym, Roben, z9 Sml zur Kafleuten, Zuich, ror Sabmeiw, lmnid, y5 Sackville Gallcry london, 35 y St. Gcoryr II(Kndrrcky\, St.John (HGw\, s+ St. Mmin's Schol, Iondon, zz8 St. Paenburg Union ofYouth, 8o, 8I, 82 SainpPhdle, Niki de, zro, zn, zt6: Ft d whntl shw, uo; Ttr, 186,zo7 St.Stwrh, No. r(Dclawy), t4 tr, t4 Sakhrcff,Almder, tt (fllue' Dwc* kh , S4nduich6 d betd),zts, zt6 SalleGaveu, Pris, rry, ug,16, rr9 Salmon, AndrC, 2+ 29, jo, rr, ,, J6i Thc YoungFnrch Painting ll Salonc (Arclupenla), 4o Sdon dAutome, rc, n, 2g-)o, 40, 4r, 44; G9o), rc, ,6; (r9o4), to, rz; Ggot), rezl, 13, 22, z4Faa Qgo6), fi,4i G9o7), 14, L), toi GqoS),uf; Gqos), +; Ggio), z+, z6; (tgtt), z+, 27-i.o, 33; Ggtz), 29, 30,3r, g, t9, 40 Salon de la Nationale, ro Salon do Artistq Fmsais, ro Salon de IndCpendm*, ro, 26,27, 30, 4r, 44 g9o), o; (tgoA,4t G9at, z1; Ggto),24, 8o; (r9rr), 24, 26-27' j4, )6; (tgtz), 36,,t Salon of the Scion d'Or (Puis, rgru), 24, 1o, 1t,32,14,16-19, 4o Sm,Lus,zzz Smdback Fred, ztr Smder, Ludwig, r;8, 167 Smden, Jmp, tt6, r7z; Dcatb and Enfidnc$, 170 Smdler, Iring 9, zt8, zz8, z1e7z Smkei Hall, Oeka, r89 Smseido Gallery Tokyo, 186 Sao Paulo Biend G95t), zll Sua, Alm, zy3 Smutc, Nathalie, zzo Satie, Eric, u9 "'Sawgc'of Rsia The" (D. Buliuk), 8o Schmberg Monon,77 Scbammafu,Die,rog

Schapirc, Meyer, 16r, r54 zzo Schm(GnIm),2<a Schiaparelli, Elsa rz4, rz6, tz8, rlz Schifano, Maio, zrt Sclrlcgell, David von: Vauc, z3z, 233 Schlemer, Os, rt8, r4t Sclrlichter, Rudolf, ror, ro5, tr2, rr4i Bhm, u4; The Dcart of Anu Impwd Paintingt of Anti4airy ro9; (with HanAnhangl bwian field),98, ro4 uo, rrz Weim, rl8 Scblosmwm, Schmalhauen, Ono, no, rc, ro4, rloi altered ponnit, ro9, ro9 Schmela,Alfted, galery, ry4, n4 Schmidt, Paul, rrz Schmidt-Rotduf,, KxL 58, t47; Por' tran of B. R, r44, 146; Poftrait of 4 Womn, 44; Rcd Head ry+; Vm witb Dahlia,4z Scholz, Gmrg, rol; Hinbnbury Hcad cheae,toi Indutial Famm, n6 Schiinberg,Amold, 48, 48, ,o,57, t8t &lfPortrait, 49,5o, y Schwan-W'ciss (Blrck-\7hite) qhibition (Mmich, rgrz), t8 Schwiners,Kun, ro5, rr2-r4, r3.3,r41, "Mez," 4f' Die l{zthedrab, rr4; n4; Mmbau, 93:' Unnte, tt4 Peub Wcek, zz7, zz8 San,Tn: Scriabin, Alruder, tt Scull, Roben, zr4, 233 "ScuJptom fuchitemre, A' (Pach)'5t 9a Garfun(Trwu), zl+ 'Seond of Surelism' Mmifcto (Bmon), rzo Scond Outdmr Exhibition of the (Ashiya, Guai An Awiation 1956),fie8y fit, r8z, rEi Exhibition Sond Posrlmprsionist (Iondon, rgrz),53 Congro of Anisr Seond Ruiu (St. Petenbury r9u),46 Setion dOr, tt5; seealto Safon of rhe Sation dOr 'Seeing Nw York with a Cubist" (Gnwld), zz,zt Segal, George, ztz, zr8, zzzt Thc Din' w Tablt, zt5, zr7 Segomc, Andrâ‚Ź Denoyer de, 83 Seie, \0(/illim, zrr SeIf Portmit (Morgner), t 44 SclfPowa t(Sdt'nbreryj, +9, so, y SelfPortmit u a Soldia (Kirchner), r4t Seligmmn, Km, 4 7, r5z; Manrcqarn, n8-29 tz7, rz8; Lil*amabb, Selz, Paer, zr8 (Ftrct),4o Semine de bond, Une Sernet Wdter, ror, ro9 Sern, Richud, z4t,, z9; S?lashPiece, 245,2to, 2t0,251, Sdroier, Paul,44 Semt, Georgo, ro, rz, ;4 Smeid, Eric, rz4, rz8 Severini,Gino, 3t,73; Pan-PanDance at theMonico,16 Shmker, louis, r5z Shchukin, Sergei,8u, 84 Shaler, Chulo,77 Sheffield, Carcy,68 Shibate, Takohi, r8r


Shimooto, Shm, r74, 176, r78, r8o, t&z, t86, r87, t89, tgt Shining Vattr (M. Yshilan\, rf16 Shim, Everen, 6z Shinga, Fujiko, 186 Shimga, Kauo, t74 t77, t78, r7t, rb, itt, 16, t84,r86,r87,t89: Pbu w 176 Short Saruy of Srmatisn A (C* oyne), r3z Siegelaub,Seth, 236, zj6, 218-4o, 24, 241,,24j,248,2t5 Siegftied, Emot, rz Siaa The(Mngunlt8 Signac,Paul,ro, Iz, 27, )5,50,74 S/za Slrr (Rorenquist), zri Simaluntriptychon (Ernst md Bu8PlO, ro9 Siskind, Aamn, 167 Siuiley$Ioodhm), zl+ 6ookc Canier W'aac(AM) (Bmy), 49, 240 Sly(Munkami), r8r Shp in the Frce ofPublic Trcte(t9tz),8t Slom, John, 5o, 6z Smith, David, 16r Smith, Tony, r55, zzz; FrceRjdc, zzz Smithrcn, Roben, zz5, 21o,zt1t,,247, 41; Tbe Cryosphm, zz5, zz6; Spiml Jatl rss de Peinure ModSociCtCNormde erne,Rouen,33,36, 4o Society of Independent Anisa qhibition (NryYork, r9I7),77 Solomon, Nn, zzvzz, z3z Sonderbmd, ree International Exhibition of the Sonderbud Sonnabend, Ilma md Michael, za5 Sonnier,Keith, 231,244,z4j,zt.o, 2t.) Soupault,Philippe, u1 u6, u9, rzo Spue Jamp (Pinchbe&), zz8 87 Spanish IznA cape $xlw), Spira I JaE (Smithson), zSS Spirit of November:An in the Seryic of Subvbreion qhibition (Smngm,

ryv)'r78 Splah Piecc(Sern), z4t, zto, 2to Spcrri, Duiel, zo5, zto; Iz Parc & Marcelb, zr1, zr7; Thbbaa-Pilge cha Tiryrcly zo6 Sable Gallery Nry York, r7z, zrz; Annvls (t951-r957), r7z, t71 Smos, Theodorcs, r;9 Starkiryis, Richud, zIo, zn Amterdam, :;a Stedeliik Mum, L)t

Stefanelli, Joe, I54 Steffem, Linoln, 7z Steichen,Edwd,7z Stein, Genrude, 14, 16 2J,31, +2,51i rd,'"Ponnit of ponnit of (Piw), Mabel Dodge," 7z Stein,Im, t4, t6, 63 Steinberg lrc, zr8-r9 Stella,FBnl<,zzz, zz7, zz8,45 Stella Joseph,63, 77 Stephan,Jobr, r7r Sterne, Hedda, r59 SteubingJm, Iy8 Stiegliz, Al&ed, a6, 6o, 62,68, 69-72, 70,7),74,77,r72

l! 'upgp4N $8uuo,,t\ l.! lwa la8ursol(\ 06r'(156r 'ol1o1) uourqnlre lrpol uVJo ppolN 'dnor8 uylo pgo21, 93 9!r'epH'JrupoolN ,fz {b1m6 :Stz 'Lzz '>pwaq 'wqpool( gr'9r 'lt 'h '(a$DEy{) ,{l '1/H zqt .ftn aruoA gz 'Lz'(wttl|.)xottld {.f!!n aruoA rlr 'rlr '(Dleuof, -e\D) fi) lrottlJ sH tlqm uruoK ot 'QFluopueduE)) lruruv pu" uruo/A ryr'@uruooaap)J umo71q o9t' puwooSl ap) umor111 f zz'ptrErplu'waqJlol(\ Szz' ezz 8r xprq' urasua?urr46 Lzz'wEt7J :cw1'ur>1:r1n. ot'(A]{nwve[)ans $tJt ,6'(ffidr)3u6ue atpLLA otz 'wI 'uoslrJt\ 69solr3 wrlJ1r11'swrJJrJt\ L9t' t9t';1ua1p3-'velnry'pnllrJ( ea '(sgrng) 'srDd ,.aql Jo uaw plr^\,, zzr'm8roag'urarsuappr4l z8'(rPr€wuz pw ^ouogel) snJ?sng uo4 a1a&1111 'ous) 89 ,,rsqn3 e aumag 1dq4g,, '16'(tpwplN) anbg atq41 96 8z?'uopuql',GaIp) 1adqeal1q21 88 'LB'(twd) xog ua) , ut 4tq^ llt{J '['repsrq,,tl\ !9 '8r ''W V 5Sz 'rtz'otz'6rz'gtz'/tz'9r'2 +l|tz 'zfz 'ttz '6 '(696r 'urag) uoD -rqqp uroc ruorg sPmmv uerlr(

frr'g!-15'qtroa11'uapp2tr zfr 'pJoJorH 'mauaqry quoap"l(\


tl. 'o9 '8r 'zr rprFropg 'P[tllm^ trr '(rF"dnos mo^, uorerg) .,arqqno,u €9 'h '6r 'sorquv'p{BIIoA il

4wqlo 4wo4 :$'a?d uory ?p UMW rl torr'o9 'BS'5, 'k '6r*t '9r'rr'zr'or 'ap ,mew ')purwl\ 1,5'lrPO 'uruut 'o, '6e '/.t 'rt 'oe 'u'onbrrf

TL,LL 'uo1p1

f oz' t !6r' rc atquztdzg'wfiuy lorz'toz 'Soz'e1 ap snboe[ '?I?a1Jr1 te,96r ,16-t61,(Bt6r 's.Ed) uonrqnrp (plo^ rqD {'rpr rg'og'urg aqt m fuaty nr 'oil'oor '(6ot1) [lzcoglo uat14 8Jr'wqaNA'auDI zL' (elp\dr),,usrudrouyl sa1. 9Z'6oq t2 wA 'FEd tre^ 8! 8or'uQ rotqttuA zzz 'r9r 'gJEUUrrg Drua^ rt'LC'rt 'FJJOnBA

'lz 'rz 'ez '8r 'zr 'or 'msl

t6,18 ' gg'adotryur7 qnutdg ;EEW (m[*A zrr 'GnFro{4PruIPs) vtt,lve tfn 2nA zer's?tfur'A zl 'lrrJ 'uarrIDA wA ozt tug f,turr1 tzr 'tzr 'eu?l?H 'PwA t'or'16'rryrag lraJpS wuaro wA gr'fi'mtrI'r"rp^ 9rr'pe;'&7pn 6tr fta1d'lm;'armuapn 6f t€'rrcH'rsaF^ tzr 'BDUaFA zlr'Dumrl'[EA

8€r'(IDmqJ s.rarqnJ) ,l@wuam5 NN atP uog oadxg ssruv wurD rBrLN,, 6€z'uorrepmog rmeqrala2tr 9rz'9rz'/ry {17 yug :Src9ry 'sftN u"wuy tt n, ,!7 fllts pa) t8r7 '9rz '5rz 'uoJ 'wulesl(\ 'zl 'uo awww 'uDIIraA\ Lt 'o''t 96')'H'slPl(\ z9 'ueplv'[ 1IFIN olz {omup nt no p$?uatt ! sw trc qwa laep S ,p1d ,,2 V tTUz'rtz 'rtz Vtm uoddr n 8urqn1 4t ot pawt ,9t x ,,9( ts 'sut2a 2JWtl v lSfz'tluwt !fiZ Bf,r ltf uo pawd qmag 'otz 'Lla 'fiL lo runouv uV 2tSz 'ofu '6ez '8ez '/tz 'ruarffil'rawa^ht slsntru$uo3 go m:3uo3 ro1atrtr tz '61 9r'zr's8d &a1p5'arpag'per4tr Buw.Al 9t'Fery\)rlJ il'29'ny1'taga1A f tz 'zfz '(Ip?Fy{J1s) ilr'A o€ 'ilpuv'powl11 /.rc luJ rcl t|rz'j2sto q oq lfzT 'Btz 'Srz trz 'zrz 'lpuy 9rz 1oqn11, z/r'ro@la'prelN paryoqa7qy q ! f s, te(dy) t"/ /.rz '9rz '(sdy;gqd,)?ultlf,W ttlA

16't8 t8 lrold'qsadsn hr'(s"rtryps)4ruen gr rsz) (wtoJ) pq t qun z' (ot ta ,(u.lwd.)?aF4un rtz'(wweN)?tltttun 6St,/h ,(IptplJw)pq4tn ztz 'rzz '(ppn[) F2ltttun ozr'a[ard Tun 60r '1,6'uumsuoD{ '(qrorun 6z1zr'(uueu61p5) z'apuwwln t9 't! '92-t 'upr{ll[\'apqn o8r'nlll]'aruan t e 'rnsroU tolDn z6 'tr2tlrlu tt6'r49 par' Tttog tL6'96'56't6 16'18't8'f 8 "g'Epq?rp?N %osrFpn W'(1dn[1ux n42 6zr,Futqew)ttlwwQn uyut pwutdg aE &qwno2 m'a7uqq vp uq11 ?rr'FosU'tEql ozr ' 9tr +n' 60r' Lor'z-tor'uEts.['wI 6z'otz'Lla awdVog adoy amdg m1 06r'g9r' L9t'8Sr '{.:9['^o+o L '(uBe"wg)

982 16z zl-49'29'o9'4to7'rcg'ftaJp8 ola'(rew?A)V {tMaup ' ' ' r' nw ltu qtuu daap S ,,2 ,tu'(u\Yzp intnJ l9r 'praqueqemug) arqlg Qry aq1 cz J9'ur{o['ruqrilJ €!z'Prqcry'aPn1 on'P! EC:oPnJ t€z 'Lzz '11 rcy11 JarPnI Pw'JI rcW 7 MW:w{ll4(\ ozl 'Pwlou 'lmJ 6! 'uor o8n11 'rpnrpsl tez 'ur?tr'g las :lez 'ezz'eury 'rmrJz€I'uo{'AFo[ 9fr €rapn'I InEd'rs@rJ ttz 'osuuoJ'IUUI kz'(sdqy,17)t1mwu1 th'@urpg,)pry1 eh'(\.q)aqJ'tlMJ If'(lrul ?p opEUqI) 8auut4 uo anoul dfz 'gi'z '@:aquaddnX) na!<I lanr'tJ , 6' (wdod) uruoA aaqaattJ '6zz '(louaNot]) tuMr'tJ

'zrr 'tor '(uwwfitl].)


til ruoH J7 untlJ Lb

1o(ord rarol .'/p '(oluegrpo1) Jo gdr$oloqd ir6 ?d 'garler lpeturcd :t6 '16 '06 '99'88'28 "f '81.'gallu -Frw@ :16 t6<6 'tg 'uougr{s aqJ or{ roJ mprPolq lt\'qsog :zrr'60r'L6'96't6'16-6'LB'98 'urFEJ +B 'eB'28 'rg 'o8'BL trulll\ z8'o8'(fr6r uonrqrrln ra8rl 06r'ruoruv'prd(I €:nqsrara4


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tltolrqqr'J lulJ cfm 4q?J 902 QanSug uqt a3y4-wz1qt1

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fg "'us.rrunJJo orsUmw lblttrpa'L zt '(Dgu.raa1'li.)rull rzJ Ed'rcrlJrlrtlJl ltr'p o9'qrrrglruag tofea

9t z' pmquaplg) at11'aaug 96-56 't6 '(916 'a(Nl D uouqrqD erors g'z,gtz '(3mquap16) ar{I 'ilors 6/r' BLr' (".8,worcW)t2uo1s

ot ,(ra,J{Jw) eurA *7 nss

'trz 9rz '/r# ttrz'9r# :(uwqasr6) gfo prg '[.nS l9t 'r9t'6!r '6h'pto#lJ oh 'd\ot? tlrr'2O {tts


qhibition GgoT), 8o \fsth \VitingDak(Romwa),93 Xcru Bnb (Siqlaub),

zl8, z+t

Ymmki, Tsuruko, r78, r7E, t86, t87; Danga,v5, r77 Ya rgry ahibition (Morcw), 84-86 Yelhw Cm (Muc), to, tt, t5, t6 Yclhw Soand Thc (Do gclbc Khn) (Kandinsky), lt, tz

Independent qhibitiom Yomiui Cfokyo), tZ+ Yqhida, Toshio, rz5, r8o, r85 Yohihm, Jirc, ry4, r75, r7&-8o, r8r' t86, t8z-39, r88, r9o, r9t Yohihare, Michio, 176, t8o, 186, t89 Yomg Ia Monte, zz3 Yung ktrch Painting The (Salmon), 39 "Yomg

Paintm, Dont Get Excited" (Apollimire),37

Yrc le Monahrome ahibition


ryt),rgzt4 7adltne,Osip,81, r47 Zak"Ergne,74 h.ngai (Klebnikw), 97 Zdmwich, Ilya,8z Zcno II (Romno), 40, 232,2tt ero, The lst Futurist Exhibition of Pictuc (Petrogmd, ryt5-t6), 78' 8r' 8t,g-34, 84, 86,8635; 9ryr, 94


7t$t,AAolf,4o Zgarut ard W 6 WV.V (l'lyss), zll 61, 77 Zonch, V\Villim :nd l'fugre, Zorio, Gilbcno, 241, z5o, zl;;; Lhti&l (Toniz), u8 Zuich Dada,9&-ror, rot, rI+ 116 Zwirne6 Rudolf,253

IVotes dz LArt,Jnutry-February 1968,p. 16.Also seeFreemm, in Freeman,p. 8i.

Introduction 'Assisted r. Quoted in Nan Rosenthal, Levitation:'The Art Of Yves Klein," in Institute for the Arrs, Rice Universiry, YuesKlein t9z8-t962: (Houston: Institute for the Arts, fuce Universiry r98z), A Renospeaiue p. roo. z. On the social character of the avant-garde, see Harold Rosenberg, "Collective, Ideological,Combative," in Thomm B. Hessand John Ashbery eds., The Auant-Gardz, Art Nms Annual XXXIY (New York: Macmillan, t968), pp. 75-78. "The Avant-Gardeand 3. On the role of the market, seeRoben Jensen, the Tiade in Art," An Journal S?inter1988,especiallypp. j6o16. "Sensibiliry of the Sixties,",4rr lz 4. BarbaraRoseand Irving Sandler, America,Janrary-Februaryry67, pp. 44-57,6o-62. The articleincludes extensiveselectionsfrom the artists'responses. 5. John Ashbery P.t3z.


Invisible AvancGrde," in Hess and Ashbery

"Collective, 6. Harold Rosenberg, Ideological,Combative,"in Hessand Ashbery p. 78. For a cogentelaborationofthis view from the opposite political camp, see Hilton Krmer, The Age of the Auant-Gardz (Nw York: Farra! Strausand Giroux, r9n), pp. 3-19. Chapterr I. For Apollinaire'smockery of Jourdain, see Guillaume Apollinaire, Apollinaire on Art: Esays and Reuieusryoz-tgr9, ed. LeRoy C. Breunig (New York Y/nng, ry72),pp. 18-36. z. The story is relatedin many places.See,for instance,John Elderfield, "Wild The Beasti': Fauuism and Ix Affnities (New York: Museum of Modern Art, ry76), p. 43, and Alfred H. Bart, Jr., Matisse:His Art and His Public (New York: Museum of Modern Art, r95r), p. 56. The exact words Vauxcellesused in Gll Bltx to describethe artless look of "the "Donatello Marquet sculpturesamidst orglr of pure tones" were chezles[auves." 3. Rousseaushowed two landscapesalong with this large painring, "The which he entitled in the catalogue hungry lion throws himself on the antelope,devouringhim, the panther amiously awaitsthe moment when shetoo can hayeher shae. The canivorous birds haveeachtorn piecesof flesh from the poor animal who shedsa tear! Sun sets."See Donald E. Gordon, Modzm Art Exhibitionsryoo-r9r6,z vols. (Munich: Presrel-Verlag, ry74), z:t39. a. Ibid.. r:28. "Fauves in the l^ardscapeof Criticism: Metaphor 5. Roger Benjamin, (Ins and Ssndal at the Salon," in Judi Freeman,TheFauueLandscape Angeles:l.os AngelesCounty Museum ofArt, ry9o), p. z5z. A EIA-.A^IA

YY' )''



rz. Theseroom identifiations are taken from Vaucelles'srwie* in the October 17, r9o5, supplementto Gil Blas.The identifiqtion of Louis Valtat and GeorgesRouaultwith Fauvismlargelysremsfrom their being reproducedon the Fauvepageof L'Illustrationof November4, r9o5.On their misidentificationasFauves,seeElderfield,pp. z4-29,6t-62. 13.For the atalogue list of works shown at the r9o5 Salond'Automne. seeGordon, z:t75-t4o. 14. lro Stein, Appreciation: Painting, Poeny, and Prase (New York: Crown, rg47), p. r58, and Gertrude Stein, TheAutobiographyofAlrce B Tohla (New York: Vintage, ty6, 196o),p. 35. On another accounr, Matisse sent his wife to observeand report back to him the public mockery (Crespelle,p. r5). For conflicting storiesof the purchaseof tVomanwith theHa;, SeeBarr, pp.37-j8. r5. Elderfield,p. 32. 16.Jack Flam, Matisseon Art (London: Phaidon, ryT), pp. ryz and 74. respectively. t7. Ietter to Signac, September 28, t9o5, in Pierre Schneider, Matisse (New York RjzrcI| ry84), p. zzz. "Painters r8. JamesD. Herbert, and Tourists:Matisseand Derain on the MediterraneanShore,"in Freeman,pp. t6z-t63. r9. Crespelle,p. r4. zo. Elderfield,p. 43, and Gmton Diehl, The Fauues(New York: Harn' N. Abrams,ry7), p.26. zt. Opplel p. 27. zz. G. JeanAubry quoted in Marcel Giry Fauuism:Originsand Deuelopments(NxYork: Alpine FineArts, r98z),p. to1. 23.For the reviewsof Denis and Gide, seeBarr, pp. Q-64. 24. The Fauvepageis reproducedin lbid., p. 19,md the other is shown in Cuoline lanchner and lTilliam Rubin, Heni Rouseau (New York: Museum of Modern Art, t98), p. t57. zy. Elderfield,p. 6r. 26. Crespelle,p. rrr. z7. Ibid., p, n1. "The 28. Carl R. Baldwin, Fauves:Reflectionson an Exhibition, a Catalogue,md a History" Arts,Jtnery76,p.99. 29. Maurice Maminck, DangerousComer (London: Elek Bools, 196r . P.II.

3o.Oppler,p. rn.

7. Ibid., p. 65.

3r.Diehl, p. roo.

8. Crespelle,TheFauues(Inndon: Oldbourne Press,196z),p. r5.

32. For an accountof Derain'srwo uips to London in the fall of r.t:, "Far from the Earth ofFrance: I:r and in early19o6,seeJudi Freeman, FauvesAbroad," in Freeman,pp. r85-zor.

9. Ellen C. Oppler, FauaismRe*amined(Ann Arbor: UniversiryMicro' films, r97z), p. ror. "Le ro. Mucel Giry Salon Des Inddpendmts de r9o5," L'Infomation "Docd'HistoiredeLArt, May-Jtne r97o, p. rro. Also seeJudi Freeman, umentaryChronology,r9o4-r9o8," in Freeman,pp. 57-68. Ir. Marcel Giry


SalondAutomne de r9o5," L'htfomation d'Histoire

33.Crespelle,p. rrz. 34. Elderfield,pp. 1r-1z. 'Weill, October zr-November :: 35. For the worls shown at Berthe r9o5, and at the GalerieE. Druet, October z3-November rr, r9o,. s


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