Enterprise architecture tools by eacomposer

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ENTERPRISE ARCHITECTURE TOOLS Definition, Applications, Technology White Cloud Software Ltd. 422 Richards St, Suite 170 Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4

Disclaimers 

Many competing perspectives on Enterprise Architecture tools exist – this just one of them There is no single, agreed upon Enterprise Architecture standard Information presented here will not make you an instant Enterprise Architecture expert This presenter should not be held liable for any misconceptions, misrepresentations, or mistakes you make outside of class based on the information presented here

The Architecture Continuum If enterprises were cities‌

Enterprise Architectur e (City)

Portfolio Architectur e (Street) Architecture Continuum

System Architectur e (Building)

Enterprise Architecture & the Enterprise “Do the Right Things” Strategy

Enterprise Strategy Business Opportunity

Bus Strategy

IT Strategy

Technology Availability

= “the city’s purpose & goals”

Enterprise wide focus

Strategy Enterprise Architecture Transition Planning

Outsour cing Initiatives


In ter-co m pany WAN (i mpl e. )

mO anpe agertio mens nt

Component Schedul ing

Assortment Planning Component Kni tting

AEI Corporate

Order E ntry Cash Management

Yankee Group

Tagging & Packi ng

Saturn Group

Knit s Division

Account ing Component Design Yarn Dyeing

Raleigh Plant


Perf an dC ap city m an age me nt

B .U

Da Wa

ta reh ou s


o c D u me n tM a n a g e me n t u st om er S erv ice C M id d l e wa r e Intr an et /M ail inf ras tr uct ure

D ata Wareho use

L ogP ro blem

M anC ageonfi me. nt

B .U .

E lectroni c S ervi ce Deli very

Outsource n etwork

R eco gnispr eaobl ndem rep ort

Cal ma nag em ent

An alys ep roble m B ypa s and /or fix

Es cal tep rob lem

Up date cu stom er

D iag nos ep rob lem

WAN in fra s truc tu re y s S t m e s Ma n a g e me n t

Re solv ep robl em

MO anper geatio mens t Ch ang e M na ge men t

U pda te cust om er C lose pro ble m

G roup I T A rchitecture D efinitio n

I nfrastructure D esi gn & P lanni ng

End U ser In frastru cture Up grade

Outso urce New C ore systems C usto mer S ervi ce Centre Outso urce H elpdesk and D esktop

Planni ng/Desig n I f rast ructu re n Ou tsour cin g

In itiatives fo cused on im plem enting the visio n Planni ng/d esig n I Com pet ency cen tr e T

Key Gro up Decis io n Points

Establi sh I T Co m peten cy Ce ntre

Enterprise Architecture

Other Bu siness Uni t S ystem s Kios ks Tel em etr y sys tem s etc

= “the city plan”

IT Architecture

Fire and hope!


Shippi ng Yarn Bu ying

ph ica lI

In itiatives fo cused on m igrati ng to the new d el ivery envi ron ment

Bus Architecture


Compe tency C entre Initiative s

Infrastru cture Init iatives

Planning/Des ign Initi at iv es G ra

Yarn Division

Seneca Plant

Business Locations

Business Structure

Program focus

Architecture Governance

“Do the Right Things Right” Design and Delivery

Business Operating Environment and IT Infrastructure I nf r ast r uc t u r e I ni t i at i ves

Com p e t en cy Cent r e Ini t i at iv es Ou t sou r ci ngI ni t i at i v e s


I n ter - com pan y W AN ( im pl e.) Pl anni ng/ D esig n Ini t i at iv es

.U B

re h tW a D s e u o

Inf r ast r uctu r e Desi gn & Pl a n ni ng

E nd Use r I nf r ast r u ctu r e U pg r ade

O u t s o ur ce H es el pd s D ktoe p ka nd

P la n n i g / D e s ig n I n f r a s r u t c t u r e O u t s o u r c in g

P la n n i g / d e s ig n I T C o mp e t e n c y c e n t r e

O u t s o ur ce New C or esys tem s Cu s t om er Ser vi ceC ent r e

I ni ti at i v e sf oc u s ed on m ielgr at in t otr h e new d i ver ygenvi n m o ent I ni ti at i v e sf oc u s ed on i m pl em e nt ing t h evis io n

Program Architecture

Dat a Wa r ehouse

me u c o D t M n g e n a n t m tra n In C t/M e m o s u id a fre iln S ws cv tru ie u re y te S sW m NM A n a ifr g n m e c te tru s

Gr ou pI T Ar tu r c e D efchi in ittei o n

El ect r o ni c Se r vi ceD el i v e r y

Ou w ts oor ur net k ce

p h ra G lIS a ic

.U B

Key Gr oup D ecisi on Poi nt s

E st abl is hI T C om pet e n c y C en tr e

Ot her B u s i n e s s U n t i S y s t e ms K i o s k s T e l e me t e t c

y s y r s t e ms

Soln Outline D re Wa u o h t s a e

En dU ser Inpf r a stade r uc tur e U gr

T C o mp e t e n c y c e n t r e


E le c t r on ic S er vice Deli ver y

O ut sour c eNe w C or es yst em s

C ust om er S er v i ce Ce nt r e

O ut sour c e H eskt elp desk D op and

P la n n i g / n D e s i n g I n f r a s t r u c t u r e O u t s o u r c in g



O ut r n etwso o u kc e r

D at aWa r eho use

I nf r a s r t uc t u re Dleasin g in n g & P

I nii tia f ocu ene s d w n o m r atti ves g i ng to th e de liv e r ye nvir o nm e nt I ni tia ti ves f ocu s e d o n i mp l em eni tin ng tighe v isi on P la n n g / d e s n

Co m pet ency C ent r e In it ia t ives

Ou t so ur ci ngI ni t i at i ves

Int er - com pany W A N (i m pl e. )

u m c o D n e t tM s u C n a rS g e m o m e ic n rv t Aa trW In ifrM t/N e n d a cM tru s fd iln wu e re t c s a re tu Ss y s m te a n M me e g a t n

G r oup I T Ar c hi tec tu r e D ef n i it o n

Macro Design Micro Design Devt, etc. Program Architecture

Inf r ast r uct ur e Ini t iat i ves

Pl anni ng/ D esi gnI ni t i at ive s

ra p G l IS a ic h

.U . B B .U .

Ke yG r oup Deci s i on Po int s

Est abli sh I T Co m pet en c y Cent r e

O th er

B u s i n e s s U n i t S y s t e ms K i o s k s

T e l e me t r y s y s t e ms e t c

Soln Outline

Macro Design Micro Design

Change Programs

Devt, etc.

System Design = “the buildings”

What is Enterprise Architecture Tools?

What is Enterprise Architecture? Simple definition: Simpleto definition: Enterprise Architecture is a strategy minimize IT and business mistakes Enterprise Architecture is a strategy to minimize IT and business mistakes

What is NOT Enterprise Architecture? Enterprise Arc hitecture Tools is a discipline that spans the entire enterprise but does not dive into the minutia of project delivery

Enterprise Architecture Objec tives

The primary goal of EA is to make the organization as efficient and effective as possible!

Enterprise Architecture Benefits Business



• Better business and IT alignment • Increased business agility • Business process efficiency • Reduced time to market

• Increased standardizatio n and technology alignment • Platform consolidation • Technology and application portfolio simplification

• Better return on existing investment and reduced risk for future investment • Cost savings • Predictable investment model

Objectives and Benefits of EA Survey

Enterprise Architecture Program EA is a journey, often non-linear Tactical, opportunistic Tactical, opportunistic Cost Reduction Cost Reduction  What do we have?  What do we have?  Need all of it?  Need all of it?  Consolidate to  Consolidate reduce costs? to reduce costs?  Desire for impact  Desire for impact analysis analysis

Standardization Standardization  Develop standards  Develop standards and recommended and recommended best practices (e.g. best practices (e.g. technology stacks, technology stacks, server platforms) server platforms)  Seeking  Seeking repeatability repeatability  Encourage IT  Encourage IT evolution evolution  Focusing on IT  Focusing scope only on IT scope only

Strategic, systematic Strategic, systematic Broaden Scope Broaden Scope  Meet business  Meetby business needs linking IT needs by to business linking IT to business  Managing  Managing architectures architectures outside IT outside IT  Increasing focus  Increasing on business focus on business architecture and architecture and business processes business processes

Realizing Strategy Realizing Strategy  Develop business  Develop business strategy strategy  Value propositions,  Value propositions, capabilities, capabilities, resources? resources?  Refine into to-be  Refine into to-be  Compare to as-is  Compare to as-is  Create transition  Create transition plan plan  Execute  Execute

Cost focus Value focus Cost focus Value focus Enterprise Architecture has to be treated as an ongoing program that continues to evolve together with the organization

Enterprise Architecture Frameworks 

Many Enterprise Architecture frameworks have been created     

Zachman Enterprise Framework The Open Group Architecture Framework (TOGAF) OMB Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) The Gartner Methodology (formerly the Meta Framework) Many others

Each framework possesses different strengths and weaknesses  

No ideal framework for all situations Each framework has to be customized to fit the organization

EA Frameworks EA Frameworks typically include: typicallyvocabulary, include: • Common

• Common vocabulary, models, and taxonomy models, taxonomy • Processes,and principles, • Processes, principles, strategies and tools strategies and tools • Reference architectures • Reference architectures and models and modelsguidance • Prescriptive • Prescriptive guidance (EA processes, (EA processes, architecture content, architecture content, implementation implementation roadmap, governance) roadmap, governance) • Catalog of architecture • Catalog of architecture deliverables and artifacts deliverables and artifacts • Enterprise Architecture • Enterprise Architecture Content Metamodel Content Metamodel

EA Frameworks - Zachman

EA Frameworks - TOGAF

Enterprise Architecture Comp onents

Enterprise Architecture consists of several logical components 

EA serves as a governance function    

Each component must identify its own strategies, reference models, and directions

Architecture Review Board Processes and policies Technology Funding

EA Repository 

Central repository for all EA artifacts

* Based on Oracle Enterprise Architecture Framework

Enterprise Architecture Lifecycle Develop business Develop business case(s) for the case(s) foridentified the initiative(s) identified oninitiative(s) the roadmap on the roadmap

Create the Create the Enterprise Enterprise vision Architecture Architecture and program vision and program structure structure Document current Document current state architecture state architecture

Establish and execute Establish and execute governance processes governance processes

EA lifecycle is a EAoflifecycle is a series continuous series ofover continuous iterations these iterations over phases these phases

Develop future Develop future state architecture state architecture

Create a roadmap a roadmap ofCreate transitioning of transitioning from current state from current to future state state to future state * Based on Oracle Enterprise Architecture Framework

EA and IT Governance 

* Courtesy of ebizQ

IT governance is a set of processes and policies that dictate how IT work should be performed EA governance is a set of processes and policies that dictate how technology decisions are made IT and EA governance domains intersect in the project delivery space

EA Governance Alignment

Enterprise Architecture establishes a number of governance mechanisms 

* Based on TOGAF

Architecture Board serves as a governance body ensuring IT initiatives align with EA CTO and/or Chief Architect provide stewardship and guidance Enterprise Architects develop policies, practices, and processes that the Architecture Board supports

Enterprise Architecture and IT leadership ensures alignment with business goals, strategies, and objectives

EA Governance - Technology Validate solution Validate solution design to ensure design to ensure appropriate use appropriate of technology use of technology

Guide efforts Guide efforts towards the most towards the most appropriate appropriate technology technology platform platform

Identify Identify opportunities to opportunities to leverage leverage enterprise enterprise platforms platforms

Validate platform Validate platform usage usage opportunities opportunities

Measuring Enterprise Architecture Val ue

No single, comprehensive set of Enterprise Architecture metrics exist. Each organization has to develop metrics most relevant to its EA objectives.


About the EAComposer We are an independent software company specializing in Enterprise Architecture and TOGAF since 2006. We are a pure-player for EA tools and EAComposer is our only software product. Our motto is to focus on one thing and do that really well so you can focus on architecture. We don’t develop UML software, BPM or Project Portfolio Management solutions, sorry ;) We also believe that you shouldn’t have to worry about upgrades, new hardware or testing new releases. Our software is cloud hosted, fully web-based (no client installs) and using monthly subscriptions. Our goal is plain and simple: Become the leading software tool for enterprise architecture. www.eacomposer.com WhiteCloud Software Ltd. 422 Richards St, Suite 170 Vancouver, BC V6B 2Z4 Toll-Free: 1-866-733-2709 Email: info@whitecloudsoftware.ca

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