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Scholler Shorts
Story And Photography
JAKE, DARLA, AND JUDY have things in common with a lot of others attending AirVenture: They have a barking good time meeting people, and have flown in an airplane. Their owner, Robert Willaford, is a retired Cape Coral firefighter. Making their celebrity debut back in June 2021, Robert’s three corgi dogs are now known as The Flying Corgis, after a reporter wrote about the pups. They wear earmuffs during the flight in a Van’s RV-9 and “enjoy the moments when land is visible and they see people they know,” according to Jake and Darla’s reactions when they first started to fly with Robert. (Judy has yet to take her first flight, but Robert promises to do short flights to help the introduction go smoothly.) Short strides on land turn to miles in the skies for The Flying Corgis!
We offer hot coffee, doughnuts, fresh fruit, salads, sandwiches and much more. Red One Market has everything you need to make your stay more enjoyable.
1. This is crucial for any pilot.
2. Before EAA Sport Aviation
3. A nut is nearly useless without one.
4. Like a garage, but better.
5. Every one of them is memorable.
1. An object’s path.
6. If you built it and it flies, you’re a ___________.
7. Without one, it’s a glider.
8. The big one at KOSH is 18/36.
9. The magic behind the magenta line.