Ask your doctor which over the counter medications are okay for you to use with your current prescription medications and those that will not cause problems with mood swings and sleep depravation.
Doing those four things can drastically improve the quality of life that you have. Although it may seem hard to not be able to have a drink, you know that the benefits of not having to deal with mood swings matters more.
Getting support from your family is vitally important. Many bipolar patients like to think that they can do it on their own. But, as we’ve discussed, it is very difficult to do this. Most of the time, you won’t realize how severe your mood swing is. You may not realize that you are lashing out at a loved one for no reason.
Step one is to tell those that you love about your bipolar disorder. As difficult as that sounds, those close to you can be your safety net. They can help you to realize what is happening and how you are acting. A supportive person will guide you to help and will stand by you through this prognosis and this life long challenge. Step two is to realize that you aren’t the only one that is suffering. Bipolar patients often lash out at those that they love. Those in your family have to deal with mood swings that can be quite severe. Although you feel you can’t do much about this, helping your loved ones to be educated and 42