ENSURING TRANSPARENT AND ACCOUNTABLE GOVERNANCE Good governance is a requirement for development. The E4L Program acknowledges the fact that civil society has an important role to play by organizing and engaging people to demand their rights and press for transparency, accountability and better access to quality basic
services. A main elements of the intervention are citizen-led monitoring of revenue generation and capital development projects in the districts as well as citizens participation the fight against corruption.
The E4L program outcomes for governance are reported under 6 indicator areas:
CSOs use social accountability tools to improve local government performance Preliminary evidence shows that performance of are responding to the issues raised by the citizens MMDAs in the execution of capital development in the execution of capital development projects. projects is improving as more citizens are Thus, 45% of the issues raised by citizens were involved in monitoring this process and raising addressed by the five target MMDAs in the issues or concerns regarding the execution of execution of 15 capital development projects in these projects for improvements. The MMDAs 2020.