Elizabeth McMahon Figurative Piece
Chapter 1
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You must have a valid maturity license to be accepted into the realm of society within New York State. The first step in the process of receiving such a license is earning your adolescence permit. In order to apply for an adolescence permit one must be at least 16 years of age. You must also pass a written test. This guide book is designed to help prepare you for such an examination.
Chapter 2
Traffic Signs
Traffic signs tell you about specific hazards, special regulations, how to get where you are going and where special services are available. In order to be a productive and valuable member of the adult realm you must be able to recognize certain signs and understand how to interpret them as well as what the proper and mature response is when such signs are encountered.
Stop Sign
Meaning: In today’s chaotic and overwhelming society it’s very easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of everyday life and forget to take a break for introspection. Rather than reflect upon your entire life, try delving into the problems of the day and don’t forget to learn from your mistakes.
Yield Sign Meaning: Although your beliefs are importance and, in most cases, are welcomed to be expressed, it is also important to recognize that it is acceptable for others to have differing opinions. Compromise is a virtue that not only provides for just solutions, but also allows issues to be solved more effectively.
Personality Under Construction Meaning: This is a sign that residence see most often while they have their adolescence permit. It is during this period that students learn who they really are as their character is both tested and shaped by their friends, family and almost everyone in they meet.
Merging Personalities Meaning: Of course you will meet up with many other fellow travelers on your journey through life and so it is important to recognize that, like you, many of these other travelers will have their own driving style. Signs such as these serve as a reminder to not let your personality merge with anyone else’s.
The Circle of Life Meaning: These signs always seem to appear when you need them most. They remind you that life goes on and that almost every obstacle can be overcome.
Speed Limit Meaning: Speed limit signs are there to remind you to take both conflicts and fortuitous events alike at the proper speed. A sign such as the one showed here is most commonly found in zones where hard decisions are to be made. In these types of situations events should be taken one step at a time.
No Turning Back Now Meaning: Sometimes decisions have permanent consequences and simply cannot be undone. Often times these signs cause frustration, with road rage also a reported side effect.
Detour Meaning: Sometimes life throws unexpected yet unavoidable obstacles that impede one’s journey through life. Signs such as these may be seen early in advance and can foreshadow such circumstances, so it’s important to keep and eye out for them.
Continue on to the Next Chapter
Notes: Like most of the creative writing projects assigned thus far, when the figurative piece was assigned numerous ideas cascaded through my mind and even by the time we got to brainstorming examples, most of mine were long gone. Despite this minor set back, I felt that my group came up with a fair list consisting of many great ideas. To my dismay I found that almost all of our suggestions were, in some shape or form, on the list that Ms. Johnson handed out later. With this in mind I tried to brainstorm ways I could make my favorite idea, using road signs to describe my life and views, more creative. I was having trouble putting such a plan into action, however, and so my mind began to wander. Through such digressions, though, I decided that the transitional period from childhood to adulthood, also known as adolescence, could be much easier if there was a guide as lucid as that of New York’s Driver’s Manual to direct teenagers caught in such a tumultuous phase. With this idea and my observations of this year’s boisterous freshmen in mind, I went on to incorporate general maturation tips into an “adolescence survival guide.”