Guidlines of Partership

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1. Organisers of the „Discover e-volunteering” Competition are: the Good Network Foundation, and Fundacja Orange. 2. The 2nd European edition of the „Discover e-volunteering” is co-financed by the France TelecomOrange Group Foundation.

3. Partner organisations, hereinafter referred to as Local Competition Partners, shall be organizations operating in the European countries, willing to involve in the promotion and the regional co-organization of the “Discover e-volunteering Competition”, who shall submit a commitment letter with the declaration of acceptance of the Guidelines of Cooperation between partners involved into organization of the 2ND European edition of the „Discovery evolunteering” competition by November, 30, 2012, and shall be approved by Organizers. 4.

Rules of cooperation and role of Competition Partners are defined by the document entitled Guidelines of Cooperation between partners involved into organization of the 2nd European edition of the „Discovery e-volunteering” Competition.

II. Benefits for the Competition Local Partners

1. The Competition Local Partners receive the possibility to: a. become the leaders of opinion in the field of e-volunteering, as well as to join the international network of organizations active in this field,

b. promote and support innovation: new forms of volunteering, social and citizen activity, the usage of new technologies for common good, as well as the positive social perception of the internet, c. inform their beneficiaries and partners on the possibility to access new funding and promotional opportunities, d. promote their organisation on the Competition webpage, promotional materials as well as during the Final Gala, e. propose their candidates to the International Selection Committee, f. participate in the Final Gala of the Competition, which will be held in June 2013 in Warsaw, Poland, four most active partners will also receive the refund of travel and accommodation costs. g. receive the official acknowledgment of their involvement in the Competition

III. Organisers of the Competition responsibilities:

1. Organisers of the Competition are responsible for:

a. coordination of the Competition proceedings, b. coordination the works of the network of the Competition Local Partners, c. providing the Competition Local Partners with electronic promotional materials (animation, leaflet, poster, banners for Internet webpages) in Polish, English, French, Spanish and Slovak,

d. placing Competition Partner’s logo at the Competition webpage, e. promotion of the information on Competition Local Partners, f. organization of the Final Gala of the Competition, g. the establishment and coordination of the works of the International Selection Committee, h. providing the Competition Partners with the ‘Rules of the Regional Experts for the 2nd European Edition of 'Discover e-volunteering' Competition�, describing the general rules of the works of the Regional Experts.

IV. Competition Local Partners’ responsibilities

1. Responsibilities of Competition Local Partners shall be related to promotion and organization of the Competition. 2. Promotional activities of the Competition Local Partners (at the European as well as local and regional levels) shall base on: a. placing information and promotion materials on the Competition at the Competition Local Partners’ internet websites, b. distribution of promotional materials to media, partners, organizations, etc. over the course of the Competition; promotional materials in Polish, English, French, Spanish and Slovak language shall be prepared by Organisers of the

Competition, c. distribution information on subsequent stages of the Competition, d. support in the cooperation with media patrons of the Competition.


Responsibilities of Competition Local Partners related to organization of the Competition shall include: a. cooperation with local mentors of the Competition offering assistance in translating application forms into Polish, English, French, Spanish and Slovak to participants from given country/region, b. offering support to Competition Organisers in formal verification of applications from the Partner’s country (on request of Competition Organisers) , c. supervision over the regional verification of the application forms from the given country/region – cooperation with the Regional Experts, d. presenting selected candidates to the international Selection Committee, e. attendance in the Final Gala1 of the Competition to be held in Warsaw in June, 2013 (optional).


Four most active Local Partners will receive the refund of travel and accommodation costs.

Contact and additional information: The Good Network Foundation ‘Discover e-volunteering’ Competition e-mail: phone +48 505 474 355

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