Exhibition " Pierres Précieuses" in collaboration with Van Cleef & Arpels and MNHN -Estelle Arielle

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Left: Collaret, 1939 platinum, diamonds Former collection of Her Majesty Queen Nazli of Egypt. Van Cleef & Arpels Collection. Patrick Gries ©. Van Cleef & Arpels SA. On a display for the first time in France Below: Simulation of the French Blue diamond of Louis XIV, recreated for the exhibition. © MNHN / F. Farges.


François Farges, co-curator of the exhibition.

stelle Arielle Bouchet interviews François Farges, co-curator of the exhibition “Pierres Précieuses”—at the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle (MNHN) in parthership with Maison Van Cleef &Arpels and its President & CEO Nicolas Bos. If you are in Paris until August 22nd, do not miss the opportunity to visit the exhibition “Pierres Précieuses” which proposes a hybrid path-though two distinct roomsbetween the legendary gems of the Museum and Van Cleef & Arpels High Jewellery archive pieces. Connecting thus, naturally, the miraculous element of gem with the artistic creation; the Earth with the man’s ability to concieve a masterpiece.

Estelle Arielle Bouchet: François Farges, you are the co-curator of the unique exhibition “Pierres Précieuses” (Gems) at the French Museum of Natural History (Jardin des plantes campus in Paris), which is born from a unique partnership with the ancient and illustrious institution embodied by the Museum itself and the brilliant Jewelry Maison Van Cleef & Arpels, what is the genesis of this exhibition and which Spirit animates it? François Farges: We started this new vision since I arrived at the Museum in 2006. Back then, the previous mineral and gems exhibitions – despite their greatness – were needed to be lifted

for a new kind of presentation, more modern, more stylish perhaps and emphasizing all the great scientists and artists that contributed to our collections since the 17th century. And then, we had a new permanent exhibition that opened in 2014 named “Trésors de la Terre” aka Treasures of the Earth, that Nicolas Bos, CEO and Art Director of Van Cleef & Arpels appreciated a lot for its elegance and modernity. It is open by the way with the French Crown jewels presentation. On the other hand, VCA decided to start an exhibition project in Singapore about the Art and Science of Gems, Art and Science of Gems, for which I was asked to design the science section to be seen in parallel to the jewelry part curated by VCA and more particularly Lise Macdonald, Director of the Heritage and Exhibitions and its wonderful team.

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